GRAND Sale - OF- z STRAW HATS!: - V TO-MORROW, May 2nd. Hale commences Friday morning TIIEGREAT SAM JDNES Progress fibf -the Meetings -Charlotte. i LAST NIQHT'8 8EBM0I A FBAOTI OIL OEE. at 8:80, and InsH only one day. GREAT BAI" QAINS IN ALL , KlNTHOF STRAW GOODS. T. L' Seigle & Co. Visiting Druggists -AND General Merchants -ARE- Invited : -;' Xr,y: lull And, examine the largest stock of DRlGS, MEDICINES and SUN DRIES In the' State. We sell at manufacturers' ;tTT? ,JLxLlLi & DUNN, , s 8 and 6 West Trade street. It ETA I L STORE, Opposite Central Hotel. WATCHES, CLOCKS -AND JEWELRY. iff. Selling 0it AT AND BELOW COST. . . .1 A I wish to close my business in the tioxt two or three mouths I off or GREAT BARGAINS. TJjEIlYTHI NO GOl JA AT J; T. BUTLERS. A. E;HIN1BM, -.--jo; Boots Shoes . I ' S ICS, V AT.I f E8,CANEf(, UM , B 3 ELLAS. . " ! Ml 2STGW Oi OOCiB Special Services This Afternoon to the Colored People The Watte reopis Turned Out to Make Boomme i wo Partial and Vhiikey. Aiit person deslrouH of getting an Idea of the colored population oi Charlotte and Mecklenburg county, should have had a srlance over the town at three o'clock this afternoon. That was the hour set for the special services for the colored people at the tabernacle. They commenced com ing in early in the morning and be fore noon, they crowded the streets and their turnouts filled the back lots. There was no flaming paper on the bill boards, but they were here all the same. They had heard oi Sam Jones, and they wanted to hear him. The scene at the tabernacle was a wonderful oue. The darkies completely filled the building and there was a full colored choir. The roof, however, is of Inch plank, put down with ten-penny nails, and it remained intact The sermon to the colored people cannot be reported in this evening's News, simply because it occurs al most simultaneously with our press hour. It had not been supjxwd that the col ored people would fill the tabernacle and a number of whites went in and got seats, but thev were all driven out Ix-fore ser- i vires began to make room for the negroes. Tito building was filled to the very roof, fully sis thousand negroes being there. The colore J choir was led by Prof. Excell, ami the singing was really of a wonder fully attractive character. The services at the tabernacle last tftght were attended by as many peo ple as could be packed into the build ing. Before the services, requests for prayer wore read for a clerk in a shoe store, and 19 requests for hus bands, wives, scps and daughters. ii'flteou for frTencIs alratgfrbors. A letter of thanks from a convert was also read. Beginning his ser mon, Mr. Jones said : I invite your attention for a short while tonight, and I want the atten tion, if you please, of every thought ful man and woman while 1 discuss this, one of the most important texts to be found in the word of (iod. It is time now for action to begin. Man desires to be good; but it is action that the devil is try ing to prevent, and if it is the action which the devil does prevent on your part, he has you securely in his grasp. In the 17th c hapter of the Gospel of St. John we have the words of Jesus: "If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine." At the time Jesus uttered these words he was surrounded by the sharp cunning Pharisees, and the shrewd calculating Hadducees, and the learned doctors, of the law, were probiug and discussing and weigh ing every utterance of his lips. He threw the gauntlet down at their feet and said : "If any man will do the will of (lod he shall know of the doctrine." Now, it is perfectly natural for man to doubt. Men have been doubting ever since men have been sinning; and really doubt is the legitimate child of sin. You never had a doubt i in your life but what if you would take hold of it and pull it up by the roots there is a seed at the bottom of the tap root, and the name of that seed is "sin"; and us loug as men sin thay will doubt. The quickest, clear est conversion that Christ ever had under his ministry was the case of Nathaniel heu he approached Christ. Christ said: "Heboid an Israelite, indeed, in whom there is no guile," and the door of Nathaniel's heart Hew right open. My Lord! my Ood! with a heart and soul emptied of sin. And the Scriptures teu&h us that without faith it is Impossible to please (ud, and it is by faith we are saved. Now men have doubted in all ages of the world, aud never since Adam disobeyed God down to this moment have men ceased to doubt Man is a very incredulous thing, and it takes a great deal of point blank proof to make a man believe anything, and some men have doubted until they began to believe that they doubt whether they doubt or not Now whatever has been a declara tion, an affirmative declaration, that is what the Gospel is. It is an affir mative and impartial end of circum stances which is in the affirmative. 1 aui sorry for a preacher who Is so lot to Itls. calling as, to go around defending Chtistlauiry trying to move Christianity. Novfe'r did 'it 'in my "llfe-ajways begba wltn tVt Ood is God, heaTenis"beaveu,heil-lsJ A preacher went home with a good old woman as4 found all about-pn the margin of J?ftjs few letters T. P." Sister, what do these letters mean? '.where u)d you see them? saw them right 'hers. "Thy bread i hall bs glveii me and watct is sure.1 "Wherever you see T. PJn jny Bible if "stands "for TriecTand Proven," The main thing to do is to put tt to the test I don't blame you for doubting, but I blame you for sin uing. " Men have been . skeptical in all ares, in ancient days etymology meant Au . earnest inquirer lor truth." But in these davs it means a rooi tailing. Men doubted Oalileo when he dls covered that the world rotated in its axis. lie . was arralirned and con. vie ted. And Harvey discovered that the blood circulated frolm the heart back again. Well the earth does ro tate, but here is a man says that the blood wouldn't circulate,'" 'Watts discovered that steam had a power almost omnipotent, rney arraigned him and tried him, and said the World does rotate, and the blood cir culate. But here is a man declares that steam is to drive wheels. When Morse discovered with electricity that one could talk to another 500 miles away, they said the earth ro tates, the blood circulates, but here the greatest', fool the world ever uw. The greatest discovery came to your house with the greatest blessing they ever received, und yet today they doubt, and fight and work against earth's greatest deliverer and greatest discoverer. I said to you a man can believe that there is a power. A man can believe that the blood circulates,and he can be as licentious as sin would have him. He can be 'leve that the blood circulates, and he can be Just as mean as he wants to be ; but us soon as he believes that Jesus Christ can save sinners, a man has to call. That's all. I tell you I go out sometimes in the school of philosophy and science. What little fellows t hey are. Man, if you iust come over into Christianity and let me show you a Christian,you will never call that a man any more. You would get some other name for It It is worth preachlne to the end of the world to meet and shake hands with a errand man. 1 met oue such one day, sat clown and talked with tiiui. He stirred every ambition of my soul. 1 tat and looked and won dered. I betran to nrnv: Oh! (loci make me a man, and I have beeu praying it ever since. ing grainier than good women ffnd men. Tho other dav 1 met tit gran dest woman. Thank God my mother was a woman. Thank (?od my daugh ter is n woman, rftul I felt good for days and weeks. Another dfty I met a little fellow. TUat'9 s man. Well ! What is that if that's a man? I don't want to be a man. I'd rather be a dog. He was not all there; part of him was miss ing. Let me tell you, I see just hun dreds of those little fellows everv curative power was destroyed rby wetting h earth, and he had bathed many a time before In that pool; but he lust groped his way In darkness to the pool and "stooping down he washed tbjs clay from Ma.yesvnd looked up aud saw rocks and rivers and mountains that his eyes never looted at Deiorev ana ms evesaano- inar in hie head, the neoDle said let's give Ood the glory, but as for this fellow he hAS the devil In him. The fellow said : "I don't know whAthnr lie has a devil or not: but Ihls I do know that whereas I was blind, now see." ' ; . There is another case the world has failed on utterly. Do you know that the lener has balked the ne.lmA nf - - America for a thousand vears. Well. give me a leper, rney brought ten lepers to Christ aud they nay: "Mas ter that we raav be made whole." J esus said J "Oo show yourselves to the priest"- Master the priest would not let us go about him, We have to hold up our hands to keen the neonle off before - anybody touches them. They started to go to the priest, and before they cot man v varus the scales dropped from their bodies and one ran back and praised the Lord for the healing of the 10 lepers. Jesus Christ never failed to do any thiug that a fellow wanted done. He Is not only a Divine Saviour, but the best physician that ever wrourrht ver a diseased soul. That's what 1 am talking about And some of you little fellows imagine your case is peculiar. Bless your sweet little soul, He would straiirhten vou ont heforn you could say "Jack Robinson." He would want half a dozen of your sort to make one jaw. It is a mighty hard matter to pic k up one little clover, seed out of a bushel, and little fel lows like you ought to come iu groups Peculiar, sir! Absolutely there is nothing like you. Law! yon would be surprised to know how many little fellows were down with the very same complaint you have got Lis ten! If any man will do what God says to do, then he will know what God wants him to do. What God says, is to do. That's tho text That's the reason why 1 am such a doing creature. We fellows around here believe. Believe! and these fellows believe until they won'tdo anything, out mat leiiow wno Deueves In the i ft e -"I Tl 1 " I 1 1 . ti V "I mi A- 1 l" A xPfmrt : lvii tor; i A rPAof xtnn r ; ' f - -v '.til - f r'V -::- Generous Bargains. Generous Bargains. We invite visitors to insnnnfc Summer Clothing, with the certainty that you have never ye seen anv- thing that Will compare With it for varlAtv nr crnrul miL equal of the stock has never-been and perfect i y " t r I JUST WHAT YOU WANT It has been our endeavor to provide; just what you want in quality a in price. We are prepared to suit any customer, however extravagant extreme. If there's anybody dissatisfied with purchases In the past n o wetr grana opportunity to get satisfaction. Think and or now WHAT WE OFFER YOU! No oir r tin widest choice for taste or fancv ii Ready Made Cluthiu-r r..r Men. Hoys and ( hildren. We offer the newe tt rv!rs Hnd ivitt-i ns In Mraw Huts. We olTer you the lest values von ever received In' tl..- a hove goods and the lowest prices ever made. A GENUINE OFFER OF GENUINE BAHGAINS. A GENUINE OFFER OF GENUINE BARGAINS. A GENUINE OFFER OF GENUINE HA KG A INS. A GENUINE OFFER OF GENUINE BARGAINS. A GENUINE OFFER OF GENUINE RARGA I NS. clay. They ain't all there part of them is gone. Another day I met one of those giggling, dancing, novel reading girls, and I sat down by her and got up. Absolutely she never could get there, she will evaporate on the way. Why, If I had half a dozen like her to make one woman out of 1 would be mighty careful with the dirt until I got my woman done. I would. I adore Christianity because it has introduced nie to the grandest per sons tins world ever had. Christianity in every sense of man hood and womanhood is the highest, is the grandest plane that mortal man ever walked. That's a fact Christianity is as susceptible of demonstration as anything else. If Christianity is not as substantial as mathematics you may have my part oi it ii you cannot demonstrate it as easy you can mathematics you may nave my interest in it. Here if a gentleman was to sit down by me and say Brother Jones do you be lieve in mathematics.' Yes sir. IJe- moustra te it Twice 2 are 4 ; 6 times uare;w. un, that's silly. What kind of a demonstration do you want? France and Switzerland a tunnel to begin on the opposite sides of the mountain and come together right in the middle. Science and mathe matics step up and says: I will guide you through the mountain and bring you together. Hut you might ake a mistake. Mathematics savs I don't make mistakes. Thus the two governments say if you make a mistake we have lost thousands of dollars. And the engineers brought their instruments and told the work i ion to go to work right hero, and they worked days, weeks and Months. Tli no pie thought they had missed taen other, but mathe matics said, be patient, I make no mistakes. Oue dav the France side was sitting eating their dinner and me Switzerland side rose from meal and commenced work Mi-it The French workmen dim titffcll till and gathered their picks and shov els when they suddenly heard tin rumbling of picks andshoveUon tin other side and the middle wall of tho partition fell out and tln-v sinu each other to an inch. Now' if t. cannot test Christianity !! that you may have my interest. I m.-.m what I. say, and you can suli..-t it r. a severe test and demonstrate it Well,- religion makes me happy. That's silly. Well what do you want WelL-a Ood that can do any great wonderful thing, with nature for in stance. What do you want don Well, suppose on that great lake of Oenevereta ship was just rolling and Pitching under the wmv.- T would liked to see that hushed i'i .n minute. We started th -c i-! ). on that lake and Jesus was asleep and when the ship was i..iiinK ttfe frightened deciples waked hm, and asked what they could do. He just looked at the wind aud waves -and took up one little wave. What a Calm I Did the world ever wh,,. more than that Let us try him on this case ; where a man was born stone blind. What can you do to him. My Saviour can give him his sight They stood him on- the roadside, and cried- o uuiu, wiuu cwu ui isnviu, nave mercy npon roe. and Jesus and Jesus passed the multitude and stobnerf Mhcosolav with his spittle aud rubs y i .u . "Mu" man's evfes ana aid, fto wash lu .yonder pooL 'islenust, would haro known that tb Bible won't believe anything but what God says. I will tell you an other thing. I don't are what a fel low believes or what he ''j,. JXOt 1 thctm1 ' ' wjl 'At unnor, ii i iiiivi. yrt inni io ao what (iod telLi-fcfni to do. Now a There is uotb'" ,,el1,ow et A ''"I6 keP- chance for you at all. Now listen: I don't care what a man believes, and I don't care what a man don't believe, if I can get him to do what God wants him to do. That's the reason why, brethren, I have a con tempt for infidelity. It Is because an infidel denies a proposition that they dare not sit down and work out i was preaching in one of our South ern towns and a man walked down street with me aua said: "I am what you call au infidel. You have got something I haven't got If you cau do any thing for me I will' be much obliged." If you will take my medicine I'll warrant to get you straight In 4s hours. I'll do that, lint I want to tell you I dont believe in the divinity of Christ I don't care what you believe. Now tonight you kneel down aud pray, "God be merciful to me a sinner." You shut your little mouth and don't open it for 48 hours. That night when I in vited penitents to come forward he was one of them, and when I walked down to him that night he was kneeling down praying ''God be mer ciful to mo a sinner." Now when I open the church you come up and join the church, but "keep your mouth shut" You have nearly talked yourself to hell. But I said shut your mouth. He got out his bible and had family prayers. When he HPked me if I believe in God, I said shut your mouth. Didn't I tell you not to talk to me. The thing I told that fellow cinio out all right and I believe kept up, too. If you give God your head he will pull the kinks out of your hair every morning. God don't earn what a fellow believes or don't believe. God never said give me your head, hand or foot and the Lord knows the head has not been the start of vour life. If you irive (lod your heart he will straiirhten vour head out, you little old fool. rhese Christians K"inir arouud the country saying now, If you are skep tical, there is no chance tor j-ou. I have irot many au infidel. I have uever kiiowu one to turn out to be much, but they are worth saviujr. be cause they belong to Adam. They belong to the Adamic race. A man don't do what he believes, but he bellevos what he does. If you show me your faith, I'll show you your works. Sam Jones, I am a little skeptical. Thou the end of you; you will die with a cold In your head. You know doctors tell us if we take a hard cold it will always settle in the weakest part. That's' the reason agnostics die t-arlv. because it is with a cold In their head. A cold iu the head! And a preacher that will sitdown and ar gue with au infidel is a goose. Re member, you cannot argue with an Infidel. "What is an infidel?" "Just a jrreat big mouth going around talking," and all you have got to do l to Inmyine his mouth, and that is all there is left --- . 1 . If I was not a Christian, I would walk up to-night and say ; , "Here's mv hand! I loin the church. I would go home and erect a family altar and put myseii - in me nanus oi uie Ereacher, and if a man will do that e will get to heaven just like a man going on the Richmond A Daville It It will go to Washington. I am not talking theology. I am talking Bible common sense. 1 am talking the text for one time, and I am afraid 1 am wandering off from my crowd frequently. If my boy had good sense and religion, and you picked him up and sent him to a theological seminary, 1 would sue you for damages. I was preaching iu Middle Geo. gla. We had five chargea WEfdl pirice. I preached to that little piece. The first Sunday 1 went there I walked homejwltu a brother and asked him hW many members have you got to this church. Four. Who are they? Me, my sister, her little boy, and my little jrfrl. Well, I said, "Shuck" is that all you got I aske In all your trading experience you never Iwid sn.h oi- Spring at such low prices. We don't ask vou t t for ii. Come aud see t hem. a chance to !' t Jixed take our won! Inn let W. KAUFMAN & CO., LEADING CLOTHIERS, GENT'S FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, CORNER CENTRAL HOTEL CHARLOTTE. N. C. Mundell's celebrated Solar Tip Gent's lin Dougola and I'at. nt Shoes for C hildren Always a large , Leather Oxfmis for dancing and stock of these popular Shoes. ; street wear, t.u- most cietrant l-uo.Is I J 1 liL A TU L flfl . 1. viwi.jvAiii iu. cm me maritt i ami lowest pri ! GILREATH New stock of Slipper Soles. New prices. A CO. stock of Trunks. New stock of Va lises aud Club Rags. New stock of Sample Cases. Come aud see our Goods. GILREATH & CO. , For the best Blacking in the world ! use Miller's Improved French. Willi soften and preserve the leather.! Makes a lasting shine and the most ; economical. Costs no more than value common Mucking GILREATH A C.O. Our Gait's fine hand mad-slio s stand at the top, alwav the makes, twst fitting, ami low esl iil'ii'i-s. Come nnd trv them. GILREATH A CO. Ladies, call and see our celel.i .it. cl Two Dollar S io. hv fnrth.. .. .,.,-t ever o. fared. We immense sale on them. GILREATH CO. asked who lived C0imvu ok Ira STRANGERS OUR :-: VISITING CITY. :o: For the next thirty clays there will .- city. They would il o well to call on i ;rr-;it ninny strnii;,.r vi i and ,,r , ,,((, 1 1 1 1 1 t... U GENT'S, LADIES', MISSES' AND CI ILDRF.N'S FINE SHOES! FINE SHOES! We purchased heavily this s. asou and will be abl to show a stock of BOOTS AM) SHOES Seldom seen in any Southern city. We are always in the front ranks in thehandUngof ALL KINDS OF FINE FOOTWEAR. Our stock of Ladies' Haud-Hewed and Hand Turned Button Roots and lutw Shoes excel any previous lines that we have ever shown We have an endless variety of Misses', Children's and Infant's Button Shoes and Oxford Ties and slippers, and In fact our stor- Is full from UutomTo top of new, fresh goods fust from the factories, ami made to our ordo? l.v our prices aud comparo with what you have beeu paying. 19 East Trade Street GRAY & BA3NHARDT, 8ui cessors to Gray A Co. SU ITS. New Goods I New Styles! My My stock of Parlor Goods is as near comnUte now as at any time in the his tory of my business, and the peoplt of this community know that I LEAD in the latest styles, .knowing I have made it a special studv a ua nHtly 3uarter of century. "Think of this." One .4,d Sherry Fra,n. upholstered In silk nlu.h, 8 pieces at $42.00. Remember this hf nollsh franiA. ,J ..-L-p.ecs, 1 P'hJyf. rUfht nlib: Om Antique Oak. BuiVup'hoUte la inequality, silk plush, 6 pieces at IliOO. ".cijuuo &nunBwuniun is, ana inowf it to be stvl l8li nd also durable I have a Hilk PI ush Suit, Cherry f ram upholstered in liESTSiUt r,.uw,'. P0.wluc'tt" This suit is sold cIobo, ret lember that I have several 'grades cfxpiush on the same kind of V from a. 3 .NIOHOLB JTurnn .rvrrTnr'i o

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