LOCAL JOTERESr INC LITTLE DOCK CHURCH HanflsomB Hew floaso 01 Worship ; ;S8f?efl ' By; Former Heck- . lenlinrg Minister Erected, lay .Mecklenburg man and - fcefng served by a Mecklenburg minis ter ia' the ; ne-v: bouse vof worship of the Associate Reformed .Presbyterian Church at little Rock. Ark. 'The new church was' fromally r. opened last 'Sunday afternoon. Its pastor is Rev. W. M.-Hunter, a native of this county. and father of Titr. R. N. Hunter Of this city. '-It - was built by Mr. -Wilson Brown, also a' natiye of Mecklenburg, who went to Little Roclc some years ago and who is now, rated among .the foremost builders of that, larger city. The following account of 'the' formal cedjcation of the new. building, . taken from The Ltitle Rock Democrat,-.will be of interest here: - - ; : r ' "The addresses of many; prominent laymen and -ministers, of , Little Rock marked the opening of the -new -f 12, 000 church of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, at Twelfth and Martin streets, Sunday afternoon - A large number was present, and the beauty of the new ed-fice was the oc casion of much comment . Mayor Charles' E. Taylor was the principal speaker of the evening. , - ; . "Following, the . address of Mayor Taylor,- who "referred in compliment ary terms to' the efforts of the congre gation, who had built this church and how, it showed the purpose "of the same p"eople who" , had Jauilt the State Capitojthe pastor, 'Rev. .W. . M. Hunt er introduced-i: S.-Pollbck, president of -the-Arkansas Savings'- Bank; who - tpoke" of "the' changeof the churches from- the old. Puritanic; style . to the ptesent-cheerful designs, -indicative of the" attttudebf "the ''churchgoers. "Sfry Pollock arid. Reverend iHunter Jjoth" expressed. s pleasure . that t they-1 "we're reared by fathers who-loved -PtxHtn styie. .. , . j. . - . .-- , "Rev. A. . O. Evans, , the Rev;- J. - L. Leonard 'and Rev. - J." - N. - Jessup; ' all brought ' greetings f rqm ' their cbrigre, gations and .spoke, "so highly -of r the Rev. Mr. Hunter, that '. he sa:d " he t felt like he was at his own " funeral. : . .."The .new, church v is.built.-along. co lonial lines, two stories in height, -of pressed brick with marble trimmings, concrete fbundatfbntiie ropftng aid large white -pillars at . the . entrance that - are sen clearly- from 5 Pjuiaski Heights." J The interior is finished . in mahogany, with ja . balcony . and - ten stained memorial- windows. The build ing was ' erected ' uride rthe siier vision of . W. ," W, Brown, . oneof i the members, and has a seating capacity of 00. :' - -: ; " -' NAMES DELEGATES ' TO GREAT COUNCIL , -. '"v" ; .Pocahontas Tribe, No? 2 9,"Order of Red Men, has. elected, -representatives to th annual gathering of the Great Couricri in " Morehead ' City ' the' first WA1r In Til n o n a miner If oooni F 1 Maun ey and JV S. Black, with Messrs. N. J. Phillips and . J...A." Kieer alter nates.. - '. - . '" " - " - Osage Tribe, No. 136, will be repre sented by Mr.- -J. J. ; iJenninj thl being the ,new. .tribel ; oianlzed re cently to'Dilworth with a flourishing enrollment. ; ' " The ': members : of i Ca tawba' Tribe, No.' 13, - will elect theli representatives and.t alternates 4t ;-a meeting to be herd . tonight. . -It- is stated that , local. Red . Men will make a strong pull to get the 191 4 meeting ' of ;tlje Great; (Jopncis for Charlotte, .v: The meeting. .C places are held in - the east and west aitjer-' nately, and next v year ' the Qi'eat Council is scheduled to Jiold its' "ses- sion . somewhere in' the western i part of the State. For ; this reason-, the local Red Men believe .that; they,4 ca? secure the convention "by ' making a concerted pull for- it' at the conclusion' of ,V the . Morehead: Great Council. . . meeting 'of the HAS-A FINE RECORD 1 ; TOR LONG SERVICE , ' - T r ' , , Mr., J." M.'r Earnhardt; whqj bears the distinction of having served over - 22 years as' a member 'and officer on the Charlotte police force, is; now spending some' time - with his daugh ter, Mrs. Meniee, near MooresvHe'. ' Mr. Earnhardt 1 was compelledj to give ; up active work some time ago? his final service, having been renderec as '- night" desk-sergeant ;at the-' police etatipri (.foxY rthree .Yiars. Mr. - Earn.--hardt had served "also : as patrolman ; and as sergeant durlrigyhls unusually long, term- of- offlce.c - ' , : - ;- ,Mr. : Earnhardt probably holds th " recdr4-i today ' f6r 'long ' service, th" la,te ! Colonel' ? Black welder, probably beings theonly.-member;.of the poUce force -v who ; could" have- boasted1 such a record of efficient rw.ork. ? , :A . . , ' , .Mr. Earnhardt j will- remain some time with his daughter, before jeturn lng',to thecity. ft.t tt, t .9tm - w-Mr. -A. -Wi Whttaker;- Who under went an operation'5 x the Charlotte Sanatorium this ; wefeJcT'is resting ' as comfortably'-as could be expected.' .- StreeV; paving work i has -been ef fectually hel.up for several' "days be cause the 'rains and "mud, land it . will ' hardlybfe possible-to resume , be fore Monday morning.' - ,v A Cold, La drippe,' Theit Pneumonia Is too .often the fatal Sequence, v: "La Grippe coughs hang on, weaken the sys- " tern, and' lower: the. vital resistance."' - R. ; Gi Collins, Postmaster, r Barnegat, " N. J.r says: "I was -torubled.. with a severe La Grippe" - cough vrhlchi : tomT&ettly " ex hausted me. Foley's Honey and1 Tar Compound soon 'stopped the -'-coughing spells A entirely.'" It can't'. "e beat.?', Cowne'e Drug Store. - k r e-o-d CAsrroRi'ift' J?cx Infanta and Children., ; Tt3 KM Ycii Haw Ataajs Ecrtfrt Bears the Signature of TE All STANDINGS V S ' ' IN BASKETBALL Played. Won, Lost P.C. 0 , 1.000 "I f .667 First Pres. ... 4 Trinity . . . . . 3 East Avenue . ; 2 4 1 .500 .333 ;333 .000 First, Baptist . . 3 Pritchard . . .. 3 Brevard Street . 3 2 2 1 0 - 3 Above ;is the standing in the day school basketball league. morrow night at the YrMC. A. East Avenue plays Trinity' at -8: 30, and in the second game the - First Presby tcrlan quintet plays the five" from Pritchard Memorial. This-is the, last game for., the . Presbyterians; - and- if they finish tomorrow night s ' game with the large end of the score, they win the championship. At"'T:45 ,the last intermediate game will be played betwen C. U. S. and aBird's. i MR. COVINGTON GETS NEWS - OF DEATH OF HIS FATHER. Mr. C. L, Covington of. this city this morning received a message an nouncing the death of his father, Mr. Oliver G. Covington, at the latter's home . in Concord. Mr. Covington left soon after for Concord.- The deceased came, . originally, from Rockingham bua liad, resided , in the town of Concord with his family for some years we j leaves - -oesiaes a Wife, two sons. .Two other sons have died. Mr. Covington was ,56 years of age, ana, was a-&iason. ' The funeral ' arrangements . had not been determined upon" this morning. -There will bes a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock inv the parlors of the First Prsbyterian Church of the Pres byterian council, of the city. - It Is de sired that- every; officer,-. Including all elders ami deacons." be present at t"is Jnieeting. s Important business is to .be, considered ana passea upon. i - . - Many, sufferers from "rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with, the prompt relief afforded by applying Cham berlain's Liniment-Not - one case of rheumatism In ten requires any Internal treatment whatever-This liniment is for rale by . all dealers. I : ? r . ' ....... .: ; ...P: : - .. . ,--."S Yoii can get your glad. Easter Rags comeright in and dress up yol 'cW IH . 1 I- - . ' :::; Ope ' . j - - iff"' v A':)Tjicai;Sprin Driving Wrapr! wlmmwji. '1 1 v "" "mi'V"""1 IXlW...av.v.,,,AW.wWWW 'V)S-WXi wv i .,.,.., ,f mn.n:,; nrnl-ir- " "S ! " : '1 . v - V ?; - :" ' r ; 1 A '!V V - x ' ' . v i1 ' 1; I'--' ; - ' , ' v ' i - - I I w ' i-k-t i ' - - ,f ! .......... v ; . Siiimbi!;!"'- i " ' .- . : I - iJ;::A.' I if.:-?: ,. .- . 1 - : ' . ' E'-- I ; : 6 -x . - 1 . f Sil: iii- ;-r".'. I , .- ;?, tA-x-w: ,v.::-: ft .;.."" r . '.jyvj' vfS:;l I .': 1' . " f;-." :?Nv:-:$-.S . - f f . - : :? "' ! . - . . - - .-J- - . - w 1 1 - - -..-i'S : : .a... , This smart wrap of very pale tan 'lanedowncasilk and . worsted ma terial" now in favor (.with . the. couturiers was 'designed for Riviera wear. It may be easily slipped on and off over pretty frocks and will answer forf driving or, motoring -when the' ""dista nee ishot too long and the-road too dusty. The manner of draping the top-of -the wriintera.-ur3red belt is . notable; and also"" the series : of deep tucks - across thelbaekiO O vtATT- - - - pay us a:red-cent.::ONE;Week after bring 4s, $1:00 and $1 each; week until the bill is paid. - You should -see rthe new Easter things which we are showing for Men, :Women and Children. Remember our installment. others' cash prices:- We buy-in. large quantities, of course you know we get goodsicheaperby buying in such quanr tltieS. r : " . . ! ; ;Lk "- ' Tomorrow Come! ii nfiiuimwiii,; turn f at this store.- :You on Your EASTER ?X$&3y;&itt?&' ft."!:..- '.: ; V V ' ' , - 1 . - ..... . . ' ... . v. - . . ..l t, : . .- ; ' ,.i ... ' . i - v . ' . PUTS AN END TO. BACKACHE I . " QUICKLY A Fev Doses Give Relief, Helps Lifeless Organs Re- ; gain Health, Strength t , . and Activity." It is useless, dangerous, and unne cessary - to be tortured with the . dig ging, twisting-pains of backache: and rheumatism, or. ssuffer with disagree able kidney and bladder disorders any longer. " ' The -new discovery, Croxone, provides- a- remedy , which every sufferer can .now depend upon to. promptly and- surely relieve all such misery and bring about a speedy cure. Croxone cures these - troubles be cause it quickly . overcomes the very cause of the 'disease. It soaks right into the stopped up, inactive kidneys, through the membranes ; and linings; cleans out the little filtering glands; neutralizes 1 and dissolves the poison- Bailey Wasn't Bothered. .(Detroit Free Press.) ' Senator Joseph W. Bailey of Texas, whose seat was" near the main door of the Senate, was in the midst of" an impassioned Bpeech ,one day; when Senators Warren and. Overman met near the door a few steps away from I J 1 i iiiiii iuiu uega.it iu vuuycioo ii a. un dertones They looked toward the door and then towards Bailey; turned 'to go out, then: came back and began their whispering again. - " YOUR HAIR STOPS FALLING, DANDRUFF : DISAPPEARS TRY 25 (IfJT "DANDERINE' Save your Hairl ; Beautify SI Invigorate your Scalp Danderine grows hair and;we can proved - i Try, as you will, after an applica Upn of Danderine, you cannot .find a single trayce of dandruff, or a loose or falling, hair -and your scalp .will- not Itch, but; what will: please you most, wilt be after a. few weeks' use, ' when you , will actually see new?" hair, fine and downy at first yes- but really .new hairgrowing all over the, scalp, i-A little Danderine now -will imme diately . double , the .beauty: of -your" hair. JNo difference" how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with . Danderine and , : carefully iVMiit''inMntiyMifuf iiuiii'TTM,''"'ii' i'ii'inii,.iii i'n.ii.i..j,m,ir?a 1 : it; TO) TO); don't need'- y;money.."eithjK .Easter you can BONNET ALL PRICES. Remember, our address,-.. 202 . North Tryoh St Next to Edisooia We Are Hot Going :to Move f 1 r CORES VEAK KIDNEYS ousvuric acid andi makes the. kidneys filter -and sift from the blood 'all the waste and, poisonous .matter that clog the -system, and cause:' such troubles. " It - does - not ' matter ;( whether ! you have but ; slight- symptoms - or the most chronic, aggravated .case of kid ney, bladder - trouble, or rheumatism that it is possible . to imagine,.- for the very principle ; of 'Croxone. - is such that it is practically impossible to take it into the human ; system with out results., . i: You will find . it different from al other remedies. ' There ' is : nothing else on earth like it. - It starts to work' the minute you take 'it and re lieves you : the first time you use it, and. all the misery and , suffering that go with such troubles end. . You -can; secure - an original pack age of " Croxone from any first-class druggist; All druggists are authorized to personally return v the purchase price if it falls to' give "the desired re sults, the very 'first time you use it. Suddenly Senator, Bailey .stopped in the middle of a burst of oratory und said something in an undertone to the two Senators. Senator Stone of Mis souri, presiding' over .the Senate thinkings Mr. , Bailey had been dis turbed in his vspeech by the whisper ings, rapped sharply for order. "Oh, that's all right,. Mr. President,' said Senator Bailey, "they weren't dis turbing me. I just told -them I would 'join them : as sbon as I : got through here." draw it through your hair. taking one small . strand at, a time. The effect is. immediate and ; amazing- your hair will be light,, fluffy and wavy and nave an appearance or abundance: an; incomparable lustre, softness , and luxuriance, the . beauty and "shimmer - t Oet a -25 cent bottle . of Knowlton's ijanaenne rrom - any drug store -or toilet counter, 'and prove tp yourself i""8ui now .xnai -f your . nair:; is as pretty, and soft as : any that it has been neglected or tinjured by careless treatment that -Jl.- .. ..-i: j '.'.' - Hi"" ii'i".'1 't-' ""' "i'-'-?.'-'VUM :l.t.t4i M 'A.i i A,ii.i, nh-.yf.uWUft 'cm -.-'Iraft.::':-, ; NOTICE Under and bv vlrtiw nt ened-VAn Act to - reviae theCSMne of .thefclty of Charlotte." and the niKter nUUed,- An- Act to provide a Comm,er sionFormof Government for the ru' of Charlotte." ratified by the L3ty Assembly of North Carolina at S f1 sJon of 1913, It is ordained by the . i A "otlce of the election nrovM for inlaid Acts., to be held on tK ?k day ; of April 1913. and the purple , the same .. . shall h nnwi.i, r8eof n The newspapers published In said cltv for said 'notice . beln i fiiS;..WKUOn- the NOTICE, OP CHARTER ELECTIfYV Under ana by virtue , of twoAcU : entitled, f'An Act to revise th . Charts other An - Act , to - provide" a Co!r sloir Form of . Government for then., of Charlotte." each ratined by thf riiy session of 1913. an election will be VlSfS in the city of Charlotte on the 18th riid or April. 1913, under the riles and reJ? la.tio.ns now prescribed by iaw for fhl election of - the Mayor and ntembers ? the Board of Aldermen of said citt f A. new registration has been ordered h the Board of Aldermen of the Cltv . Charlotte In accordance with i th l!' Visions nf aalU tcn. A.. Vt We . PO- f No.rth Carolina at th, !.an election wUl be hpi Charlotte on the 18th da under- the rules and regu Kept open for thirty (30) days nr ine -l&th day of April. 1913, after which date na one shall. be allowed to reZ; for said election. . sister The purpose oi the election is the uk mission, to the qualified voters of thl City of Charlotte of said two Acts 6 entitled. "An Act to revise the Ch-rt?! of the .City of Charlotte." and the othS entitled, "An Act to provide a ComS sipn Form of t Government for the Ci,v of Charlotte." AH qualified viterVwlsK ing to vote In favor of the provisions of said two-Acts entitled, "An Act to vise r the Charter of the City of ChT lotte,", and that said Act shall be and become the Charter and organic law ni the City of Charlotte shall vote at said election a written or printed ticket with the -words thereon "For Aldermanic Form of Government," and those wishW to vote in favor- of the provisions of said other Act eatlUed. "An Act to pro vide a Commission Form of Government for the City of Charlotte." and thS tS same , shall . be and become the charter and organic aw of the City of Chariots shall vote at said election a written or printed ticket with the words thereon "For Commission Form of Government" " If a ' majority, of such qualified voters shall vote "For Aldermanic Form of Government," then it shall be deemed and held that the .charter and the Dro viaions of ,the Act entitled "An Actio revise , the . Charter of the City of Char lotte" are favored and approved bv a majority of the qualified voters of the City of Charlotte, and the provisions of said Act shall . be and become in full force and effect, and said Act shall be the Charter; and organic law or an for said-City of Charlotte and the inhabi tants 1 thereof . If, however, the majority of -such-qualified voters shall vote "For Commission Form of Government," then It, -shall" be deemed - and: held that said Act entitled, t'An Act to provide a Com mission Form of Government for the City of Charlotte?, and the. provisions thereof are -favored and aproved by a majority' of the qualified voters, and said Act and the provisions thereof -shall be and be come in full force and effect and shall be the Charter and organic law of and for- said City of Charlotte and the in habitants, thereof. i If, however, a majority of the qualified voters, of the City of Charlotte In Baid election :s to-be held on the 18th day of April,' 1913, shall not vote ballots con taining the- words written or printed ' thereon -"For Commission Form of Gov. rnment" and if the majority of the qualified voters of the City of Charlotte at said election to be held on said date, shall not vota ballots containing: the ..f I i ii i 1. .3 A, ..n Aldermanic Form of Government," the present Charter of the City of Charlotte, being Chapter 342 o' the Private Laws of North- Carolina,! Session 1907, and all Acts amendatory thereof shall be and re main the eharter and organic law of and for : said City of r Charlotte and - the-inhabitants thereof: The election shall be' held In accordance with: the provisions of said Hwo - Acts and any provisions herein contained inconsistent therewith shall efve -way to the provisions of said Acts. The Dolls on the day of election will be opened from sunrise In the morning until "sunset on the same day and no longer. -The -above-named acts were each ratified by the General Assembly of North r!arolina. Afarch fi. 1913. 2. . . The i registration books will be kept open for thirty-days preceding the 15th day of' April, 1913,- after which date no one will be allowed to register for said election. ' The 'registration-places are as follows: Ward I J. E. Morris' Store, corner Fifth and College Streets. ward , 2 tMecklenburg uounty t-oun House. - - Ward Z Globe Electric Co.'s store, o. 37 West Fourth Street. V Ward i-E. -W. Berryhiirs Store, corner Ninth - and Pine Streets. -Ward 6 B. - I. Klsiah s BiacKsmun Shop, North. Davidson Street: Ward ,G Fowlers Tnqmas' aiore, uex- nflont Avenue. ' . Ward 7 H. G. Howie's Store, lllto ii-asi Fourth Street, f -f. v Ward SV-The Woodruff. Pharmacy, South" Boulevard. . ,, Ward 9-H.- A.: James' Store, soum Tryon ' Street,- : v - - . Ward 10 W. J.- Fite's Store. 1003 North 3raham Street. ; . 5 Ward:-UH. ..F., Severs' , Store, severe- vine.. . ;: . . - .. -.. 3. The polling places for saia eiecuou will be as -follows:' "Ward City. Hall. .Ward ; 2. Court House of Mecklenburg County. - i . -V , Ward 3, jno.. z fire ueparimeui nuv. Ward. 4 E. W.: Berryhill'S Store, Ninth i and Pine Streets. - , ... Ward ' 5. 13." W Klsiah's blacksmith Shop on North Davidson 6tret. . Ward 6, G. W. Cnliaress' store, Belmont Avenue. - : .Ward 7. Hi li -iiowre 8 siore,. uvo Fourth - Street., r ' . - , ' Ward 8, Woodruff's ' Pharmacy, worth; .r . 1 '.-; .'' ''...,. Ward 9.- C. W Gallaghr s store, ou Tryon Street. . Ward 10,- H. F.vsevers- iore, ville; , . . -. Ward 11, W. J. Fite's store, Graham Street. . . ' Notice thereof shall Jbe given at tne time of the publishing -of the notice or the election and the purpose of the same. By order of the Board ot Aiaermei the . City of Charlotte; N. C, tnis iu- day of March, 1913. ' , i -i? : :. city Clerk and Treasurer. BEFORE- YOU DECIDE TO RENT THAT HOUSE ANSWtua CHRONICLE WANT AD. IiOVP ROUND TRIP RATES ' .SOUTHERN; RAHiWAX $3.55 Charlotte, N. C, to CoiumDw. S. Ol' and returns account aou Carolina ; Teachers' . Association meeting. March 13th-16th. Tick ets on sale March 12-13 ana $4.55. Charlotte, N. C, to ureenvc S. C.and return, account mew 'J Ing .Woodmen :; of . tHd . World. - March, 18-20th. TicKets ou d ' Marchri6r -I7, -18 and 19th. Anal limit March 2 2nd. . , 8.70 Charlotte.' N. C, to Richmond. x Va.. and return, account xms ,tional Board- T W. Cmeet- Ing. -April flth-15th. Tickets on sale April 8th and 9th.; final lim it April 23rd. : ' . . $8.70 : Charlotte. N. , C-. to C"Z Va., and return, accouni ference tor v Education - in - South. .April 15th-18th. Ticketf on sale April 13-lUh, final lim" April 23rd.- . v 1 . R. H. PEBUTTS, D. P. A., f. V ; Charlotte, N. v ; W. P. LESTER. C. T. A, ; UJ: ;--:v..X :-. Charlotte, N. ; ' , AUTO HIRE ' ' i " ; ' TVs Phnnev 758. ' . . IZisht Phones sod lZ J j

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