VOLUME III.;, :, , v: . 0HAltLOTOJj; X. C;, MOXD AY EVENING, APKIL '28, 1890. -i-o - j and in having Scarf and Four-in hands jftad jst ht suit the especial taste ine mos? taj ihikws. t v - . , Real' Be"' uties " 1 88e t - and on down to any price you want. ' . Great lot at 18 cents, - "V HOSIERY DBPARTMHHT. sVaggi "vJ&ht. nag, mow penecujl Hand P aip ted Silk Tide sed for Wr bftr Rreaaut-I'lu6nlegant go f.f.,' - f. i: .i X ."vtf'itf'fi J. I S-VfV Cj K .' I hose wuo have watched tnepne - nominal growth of our business and drank of the cooling waters of low prices we are giving, know perfectly , well the reasons cess, it is said there is not a house like it in the Nation doing the bus! nes-s we are doing in a city of 15,000 people. Last week a gentleman caaiel r.m Pittsburg on purpose to 1' at n. if possible, the cause of our great trade. After spending two da , he said to the writer he would not have missed it for an hundred dollars He had gathered up new ideas of business success. The truth is our success has exploded the the ory and pjactice of high prices, es tablished beyond doubt that the law success in merchandise is that oi Mnall profits and quick sales. That of reducing the business to Cash, of mastering with Dollars when we buy and keeping the mastery when wt we sell. Under-buy; Under sell. To every visitor we extend a cordial invitation to come and see us, to go all through our House, to get prices under th l.iw l Dollar Valuations, and to buy as it will pay y u 10 buy. A page is noi not large enough to gie in detad an idea ol our business. To apj re 1.. e it you must see it. We . nd 'ists of prices of a fe items i- th Ir-ading di-partments: See special sales for Hosiery. Handkerchiefs for everybody from 3 !centa iftr. Gloves "W all., kinds, Spdlo o-Zephy' m uuc, 13 cents per ounce ; ivju icine, so cents per dozen ; Cheniel, 20 cents per dozen. It. oS. gbods,i.20 to foils hmmt SAM NEWRLLm J. 1. SKEIXS. Alamance I'laid Shirts, 25c Domet Flannel Shirts, 30c Big Job in Percale Laundried, 40c Warnsutta Muslin Unlaundried, 58c Wam&utta Muslin Laundcid, 68c New York Mills Unlaundried, 50c A good Laundried Shirt, re-en forced back and sleeve, 3 ply liner front, 58 cents, a great batgain. A bur haroain in a nice line ol Flannel Overshirts at 1. 18 For Hosiery in this department see a special bargain offering. Men's Guaie Underwear in beau t ful clear white at 15c. A belter leader worth 50c. will gc 25c. An elegant line of Balbnggan Mwtand Drawers 38c, 48c, 63c id 75-, making the most attractive I ii we ever offered. We are having a great run on a ; s" fusprnder at 10 ctnts. A good silk faced Suspender at ; sc. All kinds ol Suspenders up to 88c. UMBRELLAS. Umbrellas at your own, price. We nustrlose 1000 Gloua Gold Cap l.fmbrellas at some price. They. aVe in 36 and 2S inch goods, and worth it 15 ,)d it 5a 'Now to close this t you can lake the 26 inch at 85c. mid the 28 inch at, We want tijom for other goods and will close these sure We think you had bet ter come at once, as the price ought id move inc 5W hi wire urt, , U ECK WEAR 1 NECK WEAR! Jts the great specialty n this de 1 artment, nd the best akill of t the lijuaeia expended in selecting ihf r'n" " . " ' ' "' ' . - . .... -.';: nlOSt eeantirut foonsr 10 oe 10- - , CLOTHING BEN POWELL. BAXTER VANDLE. Our Qothing Department is and always has been a success and is now complete, with the exception of a few dozen suits and a nice lot of fine Striped and Plaid Pants, which will arrive this week, we can nt all sizes of men the tall and slim, the short and stout the long stout and the regular shapes. The styles in both colors and cuts are very nobby and tastily conceived this season, and we are not behind in procuring them only in one respect and that is to your advantage. We were a little behind other merchants in buving our Spring Stock, and for this rea son we have bought a stock 15 to 20 per cent less than they who bought earlier. Crowds have stood around our counters for the past two weeks eager to select from the Durham stock at 50 cents on the dollar until it is about all gone. True, we can't sell you the new and regular stock at so cents ou the dollar but we can and will let you have it at a saving of at Kvist 20 per cent cheaper than you buy it elsewhere. It will pay vouiosee our business suits from 7 so up in all the latest patterns in Cheviots. Cassimeres, - Flannels. SPECIAL SALES. Ye thH is bur special sale. day. We off. red special things few week. Some new thing daily and we offer a Special thing today. Every item ever cut in price to make a special sale remained at that price until it as all our. Goods offered last week at a sacrifice if not wM will g at the same price or less this week. We never go up on these sped Itie. We made the cut to sell, not to decoy bnyers and de cieve them. On Thursday we shall offer 100 dozen Men's Balbriggan Half Hose at 10 cents. Bargain of bargains, One case Men's Balbriggan Half Hose, 15 cents. These are regular 5 cents goods. One case Ladies' Solid Black Hose, regular 10 cent goods, at 5c. Twenty five dozen Ladies' Pin Stripe Hose, 17 cents, agd 25 dozen imported and very fine at 25 cents. These are great leaders and all well worth immediate attention. 5 cents 10 20 " 95 " 30 " 40 AND LAUES. MISS NETTIE BRIARD. MISS JENNIE STOUDEMYER. MISS WITSON. Since we broke all the record.- on Corsets and sold the Racket at 48c. and the great Unbreakable ai 58c., there has been no question about the leadership on these gooes. We ol- fer 'he largest and best line in the South. This week we offer as a special leader a black Corset, "The Flor ence," worth $1-00, at 58 cents. Gazelle, 25 Romania, 48 Countess, 73 4ii. W. B. 88 390. W. B. 98 385. W. B. $1.25 Watchspring, 1.2s R. & T, Misses'. 48 Child's Waists, 43 Beauty " 38 R. & T. Ladies' Waists, 98 JERSEY JACKETS, 25 cents and up. We carry a tine line and it is difficult to give an idea of th s'ook on paper. LADIKS' COLLAR and CUFFS. Cellars. 5, 10 and 15 .: CurTs 7. 10 and uc Ruchfngs s. 7. 10, 12c. Hand Lrnip Painted Lamps, Swinging Lamps, d kinds of Lamps One lot of very fine 5 Lamps re duced to 2 so. Feather Ousters small, . No. 3, 10, 12, -14. 16. Steel Fyirng Pars 5 cents Best sock of Glassware we, have evr offered. Send for price lists from this department TOILET SOAPS. Aastue, 5c imported olvcenne sc worth isc rcimum, 4 caices in box, 10c Turkish Bath, per doz., 20c Large line Toilet Soap. LAUNDRY SOAPS Basket, 12 oz., 3c Defiance, 4c oig value, . 4c Nickle Cocks, 70c " Alarm, $1 00 These are in fancy cases. Photograph frames. One lot Oil Paintings, all hand work, threat bargains, 43c Brooms. 2 hoop painted Buckets, 10c B .kets of all kinds, Traveling BaMit.ts, To Baskets, School Bas keiv Lunch and Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, &c, &c .1 n im T- nli'U a 1 -ii.o 9 M Thibets and Serges. A $7 70 Suit v rnAMFi; wiUfitas neaUy and perfectly as a . bOWAMLRS. $o oo Suit. Fine Dress Suits, I "niy hue goods in stock, 11.65 up bound or unbound in fancy and solid 10 2-5- worsteds, clay worsteds, broad wales. , Great reduction in all our Lace in tact all toe new, noooy laorics. : scock 10 cican it up. thousands ol All made by finst class manufacturers ' yards will go now at less than cost oi and fit equal to made to order gar- importation. All our hand-made tnents. Our stock of fine Pants is Torchons reduced from 10 and I2 the largest and nicest we have ever : cent to 8. See our Lace counter. had, and can't be had in town for 20 , Y -z -j ' j The above talk explanatory of out ir..... . .1 . . t ... ? .. 1. . . it. r. -11 luccase rMS, cioining siock is oy wr, Den roweu, who knows our stock thoroughly and knows whereof he speaks. The tremendous increase in our clothing sales we think due 10 the great in crease in the quantity and quality ol our stock. We carry the largesi and best clothing stock in the State, and sell it tor less money. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. HARNESS. HENRY FLETCHER. Never in the history of Charlotte has this opportunity been ottered y ou. 1 nis special cost sale win oe kept up in this Department for 12 months, from Feb. 10, '90. From February 10th, 1890, hun dreds of iets of Harness, with Col lars and Bridles, Saddles, &c , are going out dMlv in every direetion We are able to mn this one depart ment lor the lenefu o! the peon'e it cost for one vear, and you have it cheerfully and neely. No. 5 Good set Single Bugcy Haines:- with breast collar, iu inch ti ace, 4 75. Ditto, with co:lar and Ihai.i.-s, 5-75. 1 H.me Made Harness $6 25. N . 7. One Cuk) I Heavy Harness, $7. so N" 11 A Nice 1VuI1 Buggv Ham s. nic te triininei, 15.( 0. N 12. Knoxville Douu'e Buifgy Hanuss, lancy creased 1c ther, iS'7-5'- j 1 double Wagon Harness, hip strap, Si 2.50. Ditto, with Breeching, 13-50 Plantation Saddles, $1.50. No. 66 Hog Seat Saddles. jf.6s. Black Quilt Seat, $2. gc. Red Leither Skirt, $3 45. Quilt Seat, knee curls, DRY GOODS B. F. POWELL, SR. WALTER FOLSOM ' 7.4 Sheeting 18c, to 4 Sheeting 25c, Barker Mill 4-4 Bleach 8)4c. Great job in single bed, quilts at 25c. Flannels, Cottotudcs, Jeans, Cassimeres. Prints. Sheetings, Plaids, &c, Great job iu Cassimere Rem nants at 20 to 30c. LI;N;ES: Towels 4C, 5c, 10c., I25c 15c., i8c., 20c., 24c, 25c 380. and 40c . To close a large line of very fine Towels, worth from 48c to 73c, we have made the sweeping reduction of letting ail go at 40c. " Another too dozen of the 15 cent Towels will be ofiered next week. ' Turkey Red Damasks at 25c. ao,d 33c. is going rapidly. Sales . in great cut price Linen goodilale hv; more tiian doubled any , previous sales., : Bleached Damasks 55c, 68c., 76c i 08c.; $1.18 and $1.48. These are , elegant goods.' Doylers 30c. uo' 20 kinds, Great bargain in a Cotton Towel at 5& ; Russia . Crash ?s, yc, worth lire, arid 15c 8 cents 18 " 24 " 31 " We offer this week a gn at bar gain in Ladies' -Silk Vests at 75 cts. rhese goods bring fi. 25 everywhere. MUSLIN UNDDRWEAR. Two lines one at 27 and one al 58 cents All kinds of garments in each, and hundreds of piece are sold. Black Qui'.t Set. crown Qoswe JOHN HARRELL. FRANK MOSTKl.LKR. , It's a great stock 01 these good ycu find in the basemen. R mem. per we buy i-large quantitits. !hip in car load lots, save the exporse ol casks and give back to our u ade s saving of over $200 pr car load We have lust received a hri : line of Glassware frrm the f ictorics and can saveydu lots of money on thest gootls f Bent tron Stone Handled Teas 45c Best G C. aac. up to 33c. Plates C C. 4 in, 13c, 5 in. iSe, 6 in." 23C, 7 in. 30c, aud 8 in 320 too dozen Iron Stone Plates 7 in. 35c and 8 in. 38c per set. A great bargain. Looking Glasses, full htie. - Tinware ot, every description with tue'great reiutatirti ' in JLhis deparl uieui luuy ausiau:u.. . rriccs wm tell and you get .a great load for a little In this department. , ' Two hoip Cedar Buckets, 20c. -' Three hoopCedr Buckets, 25c. u Porcelain, Kettles 4Q to Boc, ' Laundry Soap a to ic. .t . Tto Toilet Sets 11,33. Vi No. 68 No. 70. No. 71. $3 So. No. 78. sat, 5-75 No. 102. Kip Fair Leativr, ,?4 75 No. 108. Hog Se.u, McClelland, $4 50. Beautiful Indies Saddle, $4.50 Web Halters 1 Sc., IVind HridKs 40c . very heavy 7 sc., Due!: Cloth Collars 2 buckles, xnc., Heavy Check Wagon Lines$i.3oand 1.40, Leather I alters 7SC and $1 00. Girths loc and 15c, Cirsinglc 15c and 18c. Come and see the goods and you 1 t win oe astonished at the prices you can now buy MHjLINBRY - MISS MINNIE CRAMKK, Tnmmrt. -v .... .wi'i I - ; ........ . I3rl, MISSHKN.VIS UU?M, Il&3 RCHAEL BLUM, llM. Stxk after stock has been bought this season to keep up in this De part ment Hundreds and hundreds of Hats have gone out, and our Trimmers have worked day and night to keep up.". This wek we open an entire new line with all the latest things out. Nobby ,niw,' stylish, elegant bVutiti ful, and they ",go fast a ad fa ter. About J.ooo ILts left of tho Great Bargain ia Sun Hats at 10 cents. We have, mad a gnat many cuts in Ribbous andrFeijther JuM r cs?tve1 a large line f Veiling, - 'One lot Hand Painted Silk ScarK to 1 19S real beauties, SHOES. HARVKV HOOD. W. J. HARRIGAN. We have just added 4 000 to our Shoe stock, bought from the clwsing of the manuf c turers se -s. n, and shall sell as we bought. The appli cation of t' lis rule has built our Shoe trade,' as it has all our departments, lip to mammoth proportions. Thin department often requires six sales- men to wait on our trade. We are using every effort in this department to lead the house, and under the m inagementof the wonderful worker Harvey Hood, we shall not hesitate to say to the leaders in other depart ments, look out for your laurels or your departments will be behind. Two s pedal bargains in Ladies Shoes, one at 75c per pair, the other $100. You can secure bargains in either of these, which are matchless. Hess & Bros, fine hand made Shoes, in all the latest styles, at less than Hess & Bros sell to the trade. Dress Goods. JOHN DELANE. CAPT. HAYNEa. MISS CARRIE FOLSOM. MISS ANNIE GROSS. We have certainly sold Challies en -ugh to supp'y all this part of tht Carolinas. Sane ns and White Go.vfs have gone out in very nearly as gnat amounts. Why ther is really no limit to the sales in Ging hams, Percales, Foulards, Lawns. Chambrays, &c We offer this week bond Black Organdies at 1 8c in stripes and plaids. These are fine goods and would be ciiep at 25c. We shall continue our Chalue salt at 5c per yard. Another case, love ly patterns, this week. A splendid line of Percales at 8 cents. A few pieces yet of thoe 30 cent Suteen at 20 cents. The great piece sale of Whitt Goods in 7 to 15 yard pieces, at 5c. toe. and I2c. hs ecl.psed al' other interests in White Goods. These goods are really worth doublt the money. HEN'S HATS 1 MK JINKS HARRKLL. CHARLES SHAFFER- It is a wilderness of Staw Hats fbi Men, Boys and Children Broad Hrimsand Narrow, all kinds of Hats We offer thi- greatest array of Hate ever seen h-re. through our ive York house -we buy direct fron manul'acTurers, The line betweer Retailcrs aud Wholesale dealers b 1'stinctly drawn in mercantile life Manufacturers who sell the retail trade cannot sell , the Jobber. The jobber to succeed must be protected so that he can sell the; retail dealer No retail merchant can buy goods a a jobber. He must have an interest directly or indirectly to reach the markets through a jobber or' his rijfbt to4uy at the -prices named' ton jobber are cut oft and he can not get the Jobbers prices, and when you hear a retail merchant telling of his ability to buy goods in and of him, self jmt s a jobber buys, you set mil do n as a mistake. If wc cou'd n" our N''v Yr1; H"ni " Hf VRY FT,ETCHF.R. CHA.IS LYLES. ' TOM WORLfcY. "J t Perhaps the mot1 remarks ' !e growth in all our great house is that sands of yards of all kinds uf Carncts go out to every part of the country. jno unusual thing to send CV"pet3 ine to two hundred miles. Thelfge line and low prices, with all the ee v est and be-t ofiered, embracin everv thing in a fir t class stock of Cart ets wninouie largely to make this what it is, the most attractive stock of Carpets in the Carolinas. ' ; China Mattings 10, 13, 18, 24 and 30 rent. All Wo d Ingrains ao to 62 ITnfon Ingrains 12 best. Cotton 1 'grains r8 and 24. -Hemp. ; 4 quaier, , 19 and 15 ' Brussels 50 and up to 875, Velvet, a great "wgahy 90 cent Moquet, WU'on, uxminster Remnants, suitable for Rug, at 85 cents per yard, usually tU v .rds lone, and worth more than double. Yard scruare Intrrain Rem riauta 25 to 3.s. Inerain Druceets. All sizes, 55 and 60. Smyrna and Velvet Rugs in great . variety. , A very fine 4 by 7 feet Rug $5.50 and S6. 5a Velvet and Brussel Hassock ' no cents. 10 niprM vmv hMf sir Wool, 3-pIy Carpets 80 cents, worth 1. 10. Carpet Lining 4 cents. Floor )il Cloth 2S to to cents oer snuare yard. A nice Rug at 40 centsa -i leader. Our Wholesale Department is at tended by Charles Lyles, Charle Williams and Henry Fletcher. Th'i increase in our sales in this Depart ment is fully up with the great in crease through all the house. Ou teles so far this year are fully 20 per cent ahead of any previous year. TODD FOLSOM. . naicnera, 25c. 35Q, 43c. and 4814 Hammers irv tr ha ia... 1 , -j't "fvt ivn. uiv- 48c ; Trace Chains, 35c per pair ; , Long Handled Shovels. 38c and 48c: ruu ime ot uutts. Hinges and Screws : Auc'er Bits, unto 1 inrh a 7c ; for 6 1-6 up to 24 cts for 1 inch ; lin Pans rnqtMnrAAf : . ' a tl " "' J1, it (.-cilia .J .T Blacking, ic and 5c ; Ink, 3c ; Muci lage, 4c : 12 boxes Matches, '100 each, for ivV ; TeaSDOons ' ac ner 1 up ; Tablep.. .m ioc per set up ; ' a Shear, 4 ; Gimb'ets 2 for 3c 3 inch Hand Saw Files. 4c ; 4 In Hand Saw Files, 5c ; 8 inch Saw Files, 13c ; 10 inch Mill Saw Files, 18c ; Barbor's Shoe Thread, 6c ; Best Steel Shears, o men, z5c ; 7 men, 35c ; 8 inch, 43c ; Blind Hinges, 8c per set; alt kinds Powket Cutlery 50 styles Pocket Knives, 25c; Table Cutlery, lull line, very cheap ; Slates, 3, T, 8 and ioc ; Bridsh Bulldog Revolver, $2 00 ; Paint Brushes. 5, 7, 16, " I8 24. 38 and 40 cents : Wood Pine r 7 ia 15 and 18c ; Sp rit Levels, 33. 43, 48 and 58 cts; Mor, key Wrenches, Braces and Plances ; Carpet Tack j reduced to 1 cent ; Chisels, Squares, aw Handles. Well Wheels. Shr orusnes wisp iirooms; Padlocks, 5. 8, 10, 14 and 18 cents Zirc Coolers, Horse Brushes, . Curry Ginbs, Combination Tools; Tti Bells, 9, 15 and 24 cents; Wardrobe Hooks, 15c per doz; Sad Irons, 4c oer lb; Curtain Poles, complete, 23c; Shades and Fixtures r 1 Kitchen MISS KATIE NORTHEY. Paper at I eenti rwr nnnnrl AU kinds Note, Letter Cap, Bid aid l eal Cat). Blnttincr Pad c onrt 1. cNnts, Envelopes, a b?g bargain at t w per pacK, au shapi and sty'e. lias t Cent, adamantine- fW ' centi, brass ; Hair Pins, 100, wd , MISCELLANEOUS MENTION'. ' 4 1 V is 11 CJarl:S ' Lvles "and Charl Wi - liams, fknera1 Managers. . 1L. II 1-4 . , ocnonjeicis rioor ,taoaer. Abb Ilarrill, Casbier" ' , ChecsJlvs. Robr. Willia.iVi VV-J ter Myvrs, Jamf s Shfcr. Rav Luther Shenill, Printttr. Johtv Byd .Wrapper. ..If you waut to s- e'thu b-,t ; , places in any busies i i Oh i ! : o'me and s 6wr ih -; . !hro hi' t -1

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