The Charlotte NewsJ BVBBY AVTERlvOOJf EXCEPT SUNDAY, - WADS H. HARRIS, Ed. nl Proprietor. 8C80BHPTii5S: One War, $4; Six Months, 1 3; Three Months. $1 ; Per Veek 10 cem-. raper uenvereu iu the city by carriers free of charge. 4 Advertising rates low and liberal. THUiiSDA APRIL 17, 185)0. The Republican members of the ' Wars and Means Committee air ; weakening badly on their tariff bill -. They promised faithfully to report it . to the House last Tuesday, but failed to do so. They are alarmed at the numerous complaints of the sugar hien and other disaffected members. "" are disposed to grant them oin . concessions. They do not know , which way to turn, however. The '.y sugar men were out in force Tues day, and were heard by the Re publican members in secret session. As a consequence the air is full of rumors of changes in the sugar schedules. One of these stories b that the Republicans have at last de cided to place sugar on the free list '. and provide a bounty to sustain the Industry In this country. The Wash ington correspondent of the New York Bun says that Major McKinley and his colleagues deny this, but ad mit that a compromise is among the , possibilities. They were in confer i ence until after midnight Tuesday ' night, and were hard at it for manj hours Wednesday. A delegation o1 i the sugar planters of Louisiana have come forward with the propositior. to accept a bounty, as at first pro posed, it is insured for fifteen years There axe two propositions on tht subject One is to keep a diity 01 - one-half of cent per pound ami glv a bounty of 1 1-2 cents per pound "' The other is to take all duty off saga: J.' and give a bounty of two cents pei - pound. Formerly the propositioi : for a bounty did not fix any deflnib time duringwhich the bounty shouli. be paid, and the sugar men feared that the bounty would very soon be taken fronf them. Tuesday th Republicans were again in confer ence at Major McKinley's lodgings-. and the greatest pressure is belnv brought to bear to induce them t . give the sugar men a chance. Then are too uiauy members, however who are contending for free sugai - that the committee find them sel vet , twist the devil and deep sea. Tin '' protest of sixteen Republican mem bers of the House against the larg increase of the duty on carpet wool Is also having some effect on tin committee. The bill was finally re if erred to the House yesterday after noon. Mr. Carlisle submitted tin views of the minority. There are over 200 niert In Chicago worth $1,000,000 or more, the. average possessions of each exceeding f z;O0O,- 000. .Marshall Field and P, D. Ar mour head the'list with a fortune of at least $25,0(0,000 each, and Geo. M. Pullman comes next with $15,000,000. . Iowa Adhere to Prohibition. Drs Moinks. Iowa, April 15. Iu the House this morning the joint resolution pressed by the Senate pro viding for the resubmission of the Prohibition amendment was brought Up, but the rules could not be sus pended, so it was killed so far ns tnis session is concerned, and will not be submitted for two years. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything t- your satisfaction, u;ul you wonder what alls yon. mi should heed the warning, you m e taking the first step into Nervi.m prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters yon will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to it normal, healthy condition. sur prising results follow the use of thi great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite return?, good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kid neys resume healthy action. Tr bottle. Price 50 cents at HurweJU' Dunn's Drug Store. ago that some admirer of Hon. Sam uel J. Handall, wno knew now poor he was, started a subscription to a fund which reached $50,000 to pro vide for his family after his death. This movement was kept a secret from Mr. Randall, who it was known would have refused his consent if he had known it It now appears that this friend was George W. Childs, the benevolent and big-hearted pro prietor of the Philadelphia Ledger. For the best Norfolk Oysters go to Arndt's. Special Sab The state of business in the Houst . ays the "Washington Post, is such that the Ileimhl ien lenders exited to be able to adjourn the present ses sion of Congress before the usual " of Juue they hope to be able to s -' cure the passage of a silver bill, ; tH 1.111 i.i. .,1 ..t '.. election law, and those measurer which the party has been pledged t in its platforms. It is not exneetei -' that much time will be consumed it the Senate over the tariff bill, as tin '...l. 1 1 ..I. .11. .1 BU1IIKITL 1 1 MM IIHH1 I.I, i 1 Wl 1 1 1 IT 1 1 I V fllS. . - p, " 'J cussed overe there. Pension legisla - tion and such private bills as hav 'Vi; l. - i m. .. ween lavorauiy consiuerea in com tnittees will probably occupy the at tentlou of Congress duriug the last 'tkUlflil.f.. A 1 Jl uiit uas. nu van j! ttujouruiueu i ,. Is the end toward which the Repub lican leaders are working, and i I m ) l n j u n i 'izzzr: A stylish bait ol tlotlm of legislation. One lot colored all Bilk Ribbons (Ha tin and Gros (irain) at half price, some are plain edge, some are picot edge and some are gros grain edge. Seethe prices: No. 12, 15c; No, S), 12c., No. 7, 10c. Black Batin and tiros Grain Rib bons at about same prices. '1'his offer of all 8ilk goods will appear ridiculous to many, for they have sold for about twice the prices quoted. But we are closing out this line and they must go. Hmall lot embroidered hack Kids worth $1.60, for 75c. Small lot em broidered back Kids worth $1.00, at 60 cents. The two above lots contain both black and colored Kids, and are rare bargains. One piece "Point de Gaue" Floun cing (white) $3.50, for $1.50 per yard ; narrow edge to match. One lot Figured China Silk Tidies worth $1.25, for 75 cents. Ladies' all Hilk Hearts in blue, pink golden brown and white, worth $5.00 for $3.85. Solid Colored "Peau de Soir" Silkt worth $1.25, for 97 cents. Figured China Silk worth $1.00, ioi 03 cents. Few more pieces colored Silk worth 50 to 75c, for 25 cents. city; it which election the voters of said city, shall bo allowed to vote upon the i"itestioii,whether trie Board of Aldermen or corporate authorities of sold city shall he-permitted tols sue bonds in theum of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) and sell the Ramo, the proceeds of sale to the applied to the purposes herein before set forth, and mentioned in the ordi nance passed this dav. The said bonds sha'll he of the de nomination of one thousand, or five hundred, or onn hundn d dollars, in the discretion f the Hoard of Alder men, pnvnble t- bean rat thoexpira tioii of thirtv v!is, or at such other time or times not .-veoonvr mmy years, the said hoard may provide They shall hear live (5) percent in terest, pnvable semi-annually, the instalments of interest to be repre sented hv coiij s attached to the bonds, the s.-ili! con toil'- to le receiv able in navipctit of eay taxes. 'I h- ., I, i ,:- -h.i. 1 he signed by the Ma . "i ;i!.l countersigned by the Clerk a i ! He: -i.ror of the City, and sealed ' i:o the --a! of file corpora tion. '1 he coupons shall be signed by the city Clerk and Treasurer, and liall he In the form of orders on the Clerk and Treasurer, lor the payment of the interest at the time specified therein on the bond to which they may he attached. 'I "he - lid election will be held nt the following places hereinafter named lor eacli ward, and shall be conducted and superintended by four registrars and eight inspectors, one registrar and two inspectors for each ward of the city, to be appointed by the Board of Aldermen of this city, and the Board of Commissioners of the county of Mecklenburg the ap pointee, in each case, to be resident of the ward for which lie Is ap pointed. The Mayor shall give 80 days no tice of tlie said election in some newspaper published in the city of Charlotte, N. C. Ther" shall be a new registration of voters lor the said registrars at such places in each ward as the Hoard ma.v appoint, where the books ot rej.ii-1 tion shall shall lie opened ami k( ;u u '. for that purpose. rl he Mayor, ui the notice to he pub lished h h i in ol mi id i lection shall designate the time and places of opening and closing the registration of voters shall be closed, which latter time shall not be less than 10 days before the election. The polling places are appointed and fixed as follows: 1st V aid J. Koessler's Ktoro,Trade street, 2nd Ward Mayor's Court Room. ttrd Ward Thos. Garabuldi's, oppo site Court I louse. 4th Ward I). G. Maxwell's Office. The lollowing persons are appoint ed registrars: 1st Ward M. W. Hobison. 2nd Ward ('. F. Hrein. rd Ward . J. Williams. 4th Ward I). G. Maxwell. The following persons are ap pointed inspectors. 1st Ward J no. P. Long, M. bou nd I v. 15. Davidson, W. Garibaldi, Lewis Henderson, W. B. 2nd Ward K. L. lv. 1 1 inton. M Ward Thos. Perrv. Ward J. H. Taylor. 'l'he Clerk and eitv is reUired to registration hook ami all uec Those wl proposition shall ote aim those v position sh aiipi'oved." Treasurer of the furnish necessary to the rcirisirars. ry tickets. oie in favor of the oin 1 1 led to t no people a ticket "approved,1, vote an.unst --aid pro vote on a t lcket "not ;:'2,0Qp, BUSHELS Choice White Corn :o:- 2,000 BUSHELS CLEANED. FEED OATS, BRAN, MILL FEED, COW FEED, MIMOTHYHAY, MIXED HAY, CLOVER HAY. We have one car load of genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes E. P, YOUNG & CO. Provision and Grain Dealers. Telephone No. 27. Tomato Plants I HAVE NOW READY to TRANS PLANT EIGHT DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF PLANTS. The ;-: Earliest --: Best AND MOST PROLIFIC That are grown. Also other Vegeta ble rlants, Eersr, PtDbers, Cauliflowers and Cabbage. D. M. Rigler, No 2H H Tryon. T. L. Alexander & Co. For Sale. Three Glass Cases for sidewalk display. They will be sold ven cheap. Apply to mch29 T. L. HEIGLE A CO. . , .It I disclosed bv ,;, spectors a nd re ol t he h(i;il'l. : i' -an id feL'lsl.-ils 'ul'ded ih the shall b and in i , I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . !- BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CA RHI AGES. I HAVE THE CHEAPEST Notice oi hiriction. i e notice that, ntir- provision of the abov- Early Spring Plants. Toniato; Peppers, Egg Plant, Sweet Potato Slips and other Spring plants cheap. All orders promptlykfilled. Address ppstal to i W. W. PHIFER, Taurora Farm, 712 N. College Street. , jus uuu. vuarieti 1j. jeweit, cnair man of the Indiana Democratic ex ' ccutive committee, has Issued an ad dress to the Democracy of that Stat. ; congratulating them on the gratify lug results of the late township elee tloiis. He thus sums up the results ' :: Out of the 1.012 townshins into whicl ,,. . - r - . the State Is divided the Democrat have carried 608, gaining 118 town ship trustees, and have a majority oi the total vote of over 17,000. The; - have carried of the 02 countie and been successful at Indianopoli Fort Wayne, ' Evansville, Tern' Haute, New Albany, Lafayette am almost every other important elt; and town in the State. Mr. Jewet . on) a win touii .isuue to inorougi " county and precinct organization , and In the name of the executiv. committee he calls for con tin uec , and stronger organization and elfor. , to the end ti. at the November elet tnay be the occasion of even greate triumph. ' '.''iZv't"''.! '. . " '. M mm . 't . itte iouowing f.a tne list oi speak iru whn will itnllvar ailiiriaaana -1. enlogy of the late Samuel 6, ,Cox of , JNew i ork, on . Saturday af , teruoou: - Messrs. Cummiugt, O'Neill: of Pendsvltfa-hrai llolmVc Ranks, Mill. Butterworth, Breckin rl le, of Kentucky; , (irosverner, Ojihwaite, jlland, Buckalew.O'Don nell, McMl Ian, UouuclL MeAdoo. Htoe.of 3? jBourl; Caruth. Covert Wftceler, A'ashingto Chfpnian, Heard, fcClanimy. Yoder. Malsft. i noru. im lor, ai crartliy, and Tur- iifr, oi aw ioik. IS TO BE COVETED.BYALL. I have a splendid stock of Cloths tor Spring and Summer Suitings. Call and Examine Goods and gel Prices. JOHN VOGEL, The Tailor. Ordinance FOR ELECTION ON ISSl'INt ROND8 FOR IM PROVEM EN'J OF THE STREETS OF THE CIT OF CHARLOTTE AND FOR 1 III GENERAL GOOD OF THE CITY An Ordinance submitting to tin voters of the City of Charlotte tin question whether bonds to tin amount of $75,000 should be issued fo; Improving the streets and for tin general good of the city. Whereas the Board of Aldermen oi the City of Charlotte, did at its meet ing held on the fourth (4th) day o1 March, l$fn), pass through two read ings an ordinance requiring the sub mission to the people of the City c Charlotte of the question whethe; the Board of Aldermen shall bte au thorized to issue eounon bonds to tin amount of seventy-nve thousand 361 lars ($76,000), for the purpose-' o widening, paving, macadamising grading and otherwise imnrovlncr tin streets of he city, and for the genera good of tlxe olty.u . Aud .whereas salt. ordinance passed its third (3rd) read mg at the present meetino- of tin Board. The Bocrd of Aldermen of the Cit of Charlotte, N. C, do resolve an!, ordain: That an election be held in the Citv of Charlotte, N. C on Monday, tht 12th dav of Mav. A. D K!iO. ma DVllVt. ' dedbylawand the charter of this I do herehv suant to tlo ordinance, an election will be held in the nty ot Charlotte on Monday, 12th day "ol May, I him, to ascertain the will ol the voters of the cit I upon the iiestion ol issuing tin J bonds therein provided for. Those favoring the issue of said bonds will at such election vote a ticket on which is written or printed tlie word "Approved ;" and to those opposed to the issue of the said bonds will vote a ticket on which is written oi printed the. words, "Not Approved.1, Books for the registration of 'voters will lie opened on Wednesday, the Olh of April, 1890, and will be closed on Thursday, the 1st day of May, 18iK), nt sunset, at the following places, and by tlie registrars named: Ward 1 George Hall's market. Ward 2 B re in & t'o's olllce. Ward 11. C. Irwin's store. Ward 41). (J. Maxwell's olllce. 'J he election will lie held at the following polling places and undei the inspectors i rained : 1 nspoeioi Ward 1 John 1'. Long, M. Iiomiell v. In-1 .'tors. Ward 2 E. L. B. Dav- j dson, . I !. ! m ton. 1 nspecto; s, ai d it Thomas Gari baldi. Lewis Terry. Inspectors. Vard 4 J. 11. Hender son, r5. Taylor. f. b. Mcdowell, Mayor. nplH-;mds. Arrived. One oar load of the celebrated btuuebaker 1-ann and Spring Wag ons and Carts. None better. Also one car oad Carriages, Bug. gies and Surreys. Latest styles and best xnakea. Will be sold" cheap, quality oonsiuerou. . Full' line of Harness. Lan Robes and Whip ahvavs on hand nnd at low prices, i ou are rospectfully In vited to call. A. C. ItCTOIIISON A CO., Next to Wadsworth's Stables, Charlotte, N. C. . ; 'For Reit. .i New' twd-story house,'eight rooms,. linriivt ittuiui.. . ap!7-tfK'. . V. M. WARING I Oil KKNT. Four ofT.cofl, two front and two irtuMwer t- H, Read &. Co.'a China r'tore; f 2nd ttwx) by tha - year only, nod oul v' to (rood paities Apply to ap4dlm , BAXTER DAVJDStfN. LOT OF CABHIAGK8 EV Kit UROI'GHT INTO THE STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. I AM SELLING THEM AT VERY SMALL PROFITS. I HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. I CAN SUIT ANY MAN'S PURSE. FROM THE RICHEST TO THE TOQREST. rCAN AND WILL PLEASE YOU. FROM 75 TO 100 NEW STYLES TO SELECT FROM, RANGING IN PRICE FROM $7.60 TO $35.00. CALL Wheat Bran is Advancing iF.v ,11 OM-1 ' r 1 I ii u,- ( V,' 1 1 tif "I v (vf -IS AS LOW AS EVE Our Feed Is composed of pure, sound healthful. gram, ana. is guaranteed to be STAR MILLS COMPANY, BOCK BEEEi BOCK BEEE! BOCK BEEE! Rocert Porker Brewing Company 1856 Established in 1856 Wholesale Dealer and Manufacturers' Agentjn DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. All lines complete and ready for the trade. THE CENTRAL HOTEL, ECCLES & BRYAN, Proprietors. CHARLOTTE, N. C, 7 .-.-"v" -TA- Located fa... .. W i . '4 i'f . m . one 01 me most lnvttlnc. purbly quipxl and faultlessly conducted hotlH in the South. iu tin- centre of the city, convenient to the business houses, banks, public buildings nnd churches. The Central is one of the largest hotels be tween Baltimore ml Atlanta, and is elecuntly furnished and equipped in all its (Ifpnrtmeiits. l',a-h room is connected with IJeetric l.'eturn 0 j.iirht Hot ard hulls iiini rooms carpeted iu Brussels and Vel vets; Water on each floor. The inosteonsblerate attention irlven to all guests and their onitort caref ;illy looked after. The Central i- connected by a covered bridge with "The Belmont," a new hotel, and the most elegantlyfumished In the Stab. The Belmont is under the same management as the Central. mniij liiiifiFi"?' ftaro )l the ofllce bv -I Bell; Electric w Cold Baths; Fo r Spring Watches, Clocks AND- Summer. AND HATS in all the colors, Silk, Cns-Straw. latent St J.-s iniere, Sn'ir a :id and Neckwear. AND SEE THEM. E. M. ANDREWS. E. M. ANDREWS E. M ANDREWS, For ordinary wear. I -how a vnrietv of Silks that cover-all the fashion able eolorsand jia 1 1 ! i:- and suited to every taste. Evenintr Keiirfs. lit white and delicate colored shades, in artistic and pleasing tints aud coin- Dination. widte Silk Crepes, with beautiful emhroitb ried figures, granadines, etc. Flannel 4-iii-hands in pretty color effects, with silk mix tures, are desirable for uegllgeewear i-iaiinoi onirts. Slnirts. Plllilt T I nun DU...' Yl.... Pleated Bosom, Paria Made PutT Bosom, all styles and qualities. tf-My line of UNDERWEAR ana HOblERY cannot be surpassed any wnere. Prices Wtiy down. J have several lota of Snrlnir Under wear which I am nlmoatirivinirawav. : whii anu examine my stood ana you win uuy. M. P.Pegram, Jr. V THE SWINSON'DODSE 222 N. Tkyon Stheet, Opposite Tryon Street M. E. Church, CHARLOTTE, K. 0, . Board bv tlie dav 15 cents. By the week or month on reasonable terir.s. j :mch3-8m ,Mn& K. HWINSON. S. I. LEAHY, ARCHITECT, radStreet, Room 4, Soo- J E "W E LR Y A. HALES, Watchmaker and Jeweler Has a full stock of Watches, Clocks aud Jewelry, and will sell at very low nrlces. Call and see bis s toe It before you buy. He is also a practical workman, and hat a fine watchmaker to as sist him. So you can always get your watch nicely repar at short notice. All work warranted twelve months. fCTNo Trade Street, next to T. L. Seitri e's. CEEAMEE, ."Oream er. By means of this tlie milk and cream is accurately separated. I am now prepared to furnish PURE CREAM at very low orices.' MoD, watkins. WHS. HOUSES, BRICKLAYER and CONTRACTOR Refers to Charlotte Oil and Fertili zer Compai'7 and others for whom he. has done work. Prom nt. reliable and efficient work fruaranted. Address -at Charlotte: - febl2t(:, WM. II. ITOUSER. , -