jlIio Cliarlotto Kewa tVEBT AtTSnvoOK JSXCKPT SUNDAY, . BY , it "7 ADS H. HABSIS, Ed. and' Proprietor &vmextiTwf : On Year, M : Six 'r-mth. 2; Three. Months. $1; Per ..'eek 10 cent. rarr aeuverea m tha citv bv carriers free of charjre. Advertisinir rites low and libera), TUESDAY APRTL 22." IftJKX. A new portrs't wa hunjr In the Green Room this week, 'addinjr one one more to the number of portraits of mistress of the White House lira. "YVashlnjrron, Mrs. Polk, Mrs. Tyler,' Mrs. Hayes, and last, Mrs. Angelina Van Bureru Mrs. Van Bu ren was the wlfo of President Van Buren's son. She was Angelina Elnjrleton, of South Carolina, and was married to Major Van Buren In November, IfHW. Her first appear ance at the White House was on the following New Year's Day. at the President's levee, when, as the mis tress of the White House, she re ceived with the President, and was assisted by the wives of his Cabinet officers. The portrait of Mrs. Van Buret) was bee ueathed to the White House by the will of her son. Travis C Van Buren. It was received at the Capitol about a fortnight afro by Senator Evarts, who, as Chairman 'oj the Library Committee, was au thorised to take charore of it There . was also'a'marble bust of President Van Buren with the portrait and that is to be placed in the private corridor of th White House, where aire hong tho portraits of Presidents. Mrs. Van Buren's portrait was paint ed by Inman, the well known artist of that day. It Is a half length n-r-hre, and In evening- dress. The whit , gowft has the decollete point bodice, uite like the present fashion. ;' Beports received at the War De partment for the nine months be ginning with July 1, 1889, show that . there have been 1,678 desertions from the regular army d urine: that period. Jror the corresponding months of the I At. DfM 1 di rv mil. wmaj- i n.rn vHrH iimi4 . tlons a reduction this year of over 10 per cent. The percentage of de sertions to the enlisted strength of the 'army has been for this period o 1-10 per cent, and for the same period last year it was 7 6-10 per cent , Secretary Proctor has taken an ac ' tlve personal-interest in this subject, and has labored diligently to reduce this evil, with some success, as the ' figures show. In his annal report he showed that it was only partly a question of administration ; but that there ; was also legislation needed. The House has already passed bills . In the line of the Secretary's sugges tions, and he believes that if the same pass the Senate and become laws, they will enable him to accom plish much more in this direction. " Not only Is the prevalence of deser tion In the regular army demoraliz ing to the army itself, but the ex pense which It makes the Govern ment in the recruiting and transpor tation of new men is very large. - The proposition now pending be fore the House Judiciary Committee , to amend the Constitution and elect United States Senators by popular . vote, originated with Hon. John S, . Henderson, of North Carolina, and not with John B. Henderson, of Iowa, as erroneously printed. The North Carolina Henderson is a dis ' tingulsbed member of the Judiciary Committee, and his bill, or one in volving the aame principle, will, he ' thinks, be favorably reported to the Hduse. There is no good reason, he Suggests, why the aristocratioway of electing Senators by State legisla tures should not be changed to the simple, Democratic way of electing Representatives by popular vote. The change la' inevitable, Mr. Hen derson thlnlra. :V-' -' The. Wash Hsrton correspondent of the New; York San says that the . most deligh tful agitation pervades official circled It Is much more than a social ripple It is the flurry and ' excitement Of anticipated pleasure, a pleasure unlooked for and there fore the surprise of It Is the joy of it There Is to be a danee in the White ; House It la not to be spoken of as a ball, but a "small and early" dance In the East Room. The cards are out i "Mrs. McKee. A Home. Wed nesday, April 28, 1890." To be sure, "dancing" ia not on the cards, but it is announced on authority that Mrs. McKee's "At Home" Is to be a dance. In a case J nst disposed of ,the Su preme Court of Indiana has decided that a will made on Sunday is valid. It holds that the drafting and execu tion of a will are akin to the execu tlon of a marriage ; contract and solemnizing .tbKiiiajTl... , fThe statute," the court notes, "makes it a penal offence to be found engaged in common labor or in. wne's usual avo cation.'.'?. It certainly " could not Jbe o fended ;lUat A BMnlster of the j r.Rpel'.' engrred i In solemnizing a i ;. is it! use-on Bunday or a r lawyer i.ij fayed invrritlng a will to be ex , u a on'Bi'aday would be subject f : diitraent and rrotreclrtlMi fo . The ungest millionaire In the I South, Mr. Julian R Carri oY'lTortM Carolina, is in . Washington . on a brief visit to his daughter, who is a pupil! at the Mount Vernon, school. The Post says that Mr. Carr has ac quired his vast wealth manufactur ing tobacco, and within the last few years. He is a public spirited man, and a munificent giver to cbnrcbes and schools in his State. Recently he gave a $20,000 college site to an institution which be had previously endowed. He might be governor of North Carolina if his ambition lay in that direction, but It does not He is president of the world-famous "Durham Bull" Tobacco Company, and vice-president of the projected North Carolina Steel and - Iron Works. He owns a palatial resi dence, costing over $100,000, and is looking for a winter home in Wash ington. There is a firm in Cincinnati which each vear beats 21,000 gold dollars into gold leaf, and as each dollar can be beat into a sheet that will carpet two rooms 16 feet square, some Idea may be formed of Its tenuity. It re quires 1,400 of gold leaf to equal in thickness a sheet of writing paper, and takes 280,000 of them, piled one upon the other, to equal an inch in thickness. - For Rochester or Milwaukee Beer o to Arndt's. Wet Ull We made the statement on Mon day that we sold over $1,300 on Sat urday last Borne of our good neigh bors, who perhaps are a little cha grined at our success, have beso stu- dlously denying the statement, as we are informed. Personally we do not care but our people who are in charge of that part of the buslnes have asked permission to make a state ment of the facts, and we ffive you the following: I received from Saturday's sales $1,365.30. AB. HARRILL, Cashier. We counted out the checks and footed up the sales-sheet for Satur dav's sales, and the amount is $1,365.30. There was not over $75 of above amount wholesale. HENRY FLETCHER, W. B. SHIELDS, JOHN BOYTE, WALTER FOLSOM, We deposited from above sales in the -Commercial National Bank on Monday, $1,232.25. E. M. DAVIS 4 CO. Great Special Offering of 10 Cases of Hosiery ON THURSDAY NEXT, In the lot one case Men's Hal brier gan Half Hose at 10c. This is the greatest of all the great bargains. One hundred dozen is all. . One case Balbriggan Half Hose at 15c., regular 25c. goods. One case Ladies' Hose In Solid Blacks, regular 10 cent goods, at 5c. city; at which election the voters of sam city, snaii ne- aiiowea .to vote upon the questlon,wbetber the Board of Aldermen or corporate authorities of said city snau . oe permitted to is sue bonds in the sun of seventy-five thousand? dollars (75.0001 anu'sel the same, the proceeds of Sale to the applied to the purposes herein before set lortn, and mentioned in the oral nance passed this day Tne said Don a a snail be of the ae nomination of one thousand, or five hundred, or one hundred dollars,- in the discretion of the Board of Alder men, payable to bearer at the expira tlon of thirty years, or at such other time or times, not exceeding thirty ears, as tne said board may provide 'hey shall bear five (5) per cent in terest . Davable seml-annuaiiv. tne instalments of Interest to be repre sented by coupons attached to tne bonds, the said coupons to be receiv able in payment of city taxes.' Tne said bonds snail oe signed Dy the Mavor and countersigned ny tne Clerk and Treasurer of the City, and sealed with the seal of the corpora tion. The coupons shall be signed y the city Clerk and Treasurer, and hall be in the form of orders on the Clerk and Treasurer, for the payment of the Interest at the time specified therein on the bond to which they may be attached. The said election will be held at the following places hereinafter named for each ward, and .shall be conducted and superintended by four registrars and eignt inspectors, one registrar and two inspectors for each ward of the city, to be appointed by the Board of Aldermen of this city, and the Board of Commissioners of the county of Mecklenburg? the ap pointee, In each case, to be resident of the ward for which he is ap pointed. The Mayor shall give 30 days no tice of the said election in some newspaper published in the city of Charlotte, N.C. There shall be a new registration of voters for the suid registrars at such places in each v ard as the Board may appoint, whore the books of registration shall shall be opened and kept open for that purpose. I he Mayor, in the notice robe pub lishod by him of said election sliall designate the time and places of opening and closing the registration of voters shall be closed, which latter time shall not be less than 10 days before the election. The polling iTfhces are appointed and fixed as follows: 1st Ward J. Roessler's Store.Trade streeS 2nd Ward Mayor's Court Room. 8rd Ward Thos.Garabaldi'8, oppo site Court House. 4th Ward D. G. Maxwell's Office. The following persons are appoint ed registrars : 1st Ward M. W. Robison. 2nd Ward C. F. Brem. 8rd Ward G. J. Williams. 4th Ward D. G. Maxwell. ine rouowing persons are ap pointed inspectors. 1st Ward Jno. P. Long, M. Don nelly. 2nd Ward E. L. B. Davidson, W. R. Hinton. 3d Ward Thos. Garibaldi, Lewis Perry. 4th Ward J. H. Henderson, W. B Taylor. The Clerk and Treasurer of the city is required to furnish necessary registration books to the registrars, and all necessary tickets. Those who vote in favor of the proposition submitted to the people shall vote on a ticket "approved," and those who vote against said pro position shall vote on a ticket ''not approved." The result of said election shall be disclosed by said registars and in spectors and recorded in the minutes of the Board. ' , 2,000 BUSHELS"1 Choice- W h it e C or n: f 2,000 BUSHELS One case Pin made 17c, and goods at 25c. Stripe full regular one case very fine These are all great leaders and should have your attention at once. i M. Davis & Co. Ordinance FOR ELECTION ON ISSUING BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE A ND FOR THE GENERAL GOOD OF THE CITY An Ordinance submlttinc- to the voters of the City of Charlotte the question whether bonds to the amount of $75,000 should be issued for improving the streets and for the fireneral good of the city. wnereaa tne uoaraor Aiaermen or the city of Charlotte, did at its meet ing held on the fourth (4th) day ft narcn, isuu. pass tnrougn two read ings an ordinance requiring the sub mission to the people of the City of ijnarioueoi the question Whether tne Boara oi Aldermen shall be au thorized to issue ooupon bonds to the amount of seventy-five thousand dol lars ($76,000), for the purpose of wioening, paving, macadamising, grading and otherwise improving the streets of the city, and for the general good of the city. And whereas said ordinance passed its third (8rd) read ing at the present meeting of the Board. The Board of Aldermen oi th nitv ofCharlott w N.C,do resolve and ordain: J : ..' That an election be held in the Pit of Chariot! v N. Cv on Monday, the 12th dV Of MftV. A! nlHOTk mm nL! dsdbyhlraQd the charter of this Notice of Election. I do hereby give notice that, pur suanttohejprovi8lon of the above ordinance, an election will be held in the city of Charlotte on Monday, 12thCday of May, 1890, to ascertain the will of the voters of the city upon tne question of Issuing the bonds therein provided for. Those favoring the issue of said bonds will at such election vote a ticket on which is written or printed the word "ADDroved and to those ODDOsed to the issue or the said Donas wUJ vote a ticket on wmcn is written or printed the words, "Not Approved." Books for the registration of voters will be opened on Wednesday, the 9th of April, 1890, and will be closed on Thursday, the 1st day of May, 1890, at sunset, at the following places, anu uy tne registrars named : Ward 1 George Hall's market Ward 2 Brem & Co's office. Ward 3 H. C. Irwin's store. Ward 4 D. G. Maxwell's office. The election wjll be held at the following polling places and under the inspt-ctors named : Inspectors, Vttrd 1 John P. Long, M. Donnelly. Inwpectorb, Ward 2 E. L.B.Dav idson, W. U. Hinton. Inspector, Ward S Thomas Gari baldi, Lewis Perry. Inspectors, Ward 4 J. H. Hender son, W. B. Taylor. f. b. Mcdowell, . nJ Mayor. apl&-B0ds. Arrived. One car load of the celebrated Studebaker Farm and 8prlnir Wac Ana on1 "Vf U - f t . Kim at ls. x- oiio oeiier. Also one car load Carriages, Bus ies and Surreys. Latest styles and sold cheap, be pest makes. Will quality considered. uiiuut? tu xi aniens, Robes T.nn j. ... . . " t 1. 1' ana yvnips always on hand and at ow prices, y ou are respectfully In yitedtocall. - A, CP HUTCHISON & CO., Next to Wadswo'rth's Stables, Charlotte, N. C. A Stylisn Suit of Clothes IS TO BE COVETED BYALL. I have a splendid utock of nintiia for Spring and Hummm Suitings. '-5 " ' . Call anil-Examine Goods and got Prime Alixed Corn CLEANED. -:o: FIE IE ID OATS, BRAN,' ' MILL FEED, t COW FEED, Y MIMOTHY HAY, MIXED HAY CLOVER HAY. ' We have one car load of genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes E. F, YOUNG & CO. , Provision and Grain Dealers. Telephone No. 27. Tomato Plants. I HAVE NOW READY to TRANS PLANT EIGHT DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF PLANTS. The :-: Earliest Best AND MOST PROLIFIC That are grown. Also other Vegeta ble Plants, Egg Ptpbers, Cauliflowers and Cabbage. D. M. "Rigler, No 26 S Tryon. ,IFYOU WANtY,' ? ''- :l Choice Fresh. Corn Meal . ' ,,' " ' i;. i-on TAfaus use,". ,.; ; . . .. : ' ... - . ". - V .- " In?;" f A"!-..--vj fj! , T ...... m i. t-L .' " if - rt. .: txiyvui Kiucor re i uses i euniuv you Willi ine Desr. nnnd ms. ai reot to us and we -will furnish yoq any desired quantity and deliver it in any part of the city as promptly as possible. ? ""ver jsjin STAR MILLS COMPANY, BOCK BEES! BOCK BEBE! BOCK BEEE! Robert Porker Brewing Company. 1856 Established in 1856 BABY CARRIAGES., BARY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. 110 DRY GOODS, lesale laler and Manufacturers' Agent In NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. All lines complete and ready for the trade. THE CENTRAL HOTEL, ECCLES & BRYAN, Proprietors. CHARLOTTE, N. C. I HAVE THE (CHEAPEST LOT OF CARRIAGES EVER BROUGHT INTO THE STATE OK NORTH CARO LINA. I AM BELLING THEM AT VERY SMALL PROFITS, I HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. I CAN SUIT ANY MAN'H PURSE. FROM THE RICHEST TO THE POOI.EST. I CAN AND WILL PLEASE YOU. FROM 75 TO 100 NEW STYLES TO SELECT FROM, RANQINp IN PRICE FROM $7.60 TO $36.00. PALI,i'": 'V'-" '.. - ANP SEE 'THEM. One of the niont Inviting, ho erbly equipped and faultleaslv conducted hotU in the Konth. Located In the centre of the city, convenient to the hnnlne.- houses, banks, public buildings and churches. The Central is one of the largest hotels be tween Baltimore and Allanta, and is elegantly furnish! and equipped jn all its departments. Each room Is connected with the office by Klfctrie Return Bell: Electric Mchts Hot mul Cold Baths; halls and rooms carpeted in Brussels and Vel vets; Water ou eoch floor. The rrwiaf nnnsllaiiii in ... i .i t aB guests and their comfort carefully looked after. The Central is connected Lv s nnwrul hrMo- ti, i . new hotel, and the most eleiranHv fumiahoH i.. k -ni.! is under the same management as the Central. For Spring -AND- Watches, Clocks AND Summer. :o: JEWELRY HATS in all the lat. st colors, Silk, Cans! mere, Straw. styles' Stilf and uml REWS, . E. M. ANDREWS it. m AffonirwB, Neckwear. For ordinary wear, I show a variety of 8ilks that covers aJl the fashion able colors and oat terns and suited to every taste. Evening Scarfs, in white and delicate colored shades, In artistic and pleasinir tints and com bination. White HIU (Kpes, with beautiful embroidcried figures, f;ranadlnes, etc. "Flannel 4-ln-hnnds n pretty color elfect, with sJlk mix tures, are de liable for iietrliioe weai with Fluunel Shirts. - t,iPIiri L,lnrn PiTle I'ancy IMque, Pleated Bosom. Y;irU MoH -P.ir JPCMy line of UNDERWEAR uu mmjRHv cannot be surpassed ujniiou-, i-riees way down. I nave several lots of Spring Under wear which I nm ninnuH.ivl tin n vtf oir ni i examine my stock and you M. P. Pegram, Jr. A. HALES, Watciiraaker and Jeweler Has a full stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and will sell at very low prices, ( all and see his stock before you buy. He is also a practical workman, and has a line watchmaker to as sist him. So you can ulways get your watdh nleelv renar- 1 ' at short notice. All work warranted twelve months. fHTNo ft Trade Street, rieJU to T. L. ; Seigle's.-' ' I. ''Vi-i.i;';';J I ., THE SWINSON HOUSE :;'. 222 N. Tbyon Stkkkt, : . Opposite Tryon Street M, F. Churoh, "CHARLOTTE, N. C, - ; Board bv the dav 75 cents. By the wtek or month on reasonable terms. ARCKIfJCEOT, fiUE&wt Trade Street, Room 4 gee,. CREAMEE.'' I have recently purchased a!Cream er. By means of thia t.ia tnliir nH cream is accurately separated. I am now prepared to furnish PURE CRIiiAM at very low nriees. , MoD. WATKINS. WM. E H0USEE, BRICKLAYER and CONTRACTOR Refers to Charlott (Dtl and Fewm. . rer Company and others far nrtm h has done work.t Prompt, reliable and efficient work guaranted. Addwsi atCbarlottlt. I- ' '