VOLUME ..V." CHARLOTTE, N. C MONDAY EVENING, MA11CII 1G, 1891. DUMBER 691 THE NEW GOODS FOR SPEIM ARE Now Opened AND GOING. :o: SPRING BEAUTIES NOW ON E X II I B I T. We are now showing beautiful wash silks that are just the tilings for waists. Nobby patterns. SEIOLE'S DOLLAR SILKS. We have purchased a llneof Faille like that usually sell for 11.26 a vard and we put thorn up In lo yard lengths which is the corrsK amount for a dress, and our price for these pat terns is iih.iiu. (jimmy is excellent. Colors are Jight gray, navy blue, tan golden brown, soul brown, myrtle green, olive, garnet, cardiual, aim thyst, dahlia, and black. Sixteen yards for sixteen dollars. Any of the aoove shade or Mack. Pattern dresses from Paris direct. tar. a I i Ir . EXCELSIOR STYLES. Ginghams in hundred of patterns at 8 l-He, Hto, 12 l-Zc, 16c, 20)!. JJ.M-, 'Arte. The most styliHh of patterns aud col orings. They arc going like thistle down Dei ore the .March wind. Sc dreHS TRIMMINGS. In gold,ilrer,anri jeweled guimps. I.srge line of Hilk Braids, straw ap plique, and all the ran ISovciti.s. Peacock feather trimming U new Gloriosa iu five colors and black. All the new things in Dress Good now open. T. L Seigle & Co CllA ItLOTTE N. (' Every Rhade and Color of Ready Mixed Paint, aud a large stock of l'n re White Lead aud Liuseed Oil at A. B. REESE & CO. KING'S Royal germetukR :0:- 81.00 ItOTTLK. Or Six Bottles for $5.00. Trai prices. supplied at manufacturers DiiihitaII til W i uui nun vv, jjuiiii, DRUG STORK. Retail Store opposite Central Hotel. Wholesale, op p. P.l P. Wittkowsky. Calf J! I.oral Hippies. St Patricks day in tho mornin.' Dr. J. B. Shearer, of Davidson College is at tho Central today. Only eleven bales of cotton were brought to town to-day. Tho U'St price was H. HO. A meeting of the executive com mittee of the trustees of Davidson College will Ih held In this city to night. Mr. Walter Morrison, of Harris burg, i in tho city today.and ha one of hit brag colts on exhibition at Wadsworth's. It is a tine animal and a credit to Cabarrus breeding. The mud in the roads is slowly dry ing up, ami unless there is another rain the farmers will be able to bring in plenty of cottou aud supplies this Wi ck. Mr. John Withernpooti, who has been stationed at Weft Point, in the cotton business for Sanders A Orr, during the past few months, arrived home yesterday. There is a gathering of Standard Oil officials in Charlotte to-dav. Mr. W. P. How, of New York, and Mes srs K. L. Goodwin-J. K. Harrison ami W. R. Cuindy of Iouisville, promi nent men f (h.it company arc at the ntral. A CHILD'S T1CRRI IS LE FATE. Lett Alone by its mother, il lit Short ly Afterwards found In the Attic, turned to a Crisp. A fouryearold child of John Flake, a colored drayman of this city, was burned to death, about 9 o'clock this morning. The circumstances at tending tho case were of a very pe culiar character. Blake lives at the corner of Seventh aud C streets. This morning his wife had occasion to visit a neigh boring house, aud being afraid to leave the child oioue iu the house, she put it out in the yard, closed the door, and went on h r errand. She returned in the course of fifteen min utes, to find the door open aud the child missing, and at the same time shn detected a strong odor of burning cloth. A Are was blazing iu the chimney place, and on the hearth were smouldering fragments of cloth. Across the floor and leading up the atarrway were other frag ments of cloth still smoking. Ihe mother, following the trail to the at tic there found the dead body of her child lying facedown on the floor. Every particle of Its clothing had boon bnrned oft and its flesh was le- iug slowly consumed. The shrieks of the woman soon brought crowd from the neighborhood to the house. If the child made any outcry during its terrible exH-rience, no one heard it It is supposed that the child went into the house after Its moth er's departure and played with the lire. THIRTEEN CARS GO DOWN. A llEAt i WRKCK ON Till: CAKOL1' MA VEST It A I,. Loll of Freight That Will Not An iwer to the 111 I In of I.aUiii -aHJ- day Night' Accident at Led better's Trestle. A disastrous wreck occurred at I'rrpnrliiK (or the DiOHhl. l'he last legislature broke up the whiskey distilling in Gaston county, and some of the old timers, who im agine that they will never again be able to get the genu iue i as ton j uico, have been endeavoring to lay up a Hiipply against the day of drought, and are fairly overtaxing the stills. A Gaston county man tells Tin: N i:wk tli.it every still in the county is now running day aim night, ami moot begiu to All the orders befoie (he day of closing comes along. tiitrrsilf Kali fliijrr. The annual election of managers at the University lor the approach ing commencement has been held tnd the following have been elected : Chief Manager Michael Hoke, of Raleigh; Dialectic Society J. F. Gaither, of Salisbury; M. J. Pear sail, of Warsaw ; George Pesehau.of Wilmington. Philanthropic Society Howard Alston, of Warroiiton; W it Kenan, Jr., of Wilmington; W It iMiow, of Raleigh. A special com mittee lias been appointed to sebct an orator for Commencement Day. Dr. Walter W. Moore, of llamp- leu Sydney College, Virginia, has accepted the invitation to preach the Baccalaureate sermon. S1MUNU (H)ODS. ootoe&r Calf Skin is a sort of a luxury in leather. It Is mostadinirahly adapt ed to tint purposes for which It is used, but a good many purchasers wVn have supposed (hoy were wear Ing it have been mistaken. You can know just wnat you are purchasing only when you place your faith Iu a dealer who will tell you nothing but tho exact truth. We do not claim that all of our shoes are of a superior grade. What we do claim, is, that they are what we represent them to be. You make no purchases in the dark when you buy from us,an 1 will make no mistake if you try our shoes. o A. E. RANKIN A BRO'., -o- Through the slop and slash visitors ontlnue coming in, and what's the cause of the commotion? 'Tis that e!e gant line of goods that at tracts, and folks will gather where there's mo tion. SILKS, SILKS. Grenadines aud Gauzes, Black Grenadines in plain and fancy mesh the name with satin gilt or purple stripes, also plain ground with fig ures and wafer spots. Black Faille aud Surahs, Crepe De Chine in all fancy colors. China and Surahs in splendid evening shades all silks at Kxcnisitecolorings in Florentine silks. Chiffon laces continue the rage two styles, all shades. SEE OUR MILL GIUDLK K F. It CHI KK. T. Ale A Sndden Urulb Saliday .Horning. Mr. S. W. Alexander, keeper of the Meckleuburg county poor house.dled suddenly aud unexpectedly at 6 o'clock Sunday morning. Mr. Alex ander had been iu poor health for some time past, but no uneasiness had been felt about him lately. He was restless Saturday night, and at 12 o'clock was up smoking his pipe. Shortly afterwards he retired, and at ft o'clock he was dead. Mr. Alexander was about 65ycars old, and leaves a wife ar.d twodaugh tors. He was a native of Sharon township, and his Ixidy was buried at Sharon church to-day. Mr. Alexan der was elected to the position of su perintendent of the county poor house alniut ii years ago, aud made a most execlh-iit official, gaining a popularity that was possibly not Ap proached by any of lus predecessors. : He was a good man iu all respects, and was a brave soldier, having serv ed through the war a- first lieiiten- ant of Co. B., First Noitli Carolina Regiment j night) tew l'Un I. lite harlolir. i Auyone who is disposed to doiilit ' thu fact that Charlotte has become' a popular w inter resort, lias only to watch the throngs going to or com ing from church on Sundays, aud tak.a note of the Strang" faces seen. There were never so many strangers in Charlotte as at present, as a cen- siw of the hotels and boarding houses will show. A great many of the vis itors stopped here intending to stay for only a day or two. but our pretty tow n, w ith its line stores, its excel lent hotels, clean pavements and beautiful streets charmed them an I they have stayed. The climate, too,' strikes them Just about riht, and the result is that they have not only concluded to stay here awhile hut havewntteii to their friends to join them here On his way to tew n this morning Mr. J. V. Hunter, of lei ita.killed lift-, teen robins. Ho had a double bar reled shot-gun, but could use only ! one barrel on account of a defective ' plunger. i Ledbetter's tr stle, on the Carolina Central railroad, at 8 o'clock Satur day night. Tho through freight from Norfolk to Charlotte was wrecked at that point. There were twenty cars in the train aud all except seven went down. The thirteen cars were next in order from tha engine, anjl the engine itself had so close a call that Its tender weDt down with the cars. The engine was left ou tho rails on the Charlotte side of the wreck, and seven freight cars were left on the Wilmington side. The cause of the wreck was the breaking of a truck under the tender. The trestle was a stout and perfectly safe one, and had loen crossed In safety by the passenger train only ten minutes previously. ledbetter's trestle is located between Rocking ham and the Pee Dee river bridge, and is within half a mile of the bridge. Just as the Charlotte bound fieight reached it, a truck under the tender broke or became disarranged, throwing the wheels to the ties. That knocked the trestle dow n and tho tender and thirteen cars were wrecked. No one oa the train was hurt The cars tumbled one upon the other ami were broken to pieces, their contents of merchandise being scat- ; tered about in a confused jumble. The Carolina Central authorities at Once dispatched a wrecking force to i the scene, and will have the trestle j rebuilt aud the track cleared for the through passage of trains by 12 o' clock to-night Transfers were made at the scene of the w reck to-day. I !flnn!ripal lollur. j Along with tho general revival of spring oterations has come a revival of local politics, and the politicians ' wore as busy todav as lees in a tar j ; bucket. ThkNkws is morally cer ' tain that it knows tho names of thre candidates for mayor who mean business, but to use a favorite expres sion of T. Ross Robert.-oii, w e "can't gif it uviiy." It is a pretty well etab It-died fact that the Third, or Prohi bition party, will be an element in the municipal campaign. Mr. R. IV Alexander aud Mr. W. E. Shaw are most generally mentioned a candi dates for mayor from thai (juarter. Rolh ftill I'assrd. Our members of the Legislature who reported that only one bill amending the charter of the city of j Charlotte passed the Legislature i were not well posted, ("apt Fred Nash, city clerk, yesterday received a ccrtitied copy ' the bill amending the charter s- as to allow the city to vote on Issuing i,000 in bonds, j That bill passed the legislature on j March tith. A few days ago, he re c. iveil a certified copy of the bill j amending the charter in regard to street improvements. That bill waj ! passed March Jth. " j Til lit ft III. Hi! HOME SOOH. Hrown and Henderson, the Char lotte V. O. Clerks Soon to Leayc the Penitentiary. Postmaster Brady has been rest ing secure in the belief that he would not see Brown aud Henderson, his quondam clerks for at least 18 months yet, but the probabilities are that by July they will be calling at the Charlotte postotlice for their mall like all other free American -citizens. President Harrison has lopped off a full year from tho torm of impris onment of each one. Whon Mr. Brady took charge of the postofflce, Jno. W, Brown and Chas. Henderson, both colored wre appointed to high stations as clerks, and in a short time letter robberies became very frequent. A detectire caught Brown and Henderson in the act They were arrested and jailed in November IKS", weru tried and convicted the following month and In January is0 thoy land ed In the penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio, under sentence of 3 years imprisonment The president commuted the sentence of each so that with the deduction for good be havior, they will get home about July. Brown w as formerly secretary of the Republican county executive committee and w ill get back in am ple time to make himself useful again ajoutid the old machine. Postmaster Brady had heard no thing about the President's action, when approached by a.N'KWs report er to-day, and he was just about as much disgusted as be was surprised at it. W. KAUFMAN & CO. Cor. Central Hotel. Opportunities Like These are Seldom Seen. Cnildron Knee Pants at Boys Long Pants at l'Jc, iSc, 60c and 76c 75c, 86c, 09c and $1.16. WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. Beginplng Monday morning we will offer to the publio an attraction to extraordinary in value, so unusual iu price, so seasonable in material, that twill serve as a reminder of what we can do when we try. You should " know that in this line of BOYS AND CHILDREN PANTS are the newest and best Htyles of the season, the best material and work, nianship. All these goods has been bought far under the rogular price, and for Cash, which enables us to give more ami better value for your money than you will get from other houses which haven't the facilities and capital at their command. You can always fiud w ith us what ever you are look ing for iu the way of Men's, jBoys' and We have the nobbiest styles in c HILDREN'S C LOTHIN G Children Kilt Suits found llrud. An old negro man named White Sutton, was found dead Sunday morning iu a path leading through a held near CapL Dowd's farm, just South of thecity.and almost in sight of the place where Rev. Wm. Grants' body was found the previous Sunday. Old man Sutton was subject to fits, and its 'was supposed thatjlie died from that cause, but coroner Cathey's jury decided that he had died of hear; disease. There was nothingof value alnrnt bis person, but a bottle of whiskey was found stuck down iu ne of his socks. ever shown at $2-2r, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00. We csn show you a full line of fleated SKirts from $1 up. e are making a specialty of Boy's and Chil drens Clothing and It is bewildering to see our New Stock of Spring Novel ties which we have just received. We can also show you a full line of Bots T T.I.. l II .-.r . il 1. ll.; a . l,uuh nmcs r i one ai h-, ooc aim toe, me uess qualities ana every pair worth 50c. Buy your Clothing from us, we assume all risk in fit, workman ship, material, style to be the latest and prices the lowest. W. KAUFMAJN & CO, LEADING CIOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. TlimTonMlM. A Kmiday Trial. Concord ye-ttorday experienced Ibe j novelty of a Sunday trial in the court : house. There was a festival no.v 1 tow n Saturday night, in the festivities I of which the ever handy pistol and i.izor formed :he chorus. None of the participants got any meat, but j thev w ere hound over to court. i CHARLOTTE, N. C. ir-MAIL ORDERS KROEIYKOUR PROMPT.AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. MEN'S MI SHOES. Our stock of Mens'. Fine Shies Is now complete and we are showing somo id the handsomest Shoes this season we havo ever had In all the different styles Our Cordowan Shoes are the nicest you can get for a flue, soft shoe. Our Patent Ieather Shoes are beauties. Everv one that has seen them agree that they are tho handsomest they have seen. He sure to see them Ixifore you buy. Children's Shoes. A new lot of Chiblrens' Shoes iu all styles. Our Stonewall Tin Is still In I the lead for a good, serviceable Shoe for childreu and misses. Also a full line of Fine Shoos, with aud without patent leather tips. Bo sure to see our children, misses ami noys tnoes and oxrords, aI uew, fresh goods. Our spring stock is now ready for your inspection. Come and a ' .ji. ...... .....i ;n ....... ?uwa aim hi: mil .- c ou lliuui. 0UI ! The Dunlap Hat. Ladies cleiwi your kid Ma her'.- Glove Cleaner. Reese Co., druggists. gloves with For sale by inir re- Paris SlMilXG (JOODS. SPlUX(i GOODS. o I :o: o Point Geraldine Lneo, strictly new. Embroideries in every width. iiality and price including .Suras, French Nainsook and Hamburg edging White, Blue, Red, Black and Cbint.. Flouncing with atony colored in serting above the hem for Misses and Ladies in White, White and Black, Black and Chintz The old reputation of this building for being the white goods cent, r s' all be greatly increased. Every thing that could classed iu that d e partment is hero. Shoppers pronounce our selection of dnns fabrics unsurpassed all tin niest desirable goods arc hoancd high. Our friends are taking advan tage of early arrivals and mauy have already gotten their Easter dress. Make it a point to vir.it us this week, Ollpli can he now while assortment is now while your ideal di , had. Our novelties in Cleopatra sash and girdle are taking splendidly. A few remain, 'tis their first appenr ! ance. ! t .House keepers, we are showing more rugs than has ever hee i show n : at one time in Cha-lotte, and one of ; soft hats t he beau ties is the extremely low I price we are running them at fli and i every one is perfect and exquisitely woven. I Full line of novelties nadies neck j wear, wash goods, wash surah, brandesbur(. Slock-, of ginghams, challi, and outings. Best Hat in the world hav ceived tneGold Medal at tl' Exposition. All the leading Hatters of the w orld competing for same. Spring styles are now ready at our store. Conic and get one of these celebra ted Hats. They are the best to be !. had and are worn more than any other by the lest dressed men all over this country. If you want a! le.ssexponsive Hat we have them in all the leading shapes. Our fS.bO still Hat is well known in this city and we have some at f2 rs that are absolutely correct in style and as good in imallty as anybody's at f : Hat. A full line of Stetson' stiff and; always in stock, ami no i matter what kind of a crush Hat you ! w ant wo cah suit you. We have a Hat Coiiforniatoi and it maKes no difference what shape your head Is we can shape the hat accordingly, making a new -tiff or silk Hat feel as easy and comfortable as an old hat We take the improstdon of your head and shape the bat by steam so that it will remain the proper shape. A lot of tine Neckwear just receiv ed. Come anp see two entirely new shapes not to be found elsewhere in this city. ROGERS 8c CO, I I . I 1 4? Ift. V -a t W a -V s.fr I i lv A 1 (X ISAlUNMAllin, 19 East Trade Street, CHAIILOTTE, N. 0. Prompt attention given to all hail Orders. AT VWJ Q LfA L U H OllVJUO. NKW SH( KS i -ao i r m a. vy aj rw a :o:o:o: , Our Spring Stock of FINE SHOES is now complete. All tha leadtnir . I siyiea. nesi makes ivir i. aiues auu wcuis, misses, noys ana voltarens. Ox ford and Slippers a specialty. I Elegant line of Valises and Club Bags. Some handsome Trunk just re Ladies, we have a New Shoe Polish, the best ever produced. The Perfect Pol'sh. Small sample bottles without charge. Call and try It. ' Full stock stock best makes Rubbers. :.'- QILRE ATH - lOO. Open every evening till 8:30; Saturday till ll:0a '4 BABY CARRIAGES, f ; M Y new stock a Baby Carriages arrived a few days ago and are alt fit-' tcp up for your insiK-cion. Undoubtedly they are the handsomest aud ami cheapest lot of Carriages 1 have ever handled. This Is the time you should turn your minds toward the heal th fulness and plasure of tha 'baby" and certainly the most Important thing is a carriage. I have them at prices that w ill suite everybody. Every carriage you buy from me thit season is new stock and not one of them was carried over from last season. My stock is perfectly new. Io uot buy a Carriage till you see Biy took and get prices, as I wilt save you money and at the same time have the consolation of knowing that you have a uew style and uew goo da. :' B. NICHOLS - Furniture Doalor :o: B. Nichols. It. MCUOLSii CO. UNDERTAKERS. All work In that line promptly attended sight and day. 418 North Poplar street. E. L. Cobb, ' . Funeral Director NhrhtealL B. NICHOLS A CO- - xander, S dtes U West Trade m Charlotte, . C.

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