' H. EAEfclS, X& ana Proprietor ths, tf; Three Months $1; Per k 10 eontn. Paprr delivered In city by carriers free of chars. dvertisinjr rates low .-and tt la probable thai when the silver ills taken up for consideration in e Senate tomorrow- Senator J ones. Nevada, will make the second reat SpWh of hi Me. It i jpW secret In the Senate that th duty of reporting tue stiver hUt' the Finance Committee aud It through theSena'e to Mr. Jowsfor tht ju.rsvw Inff him an opportw:ijr t Wwu. prospect for re-eleotwuBk Mir- twew spires next Marvae ts!c a" several ambitions jrvawtw mDw will endeavor U cdl l.iiw Amonr them.it is wuatlrwA. Mr. F. G. NewlanJs, th wwatttlky Californian who has recently Ixwe malting heavy Investments in Wash ington real estate. In 1S76 Senator Jones made the most exhaustive Speech on the subject of silver ever delivered iu Congress. lie spoke for the greater part of three days. The ' speech was generally regarded as a ' very able one, and drew attention to him as a man of good attainments. : The speech showed the evidence of -hard study, and Mr. Jones has ever - since been looked upon as one of the - strong men 'In the Senate. His .' forthcoming speech will not le so loner as his former 'one, but it is 'looked forward to by the Senators ! .with much interest. X , - r ' The farcical ending of the investi gation made by Senator Dolph's "' special committee into the methods by which executive" session secrets reach the public, has caused the Oregon Senator to be placed side by side with Senator Call, of Florida, as one of the huge Jukes of the Sen ' : ate chamber. Senator Call is not al- ways amusing, because sometimes , ne is an awiui uore. senator uoipn got no chance to bore his brother Senators; henee they look upon him as a sort of amusing dement iu the otherwise solemn body. His com mittee was in existence nearly two months. It examined a large' num ber of witnesses, including all the ' Senators, spent $2,030 of the public mn In nftnaH fi.Aa an1 dmrlnn - 1 t -n .accomplished nothing, was allowed to quietly die. A few 'days ago the : five correspondents who refused to - give the names of the Senators who have been in the habit of furnishing theiu with executive session secrets walked, Iota the disbursing officer's . room, and received a check tor $153 eaclt.- This represented the Govern ment fee as witnesses for fifty-one days at the legal rate of $3 per d,ay. No better proof could be offered of um uiier recKiessuess witu wnich - public men, especially Congressmen, spent tne money of the Government. ;.ur t Fully one thousand people attend ed a meeting held in New Orleani n WeQndiyvcnlng last to pro ; testagalnst the proposed recharter- iug otntaetLouUI. Lottery Com pany. - Several prominent citizens made speeches charging various evils against" the lotted - companyy and appealing to the people to wipe put its baneful influence in Louisiana, One of the speakers asserted that the Louisiana Lottery Company dictated tathe press of Orleans, and thatltwasympossible'fort.a n)aja to express an opinion In opposition to the lottery company in the Comma of a NewfMeans paper. Tho lottery, company will make a proposition to the next j Louisiana Legislature 'to pay the maJ500(000. a year for twenty-fiveears for &flhartering the company for-thatjength of time, Most of the eW Orleans rpapfrs favor' the propb&ltlbu.'bii t It is under- of the simple accident of color It djd not follow that they were, treated on different lines religiously an u so- Cattily s" si 1 1 a l..kllV- ...-1fLl-W f"1'- -r. .... . ;.t;,.,,:,l,.w The , New York correspondent 'tf the Philadelphia Ledger saysr ITrf colony 'of Southerners In New York is large and, .influential, "In law, fa commerce and in finance, Southern men of brains and wealth have at tained eminence in this city, and It can be safely-said that there are more leading Southerners living here n-than thr are in most of the! Southern cities. Another evidence of this fact i exhibited iu the reor ganisation of the Commercial VatiMtal Rank, This Institution nas therein on the iond to Which tlicy may te attarnecu t u lite said election will be! held 'at the ; following places ' hereinafter named for each ward, and shall be conducted and superintended by four registrars ana eigne inspectors,-one registrar and two Inspectors for each ward of the city, to te appointed by the Board of Aldermen of this city, and theBoard of Commissioners of the county of Mecklenburg the ap pointee, In each case, to be' resident of the ward for which hie is ap pointed.!, ,,,' , The Mayor shall give 80; days do tice of 4 the said election in some newspaper published In the city of CharlottewN.C. t , s There shall be a new recistratlon of voters for the said registrars 1 at such places in each 'ward - as the Board m ay appoint, wttero the books i. .,,. . t K.-vthrr 'of rcKistiation shall-shali be opened ci t mm o t.e Southern ( J foJf thftt purp08: N5iMStfi3 Rk and bA Increased The M ivor, in the nottce tobe pub- till 'i tf Swftfwortaftt svawta- :.jwii.'iuw,!til mxvMl bj iW W .i!llM.HtmMt,ffwmfllly sf Vir 4wtiu, lfc'HiWiiH, irweutly ;tl'iM?:Mdi hwtifc vaiwiner in i'ffirt,, wm. !jullwdl xiiw president iHwe' ' 'MtWfi wre elected, (Wwhfi-tiUiMJMi Jlvfon C. Calhoun. L. F- Berrv).m. of Galveston, Texas, has been chosen assistant cashier." The Hew Discovery. You have heard your friends aud neighbors talking about it You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonder ful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Dis covery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed everv time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at linrwell &, Dunn's Drugstore. - . Louisville Business lien Alarmed. AtTTotr t t v Af air A. f-1 roni apprehension is felt among Louis ville business men lest tne uovernor should stern the anti-trust bill, simi lar to the Missouri law which has passed both houses of the Legisla ture. A protest was sent by the Board of Trade to Governor Buckner yesterday. The First'Step Perhaps you tire run down, can't eat can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking thefirst step into Nervous prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and . in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous svstem to its normal, healthy condition. Sur prising results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion Is restored, and the Liver ana Kta- 'A 5 DO-"OU .", If you do go to the Mammoth Car riage Repository of O. C. HUTCHI SON & CO., next to Wadsworth's Stables, Charlotte, N Ca where you can laid the largest and best stock of ' I! unties. Carriages, finrrevs. T Carts itoad Carts. Spring Wagons, etc ever exhibited in North of South Carolina, froni the best factories in tne united States. We buv In larsrer quantities and can . therefore Bell cheaper and , better :" goods for the money than can be bought elsewhere. 0 Try a at Burwell & neys resume healthy action, bottle, frice nu cents Dunn's Drug Store. ' Buoklen'a Arnica Salve. The best Salve inthe world for cuts, bruises, sores, salt rheum, fver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no. pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun ded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Burwell & Dunn. Ordinance FOR ELECTION ON ISSUING iBONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT OtTHE STREETS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE AND FOR THE GENERAL GOOD OF THE CITY. submitting- to tlx stood Oovernor cbl wll atfoMly; The ? Rev, , WilUara Barnes, nvh,o preached the :f ntf rali sermdii1- of Daniel , Webster, -Jif iU.' lAckSOn '""i ju,viy, vuuajr itK 'tie wa a IVesbyrtan Uivk Mr. Bru2s was porn in OhlQrin.1810, dnd.-wde 't Harvard graduate.!! the sameeiass that numbered amtfnfe1 J ts; members Charles r Sumnef :uu Edw'anl I'verettA He was nasttnot a cfhufhh la Boston when Webster" ATeX dfud rvut cuywnu umciauog clergyman duriEg the last thirty-five ; ears1i had lived In the West, 'mosi rof'fliV' t i me In Jackson vllleV wis ' 'til d irec tor - of; tlA American lU bocigty and also f jtlielAmericaii board of home andforeign' mlssidbW. ,At Sfc.'A d'gnsUne'f.CthotitQVcli: i?VVashinfrton (Tit, iat Sunkfay, ...1 rrh MIp IreiUridSreched.a;- '' ty neroe. anCifejdth tiiy . s-' o( the whi tmanTab, f ' 1 that there Is no co"mrline.p;The r.. ' ;:'lonof;: thevqucstlori wasf tjiat t! r - ould look one auotiier lo th' ? "-n'l'crs'of ho same family, j I'-. a sr're Cio.l,' and'ali An Ordinance voters of tie Gity of Charlotte thn question whether bonds to the amount of $75,000 should be issued for imnrdVihr th streets and for thn general good Of the city. Whereas the Board of Aldnnnom nt iheuity of Charlotte, did at its meet ing held on the fourth (4th) day. of March, 1890, pass through two read ingsran edinanoe'requirlng the sub mission to the -people oi tne uity oi Charlotte ef tne'Vrtitlon' whether the Board of Aldermen shall be au thorized trf fsstie coupon bonds td'the , ( $76000 )r) tor the purpose of widening, paving,, macadamizing, grading ; anqothftrwlseim proving the streets of the city, and fr the general good of .the.city. , Aha wheres said ordinance passed its third (3rd) read ing at' the -presenr meeting of the Board. . . p TheBbard 6 Aldermen of the City oi unanotie, jN..r qo! resolve and That an election be held in the CI tyl oi unarioiMi x. on wonaay, tne 12th day of May,;A, Jp 1890 as provi ded by law nnxj. the charter of thl city; at whierteljtim the Voters of said City, shall be" allowed to vote upon-theques4ioto,wnether the Board oi Aldermen or corporate authorities or said city -shall pe permitteji to ls stfe bonds in the sum of seveuty-flve thousand dollars ($75,000)-and sell the'same, the proceeds' of sale to the applied to the purposes herein before set forth,'4nd mentioned in the ordi- 1 The said bonds' bhky '.fete 6f jthe de nomination or, one tnous&nq, or .lure 'h'OnWfed; tit tiria hni,rrVJ1 Inllhrta -n the dUcrfetion tf th4 Bbad-of.AW- F than 'havahln A lin tf'u f lished bv him of said election shall designat) the time and ; places of opening and closing the registration of voters shall be closed, which latter time shall not be less than 10 days before the election. The polling places aro appointed and fixed as follows : 1st Ward J. Roessler's StoreTrade street 2ndWard Mayor's Court Room. 8rd Ward Thos.Garabaldi's, oppo site Court House. 4th Ward D. G. Maxwell's Office. The following persons are appoint ed registrars: 1st Ward M. W. Roblson, 2nd Ward C. F. Brem. 8rd Ward G. J. Williams. 4th Ward- D. G. Maxwell. The following persons are ap pointed inspectors. 1st Ward Jno. P. Long, M. Don nelly. 2nd Ward E. L. B. Davidson, W. R. Hlnton. 8d Ward Thos. Garibaldi, Lewis Perry. 4th Ward J. H. Henderson, W. B. Taylor. The Clerk and Treasurer of the city is required to furnish necessary registration dooks to tne registrars, and all uecessary tickets. Those who vote iu favor of the proposition submitted to the people shall vote on a ticket "approved," and those who vote against said pro position shall vote on a ticket "not approved." The result of said election shall be disclosed by said rejristars and in spectors and recorded in the minutes of the Board. Notice of Election. I do hereby give notice that, pur suantlto thejprovision of the above ordinance, an election will be held in the city of Charlotte on Monday, 12th day pf May, 1890, to ascertain the will of the voters of the city upon the question of Issuing the bonds therein provided for. Those favoring the issue of said bonds will at such election vote a ticket on which is written or printed the word "Approved and to those opposed to the issue oi tne saia oonas win vote a tlcaet on wnicn -js written or printed the words, "Not Approved." Books for the registration of vTtters will be opened on Wednesday, the 9th of April, 1890, and will be closed on Thursday, the 1st day of May, 1890, at sunset at the following plaees,and by the registrars named: Ward 1 George Hall's market Ward 2 Brem fc Co's ofttcet Ward 8 H. C. Irwin's store. Ward 4 D. G. Maxwell's office. The election will be held at the following polling place's aud under the inspectors named : Inspectors, Ward 1 John P. Lone. M. Donnelly. Inspectors, Ward 2 E. L. B. Dav idson, W. R. Hiutou. Inspectors, Ward 3 Thomas Gari baldi, Lewis Perry. Inspectors, Ward 4 J. H. Hender son, W. 3. Taylor. f. b. Mcdowell, Mayor. apl8-80d. TT ' Harness. A flneBuCVV or nrrlov dnai nnt look well without fine Harness. We sell all kinds of Harness, bat make it speciany oi nne Harness, so we ask you for your own good as well as ours to examine our stock' before you buy. Do you .want a Farm or Dray Wagon? If you do you will make a sad mistake if you do not buy the Old Reliable Studebaker Wagon, the best in the world We have all sizes. Don't think we are gassing and stay away, but come and see ana be convinced. A. C. HUTCHISON 4 CO., Next to Wadsworth's Stables, Charlotte, N. a Racket Sore After the storm what? Well, pre pare for another, is what we are do ing. HUGH W. HAREIS, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office First door west of Court Hquse. House - iPn GEO. V, (JRAHAM, Practice limited to diseases of i THE EYE, EAR AND THROAT CLARKS0N & DULS, Counsellors and Attorneys-at-Law Office in Law Building. Prompt attention to all business. Claims collected. Practice in State and r edoral Courts. All our 5 cents Challies cut to 4 cents to close that lot. About 2,000 out of 12,000 left. The great cuts iu our Clothing sweeps stacks away. We failed to get our stocks of Fans this week, but will wpen an clegrant line on MoikIhv. Great purchase of tine I'mbrellas. Will offer the line Monday morning. Finest and best yet We shall oifer 200 gross of matches next week. 1600 matches for 10 cents. DR. H. M. WILDER, :piiysician and surgeon. Office over Burwell & Dunn's Drug liUl o. D. 0'DONOGHUE, M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, W jl .A ' - ., . uegs w announce mat ne nas re sumed practice, and that all calls now day and night, will received prompt attention. ; Office 28 Pi Trade st, over Ham moind A Justice's Hardware Store. H1 Klv,WXk .,.i,J.,.L.,u ,-ceiit. appi 'time.br ; tfrrt'es. Wot SirAArt'nfi,lrliT'oTiJ Afchrtrt. ,,... faxjt, us tlie said board 'may proyldV .JPrf ,ni y,JinfV.,ATT Krhey shall bfear' five per cent ilk fc, G. jARRlOR, . p. w,. vv,itv twit bv? if" r-.y aeuted by coupons, attached . to the j ine earn nonus suaii be sjjrned bv the Mayor and countersigned W tU Clerk and Treasurer of the Cltv. and sealed with the seal of the corpora tion.' The coupons Fhallhe 'sfrnrt by the city Clerk eikI Treasurer, and i fi i i i no i-iriu oi orders on the '. Trr-"-"T'", forth ft r-"'-- -.st S. L. LEARY, ROHITEOT, H oLJEl0 onreei, noom 4, nee mia pinor, 4r For nt,, , kon B. street for rs. M. R. Farrow. npll XllHce. 7 815 K m M. D. ciav .ajid .Surgcou. Trarl ,st, JMhut Charlotte. N. Tomrf attendn.n-,An x.n titiJ' . f DR. L. WITIE,"'' 0; 'rJdftr-Opposlte Central Hotel: 1 1 oui.-s. 9 to 2 o. m. ; 8 to 6 p. m.. L M. Davis & Co. THE SWINSON HOSE 222 N. TjBYON vSTBBKTf Opposite Tryon Street M. . Church, charItte-'nc;' Board by the day 75 cents. By the week or month on reasonable terms. mch3-8m . Mas. E. BWINSONJ . - ' ' V Wheat Bran. ' Wheat Bra'n. u r stjr; MiaLiHiS company, ; BOCK BEEE! BOCK BEBE! Robert Portner Brewing Company. i8r6 Fsahlishfid in iftfi Wholesale Dealer and Manufacturers' Agent in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, BOOTS AND SIIOKM. All lines complete and ready for the trade. The cetoalThotel, ECCLES & BEYAN, Proprietors. CHARLOTTE. N. C. One of the most Invitinp, kh perbly e(iiipMHi uud faultlessly conductetl hotels in th houth. Locuted in the c'iilri of tlie city, convenient to tl Imoiiifsx liut-, hunks, puhltc lnililin AUd churches. Tin- t't ntial is one of the largest lut Is twc'ii Bultliuore in.d Atlnntiu and in elepantly fnrniflu-d and equ)pied in all its dfj iir tmniu. Each room is coniin-u-d villi the office hy Khitnf I-tnr:i Bell ; Electric I.hrhl? Hot him! Coht llnths; halls nod enrj eted in Briif!H and 1 vetf ; Water on each floor. The ino t considerate ut ten i ion i: i n to nil puests and their comfort carefully looke-l after. The Central is connected by a covered hrflfrcwith "Tln Il.Iinont." a new hotel, and the most elegantlyfurnisheil in the StaUv. Th Uelniont is under the same management as the Central. I. W. DUEHAM & CO. Marble and Granite Monuments. EXAMINE OUR PI AND GET PRICES. NO. 28 N. ColUire Street. Charlotte. N. V ceeb: I have recently purchased aTJ!reauiJ er. uy means oi tnis tne mua ana cream is accurately separated, i am now : nrenared to .' furnish ' PURE CREAM at very low prices. . MVJLf, y Alhl iu. , 1 ."I' Street Railway Ctihhecti6Hs.;,"; Until f urtlief notrevnewcars Nos. 5nd fl, on Tryon street,, will connect with car iNos,, z ami s on rraae sti p Indepemieuce Bquard. Cars Nos, l and 4 on Tryon street line do not connect with Trade street oars..- 7 ptHousBirrr BJWCKtAYER M. CONTRACTOR Refers to Charlotte Oil and Fertill, ser Company and others for whom he has done work; Prompt, reliable and efflcten t work jjuaranted. Address acunauotie. ' 'ffeldStr ' it .;WM, TT. TTOUfll?R " For the befct Norfolk Oysters fro to Arrdt's, . ; Tfie AU Healing Ointment j NEVER FAILS. Cures all Skin DIsaaham. Sold bv .llu. . . 7 - . ttiwaruggisis. Manuiacturea oy 1 EDWARD HOOPER, 607IW. Seventh St, Charlotte, N. C. ICE-CREAM! V Ice Cranio .Parlom Are lmxv Onttn. And I tm rnxlr in unrVA Htt public Cream In any amount' t ar ieq to order and delivered. 3 y Restaurant Is open for board' and the tabltt is alwavs sunnlied h tlie' best of the season. ' W. B. TAYtOP. jsrptioe i . I am now nronared to furnish first class plh lumber Ion g leaf or short at lowwt asn price, uejivereu prc-mptly, direct in wills. - . Am. ... v tf . -V. X. rtA41AJS. m",i,M l ff i. I " ' Nr'- ' weet Hams ana.unea puts- C There is no doubt about It, the' sweetest llama ana Dried JJeef is .at ; may8-lm , 214 E. Trade Street. sprinc; MIUINEKY We are now receiving our new Spring Styles. AlUhe NuVlties oi the kcaton will be found inlW house as soon as they oamc ou V'ii North eraaues. t If : mua nousHin nnr tr.iiniur uH , has' been North- tnr a.(.i Iol' - Ifetiir g riffjpur styles will ti home in a lew nas with all "ih latest louches in trimming Hr taste in irimmmjr ana superior. jr.rk, is too ell known to neerurtnet toinrnfnf. . The larfst styles aVwi'vV u H-nd ' in our rft'ess'inllin'dtttartmenL ratent Well " Flttlni-, iiimnl &.00. 41312.7th 6 1. V- . h itfdtfartmenL A') cutui'i?', fitting nqtntrl ssutir-J vision of this dettwtnWtlVv 'Mi a Query hcrselll - v . ; , .' Are nowreadV,ftr,,M' orfif4s tn our line, We guarantee our i atrtns Istest styles, first class ,,wotk nd v hwest pnees.'; A w , ,t t , - , , Respectfully,' 1

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