, M m , , . " "" . 1 j . 1 ' "" ;' "?. '.! " 1 1 r TO THE AFFLICTED. MNL GERMETUER It OXfTlrt M(d partner a4 (arm Qj atrorcr af u ar. K tew ta atomartt, lnwiw u ppvttts, polls tbaaxsa Uom and quick Ir a4 iwrmaaami mre II Mood, iumA, klfl"ty, Ma4dr, Hrar, and rental 1IMMB- AltHWniittk rat a rival In th wool rant at materia . It H a aororalfQ fwasaajr, mi arer Mia to cor renuttein,ncaralrla. aaraljvla. Inaomkla, OWPtnala, tadhr- ptm, cm 1117, paiptianon, MUrrK, auv Jloa. H. w.anMraar: "nVA CT- mm tftul of all rataMloa." Rasa. P. Jaaoa tar : "I with rarr aPArtac trlf aad aooaM to that tnel- ela.", ., Kr. 4. B. Ttawtborm nni " II ha i brouctat eerUOa and radical niraa to boa- rana In Oeorrla and other State." M ra. KlVa X Tm nii t. Editor Tranamtt Hon KtrUar, ar: " It faBM baa praad Ilka a aratrle flra." Or. Jaa. Yotne, tb iml tanqicrane lactarar, j : "Oh I that trmy afflicted anaa and worn could rat thlarrand ram- ady.- TBaaaand of other attest It rtrtoe aa4 aouad 11 atmtaiv It jvm arc ale, do aaC aarpatr Mil yo bar tried tinstor. It baa iMafutuwd can that aaloolsh the world. It ran are suffering "If" dtaaaaaaad fall of acar, arnd stamp fur printed matter, certificate of wondcrfol nm, m. For al br Kins' Roral Oennetoar Ooataaar . Atlanta. and br drama!. if mratlJD pereonoeatrated botU, whlnh make one sullen of airdtdn pr dl reetlona arninrlnK earh bottle. Can fj rod K hi aenl br einret O. O !., If your drug gist cannot Roppl j roa. For sal b BUR WELL A DUNN Charlotte, N. C. CflTState in what paper yon law cms, wnen writing. New and Beautiful GOODS FOR Xmas Presents. I HAVE Justreceived a full stock of Gold Pens, in Pearl and other fancy Holders, aud a great rarlety of other nice Goods buI table for Presents, Bach as GOLD THIMBLES, GOLD SPECTACLES, GOLD WATCHES, DIAMOND SCARF PINS, DIAMOND KINGS And other Diamond Jewelry. A beautiful line of Pocket Cutlery With Pearl and other Fancy Han dles. Other fancy articles, such as will make a nice present, ('all and see them and get a Bargain. A. HALE8. 9 Trade St Hotels, Banks, HURCHErt ANDOTHKK PUB LIC BUILDINGS., And Private Residences can ho fix ed up in Carved Wood, Old Ivory, and Pressed Ieather elleets at little more than the cost of Pine Wood by the use of LIQUOMUR or HTERO-RELIEF which can bo nailed on the studding:, doing away with the use of laths and plaster. DrawingH, sampleH and es timates sent anywhere in North and South Carolina. WHEELER WALL PAPER CO. WHEELER WALL PAPER CO. No. lfi East Trade Street. Dr. C. L ALEXANDER, DKWTI8T, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office HcAden building, over First National Bank, opposite Central Ho tel. y24 MW GOODS I have a very large and select stock of goods COKHI8TING OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND JEWELRY. flnfl.AH.1 Good anil (Mnik mirirnrn in Sterling and Plate In great ' quantities. I don't allow any one to sell good good at lower prices than I For Cash. 1Ifdwfa afTsassX- tMI .r fr n'nW. - .6 Wk ... . VI M . Iteipectfulljt JOHN FAEEIOR .' 1 Inspector for 0. 0. and A. K Rail road Watchoa. . Qaeatlon Or lh Yoawa: Paapl) ( Imwrr. I. At wlmt period of history were airornevs iirHi inirnuurrn umi - J . J I , I. 'pllnh court of lustier? t Who was It said "The w ind shall be tempered to the shorn lamb?" B. What is Oueen victoria's sar Dime? 4. In th oressnee of what sot- erelgn was Amy Hohnart married to itoftert Dudley, who nrwriii came Karl of Leicester? 6. Who wrote the "Hurinl "I Sir Jolui M...TO?" ti. What whs the real yuine I Kol.ln Hood? 7. Who was It said, at the grure ol John Kuoi "Here lien one who nver (feared the face of mail?" H. What wrltsr said that, In ins dav. fruit-culture was o:irrkti i such an extend in Italy, that the o.nititrv loolieil like one vast or I , .V nliu rd U. What was the habitual rood o Attala. KiiiL'of the Huns? la When were Chrlstla knlfhts, as a class, superceded by Christian ffentlomen? I . .... . w 1 I L II. or what imemperai rnriiin Klne did the Karl of Warwick say, "I would rather fight fifty bat tles for him than sur with him onco?" 1Z WhT did Naoolson 1st win no ereat victories after hs becams fat? 13. What ooae er laws was canou . . . . I1J written reason"T i j nf h.t l.nnililM Hlr Wit vi v rr not m ", ' j-'" - llam saT."!! Is the nobloat la"KBrc erer epoksn by moriaisr" 15. Who discovsrea oxysni 16. Who InTented chloroform? 17. Who Is the (Inset llrlng novel 1st? la What Isthe flnsst paintluir in the world? 19. Which of the Entrllsh Klnirs was called "Farmer Oeorcre7" 20. Who was the first English Klnar to enpapo In merchandise? 21. What bind German prince in sisted upon flrhtin In the battle of Crecv, with his bridle tied to that of the Knijrht next to him ana witn tne motto "Ich dien" blar.wooa upon nis whleld? 22. What Rovcreljrn.when corrected for n trrnnimatieal error, repllou, am Kins; of the Romans aud above grammar? 'a. Who wl II nrohatiie ro lenay son's successor, as Dost-landwcaus of Kngland? A Kmart Let f Women. New York Snn: It mnst bo ad- mlttt(d thatthespsakerH at tho Wo men's National Council, wnion is holding its sessions in Washington this week, hnve not been lacking In imlf pendnnee of opinion. In debating questions they have not been afraid to dilfer from each other or to give expression to their varying views. Some of them have been cheered by tho feminine andience, while others. Incladincr even tho renowned Mrs. Lease, of Kansas, havo been hissed, In tho adoption of linos of policy a great deal of shrewdness has boon displayed at times. A nnmberof the speeches have been rather too florid or romantic or sentimental for busi ness purposes, bat t hoy grnve pleas ure to their hearers as well to those who delivored them, It hs been made evident by tlit proeotdings of the past four days that thrrn arc man v delegates of talent and judg ment at theWoinen's National Coun cil. lawn I'nrnirr'i te JSoininnle a Ticket. Sioi-x City, Iowa, Fob. 85. The Eleventh Iowa District Farmers' Al liance conference is In session to- icriit. It was resolved to apply the secret rules of the order to the Iowa Alliance, to not a fall State ticket In the field in Iowa this fall, and to con tinue to adhere to prohibition and a low tarllT President Farrow win probably bo the Alliance candidate for governor. Cheap Freight forlarmrr. Lincoln, Nob., Feb.26. A stringent maximum railroad freight bill has boon passed by the House by a vote of 71) to 17. Thru nabj w tHok, w f her Castortv Whan iliou n Child, !ieeTtod for Cnettirta. When t)f brcaim Maw, h elrmt; to Canto!. Wben ah had CWMran, aha gave ttwm Caforfa Speoimen Oases H. II Clifford, New CaaL Wis.. wus troubled whd neuralgia aim rlieuinatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetito fell away, and he was terribly reaucea in nesn nd strength. Three bottles of Fdec- tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrlsbnrg, III., had a running sors on his leg of eight years standing. Used threo bottlss of Eiectric Ditto rs and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his letr is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five largo fever sores on his leg, doctors said lie was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entire ly. Hold by Burwell & Dunn's drug store. To the Suffering. Over one hundred columns of vol untary certificates navo been printed in the Atlanta Journal from such people as Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, Rov. Bam P. Jones. Hon. H. W.Grady, MaJ. Chas. W. Hubner, late of tho 'Christian Index ;" Gen James Long street, Col. W. Avery, late editor At lanta "Constitution," and hundreds of prominent divines, editors, doc tors, specialists ana oiners, coruiy- inrr to remarRame cures periormeu by Or. ljinR's Jtoyai uermeiuer, anor eminent physicians and all known remedies had fallod. Hend two.cent stamp to King's Royal Germotuer Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of partlc- alars. It is truly agreatjomedy,and cures when all else fails. An AttraeHT Caubtawi rOCKSTT AI.B7AKAC and HEMOltAHDUM MM) St ajdvertlalng BHOWH'8 IIUM BITTKHfl Uie lwt Tonln, Klrea awny at Draff sua Kuiior&l uros. Apply at outxi, "tltnl Wocklrn burg- Veteran." Mecklerihtinr Cainn always has on It roll a doen or more indigent comrade, and Is also often called on to aid needy Confederate slopping orer or passtng here. Wo likewise have now the entire charge of tho "Memorial Services of May 10th," turned orer to ns by the ladies of Charlotte. To maot all these out Is of time and money, as also to gimrd against other possible contin gencies, imposes on uie oiti sonnets themselves nil addition or labor and v ieiie hardly eon si stent w Ith their rights as " eteraua," or me profes sion of gratitude and pride for their past sacrifices and sulterlngs. Rut the ladles of Charlotte nave resolred that theso thing must not be. And they have suggested a meas ure of relief at once iid'ootlre and praotleal It combines lu one call a number of small contributions ami a few liberal subscriptions for long pvrlods ns a basis for a "Permanent Veteran' Fuud." The Executive Commit toe promise that every dol lar so raised shall bo carefully guard ed nad wisely applied. Mr. Vf. B. Gooding, Mrs. Jno. E. Brown, Mrs. J. 11. WeJdlngton, Mrs. M srlot Clarksod, Mis Lula Springs and Miss Maggie Taylor, with such assistants as they mav be able to se cure will undertake tne eallforbeth city and conty. But. of course, all really desirous of aiding, will, as far as possible, see to the lists for themselves, and saro the ladles much personal trouble. Printed lists may be had of V. B Taylor, treasurer, 22 West Trade street, who will also tske tho names of contributors and of any willing to solicit. R. IUkkikokk. Ch'n. D. G. Maxwim,, Hes'y. Feb. 26, 1891. Ifttrratate Alllanco Ton vrntlan. 8io0i City. Fob. 2.5. The Farmer's Alliance men of Kowa.Mln- aesota, the Dakotas, and Nebraska will hold a conference here, begin ning Wodnoadaw Itlsoxnoctsd thai 00 delegates will be In attendance. Various matters are to l (liscusBoa and a plan of (campaign mapped ont. ..Home feelitiL'aro lo mortals given with muoh of earth and none of heav en," as for example, headaoho, neu ralgia and the like. One bottle of Salvation Oil sends them hence. Oh ! let ns be Joyful. Orru'E of Rbpoktbr, Mkckles- duro Loimjh No. 53o, K. ov II. Chaklotte, N. C, Feb. 27, IH!H. Ata regular meeting of Mecklon irg Lodge No. 3.15, Knights of Hon or, hold on the ahove date at II. Banmgartens (Jnllery, tho following resolutions of estoom and rogrotwere passed and adopted unanimously: Ii Mrmoriam. Whehras, It has pleased Almighty God in His inscrntible wisdom and dlvln pnrposss, to take from onr midst, In the springtinao of life, In the lor and fnllness of manhood, 1th bright hones and plans for to morrow, our beloved brother V . r. Carpenter, lot u not whilo wo mourn lose onr faith and hope in God s promises, but bow onr heads in hum ble submission to Ills wise decrees, knowing thnt "Hodoethall things well." Whekeas. In the death of Bro. Carpenter the order of the Knights of lienor has lost one of of its noblest and truest adrocatet of its nrincl plus, and National Lodge tho sweet companionship of a gentle, loving, and generons-hearted friend and brother. Resolved, That in the dally life of Brother Carpenter, we recognize a character that may be taken. ;is .i beacon light on tho hlghwny of lire, a devoted husband and loving fath or, a true and trustworthy friend, an honorable! man, full of charily and generosity, and worthy of onr high est respeetanil esteem, for his vir tues were many and his faults were few. Rosolvod, That we tender to the wife and children of our deported friend and brother, In this hour of their aflllction. our heartfelt sympa thy, and wo pray that they niy find comfort in God's promises to he a fa ther to tho fathortohsaml a friend to the widow In the hour of their need. Kesolved,That n copy of those res olutions bo transmitted to the family of Brother W. P. Carpenter and Ih spread upon the minutes of this lodge. W. R. Jonkh, ) Gko. L. Krciokr, Com. II. IIai'mharten. Tnoa L. Rrrt ii, Dictator, P. T. II. Bai'muaktkn, Reporter. LA Q-RIPP E. The symptoms are: head ache, general ill-fool ing,pains In tho back, side; in severe cases, ache all overand cough violently, To cure and pro vent it take Simmons Liver Rogulator.thegood oldSoiith orn stand-by in nil diseases pocvliar to this section. It works on tho common suime plan that no well regulatod system will take disease or retain it. Disease in neglect, and a woll-known doctor is elnoereln wanting to niakt it a punishable crimo. Don't permanently Injure yourself with quinine nor get caught by being careless. Take Sim mons Liver Regulator. Be Not Imposed Uoon. Examine to nee that you got the genuine, distinguished from all frundu Mild Iniit.RtioMM hv onr roil V. I Trade-Mark ou front of wrapper, and on the sido tho seal ami signature of J. It. Z.C111U & to. OPERA HOUSE, MARCH 41 The MGiBENr Family. tf3 ewr-": ffif'f2J&l 4J GREAT BAND, SPLENDID 0RCW1A FULL CHORUS, THE KINDERGARTNERcS, 10 SOLOISTS. 1 TICKETS O.V SALE Land and Improvement Go. DURHAM, N.C. J.S.CARR, Froultlst it A. B.ANDREWS, VIeo-PneMcnt. A MOST LIBERAL and REMARKABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. The "Consolidated" Controls A of Land linmortlutoly iKlJolntiw The (m(nu of Trtnttf (Vjllcrc, wltlch lm tioen snrvoyotl Into LOTS SO BY 140 FEET. The IxW lire well loonleo; ftud rv situated njx)n Streets 60 Feet Wide with a Rear Alley of 20 Feet. Tho locution in (lmirlln for SUrt. KwUuiriHit mid 1 wflllnk" l't thoi.h dohlrltir-' ti ' huy or build," In order to oducnto their his can do io U'tU Uuin huy onfl or iiioru of tliiw lot. IT IHTUU I'VKlMMi; OF TIIK roHSOIJ lATLl Tit OKKL'K, for tho prcvoor onlr- 80O OF THESE LOTS, and to leiamntei' t!i:i! vlunlhn '"I I leisure teid, to cret t ti)mi! wuncKMltiiMo porllon r' liio prn rl v, hmiIIcIi ntly f:ir reineveil from liio reoMentlitl pel linn, one inotlernly-t'tillt, welU'cinlpiieil l oll. in Kie-lerv, to cohI SIOO.OOO, ui"1 to supply tle ( 'ottoii Fiwtory u lUi a CASH ivOIlItlJO CAPITAL of 5H0, infthlu US1 euUny for COTTON FACTORY, $125,000 Ono KnlttliiK Mill for the niiinnfiii'tnre of Ilol M . I'Bilrmmr. ., to eont ,10100, and Ui supply Uio Knllllni' .Mill Willi n t' ASH WOHliINU CAPITAL. of ,OO0, nmuliiK KNITTING MILL, $75,000 A5I IN til the IIiki TO EVERY of $40) of tills miKiilflroiil property, Ulo " ( FITI! SIIAIISS, I'All Present I n full pnlil und riiRi.r. smni:s, i-ar full paid and Making q return to each Purchaser of $400 of the Property, of $200, well invested In Good Industrial Enterprises. lAir every flollnr lnveMM In WeM Kiel Town Iit. ftilJnlnliiK the Trinity ColUco pmiHTly, I lie pun )nu-er ri':.U7es "O per cent. In KlrKWIae Indupt.rlnl EnU'riirlwjS. whleli Will culianoi. llir yhIuo of IiLm Invoslineiil. Tim " 'ON-ioM 1 i.TM " rM iildi'Titly l l levin lliat tls) nlmvo I" lh numl IIImtiiI Hrwl At tho Hnoie Hum tl.e met livll i mill o oiler I li ill li hh coluc I'i'fi ire I lie put tile. In furl the oirer Is m 11 Ik thI Mi., I we do not he-Hate li i fiy I lint In our uplnlon, tlm opportunity will lie proiniilly I:. ki n ;i.1miiiI;il;.' of l. Hi., e uhi Imw Im'ii wiitilnif for the HHXT, or persiin-: .fef-irhi.: lo ? ei'iire Mrnt-cliiftH imIiii-n I I.iik.I iiil nntu(eH (or tlielr llojs, on tlsi moist rnl :uilni:e, ins I rtir . Maps Khnuiiis l!iu proHTtv mi. I I'll e 1,1-1 of tlio lei lux rfullv nirnlnlitt oo ppllnmin lo R. H. WRIGHT, Sooretary, DURHAM, N. C. it i:n r.mii'.K Itinl ovi ry pnri'hnse of ll eurrles 0WI1I slmres of Htoek In two well Kipiliiped Iudustrlnl l'',nliTprlst.s pur value of Jj'jlln. POIlTI''H. In liiiylnc 11 lot you are also ni ililiiir an 1 1, (wUnent. i ! nlvltleni upon willed will inoi-t lllioly Hid liuiti rlnlly lo eilnrale your l. k. A 11 1 ST. Tin. Iii 1 ItltoL- r two laik'i I ihIiii riex ii poii tlia Property, tuul tin. munplel Ion of Tt In Ity I. Villi:'. i ol 1 14 ll ( largely to i.nlialiiH' II.. Milne of tlic lolj. A n.i:i-Tior. New Is tin- time lo l.iiriliu e. Tin- lots may ail Is- ohu. If yon wull, anil you Mill the iipporlunll y of l.n lui; from llrs! IiuihIk. SOUTHERN VISITORS To New York City will find 4(i West 17th stroet most (lesiraole stiipjin plaen. KloKt &n' comfoi tnlle rooms, nowly furnished, kept by n Southern family. Central loention. (Convenient to all lines of ears. Terms moderate. ju22-tf DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM. Practlco limited to diseases of THE EYE, EAR AND THROAT Cabbage Plants, early jer'sey! wakefield. All those have boen trasplantod. JESHE and I.OUISE HTRAWBERRY PLANTS for Sale. Apply to or AddrosH W. W. rillFEIi, Turora Farm, 712 N. Collnge St. Tlii'jr lire a reinaiknl.lo I'nm ll j-, ackmiwlolgod M liio profession us yivutcr tlinii Rny In Amor I vi, :,r In liio Avoil.l. 1. S. (.ILMOIUi I.i.l iui miii li oh nt any circus. CAHTEK IIAItKBOIf. J. n. McCIBENY, Proprietor. FRANK McCIBENY, MANAQ AT IS UAL I'LACE. HAM CONSOLIDATED R.H.WRIGHT, Bw'y and Treasurer. CRES Tmu " i i-i i y for TOTAL Olf IMPROVEMENTS of In. lot trial EnU-rprl upon Uie pn)urVi'. PURCHASER KINHOl.l I iATEII" will VAI.I'I! WJ I'KH SIUKK, a PM noii-iiKHessntile In llio Cotton Fitelory, nnl vai.i h 8JS l'Kit hiiaui:. nou-uwetwiililo In Umj Knltlliu,' Mill, FINE MERCHANT TAILORING. Ju9t Received an elegant lino of Sprinp Humpies from the well known firm of Klein & Bros., Philadelphia. SI' ITH MADE TO ORDER for from to $50. l'ants $4 aud up. All sales lire suhjoet to tho complete protection of the customer, and ship ments will he made with the privi lege of examination. Cleaning and repairing promptly at'.oiided to. Respectfully, H. C. MENHINO. No. 4 West Trade Htreot. DRS. HOFFMAN & WHITE, DENT I STB. Olllco 7 West Trade street. Bopldtim CLARKS0N & DULS, Counsollors and Attorneys-at-Law. OH'oe In Law Building. Prompt attontion to all business. Claims collected. Practice In State and Fedoral Courts. THE jiUJjUJXU HUTBiL, Oiia.rlotte, 1ST. O. CAPACITY DOUBLED. THE DUCED INCLUDING A FINE HYPKAUJjIU -ABJJNii; AND BAGGAGE ELEVATOR. Electric Call and Autom atic Call Bells. ELEGANT AND BEAUTIFULLY ON 4th FLOOR, WHICH IS REACHED BY PASSENGER ELEVATOR. The Hotel b furnished throughout in the best maimer with Velvet and Brussels Carpets. Solid Antique every appliance for the comfort of its guests. Table unsurpassed lor ex cellence. The oatronaee of visitors to the citv and Comtnerdal men es pecially solicited. Mr. Conrad Lipscomb and Henry remain in charge ol the office. lli-KMS: $2.oo, $2. 50 aud $3.00 guests on application. GEORGE W. KITTELLE, Proprietor. TIDDLEDY WINKS. SMALL SIZE 2.iCents. LARGE SIZE fio Cents. TiWy Winks Tenuis. 31.00. MWpBOOK, "lo Darkest ' England," AND THE WAY OUT. Bv GEN. WM. B(K)TI1. f'ffx-r trT, Ross & Adams. Book aud Stationery Store, 22 South Try. m St., Charlotte, N. (' The undenli;neldeslrei to oxpri'ss his thanks for the liberal pat ronatre tho Maeon School has enjoyed since he became Principal. He would assure the public thai the oath of its founder and former Prin cipal will in noway elici t its perma nency. Moreover, no eH'orl will be spared lo make the school worthy of ihe confidence and support of the friends of education. Careful attention jrlvcn to nil pu pils entrusted lo our care. Parents desiring their sons prepar ed either for college or for life will do well to enter them at the In ginning of Spring Term, January -M li, lwi. E. L. RIO ID, A. M, Dec24tf Principal. Bread is the Stall' of Life. Vet man cannot live by bread alone, Good biiltel on good bread makes no one mad. When you talk about bread we claim our Hop Yeast Bread Is the king or all. Ills white, sweet, eats liettet, keeps moist longer than most of tho Bakers Bread. WE WANT YOU TO THY IT. FASNACHT A B ESTER, an28 22 W. Trade Street Chinese Laundry. IX)0 SAM, 219 N. Tryon street, Charlotte, N. C. All kludaof laundry work neatly and promptly done. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges made. Have just secured the services of rt flrst-clttss workman. WANTED For Ihe United States Army Able-bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 85 years. Good pay, rations, clothing, and medical attendance. Applicants ..,,.1 i. ,,r..i,-ir..ii lo furnish satisfac tory eviilene as to age, character and hahlts. Apply at iutuuuiib on.-., Trade street, Charlotte, N. C. Doe. 24 BtwUm I). O'DONOGIIUK M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Begs to announce that he has ro sumed practice, and that nil calls both day ami night, will receive prompt attention. Ofllco 28 E. Trade st., over Ham mond & Justice's Hardware Store. Macon Sehoo . L J. WALKER & CO, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, OORWER FOURTH AND TBYON BTB. CHARLOTTE, N C Telephone 1E3 LATEST IMFKOVJffiMKNTB INT1SC , Lighted by Gas and Elec tricity. Baths and Closeta oh ever) Floor. Twelve Elegantiy Fur nished Sample and Guest 8 Rooms on Office Floor. Reading Room Especially For Guests. DECORATED DINING-ROOM Oak Furniture, the very best Beds and Smith, so well and favorable known, per day. Special rates to permanent THE Wilson Drug. Co. HAVE ESTABLISHED Temporary Headquarters AT UltEM ,CCrS., V"" o. IS Lattt Trade Street. t Whero all Prescriptions and order will Is- promtly lilted and sent to their patrons. IN THITST DAYS We will bo in our new ouartere next to Heath Bro s Bank, with A fall line of New & Fresh Drugs. M r Solicit Your l'atronagty. T HE W 1 1 .HO N D R U 0 (X). To lis Business Men mil WAIT FOR A Dirm-Liif preny dry leading inyhow. nm! oneftHMj for Ike dir. Thr situation, however, appears to br ili" min a.", tli.it of the nun who, whea rdmketl f ainst.int'.f qu.inrlllng wifti dis wife ml rrmlndixl tlut she und he w.-ic one. replied th.it they agrrrd on itmt point, but the utijri between thnn was wliUh wiet the one. I hat is the question we wish oar triiMirls lo answer which is the one Direc'orjr 1I117 prefer One oarefuUy it.inpileil lijr reiiiUntj o( Cliarlotle, Ihk- last undertaking of the kind wna a'lni;tfi.-il !.i Ik the l)C5t took t relrientc Chirlotte erct had, and who mill Ik- here to answer for all sins of omission or commission, or n publica tion hurrledlr compiled by stranger! uhosc only Interest in the matter Is lb.- greatest amount of profit at Ihe minimum of coat. Hirst's Directory will be published flil -srtnt; at as early a date as posstl lile. consistent with thorough work, and the publishers intenil to make it mora thun ever worthy of a favorable recep tion. In f.n t as nearly ns can b s per fitt book nf ref-rrmu on Oiarlotte and its ntT.uu. Him Piiiliig Co. . DR. CHAS. G. HcHANAWAY, PnvsKiAN am8i:koeon. Calls left at Jordan's drnir store or 1005 S. Tfjon street, nromntlv an- swered day or night. F25-1t fNMOK E ADE niOAUH ADE I.IOAItH ADK VIGAR8 AMOK IS UMOKfc :o:- Martin's Bouquet FOR INSTANCE. It is made of the best material that can he put in a cigar forfto. Manufactured especially for retail trade by E. L. MARTIN, Charlotte, N. C. Next to Buford House. WANTED." Fifteen or twenty freh oows. , want nothing but good milkers. McD. W ATKINS.

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