Tbo (Motto' 'News. KVKRV AFTERNOON EXCEPT StTfcDAY, WADE H, HARMS, Ed. and Proprietor . fiCBSCBtmioN: On Year, $4; Six Months, $2; Three Months. $1; Per Week 10 ceuts. raner aenverea in the city by carriers free of charge. t Advertising rates low and liberal. FRIDAY, APRIL f8, isna The House passed the uaval ap propriation Mil Just a it w as re ported by the committee. Although . it covered forty-five pages and car . riedover twenty-two millions of dol lars, Mr. Bou telle pilotted it through without losing an item or fretting ' any hostile amendments upon it, n proceeding so unusual as to he worthy of especial note. The esti mates submitted by the Department amounted to $25,599,253, the Boutelb ; bill feeommended $22,151,523. Last year's appropriation M as $21,82,510. Mr. Boutelle's bill provides threr , battle-ships of about 8,500 tons, to . carry four thfrteen-ineh guns and ! heavy secondary battery, with sever, ' teen-inch armor on turrets, redoubt. and hull The Boutellebill provldi s for Strong ships, but they have les-s - coal carrying capacity, which coi - fines them to defending our coa' from the Grand Bauks to the Istli ' mus,and along the Pacific Coast. ; These ships, though of limited coil endurance, could easily defeat a ship of the larger class. The annual ap- proprlation for the increase of the '.Navy for the past four years has been $7,028,840. Mr. Boutelle's bill ' $7,927,056, When notice was given i i : the Senate, while the House bill wn under consideration, that the Senal. bill was to be pushed as an amend ment to the House bill, mnkin. i Navy iu one year, it created such ii feeling in the House that even th 'three battle-ships proposed by Mr - Bou telle were sat upon by the Con -,' mi t tee of the Whole, but Tuesda; the bill passed as it was reported. Mr. Edward A. Oldham, has a tw column cardtn the StatesvllleLand- - mark this week, defending his recent ' letter about Durham in the Atlanta ; Constitution. Ha affirms that h was right and says: "The statement I made Were ni.ost positively not writ tell to vent any spleen, as has beei ' charged, but simply as a fearless, ac curate, impartial news letter, lust such as I have been in the habit of 1 . writing for years past The purport an object lesson in opposition to th unwise policy of over-booming; and against the practices of muuicipa' v deception, that result not only in the individual hurt of towns so engaged, but react with damaging fore against the South, repelling immi- J . - A.t . J 1-1 - grnuuu suu mtiHiiig eapiiai uiun - wary and cautious." It strikes u that the conditions which he cited. ' did not exist at the time he wrote the letter to the Constitution. - Nearly thirty years ago a younr . Englishman left his native towu.Sur v rey, and came to America For sev eral years he corresponded with his sister at hoi- - then the letters grev .infrequet '. inally ceased. Wher last bean! f-o:i ! e was in Boston The sister wi-. r- only to have her letters return! through the dead letter office, n :iued, "Not found.'' .Finally. as a last resort, she ad dressed a letter to "President Har- "rlson. Wflshtnirtin TV n F H a relating these facts and imploring his aid In finding her brother. Thh letter found its address a few week- .ago. instead or going to the wast public sen timet) t and no onf doubts now. that Maryland is a Democratio Sines' the great Are at Seattle last June permits navu,been granted for 1.645 new buildings that will cost $6,w,ooa ' ' HE KNIFED CLEVELAND. Mr. Randall's own Description of his Course in the Campaign of 1880. New York Herald: A story about the late Samuel J. Randall and Mr. Cleveland comes from a responsible sourse. On inauguratiou day, 1889, Mr. Randall satin a committee room with Congressman Cannon and two others. Mr. Randall looked out of a window from which he had a tine view of Pennsylvania avenue. Some oue said someining about the new occupant of the White House. "Yes"saia Mr. KalidaU "1 wonder if some of the friends of the recent occupant understand now what Sam Randall told them two years ago? Thev challenged me to the right. They hud the best of it at first, but I told them we would put Cleveland under the daisies at the close of hi first administration, I renewed this prophecy to bis friends before they presented his name to the Sr. Louis Convention. I showed them that we could defeat him and showed them how we could doit They lauglx il at me. I went to some of the men who were engineeringMr. Cleveland and talked with them seriously. 1 showed them that if they attempted to force Cleveland I would light him in my own way. There was no de ception 'about it so far as 1 was con cerned. I explained to them how I could knife him, and they must have known that it was no idle boast. They laughed at me. I sharpened my knives. 1 wonder if the gentlemen who went out of town a few hours ago with their idol recollect up wards?" Edwin H. Brown, the new State Treasurer of Maryland, by appoint ment of Governor Jackson, is forty eight years of age, and was for eight years State Attorney of Queen Anne, county. He is a brother of State Senator Brown. Mavor Lewis Ginter, of Richmond, Va., is said to ue worm 9,uuu,nuu, nn accumulated out oi tne cigarette ou slness. For the best Norfolk Oysters go to Arndt's. Specia One lot colored all Bilk Ribbons (Satin and Gros Grain) at half price, some are plain edge, some are picot edge and some are gros grain edge. Seethe prices: No. 12, 15c; No. !), 12)c., No. 7, 10c. Black Satin and Gros Grain Rib bons at about same prices. This offer of all Silk goods will appeal' ridiculous to many, for they hav sold for about twice the prices quoted But we are closing out this liue audi they must go. Small lot embroidered back Kids worth $1.50, for 75c Small lot em broidered back Kids worth $1.00, at 50 cents. The two above lots contain both black and colored Kids, and are ran bargains. One piece "Point de Gauo" Floun- I cing (white) $3.50, for $1.50 per yard : narrow edge to match. One lot Figured China Silk Tidies- worth $1.25, for 75 cents. Ladies' all Silk Scarfs in blue, pink golden brown and white, worth $5.00. for $3.85. Solid Colored "Peau de Soir" Silks worth $1.25, for 97 cents. Figured China Silk worth $1.00, for 63 cents. Few more pieces colored Silk worth 50 to 75c, for 25 cents. city at which flection the "voters of said city, ahaV be allowed I to vote upon the g,uestiontwhethe;the JJoara or Aldermen or corporate authorities of said citv Bhall be cermltiod to is sue bond in the sum of severity-five thousand dollars ($75,000) : and sell tne same, the proceeds of sale to tbe applied to the purposes herein before set rorjn, and mentioned in tne prat nance passed this dav. The said bonds Bhail be of the de nomination of one thousand, or five hundred, or one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the Board of Alder men, payable to bearer at theexpira tiou of thirty vears. or at such other time or times' not exceeding thirtv years, as the Raid hoard may provide They shall bear five (o) percent in terest, ' payable semi-annuaiiy, me instalments of Interest to bo repre sented by eon nuns attached to the bonds, the said coupons to be receiv able in payment of city taxes. The said bonus snau oe sigueu ny the Mavor and countersigned by the Clerk and Treasurer of the City, and sealed with the seal of the corpora tion. The coupons shall be signed by the city Clerk and Treasurer, and shall be iii the form of orders on the Clerk and Treasurer, for the payment of the interest at the time specified therein on the bond to which they may be attached. . The said election will be held at the following places hereinafter named for each ward, and shall bo conduct! il ami superintended by four registrars and eight inspectors, one registrar and two inspectors for each ward of the city, to be appointed by the Board of Aldermen of this city, and the Board of Commissioners of tne county or Aieckienhurg tne ap pointee, in each case, to be resident of the ward for which he is ap pointed. The Mayor shall give 30 days no tice of the said election in some newspaper published in the city of Charlotte, N. C. There shall be a new registration of voters for the said registrars at such places in each ward as the Board may appoint, where the books of registration shall shall be opened and kept open for that purpose. 1 he Mavor, in the notice to be pub lished by bint of said electiou shall designate, the time and places of opening and closing the registration ot voters snail he closed, which latter tune shall not be less than 10 days belore the election. The polling places are appointed and hxeu as follows: 1st Ward J. Roessler's Store,Trade street. 2nd Ward Mayor's Court Room. 3rd Ward Thos. Garabaldi's, oppo site Court House. 4th Ward 1). G. Maxwell's Office The following persons are appoint ed registrars : 1st Ward M. W. Robison. 2nd Ward C F. I'.rem. 3rd Ward G. J. Williams. 4th Wan 11). i. Maxwell. rne following persons are ap pointed inspectors. 1st Ward J no. P. Long, M. Don nelly. 2nd Ward K. I.. 15. Davidson, W. R. Hin ton. 3d Ward Thos. Garibaldi, Lewis Perry. 4tli Ward J. II. 1 1 i-iukr.-c n, W. B. Taylor. The Clerk and Tnn-uivr of the city is required to lurnish necessary registration honk- to tin- registrars, and all neces:i:y tickets. Tho,-e vote i;i favor of the proposition su'omitt'-d to the people shall vote i'ii a li"ket "approved,'' and (nose who vole against -aid pro position shall vote on a ticket "not approved." The res ui i of said election shall be disclosed hy said regisiars anil in spectors and recorded in the minute? of the Board. Notice of Election. T. L. Alexander & Co. FOR RENT. Four offices, two front and two ! rear, over G. S. Read & Co.'s China Store, (2nd floor) by the year only, ' ' K""K me husk . ,i , 1 - - . 1 I. basket It was forwarded to Mayoi ap4dlm BAXTER DAVIDSON. Hart, of Boston, with a request thai ; zj he look up Mr. Brown. In a short YsT V Sniinff rlailtS. xt Rnhorl ST O time a response came that Robert Brown was. dead and had left two sons, both prosperous young business men in Boston, and the news wai sent to their aunt in Surrey las: week, t Just how the people of Rhode Is land have been chisled out of their rights in the past is shown by th Statistics of the election in that State last year. In that vear 43.111 votes were cast at the gubernatorial election. Of this number Davis, Democrat, received 21,289 and Ladd. the vote was cut up among othei candidates. Because of a provision whlr-h rami tins thaf molnrlfn the vote cast Is necessary to an elec tion the matter went to the Leglsla- tur. which was Republican, and so ... 1 1 wjam ii.miH . mviTMiir nvnv in ' vis, although the latter polled nearly 6,000 niore votes ... than was caqt for Ladd. But this year the Republi cans have been hoisted by their own petard and Davis will be elected by a Democratic Legislature. Tomato, Peppers, Egg Plant, Sweet Potato Sups and other Spring plant cheap. All orders promptly tilled. Address postal to W. W. PHIFER, Taurora Farm, 712 N. College Street. Ordinance FOR ELECTION ON ISSUING BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE STBEETS OF THE CITY ' OF CHARLOTTE AND FOR THE GENERAL GOOD OF THE CITY. 1 do hereby give notice that, pur suant to tin- provision of the above ordinance, an election will be held in the city id' Charlotte on Monday, i 12th dav of May, 18(), to ascertain the Mill of the' voters of the city upon the ijiiestion of issuing the ,' bonds therein provided for. Thost- favoring- the issue of said bonds will at such election vote a ticket or: ; which is written or printed the word "Approved ;" and to those opposed to the issue of the said bonds will vote a ticket on which is written or printed the words, "Not Approved." Books for tht: registration of voters will be opened on Wednesday, the 9th of April, 1HU0, and will be closed on Thursday, the 1st day of May, 1H1K), at sunset, at the following places, anil by the registrars named: Ward I George, Hall's market. Ward 2 lireni & Co's office. Ward K 11. C. Irwin's store. Wind i. G. Maxwell's oilice. The election vviil bo held at the following polling places and .under-j the inspectors named : Inspectors, Ward 1 John 1. Long, M. Donnelly. Inspi dor's, Ward 21':. L. B. Dav idson, V. H. Hintoii. Inspector, Ward 3 Thorn as Gari baldi, I ,e! 14 Perry. inspectors. Ward 4 J. II. Hender son, W. Ii. Tj.yior. f. b. Mcdowell, Mayor. aplft-JWds. .'2I0q0:.BUS&TLS;.: Choice WhiteCorn. -:o:- " 2,000 BUSHELS PnmeMixed Corn CLEANED. FEUDD OATS, bran, MILL FEED, COW FEED, MIMOTHY HAY, MIXED HAY, CLOVER HAY. We have one car load of genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes E. F, YOUNG & CO. Provision and Grain Dealers. Telephone No. 27. Tomato Plants. I HAVE NOW READY to TRANS PLANT EIGHT DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF PLANTS. The :-: Earliest --: Best AND MOST PROLIFIC That are grown. Also other Vegeta ble Plants, Egg, Ptppers, Cauliflowers and Cabbage. D. M. Rigler, No 26 S Tryon. x mm . V v . , " - i- u f IF YOU WANT ; , ; - ' 'J 'V Choice Fresh-Corn Meal a'fl !. r . V.it .. . . '..' :.. .ij: :('' . .. : - A . : .. r. ' . " . . . . i ' ' ' ; FOR TABLE USE, ' : r z - - BUY OUR, BBST aRADE.; If vourcrocer refuses to supply you with; the best, send your orders dlv rect to us and we will furnish you any desired quantity and deliver It In auy part of the city as promptly as possible. . , STAR IMIIiJ,S COMPANY. BOCK BEEE! BOCK BEEE! BOCK BEEE! Rocert Portlier Brewing Company. 1856 Established in 1856 Arrived. One car load of the celebrated Studebaker Farm and Spring Wag ons and Carts. None better. Also one car load ('urriiigos, Bug glvs id iSi:ireys. Luumt styles ami clieup, Lost, makes. Will b llhode Island solidly Democratic tot the first time since the war under the first trial of thef Auetrallau Fal lot law is a significant answer to the i ty of thVrty bosses In Maryland tout the law -would ' prove fatal a Democratic 8upreniacy'--'rIt-.;'-iuiiy I prove fatal to-the bosses, but not to the party, for it Is the most accurate 1 - ansyet devised of ascertaining O .801 , Ijhu llobes. hand and at An Ordinance submitting to the voters of the City of Charlotte the question whether bonds to the amount of $75,000 should be issued for improving the streets and for the general good of the city. Whereas the Board of Aldermen oi u r : fit. i4.- 4 1 1..... .t """J "J vimuuiTOt um av im iiwt- i ,..,..11, v ,.uuit,rfi innan onl , ron,.frih i.nh. ,,1J Whips always on mfssion to the people of r the Citv oi ! Y , " ur rl'tf ully in unariotte or the question whether the Board of Aldermen shall be au thorised to issue coupon bonds to the amount of seventy-five thousand dol lars . ($75,000), for the purpose , of itiut-uiug, paving, macadamising, grading aiulotherwlse iinnrovlni-th streets of tlio city, and for the general niiJUltv. Ana whnroita aail tordlnance Vasued its third 3rd) read ing as me present meeting of the Board. " viteu to call A. C. H UTCHISON & CO.. Next to Wadsworth's Ktables, Charlotte, N. C. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotie, N.C, do resolve and ordains That an i lection be held In the City of Charlotte, N.C, on Monday, the 12th da-T of Mav, A. D, 1890, as provi ded by island the charter of this ; IS JO BE COVETW6.R VjA-tL I have a splendid htoi-k of Cloths for Sp1'1"? and Summer hultings. Call and Examine Goods and get , , , .Prices. - ; JOHN VOG15L; The Tailor. BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. I HAVE THE CHEAPEST LOT OF CARRIAGES EVER BROUGHT INTO THE STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. I AM BELLING THEM AT VERY SMALL PROFITS. IJHAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. I CAN SUIT ANY MAN'S PURSE. FROM THE RICHEST TO THE POOREST. I CAN AND WILL PLEASE YOU, ' FROM 75 TO 100 NEW STYLES TO SELECT FROM, RANGING IN PRICE FROM $7.50 TO $85.00. CALL Wholesale Dealer'aud Manufacturers' Agentfin DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. All lines complete and ready for the trade. THE CENTRAL HOTEL, ECCLES & BRYAN, Proprietors. CHARLOTTE, N. C. mMsm SB On of the rnont invttlng, su perbly equipped ami faultlessly conducted hotels In the South. Iiocated In Hi centre of the city, convenient to the buiii( PS houses, hanks, public buildings and churches. The Central is one of the largest biitlw I..- twen Baltimore and Atlanta, and iseleputtly furnished and equipped In nil Its departments. Each room Is connectcil ivltl the office by Electric Return d li.ii. in ,1 .. .. ieu ; r,ieeinc lJglils Mot n .oia Hatns: nails and moms 1- .-... '? ' " t voia Hat is: tin s . jr. , f' lk ' .H I Ml ' ?v" carpeted in Brussels and -i-'-r3 - zi' vets; W nter on each floor. The , , . niosiconsuieraieatU'Utlou riven to all guests and their comfort carefully looked after. Thp (lltrtll lu rf.ll, n -..1.1 ..ra.i . . . . .. . . . uji m-mt-iru i'miikc iiiui -nip neiniont," a , .. .... -n-irniuiu,! mi inriM-u in me iiaie. i ne iselinont Is under the same management as the Central. Fo r Spring Watches, Clocks -AND- Summer. AND -:o: HATS in all the latest slyl.s colors, Silk, Cassiniciv, Still' Straw. ami j and I Neckwear. AND SEE THEM. 5 ' M. ANDREWS. E. M. ANDREWS E. M. ANDREWJS.-" i Jn. ?.,nar-v ','"r' 1 M,,ow variety of Silks that covers all the fashion able colorsand nut tu ns ami suited to every taste, kvciuir Scarfs, in wnite and delicate colored shades, In artistic and pleasing tints and com bination. White silk Crepes, with beautiful emhmirl..riui granadines, etc. Flannel 4-in-haud in pretty color effects, with silk mix tures, are desirable for negligee weur with Flannel Shirts. ' " Plain Linen, Pique, Fancy Pique, Pleated Bosom, arls Made Pafl Bosom, all styles and qualities. . Jtt,lL lil,e 01 UNDERWEAR and host iv iv ..iv. . . anvwhePA i..i i - " . - - , hubo way uuwu, x have several ltg of Spring Under wear which 1 am almostglvlngaway. iii u mt BX'lne my stook and you will buy. M. P. Pegram, Jr. THE NSON iiniKR 1 222 N. Tbyon Stbkkt, I Opposite Tryon Street M. 13. Church, ' CHARLOTTE, N. Board bv mch8-8m ' Ms, E, SWINSON. A. HALES, Wiater and Jeweler Haf a full stcck of Wntch.s, f'locl.s and Jewelry, and will sell at very low prices. Call and see his stock before you buy. He Is also a practical workman, and i i l t wienniaKer to as sist him. So you can always get your watch nicely repar at short notice. Ail work warranted twelve months. gXr"No 9. Trade Street, next to T. L. Selgle's. CREAMER. 6 llV mananVkl. u. - t.t j uu wig tuij tlUlK HUH ocuf ately "epftrated, I am rinh Y urnisn ruitiU C Bit, AM at verr low nrln. w- McD. WATKINS. S. L: LEARY, v ARCHITECT, S Enst Trade Stret. ttoom i. Ma.'U ond Floor. ' , WM. E HOUSER, BRICKLAYER and CONTRACTOR Refer to Charlotte Oil and Fertili zer Company and others for whom he has done work., Prompt, reliable and e?LenVwork Ifuaranted. Address at Charlotte. ' febl2tf , WM, SL HOUSER.

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