Nets. 4 " The Lace Net gelling goes gaily on ; at Selgle's. Pattern upon pattern of exquisite beauty and at the very , lowest prices. Fish Nets, Russian Striped Nets, Dotted Nets, LaTosea , Nets and Mourning Nets. Our leader Vis an all Bilk Net, 60 inches wide, . plain Fish Net, in black, white, - cream, pink, light blue and corn at . the unprecedented price of 79 cents per yard. The best value before the people today. We are now showing superb lines : of Dranerv. Flo-ured and Foulard Bilks at very low prices. They are sure to please and become you Printed India Bilks at 76c. per yard. Dark Ground India Silks with light figures. They are beauties. Black China Silk in two qualities. Crepe de Chene in light pearl, Nile, corn and cream. Black Surahs at 48c, 60c, 76c and $1.00. Colored Bilk Surahs, full line at 48c Dress Goods that would temot anyone now thrown on the market Our famous Margue . rite Mohairs are still attracting buy- ersL both in and out of the city. They are the best Ask for the Mar- ?uerites and have no other. Ask for tansdowne. We have it T. L Seigle & Co. Iced Brinks. Our Soda Water Fountain TS OPEN FOR THE REASON. Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Lemon ami, Limeade, Mai to. Ginger Ale and Mineral Waters. Cigars! We sell the best line of Domestic and Imported Cigars in Charlotte. No. 511, Santa Cfera, Samara, and Marie Antoinette. BURWELL & DUNN, WHOLESALE STORE, 8 and 6 West Trade street. RETAIL STORE, Opposite Central Hotel. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Selling 0rt AT AND BELOW COST. As I wish to close my business in the next two or three months I offer GREAT BARGAINS. EVERYTHING GOES AT J. T. BUTLER& CALL ON US IOU ANYTHING YOU NEED IN THE LINE OF Boots 1 Shoes a . OUR STOCK IS Fresh, Desirable, Stylish AND DURABLE. LOCAL HIPPLES. , Twenty-one bales of cotton were received in the marked today. The best price paid was 111-4 cents. - Miss Matilda Jackson, of Colum bia, S. C, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. B Neatherry, at 610 East Ninth street. Miss Anna Bennett, of Atlanta, a is visiting relatives In the city, and is the guest of Mrs.8.E. Pure foy, on East Trade street Mr. Sam. J. Pemberton, of Albe marle, will send The News the big gest hornet nest that grows In Stanly county for the 20th May parade. Per haps may be loaded; so look out. A special and very Important meeting of the stockholders of the Mechanics Perpetual Building and Loan Association is to be held to night An important matter is to be considered, and a full attendances desired. Mr. J. H. VVeddington was able to be up town today after several week's confinement to his home by sickness. His friends will be glad to learn that he is on the mend. Mr. Weddington's son is still quite sick. Taylorsviile is to have a weekly be edited by E. L. Hed rick. It will be started on May let Taylorsviile ought to hunp herself and give it a good boost at the start for a paper is Just what that growing town needs. The Central Hotel's four blacks clattered along over the streets to day drawing an elegant new 'bus. the prettiest and largest yet seen in Charlotte. People stopped to look at the dazzling team. The 'bus will hold 18 people, and is a beauty in carmine and gilt Rumored Removal of the Liddell Shops. Mr. Walter K. Llddeil was inter viewed today byu News reporteMn regard to the reported removal of the Liddell Co's plant from its pres ent lcatlon on East Trade street to the land recently purchased by Mr. F. H. McDowell in the northern part of the city, near the Lincoln ton de pot Mr. Liddell says that the re port to say the least, is premature, and, if the shops are to le removed he does not know it Krueger in the Oity Again. Mr. L. Krueger, the Washington artist who decorated the interior ef St Mark's Lutheran church in trds city, arrived here yesterday, and will do the fresco work in the Tryon Street Baptist church, the contract having been awarded him. Mr. Krueger's work In the Lutheran church is alout as good an adver tisement as he could want It sur passesses anything In town. Krue ger Isn't here often," but when he Is, it is a chance for those of our people who want fine work. . 1 JX THE TABERNACLE. Three Thousand There Last Nigh, and, i Room for as Many More The First : Serrioe in the Big Building. The most unusual church scene yet known in Charlotte, was witnessed at the Tabernacle last night, when the first of the union services pre paratory to the Sam Jones meetings, was held. The great building was aglow with gas jets, and from dusk until half past 8 o'clock a continual stream of people flowed into it People, who had speculative ideas upon the probable seating ca pacity of the building, were curious to see how their ideas panned out. A full corps of ushers was in atten dance, and the idea seemed to be fill up 'the building from the ' Tryon street front The men were directed to the raised seats, while the ladies and children were massed in the level seats in the centre of the building. Those holding choir tickets were admitted to the platform and all the 200 seats for the singers were filled. The people were seated as fast as they arrived, and when ser vices commenced there were 3,000 faces turued to the pulpit Not a church or a hall in the city would have accommodated that crowd, yet the west end of the tabernacle was empty. There was ample room for twice as many people in the build ing. Still it is believed that if the tabernacle was half as large again, there would not be any too much space for the Sam Jones crowd. The services last night were con ducted by Rev. R C. Reed. Rev. A. G. McManaway will conduct the services tonight. -TTnods and nrices will nleaso you.-.. y.v A full line of Trunk v Valise and Club Bog. O0Orttera by tnall will receive prompt iWMuvu, JL E. Rankin & Bra ... . ft W..Trade ItrteU Summer Heat, Sleet and Frost all in 48 Honrs. The weather has played queer freak since last Saturday. In the past forty -eight hours, we have had umjuer weather, sleet and frost. It was clear and pleasant Saturday night up to 10 o'clock and, shortly after 12 o'clock, the whirr of falling sleet astonished those of our people who happened to be awake. The sleet lasted for perhaps half an hour, and while it was slight it was sufficiently heavy as to make a distinctive rattle against window panes. Capt Thoa. W. Pritchard, a freight conductor on the Chariot t,Columbia A Augusta road, was bringing his train into Charlotte. At Chester, he went the length of his train in his nhirt sleeves, and was warm then. When he got to Charlotte he was wearing an overcoat; and sleet was bouncing about It wax cool last night and this morning early risers saw a big frost. I The frost did not result in much damage except to tomato plants. They are withered as if scalding water had beeu poured on them. COL MEANS A CANDIDATE. Eleren Extra Columns Engaged. Charlotte's business men will be well represented In The News dur lug the Sam Jones meeting. A con tract was today closed with one lirm for a whole page advertisement to run through the week, and with an other for a half naire advertisement Altogether, eleven columns of extra advertisements have leeii contracted for. In addition to the large regular edition of The News, 600 extra copies will be issued each day during the meetings, making a total of 3,500 extra copies altogether, a day being deducted for Sunday, when we have no Issue. These .V00 extra coiies, added to our regular daily edition of The News, will give our advertiser the best opportunity to reach the people that they have ever had, with out a single exception. She Had a Hniband. , "Which train are you going oil madam?" The question was asked by a railroad official of a lady who came out of the eating house Just as the trains were ready to go out She seemed to be wanting advice. I have a husband, sir, she replied, somewhat testily. The abashed offi cial retired in good order, and saw the lady and heV husband bftrd the Air Line train. Then both trains pulled out Fifteen minutes later, the lady and her husband came tramping back to thedepeV She was crying, but her husband was laughing.- "If you hadn't been so short V that railroad man, we jrould have been all right, Duckie," be said. -Boo, hoo, you horrid man, wit -ail she could reply. They had tickets for Aiken, and as she had a husband, they got on the wronf train.' ' They had, to watt 12 hours for the next train. Instances like that are of almost dally occurrence. To helpVt!is along, the company has put up big sla-os: "This train for Augusta," ana "this train for Atlanta and still they will doubtless take the wroug train He has Assurances that his Chances are Good, but If he is Beaten, he is for the Homines. CoL Paul B. Means is a candidate for Congress from this district A NEWS reporter met him today and asked: '-Colonel, what truth is there in t he report circulated on the streets last Saturday, that you are a candidate for the nomination forCon gress in the 'shoestring district?" CoL Means replied that he Is a can didate for the nomination, and that he has assurances that his chances are very good. "What do you propose to do in case you fail to get the nomination?" was asked him. "I propose," he replied, "to submit to the action of the convention, and, as I am now, and have always been, a Democrat I shall support the nom inee of ray party heartily and with all my energy." This is but the beginniug of the campaign in this district and the outlook is that it is going to prove an interesting and an exciting one. Dr. Macintosh and the Scotch Irish. To Mr. Thomas T. Wright a promi nent citizen of Florida, belongs the credit of having suggested the forma tion of an organization to preserve the history and perpetuate the achievements of the Scotch Irish race in America. Mr. Wright was ably assisted by Mr. A.C.Floyd and others, resulting in the grand and successful Congress at Columbia, Ten n., in May last, and leading to the permanent organisation of the Scotch Irish So ciety of America. It does not come withui the pur pose or object of this society to culti vate or in auy way encourage secta rian feeling, for people of all denom inations are eligible to membership; nor is it the purpose of the society to stimulate uudue pride of race, al though it is impossible to ignore the historical fact so eloquently stated by William Wirt Henry, a grandson of the great revolutionary orator, the Scotch Irish in America have given five Presidents to the United States, viz: Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Polk and Buchanan, to whom may be added Lincoln and Grant; also, the honored names of Patrick Henry, John Marshall, John Wltherspoon, the Camerons, Montgomerys and the Hamilton, the Prestons, the Neals, the Adaios, the McDowells, Macka mies and McAdens, with our own Grahams, Davidsons, Caldwell, Al exanders and Johnstons, and many other names forever linked with Mecklenburg and Independence. The New England Puritans have, the United States. They did not act the principal history of the United ! States. Although In the popular his tories, Individuals of the Scotch Irish A Man Who Knows Something About race have received due notice and fnll praise, yet the influence of the Scotch Irish as a people in obtaining See the Splendid Assortment :'fJi'-.;V-.:-i 'if';' OF- STEAW HATS At Prices That Have no Parallel in Town. See the YACHT HAT, in all the leading shapes, finest braids and best ; styles and trimmings. ' . . v See the SOFT MACKINAW HATS. ? ! , See the MANILLA HATS, in Black, Nutria and White, latest shapes. See our CHILDREN'S SAILOR AND TURBAN HATS. "Af See our BOY'S YACHT HATS. CV See our CHILDREN'S JOCKEY CAPS. ,' if' . K WK HAVE THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OK Men's, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats EVER SHOWN. You will be perplexed wheu you enter our store and see the assortment' of all kinds of goods which we are displaying. There is no store that can show a better assortment or more complete lines. On the point of quality we yield to none. Every article we sell is the best. Pre-eminence is provea by our extremely low prices. W. KAUFMAN & CO., I LEADING CLOTHIERS, GENTS FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. , ?, ' Mules A colored dray man was trying to make his mule enter an alleyway in rear of the Mansion House, this morning. The mule didn't like the looks of things. Maybe bethought his owner was trying to drive him into a trap. At any rate, lie refused to sro In. The driver beat him and made love was no go. ed and all sort or suggestions were being offered, when Dick Masou hap pened to come up. "Say," Dick shout ed, "don't you know how to mauage that mule? Why, just sum him around ami back him In." The driver caught on to the idea at once, lie drove oui, lurnew mwuuu and when he got his wagon on a straight line with the alley he pulled on the lines. The mule responaea our independence, framing our insti tutions, and maintaining them, has never been properly (recoguiced in written American history. The Scotch Irish are a peculiar people in many respects. They have always been doers, rather than talk- to him by turns, but It !ers or writers, holding that tnere are A big' crowd had gather-! only two things worthy of man's ambition: Due, to write what ts worthy of being doue, and the other to do what is worthy of being written and the greater of these two Is the doing. Our Puritau brethren have written as well as done. It is time we were putting on the pages of written history the impress of our race on the Institutions of our coun try. Rev. John S. Macintosh, D. D., of Plillurlnlnhlii nn nf thn nromitiunt and backed the wagon do w ii Uieal ley juf thg noble Th cmwd an-' ..... .. ........ Mundell's celebrated shir Tip Shoes for Children. Always a large stock of these popular Shoes. U1L.KKATI1 t l. New stock of Slipper Soles. New stock of Trunks. New stock of Va lises and Club Bags. New 'stock of Sample Coses. Come and see our Goods. GILREATH & CO. For the best Blacking in the world use Miller's Improved French. Will soften and preserve the leather. Makes a lastiug shine and the most economical. Costs no more than common blacking GILREATH & CO. Gent's fine Dongola and Patent ! Leather Oxfords for dancing and ; street wear, the most elegant goods i on the market and lowest prices. GILREATH A CO.; Our Gent's fine hand made Shoes stand at the top, always the best i makes, best fitting, and lowest prices. ' Come and try them. t ! GILREATH A CO. , Ladies, call and see our celebrated Two Dollar Shoes, by far the greatest value ever offered. We are having' i immense sale on them. ' '' t ' GILREATH A CO, . THE BEST -AND MOST- H ELI BALE I3ST THE JJLNJD. mm :o:- plauded and all voted that Dick cer tainly does know a thlug or two about a mule. Putting on a Third Story. ' A large force of brick layers injis mornlmr beiran work adding a third story to the big store of M r. K. Witt- kowsky, the prince wholesale mer chant of the State. The Improve ments to the first and second Hours have been completed, and the differ ence In the appearance of things is remarkable. A storeroom so spacious, so well lighted and so well stocked with goods as is Mr. Wlttkowsky's slnc the contractor has completed his ifork of remodellug, would be a thing of envy even on New York's Broadway. Out ot the thousands who will visit Charlotte during the Sam Jones meetings, there will be very few,-if any, who have not heard ftr Wtttkowskv. The visitor who falls tA his stot will miss one. oW the treats of Charlotte.'!?; v; For the besTNorfotk Oysters goto Arndt's. will lecture on the Scotch Irish, on Wednesday evening, at the Y. M. C. A. halt We bespeak for this eloquent divine such an audience as this com munity, of all others, ought to fur nish ou such an occasion. Among the first contributors to the history of the Scotch Irish So ciety, we notice a pamphlet by Dr. A. W. Miller, "Presbyterian Origin of American Independence." ' Among the Vice-Presidents ot the Scotch Irish Society Is the Hon. 8J1. Alexander, of Mecklenburg. , . 4 8udden Death of Antonio Dal Moiin. Nearly everybody in Charlotte re members the New York drummer, Antonio Dal Molln, who for many years past has been iu the habit of spending a few weeks here in bird season, hunting. Mr. Moleu died very suddenly, on the 18th, In New Orleans. Mr. Moliu was a native nf Verona, Italy, and w as a liueal de scendant of , the Doges 6f Venice. He was well known throughout the South. . . . Tiik Newb telephone No. 80, For style and tit J as. A. Banister's 8hoes have no equal. They are made of the very best stock, and the shoemaklng Is the best to had. He has a national reputation for making the best and most stylish "Shoe on the market We have a nice stock of these Shoes this season io 'different styles, both in calfskin and patent leather. We have an elegant stock ot patent leathers; any wishing a nice, stylish 8ho should see ours before purchasing Our Hue of Cot-divans and Kangaroo Shoes are pretty and cheap. . j ."V " ; t THK LADIES WILL FIND OUR LINE OF ,V . i, THOS. -BOLTON'S - SHOES Complete, and truly there is no Shoe that will give so much wear.. For fit they are perfect We carrv a full line of Blacking Brushes, Daubers aud Blacking all the time. Call and sow us. , , - GRAY & BARNHAEDT, 19 East Trade Street t Successors to Gray A Co. PA RLOR SUITSr7" New Goods!? New Styles! My ' , - -V My stock of Parjor Goods Is as near . ;. complete now as at any time In the his- W f i tory of my business; and the people of this community know that I LEAD In the latest" styles, knowing I have made It a special study : " for nearly a quarter ot a century, "Think of this." . One Solid Cherry Frame, upholstered in silk plush, e pieces, at 142.00. Remember this is polish frame, and cheaper than it can possibly be bought anywhere. One Antique "Oak Suit, up bolstered in tine quality,;llkplush, 6 pieces at KltXX Kveryone knows what oak is, and knows ft to be Sty ! - Ish and also durable. I have a Silk Plnsb : . Suit, Cherry frame; upholstered In M est Silk Plush, "Shell Uack'.atfoa This suit 4 Is sold close, remember that I have - , ' : t several grades, of Plush on , P the same kind ot frame. LI .NIOHOLS -Pumituro Do ale : V