rm EE CHARL 0TTE NEWS: VOLUME III. CHARLOTTE, ST. C, THUltSD AY EVENING, APItIL 10, 1890. NUMBER 117. 'V. V- Challies. Today w,e offer l. pieces of Challie that are well wortli ltte. for 12aC. Of course they are cotton, but you'd never suspect it unless you could tell it by f;he touch. You wouldn't think it from the texture of the fabric and the coloring and printing are as pretty as the very finest French. These are all choice styles, and you'd best come before they .they are pick ed over. There may be enough of them to last this week but we could not promise you that. You know how quickly those sort of things go at Seigle's, so y,.u best buy at once and'run no risk. We have a very choice lino of all wool Challies which we are running ut 2oc. The richest picking is now among the Ginghams and Satines. Always a crowd arountl them, and no wonder, when they contain so much beauty and so small a price. The India Pongee is a sure seller, and we feel well repaid for Introdu cing it in this city. Do you And them elsewhere? Look all over the city and you'll come here to get tin-in. Think of our price on them, too. Only 2i")C, ami they ought to bring ;i gn at deal more. Special drive in those I2'2c. ('bullies, so take the hint. T. L Reigle & Co. ccd links. Our Sola Water Fountain IS OPEN FOR T1IK SEASON. Soda Water, Milk Shakes. Lemon antl, Limeade, Malto, (finger Ale and M literal Waters. Cigars! We si 11 the best line of Domestic and Imported Cigars in Charlotte. No. 511, Santa Clara, Samara, and Marie Antoinette. BURWELL & DUNN, WHOLESALE STORK. 8 and West Trade street RETAIL STORE. Opposite Central Hotel. WATCHES, LOCAL BIPPLES. Mr. White, representative of the New York World in the "write up" yesterday. Only ten bale9 of cotton were brought to the city by wagon today. There was no change in the market, the ruling price being 11 cents. A very pleasant reception was given to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mc Laughlin at the residence of Mr. Joseph McLaughlin last night. The electric light poles about town are being painted a dark olive, with a Mack base. It improves the appearance of the poles greatly. The piano and organ to be used in the Sam Jones meetings will be first-class instruments. They have been loaned for the purpose by Mr. E. M. Andrews. The ApVil term of the Criminal Court for Mecklenburg county will be convened in the court house next Monday. There will be a large docket for Judge Meares. but no cases of i m porta i: ( . Hoys who have tin;e to ramble in the woods can make a little pocket money by collecting hornet nests. They bring from lit to ii" cents each. They are wanted f.ii u-r in the 20th May celehrat ion. The registration hooks for the lond election are now open at the designated places in the city, and from the lively manner in which the citizen are registering it is evident that considerable interest will be j manifested in the election. Tiik Nkws has never found it necessary to continually refer to the excellence of this or that column, for it is our plan to let each column speak for itself. A it seems to be in order, however, to brag on State news colttni lis. we might incidentally mention that Tin: Nkws uually has somet lung i ii that line worth reading. Accident Rt the Gyuasiuui. Iticlianl i ra;. . the young son of Mr. Win. II. (ii.iy. was painfully in jured at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, yesterday afternoon. Ily a fall, his collar bone was broken. The injury is not serious, but will keep him in Iwd for a few davs. CLOCK 8 AND- J EWELRY. Selling Oiat AT AM) HELD As I wish t close my business in the next two or three mouths 1 offer GREAT BARGAINS. EVERYTHING GOES AT ,1. T. MITLERS. CALL ON US FOK ANYTHING YOU NERD IN THE LINE OF Boots '?oes It STOCK IS Fresh Desirable Stylish The Sam Jones Choir. Practice by the Sam Jones choir will ! held toniglii and tomorrow night, at the Trvou Street Methodist church. Tin- importance of attend ing is manifest by the fact that mem Imts who fail toatiend' the practice meeting will not he admitted to the stage in the tahernacle. The ttrst prat life a- behl in the First Pres h terian church la-t night, ami was well at tended. Frof. Milhnan, of Raleigh. Prof. ;. M i i 1 1 1 : i ii. t ! i established the lialeigh --I ollege, turned ; out to he a tine -' .,h ,i. lie adver-' tisetl in Till-: N i- s and got two j Charlotte pupil-. They were to learn telegraphy ami bookkeeping. Mill-, man sold nut, and now the father of one of the ('hailotte I'oysbas re ceived an e pi I ua tot V let tel . about the boy not ha ing b arneil a line of bookkeeping, all on account of Mill mau's rascality, ami wanting tosub stitute some other study. Millman's name i-on I'm N I w s' ledger still, and it isn't iiiark.-il paitl. Wedoget hit sometimes, hut lii'Ver twice by t he sa me l licisoi s. The Boiiug Show Last Night. Layton A Brady's boxing match came oiT last night at the opera bouse. The audience gahered at H o'clock, ami at !t.4o the curtain went up. At K the show was over. The Wait for the.curtain to rise was a tedious one, ami the audience grew restless. Lamlccker's lamentious over the prospective loss of the half dollar he had invested were audible over the house. Later on betook a more seiimi- vjew of the situation ami a heaid to moan that he had lost the pioiit- on a narreioi nour sitting there wailing for the show to commence. Col. Win. Johnston llnalh came to the relief of the au dience by rising and making a speech, taking as his text: "Why this delay"" The Colonel' remarks were good natured, but to the point, as tliev alwnv- are. His speech had PINE L000M0TIVES. One of a Lot of Ten Just Bought by the Richmond & Danville for Passen ger Service, Comes into Town The Largest and Swiftest Engines in the South. TJie Richmond A Danville Rail road Company some time ago gave the Rogers Locomotive Works an order for ten new engines specially designed for passenger service. The first of the ten was brought into the city yesterday by engineer Tunstall, pulling a freight train, as all new engines are tlrst "broke in" on freights, so as to get their bear ings in shape for swift passenger traffic. It was the most enormous thing iu the way of an engine ever seen in Charlotte. This new engine is num bered 808. She stand high and is a thing of beauty. She has three driv ing wheels on each'side, ten wheels altogether. The boiler sets so high that a man can walk under it with out stooping. All the ten eugines will be exactly alike. They each weigh KM.OOO pounds, and each one cost fid.!). Tiny are provided with every modern improvement and are the finest engines ever seen in the South. They are built for both speed and power, and can pull a train of ten cars at M miles an hour. Some idea of their size may be obtained when it is stated that they art' even larger than the big consolidated 12 wheeled en gines now in the freight service of the Kichmoml tV lanvi!lc. Lngineer Tunstall said that No. sos worked beautifully and did not show any in clination to "lie down," as engineers say when they -peak of an engine balking. Winn these new engines are put in the pas-eiiger service.there will be sw ift transit between Wash ington, Charlotte and Atlanta. That's Charlotte. The Wilmington Star, commenting on the proposition to issue IT.'t.OOO iu Itontls for improving the streets of Charlotte says : "In progre.-si veness ami vim, con-idering size and popu lation. Charlotte will compare favor- ably with any city that we know of.' North or South, and she is indebted for the position she now holds among Southern cities to the energy and push tif her people. Thus it is that encouraging the building of rail roads has made her a railroad centre, w ith all the advantages that this im plies. The item of IT.i.000 will be a very small one in return for good streets, ami it will be money well Invested. The Death of Young Cowles- It now seem- to he pletty well set tled that the death of cadet David i V. Cowles, was due tti suicide, and j not to accident, ami this only lends j additional sadness to the case. The i young man was subject to -pells of. melancholia. The body of young ( ow h s. u inter escort of a corps tif ; cadets front Oxford, was conveyed to , Wilkesboro yesterday. At (ireens ; boro it w as placed on board the same i train w hich brought Col. W. 11.11. j Cowles, tile father, from Washing ton. It is a sad case, truly, ami the. sympathies of the w hole people of ; i the Mate are extended Col. Cow les. ' Married To-Day. j Mr. John llixhy, son of ( apt. John Itixby. chief of the city tire depart- ! nient. was married today to Miss I Florence Jamison. The ceremony! was periormeii at tne resilience oi Mr. Robert Jamison, by U"v. C. 1'. Todd, of the Associate Hcformcd church. The groom has been a resi- i dent of Asheville for sometime pa-t, and will take hishiide to hi-home in that place. The good wihesof their Charlotte friends will accom pany them. AM) IHTRAllLK Goods and prices will please you. A full lino of Trunks, Valises aud ClubJlags. jpOrders by mail will rc?l"c prompt attention. A. E. Rankin & Bro., 8 W. Trade Street up on k yes- eon-wiml w est of Yesterday's Storm. A right lively storm eaim the city at half nasi lour o'cle terday afternoon. There w a- a siderable rainfall ami a high prevailed. The clouds to th the city were black ami angry look ing, and farmers who came in from that direction today report heavy winds and light rains. There was a considerable fall of hall in some por tions of the county, but no damage of any kind has been reported. The Meeting of the Two Dioceses at Tarboro. The meeting of the Convention at Tarboro next month will beef spe cial iuterest to Episcopalians throughout the State. It whs one hundred years ago the 5th of next June that their first meeting after the Revolution was held at Tarboro. Several meetings were held at the same place from 1790 to 1794, and an organization was effected, and the Itev. Charles Pettigrew was chosen to he Kishop. From various causes he was never consecrated, and the organization effected fell through. The Diocese of North Carolina was not organized until 1817, but there is much interest attaching to the at tempt made to this end in 1790, and the two Dioceses, viz., the Diocese of East Carolina and of North Caro lina, included within the limits of this State, have joined in appointing a meeting at Tarboro next month, at . which papers will be read and ad dresses made relating to the history of the Episcopal Church in North Carolina both before aud since the Revolution. We give below the programme of services, addresses, etc., prepared by the committee aud furnished us by their secretary. Reinga matter of gnat interest -to many persons throughout the State it is hoped that the State press will give such pub licity to these appointments as their space may permit. Such of the pa pers as are not delivered at the meet ing are intended to be published af terwards. I'KIHIKAMMK. Friday, May huh. h p. in. Evening Prayer. 1. Opening Address Rishop Lyman. 1L Address of Welcome from the Parish Judge Philips. :t. The Church iu Relation to the Anglo-Saxon Race Hon. A. M. Wail dell. 4. The Church: Its Catholic Char acter Rev. Dr. Hughes. Saturday, May 17th. !.30 a. in. Morning Prayer. 1. The Church in the Province of North Carolina Rev. Jos. Hlount Cheshire, Jr. Colonial Churchmen of North Carolina Hoik. Kemp P. Rattle, LL.D. H. Colonial Parishes and Schools Rev. Robert R. Drane. 4. Religious Antecedents of the Settlers of North Carolina Hon. Win. L. Saunders. i.'M) p. m. Evening Prayer I. The Conventions of 17VHMM and the Rishop elect Rev. Win. S. Petti grew. Decay and Revival: lsoo-1830 Rev. Dr. Huske. H. Missionary and Educational Enterprises Rev. Dr. Ruxton. 4. The Character of the Ecclesias tical Legislation in the Proviuce of North Carolina and its F.ITect upon our Subsequent History and Legis lation Hon. John S. Henderson. Sunday after Asceusion Day, May 8th. 11 a. in. Morning Prayer and the Holy Communion. Sermon-Address : The First Three Rishops of North Carolina: Ravens croft, Ives, Atkinson Kishop Wat son. 4 p. m. Evening Prayer. 1. The Present Condition of the Church in North Carolina Rev. Dr, Marshall. The W ork of the Church in Sis terhoods, Hospitals, Asylums, etc. Rev. '1 . M. N. Ceorge. Volunteer Addresses and Dis- j nis-ion. j p. in. Special Closing Service. i. Tiie Church in the I nited Mates Rev. N. Harding. i lie Duty of the Church with Refeit me to I'nity Among Chris tians P. i . F.J. Murdoch. :i Volii'iteer Addresses and Dis- CU-sjo'l. Mr. Fife at Laurinburg. Evangelist Fife's meetings at a good elTcct. lor directly the lights j Laurinburg were probably the most wer turned on .nil and the curtain ; successful he has yet conducted in went up. Then LaytoNi ami Drady, j this State. It was old Laurinburg each with about six ounces of cloth- j w hen he got there, but It was new lug on, met nml passed at each other. I Laurinburg w hen he left. The col There were tii rounds and , the , l,e9tlouttrtnr!vtl meetings show was over so pdckjjMihl the (amounted to $327, and t'HUwJpt audicnee dldn say nmi n win r .ni.lti v i ( x ...-trio tutu limb ho xiliLr .... i l. .... v . fl,,; - r. can beatt can be neon imy M;ty dav)if the year. i kuetf1 whether tolovYVpresenttnl to lh evangelist, leax jrf&l V fcjw!. A 'of l balance to meet current ex- Tho New Episcopal Ohurch. Mr. J. II. There, one of the finest stone masons in this section, has been appointed foreman tif the stone and brick work of the new Episcopal church iu Charlotte. Work is to commence ou May 1st The plau adopted is such that while the work is progressing, services will continue to be held in the old church. The plan Is to begin building the new church at the rear of the present building. The walls of tlmt portion of the new church will Le built up to the rear of the old church and roofed In. The end will then be planked yb, giving the oougregatlou ativotu w 1CU a seating oaUMi V ( itU to that of the old church. The old SPRING IS WITH. US. -:o:- Accept the fact that Spring is here, The season for fixing up is with us.."1; Everybody who wears clothes is flgnrin? on the cost of a new outfit. There ' isn't a man or child in any civilized community who does not feel an es uecial nride in donning a new and stvlishlv made suit in eurlv Snrlnir. To estimate the cost of stylish clothes does not imply that you must invest ' LOTS OF CASH In order to obtain satisfactory results. We believe in consistency of prices and of values. A man who invests his dollars in Clothing has a right to expect and demand a just equivalent. We notice a peculiar practice In dulged by soine Clothing concerns, viz.: the practice of continually an nouncing they are honest The reputation of business concerns, like that of individuals, is always Judged by their methods. Our aim is to meet every demand for RELIABLE :: CLOTHING And therefore our stock comprises only the best aud most warrantable weaves. The little fellow iu kilts, the schoolboy, the youth, the young man, business man and the old gentleman, can all make prompt and - APPROPRIATE SELECTION FROM THE UNFAILING RESOURCES OF Hiir Perec t Stock of (lolllilE The man of "Toll" and the man of "Tone" meet on a par,at the old reliaj hie house of W. KAUFMAN A CO. and select their apparel according to their taste and means. W. KAUFMAN & CO., LEADING CLOTHIERS, GENTS FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Elegant Pateut Leather Shoes for Patent Leather Tip Shoes for (tents, new and fashionable styles. Misses and Children. Great Sale on Patent Leather Shoes are quite the these Shoes, because they are the thing this season. best. Prices low and quality good. U1LKKATH A CO. GILKEATH A CO. Gents tiue made Shoes a specialty. New stock Trunks and Valises, Largest stock, lowest prices, best (Tub Rags ami Sample Cases. It goods and nicest stvles. will pay you to see usou these goods. (ill ,R E AT H & CO. (ii LRE ATH & CO. Fine Feuch Kid Button Roots for Elegant Bound Lambs' Wool Slip Ladies, best makes, handsomest I per Soles, the finest in the market. stvles and best fitting. GILREATH A CO. WE HAVE 11 sizes. Price ) cents pair; by mail le. extra. GILREATH A CO. GOT THEM. WE PROMISED YOU THAT WE WOULD HAVE SOME HAND SOME SHOES TO SHOW YOU BEFORE EASTER. We Have Got Them. And are now prepared to make good our promise. For the last week we have been receiving and opening up SHOES till we scarcely have room in our large store room to place the goods. A grander outlay of FINE SHOES were never shown in this market. Quite a number of voting men have already bought and pronounce our stock of French Calf Skin Shoes and Cordivans and Patent Leather In Congress and Rals to be the finest they have ever seeu. We have got the ladies talking all over this town, aud it is not an un usual thing to hear them complimenting how beautifully Thomas Bolton' Shoes fit, and the comfort and ease they get in wearing these celebrated. Shoes. Weare making a specialty in (II I LDREN'S SHOES this season, and it will pay all iu need of little Shoes to see our stoek. Boudoir Slippers! r Every young lady should have a pair of these Slippers. They are the prettiest "things you ever saw. Price only $1.25. We have them In all sizes in red, blue and black. They have taken the country by storm, and in Washington Citv alone there has been thirty thousand pairs of them sold this season. (W stock Is complete In every department, aud we will make it to the interest of all in need of Shoes of any kind to see our stock lefore buving. OT' Mail orders solicited. 151 East Trade Street GRAY & BARNHARDT, Successors to Gray A Co. B. NICHOLS. LADES' CABIN ETS IN ANTIQUE OAK. Mv line of Cabinets is now larger than at any time before, and when a per son wants to buy an article of this kind, they wan- the neatest stock to , select from, and I have it. . One ladies' Antique Oak cabinet with drop leaf, cloth eoverd, and one ( of the best and handsomest cabinets l have ever handled at the price, 113, OueCabltfet, Antique Oak, half drop leaf plush cov.tr, with Fiench bevel ' mirror, and a beauty at $21.00. ' .feN-, ' Oue combination cabinet, one side for hooks, adjustable she) ves,8 draw , . rfs aud desk with large, round. bevel mirror. Handi omelyvoarved, at 100. ' Vi a should see this. . ., i . ,. ,.,,,, MrriiftUw yid, PvIJ4A)V&. Now Is the tfni io rtnovoe and eWart p up for tlie hoi weather, and you wHl, iuo doubt, wn.it a matttVus." I uave up X. v i' .Hit Sells tile best f m 10 cent If s iu Charlotte. ' V. ... V : tiiiilfliiiir will than hn torn nwuv Mini ' theio of mv own niAkn. At iirleet lou't r thikii pun lw hoii(h a',dHWhvrfl.iI the -front part of the new cliurch ! can sell you a jcood straw and oottou top niattress at fiA it Khuck and Wit . cotton at laOO. THESE GOODS AUK MADE AT HOME, .nl 'H the rery V . - hunt material. I en Hell vnil a ahnrt huir timttiStLu nt trt-ft) utiteh id anhl . For the task Norfolk Oysters go to i everywhere at 110.00. Think of ft pound feather pillow for 1.0u with very Arudt's. ...