, " ! i " A! ' r ' ' t v i The Charlotte Newi BYKBV APTEENOON KXORPT UKDAY, WIDE H, HAEKIS, R-oprietor StBSCBi"piiTs: One Year, $4; Six Months, $2; Three Months, $1; Per Week 10 cents. Paper delivered in the oitv by carriers free of charge. Advertising rates low and liberal. WKDNKSD AY, APRIL 16, 1890. They tab with ftshlines six miles longin Winnebago Lake, and use 20, OOObooksou every line. If they don't haul up 2,000 fish every time they lift a line they don't think they are hav ing very good luck, And every fish will weigh from twenty to seventy pounds. That's the way they fish for sturgeon out there. One of these .. . it in half u'v across . nan inn win n-vn j -- the lake. It is a rope an inch in di ameter. It is stretched out into the lake by means of boats, large buoys belue attached to it at intervals to keep it on the surface. The 20,000 hooks, baited n Uh pieces of meat or fl-li nil lower ! to the bottom of the lake bv snoods of the proper length v ... . wl r I a r n 1 Ti I I II Wnicn are lasi. m.-u m mr . It takes twenty boats, with two men ,: , . . , 1. lh ia hirr tfahl I IIP. Each boat has 1,000 of the snoods in its charge. These are tied to the main linn 18 inches anart, aud to bait all the hooks once requires not less than 1,000 pounds of bait. It takes the forty men and twenty boats ten hours to set the line for the first time. After that the fishermen are em- .nlnrriln frolncr over the Hue, haul- rJ " - ing in the sturgeon that nave oeen " eaucht on the hooks and rebaitiug where it is necessary. Th Washlngtiott Post siya ; tfiat ahe Is a great favorite In social circles, antt her fame M aldostenttrelyftaken tipby the numerous demands - mode upon it In every direction, The House Committee on Printing has authorised a favorable report on a resolution to print 10,000 copies of a compilation of the inaugural ad dresses of the Presidents of the Uni ted States from George Washington to Benjamin Harrison inclusive for the first century of Presidential In augurations, with authenticated iu- idents connected therewitn, nio- graphlcal sketches of the Presidents from official sources, together with steel plate portraits of the Presi dents and steel plate illustrations of the Capitol and White House; also, on a resolution providing tor tne printing of 10,000 additional copies of the volume known as the "Growth .f Industrial Art," with some additions. The indications are that Mr.Brow - er.of Mount Airy, who now poses in Congress as the Representative of the Fifth District, will have a vsry rough row of stumps to travel to se cure a re-nomination. The Wll- ' mington Star says that he hasn't - panned out with any of the numer ous promises he made in the late canvass, and the way he has divided out the oatronatre of which he has . .. . t - - bad the distribution has riled many of the faithful, especially the colored Contingent which stood by him so unanimously at the last election , They are kicking against the way h has ignored their claims and are now talking seriously of putting up a col ored man to run against him if h should be nominated. There are several Democratic candidates men tioned, any one of whom ought to be ' 'able to shake the very boots off of ! him. -. Senator Ingalls Bays that Harrison will be a candidate for re-nomina tion.. The State Chronicle remarks: The Democrats ask nothing better than that the Republicans should re-nominate the present occupant of . the WThlte House. He has made less impression upon the public and done less to win the people than any man who has been President since his grandfather, who died shortly after his inauguration. The sentiment of the country Is that he is the smallest man who has been elected to Chief Magistracy In the history of the re public In every local election held . In Indiana since Dudley bought the Presidential election the Democrats have made gains. This rebuke at home, as well as in Ohio and Iowa ' looks ominous for the fulfillment of .. Mr. IngalF'B prediction. Petitions and protests in respect of the tariff are beginning to make their appearance in the Senate. Sen- ator Manderson presented protest? from the farmers of Dodge and Pierce counties, Neb., and Carroll county. Iowa, against any material reduction on sugar, and their petition for the encouragement of and promotion of the beet sugar Industry. He also presented a protest from the cigar makers of Plattsinouth, Neb., against the adoption of the tobacco schedule In the House bill. They suggest a I duty of fifty cents a pound on all to , bacco Imported, whether wrappers . or fillers, and $r a thousand on cigars. " They al6o protest against the dis- - play of an import stamp on all ci- - gars made in reign countries and sold in the V- I:ed Ktatee. ' t. Out at Met. uiiB they are taking ,' hold berolsa 'y of the task of clean ing the city. The board of health have "order. I the destruction oi ninety-five ."ookeriea in different parts of the city, and the thorough fumigation of a hundred or so others. ' This, thorough work, with equally -' thorough methods of street and alley cleaning, is expected to make Mem spills Yever-proof this summer. - , ' ' Will the uext Pope be an out-and- out Liberal? That is the conclusion - which we draw from Mr. Htead's In ' terview with Cardinal Baroccblwho st in is an excellent chance for elec ti lajrter Leo thirteenths bejCJar dinattold Mi;8tead that his watch word was lj Vrty M lu Ixndon Liberty a In New -Vork.n r, ' , Ml-isMlIdi .l.IrtHa.daugntor of the late (Jen. Bob , rt E, Lee, is at Worm 1 . F- ond a few weeks in Wash The Senate and House Coinniittees .n the Silver bill have come to an igreement the basis being tlie V n. lom bill, as it comes from the House "ommittee on Coinage. Eleotrlo Bitttrt. This remedy is becoming so w nown ana so popular w c.ial mention. All who have um ectric Bitters sing the sain: sut. praise. A purer medicine d... .t exist and it is guarantee.) i ! ! that is claimed. Electric l.n-i. ill cure aU diseases of thi I- it d Kidneys, will remove piu.! iLs, salt rheum and other anYai. -msed by impure blood. Will Ir i lalaria from the system and prev. well as cure all malarial tevei -r cure of headache, constipatio id indigestion try Electric Bitten Hire satisfaction guaranteed, oney refunded. Price 50c. an 1 00 per bottle at Burwell & Dunn rug store. 5 Eastern Illinois was visited by violent wind storm on Sunday af ter loon, aoconipanied by a tremendous fall of rain and hail stones; great lamage was done to property and growing crops. For the best Norfolk Oysters go to Arndt's. Special Sales. One lot colored all Silk Ribbons (Satin and tiros Grain) at half price, some are plain edge, some are picot edge and some are gros grain edge. Seethe prices: No. 12, 15c; No. 9, I2c., No. 7, 10c. Black Satin and Oros Grain Rib bons at about same prices. This offer of all Silk goods will appear ridiculous to many, for they have sold for about twice the prices quoted. But we are closing out this line and they must go. Small lot embroidered back Kids worth $1.60, for 75c. Small lot em broidered back Kids worth $1.00, at 50 cents. The two above lots contain both black and colored Kids, and are rare bargains. One piece "Point de Gane" Floun cing (white) $8.50, for $1.50 per yard ; aarrow edge to match. fSS One lot Figured China Silk Tidies .vorth $1.25, for 75 cents. Ladles' all Silk Scarfs in blue, pink golden brown and white, worth $5.00. or $3.85. Solid Colored "Peau de Soir" Silks .vorth $1.25, for 97 cents. Figured China Silk worth $1.00, for 3 cents. Few more pieces colored Silk worth 0 to 75c, for 26 cents. L L. Alexander & Co. A Stylish .Suit of Clothes Is to be covetedby;all. I have a splendid stock of Cloths lor Spring and Summer Suitings. Call and Examine Goods andget Prices. JOHN VOGEL, The Tailor. Ordinance OR ELECTION ON ISSUING BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE AND FOR THE GENERAL GOOD OF THE CITY. city t t Yllch election the voters (of said city, shall ' be allowed- to voW upon the cine8Uon,wiieinEine iHru of Aldermen or orimorate authorities pf t.6tyfihali;jJ)a''iiiHM tola sue noiins in tne sum or seventy-Mro thousand aollars mi3flBB) and sell the flcm. the nroeeeds of sale' to the applied to the purposes herein before set rorui, ana mennoneu iu me wui- nauce passed this day. The paid bonds shall be of the de nomination aNone thousand, or rive hundred, or one hundred dollars, in the discretion of tho Board of Alder men, navable to bearer at the expira tion of thirty years, or at such other tfmo or times, not exceeding thirty year8,,as the said board may provide They shall bear llvo (5) per cent in terest, pa3'alle semi-annuaiiy, iu instalments of interest to be repre sented by coupons attached to the bonds, the said coupons to be receiv able in payment of city taxes. The said bonds snail oe signed ny the Mavor and countersigned by the Clerk and Treasurer of the City, aud sealed with. the seal of the corpora tion. The coupons shall be signed lv tho city Clerk and Treasurer, and shall be in the form of orders on the Clerk and Treasurer, for the payment of the interest at the time specined therein on the bond to which they mav be attached.!! The said election will be held at the following places hereinafter named for eaeh ward, and shall be conducted and superintended by four registrars and eight inspectors, one registrar and two Inspectors for each ward of the citv, to be appointed by and the Board of Commissioners 01 the countv of Mecklenburg the ap uointee. in each case, to be resident of the vMird for which he is ap pointed. The. Mayor shall give 30 days no tice of tho said election in some newsnaDer published in the city of Charlotte. N. C. There shall he a new registration of voters for the said registrars at such places in each ward as the Hoard may appoint, where the books of registration shall shall De openea and kept open tor that purpose. The Aiavor. in me nonce 10 oe iuu llshed bv'hini of said election shall designate the time aud places of opening and closing the registration of voters shall he closed, which latter tinio shall not be less than 10 days before the election. The polling places are appointed and fixed as follows: 1st Ward J. Hoessler's Store.Trade street. 2nd Ward Mayor's Court Room. 3rd Ward Tho's.Garabaldi's, oppo site Court I louse. 4th Ward I), (i. Maxwell's Office. The following persons are appoint ed registrars : 1st Ward M. W Rohison. 2nd Ward C. F. Brem. 3rd Ward (i. J. Williams. 4th Ward J). (J. Maxwell. The following persons are ap pointed inspectors. 1st Ward J no. V. Long, M. Don nelly. 2nd Ward E. L. B. Davidson, W. R. Hinton. 3d Ward Thos. Garibaldi, Lewis Perry. 4th Ward J. It. Henderson, W. B. Tavlor. 'fhe Clerk and Treasurer of the city is required to furnish necessary registration books to the registrars, aud all necessary tickets. Those who vote in favor of the proposition submitted to the people shall vote on a ticket "approved," and those who vote against said pro position shall vote on a ticket "not approved." The result of said election shall be liselosed by said rcgistars and in spectors and recorded in the minutes of the Board. 2,000:BUSHELS;'; Choice White'Coro. 2,000 BUSHELS PnmeMixed Com CLEANED. :o: FEED OATS, BRAN, MILL FEED, ' COW FEED, MIMOTHY HAY, MIXED HAY, CLOVERHAY. We have one car load of genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes E. F, YOUNG & CO. Provision and Grain Dealers. Telephone No. 27. Tomato Plants. I HAVE NOW READY to TRANS PLANT EIGHT DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF PLANTS. ;Wheat; Bran is. Advancing;- -BtJT THE PRICE OF- OUR- Our Feed is composed healthful. MEL DEED '.t . .... .... .-n...i'r.. -IS AS LOW AS EVER ' , . of pure, sound grain, and Is guaranteed to be The :-: Earliest Au Ordinance submitting to the voters of ti e City of Charlotte the meation vhether bonds- to the. .imount of 76,000 should be issued for Improving the streets ana lor tin reneral (rood of the city. Whereas tne noaraoi Ajuermen 01 the City of Charlotte, did at its meet ing held on the fourth (4th) day ot ilarch, 1890, pass through -two read ings an ordinance requiring the sub mission to the people of the City of Charlotte of the question whether Hie Board of Aldermen shall be au thorized to issue coupon bonds to the Amount of seventy-live thousand dol lars - (176,000), for the .purpose of widening, paving, macadanifzlug, grading audotherwlse improving .the streeta of the. city, and for the general good of the city. And whereas said ordinance rsed,MtliIra' (3rd) read ing at the . present meeting of the Board. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte, N. C., do resolve and ordain f -'.ta ':-t '', That an election be held in the.City of Charlotte, N, C, onr Monday the ICth day of May, A. D.,lPnf), as provl- p-.-i hy law and the charter of this Notice of Election. I do hereby give notice that, pur suant to the provision of the above ordinance, an election will be held in the citv of Charlotte on Monday, 12th day of May, IbW, to ascertain the will of the' voters of the city noon the oiiestion of issuing the oiids therein provided for. Those lavoiing tho issue of said bonds will it such election vote a ticket 011 which is written or printed the word 'Approved ;" and to those opposed to 1 he issue of the said bonds will vote v ticket on which is written or printed the words, "Not Approved." Uooks for the registration of voters .vill he opened on Wednesday, the tth of April, 1(H), and will be closed n Thursdav, the 1st day of May, Sim, at smiset, at the following , daces, ami hy Ihe registrars named: Ward 1 (ieorge Hall's markef. Ward '1- Itrein fc Co's ofllco. Ward ;- II. C. Irwin's store. Ward 4 1. ii. Maxwell's (JHce. The election will be held at the ollowing polling places und under ..he inspectors named: Inspectors, Ward 1 John P. Long, VC Donnelly. - Inspector's, Ward 2 E. L. B. Dav dson, W. It. Hinton. Inspectors, Ward a Thomas Gari aldi, Lewis Perry. Inspectors, Ward 4 J. H. Hender son, W. li. Ttiy lor. f. b. Mcdowell, Mayor. .plH-HUds. AND MOST PROLIFIC That are grown. Also other Vegeta ble Plants, Effff. PcDbers. Cauliflowers and Cabbage. D. M. Rigler, No 2 S Try on. Arrived. One car lo-.d of tlie celebrated Studel'iiker Fi.rni ai.d Spring Wag ons and Carts. None Letter. Also one car load Carriages, Bug gies and burrovs. Latest, styles and lost make. Viil he sold cheap, quality considered. Fu.ll line of Harness, Lap Robes ind Whips always on hand and at low prices. You are respectfully in vited .to call. A. C. HUTCHISON & CO., Next to Wadswoi tii's Stables, Charlotte N. C. ' -TPor R,ent. iNew two-story houso,elgltrd0ms, ; furnished, on Boutli Trvrtn utrenhl . api 7-tfi- : . m. wauIng. v FOlt RENT. Four, ofilees, two front othd two rear, over i. B. Read'feCo.'a China Storet (2ud Hoof) byy theyear only, and only to good parties. Apply to ap4dlm BAXTER DAVIDSON. BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. I HAVE THE CHEAPEST LOT OF CARRIAGES EVER BROUGHT INTO THE STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. I AM SELLING THEM AT VERY SMALL PROFITS. I HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. I CAN SUIT ANY MAN'S PURSE. FROM THE RICHEST TO THE POOREST. I CAN AND WILL PLEASE YOU. FROM 76 TO 100 NEW STYLES TO SELECT FROM, RANGING IN V PRICE FROM $7.60 TO $86.00. -CALL ' '4 wWTi'uit' rr.'W.4.' 0 E. M. ANDREWS. M. ANDREWS STAR MILXjEp COMPANY. BOCK BEER! BOCK BEER! BOCK BEEE! Rocort Portncr Brewing Company. 1 ., 1856 Established in 1856 Wholesale Dealer and Manufacturers' Agent,In DRY (iOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. All lines complete and ready for the trade. e. mj AimnEwa' THE CENTEAl HOTEL, ECCLES & BRYAN, Proprietors. CHARLOTTE, N. C. One of the most Inviting, su perbly equipped and faultlessly conducted hotels in the South. Located In the centre of the city, convenient to the huslnesa houses, banks, public buildings and churches. The Centrul is one of the largest hotels be tween Baltimore mxl Atlanta, and is elegantly furnished and equipped In all its department. Each room Is connected with the office lv FlPttric Ih turn Bell; Electric Lights Hot hi .'. Cold Baths; halls and rooms carpeted In Brussels and Vel vets; Water on each floor. Tho mostconslderate attention given to all guests and their comfort carefully looked aft-r. The Central is connected by a cov ered bridge with "The Belmont," a new hotel, and the mo! t'lcgautlyfiirnishpd in the State. The Belmont is under the same luauaK'emenl as the Central. idnnr Fo X Spring Watches, Clocks -AND Summer. :o: HATS in all the kit. st styles ami colors, Silk, Cassiinere, Stiff and Straw. Neckwear. For ordinary wear, I show a variety of Silks that covers nil the fashion able colors and patterns und suited to every taste. Evening Scarfs, In white and delicate colored shades, in artistic and pleasing tints and com bination. White Silk Crepes, with beautiful embroiderled figures, granadines, etc. Flannel 4-ln-hands In pretty color effects, with silk mix tures, are desirable for negligee wear with Flannel Shirts. Shirts. Plain Linen, Pique, Fancy Pique, Pleated Bosom, Paris Made Pull Bosom, all styles and qualities. MXT" My line of UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY cannot bo surpassed anywhere. Prices way down. I have several lota of Sprlwg Under wear which I am alraostglvlngaway. Call aud examine my stock and you will buy. ' M. P. Pegram, Jr. AND THE SWINSON HOUSE, 222 N. Tryon Street, . I Opposite Tryon Street M. E. Church, CHARLOTTE, N. C; !. : "Board by the day 75 cents. By ihe week or month on reasiuiabld terms. 4 imch8-8m - MJB8.E. SWINSON. ARO H.ITBOT, 5EnU Trade Street, Room : 4, Seo ond Floor.,,. , J E "W E L R Y A. HALES, Watchmaker aud Jeweler Has a full stock (f Watchep, Clocks and Jewelry, und will sell at very low prices. Call and see his stock before you buy. He Is also a practical workman, and has a fine watch muUer to as slStblra. So you cnu always get your watch nicely repar-" . at snort notice. All work warranted twelve months. DCTNo , Trade Street, next to T. L, Selgle's. CREAMER. I hava recently purchased a!Cream er. By tueana of this the milk aud cream is accurately separated. I am now preparod to furnish PURE CREAM at very low prlcVs. MidX W ATKINS. 1 ii r Wii i -i m-i-ri ti'-iji "i. i. i m .Mil ) i. ...i. ..,n-M lTSt H. HOUSEE, BRICKLAYER i'nd CONTRACTOR . Itefers to Charlotte Oil and Fertill Eer Compahy and others for whom he has done work.,; l'ronipt, reliable aud efficient work guamnted. Address '" at Charlotte. ;y .-. v feblitf t$ r 'JWM.IltOUBEB.T f

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