The Charlotte News. mr arrmfcaoir bxcbtt bpkday TAPE I-HI1II8, aid Proprietor. SuBecBirriow Rates : OniTwr, - MOO Taree Months. - 1.00 One Week. - - 10 cents. By mall to any part of the United BUMS TUESDAY, FEB. 24, 181. to NBABtMO THE END. Only aifht fill working days re taala of the Fifty-first Congress, and : front bow natll the 4th of March the proceedings in both branches of that body will doubtless be marked by the baste that is usual in the closing days of a short session. The chief v effort In both Houses will be to se cure action on the appropriation bills, of which but two-the Army and Fortifloations have yet become . !awa. The status of the remaining appropriation bill is as follows : The Kara! bill waits approval of the oonfsrenoe report by the ITouse; the Pension. Distriot of Columbia, and Military Academy bills are la con ference; the Diplomatlo and Consu lar bill Is awaiting an order for con ference by the House; the Sundry Civil bill has been reported by the Senate oommittee, and Is on the Ben ate calendar; the Legislative and the Indian Appropriation bills are in the fionate committee, and the Tost of fice, Agricultural, and General De ficiency bills await the action of the House. It is expected that the Senate will devote IU time daring the week mainly to the appropriation bills, be ginning with the Sundry Civil bill so-morrow, and following with the Legislative and Indian appropria uon bills. These unpostponable measures and similarly urgent con ference reports on other approprla--; Uon bills are likely to leave but little time for action on other measures on the programme arranged by the Re publican oauous. The Nicaragua Canal bill is the unfinished business in this category, and although it will be laid aside to-morrow in favor of the Sundry Civil bill, Its friends are confident that it will retain its position as against other miscella neous business until brought to a final rote. The miscellaneous meas ures following it on the canons pro gramme are the Pure Food bill and the Conger Lard.the Army Reorgani sation bill, the Inter-State Com merce bill, tke bill to transfer the revenue marine service to the Navy Department, and the Paciflo Rail road Funding bill. The caueus of the Republican Sen ators to eloot a President pro tern succeed Mr. Iagalls will probably bo held to-day, aud it Is likely to result in the choioe of Senator Frye, o Maine. lie has made no canvass for the place, although many of hi friends have done good work for him. He is particularly equipped for the place beoause he was chair man of the committee that thorough ly revised the Honate rules in the Forty-olghth Congress, and prepar ed the code at present In existence. The only other aspirant for the honor is Senator Hoar, who seeks election as a vindication for his management of the elections bill and as a reward for the work which he did in Conner Uon with that measure, and for the contumely whioh has beon heaped upon him. Senator Spooner Is his earnest champion, but it 2s one of the humorous incidents of the light that Senator Sawyer, the other Wis consin Sonator, Is just as enthusias tic for Frye. When the choice of the caucus is made one of the Wis consin Senators is sure to go down with a defeated candlnate. The spot in Rome where Nero com mitted suicide is said to have bon discovered. It is on the rinclan Hill and was identified by tho discovery of a stone with an inscription fixing the looation of the villa whore it 1 known the deed was done, An Indianapolis church member who subscribed to a church building fund attempted to writrirle out of it by claiming that the contract was il legal as it was made on Sunday, but the court has decided that he must pay up. HAMJONBS BXTIAIKS. the progress is made, even with the aid f night sessions, It is hardly prob able that they can be reached in time for action this week. A ChararCrrisllc Letter About Recent Tciai Eplvode. Atlanta, Feb. II. The following loiter from Ham P. Jones oxnlalns It- seir. CATKB8ViLLB,Gft.. Feb. 9. Edi tor Constitution : The article in the Constitution of this date brings mo to my feet with a word say. f lrst, 1 am not on the war-oath. but I am at peace with God and all man kind. Secondly, the enly personal allu sion I maae towards said mayor, was wnen 1 arraigned ino city govern ment for the high-handed lawless ness prevailing, and the sworn of ficers whose duty it was stop it. I asked if the mayor wan iu tho au dience, and If he is sober to-day? I asked ror information. He and his neighbors can tell why tho question was so insultinc-. I would knowing ly and wilfully wound the fcelinzs of my wife and children as quick as i wouia nave wounaea tlio feelings of his good wife and innocent chll- aren. uaa l boen on notice that Innh w u IK mnan T w..ll wmv. nnu nuuiU liriTO Unless expected I made the amende houorablo, or I MR. 0OMMAS1S CA9D1DACY. Little If lndertdlBji a to What Sir. ltuik Really Said. Washington speoial Philad Times: Senator Gorman will be In the race for the Democratic nomina tion for the Presidency, and Mary land will lend a solid delegation to the convention for him, Ono of the local papers here last nitrht nrluted a story purporting to eomo to from Congresiman Rusk, of Maryland, in men ne is aucirea to have stated that Senator Gorman was not iu the race, and that Maryland would send a Cleveland delegation to the con vention. The article also stated that Congressman Rusk had been instruct ed to manage the boom for Clove land. To-day Mr. Rusk took occa sion to dony the story in toto. He nald thatsuch publication was unau thorlfed.and that he had never made such a statement. Mr. Rnsk also said that while Senator Gorman had not announced hlmsolf as a caudi date for the nomination, there was llttio doubt in his mind that ho would take it were it offered him He added that he thought the full strength of the Maryland dedication would be thrown to Senator Gorrnun, and that in tho event of his runniDg he would make a strong candidate. A neither Democratic Cnirrrman Front IIli ode Inland. Providence. Feb. 21 The elec tion for CongresHtnan In the Herond district to-day was very flat and tame, owing to the deeliuatlon of Congressman Arnold to run aud the General abstinence of theltepublisau rom voting. 'IDe Democratic ticket had two- thirds to three-fourths its registered vote, but the Republicans vote show ed a falling off of nearly 7.700 compared wijh the November elec tion. With one town only lackinir. Page, Democrat, Is elected by about 5,000 majority, and tho missing town win noi cnange the result more than jqu votes. Specimen Cases H. II Clifford, New Cassol, W1h as troubled with neura hrla ami rheumatism, his stomach wna rii- Ll II . . , . uiudhu, iiiHiivcrwiiH lo n alarming decree, annetlto full nwaw .. .J V. . . i i . . . . ' iju no was lerrioiy reaueed in llosh and strongth. Threo bottles of Kleo- iric JJittors cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Harrlsburg, I1L, had a running sore on his leg of eight years standing. Used throo bottle of Eloctrio Hit tors and seven boxes of Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, and hia leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had five large rover sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable One bottle Electric Hitters and one box Ruok len's Arnica Halve cured him entire ly. Bold by Burwell & Dunn's drug store. The man who is the most apt to be pleased at the appointment of Sena torHisoock's candidate, Martin A. Knapp, to be a member of the Inter- State Commerce Commission is Mr. William R. Mprrlson, one of the three present Democratic Commis sioner. Under the terms of the Interstate Commerce act no more than throe members of the Commls sloa can be appointed from the same polities! party. Judge Sohoonmaker, toe retiring commissioner, is a Democrat, and If he had been re-appointed, therefore, it would havs been neoessary for President Harrison to appoint a Repblican to succeed Morrison. The appointment would have taken the caning with out resistance. His roinedy is tho reformation of his Jife, and not in caning Preach ers. If the city of Palestine had boen conscious that I had Insulted women and children, they would have run me out of town, inn toad of demand ing the said mayor's resignation in order to protect tho dity from dis grace. I am sorry of tho occurrence. I don't like to have a man sot on mo wnn a cano witnout a moment's no tice, and if you will experience it you won't like it either.Mr. Editor. I shall denounce the wrong- and stand up for tho right, anywhere and ev ery where, and whoa they think to mo is tho best way out, 1 will give them the best I havo got In my shop everytime. Yours out of the ring and free of disfigures, Ham P. Jonkh. The healthy people you meet have healthy livers. They take Simmons Liver Regulator. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively' cures niles. or no nnv ..,1 1 . !. . ',."' ht.ji.iibu. ii in guaranteed u give H!neei saiiiactiou, or money refun (led. I'nco 25 cents per box. For pale Burwell & Dunn. Four women, all told The first told how much easier it was to wash with Pearline. She saved half her labor, and the work was better done. The second told how much longer the clothes lasted, since she'd used Pearline. The rubbing that wore them out wasn't necessary. The next told how many things she did with it : she washed the kitchen floor, or the finest china the most deli cate lace, or the coarsest fabric. Whatever she did with it. she saved money by it. The fourth told of the harmlcssness of Pearline. She had used it lor ten years, and she knew nothing that washable could be hurt by it. 1 hese are only four out of millions who use Pearline. but the others say the same things and more. Try it yourself ; men you can tell about it. Teddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this Is as good as" or "the same as PeaTline." IT'S FAI,SE Pearline is never peddled, and if your crocer sends was Beware thing in place of Pearline, do the honest thing send it back. i8i JAMES PYLE ou some- ew York, NO Business and Pro fessional Man Should he without ono .1. 7; -.i- Wft waft IT COMI'.INKS Both Convenience, Room and Beauty. The above shows a photograph of one of those Desks I havo boon having euch largo sales on. Popular Il-dl Top OHIco IN TIT K UK IS NOTIIINd LI K K COMI'OUT AND CONVKNIKNC1 VOUR OFi'IClC, And tljcro Is no d.k on tho nmikot today thut contains so many ronvci fences as this desk. TI,on,l..l.., i . . .... . . ..i.-cu3Hiciim(ie in manv iiuifirnnr ni7ou " ,a iii. ,.f n.; ,1.1. Hh shown ly this nholo oxceot it is exacny tin? s;un eon jioios" riinnini'- nil ', mwnv niT. n.Q ... Tli d,.ak is porfectiy automatic an.l so mad!, that when you the slide It locks all tho drawers, uu-1 when vou raiso it th.v IocIkmI. I AM HI II r pull down aro all un- 1'INO TIIKSK DKtSKS AI.KOVKIi TIIK KTATK. I shippnd ono to AhIiovIHo a fow day -iro Helow I fjuote you prices: No. 1, 1, 2, Itoll Uesk 4 foot Ion?, 4 ft din. " . o feet Low Hi -I, 1 iOW HiKh lliKh Top, Oak Walnut :t."i.(Hi a:.:,u M.IK) 4S.IKI E. M. Andrews. Do not woakon yourself by drastle purgatives. Kulator. 1 yr Take Hininioiis IJver Re- l.W.DDEHAM&CO., Advertising Mai'Hc ni (h'iiA Monuments JvIb1 in Ilfeand In Bcalk. New York Sun: Henry Mever. a saloon keeper at Port Richmond. Of Mr. Knapp changes the statues of Staten Island, died on Thursday, and the Commission, the m.mbers of ""In"mi-ti?r wblob are now Messrs. Cooly,VTeaiy, and Knapp, Republicans, and 'Messrs. Morrison and Bragg, Demo erats. Mr. Morrison's term will ex pire In January, 1892, and as a Demo crat mast be appointed. Mr. Mor rison will fcave a chance at least of being hie own snooessor. His friends therefore retard the selection of Mr. Knapp ae a good one. The increase in the white popula tion ! the South shows comparative ly little difference from 1880, while thenecrro Increase is but little over Onerthlrd of what it was ten years ago, although in the total is Inoluded . tke State of Arkansas, which has re ceived the largest immigration of negroes. Additional returns only confirm the first statement that some million aid negroes were deliberate ly omitted from the censns in the Sonth in order to deorease the South ern representation In Congress and the electoral rote. It ts am wra son anything, thia to twe In a ditmo bo fo staying owuttdca,- merit in tbo toat. ExtoiMiv doKii4ng roof mil aqptbing whore s laoow or nninown, bo aAr tt oeotee Into pttwoi mkv, M to Judged sneovcbig Ma worttx The ooodaood ST1 siely ewuMttto UmitVn fd&a Mntea4otdeae W Ms eaocfleace IS Is mo popotor wbeoe N to best kvoowa. Rvorj boCtto aoM, eetto too OthoM. Sr7c hM takes M bo eebne Ms ftieod, aod eeornnmniii tt 4hcf n jwntntenooa. leflilfio. Oex. Atfcofev Osa Examine Our Work and Get Prices. No. 23 N. College HI., Charlotte, N. C V II A H L ( T T i: A", ECCLES & BRYAN, body was escorted from the Btaten Island to the Wall street ferry bv delegations from the Btaten Island Bchuetxen Carol. New York Bchuetzen Corps, and German Ma- SOTITIFKTN VTSTTOBS ennerohor, Mr. Meyer was a mem- U 1 J1JXU1 TlOllUHO ber of all three organizations. A I To New York CItv will find 4(1 Wnnt story was printed yesterday which said that one of the last requests ol Mr. Meyer was to have his body ore- mated and his ashes threwn to the four winds from the top of the Btatue of Liberty on Bedlow's Island, and to have bis mends standing around with full glasses to drink to his mem ory and pronounce tne words? "Here goes the last of Puok Meyer Happy days." "Borne feellDg are to mortals glveu with much of earth and none of heav en," as for example, headache, neu- rulgia and the like. One bottle of Halvation Oil sends them hence. Oh I letus be joyful. 17th street a most desirable stopping nln T?l . J 5.i. fmou. iimgaui uuu comionaoie rooms, newly furnished, kont hv a Houthorn family. Central location. Convenient to all linos of oars terms moderate. je22-tf CLAIIKSON & DULS, Counsellors and Attorneys-at-Law. Office in Law Building. Prompt niieuuoii io an Dullness. Claims collected. 1'ractloo in Btato and r ederai ueurts. halls and rooms Proprietors. One of the most Invit nig. Hiiperlily ((juinped aim luniuoKsiy conduct ed Hotels in 'the Houth Located in the centroof tho ( ily, convenient to the business houses, banks, public buildings and churches. The ('mi tral Is one of the largest Hotels b e t w ee n Balti more and Atlanta, and is elegantly furnished and equipped in all its de- pm imiiuis. i .aeii room is connected with the of lice by Klentrlc Keturn Hell. Klectrie Lights Hot H 11 (1 'ill. I Itnthu nnrnntnil i .1 I t ...... 1 . . .... 1 , I . i.r ' .u . it b.Tu , ii i.j r. h mm v .1 Vd M vvnr..r .... ......i. rii . . . .. .......... . . i .'.I nil 11 iiuiii 1 i n inosi consiiierato attention given (,o nil guests and thoir comfort care- iiiiiv piimmi iiiLtr. DELIYEEY WAGONS. A nice lino of Dellvory Wagons eultablo for any business, from 575 up, Including Top aud Lotterlng, We koop anything In the Vehicle line, and have the largest stock and lluest goods ever brought to the city. Come and sec A. I HUTCHISON A CO.. NoKt to Wadtwortli'n Btivlil. RECEIVED 1,000 BUSHELS riKMCK'SKKH isli Potatoes. Karly lioso nntecd Illicit t this market. and I'.tHliank. have ever I ( luar- 'I'll ON 1 1,(HK) Oats. Uufhel White Seed Sj'riug K. F. YOUNG it CO., noi, a;::, mir. K Tr.- Stleet, THE Finest Line OP STATIONAKY IN Charlotte IS TO P.K KO IT N I) A T Eddins Book Store, CITY GltOCEltY n KllCl'tHMOrfi to- HA11NKTT UKTHTNE A CO. W" have Heavy (iio :(): n hand the largest stock erits in tlie city. WK (il'AKANTKK ey. that b ave our slon . ol Kancy artiMe CALL AND EXAM I N K OI'U (i()()I)K AND 1'KICKH. WK WILL NOT UK I'NDKKSOLD. Kespectfully, UKTIirXK & WHITE, I'l'lephon, SI. -1 K. Trad.- CliarlotleFemale Institute N1'IUN; SKSSION i r .: i; .. isui. hi mm W 1 1 1 make a mistake In shopping for presents if they fail to nee our stock. Tho prettiest line of Novelties for XnuiH presents iu tho city just re, r.eivcd at Mrs P. Query & Co i nt men ts as a boarding schorl ih -eil . nf ti :irln rs the finest 111 tit A pp. iiiiMir ( 'orp South. Ml I. AM, A !iT Hril'IAl.TIKS, Term: the same a iu past yoaTs, m i;h, en as. d. m.ivkk. Lady Principal Jan'.tr TO IIAN, A'i' i:v Surprising Testimony- Many physiciana who havo Mrs. Baiter, the mayor of Argonia, Kansas, la a small, nervous woman. bat the rales the city council with a rod of iron. Her husband weighs 800 bat he Beyer thinks of vetoing any of her messages. ' Mrs. Worth, the wife of the famous ' Parisian dressmaker, dresses very plainly. It goes to prove the truth of an old proverb. If Mr. Worth were : a shoemaker his wife might have to , go la her bare feet SXany Persons m trn&w ova boa omeuik or hooMhold oan. Urown Iron Bitters BatmOdiths arui ex- mlned into the merits of B. II. 11. (Botanic Blood Balm), have been confronted with testimony which they deemed surprising, and thus being convicod of Its wonderful elTi- caoy, have not falltu to prescribe it m tnelr practice en occasion required. 11. L. Cassia v. Kennesaw. (la.. writes: "For two years my wife was a great sufferer. Hkillful physi cians did her no eood. Her mouth was one solid ulcer, her body was Droaen ouiin eoras, and she lost a beautiful head of hair. Threa bot tles B B cured htr completely, in- ejeditable as it may sound and she is now the mother of a healthy three months old baby clear from any scrofuluos taint" A. II. Morris, Pine Bluff, Ark., writes: "Hot Springs and several doctors failed to cure me of several running ulcers on my leg, B B B ef fected a wonderfully quick cure e'ter everything else had failed." Rfflsfflpflatoliinff JJjW I VI lllUUUIl Jhrom one of the larirest and host broeusof Chickens, PARTRIDGE COCHINS, flood winter layers. 1.1 eggs for $ 1. J. M. SIMS. Feb. 201m. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. Just Received an elegant line of Spring Samples from the well known firm of Klein fe Bros , Philadelphia. HUITR MADE TO ORDKR f r from $16 to $60. Pants $4 and no. All salon are subject to tho complete protection of tho customer, and ship ments will be made with the privi lege of examination. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. Respectfully, II. O. MEN8INQ. No. 4 West Trade B treat ) P. P. ffnr nnn tu iN( itKASKinH.Li' ij) I Uj' 'Ul'.l'l DuriiiK the year IS'Kl. And fil.OOO increao during the month of January just, passed, tells it own story. Tells that with 'I'ush, I'alhmr mitl 1 have, to u groat extent, thrown down the barriers of prejudice and vinced the "trade" that Charlotte is as iroo.l n Wholesale Market as an v and that I successfully complete in prices (.piality iiways Linen inio consideration with all comers. r i. ... - -. ... iy coiiassai lines of Hprlng tloods aro open, and the "Wholesale J. II. KV iDi-njLersist. KPH A LWAYB ON HANI) FULL HUP PLY OK Pure Drugs and Medicines PAINTS. OILS. IT liliHf I ICH, V A UN I H 1 1 EH, HTA I NH AND COLORH. We buy nothing but Pure Paints anil OUH, aial guarantee thrMii a? roceni!iendKl. ers are respectfully Invited to its inspection. Very Respectfully, Buy. S. Wittkowsky. Our Drugs ar. boueht strictly for the retail trailn and wo endeavor to luy imthlii but what is strictly pure (IKNIIINK KXOELHIOR HARA T(K1A WATi;i, Kresh from the spring on draught J. II. McADEN, Charlotte, N. a SIX PERCENT. INTEREST, " ItuihlliiL' and Iinn Association. Money l.-n m .1 at once In 61 to IK) lays, I'm lit to Investors irreater man in any other Association. Call at om and pet u loan with which, you . .in build a house and save rent. Moony loaned to farmers and also on city property. Money can be returned In any manner most convenient to borrower, at same time allowing nix years to pay It In, but can be paid iu less time, at their op tion. Apply to 11. t.. DAVIDSON. Oenernl Btato A ire lit No. 18 Law Building, Charlotte, N. C Kob.!tf M ARE FIREH QUICK. All communications ecnt to me for Dross Kindling in barrels, and Fine Northern Yam Potatoes shall have prompt attention. J. EVU1K CARTER, Oet26-tf C vkton, N. C. I)K. H. M. WILDER. PHYSICIAN AND HURGEON. Oflloe over Burwell A Dunn's Drue Htore. Telephone 130. s 1HORT-IIANI) BY MAIL. A Thorough course In the rrlnci- desof short-hand by mail. Equal in very respect to personal tuition. A icrfect method For further Infor natlon and circulars, address J. W. HlIMMKKa. t. National Typewriter, Davidson I lege, N. (:. Dcc.ltt 8ms. IN THE MUD. Where Is Charlie Moore's old milk air.inY Here It Is after oreanasi time and no milk for tho colree Hold on, hold on, my kind friend we aro lust stuck in tlm mud on ono of (lie side streets, we will reach you lister awhile, don't scold to much when a follow is doing his host for you. '1 his in a tough time on wagons, horses and men in our business. Very truly, C. C. MOORE. Lock Box 872.