THE CHARLOTTE NEWIS. VOLUME VII. CHARLOTTE N. C., MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 11,1892 NUMBER 10 a Seigle's JAN. 11 1802. Ttn KS4TH Or HILUK. "I htll CtKubl moot AfU I & nuM-d i iuy ouurM, I aav kept th " Hoeh tu almoat lhlaitooneteo I tiprMloa of Dr. A. W. Miller M It rohed th ku on th Jonrny to I who portal h had attained and aouforted ao many of tha people be bad loved ;aod ao aylng.b paaaed on I toreoelv hla crown of rlghteoona Ilia no ordinary man of whom we write and who yesirdy afternoon paaeed from the scene of Ihla life Dr. Millar waa a prominent Afar In the social nd rellflou circle of the South, and nil to Dr. Talmer, the hljrheat nian iu the Oaneral At etnbly of the Southern Prebyterlan Church. Ho, therefore, Charlotte's arlerloua lna le shared la by all tha people Iwiiaath the Kouthern aan. Hla religion wee of a character most deep .Nil profound, hla devotion to the rag of Christianity waa bound Imi ami hi. rxKmiirii nf lila creator Late and Important news wuiiiime. f no other worker in a fate. A PASTOR MOURNED. two WkltUf Heat ri.rairy. DtAta or mar. urn. j. r. mill. The board of eoaoty eomantaalon art met at the court bouae thla niora Inc. Itwaa x pee ted that at thla meeting Jo Llody would be done to a flnlah. bat not ao. The town waa loe bound, th eonrt houa waa eold and dlanial and naltbe tbe lawyer nor to onanntiaeionar ran naa color Into the Aghl again to-day Ho II wm malually agreed thai the who! matter be postponed to the next ret alar meeting of. the beard hlch will be bald on the Aral M on day In February, We now get a reet for a brief period, anyway. HmM'i ImH Mm Uw m al Ka-an4-n ttmdt will rnWI Li. to 4a Ta-Xfarraw - -Qaral UiW Dr. A. V. Millar, for fti year tor of the Klral 1're.bytarlan ehurrh of Charlotte, died al Ilia manae al 4:30 o'clock yeelerday afternoon, af yti membera in 1170 to tW7 In March, I vl - a tain of more) than 430. Hal lb growth of th Klral obarch la mambera, In contribution, and choreh properly by no mean felly repreeenU the labor of tha pastor. Daring hla Aral brief paatoraU of two yeara lu Charlotte, be began hla evangelUllo labor In th mountain country. In lha summers 1H&&-M, when there ware no railroad., k travelled In hla burjry from Char. lotto, by way of IJnoolaton, Morgan- m aaaaa Mart. Alderman W. K. Bocbanan. In eomlog P town thla morning llp .a . a . . pea on in wy pavement ana had violent falL Hla rlgbt lev waa broken near th ankle. Dr, MeComb eel tha fractured boae. Now 01 Wmr aelttoc ke Mtoawe. MeearaJ. D. Itoea and Adolphi . Itowlea, who formerly kept aaloon. In CbarlotU, were arraigned before Eo,. D. (1. Maxwell today, on charge of aelllna lluuor to minora. Two Uran III dm of three weokr. It waa ton, Aahevllle.Waynecville, WebeUr, I oharge war preferred aralnal each. . . . 1 . . . .. I t L II J I 1 . . - geoereuy mown uirougiioui uiecny r reneuo, ami wjuu w to ioe I by Mr. Millard Trotter Bowie wa tieorgia Hue Dokiing mealing all The January Fair. i wanIi I. linoortant to ua aa merchaul advertiser Their value depend, upon flineca. Kmm Ur how .troug aud poeltlv tbey are not hyparbat If true. How th people value our worda la Important, If we i. il 'I., iruih about gwda ih.i I "! price are cheap and n t- H til rll w niaVr s .' uiu Ki t lraln and both arn h-i:.. .1 Hut we would not make tli- s .ie r.i.r would T" I'' Ilia la'KalM. If - 'I'd l''t tellyou from la i" il' ' tii u'hmI Korllb wor.J. of Hi" k hI- ' l price. Th Kr il'a t'i" ha-ln ( ollli J i- lire . of lha January You behave u Wa ou iil for ihla week u mt,..l.. at,,, k of WrNli. l,Milaa,t Ml draiiaand M I" t'a llafer, Nwmirkrt', rl.-. Wa will aallyou nnr i-hW Wr.ti at l.t.HI; .( fo in mi for .) I . ' W , w ... .. . 14 (Ml for Hl ud ho on. If you want to grl II chaai. Wrap now I the T. L Seigle & CO. N- II vV m. Is', S. Try on t CIIAItlit TrK, N.C IF YOU SMK CIGARS Of oourao you who t to anmka thf lxn ma can cat for th inoiii'v. Our lnilara Ht Scaro tha vluetard could It ba .aid mora truly than of him, that h waa man "tterfrcl and uprlrht, and one that fnared tJixl aud aarhawad evil." H vii a great eeercher aftar truth and wa. not only eminently varaaxl aa a Klble acholar, but a a thaolofrlan aud hlatorlan ha had few living aoual A profound thinker a preacher of great power, hi Inlluenre. w.i. natur ally broad and wan alwT ax.rtad for the good of the rao.e of whloh he wa. auch a devoted upholder. In hi. death. Intend, "there hath aneil away a trlory from the earth " Dr. Miller loved tha Houth a"d ha loved harpeipla. He be'U'wd In the Houtharn tradition, and to lha South a mora loval aou wa never born. II wa thla iariillarlty of hi. character that endeared him to all dmomiua- tlona. l waa with our people when war rawaired the land. It wa bia worda of comfort, of hope and of pro mt. that dried the tear widow's and huhed the orphan' wall. Through all the succeed I Off year, he has en deared himself to the people among whom he ha labored When they were Lewllder with doubt and grief, his counsel eased the liunlen and his hand lad them through the darkneas Into the light. Illso.tew- ard.hip haa been a long and trying one, hot It accounting la all glorious. His name will have an endurin? place in Houtharn history, aud sac- eeding generation, will cherish it, for. "The sweet reaiem hrsnoe of the jut nourish whan lie .leap, in iliiit." Itaelfei ef a f M.a. Mr. Bryee Iimpklna, ayourgman of Cheater, H. ( who earn hr fe v month ago, died yeelerday af ternoon al the home of Mr. Neeblt, on piorth uraham at reet, or eon .umptlon. Hla body waa taken to Che. tar on thla afternoonn' train, for Interment Thedeoeaaed wa a brother to Mr. Ham Lumnklna, wbo . a telegraph operator 'n the Rich' mood A Danville railroad office hare, and his father 1 tha general eo- llcltlng agent of th 3 ("a I tall road Company. thai Dr. Miller wa. .let. bnt fe even among hla moat Intimate frlenda ware aware of the eerloo neaa of bia condition, and when th qulalof the Hunday afternoon wa broken by th lolling of the Flr.t ehoroh bell, many wondered, with out knowing what II meant. I.Ik an elrct'lc shock, the news went around town: "Dr. Miller la dead." Dr. Miller want to llunter.vllle three week, ago to act aa moderator, aod while there he caught a aevere Oo Id aod relumed home .Irk. A week axo tie appeared to be better aim waa able to all up. when he had relapse from which he never rallied. He waa to have preached hla farewell along, the frulia of wbleb remain to Hi la day. Dr. B.W. Moore, of Frank. Iln.ooeof th moot Intelligent and devoted elder of th Presbytery, wm received Into the ohorch on thla tour. During hi eeoond paatorat b r- autued hla vanglltle tour In IMA, and before ihla Presbytery was form ed held meeting In Mitchell, Yan cey, Aahe. Watauga, Caldwell, Madi son, Kutberford, Polk, Banoombe, McDowell, Hwaln, Orahm,Clay and Cherokee. Heveral of these meet ing In Morgan ton and .lw be re were attended with marked reanlta. HI nee the organisation of tbia Pres bytery, by It order h haa made an- IImM Abaal II. That the lxtus (Ilea Club which will bo at the Y. M.C A. Mtar Courae Krlday night Is truly one of tha best. l evidenced by the (Tattering pralaee they received in Ixiudon, Kug., on the occasion of the Pattl concert The Post says : "The only encore given were by Mm. Pattl, Mm j Sterling and the Itus Glee Club, I who srng several pieces delightfully I from their delightful repertoire," and the Dally News: "The Lotus Olee Club gave a truly beautiful ran. derlng of "Th Three Fisher," by Ooldec , and, In respona to eathu- aiasllc applause, sang a vocal walli in a flnei mnuner." What la more de lightful than a good male quartette anyway sermon yeelerday a week ago. hav- Inual vlaita to our mountain country,: Ing recently accepted the position of often preaching wher no other TII K RKP PR AO IN TMK I'KriT IIOt'yUKT Tli K HOWAK1) 4 1mI aa the avenuri' leu cent Cigar. And our leader for tii cents are (lil as the uveriitfe IS oent mim i iK" i (iltAMIOS J PKINCK A l.HKKT I K1K .letM.UtlHRK Burwell & Dunn, Druggists. LaaaJ Klppla. Mr. Ileu ban Culpepper, one of harlntte'a most prominent cltUens, s very 111 at hi home In this city. Th farmer could not get to town to-day through the sleet snow ud rain, and tha cotton men had an iJle time. -A half hour meeting of young men will be held In the parlor of the Young Mens ChrfHtian Association to-night at H o'clock to which the ac tive members of the Association are especially requested to come. All man Invited. Thk Nkws' forecast made some time last October that the winter would be mild up to ahoutJaniiaryl5. but that from that time toApril rough times might be expected, Is in a fair way of being verified to the letter. Ckllrnu Co la. The Wanhluf ton Htar de vot a a page to picture and remarks about the committee chairmen of the present House. In the Hit, we recognite the face of Col. Cowl, that run all to heard. Tbe Htar saya of him: Th new chairman of mlnaa aud mining la a marked man In the Hou a. He la the bare-headed aod long-brearded William Heury Harrison Cowles of North Carnliua. He cornea from the heart of the gold country of North Carolina, and may be able to do bia people some good In hi new place. He ha a testimonial scar two Inches long on his oranium, received in front of Petersburg at the toe of the war. This is his fourth Coii-gres. New AitvartUraanUTo-ll.r. Ho loet 'has Rolxr. The J.imnry Fair T I. Heinle A Co The wetttlie tndav Ja Marrinon .V tV. A shoe worth looking inU: A K Kntrfciii. A Mardarer Cplarad. I .ate Saturday afternoon, Messrs J. I). Thompson and J. T. Star nes came into the city with Johu Wil son, the negro who last June killed another negro named Sydney Bur toil. In this city. Wilson fled imme diately after the murder and had since eluded the officer. He was caught Saturday afternoon at Iudlan Trail ou a warrant Issued by Ksijnlre I). (J. Maxwell. On being captured Wilson confessed to the murder. He is now iu Jail and will lie tried at tbe next term of the Criminal court. Messrs. Thompeon and Htarnes got the reward of 112ft offered for Wil son'rf capture. IF YOU HAVE NEVER HAD A PUESCRIPTION PUT UP AT A. B. REESE CO'H, WE WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TOTRYUS ONCF. WE WOULD IAKfm SHOW YOU HOW yiTICKLY AND PROMPTLY WE DO Bl'HINF.SS. Some favor a tar I It for revenue only soiiii) a tariff with incidental protec tion, and some a tariff for protection per hot hut a large majority favor the tree uo of Salvation Oil for bruises, elo. Infants Hosiery and Bootees. Full stock of Woolen ami Cotton Hosiery of every Hoys best sclii M lies from 10c upwnru, (ilovtis and Mittens ueserve man tion and we have oodles of them to show. Mnvhe you would like to know our great stock ol Fliuinel I'mlerwear is also marked down wav dw down, hancy suitmci. Plain dress stuns in lending materials, as flannels, UOies clolhs, homespun, hedford conls, t., on the cut pries list. January is the ladies favorite month for getting black dresses; we dont know why tnis month more man others; anyway its a fact and we are awake to the demand and ready to show an unsurpassed line iu silk warp Henriettas. Melange, Berge, all wool Henriettas, Itedfonls, etc. pastor emeritus, but wa. too alck to appear In the pulpit, raw then realiied that his la.l aermon had twen preached. Dr. Miller had been with the peo ple of Charlotte for Ji years, barring short period during the war when he wa. at IVter.hurg. He flr.t ba carue pastor of the church here, lu 1H.V, and continued for two years. Then ha went to Petersburg, and i look charge of the Tabb streat Pree bvterian church. He gave up that charge lu W6 and relumed to Char lode, since which lime he had con served a pastor of the First Presbyurlan ehurch. It Is a matter not only difficult, but really Imprac ticable to attempt a sketch of the life of thi eminent mau In au ordinary newapaper article That is properly a matter for the piges of history, and we can only confine ouraelf to a brief J reel lal of facts regarding bia life. Dr. Miller wa one of the original ' member present at th organisation of Mecklenburg Presbytery on Octo ber lHtb. Ittisft. Of the mlulster then present, Rev. R. 7. Johnston aud per hapa two other, are now the only orvlvor. An historical sketch of Mecklenburg Presbytery wa pre pared by Rev, Wm. E. Mcllwain In 1884, and from ita page we copy the following iu reference to Dr. Miller's work: During th second pastorate of th Rev. Dr. Miller, extending from l.siio to the present ( March IsM) 44-1 persons hav been received, and of these, 3 are now minister of the goepel, vU: Rv. W. W. Moore aod Richard 8, Burwell, received on pio feeslon of faith ; and Rev. Horace M. Whaling, on certificate. During these year the Second church was organ ised from the FiMt church. On tbe 6th of October 1H75, a petition signed by 16 persons, all of tbem members of the First church except one, was read by Dr. Miller to Mecklenburg Pres bytery, then In session In the First church, asking for the organisation of a Second church in the city of Charlotte. This petition w as granted and 21 of the 30 members who enter ed the organisation were from the First church, and other from time to time have united with the Second church. And yet the First church has now (March 1884) 0 members, thus showing a net gain overall losses by death and removal of mora than 120, whilst the growth In the two churches In Charlotte has been from Presbyterian minister had vr been heard or seen, spending from alght to ten week., and traveling some time after leaving th railroad a much aa HA) miles by private con veyance. But Dr. MIHer's work Is not all em braced I u thi.sketoh. He supported aeveral young ministers out of b'. private meana, and was Instrumental iu establishing the mla.lonary, Ben Oliel, In Jerusalem. Several thriv ing charchea, with growing oongre gatioua,eatablshed In tbe mountalna, are monumenta to hi memory. Dr. Millet waaborn In Charleston, H. C, and wa a loyal southerner. He waa preeminently a learned man, and undoubtedly the ablest minister of the State. He possessed a library of rare value, and among the treas ure which he collected are many proof sustaining the authenticity of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence. The matter which b baa collected upon this subject is In valuable to the historian. In tbe death of Dr. Mllle, our whole community mourns, for ha was recognised by an creeds aa a man far above the ordinary, a giant of intellect, a powerful preacher, a friend and defender of theHouth. bound over .In two case $60 bond aaoh. Rom wa bound ovr In on eaaa, S60Vnd. Th second eas against Rob wadlmled at Trot tor's xpena. The W iw. Following la a ay nope! of weather prevailing at 8 a. m, to-day: The storm now hanging over thla Motion la central near about New Orleane. Within a radlu of 150 mile of Nw Orleans heavy rain have oecared, notably, 1.16 Inch at Meridian, Ml.; 1.08 at at Montgomery, Ala.; Z2i Inche al New Orleans, La and 1.25 inch al Mobile, Ala.; eleewbere.llg-ht I polpitailon haa occurred. Temper ature are reported below tero ( 18 de gree below) from the west, through out moat of th which mow 1 fall ing. Continued rain or anow la like ly, and stationary temperature. yTinie to Buy nee is exit on erery Overcoat we hare in stock. WE DONT HTOP AT COST, WK HIM PLY MAKE A PRICE THAT WILL MOVETHEiT. A few of I hew nobby JCngUah Melton Coata NetOely FaBay. Belli'.. Several (.artle standing In front of th Central Hotel thla morning, were talking about the oaotlon one ahould xerclae In walking the Ice coated pavement. "Th fellow who carrle his bar room In hi pocket ought to be xtra caution," suggested one of th party, "for if he fall" , J ust then a pedestrian went down In front of tbe ladle entrance to the hotel There was a Ibud, a spnnd of break ing glass and th unfortanate scrambled to hi feet his overcoat pocket filled with the remains of a quart fl ask and whiskey dripping from his clothing. That's Just what I was going to ay might happen to nine men out of ten a day like this," concluded the speaker, aa tbe unfor tunate moved away with a capital case of the "Dry" grin. are left. We don't want locarry them. 1 this cut: Thm. that were l-?,00 sr. now IIS; and the one are 115; Bom afeftant black double breasted Coata at bare, aiaea 98, 37 and 38, that were cheap at tSX Tbsy go now at 112.80. 113,75, and 15. Vary long beary weight Ubters that aold for tlAar now 110; Surely it will not require a cold ware to move tbem at this price. A few sizes left in Cape Overcoats, boom with woolen and some with waterproof Uav ings; Reduced aa follows: From 117.50 to ' 13.75; from 116.50 to 113,50; bom f 15 to HO. All cheaper coats are reduced in asm proper "on, . 4 - Rogers & Co. LADIES $2 SHOES. no WE hav just received Another shlpmet of oarLadie $2 Shoe, We ara r bnying these 8 hoes from the factories. We cant say tbey ara rannlng in n&MAi.-ts iw i r. in BlAlk At the time Thk Nkwi goes to I press, the arrangements for th fu neral services had not been complet-1 ed. hot it is more than probable that full time on our orders; but we keep orders there all the time, and keep tha the wish of the people of Charlotte Hk. . ..... a . ... wtiwo vuiuiug, m ,1111 WO MO .LIB tU U SUJT IOOI. tODiO in 1DU wm.. m handsome Shoe we are handing out for a two dollar bill or two dollar In silver. Every pair warranted. '' .1 BETTER NEWS -o- Cbildren and .Misses Hoak from 4 to IS yrs. Jackets " 8 to is yrs. Now ofTered at very modest piioee to close tha lot and moke room for the tram lest line of embroideries ever oiiened in this house; Kverv ladv not vet nrovided with a rap can pet a real nice or extremely handsome one at snout nan price; net many leit nui we dont want any stall; (niie and get the new and positively me lowest price yet put on such poods. The Kemnant counter proves a success and all are aniamt at the wonderful prices found on ita goods. Carpets ari also being sacrimvd to make room for other kikxIs. Our iineoTAioquette Kugs at I- are ex tra value. wil be recognised and that the body will lie In state in the First Presby terian church, tomorrow, the funeral to occur Wednesday. Rev. Ed ward Mack will . official at the funeral services, and the paatorsof the different churches in the city will act a pall bearers. The Interior of the First church is being very heavily draped In mourn ing. Dr. Miller's body will be Inter red In Elniwood cemetery where his two children are bnried. - DaMB of Mr. t'aatoa. Mr. James A. Caston, an aged cit izen of Mecklenburg, died y ester day at his home In Long Creek town ship. He was 71 years of age, and wa a highly respected man. ir rove kavk AcatH. Or yew ar. all wnraout. really good IbrnotXa tng, it i. general debility. Try it a oar a 'a utoif mittmhm. It will oar. you, eJeuwe your liver, and gtva goud appetite. Blankets! Blan- kets! Blankets! The Klkin Blankets mighty near sell and wrap themielv ; Inev are pure N, C, wool and go at ti, t5 and ' a pair; weigh extra heavv and show extra sise. Comforts It up. The sum total of the whole matter ia we offer entire linr. of new and seasonable goods at very r-',nahle pi ices; Just such things as vou daily n ed; A look tbrough the line orfr uid, Molls, etc, woven (seamless) skirts. Muslin Underwear and many other such ar ticles wi'l indelibly impress the fact upon a aoaDungone. The fa vol ite craset waist for ladies is in our sti ck that club ia growing right along. Kemamner uoaxs ai aooui nan price. Klkin Blankets at U. Fiu sets had a tumble, at GRAY & EARNHARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, K. C iar Prompt Mntk given to aQ Hall Order. SLIPPEE SOLES. Large new stock Slipper Boles Jnst received. Tha finest goods we have ever offered. Bound Lambs Wool Boles for Ladle and Gent 25o a pair, postage 4c Plain bound Boles. Ladies sixes 15c, postage 8o; Chlldsslxea, 10c, postage 2c Cork Soles, all sixes, 10c, postage free. Ladies blk over gaiters fla. Ladies gray over gaiters $1,50. Gents black overfgaltars $15 postage 5c These are the handsomest and best fitting fops made. Will be pleased to have your orders for them. Order same sise as shoe worn, . , C3-IIL.PLEl-A.TIi & CO. Open every evening tillS:00; Saturday till 11 :00L ' ' , V CHEISTMAS PEESfflTS. Ordered Especially for this SEASON'S TRADE " BEAUTIFUL 13th CFNTURY PLUfiH ROCKER SIXTEENTH CENTDBY RATTAN ROCKKRa HI X ; TEENTH CENTURY TABLES. ALL ARE OF KX- CEEDINULY HANDSOME PATTERNS. THK VERY LATESTTHINOS OUT, AND THERE ARE NO MORE TASTY PRESENTS TO BE FOUND AN WHERE. CALL AND SEE i , MHOLS. - - - Farflire Dealer.. Room nooi r .inan undertaker. Kia-ht m ALE X AN DEE, S ON & CO. 1 "T - I ...-. v... ini bvm

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