Tti0 Charlotte Newa KVERV AFTRRSOON KXCEIT SUWPAY. WADE E HARRI8, Ed- nd Proprietor. OntYtr '! rbrweMonUiii, 1 ' Oix Week 10.V..I.V Hy liuul to hit trt of the I niteil suites fhtily Weather lieitort. May I2.1SS1. 4 A. M. forest From Washington for twenty four Hourt from 8 A. M. For North Carolina: Fair, prec eded by light showers on the coast, bUrIU ly cooler. , Local Forecast. fharl.illA ami vicinity: Fair light cha(?e i" tfiiiHTatoii'. Looal Report. a c 3 S 8 P. M. I 29.M1 8 A.M. 2t.l 4. X I I INI IKI I Cloudy Clear It. H KKONHON, Ohserver Signal Corps. TTL-KAY. MAY u 1 Nil WAIt ON It III I K. A bill to alli-li l.achi Im hood among: State ofllcials will he laid be fore the (mtiiiuii K.-iclist.-ie, shortly. The explanatory and aru nu n t.i t i ve "motive," such as accompanies all liillR hefoic .;! I r 1 1 . ii i ii I in Merlin will be in :ins -.i-- -ul-l mtiallv as fol'ow- : "In H.e im. n -t "f mi married w. ui-ll t i - i r inin iit I Ulldcr ohlitiati -lis lo J ; I- - - 1 1 - n r- for tin- sii;-r."c.ii ol I'... IihI I ho mI. especially in vi. w ..f (eriiiau women are tie f.n t tint ie t admitted to places in lip ilep ii tinents which were formerly open to them. 'I'Ih principal f the neci - -aiy i4K law must ev. ry .'fllcial oi cet -tain i;rn I- must many m -.acrilici ooe-foiilth of hi- salaiy and all ln house money. Tin- money collected by the infliction of these i a' ties Hhould be made a pension fnnil for unmarried daiifc-ht. ii of ( iovci u inent official An exception to the rule IIliht be IIIHile in the n s of fill cials who have patent or siHters to support. Thus many women who would otherwise leinain spinsters would be cared for and their aims in life would tie reached, while to many who found no r1 .a nee to marry, comfortable aire would he assured." The apitation m favor of the meas ure ih led ly ."i ll rr Warner, and i helped .'lonu by several societies of women Berlin. Munich, and Frankfort. As a mark of ood will, the t inted Hlates Oovemineiit has notified tl Knanish Joveriiiiient that it will favor the introduction of a hill f the modification of the McKinley tariff law in the next Congress so a to facilitate the importation of Ha vana tobaccos into th I'nited S'ate United States Minister (iiuhh ha wired Secretary I'.lainethat the lt aft of the new treaty of commerce sent to Madrid for approval w ill be sign ed on Monday. The negotiation: have been kept so secret that even the legation officials are ignorant ol the provisions of the treaty. Amnuit all the i in in grants wh come to the I'nited States from the various countries of Fin ope, those fiom Ireland become Americanized most easlv and miicklr. "Most of us," said one of them, ' are more than half Aniercaiii.ed when we come here, for ynu must know that Amer icanism has become very strong in Ireland within the past half century, during which time a (.Meat part the Irish people have come to this country, and have sent Lack their in fluence to the old sod - The Kaiser has fciveu great offense to theorthodox community by order ing the court chaplain to curtail the length of their sei nions, w hich in future must not exceed l." minutes, whatever may lie the occasion. The Emperor iustances st vcr il occas ions upon which lie has been detain ed in church for from five to seven minutes beyond the time alloted for divine worship, and he adds: 'Thisis not to occur again. " . - At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the I'nion Theological Heniinary of Virginia, Uev. ('.(, Hersman. I) 1. now chancellor ol the Presbyterian University at Clarkaville, Teno., wan elected to the chair of 'Intel iTetatiou of the New Testament," to su.ceed He v. H C. Alexander, D. I , n signed. The board also elected Uev. Cary John son, of Kentucky, professor "or the English and Bible and pastoral theology." Canon Farrai , of Londou, ig named as a possible Kiiccessor to Dr. Philips Brooks, of Boston, but Vestryman Blake, of Trinity Church, does not tbiok be would be acceptably to a majority of the rougregation. . . -m Dr. Lucia R.Thompson, of Clreen viile. N. ,a me.dical graduate, has i Balled (or Europe to continue her Studies in the Oerman, French, and English hospitals. A dispatch from Moscow sftyt that the decree suspending the expulsion of the Jews allows a year's grace to those who do not own real property aud two yearn' grace to those who do. As the suspension of the expulsion decree is not likely to have any per ceptibie ftl'ect upon the business in conveniences attending the expul sions, It is In lleved that the suspen sion ik tilettvly the forerunner of the revocation of the decree. -- - Since (iov. Hovey, f Indiana, went iulo olllce, over two yeais ago, he has pardoned lil prisoners. The number of pai.lons during Cov. Por tei's adiniiiistr.ation was I OH, and du ring CJov. ( ir.iy s I lis. I ' ..!. I .sl ltVOS. lit llellio Mil AlllllnlllK .ll'llt. Allt Sil 4.mmI-Ii l II Ih ColiKreKMtliiii. N w olk Sun, May I lib: Th mi I v th i ii g sail by t he U e v. III. Brig man yesterday at his morning ser vice In the Madison Avenue B.ipli-t Church, which had an v 1 h i in.' to do with his resignation. :i this: In one of t he morning nev-p.i per- a statement l- mad.-, ihni prole-.f- to be on my authority, w ilhreler mice to a pra y i oih reii in our ni iiesday e cu i ng -i i ic . The state ment is f.iNe, h -t il. ill- ill of fai t It is liiiiis to the chilli II. I'fcallse t rrpl'e-cir.- a : 1 ' '' '' 1 1 - t i ii th In-an ol ih- i 1 1 u ' c 1 1 , nor in that of ,in i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 i .1 i 1:1 loin I ol it. It iscriiel.Mii I a-U ii that, if the tateinent comes into circulation where you ,-tre. to deiiv it at nice. " I ol low i ng i- the p i r.iu i .1 pli refer 1 -mI to: "A Baptist deacon wlm was very ick w a- made the -iilij. ! prayer nl a Wednesday evening meeting. Illi' of the liivthren when called upon (o pray alaniO'd llie aulience by saying". "xe thank I hoe, oh, Lord, that Deacon l. 1- sick. pray Thee that he may die, that he may die and g 1 to hell, tor we all know, oh, Lord, thai if he should go to hell hi would lnc.'ik up the entire 1 11 -I i I ill ion 1 11-i dc ol 1 1 1 re. - day - " '"i the 1 111 1 1 1 of (hi- -t it- Illi nl the lii v. Ir. Binlgniaii is r -'on-ihlc." The deacon 1 1 1 lie-1 1' 1 1 the one w hose remai ks iihoiit Dr. I'.i id.' for not believing in In II luoiighl about the clergyman's resignation, which will result in many iiiittniu the church. At tin- end of his evening si rumn, which told how peace was ohiained through love, Dr. Bridgmau said: 'This, beloved, is my last word as your pastor. It is in ha niuiy with w hat I believe has hi i 11 the spirit and tone of mv mini-try here I could not better conclude than by indicating to you in this day of sor row the heclet of peace. May the peace of (Jod ever dwell in your hearts! It cost me no small IT. 1 1 1 to sever myself from your company. The relation has I. .en in me the source of the 11 rest aud bc-i joys I have ever k now 11. Km tin 1 teen years I have heen living among friends. You are as dear to me us a church can ever be to a pastor. Many of your faces as 1 look into them to night bring back to me others whose friendships I reckoned among tin precious things of my life, and as I think o' the fellowship id' thesi Viars, of w hat you have been to me I the generous inedgc ol ymir am c- (ioh during the last week, my hear inistlie hei in lestraint and my word 4 lie few. May (oid hless you 1 lid keep You ill one 1111 1 1 1 1 ail I ill peace. Myliuide I have followed -o far I am con lid -lit will guide 1111 to 1 he end " H e conel in lei I with verses of Whit tier beg 1 11 III ng : 'h! friends with w hom mv fi ft have trod The i uie t aisles of pi aver. Many of the congregation lingered in the church to bid Dr. Bridgmau good-hy, and he held iUlteva level afterthe service. He intends totukt 1 long vacation, hut Ins plans extend no further Tilt: 1 111 it it ft it 1 1 ; . ( v. It IV III l-rolialil.T lloil llio at i Ineinnt.ti TliU M Ii. New Vork Nun: The stiddeii terinination 01 ine Alliance leailers to prevent any interference with t heir pol itica I plans hy the Cim-ni-nati thiid party 'on v n I i - t has made it ih ce.-ary f ir them to do tome lively work in or. lei to have nen enough on hand in control that n'elefitilig hodv w hen It HleelM. The halite of policy ly tl.c Alliance was made ho late that it led only a month in which to n;i-s th- word iround through the country and to irranfs'e for Bending 1I1 it- s. None f these deleatert will lissnnie to (present the Alliance a- an order at Cincinnati. Tliev ill represent at most their own loca1. a"- inlily m sul-allianc. Their ndM-ioii w ill he to fee that the convention n iiiin.-ites no candidates and that it ailop s no detailed platform. If tlioy can se cure tl e issue of an ail'lresx to Un people ill which the alleged fjricvati- es of the farmers and certain linlns- 1 rial classes are set forth, and an ap peal is made to all discontented citi zens to organize and Rend delegates to a reform party Convention next rehruary, they will he ahlindantly satisfied. All the political cranks in the coun try w ill he at Cin-'iniiati, and the o caled convention w ill he the most ex traordinary hear K-Tdeii the country ever saw. 1 lie call is so loo Iy com prehensive that anohoily cun claim uliiiission. There can he no iies t ion in e; of credent ia Is, for then- is no -tippnlated hasis of representation. Any attempt to hariuonie the run nicliim opinions which w ill he repre sented will lie almost sure to pro duce, confusion worse couiifoundcd. Il the (leliticrations do not end In a riot it w ill he Hiirprisljitf. - . A .r--Ht l-nmit l-ii-e. (ireat forest tires tire prevailing in MichiKan. The towns of Clinton. Walkervillc and Hear Lake have been burned, churchis and farm houses, mllluand harna and iuIIIIoiih of feet of lumber have been wiped out, railro ids destroyed, and the peo ple are fleeing to the water for safety. n; Sonthera DI1m Mid Boautle. News and Observer: Frank Leslies' Weeklies has for some weeks heen givlugcuts and sketches of Southern beauties and belles. This weeks ed ition oont lns a very fine likeness of Miss Hellen Fowle.of Kalelgh, and the following sketch : "Miss Helen l-'owle, whooe por trait appears Is the (laughter of the late lamented tov. Daniel Fowle, of North Carolina, and was the grace ful and popular mistress of the exi eutlve mansion at BaMgh, up to the tinieof his decease. Knteriug into and sympathizing with bis duties ami la-les she accompanied her dis tinguished father in all his jaunts abi oad. and was part and parcel of bin political triumphs. She ranks deservedly among the foremost beau ties of the old North State. At the White Sulphur Springs last sum hut M iss Fow le wss a recognized helle. and she i-a favorite in every ciiclc. in w hich she appears. j l(l,IKHI t iro III New iu li. Ni:w Viikk, May 10 A ino-t di-. 1 1 011s 11 re visited 1-ram i- M. l.' g- gett A Co , wholesale grocer-, al tin- juiicti f Varick and Frank lin , t reels and West Broad - ay at -'i o'clock this afternoon. B- fore tin- j It lues were gotten under control r-hHMMH) damages had heed I n- to tin stock and f.'lO.OOo to the building. The -lock was insured fm half a million dollars, and the insurance mi the building could not he a -c rt 1 i nd. The lire broke out on the lop Moor of t In- iiiiie--t ry building-, w hich w as -1 11-ively occupied by Li ggett .V 10 hi hoc use establishment. Iroiii rie fr 1 SiMilIiern I'lii-nace. B 1 1; m 1 x. 1 on. Ala, May at. The -in pnieiit of iron pipe ever made in 1 he Soul Ii left for Baltimore yester day by way of the Bichniond A Dan-villi- Ifallroad. It was made by a ( 'es-einer. Ala., linn. A solid train of t wenl y-IS ve cms composed the -hipini-nt, and it is the lir-t of a live t hou-ainl- ton contract. I'o cure constipation, sick head-j ache and d V-pep-ia Mlillinin- Liver Iteguhltol h is no eipl il. Malarial fever a nil it s t II'. i-ts quick I y give w ay to Simmons l.ivjr lo gu lator. Advertising It Is said will sell anything, this is true in a mrasuru; but for stitying qualltif, - merit is the test. Kxtensiva advortisirig may sell anything where It il new or unknown, but after It oomes into general use, it is judged according to its worth. The continued and steady growth of Swift's Specilio la the best evidence of it excellence. It Ih most popular whore it is bctl known. Kvcry bottle sold, sells ten others. Every one that takes it be comes its friend, and recommends it to their acquaintances. Treatise on Wood and Skin Disease msilcil free. tiKi Si'kcific Co., Atlanta, Ga aiuts, J hi: m; Fon -ON- I'liK i:s Ready-Mixed Paint, Lead, Linseed Oil, &c. -lOHDAX Si SCOTT, tl lioh'.satr Ifriiifiists. No. In, North Trvon Slnit. 1 Mlice IS South Tryon Street, over First National Hank, and opposite t niral Hotel. Kead Four ("s Coliiimi on third pae. rresh matter ilai l. (TAKKSON & DHLS. Counsellors and Attorneys-at-Law. OlHceln Law Huilding:. Promit attention to all business. Claims ollected. Practice in Htate and Federal CourtH. Chinese Laundry. LOO HAM, 219 N. Tryon street, Charlotte, N. C. All kinds of laundry work neatW md liromptly done. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges made. Have just secured the services of a rlrst-class workman. ASK YOUUOUOrKR Foil- White Label Leaf Lard. It You Want a Pure Lard. Use No Other. j IJAItAN T K K I) SI lirtli VVU K TWKN'TY FIVE CKNT8 Indexed Docket map of N. C. pub lished by Kami & McNally, ooiitain Ing census of 18!K). Folding Screens, A l ew and beautiful novelty and j si 1 1 n " I h i ng needed in eveiy home, fs. eial styles and prices. BASF. B v I.L (M'lDFS for IMd. Base Ball Coods the best and large-t assortment In the City ang as large if not larger than any in the Stale. We can supply a I'rofes--ional Team or lill order- for ac and Hie oiillils. T1IK TH K 'OKTIKF.I'MI " 'OKI TKKIMSl" ))V Alfre manual a flir , 1 Ayres, a pronouncing new ami indispensable o Library and Beading Kooni. A lot of other new Books at Ross & Adams. Book 2 South and Stationery Store, Trvnii St., Charl i; Ji. C 3rd Series. :tl: P...!,- lUMLMNd AM) l AN ASSOCIATION are now open for tin- Third Series. Prpj. His ili-iriu;' In 1 'IM till- :i'i!ii ahull with tin- iilM 111111I. l.n li - 1.. he 11 -I lllie I s-1 . I ie I . uli- P.v ol Hin P. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 N , Pli -idi i ('. I. I i n I I I:. v ami I n ;i-. M:iv". -1 111. .1 NO. II. ItKTII I'M-: , SO . Will I I 111)31 K (JKOWxN StrawberrieS -AT UKTIHIXK Af WIMTK, FRESH Morning & Evening,'1'i-.t slm k il I'ain v and l-'ainilv llrore ii - 111 tin- i 1 1 . I 'all mill ee ooil-- :nnl :l l-lli.-v Kespectfully, 15 K PI I FN F A- Will TK. 21 F. Trade St. Telepl SI. P W p a- o o o I pi CD 0 (D c 0) 8 W o cn CD ss I 1 w S" crq CO Kg c y 6 ; 11 W 1( if" WBiwoll o H X PI to O U-g ESI 33i fe&tS Thos. jVL. Belk, M a n a e e r, l,o., V F S T NIN 'I'll ST KF. Il l', C II A It L O TT K, N. C. Iuliaz1 3 75 ra&H C 3 i ' ' ' 'fl 1 2 e3 Imini H wlzlzl B Q3,S ?p g g J) r. V k 11 ISHljUl I umlHW J - i) p - - w tt Ji ' 11 ii 1 -1 - -v. r t Four women, all told The first told how much easier it was to wash with Pearline. She saved half her labor, and the work was better done. The second told how much longer the clothes lasted, since she'd used Pearline. The rubbing that wore them out wasn't necessary. The next told how many things she did with it ; she washed the kitchen floor, or the finest china the most deli cate lace, or the coarsest fabric. Whatever she'did with it, she saved money by it. The fourth told of the harmlessness of Pearline. She had used it for ten years, and she knew nothing that was washable could be hurt by it. These are only four out of millions who use Pearline, but the others say the same things and more. Try it yourself; then you can tell about it. Beware Peddlers and some as pood as" or Pearline is never thine, in place of Pearline, do die honest ihinu CENTRAL. V II A Ii I. O T T ECCLES & BRYAN, halls ami n The lllo-t ( .jiwt 'v 1 'ii,t ru n a m ui a: m w wr- B' a .m -m. a ins carpeted in Ih usi.- and Velvets; Water on each floor tisiih rate attention given to nil guests ami tin ir comfort care-after. fully iked A (JUAN I) In 11 a ve at y 1 mr furni-h sou the mil e .it a go. il refrigerator, low figures. C. VA LLC .V CO. on olh Wali-r at nil cents per box -tfect Will LFMON, STKAWI'.F.IMtY, OiiANO SAllSAPAIULLA. IL I'OKl'NF.K IlKFWIMi C. ou Cabinet La go 1 l!eer or Virginia Pale Call and see us. 0 U V Bit MANI'KACTI'lll'.ltS OF COTTON s i : 1 : 1 OIL, cake, meal and KK-UIXS. W'HOi; '? 5 iS IS h 1 l U-ItiX-.V And its Kara my :." I jalw r--S.K,ft, . Vi ."T. I its own story, tmih Unit I'Hlimre and m-Hi-rem RJ 6l5J V iw rr?-- comers. Mv col lassal lines of Spline iciIh are ! ers are r " 1 1 u I ly invited to its Inspectioj. Very S. unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is "the same as Pearline." IT'S FALSK peddled, and if your erocer sends von some- )W it Ixuk. 8i 11 l.b., new 1 or. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. Music Festival. C. C. C. ( The HABERDASHER F. OTEL c. Proprietors. One of the most ill vit 1 u ix, Mipi-rhlv eipiipped and faultlessly conduct ed lliitels in "the South Located III the centre of the Citv. convenient to Wfl the liusincss houses l.unLa mililii- 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 mrs a ml e h 11 rches. Tin- (V tral is one of tin- largest Hotels he t w e e 11 Haiti md Atlanta, and is elegantly furnishi d anil equipped in all its de partments. I'ach room is connected with the of Hce hy Floctrie Keturn I'.ell. Hectric Light--; Hot and Cold Haths SCHEME Meclil. nhill'g Ice Co. will sell lull his del icioll-l Il IXoled Soda (1. AI.F, CIIAMI'AIIN F. CIDF.K "it 11 t I eel will F.xpo. t lieer. l ull I h -lebrateil 1 INCUKASK in SALI S During the year IWHI. !l,000 increase duriiiir the month of 1 January, and fll.tH O In hchruary, tel own story. Ills that with "l'ush, miff, have, to n great extent, thrown down -y ine nun in n to 'njiiiiio' iiimi i-i i n I in I l I the "trade" (hat Charlotte in as good a ,V W holesale Market .is an y 11 ml that 1 do 'Trsu-ci'.ssfiilly cotiiplete in prices (iiallty ays taken intocnnKiderutioii) w il h all opi 11, a lid the 'AVI.nlemli I'.uy- Uespeclfully, Wittkowsky. WE OPEN OUK ' Pattern : rn o A.ND BONNETS Ladies w ill make a mistake if they fail to see the latest creations of fash ions. Mrs P. Duery & Co DR. II. M. WILDER, PHYSICIAN AND HURGEON. Office over Hurwell A Dunn's Drug Htore. Telephone 13). The Very Latest I'nll ninl see our Four and Six rasseiurer IJuarti-riHlO.ikSurreysand ltuck-l)orib. The t-ry latt-Ht out. Als" 1 our now Mock of liuirgiw, ('HrriaR', Phlli'tnllK, ( 'nrt, Ac. New pirn I iliiily urriviiiK. Two car loail now on the wuv. A. Next to H'ttdsworth'H HUhlt. W e m il Ihe Si u-li l-aker Farm Y niton, on the tiial kcl. I! B D IST'S Garden Seeds JUST RECEIVED A T J. II. 1 ni'i n A LAHtiK A.-'SOHTMKNT OF RELIABLE SEED WHICH VK OFFKKTOTHS KK TA1L Til A DF. WITH HoTH ISUIHT'K AND OUK CI U A K ANTKK THAT THKY' AUK FIIF.SH AND (1ENU I NK Sewing Machines and TRUNKS. We have recently takwu (in HReucy fur Mecklenburg county for the STANDARD IIOTAKV SlIUiTLH SKWINO MACI1INK, which Is the lightest running, most nolseh-ss, most complete and host Machine ever manufactured. We do not s-iv this hncause wo well thisMachiii", l-nl he,'aii-e lis nierlls prove what we say. We have the Standard in Antioiic Oak, Six teen tli t en t u 1 y and Walnut finish, with thr-e, five aud Seven drawers, from Jin to $IMI. We (rive u wi'nteii ifuarantcH whh this Machine for live years, We also carry in utock Ihe New Home Machine, which is eiial to any in llnish and superior to nny Shuttle M.iehiue in point of (lurahil ity. We o!l. r to prove what we say hy plncliiff one In your house on t i it. Charlotio Installment House, apllT 111) 3") S. College St A DAISY. TJiat Is 11 nice ric Cli nlie Moore has 011 t In- sii , ets no w In the i-h.irn of a milk w auoe, ha ve you seen It? I lido d it is a iiici ri in d lust sin h tt i ma hat . an FlilTlll, 11s 110 place i' iii (T'-t up exci pt Char lot e, Chat lo' te is the plueo to fjet what want. Moore h 8 run out sev eral handsome milk wagons, all hullt in CfiHrlotte hy A. C. Il uteh Inson & Co. Youii(i manjou can't tet ihe new Wilson to t ike your vci r 1 t L tta Park, hut if yon ill I 11 lot huild 11 house and take your wife to Dll vvorth the new waoii will slop at your door with milk. Solid ymir ordeis to C. (-- M00RK.- UIIAII.VM HTKKKTDAIUY.

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