: : : -LL JLJi. II VI ; at., i iiiimi im.i... , rJrMv .""'-fiini-TTiniririirBii'nniliniBwiiiinnnigijwi ii)miwwWiiii'iiihniiMi iinMt hih'imii ,.... " 7 ! - -1 I t - J I ' fi J"" t ll . H'. J I ' J I . ,.l ; lie " l I I 'I" . 1I II ll ill i l I " " - " " " ' 1111 '" J"" I '. i W V W 1 -'- w i.;ri';,r 9-,-,, iiff.m'i 'ni; u t VOLUME III. t. ' V . t. v. nit, OH AB LOJDE, OST. C. FRIDAY VEklKGyiilt 2 1890. NUMBER 13U. ii 4 Those who h ave watched the phe nominal growth of our business and drank of the cooling waters of low prices we are giving, know perfectly well the reasons for our reat suc cess. It is said there is net a house like it in the Nation doing the busi ness we Art doing in a citY f 15.000 poopK'. l.rfM wrck gentleman came from Pittsburjf on purpose to learn if possible, the cause of our 1 great trade. After spcr.dinjj twoj dais, he said to the writer he would not have missed it for an hundred dollars. He fi.id gathered up new Heas n( biines. success. The truth is our success his expVde.lhe ihf ory and practice of high prices es tablished beyond doubt that the law of success in merchandise is that of small profits and quick s1?s. That of reducing the business to Cash, of mastering with Dollars when we biy and keeping the mastery when we we sell Under-buy; Uoder-sell. To every visitor we extend a cordial invitation to co ne and se us, to go all through our House, to get prices under the law ol Dollar Valuations, and to buv as it will pay yni to buy. A page is no not large enough to jjive in deta'l an ida ot our business. To avrentr Vu must see it ancT in havmr Scarfs and. FoUTrin hands rnkU just to suit the especial taste of the most fastidious. Real beauties at 88c., and on down t6 any price you want. t - Great Jot at 18 cents. . X iTr MISS MAGGIE DUFFIE. See special sales for . Hosiery. Handkerchiefs lor everybody from a cents up. Gloves ot all kinds. Splendid stock Of 'very fine Zephyr just received, 7 cents per ounce. Aracine, 13 cents per ounce; Riba sci ue, 20 cents pej dozen ; Cheniel, 20 cents per dozen. Hand Painted Silk Tides used for decoration, elegant goods,' $ 1.20 to $1.98. CLOTHING ) yes. tbM is our special sale day We offered special things last weeje. Some new thing daily and we offer special things tod iy. .'. fV x Every item .ever . cut in price to make a special sale remained at that price tmtil it was" all out. Goods offered last week at 'a sacrifice it not sold will go at the same price or less this week. We never go up on these sped dties. We made the cut to sel), not to decoy buyers and de deve them. ' "'. uo inursaay we shall otter too dozen Men's Balbriggan Half Hose at 10 cent". Bargain of bargains. One case Men's Balbriggan Half Hose, 15 cents. These are regular 35 cents goods. One case Ladies' Solid Black Hose, regular 10 cent goods, at 5c Twenty five dozn Ladies' Pin Stripe Hose, 17 cents, and 25 dozen imported and very fine at 25 cents. These are great leaders and all well worth immediate attention. MEN POWELL. BAXTER YANDLE. 'pp. lb nd ist" ot prio of a ! :di v d p Mil -ni Our Clothing Department is and always has been a success and is now c mplele, with the exception of a tew dozed suit and a Juce lotj'of fine Striped. and. Plaid Pan's, wluch will arrive this week. We can fit all sizes of nen the tall and slim, the short and stout the long stout and the regular shapes. The style in both colors and cuts are very nobbv and tastily conceived thH season, and we are not behind in procuring them only in one respect and that is to yc-ir advantage. We were a little behind other merchants in buying1 our Spring Stock, and for this rea son we have bought a stock 15 to 20 pe cent, les than they who bought eat '.ier. Crowd have stood around our counter! tor ihe pat two week. e.t ier to se cci Irom the Durh-tm Htock at 50 ienw on V t dollar unti it is about all gone. True, we can't sell you the new and regular stock at 50 cents on the dollar but we can and will let you hve it. at a aaving ol it least 20 per cent, cheaper than you buy it elsewhere. It will jv vou to s-e our business suits from 7 50 up in all the I test ptt rns in 1 C'vio's, Casimeres. r lanncis Thibets and Srg. .A 7 70 Suit ' wi'l fit at rn-atly and te -c ly a '$nwi Sn't Fine IVrvi Siits. bund or un bou iv 1 m fin " i?dAli , w-o'edi, c av worsteil In ml al-.- in tact all tne nev. mv'v iir cs AND LACES. MISS NETTIE BRIAKD. MISS IENNIE STOUDE V YER . MISS WITSON. Since we broke all the records on Corsets and sold the Racket at 48c and the great Unbreakable at 58c., there has been no question about the leadership on these goods. We of fr the largest and best line in the South. This week we offer as a special leaders black Corset, "The Flor ence," wortli $1 co, at 58 cents. Gazelle, 25 Romania, 48 Countess, 73 411. W. B. 88 390, w. a 98 185, W. B. $1.25 Watchspring, 1.25 R. & T., M sses'. 48 Child's Waists, 4 Beauty 38 R. & T. Ladies' Waists 98 JERSEY JACKETS, 25 cents and up. We carry a fine line and it is dimcult to give an idea of the stock on paper. LADIES' COLLARS and CUFFS. Collars. 5. to and 15c. Cuffs 7. 10 and 15c Ku hings 5. 7. 10, t2C. nd up. Vandyke Laces 18c GOSSAMERS. Only fine u nx Is in stock, $1.65 up t '2 I it, W'J ('! T i Haod".'Lainpii,p Painted Um'ps, Swineincf Larnps, all kinds 6f Lamps: One lot veryfine 5 .Lamj.re ducedto $fi$tLtiHiU-hf' tutn !bA-?- Feather Dusters small, r . . 5 cenu J2k , 25 M ' l : ' l 40 '-Steel F"yirng Parts $ cents. ,. Best stock of Glassware,' we, have ever offered, fcend forf pri e lists from this department -. - TOILET SOAPS. Castile, 5c Imported Glycerine 5c worth 15c Belmont, 4 cakes in box, 10c Turkish Bath, per doz., 20c Large line Toilet Soap. LAUNDRY SOAPS. Btsket, 12 02., Defiance, Big Value, Nickle Qocks, y Alarm, Thee are in fancy cases. Pnotovra oh frames. One lot Oil Paintings, all band worjc. Great bargains, Brooms. 2 hoop painted Buckets, 10c Baskets of all kinds. Traveling Baskets, Toy Baskets, School Bas kets, Lunch and Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, &c, &c 3C 4C 4C 70c $1 CO 43c HARNESS. HENRY FLETCHER. Never in the history of Charlotte has this opportunity been offered you. This special cost sale will be kept up in this t?;partment for 12 months, from Feb, 10, '90. From February loth, 1890, hun dreds of sets of Harness, with Col lars and Bridles, Saddles, &c, are going out 6ily ft every direction. Ware able to run this one depart ment for the benefit of the people at cost for one year, aud you have it cheerfully and freely. No. 5. Good set Single Buggy Harness with breast collar, 1 i inch trace, $475. Ditto, with co iar and hames, J5.75. Home Made Harness. $6 25. No. 7. One Goo-I Heavy Harness, 7 5- N. tt A Noe Double Buggy Harness. nicle trimmed, 15.00. No 1 2. Knoxville Double Buggy Ha--s, t.mcy creased leather, SHOES H A RVSY HOOril ' i" ? .' W. J. HARRIGAN. : We have just added 4,000 to our Shoe stock, bought from the closing ol the manufacturers season, and shall sell as we bought. The appli cation of this rule has built our Shoe trade, as it has all our departments, i.,,, ... . .. .... .. up to mammoth proportions. This department often requires six sales men to wait on our trade. We are using every effort in this department to lead the house, and under the management of the wonderful worker Harvey Hood, we shall not hesitate to say to the leaders in other depart ments, look out for your laurels or your departments will be behind. Two special bargains in Ladies Shoes, one at 75c per pair, the other $100. You can secure bargains in either of these, which are matchless. Hess & Bros, fine hand made Shoes, in all the latest styles, at less than Hess & Bros sell to the trade. II r HENRY FLETCHER. CHARLES LYLKS, , TOMWORLIY. ' Perhaps the most remarkable growth m all our great house is that ; : of 'ourf Carpet' Department fThouX sands" of vards of ail kinds of Carpets or Vards of all kinds of Carpets go out to every part of the country. . No unusual thing to send Carpets one to two hundred miles. The large line and low prices, with all the new est and be-t offered, embracing every -thing in a tir t class stock of Cariet, contribute largely to make ibW-what t it is, the most attractive "stock ct ; Carpets in the Carolinas. China Mattings 10, 13. 18, 24 and 30 cent-1. All Wo I Ingrains 4; :'. 62i. Union Ingrains 41! best. Cotton Ingrains t8 and 24. Hemp, - -4 quarter id and Brussels 50 and up lo .o-jyi. Velvet, a great -bargain, 90 cents. Moqut, Wulon, ,' Auxminster Remnants, Miitabhv lor j' -Rugs, at 85 cents pr yitrcj.mually xi yards long, and worth raore tha;i i double. Yard square Ingrain 'Rem ' nants 25 to 35. Ingrain Druggets. . all sizes. ";; and 60. Smvrna and- Velvet Rugs in great variety. A very fine 4 by 7 let Rug $5 50 and v -$6.50. Velvet and Brussel Hassooki . ..... ,1 ...v.!.... 00 cents, 10 pieces very oesi an Wool, 3-bfy'Ca pt-tt So cents, wortir :; li.io. Carpet Lining 4 cents. Floc-rN Oil Coth 25 to 30 cents otr square. ' yard. A nice Rug at 40 cents A leader. Our Wholesale Department is at V tended by Charles Lvles, Clarlo; I Williams and Henry Fletcher J The . increase in our sales in this Depart I mentis fully up with the great in crease through all thejiouse. 0C sales so tar this ear ate fully wp r - cem aneao 01 anv previou yiar. - , jUl Dress Gkods. JOHN DELANE. CAPT. HATNES. MISS CARRIE FOLSOM. MISS ANNIE GROSS. W have certainly sold Challies enough to supply all this part of the Carolinas. Salteens and White Goods have gone out in very nearly as creat amounts. Why tner. is reallv no limit to the sales in Ging hams. Percale. Foulards, Lawns, Chambrays, &c. We offer this week Solid Black Organdies at 1 8c in .stripes and p'aids. These are fine goods and would be cheau at 25c. W e shall continue our Challie sa'e at u . o r varrt. Aaotner case, iove- Dut. WHO (MS Mmm uiwiiBiuaion in mii uur uceiiii t,i stock to clean it uu. Thousands of i 1 n A ' made by tirtcUs nnru'anur'-n 1 yards will go now at less than cost of' Plantation SidHles. St. 50. a id fit eqia? ti mide t oi1-r g o-' importation. All our hand-made' No 66 IW S-a Sidtiles, Jf2.6v ni. nis our Mock ! tine rants is 1 orcnons reoucea rrom 10 ana yi 68 th largest and nicest v hnvr rver cents to a. vc our uace counter. 1 70. lo. 71. TT a cr UARDM4& TODD FOtOM." i ' Eureka Hand Sws,' lkc, ' Good Saw, 38c; W. C & Co Saw, 1.05;" Hatchets, 25c, 38c, 43c and 48c ; , ft . . . nammcrj, iqc, ."oc,, 40c anq . . 48c;" . Trace Chains. 35c.PpA Ivwr Hand'ed Sh vve'S 3c and 48c; 1 Full line of Butts Hinges and Screws ; Auger Bus, ii: to 1 in" h, t 7c ; lor 6 1 6 up to 24 ;b ior 1 1 cu; Gun Caps, waterproof, -4 j t eni ; : j Blacking, ic and 5c Tnk. ; Mud- ae. 4c; 12 bozes-Mtcnw 100 - ' 1 oun. w(imi names-, niiisirau, , - . . 1 a:a t . u 1 ' iv p.nrnis, una wx. r ?m-iiuiu t ,, S. r u-l : ' ; line of Percales at 8 v$ cents A few I no; P?1 ?Wt ech tor toe : l-a.sut'n, 4: i)ere(; up ; TahlepotMit 10c wr set up ; . 9 , inch cist lir-r. 6; inch cast Shear, 4- ; Gimbiets. 2 lor 3 : 5-3 inch Hand Saw Kiles. 4c ; 4 i" Hana File?, 5c ; 8 i'ci .-aw t,lvt,, 13c; IO inch .VI tit ;v I ties-, iSc Iltrbors SAM N'K.WKt.I J. I.. SK.EINS. A'anwnce PlaH Shirrs, 2c Domet Flannel Shirts, .V1 Hig Job in Percale laund'i'd. yc Wamsuita Muslin Un'aundrid 58" WammiUi Muslin Laundrifd, 6Rc New York Mi'ls Unlaund-ied, ioc A good Lanndried SV.irt. re cn forced back and sleeve, 3 plv lm n front. ,s8icems. a great bargain. A big bargain In ' a nice line of Flunne bversbirtrf at 1. iS For Hos;er in this d partment see a special ba renin offt rine. Men's Guaxe Under we..r in beau tiful clear white Ht 15c. A better leader worth 50c. will jjo at 25c. An elegant line of Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 3( 48c, 63c and 75c, making the most attractive line we ever oflred. We are having a erat run on a 250 smnrder t to crns. A gal; sik faced Suspthder at AH kinds ot Suspenders up to 88c. h.d. and can't In- h.ul in town lor 20 'V ceot. niO't money. The above 1 Ik explanatory of our clothing stock is by Mr. Ben Powell, wlio knows our stitck thoroughly and knows whereof he speaks. Th-tr-inendous increase in our clothing sa!.s we think de o the great in cx ase in the quantity and quality of 01 r stock. We carry the largest and best clothing atck in the State, and sell it for less money. ,J ' '. .. ' I ill li i LADIES' UNDERWEAR. One case Vests, 8 cents 18 " 3J We offer this week a great bar- Vain in Ladies' Silk Vests at 75 cts. Thesegood,s bring $1.25 everywhere. MWSLIN UNDDRWEAR. Two lines one at 27 and one at 58 cents All kinds of garments in each, and hundreds of pieces are sold DRY GOODS 2 sc. UMBRELLAS. Ip Umbrellas at your own price. We must close 1000 , Gloria Gold Cap Umbrellas at some price. They are in 26 and 28 inch goods, and worth 1 1. 25 and $1 50. Now to close this lot you can take the 26 inch at 85c and the 28 Inch at 95. We want room for other goods and will close these sure.; We think you had bet M ter come at once, as the price' ought ' to rnovetho 500 in one day .vV, wr, , ,. 1. . fl.r- .7 "'!;f-"tjfwiSPv" '.'."..' , .,? :.., r . NECKWEAR! ,'NECK WEARl v" Its the great spedalty in.thls - 'de, , nartment, and the best skill of tb ! hhdMltlri'''at;lefctlr,,.'.. .most beauuuj -gooca 10 -r- -.-a, b K. POWELL, 8R. WALTER FOLSOM ' ' ; 7.4 SSeeting 1 8c f to 4 5 Sheeting 35c.,- Barker Mills 4-4 Bleach '8c Great iob in ;singl guilts tat cr Flannels Cot tirades. Teanai Cas-imeres. Prints Sheet igs, Plaids, f Qi i Grea t j b tn t assimr., Rem nants at 20 to 30c ; . t El 1 ENS Towels 4c , Sc. oc, Mc 15c, 1 8c, 20c., 24c 5?.. 38c. and 40CJ To dose a large line ot very fine Towels, worth from a8c- to 730., h ive made the sweeping reduction of letting all goat 40C' , Another too dozen ol the. 15 cent Towels will be offered next week. Turkey Red Damasks at J5Critf 33c, is going rapidly."SaIc3 in our great cut prtceLTnen goods sale hve more., tbf doubled any previous ules. ,Uk ached Damasks 55C , 68c. . Te", oSc. $i.t8 and $1.48. These .tt-e degant goods. Doylers 30c ud. 20 ; kinds. Great bargain in a Cotton Towel at ; sc. Russia. Crash 7c nd'9C.i;worUi tac. tad t$ti B!acK QjiK Seat, Si.gm. RkI Lexthrr .kirt, $3-45 Q-iilt Sat, knee cuns. No 78. Black Quilt Seat, crown seat 75 N. 102. Kip Fair Leather. 4.75. No uH. Hog Sc.it. McClelland, f4 V- Beautilul Ladies Saddles, $4. 50. Wtb lli.Ueis 18c., Blind Bridles, 10c . very heavy 75c. Duck Cloth Colltrs "2 buckles, 30c, Heavy Check Wagon Lines ii.aoand $1.40, Leather Halters 75c and $1.00, Girths ioc and 15c, Cirsingle 15c and 1 8c. Come and see the goods and you will be astonished at the prices you can now buy. pieces yet of the 30 cent Satteens!6 h-.,?5 J d.35 1 at '20 cents 4oC : nd Hinges, 8c per set; all The great piece sale of White nr t 50 tyles Goods, in 7 to is yard pieces, at c, toe and I2c. hs eclipsed all other interests in White Goods. These goods are really worth double the money. Glass mil Qonwi. ' " JOHM HARRELL. ' . FRANK MOSTEIXER. fi'aa ereat stock of these goods ycu find in the basementv5 4 Remem. berwebuy1 in large tjuantiues. hh'p in car load lots, aave the expense of casks and give back to cur trade t Mvincr ni over 200 Dr car load. We have just received a rg 3 une 01 Uussware trom tne lactones ana tu save you lots ot money on meae - "... Best iron Stone I lanaiea 1 eas 45c Best C C 82c up to 33c. Plates CC, 4 in- 3C. 5 8c, 6 In; 23c, 7 in. 30c, and 8 in 32c t ' too doxrn Iron Stone Plates 7 in. 35c and in. 38c per set. A great bargain. IxwkingGlasses, full line, mwareineirescription with the great reputation inthh,dprt ment ; fully sbstalnedi P-1 wUl tell and vou get a great load fora little in this department ; . v; Two hoop Cedar Buckets, aoc , Three hoop Cedar Buckets, 25c Porcelain Katies 40 to 80c ? 4, Laundry Soap ito4C.V.,f;-.. ;, : Tin Toilet St&tunr l MILLINBRX 1 MtSS MINNIK CRA M f-R, TnmaiCT, UtS BERTHA BAGLR. MISS ALICS SCHAKER. MISS HEKNIB BLUM, MISS RACHAKLBLUM. Anittant. . Satesladws, . Stock after stock has been bought thu season tor keep up in this De payment. Hundreds andhandredi of Hats have gone .. out, and our Trimmers have worked day and nipht to keep up. ;; , . , , f This week we open an entir new line with all the ' latest things out. Nobby, new, styVsh, elegant oeauU fu and , thev K go ; fast and , faster. About a.ooo flts left of the Great Bargain in Sun Hats at io cents. We have made a great manyctlts ia Ribbons mnd Feathers. : Just re wived a large line of "Veiling? One lot I land Painted Silk Scans. 1 20 to ttS real entitle. .n niSJATS 1 VMS. r-1- .IU3KS HARRRLL. . CUARLES SHAFrf R. Jt'ts a wilderness of Staw Hats for Meo, Bov$ knd Children. Broad Brims and Narrow, all kinds of Hat We offer the greatest array' of Hats ever teen hre. Through our New York house we buy direct from mannfacturers. The tine between Retailers and WholeUle dcaleis is disUnctly drawn; in mercantile life Manubctnrer - who aeU the retain trade cannot- sell the tc4berv The joliber to succeed must be protected so tnac ne can acu vie, reran aeaier. No retail merchant can buy goods as a iobber. He must have an bterest directly or- indirectly to reach the m urkets - through a , iobber Or his right to buy at the prices named to a jobber are cut oil and he can not get hear a retail, merchant' terirg f his ability tqi buy Roods in anf of bint ' self just;, as. a .jobber , buys, you v set that down as a mistake " ) f we could ut use cur .IT .: "YcrW", Hout we Pftrl-t ITntuM et TaK1 sTisfrYAsm lull line, very etieap : jSi;u 3,-7, 8 and 10c ; B itisb BuUd -Revolver, $2 0 j ; Puit Brushes, 3. 7, 16, 18, 24, 38 and 40 cents ; Wood Pipes, 5, 7 10. 15 and 18c Spirit Levels, 33, , 43, 48anJ.58 cts; Monkey Wrenches, Bi aces and Hanw a f Carpet Tacks -reduced to 1 cent ; Chisels, Squares, : Saw II.ukUs, WeU Wheels, Shoe Brudies. Wisp Brooms; Padlocks, 5. 8, 10, 14 and 18 cents : Zinc -Coolers, Hore Brushes, . Curry Combs, Cooibination Tools ; ' Tea Bel h wl M24 cents fTWafdrcbe H.ks.'i5cperdoxf Sadirons,' 4c7 per lo ; Curtain Poles, complete, 25c; ' shades andFLru ti; 'Kitchen Gristosnnd . . , ,1 MISS KATIS: KOHTHtY. . ''.V - ' -.!: Paper at I A cents ner nound. All kind Note,-Xtttec f But' and Legal Cap; Blotting Pad 5 and 10 cents, Ewelopts, a b'g baTgAtn at t cent per pack, atl &hat and styUrs. wm udinaQiir; t ins, 4 cents, brass Hair Pi W 100 'good puu 4c j in a wooa pox, j 4 MISCELLANEOUS kM ENTION, Charles Lvles an4MCharitji Wi -Uams, Generalanagers.-. ' Ben Shields' Floor Abb HarriL Cashier. ' J CheckJJoK RobC VV Klianis, Wat ter flyers. Jam; s Sha fer, Ray Law i Luther Sherrill. Printer. ' ohnQoyvyrapp t, , , , , p Jflyou want los'ee thi Ust fi !. places i any business ' t c'h l : ome and ee our chec'.: h.-.vs. :;v- T:.IH."pAV '

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