THIT CHARLOTTE EVENING CHRONICLE, THUKSD AY, SEPTEMB ER 7, 1911.- 3 fniep.t of Agriculture. pepar THE WEATHER ftotcast for Charlotte and vicinity: Probabi.v showers iu-iusui ui rnu- Probably local 1 . -.r- TTViHnv nnt much Mwers T.o-"s"- i" - . - WEATHER CONDITIONS, foinfali has occurred during the past hMins in parts of the Carolinas and Lrgia, over the New England States, SWT :" " , ,h nf jjk nortncas iei n ui me H pressure which extended ayoss the jjjtrr yesterday morning, has disap- jjj.-ei The low exienas w-uay "um ;otr lakes southwestward over laas and Arizona, He pressure is mgn along me enure tern border, extending wen io me mfiiward in the northwestern States, c: it exerting its influence toward cool irireatier in those States. Tempera- tors a re'" aeg;ees aouve aicchis vi" B noticed in that section. Calgary, to & northward of Montana, reports a wteature of four degrees below freez- Liiiorr: pressure over the southeast, KRasins. indicates a probability of lo- nft change in temperature for this O. O. ATTO, Observer. BULLETIN. Jtaarj of observations made at ftmary, Sept. Temperature. T 5 r 06 jjj M (6 Pr to (- u 3 n : 5 s Sauas and tn ft E 3 Sr 3 o B Waiierat U m (bftera time.) ir int. 72 78 74 84 88 70 72 6s .00 .50 .00 .16 .72 .00 .40 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .46 .00 .00 .00 .00 .QO .18 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 iflStOE 0 78 j 72 i 68 ( 80 I 50 i 76 I 82 I 78 i 78 96 I 74 72 76 j 78 I 72 84 I 68 90 72 Charlotte .. SS 66 SS SO SS 94 96 85 92 86 90 86 S2 96 SS 64 66 64 SO 50 74 SO 76 76 64 74 70 74 74 6S 74 66 74 74 46 -UI Vll . . OTMtnn Houston . Louisville Orleans . . York ., 78 68 74 75 4i Palestine ., hit Lake City n Antonio hu Francisco wannah ! 7 , 56 ! 78 I 76 76 54 I 88 92 74 74 76 72 72 66 Ttvennrt 74 76 66 Jteington . 90 90 11 Louis nLrT?-f?E ANYTHING TOD gWJ) LSE A PENNJ AD FOR TO- T XX" choice of these three books I lrW- . .ris m colors, and the late United States Census. "tnig office six consecutive Dictionary coupons and the It 1b exactly the same as the $4.00 book, ex- R'S 8lnH ,crpt ,n the style of tnC"mra oinaing -which is in Inr'iKT naif leather. Expense Bonus of 81c with nliv. "Qu cu8e" ana ,Cecuu..VJorne- Six ' uuDons and the fEATHER CONDITIONS Weather Bunt i .. - TH H,CH I 4o Hoik ' i fc&P Observations taken at 8 a. m. 75th meridian time. Isobars or continuous Jines, pass througli points of equal air pressure. Isotherms, or dotted lines, pass through point! of equal tempera ture; they will be drawn only for zero, freezing, 90 degrees and 100 degrees. Symbols indicate ,tafte of weather: O dear; partly cloudy; cloudy rain; S snow; report missing. Ar rows fly with the wind. First figure, minimum temperature for past 12 hours: second, 24-hour rainfall, if it equals ,01 inch; third, wind velocity of 10 miles per hour or mom, ADVERTISING TALKS WRITTEN BY WILLIAM C. FREEMAN The Syracuse, Lake Shore and Northern Trolley Road recently connected Svra cuse, N. Y., with Oswega and Fnlton by a splendid daily train service. MR. J! D. BARNUM, ad vertising manager of the Syracuse Post Standard, re alized what it meant to the people of Syracuse, Oswegc and Fulton to be in CLOS ER TOUCH with one an other than they had evei been, so he arranged for a special edition of The Post Standard to appear on the day of the opening of the new trolley line. ' This special edition of The Post Standard was a JUSTIFIABLE "special." It exploited the ENTER I PRISE of the business men of Oswego and Fulton-Moli ( of the ADVANTAGES thai the people enjoyed and it took ten p&ges of the paper to tell the business story. , Who doubts that Syra cuse, as well as Oswego and Fulton, will be benefited by. this exploitation? Who doubts the benefit that will accrue to the new trolley line which has had the good business sense to ADVER TISE ITSELF? I don't want to $ass along any bouquets to Mr Barnum, although he is en titled to them, but what I do want to drive home is ALERTNESS IN THIS 4m "! km coupon, with fife others of consecutive' dtM. and present T m " Uu office, with the expense bonus amount herein set opposite any style of "Ktiotary selected (which covers the items of the cost f packins;, express from ? factry, cheeking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items), and re- ae 94.00 (Like illustration in advertisement elsewhere in this issue) Z EBSTRH'sis bound in full Limo Leather, flexible, stamped in gold Rwstnna on back and sides, printed on Bible paper, with red edges X BUIvnPfARYand corners rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides iQlHfifr the general contents as described elsewhere there are maps thr-color ni, VCr 600 5 bwtiMly illustrated by Expenge i.v, : P,at. mimeroussubiects by monotone, 16 pages of Bonus of 98c w.W-' y ing, susmpeu iu gum WEBSTER'S and black; has same New Standard paper, same lllugtra DICTIONARY tions. but all KXpense Illuatrated Ug&$?' and charts are omitted. Slat Ajig AT 8 .A, M. WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief. BUSINESS OF ADVER TISING IS VERY ESSEN TIAL. TO KEEP INFORMED as to what is going on id your community is most im portant. TO HAVE THE JUDG MENT TO ACT at the psy chological moment means the development of new business for a newspaper as well as furnishing its read ers with TIMELY NEWS about new enterprises IN THE SHAPE 0 ADVER TISEMENTS which they like to read. The Syracuse Post Stand ard, by a piece of TIMELY ENTERPRISE, not only increased its advertising revenue, without making a special rate, but it. succeed ed in INTERESTING THREE COMMUNITIES) IN THEIR MUTUAL DE VELOPMENT. ADVERTISING IS A GREAT LEVERAGE in boosting communities, and the more of it tHat is done in the home newspapers of these communities the bet ter it will be for them. FUNERAL TO-DAY of x MISS SARAH HOWE The funeral exercises of Miss Sar ah Rowe, on North Tryon street, was conducted at the residence this af ternoon at S o'clock, Rev J. R. Scrog-gs, presiding elder of the Char, lotte district, officiating. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. B. Ivey, E. O. Cole, C. S. Stone, J. A. Russell, M. E. Crowell, W. H. Young, W. W. Hagood and J. B. Boyd. Miss Rowe had been ill more than a year, coming to this city for an op eration, which, however, it was not considered best to undertake. She was an invalid during the . greater rt of her residence here. Miss Rowe was a native o Rowan county. Her only brother, Mr. A, S. Rowe, lives in Texas. Dr. J. C. Rowe, of Salisbury, is a half-brother. Miss Rowe was a member of Tryon Street Methodist church and was a woman of a fine Christian character and was patient in all her suffering and always hopeful- ' ThV interment was in the family J lot at Elmwood cemetery. WARRANT SERVED AFTER FOUR YEARS ; Four years after the issuing of the Warrant for his arrest on a larceny charge, Arthur Reid, Wednesday fin ally fell into the hands of sometimes slow, but never-sleeping Justice, Dep uty Porter being the chosen instru ment of fate through whom Arthur met his nemesis. TTonr vfuira a aro n. ba le n eotton wan stolen from an old colored man and two negroes were apprehended, Sam Reid and Will Shanks. Arthur es caped arrest and had .not been heard of for four years. He claims hat he has been back in the county, for a. year's time. He isnow in Mecklen burg jail awaiting the convening of the criminal court on September 25. THE LAX-FOS WAV. If1 you had a medicine that would strengthen the liver, the stomach, the kidneys and the bowels and at the same time make 'you strong with a systematic tonic, don't you believe you would soon be well? f iafn "The LaX-FOS Way." We ask you to buy the first bottle on the money-back plan, and you will ask your druggist to sell you the second. It keeps "your whole insides; right. - There is nothing' else made like Lax-oa. Ksmwaber the name LAX-FOi. MB. 0. E. ADER'S FATHER DEAD Aged Citizen of Davidson County Succumbs to Dropsy Funeral Ser vices Held To-Day. The following Item taken from to day's Winston -Salem Journal will be read 'with interest in Charlotte: Mr. D. C. Ader, father of Mr. S. H. Ader, of this city, died at his home near Arcadia, Davidson county, yes terday of 'what was supposed to have been dropsy. His death, was very sudden, coming as he was attempting to rise for the day at about 6:80. He was in his customary health the night before when ' retired, and so his death was very unexpected. Mr. Ader was 72 years old, a high ly, respected citizen and an active member of the Methodist church at Good Hope: He leaves a -wife, four sons and 'one daughter. Of his sons Mr. S. H. Ader is of the firm of Wifr- liard and Ader, of Winston-Salem; Rev. O. P. Ader and Mr. David E. Ader, of Ramseur, and Mr. Charles Ader, of Charlotte. His daughter, Mrs. J. S. Hege, lives at Clemmons, R. P. D. 2. Rev. J. T. Ratledge will conducf the funeral services to-day at the Good Hope church, and Interment will be at Mt. Olivet. RATHBOXE LODGE WILL v RESUME THURSDAY NIGHT. After the usual summer suspension of meetings, Rathbone Lodge, No. 37; K. of P. will hold its first meeting in two months time at the lodge hall in the Piedmont building, Thursday night The lodge has a large membership in Charlotte and the meeting Thurs day night will be one of Importance. There will probably be a discussion I of the fall work of the lodge with I other features of pecultp interest to the membership. . Avoid It ave this tremendous alco hol question to your doctor. The danger fe too great fori you to decide alone. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic and alterative, entirely free from alcohol. tZJtfSZ PARTICULAR? Well, Look Here We are always glad tq get the laundry of PARTICULAR PEOPLE Because tfyey always appreciate the care and pain we take in doing their work. 4 T CARELESS .PEOPLE i get the very same at tention and the very same service but they don't realize what a complete organization and equipment we have to take care 1 of theii work. Shirt and Collai work our specialty. "Do we get your Bundle?" The Model Laundering Co. Appalachian Exposition Knoxville. Tenn.. " The South's Great est Shor, Many and Varied At tractions." Attractive Low Round Trip Rates Via Southern Railway. Low round trip tickets on sale daily from September 9th to October 1st, ,1911, with final limit ten days from date of sale. Many , attractions every t day. Mighty, magnificent and mammoth midway. Greatest horse racing ever had in' the South. Aviation and aeri al flights daily. Great fireworks dis plays. Grand hippodrome of great acts, presenting the world's greatest acrobats and feature performers. For further information, raes, schedules, etc., see any agent, South ern Railway, or write R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C v Popular Excursion To Richmond, VaM Via Southern j-iaiiwaj jLiiesuaj, aeyiemDer, 12, 1911. Southern Railway will operate an-, nual September excursion from Char lotte, N. C, to Richmond, Va., Tues day, September 12, 1911. Special train consisting of both coaches and standard Pullman sleep ing cars will leave Charlotte at 8:00 p. m., Tuesday, September 12th. ar riving Richmond at 6:00 a. m. fol lowing morning. Returning tickets will be good on any regular train leaving Richmond Up to and including trains of Friday. September 15th. Passengers from Vtvn w.Vi lines will U8a resrulai. Imlna WIOUVU ' ' 1 - L . I 1 .... I ATinasHnflr with aneclnl train a- junction points. This will be a first H class excursion anu tne last excur sion of the season to Richmond. Tickets rill allow three whole days and tWo nights In Richmond. Ample time to visit the many attractive points in and around this magnificent city. V Following low round trip rates will apply from points named: Charlotte, c- $4. 50 China Grove, N. C . $4.50 Rock Hill, S. C. .. $5.00 Gastonla, N. C $5.00 Shelby, N. C $5.00 Concord, N. C... .. $4.50 ChesteV, S. C $5:00 Mooresville, N. C. . . $5.00 Gaffney, S. C . . . $5.25 ! Low round trip rates from all In termediate points. For any further information, Pullman reservations, etc., see any, agent Southern Railway, or write R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A., Charlotte, Jf. a News for Girls and Early Shoppers Most Attractive Fall Styles Now on Display in the Various Departments Fall Coat Suits It is our pleasure to announce an dassure to you that we are now showing one of the most attractive and exclu sive lines of high-class and popular price suits that it has ever been our pleasure to show. All wool serge in blacks and navies $12.50 All wool and fancy mixtures ... :. $17.5C All wool mixtures exclusive styles'. 7 $25.00 All wool Cheviots novelty cloths $30.00 to $50.00 Street Dresses All wool serges, sizes 14 to 16, all colors and white, at tractively made and trimmed. $7.50 to $20.00 Girl's Peter Thompson Dresses One lot nicely made and trimmed $15C . Silk Hose Special values at. . 35c, 50c and $1.0C Novelty Neckwear Just received a full line of the new Berthas, and side band effects . .50c to $8.00 New Hand Bags Full line of leather bags 50c to $5.00 Tapestry and Novelty Bags with the long cords .. $2.00 to $6.00 Wool Blankets $2.98 We show for next week a shipment of those beautiful white Wool Blankets in seconds some slightly soil ed, others with wholes, but otherwise perfect. "Regu lar $5.00 and $6.00 Blankets. You get them at $2.98 while they lastr Ladies', Misses, and Children's Sweater Coats All colors and sizes. Ladies' ...$2.25 to $7.50 Misses' .'.'..., $1.50 to $3.00 Children's. 50c to $2.00 Coats Full line of Coats in mixtures, serges and broadcloths, many novelties. Prices. . .$10.00 to $40.00 Capes New Capes in the reversible styles . . . . $17.50 to $25.00 Rain Coat Offering For the Week. One lot $7.50 Coats, all new, go at the low price, your choice. . . A $4.00 School Trunks Visit our Trunk Department before you buy a Trunk. We can save you money on every purchase and give you a modern trunk, mad e by a modern factory. Prices $5.00 to $25.00. Also full line of Bags 'and Suit Cases. New Rugs For Fall Our Fall line of Rugs is ready for your inspection. It has never been our pleasure to show a "better or broader range of colorings and designs. Everything in domes tic rugs can be had for the asking Rugs that are with in the reach of every one. . Buying enormous lots we get them at lower prices and can sell them to you for less. The best way to be convinced of this is to let us show you. We are always glad to do this whether vou buy or not. ' One lot of Wool and Fiber 9x12 Rugs. . $8.75 One lot of Wool and Fiber 9x12 Rugs. ..... . .$12.50 One lot of Brussels 3x12 Rugs $11.95 One lot of Brussels 9x12 Rugs, w . '. : $15.00 One lot Seamless Velvet Burs 9x12 $17.50' One Axminster Rugs 9s12. . . . $17.50 Special: One lot 27x58 Axminster Rugs in nice Ori ental designs worth $2.00, but to close quickly, only SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. The Little Long Company The Colleec ....$1.59 Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers, whose lungs are sore and' racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. But this is cost ly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Dis covery cure you at home. "IK cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark. "when all else failed an &. I gained 47 pounds in weiglit. Its surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, G6lds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Woodall & Sheppard's. N.&W. Railway Schedule in effect June 11. 1U 10:am Lv Charlotte, So. Ry. Ar. 6:50 pm 2:06 pm Lv Winston, N.&W. Ar. pm 4:umL.v Martinsville Lv 11:40 am 6:26 am Ar Roanoke Lv. t :16 am Additional train leaves Winston 7:20 a. m. dally. Connect at Roanoke with trains East and West. Pullman sleepers, dining cars. i If vou are thinking of taking a trip to' California and the coast get our variable route fares. The Information Is yours for the asking, with one of our complete map folders. . M. P. BRA GO, Trav. Pass. Agent. . W. B. BJC'-'-Tji Qen. Pass. Agent Southern Railway N. B. The following schedule figures published only as information, and are not guaranteed: 3:20 a. m. No. 29, dally for Birmingham. Special for Atlanta and Birmingham. Pullman drawing room sleeping car, observation cars and day coaches to Birmingham. Dining car service. 3:30 a. m.So 8, daily, local for Danville. Richmond and all intermediate points. 5:10 a. m. No. 81, daily, the Southern's Southeastern Limited, for Columbia. Savannah. Aiken, Augusta and Jack sonville. Pullman drawing room sleep ing cars for Aiken, Augusta and Jack sonville. Day coaches to Jacksonville. Dining car' service. 6:00 a- m. No. 44, daily, local for Wash ington, D. C. :40 a. m..o. 85, daily, local train tor Columbia and Intermediate points. 7:16 a. m. No. 89, daily, local train for Atlanta and Intermediate points. 7:50 a. m. No. 16, dailv excpe Sunday, local for Stategville and Toylorsville. connecting at Mooresville for Winston Salem and at Statesville for Asheville and points West. 10:06 a. ra.-Xo. 37, dally. New 'fcorte, At lanta and New Orleans Limited. Pull man drawing room sleeping cars and ODservation cars. New York to New Orleans, Atlanta and Macon. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 10:15 a. m. Nx' 36, daily. United States fast mail, for Washington and points North. Pullmai drawing room sleeping cars, New Orleans and Birmingham to New York. Day coaches to Wash ington. Dining car service. 10:20 a. m. No. 28, daily, for Wtnston-a- lem, Roanoke and local points. 11:10 a. m. No. 11, daily, local for Atlan ta and intermediate points. 8:00 p. m. No 4. daily,1 local for Greens boro and mtermediate points. 4:35 p. m. No. 27, daily, local for Colum bia and intermediate points. 4:50 p. m. No. 41, daily except Sunday, local for Seneca and Intermediate points. 6:00 p. m. No. 12. daily, for Richmond and Norfolk. Handles Pullman cars Charlotte to Richmond. Charlotte to New York and Salisbury to Norfolk. 6:36 p. m.-Xo. 24. dally except Sunday, local for Mooresville, Statesville and Taylors ville. i 7:30 p. m. No. 38. dally. New Tork. At lanta and New Orleans Limited, for Washington and points North. Draw ing room sleeping cars, observation ears to Ne wTork. Dining car servce. SoHd Pullman tram. 9:30 p. m No. 85, daily. tTnited States fast mail for Atlanta, Birmingham and New Orleans. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars New York to New Orleans and Birmingham. Day coaches Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service. 10:00 p. m. No. 32. dally, the Southern I Southeastern Limited for Washington, New York and points North. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars for New York. Day coaches to Washington. Dining car service. 10:80 p. m. No. 43. daily, for Atlanta and points South. .Handles Pullman sleep ing car Raleigh to Atlanta. Day coach es Washington to Atlanta. 1120 - p. m. No. 30, daily, Birmingham special for Washington and New York Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, observation cars to New York. Day coaches to Washington. D'ning car service. All New York trains of Sontuern Rail way will arrive and depart from the mag nificent new Manhattan terminal of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Seventh to Eighth avenues. Thirtyfirst to Thirty-third Sts., and will be composed of modern electrie lighted, steel-constructed Pullman cars. Tickets, sleeping car accommodations anfl detailed information can be obtained ai ticket office. No. 11 South Tryon street R. H. DeButts. T. P. A.. N Charlotte, N. C. R. L. "vTSRNON, T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. H. T. CART. O. F. A., 1 Washington. V. C S H. HARDWTCK. P. T M., f Washington. D. C. E. H COAPMAN..V. p and G. M.. "Washington. D. SEflDOflRD fll&LItfg JAM.ER KER, Jr., T, P. A. Selwyn Hotel Charlotte, N. C. i. B. WYLIE , T. A, Selwyn Hotel. Charlotte, N. C. SCHEDULE. TRAINS LEAVE CHARLOTTE EF FECTIVE APRIL 9. 1 NO. 406:00 a. m., through train for Wil mington with parlor car attached, v Connects at Hamlet with No. Zi for Portsmouth and Norfolk. No. 26 for Raleigh, Washington, Baltimore, Phil adelphia and New York; dining -car service and vestibule coaches to Wash ington; Pullman sleeping cars to Jersey City. . NO. 487:30 a. m. for Monro 2nd all points south. NO. 18310:00 a. m. local for Lincoln ton, heiby and Rutherfordton. NO. 44 local for Wilmington, e. -d NO 446:00 p. m. local for WITnxington, , connecting at Hamlet, with fast vesti bule trains for Jacksonville, FTta., and all points South. NO. 474:45 p. m. for Rutherfordton and w est. NO. 132.-7:25 p. m. Handles local Sleepers for Portsmouth, Norfolk; connects set Monroe with' No. 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with through sleeper to Bir mingham ; at Monroe with No 32. fast train with sleeper- to Portsmouth and Norfolk and Jersey City. Con Beets at Hamlet with No. 92 with through ves tibule coaches to Washington. Dining car Richmond to New York. Pullman . sleepers to New York. TRAINS ARRIVE AT CHARLOTTE. NO. 138 r56 a. m., from the east. NO. 46 lfcOO a. m., from the west, NO. 4612.01 p. m., from, the east NO, 1327:06 p. m,, from the west. NO. 497:15 p. m., from the east. NO. 3910:50 p. m., from the east. C. B. RYAN, G. P. JU Portsmouth, Va. JAMES KER, JR., T. P. A. Charlotte. N. C. H. 3, LEARD, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. a V,'

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