VOLUME III. CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY EVEHIHG, APRIL 1, 1890. NUMBER 401). ADVANCE PATTER OF THE . APBIL BARGAIN SHOWERS. K Merry music If you want ' Dress Stuffs or Kobe Patterns J not so merry for the somebody who pays the piper. Neyer mind, your concern stops.wlth the dollar1 worth for" fifty or seventy-five cents. The clink of coin that may be saved sounds from almost every counter in the Dress Goods circle. Like this: 88 inches all Wool Stripes 66c. ; never sold under 85c. 86 inch all Wool Serge, all colors, 50 . cents, worth 65c 40 Inch Marguerite Mohair at 80 cts., that you'll pay 62$ c. for any where else. , Full line of shades. Cashmere double width in evening shades an street tones at 45 cents. Good Cash-- mere, nice quality, double width, at 25c, 80c. and 87 c. Full line of Mohairs at 25c. Splen did values and pretty shades. 2W Men's Night Shirts. Three E rices i One lot 75c, one $1.00, and the est $1.25. Embroidered all round collar and down front and around pocket and cuffs. White embroidered and colored embroidered. Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, China Mattings and house Linens are all special features at Selgle's. Every quick-witted buyer knows this already. East window full of Dressg e today. T. L. 8EIOLE 4 CO. SHAKERS ELIXIR tf MALT -IN BULK KING'S Royal Germatcur, for lwth "Wholesale and Retail trad- BUR WELL & DUNN, WHOLESALE STORE, 3 and 6 West Trade street. RETAIL STORE, Opposite Central Hotel. WATCHES, CLOCKS . , AND JEWELRY. Selling Out, AT AND BELOW-COST. As 1 wish t c,rtW inT lU8,nw ,u the next two or three months I offer GREAT BARGAINS. KVERYTIIINO OOEH AT J. T. BUTLEKS CALL ON US X)R ANYTHING YOU NEED IN THE LINE OF Boots! Shoes PUR STOCK IS , LOCAL BIPPLES. Judge Fred Phillips is at the Bu ford Hotel today. Mrs. A. M. Hill and children, left this afternoon for Greenville, 8. C. Father Boyle, the ex-priest, has gone to his home in Pennsylvania. There was very little of the April fool foolishness in Charlotte today. Mr. and Mrs. a E. Howard and Miss Howard, qf Boston, are at the Buford. Miss Bleecker Springs and Miss Annie Tate left today to visit friends in Lancaster, 8. C. Mrs. J. W. Miller will give a 6 o'clock tea next Thursday, compli mentary to Mrs. Robt M. Miller, Jr. Rev. John E. McManaway will be ordained to the ministry, at the Tryon street Baptist church tonight Dr. Joseph Davidson has bought the Lutheran parsonage property on North Tryon street He paid $6,000 for it An important meeting of the Nortli State Club will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. It will be the quarterly meeting. No telegraphic markets were re ceived from Chicago today, on ac count of the cloning of the Board of Trade for an election. Capt T. S. Clarksou.ihe popular C. C. 4 A. conductor, will attend the convention of the O. R. C, which meets at Rhochester, N, Y., on May 13th. Mrs. V. J. Montgomery, of Con cord, arrived at the Central today, to visit her daughter, Mr. Dr. E C. Register, who has been quite ill for some days past Mr. Sinclair Black welder hH9 ac cepted a position in thp shop of the Western North Carolina Railroad, at Salisbury. He is an expert ma chinist and commands a good salary. They do say tiiat Lewis Morrison makes so terrible a devil that some of the old-fashioned preachers advise their hearers to go and see him, and get a fore knowledge of what Is In store for the unregenerate. Th k N kws has received a copy of the Philadelphia Press, aud recog nises a two column article on the "linemen and the wires," from the pen of Mr. W. E. Christian, formerly of the Charlotte Democrat . We are glad to know that Mr. , MR. DAVIS DELIGHTED. How an Advertisement in "The flews" BTonght Surprising BesultsHe was Afraid it Wouldn't Work, but it As tonished Him The Results of a "Test Advertisement" in One 8ingle Paper. Mr. W. J. Davis, of the Racket Store, was all smiles yesterday. He had arranged for a big sale of Bat teens, but had been so busy Saturday that he neglected to get the adver tisement in any paper but The News. He was afraid that would not do, but yesterday he couldn't say enough for The News. "I never had anything like it," he said to a News reporter. "My ad vertisement went in The News in this shape: 'On Monday wo shall offer our entire line of 8 1-3 cent Bat teens at 5 cents per yard. It is an unequalled offering, and cannot last long. About 12,000 yards in the en tire line."' "Well, sir," continued Mr. Davis, "I was astonished. That advertise ment did not appear in any paper except The News, yet up to 12 o'clock Monday I had sold 6,000 yards of that satteen, and my store was crowded with people still buy ing. "You can put Thk News down as a success as an advertising medium, and tell the business men that I say so. I never saw anything like it That test advertisement Saturday satisfied me. "You may be sure that the next special sale I arrange for will be laid before the readers of Thk News again." This unsolicited testimony of Mr. Davis is a pointer for advertisers. It sustains the claim we have always made, that The News is the best and! cheapest daily advertising medium in Charlotte. A Great Spectacular Show, The performance of "Faust" at the Charlotte opera house on Thursday night will be the last and the great est operatic event of the season. Those of our people who want to see a magnificent and highly thrilling spectacular show, should not miss it. Few opportunities of this kind are ever presented to them. One scene is described by the North American as follows: "The masterpiece of sen Ic CHARLOTTE'S 00TT0U. A Big Shortage Reported to Date, Com pared with the Short Receipts of Last Year A Lot of Cotton Yet Unsold. Yesterday not a single bale of cot ton was sold in Charlotte. Today only three bales were brought in by wagon. This Is about the winding up of the cotton season, and a News reporter applied to weigher Withers for some figures that would show how the receipts this year compared with the receipts of last year. It did not take Mr. Withers five min utes to give the desired information. Turning to his books, he found that the receipts from September 1888 to April l, 1889, were 21,188 bales. The receipts from September, 1880, to April 1890 amount to 17,330, showing a shortage in receipts thi season over last of 3,858 bales. There is no doubt of the fact that a good deal of cotton is yet held back, but not enough to make up, when it is all in, for the deficiency. This year's receipts in Charlotte will fall among the shortest of all yearly re ceipts yet on record. There has been no complaint whatever against the Charlotte market Indeed there have been no erounda for complaint The Alliance buyer has done a big busi ness and has always given as much as the market could justify. The same is to be said of all the"bther buyers. Day after day, Charlotte's buyers paid even with New York quotations. The cotton crop was short, that's all there is about it Church Services in Concord. Last Sundav the conjrreiration of the First Presbyterian church of Concord assembled with feelings of unusual interest and solemnity. It was communion Sunday and, since the last occasion of the kind, forty eight names had been added to the roll of membership. Thirty-one of these were children of the covenant, fruit of the late meeting conducted by Mr. Fife, It was an affecting sieht to see these vouusr people, at C - ar - - the invitation of jthe pastor, stand around the pulpit, publicly profess their faith and be received into the communion of the church. The sing ing was led by a full choir and a touch of beauty was given to the solemn aud interesting occasion by the presence of lovely flowers. The household meeting in the af ternoon was a Bible reading for the effect is the summit of the Brocken, Christian U where the demons hold revel on Wal- ... ... . . , I .1.11.1 A. 1.1..U ..11 1.1 doing well in his new position. ; purgls night, r.iecmc spams ami , cuuuren iu uic um tlash-nre, wan t ne imps ami gnmins rrmi urouin wsmiuems. vu m and a terrifying rain of fire, heighten fants were baptised at this meeting, the weird ness of a really magnificent A most appropriate close of the day's scene of the Brocken. Mr. Lew is exercises was an evening service of Morrison's impersonation of Mephis- song and praise, to Is strong, and he Mrtrays the! After a short talk by Rev. Mr. fiendish joy, malignity and despair1 Payne on the duty of singing praises, of the demon with spirit and power, old tunes and hymns were announced Miss Rosabel Morrison's Marguerite and the congregation praised Is a careful and conscientious piece God with heart and voice, the harp of work, nnd Miss Carrv Carter does and the organ. The singing was ren- a pretty bit of comedy as Martha." W. KAUFMAI1 CO SPRING CLOTHING. A week has Jmade a (rreat difference in the looks of our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT, HOY'S AND We mhrht sav that our Sm-inor Stock 1 now complete. Every table and counter is filled with lust the prettiest little Suit you ever saw. We are proud of our buying this season. Nobbier, Handsomer Garments Can't be Fount Anywhere. There is Style and Tone in every garment we show, fv -m ftatterns that we snow are exclusive. We intend to do just wnat v, o k, . n our advertisement last week sellthis season at lower prices. ' We start in with - , . Suits at One Dollar, WE SHOW A LINE OF BAILOR BLOUSE SUITS, BLUE AND GRAY FLANNELS at $1.25, $1.80, $2.00 and I2J50. WE SHOW A LINE OF SUITS ALL WOOL, AT $8.00. They are in plain colors, Plaids, Checks and Stripes. We know that you can't find their match in any house in the city for less than $4.00 or $4.50. Besides we have an elegant assortment of finer grade Suits. ' We can give rou the best as well as toe cheapest Particular attention is called, to our ine of Children's Kilt and Jersey .; Suits, v 5 LATEST NOVELTIES! LOVELY PATTERNS! $20 UP. AT PRICES FROM We carry the most complete line of - . j . MEN'S FINE CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. J, V . Anything yon look for in the way of CLOTHING yon can find in our house. Come and see what we have in general and get our prices. We have clever salesmen and we promise that they'll treat you right, Whether you buy or not ;; W. KAUFMAN & CO, LEADING CLOTHIERS, GENT'S FURNISHERS AND HATTERS CHARLOTTE, N. C. - , Easter Goods. We have a nice present for Come to us for your every one that buys from us. A colored woman named Delia French, was arraigned before the mayor this morning on charge of stealing clothes from another colored woman named Julia Ferrebee, She waa sent to jail iu default of bond for her appearance for trial before Judge Meares. Lewis Morrison Introduces a novel idea In his spectacular produc tion of "Faust" During the garden scene, Mr. Morrison, as Mephisto- nhcles. makes flowers bloom where i Headstones for the H. 0. Soldiers. all was barren ground. With a wave of the hand he causes the flowers to open, disclosing miniature varie gated iueandescent electric light. It is a most novel as well a beautiful effect Thk Nkws has called attention to the appeal of the ladies of Freder ickshurir for headstones to mark the craves of the North Carolina soldiers A Big Deal in Burned Ootton, dered doubly delightful by an ac count from the'pastor of the writers of these old hymns and of the cir cumstances under which they were composed. The New Stamps. The new pontage stamps were put on sale at the Charlotte postofllce this morning by postmaster Brady. Alderman Buchanan was the first one to buy them, and Mrs. H. C. White was the second. The new- buried there. It today received the following liberal proposition from I. W. Durham Co., of Charlotte, That j l firm writes: "We have read the ap peals in your paper for headstones for the graves of the North Carolina soldiers burled at Fredericksburg. Va. It is a shame that this ha been neglected so long. We will give 10 headstones and furnish as many ost" A 11 iL U ..1.1 .AM I ami are aooui ine coior oi me oiu red clay hearths." Fresli DCS Sbfisk rale, AND DURABLE. -, Good anil prices will pleas you. A full lino of Trunks, Valisea and Club Bag. - ' , r2T"0rdera by mall will receive prompt attention. ' X E'Eankin & Bro, JW, Trad Street . Police Business in Maroh. During the month of March, ac cording to the tport of chief of police Griffith, there were 61 arrest in Charlotte, principally for fight, drunkenness, and theft. The line Imposed Dy me mayor zootea ; up $301, and there waent any circus in town during that month, either. . Our city appears to be growing in wickedness. In March, 1888, the mayor's court fine were 111.60; In March, 1K80, .$11025, and 1 In March, lax), $301.80. The Associate Befonped Church. - Architect Leary is engaged In drawing plans for the Associate Re formed church building to be erected on the lot now occupied by the Bam Jones tabernacle.' The building will cost $5,000. It will have two front entrances and a tower on the cbrner of Third and Tryon streets. Thk New reporter got aglauce at the sketch of the architect today, and if the plans are carried out it will be oue of the handsomest diuretics in the country. The main building m ill be 60x80 feet, Hpacc will be left on the lot lot the eretstlou of a parson . For the best Norfolk Oyster go to Death of a Child of Mr. and airs. s. 8. Pegram. Tl.AlnUnl child of Mr. and Mrs. S. a Pegram, formerly of this city, but who have been living In ChatUuoo- go,Tenn-, foreome years pas uieu there yesterday, a teiegram ed thi morulng, says that me ooay of the child will arrive here on the 5:40 train from Atlanta this evening, and will be escorted from the depot to Klmwood cemetery for interment Hi. Xr.win Besigns. , Mr. Will It Erwin, who ha lor a longtime aetedas dTuty cierKoi theSiuerlor court, touay lenueruu his resignation of that office to clerk Morrow. It la rumored, but we do not know how true it is, that Mr. Erwtn will probably be a candidate r th nierk'a office. Mr. L. Frank ohorne succeeds Mr. Erwlnaadep-4 uty clerk. The report of Sergeant Hronson, of the signal station In this city, show that during the month of Msirch, the hottest day was on the Sisth, whpn Urn mercliry rcgiftered TO degree The coldest day waa the hit h, when droDPd. io 1 de crees. The mean temperature of the mouth was 45 degrees. lha rainfall waa 8.08 ipche. There is more burned cotton in Charlotte today than was ever known here before. It was not burned here but is a lot that came out of a cotton I mill fire In Georgia. It was bought at auction by Messrs. Sanders aud Gates against bidders from Balti more, Philadelphia, and other big nlwce. There are tS0 bales In the lot, and the railroad is now deliver inc It here. It will be picked over in the three large floors of Mr. Hauders' building and baled in three grades The picking of this immense lot of cotton will give employment w a I;.--- ;.!.. '.r of hands. The big " s'ory vans zoom cannot begin to a tQd Willie of it win oe st .; ' - ) i l town ana urawn on as needed. Eil-j?" f r April. Pi'tif. J. 0. linker, the weather pro- piiet,aii4hl Udde of weather for ApkllW Thk Nhwa as follows: 1, little ralu ; 2, rain and cool ; 3-4, fair aad frost; &-, uearly fair and mild; T, cloudy and wind; 8, partly cloudy and mild ;10, nearly rair anaooia lud : II. cloudy and miia ; 12, fair and mild IS, rain and cold ; 14, fair and mild 15, warm ; 1, nearly fair and cold wind ; 17-18, fair, frost; 10, nearly fair and cool ; 20, fair ana cold ; 21, nearly fair and mild ; 22-24, cloudy and warm 25, uearly fair and warmeej 20-27, fair and warm; 28, local rains, thunder and wind; 20, partly, cloudy aud warm ; 80, local ulna ' M . '.i". : TRUNKS KM VALISES. We invite you to call and see our large and varied assortment of Trunks and Valises. This is a specialty with us, and we always have in stock, a full and complete line of everything needed. Our extra size Sara toga and Flat Top Full Dress Trunks, are the nicest In the market, and , will be appreciated by every lady. Gents Sole Leather Trunks and the full Leather Covered, are the best made, and are strong enough to travel around the world in safety. Full line of Sample Cases, and a'J kinds of Valises and Club Bags. It will pay you to see us when needing such things. We have Just received a lare lot of fine Lamb's Wool Bound Blip per Holes. These are the finest goods we have ever had. - Price, ail sixes, 25 cents ; by mail 4c. extra. We have received our spring stock of Shoes and Slippers, which comprise the handsomest styles, the best makes and lowest prices we have ever shown. 16 S. Tryon Street QILREATH A CO., (Sue. to Pegram & Co.) Open evenings till 8 :30; Saturday till 11 :00. SHOE MESSIIG. QLYOEROLE Oil-. POLISH Stands on top In merit, wherever Shoe Dressing has to be used, Glycerols being a veritable Oil Polish aud the only one in existence, which answer total rains, X Machinists Wanted. , , .vt want tlv mol. first class machin- ia wnrk. vice work. etc. N nna htit tnni machinist need Ap ply, I will pay the .tMt-orw Apply to, or addreaa, . 8, Johnson. 43 South College street April 1-lw . the purpose of oiling and at the same time dressing leather. luteiy periect in composition, does not rub on or sou tne oresse or skirt and imparts to worn goods a soft, oily lustre which' positively preserves th leather, increases Its durability, leaving a beautiful Jet black lustre. Prlc 25 cents per bottle. Money refunded to any customer, trying thi Polio and finding it unsatisfactory. :; Bixloy's Ttoyol iFblistx; Warranted to restore the color and gloss to all black' leather goods. Prlc 10 cents per bottle, put up in nice single cartons. This is a very popul.ir Polish. and certainly there is noue better for the money. ' It lslarirelv ol ; all over the United States. - J v - , Jaoquot's Freiaoti Blaolilnc. 5c. AND 10c. PER BOX. Full line of Rho ltrushes. Roval Dauber and Pollshera.1 W shall i. some elegant Hhoes to show you before Easter. Be sure and see them." ovua your couureu iu iuu k u aiKx vaiu. .. r 19 East Trade Street GRAY & BAENHAEDT, ; Successor to (I ray A C WANAMAKER, In the Philadelphia Time of 31st ultimore, ayt "Merry music If you want Dress Stuff or Bob Patterns; not merry for the somebody who pays the piper. Never mJnd, your concern top wltb, th dollar's worth for fifty or eeventyttv ctu. The clink of colu that may be saved sound from almost wry MuntHf hi th l)ruui wm1 olfnto. ; T.llrk thU Wl inch all Wool Stripe ariOn never sold under m-,. , "4Q Inch French Serges 60c never sold under d-'c." ' 1 " "' 'v J i' 1 v .You neprf not send pf,fox goods." Why should yqu, whu yi.u i i me at the same prices. There are equally as good burtrthi m tu I other department of my tore. Wanamaker i a nio.h l fjut1, invariably copy hi prices, but never hi adrertlsemeutx H. Baruch. EE

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