THE ; CHABIiOTTJE - EVENING CHR01TICLE, YTEDNESDAY, APRII; 9, 1D13. V. 5 . 1 V Fair Test I ILL Jli J zJk I K " -UK D .: nil Vf U 'frV; ( ; i I V l i ;Xiaoest au you nave, to ao, is ,to bring Ai ixo tis arid chan . tor - a':' newrin?:; 1X10 Pduii'c. Money K1 :'-; C : y j- -f WTEIGH YOtJll6EIj3, BEFORE "U'eigh yourself tbeforeicoinmenGlBar to use Samose, - the great fltshform ingr ood- Th ; wouderfut sale ' &6l this preparati9A since first Introduced in Charlotte and, the remarkable- re suits following its ' use have made jno. S. Blake Drtrg .Co; such, enthusi astic believers in the lgrea.t: ?jvalue 'of Samose that they give their-personal guarantee to refund " the ; money : If Famose will not make r thin , : people fat and restore health and Strength m thnsA who 1 Vw. , v.: This is a strong -guarante'e, 5Ltof they have seen so many, of vthelr. cus tomers who a few, weeks Ago -looked like walking skeletons become plump and we through the:;use.i6f.: Samose they feel they cannot say too much to induce people to try '.it; .".,- This marvelous flesh-forming food is assimilated as soon "as it is v. taken into the stomach, makes good. ? rich blood, tones up the v weakened sys tem, helps to assimilate the food and makes the' user plump, well and rosy. ": " ''-., . - HOLD MEETING HERE Annual ConventloiLWilt Be Held In Cbar. ot re9; Bringing Nam- ber Experts Here : The fifth annual meeting of the Southern Gas Association will be h,eld at the Selwyn Hotel Wednesday, April 16-18. - . , The list of papers o'be contributed and discussed is as foil owe: "Practical Ventilation," Mr. .McD. Dexter. ' " "Selling Domestic Appliances," Mr. G. W. Howsmon. ' ; f "Industrial Appliance Campaign," ir. H. C. Porter. . "Management of Medium Size Gas Properties," Mr. H H. Carr. "The Present vOutlook .and Future Prospect of - Gast Plant': Residuals, Vth Reference to Tar,". Mr. S. R. Church. . J-1 . . '. The New Coal Gas Plant at Atlani ta, Ga.t" Mr. R. C. Congdon. The Charlotte Gas &.,Electric Co."is making considerable effort, to - have this meetings the greatest -in the his tory of the association, and from per sonal assurances received all along the line, there wilV be- a -very large at tendance. , . 'r , COFFEE 3. lbs for 51.00 Charlotte coffee ' connois-, seures have selected this brand as their own. If you know good coffee ' from other kinds you'y be- -come our coffee customer aft er using a trial pound. "Something Good to Eat." JNO. W. SMITH 'Phones 290 and 291. 1 316 South College St. - IK' i. r Tn rcaliTai iKli ' vS should SOUTHERN G ASHMEN JP White 35c lb. A Sweep jftichlVoirefAcj Piano Is tfeihrld's WmMm$$k singing tone hwnnzes 1 and blends with ,the melody of the singer;. THE MAGNIFICENT STTEFF PIANO : -iivS1; .s' Is used by- many of theimost giftcfd artists,;the greatest, conser- v vatories and: is found in some bf . the fvery finest ,; homes. It ' is crowned with Gold Medals-, from many countriesthe name STIEFF : . is known - the world over as oneof . tjie . best. v ? V." ' i " ' ' ' -: , THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL QTJAIilTY j?IANO SOIiD DIRECT,' AT MAKER'S PRICES. :. , : -;-.' v-V . ; - I , ' ; Through these, factory warerobms 'you .'deal direct with ' the. makers. You u save fully ,20' percent: v Ask about our''Easy Plan-V; , - C -' ESTABIi ISHED ;I842. ;:r ".v j: - on fhac : OS ; Xl ioff :0iaflolii5 219 S. Trv ?:j7 i .mi i 1 Tv't Incrasetweight now TOi jOAm TOAITOY ;FIiESH. Jno BJaice i)ruc , Oo.'l Advises Thin I i -yika to Use Samose. J .IjNarhil" lthVne8Sr'msV'rot:, be' it 'dVa-: ease,; yet lt4 is in -reality a condition that . needs Attentions Under the nouri shih power of . Samose healthy, nat ural fieshwiU soon be attained.1' .'jJ'r--i'fyx, . t- . -, This "remarkable flesh-forming food strengthens ., the system ;; generally and .builds iip, the fleshy ..tissues so that good, natural plumpness . results. .-. ; S :, ,'.. -y ; . f ' .'. - An. ounce of. flesh -fisK better- than a pound f theory. Jno. S. Blake Drug Co. believe rthat the, best ' possible demonstration . of Hhe flesh-iforming powers of Samose risf to have it tried by their, customers and to induce them to use it,? he .offers. to pay for the Samose, In- case' it does not .give satisfaction. , No . stronger ' proof than this can : be given of their faith in it. They' have seenhundredswho, were weak.thln . and'v scrawny, become plump, robust ; ;'- and strong, (solely through the use of I Samose. ; Ten days' . treatment 50c - .' DR. E. K. FINE DISCOURSE -BY REV. DR. HARDIN . The sermons of Dr. E. K. Hardin, which have 1een delivered during the past 'ten days1, -at: Trinity Ghurch have, all been of . unusal, merit. The dis course last night was masterful. The thought "Almost a Christian," was traced back in the life of the splendid "Rich Young Man'' whose fine char acter and natural gifts were such that he almost instinctively ran" to Jesus, who, looking upon him, loved hirnt But the demand of Jesus to him, as to. all, . was unconditional surrender. The young man "Almost a Christian" turned regretfully into' the barren unknown.-' ,. ' ' ? As a contrast to .the life ' of the promisinfi young man, that of the dis sipated Roman Governors ' Jelix, was portrayed. J3efore him , Paul - stood and preached righteousness, temper ance and Judgment, till the hard soul - Heed the Cough that Hangs On, j 1 The seeds of consumption may be the cause, andv a "cough that bangs on weak ens the system. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound checks-. the cough, wheals "the inflamed membranes and strengthens the lungs. E. p. . Rountree, Stillmore, Ga.. says: MLagrippe left me a deep seated, hacking, ' painful ; cough which Foley's. Honey and Tar - completely - cured." Bowen's Drug Stores-,; o.d. t. i.-t. it it bpflr thp " S'l"!' K'-note -v Kow; . its ' .' i ,- ' ' filesh-fejiy 'i-:5''.' ) 1 V- 1 . :s , THJN FOLKS MADE PAT. Good, healthy flesh can , only be gained, by the use of the proper food, together with , natural action of f the organs :xf - assimilation. Nine people but qf ten. -in : order to "wejgh as -much as 1 ) they, 1 ought . and ' " be ..perfectly healthy; should bse Samose.lihe great flesh-forming food and health , Te ste rer.'j .'.Weigh -yonrse,lf 'before com mencing to use' these w little " -tablets, and " see how your. Weight increases from' week to ..week.. . Large' box for 60c. : r Samose doues not ..contain ..a particle of starch or pepsin, nor is it any nan- seating preparation," such as is usual ly, recommended to make people fat, and wbichj does, notv build ivp good healthy . tissues.?' ., Samose has valu up" and J 'strengthens the whole tones'1 up an4 strengthens the ' whole sj'Stem; helps the food that is eaten to. be assimilated in a- natural man ner and absolutely : restores health: to all ' the organs. : " " If you are not perfectly , satisfied with ; . the : results " fr9m Samose. Jno. S. Blake' Drug Co. will return your money .' without - any -quibbling... . IIARDIN f : FeiiXj' . trembling,' - exclaimed, "Al most thou persuadest me." But sadly the tragedy -.turns, the opportunity vanishes and the soul so- near the gates of life is pressed into the dun geor of death by the bars of selflsh hess. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance this evenipg at 7:45 as that service may be the closing of the series. '' , V BooEis Are found in our new complete stock of latest novels, fiction, etc., that are selling" at Each Call today, and look through :oiir, stock. 30 Wet Trade St. ATTRACTIVE LOW ROUNP.TRlP TICKETS VIA' SOUTHERN; RAIL- -. $8.70 Charlotte to f Richmond, Va : - , and return, account .Fourthi : Bi t "enniafij Convention, ' : National 'y Board of the . Young' vWoman's k Christian Association of the ,Ui' S. of Ali. April 9-15, 1913 Tick- . ,9th., with final return limit, AprilJ 23rd. , ' "' -''':' - : t5 La Uli sore riu, " i oiu s aim $ 8.2 5 Charlotte . to Atlanta, Ga.', and return, account Atlanta v .Music T'esti val. VTicketa on sale' April 2 Oth f to ; 25th inclusive, with ,final return limit April 1 2 9th. :-y ; :, r S ' lS".25ariottev:to'..KBirmlnghami - Ala;, and return, account Nation .frflal H Gob4 S Roads t ,.; Federation. ? Tickets op -sale April .22. 2S:and 24th0 with final return ' limit ;:;A.priiV3.Mh.:'iV '-- ': - .tteaucea ;-. rates, irom - au -.otner Worth Reading St. Robinson s Book Store Mr.;t Man reader, perhaps -you are' lik a . number 'of 1 other fel- lows -who -.nave tailored clothes made?.p by some, taflor or? : other that nlade them' without re- ard or4 care." t A tailor located hewf one season and somewhere else the next never ? flouring: : cm satisfying a customer or 1 trying to make "a importer of him. If tills fitsyoiueapertenee bare yet to 'give; Modern;, Tailoring; " a TAm test. r V". - " This tes ' can t be .tmade right here in our , shop. And what's better you have our own guaran te,vas to fit and satisfaction; to back it up. " Others - are - testing our tajHor , Workr every day and we are making J'repeaters" of them - t I- ' " 11 j right along. We have got to sat- f s -" isfy. We are ; in r the t, tailoring business to stay. That's reason i-t,::--. -- - . -1., -'-f- r . : r enough. ,:..'.-.- TEST US J MEN'S. -. WEAR and TAILORING llif Men's Shoes With Built In Quality Korn i Killer Shoes are Just what the v name implies In that they are a relief, to feet Infected with those ever painful corns. Besides they are genteel : shoes with the looks, : wear, etc., of the best') 4. 00 shoes and yet have that free and easy shape. V , Price $4.00. Between Charlotte and Gastonia, N. C Trains Leave Charlotte effective ; uh ' -- ..x.v-;. ' .. . , . : Sirndtv. Januarv 12.' 1913. . Lv. Independence. Square. Na 17:00 am. 3 8:15 a.m. ; . 6 9:15 a. m. , "" 710:60 a. m. ; v 4 11JJ5 a. m. 11 1:00 p. m. 15 3:30 p. m 17-8:30p-m. . 19 4:45 p.m. :;;' 21- 0,p. m. AT. Mint rtreet . Ctatioa ' No. 2 7:50 a. m. 4 9:10 a. m. i- 10:19 a. m. 811:39 a.; m. 1012:35 p. m.- 12 15 pm;" .-'."i 4-- tCUi 3:23 p. m. ' 18- 4:25 p. n. " . 80 5:48p.m. :' . Si 7:JS p. nt. 24-- 9:40 p. m. 23 $:45 p. m 2510:55 p. pi. " ' 'Baggage . checked .- f5. A A. eif m4Iam - 2S-ll:60p. mm to and from Mint Tickets on sale at Independence Termi nal i and -t Mint Street Station. ?V 1 t B. THOMASON, . C.-V,: PAtATBR. '.'Genemt-anagW; Schedules in ieffect Uember 8, Jl9UL: 'f; :sU T-BAVB ;WINS6XONAIl51t4 ; 7K a. m. dally tor ItoaaoKe nd inter' mediate stations. ;: Connect with . main, line train Not th. East and West -vith Pullman sleeper: dmmg;-rs.M-;'' V? 2:05 p m. -daily, for Walnut Cove, Madl.' son. v Martinsville, Roanoke, the North and East. ullman steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to i' Harrisoorg, m ..-. SXSS&fmi m. . dftilv. rMnt Su Nw xorjt..; . .uimng. 4:15 'n. m.. daily.' except ; 8unday.- for Martinsville and local Jtations. '. ;. W. C. SAUNDERS,' GenT Pass. AfW . W. B BEVILI Pass. Traf. Mfri ; ; :. .. : ', . - Roanoke. vs.: ,; i. ; - ;- Km Gilmer Moor Comnariv a-S Piedniont ' CONDITIONS The Seemingly Inspiigea Manuola In - V v J A1 &ade by; the Baldwin )pwa ,Phone?467,-V " MMiiiMil' These include Worsteds Cassimeres Cheviots, Serges and newl decreed shades are worth going after THE : TAT&BROWM I1 -? . t v , , sssiu . t'm i : mm : - mm mm. i jt..- ir..i' -.'--..- .- mass , - J .b l fine variety here m all the: iavor- ite mixtuies: wrong KerW: Get fitted Tpdayllll 3 V 'r.' it . W. - 1 4 F0Rv MENiOTOiMoW iSDirea v Playei if' :s'i a .--r -. v Co. nie'ei the ;f tq(juire-; Crashes ia all tl?e and patterns i.i V' J ''H;Jr,.v'i...v. mi op You . can t go clothes- k, Jc lit ! - ' i III. J . 5v '' published , lonly 'as information . and -anr 1 1 '.Kfi PreiiUervCarrler.iof "the " atla." noit" guaranteea.. :: -:f " ..! tf&y-t't-No. i 293:35 ' many.t'BlrralnamSi iSpeelaljfor AtlanuttsrHil - BJrnnghami' x Pullmati drawing rcom ; .sleeping veara,.i.-;':.:, 4ebssrvatioti ears nd dair roaches Newi v ; Tork Knd Washington, to J?inaingharovl; , PullrhanC drawing s 'room sleeping - cats , Richmond to , Blrmtnstiam. i Dining ear . No, 843:30 i. mriTjiallys' Ipefl for' -Dani yille. ; Richmond V and ! all : inlermedlate :V noints. -t-A'- ;-.'. -C ? nMf J ' ' No.' 81 S 90S a,w -JDallr.' th , .nrthem' ; Routheastern Ltmttd ! fnr , "ColumWs. v Savannah. Aiken.. Augusta ' spd Jack'';', ? ; : RonvUle.v Pullman drawing room. sleeP-' ; ing rs. for Aiken. vAuusta and Jack- v '4 pou'vills Day coaches to ' JacksonyiHa ; Dinlne rr rvW ' .....'-..r,t. LC ;1 . No. 44- a. m. Daily, local for-VKr. : lngton." D. C , w...r;vv:v.. ;.vVr-V--r;r CoItombia-'andintermedlateVpolnts Na, 39-7:15- a; m. Local ,fr Ati; . ville and TaV'orsvine. eonnectlnf :, . Ifooresvfite; for ,W!iisten?alc3i:.' ivf No. 710.a. 'm. Dally.w Tork At. : v r . , Janta nnd New Orleent Xinilted.l Pull- h 0 Man - llntrfntf .nnm' Untn ; r ;'ld ' .' ; ooserration cars New Tork tcv! New ;,V' Orleans. Atlanta and Mncon. . ; tuning ; ' v ear service, holtd Pullman train.1 No, 38-10:15 r. m. DIlv. Hiilf el State. ';: fst,imair1:f6r.:.WasnJngtbn And polnt" North.-PulIm,an drawing room sleepin ; ' ears New Orleans and Bjminfcham 'to -:';:: New Tork. Day: coaches , to Washhs. t v " ton;" ' Dining car Service. ' ) T: 'i i -V' :; " y ; v No. ii-ii:io a. m Daily, local rfori t v lanta and intermediate points. '' ; - No.; ?8 72;01 n, . m. Dally, -. Tor Winston I i ' Salem and local ponU5., ; C . Barber, with No. 21. for Aheville: aad .- ..." iiiruny -niiy a . -.-. t,t. ? ' Salem for WJlkesboro. Mount Airy.; and . dreensboro.:. f: .?--, ;;(;'!;-' : boro a nit ; intermediat ! points,'-J" : " No, 27 f;85 n, m. Danji Jor1 ;fofCovt V' ' lambla and Intermediate points- v".;"' No- 41f4:50 p,"m Daily, except' StindST.,- ', local for, Seneca . .and intermediate . points., No. ; i2r-4:flft: :m. thillv! WehTon1 : .,' K and,, Norfolk4' Handlea - Pidlmari?: cars t , v Charlotte to. RichmondCliarlotte to j V1 -r New Tork and Salisbury, to NorfQlk,,?,":.' Ne.t:!S4-:30 p rn Tny estcepHPUnday . local Tor Mooresvllle, StatesvlTie 5 ant 1; . . .X.,-7;30' mDailv lartta and !i New '-Orleans irnMted -AiZCs --i Washington ahe points N rtbi DrawVs JngTooni'y steeping ;eari: b!ervatipn -4trs, to; Ne w; Tork - Dinln g cat -.servjoe.niA' !;o"d; PollmanstraInA;M,v rwHr-9;3g nt; oafiy unftM ;tatf ; fast ma tiufor Atlanta BtwmKhei srtd; '. New .Qr!eaQS'$ Pullfnan -drsrlng sroom V; r jleepf ng ; car? .New York t ? " New '' 'Or-, '.. ; jeahs and ' Birmingham! Day coachei Washington to ; New Orleani. r D!Wk No.? 32-10:15 p;Vm.Dany. the South ern' .rV Southeasttrn tlmited. fqr V. rashlnsrton- 1 j New Yofk and pbmts Norths ; Pnlrman drawing room Bleeping; care for v New ;' ' .. Tork. . Day ' coaches . to AWolnston. 5 No.- 43-10:30 d. m Daily, for Atlanta and ? points .South. Handles Pullman. s!eep '. Ing car Raleigh ito Atlanta. -:Day r ;;t coaches Washington to" Atlanta. -; "-,v ,-'" '-No- 8011:20 p. m, Daily. . Birmingham . ' Special, t for i Washington :. and -. New ,-' v York. ' Pullman drawing room ' s'.epfn ' V. cars, observation cars . to New Yerk. 1 ( Day coaches to Washington- i Purtrnan . drawing ? room sleeping cars 'Blrtains.. ; l bam to Richmond.. Dining car service. '.. :AI1 New York trains, of Southern Rail. ' way will , arrive and ' depart from the magnificent Manhattan tenomal. of. '5 he Pennsylvania ; Railroad,' ; Seventh -?ind " Eighth:, avenues. Thlrty-flrst.'to f; 'I'hlrty second.' streets, r and 'wHl-be compoiea of .; modern electric-lighted uteel pcasrucyo-u z'fj Pullman cars. ' ''..' ; " Tickets, sleeping car kccotnmoditipnl' and detailed Information can be ottatpl at ticket office, No. ll Sooth Tryon Street f R. H.. DeBUTTS. Ds P. ' Vt;j.C'A-?'' '-''-.-' ;-'.--V- ' '-. - ' Charlotte. 1- C 1. R L. VERNON, D., P.-'A-.' ' i"- i V- ' .. . Charlotte., ' N. -C; ' ', H. F. ' CAR Y, G. . P. A., . V .''-.- t .'' . . , 7..h v ; f . WashtfifftonVu-C?"'-' H. H. HARDW1CK. P; T. Myr;. -v' ' . ' -,. ? .!.t.?:., ',;;;:'.!-v;rrr' Won.ngtou, D. C '. '; . E- HCOAPMANi V: p. iG. Mgr.; '.yity :-S'';- Wakhington ." D;;.C . - - r ' ' iT'n i , i i i I- - 'i ' i ' - ' ' ' LINf RAILWAY f ; ie FECTIVJD; JANUARY 5,-'. 1713. Zjf V ' ''- , --:,; A i ' ': NO,'. 40-6.-00 . twilmihgtoh, with v parlor, car ittacd. -' Connects atj Camlet with Of ;.;- 'of Portsmouth ; and- Norfolk, s No.- 86 .or Kalolgh, Washington, Balumore, ; Phita- " edelphi ijaiid TNew o form?. SAMnk Car t : service and , vestibule coacbe to"Wati - Jngton.' Pailman sleeping cars td Jr- sey 'c7;i-rVr-'.- No." 4S 7:30 ai; foi'MonrOiCotiBect , ,' lng to. all pofots . South. -""..yv'v-ii No. 133-10:55 , a.' -m-V local ; f orWncointon, -4: r Shelby and Rutherordtdn. v.?; vf -v ;' No. 411:40 p. m... f ot Uncolnton, Sheib.-. Rutber ford ton and points Wesfe v : No. . 44 4:59 p. m.V for WilrafagtoaT ; Jdl :i all local stations. itrl ; t. No. 132-7:45 p.: ra. ' handles local sleeper or Portsmouth Norfolk connecting a: Jonroe with No 41 Atlanta; aiid , ry- Southwest with V mrough k eleepr ; to - Birmingham;; at ' Monroe with' No. t2, fast train with -sleeper .to Portsmouth ; and Norfolk . and jersey; City. .- Con- necta at Camlet ? with.,-No. i with k through rvestlbulr.' coaches , for -Wash-1 lngton.. 'Dining ' rar- Richmond ; to New : York. -'I Pullman sleepers to New York. TRAINS ARRIVE .' AT, CHARIDTTJ2: . . No.-1:33 40 :S m..; from the.-east.. 'r'.:. No.' 40-106 a.-.: ntrtrom the west.; ! V No. ' 45 12 ;10 p. uf, from Wilmington d .;-.aU.'ocal' -stattofla..-:,-; M '' No."' 183 ?:30 p.f m.. from the -west. -y No.. 49 7:25 p. ' ra., from tne east, - --. - No. t8 U0 v- ' from the east. - CB,. RYAN. tL '' P. A - . '":;:;. - " -'i-'i .-v -vi's Norfoncyra. -; JAMES kKElL T. PA ;-.-'. : .'Hi" .- - V;. 1. -;'.r'.''v -7 " Cnariotte. N.- c. . H. Sfc .USARD'D. P.' A., H V vQ";': '-:- -r-rf Ralelghr N, C . ' j'- ttT. ; ORB, T. -":-: :, - Sfr' lilE ' OF1TENER-lOUR '? AD IS- I THE CHBONICXff TUEi CIFTlNlit 1 - - points ' on thet same basis. MORE POPUIi-IIl 1UU , aitiU 'A" imnK TRAM! SOD fiKT ' " V

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