THE UHARLOTTE? NEWJS. 6HAULOTTK, N. Oh MOKDAV KVKKINO..IANUltV IB. 181)2 V0I.UMK VII. NUMUKU 1017 .Jf tt4 JAN. 10 1302. JUS' 1)1' Ik tfc4k a . fti.l Caif Mr. U-Ua l lpri aUir.i4AUtCbfMU, 4il l hi U ibUeliy. U wtoi aftr Ui.f 111ft. Mr. t'alp-wr I earn W Char loiu from Norfolk Ur ! wax, aod vary u,lekly wo lb. mpMl and tUwu of our pvopletftad Aft b.U II la the iiy of bl. il.ftlh. , )! wa ratdd a. oa. of I tic Imxi man la Charloti. The funeral Hit!i w III I coa- I due lad from in Tryou air. i ItapU.l i ebufrh al 1 1 "'.. .t.uiwrw tuortr In, Tb. funeral arrvlre. will l con dueled by IU M r. Auitiu l f -t by Dr. MeMauawav. The pall bear er will I: Jot. u WiUm. Mr J no. I). IUm., Mr ('. M. Klh.r.1. Mr. C (Ire.tin.. Mr J II. Weddli.. Ion and lr W. II Hoffman. A teaatiful tint (f I'heckeil Mrlxl ftSd DIMITIES Checked and Mlrlped NAINSOOKS Plaid Muslins in all Qualities. A k ( yard !r T. L Kir J ill In II in I'll rg V, Ji ilitfrrnt pattern Seiglo & CO. N' i II V frail m. I ' S.J IVymi t i ll vui.ori K. N. C Kecanier Cream, ' Balm, Soap Freckle Laliao. The finest Toilet articles known. Made, by M RH. 1 1 A ft R I I T 1 1 U It HARD AVER New York. Borwel ih & Dunn Cmiii lIWV Rev. Mr Mum tn la.t nlghl In tailed a. palor ol th Oraham SL, rrpatiTtrrlaii rtiurrti There tit very tar rnnfrrjuiicm pfreeiit Rev. Dr ( D I'ark. prrarhej It.. charge In Itia paopl. and IUt. Mr. W llllaiiiaon delivered Ihe charge ! id. pa. tor A .rmou wa. preach.) by Rav lr. II. t . Read. (.are I KirPlM. Charlotte llil. id r n I n had ii a u.ual ln.lailni.til Iry iivi.itini, followed by rol l aud dLagreeahle rala. Mr. ll.nnett llarae. irrlm.l n the clly yeterday from bl. l'ennvl vanlft horn Ho ram u the bulf w ltd It rover. Mr. Sample, mother of IUv (lu. Sampl. who ha len very lck Itti crip at her ho'ii In H tinier, vi I lr, for mniii day. ia.t, wa thl morning re- poi Ud .lightly Improved. Nobody would bare thoug ht that Ibla w a. any aort of a rottou day In Uitn at all, yrt M baU. wrr lirii(bt ; In by wagon. Tl r prlrp rinirvd from I', to 7 rnt, arpordini; lo ' rrdv Mr. Willi. IVgram arrived hr. , la.l nl(hl from M ad i.n , i ... whrrr! Ii bold, an Important ioitlon in ' tb railroad ofili-i 1 1 I. hri U attend tb ni.trrlairi' WhI ih.1t rvpnlnif. of bl. .il r, Ml., llcnin IVfrratn . Thu parlor, of tb Viuiifr Mcii'i ( lirl.tlan Aa.oci.ttion rr too .iiimII to bold th. crowd of mon who came out to bear Wfton It. (ialen y -1 r -day ftrn(in . M r. (al pxak. to mn tonight il s o'clock to wblch all men arc cordially Innied. Tbiry arc bavins a moukov and parrot tlnu ovrr the ntrfi railway concern in Kalei h . Tiik Nkwr nnc mnr otTrr. tbt MiKfrr.tion that I'm' KaleiKb railroad men come to Charlotte and fret ome point, about h.iw utreet railway Hbould be built and operated. Mr. IjUWi ('. Jnlui.ton, who la one of the. mot nt h iieiant i c and .ueoen.ful utock raiere of thi. mpc tlon of tbe South, xiixtttlned tiite n loin, MtunUy niht in the eudden deothofbiA rhextnul thorough bred, "John Vd. worth. Tliix w :is one of the linen t home in the State, with n ffllt edtfe1 pedigree. tau i IW ! wali. tW a ttHM4H kM tit. M tttj a III. am 4 ft ftitaH CM. Tl..r wft. rftUaftf a-ft will HaaJaj ru tot ChalulU ! lb TraJ. MrtiUoa f lb. KiehtoJ A laIIU railroad, al too. y.urU.y. ' J u.l fttoftl Uift Uauft lb auurftlftf 4 Iom ftl Ib.churcboft ww. Pubcla4d word paa.. 1 a-To nd U (iruT.r 1 Clavalatiil wftj om lb il.layxl mii bul train, ftAtl lba eotMit.fte wa. thai wh.o lb. UbtU lld latu th d.(ol lb. oaf ooftUlalac lb .1 l'rMrat waa .urroaud.d by Uf crowd uf opi Tber. waaijalU i Dftiukwr uf ladle lo II pl)r ( leT.laoii would iiol cin, toi lo a f.w wom.nti xitua oti. I a le1 b Im al ft window la lb ear and lh. rrow t mobbed around tbal window. (ru- r aal Ilka ft wai flfur. Kur a whlla, tb crowd ImkuDtd lo blm all. oily, bo a. ti. abowvd no .If n. of moTlof , aoaielNnly yld "tlfmrr," aod lli.ft lb. a. Uilcht y whiMip. Al tb. wiund of chrln, Mr. CUvslaod wae,l rla baud In a d.rraUbr iiiauurr toil mad. uo olh.r nuv lu.nL Id. rhr-(lii( w a. rpatd thrr or lliur. A. lh. tralo moVtvl iul, Mr. ( ItIii.. .till ed, tl'( . III. hat to tbe crowd. Mr. I Irveland wa on hi. way In N.w i'rlran I., look after tbe iulereaU of Mini cllrula of hi law firm lu a lull ! there. II. bad rIt.u all the northern porter, the .Hp, and he ; -emtH to l a little bit put out that ! hi. hunday journey w a. dlncover.d by the time he had fairly entered tb South. Tla r.llrU. ar WtlM bald 11 ik. a. i. aiu. II,. Bi.i uf ! Jaa.ajy II baa - fia af day aaj a Itiaw U a it. wllb w. UftitaJ aoW. JI aad rala. ft4 la MtWiutn. iU Mack. a lit WaJ I o4lliv Tb t-l I bl Utal caa t dv. to ft If act daMftf ft proW.cfr- d w.i t(ll I. lo iaad ruck aaJr lb. .una.a 11. for olhwle If auur a Uftcfc I. WvfkeJ wllfi. lit .dim ii I ui.l fair w.atii.r i am, rar.f.l running aod 11 1 hdul. will t-o th. vrJ.r. Tb. lUebru.'od A laolll. main tin b lwa Allaola aod N a.Iilo(lo l. io faJrly (uod eiodMioo. i-ui all r I'. ooorlJoo. outli of All. til. are uo d.r w.t.r (lu 'tii of th. r.'.d. Id. lalu. ran f r mile al a tlr.lrh with watr aluio! up to !!. flrrtoa of lb .Of Id. A llelrl oa H.M IIm1 IIas4. Ttiere l evldriitly tirlgbl time ahead of "out hort, th town at the mouth of the ( mr Kear Hirer, known to I nil frl)r rale .oldier. and old North Carolinian a. Smlthvllle. The 1 Hrun.wlrk We.leru and Southern railroad I .lire to bar I U O-rniluu. I there lu a few year, and tbe coni I p ft 1 1 y that I. bulldiiiK tb road, ha. bought that wonderful .trip of laud know n a Hald Head I. land, upon which I'.ald Hftad lifhthc ue I. loea ted, and will build a fine hotel tber. The jruif utream dip Id clo.e to llald Head l.laud.and make It typical tropic .pot I'.lin., pineapple, and all th flora and fauna of tbe Flori da flouriHh there th year round. Know never rail on that laland, on account o' the proximity of the gulf tream. It 1 an Ideal .pot, and tb 0 nipuny that planu the flr-t hot there ha. (Til what la ordinarily Knov i a (foxl thing. A .l-erlal lu lh. Kl.if!i Cbroolc I. f'am under date of lb. l'Ub. . lb. Im.rd uf c. unlr cuuiiulwloutii ui.l louay in pur.u aura of lh order mad. by J ui,' ( out) of ( hear lb. evidence of th. food cb. racier of lf applicant, for liquor I Irene., aod graded lb. mm It will l r.Oi.oibe-rel that the l-.ard r.fOewl lb llceneo Uitl the ole gronod that the appllrall io ilm.ei Ibal th. appliraol wa. a man of bad moral character Thl ruling w a. rv.rd bv Ju.lrr Coum r. bo or tbal they .hould hear th rvl deure. Tber. wa. iulte a lively till by coUDeel, but tbe l.rd b.ld that Ib.y w.r. .alUfled that the appll rauU were alt gii1 men by the evl d.uc offered elcept ai ataled in their form. r order which had l-n rvrd. ia it. lath erf '.Way. tMI. Ulr ly-fl. y(. fO, lh IM ffftl new .toraa la lab HUU. Tbal ft la Hie e.lly day ftl Uft NorUi Cft lla railfw-ad. aatj ft hMMiftr UaJft ibal left CbarWxt laal touralag f ILai.ifb. tuito.eJ ftod.ral Jaau Iowa aod wa .oowftoaod fuf tbfft day. Tti.r ar wow tlvlBf oftl I'iIm iwiii .ho wr aboard Lb Uaift ob ibtl o'cmoraM. IXIfS and . Hj.larljr eo 'fh tb ti r .orvl- .if. w r ofTJctal. Tty are: Col. i ha. W. Hrftd.baw, of Cbarloii. w im wa. rondftciuf , Mr. W. Kraak Holder, of Charloit. who a. b4- f )te ftia.lef. and Mr JoMph W. Meliafley. uf Coocord. who wa (a. .-Ill llM bea lh U.(OB lh urlor lo celebraU lb riuf aoolTrry by dlaar ( harloti. A fw year ro, vaal i' late wa. al tb. Labi, In au.mofy of the la l Woa J. VaUft, wbo wa. iaeM0gr uo the train, aed wbo ftl- w.j i-crelde.1 at lh anaaal dloo.r After Mr. Yaev. dld. lh aaaaal rutlom wa. op ty CoL Itrad- eha aod Mr Holder, bul oe lb I. oc casion ib.y w.r. )olod by Mr. M e hattey, who cam over from Con cord. Tb. three .urvlvor. bad a Lai.! In thrmeetve. In Willi.' r. laurant Uxlay, and enjoyed a pica. aot hour In ruilnlecot talk. A SWEEPING SALE O F CLOTHES. A Mr Ike That railed. The strike of the ex pre. meeo gcr baa terminated a. Tiik Nkwh uo.ed It would, .Imply In thn lo of a Job to a lot of old me.iigHr. The ex pre, men pay that while the "trl e 1 .till upN.ed to be on, t In romp m v d ' not feel it. a. th y have all the new men they n"d for the carrying on of the exprem bua-ilieA. New AiteertUm enlTo-llT. )riifri.t A It Kese A Co. N. Y. I.ifo lnuranii Co-Church A I, Hll' , Arllt. WAOLKHALK AND RKTA I L Druggists. SHOES FOR THE MIM.ION. We have them tomtit evraylwuly and at bottom prjoi ' 1. 1 nure what we ar after I)1 any cereiuo- nn l nnsiin- bmken Jinea, inke krt Our own Imported loolli Brashes rd ( Arknowlelginal. Mr. A. W. Miller, de.lre. t' mnke public itrknow ledemenu of all the kiinliio4 and eympathy extended to her in t i hum of greatest trial and dlntrefs. Ami above sll to the kind phyal- cihiim who o tnderly nilnl.tpred ni'ht ami dn to her dear Also io the lady member, of 111. flock, for tin I 'xqui.iU-ly lovely lloral olTermpn, and to the community gen erally, lor the token of hfghertt rea- pect and renpect manifested during ins lllneMft ami to the very I Hit. Their recent act. of k I ml d ess and sympathy have greatly strengthened the ties which mo closely bound her to her husband's folks and to this community sinco sue. came among ttieiii. iwenty-mx years sine. Wlee.. rteht ml mm A 1 1 lure Meeileg. Ttiere wa. a big alliaure meeting t Ilea' .tore, lu Lincoln county, laat Friday. A lot of fel low . w bo did noi belong lo the Alliance were there, aud they goi Into a row. It wa. a blo-dy fight. Two brother, by the nam. of Chapman, .et upon Hob Kaln ftnd crved blm up terribly. On ruh extendetl from Sain', neck down aero, hi. ati lornen. ending at hi thigh. There i. no chauce for Haln'a recovery, .o the doctor, .ay. On of th Chapman', ha. been ar rested and i now in jail at l.iucoln-ton. The WeeUaer. Following I. a .vnP"l. of weather prevailing t h a. m., to-d.iy: Kx tremely cold weather prevail. In the extreme northwest, where tempera tures re :t4 degrees lielow r.ero. A very high barometer also accom panies thl cold. This cold extend, way Into Texas, and will probably move rapidly east, reaching thl. sec tion by tomorrow night Light and heavy rains have occurred all over this section Continuance of rain is probable for today, clearing by to morrow nioruiug. We Guarantee Kvory Brush. DENTAL FLOSS SILK, 20 Cent a Spool, at A. B. REESE & CO. GO P-3 o 02 Cx3 &2 GO GO r W Ph A rtarl4ta I'artj (or Newbern. Decidedly one of the most inter esting things to lie seen In tlii State th year round, Is the fish and oys ter fair which Is held annually at Newbern, on February 2J (ulte a party of Charlotte people is being made up to attend this fair next month. Already tenor twelve names are down on the list. (eatral llelel arrival. K J Harden Raleigh N C. Wm J Walker Atlanta (a ; I K N C; W W Walt N C ; A Oettlng.r Halt..: I) It Wolf Monro N C : () C Hyuumand family Concord N ( II R Smith Hlll.boro Tiaa; WC Joue. J II Daniel WllmlogUm N( J Y A Weaver Chicago 111; Wm H Hieelow I.lcter Ma-a: A I. Smith Cltv: H 1 l.liiacomh llalto; J ( Morton Klnt. Mtu N C: J F. Mat H C; A R Car rlurtou llalto ; I) C itobertaon H C; N F Al.ton, II K Cftrmock. J 1' Col lfn. 1'hila; W I Iean AtlanU i. a; Mill Royer Agt HI I'lnokard Co, I I) I'Chaudler AtlanUtia: C Wait Culjeper Ya ; TT Ilobbitt John White N C; F. I) Itrown I.lud.ayNC; M r. A Welch, Mn R C Thoinpaon. It H Holland City; I II Cobielgh Ma.; W I) Martin, EH Rohln.ou N Y ; llennelt ItarneoNC; J I Javlor Atlanta Fa; H Y Jones Atlanta Ga; I' H Lw Washington DC; F Taylor aud wife Richmond a: C Johnson Hickory N C; MR Armnrin Knoxvllle Tenn; H M Fauci tt N C; L H Curry Augusta Ga; I) K Alleu, H () Smith N C; I S M lller llalto ; (ill Galk.her Hweet waterTenn: A C Williamson, Mr. A C Williamson (iastonia St"; J H Hutchinson Ya; A H Washburn I'auturkett R I : Wm M Francis A II Ituce Augusta Ga : W R Craw ford Chester H C; JLClarke H ( H F Heater NC; A H Macoul bins I'hlla; JT Aldermen Wilmington N C. Tho entiro Stock of the MoDowoll Cloth ing Company was sold to us by tho Rocoivor at a GREAT SaCRIFIuITFOR SPOT CASH, "We ofl'er this $15,000 stock of Fine Clothing, Hits, and Furnishings at less than half value. It is anew clein stock, as the firm was in business only a few months, and it will" be sold cheaper than any Clothing was ever sold in Charlotte. This is i Cash sale. ROGERS & CO. H'toi: Open till 11:30 this p. m. i. w i 21 West Trade street. LADIES $2 SHOES. I I I VK buy the finest Creen fIoe. ami mast i : every week . IWNNKY V A S N KSS. Mr. W. T. Reynolds, a prominent citl.en of Ashevilled.died at hl9 home in that place, Saturday morning. Special Prices On ft rack chock full of Ladles and Misses full, regular made, rrt'iich toes, ribbed and plain Hose. FLANNEL BUITB, ALL HIZKS. This is fin weather to say Rlun- keta and Elk in at $4, $.S, $ts load. Wraps at aimost half price. Remnants wsyilown. As fine aline of Embroideries as was ever opened in t' if town V up ward, from deep to S Inces. 8tripes sold very close, all n w. New Nainsooks andLtwns. A Fairly iood Keaolea. The Slate Hoard of Agriculture hi been wrestling with tho cotton prob lem. The board, at its meeting In Raleigh, passed this resolution: "That the board of agriculture recommends to the farmers living In the cotton belt that they reduce the acreage in cottou to at least 'JO per cent, less than the acreage of aud that they endeavor to raise more supplies by planting more grain, and raisinif more pork, beef and stock generally. WE have Just received another shipmet of oar Ladle $2 Shoe. Wft ax now bnying these Shoes from three factories. We caDt say tbey ar runol ' full time on our orders; but we keep orders there all the time, and kaepth Hhoes coining, so that we are atle lo fit any foot. Come In and see what a handsome Khoe we are hauding out for a two dollar bill or two dollars In silver. Every pair warranted. GRAY & BAKNIIARDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHA.RL0TI EL X. C : Prompt attention given to all Mail Onlars. THICK SOLES :o: -:o:- PS Something entirely sook. new in Nain- Grand Laces. assortment of Torchen Tbe best investment any one can make Is a pair of our thick tol ahoea x Mens qest calf Double Sole Lace or Congress, plain or box toe, price $750;. " These are the best that can be built. A full line at S, $4 and $3: each line ' represents a value superior to anything in the market f , Ladies Cork Bole Button, best Kangaroo Kid, price o50. This show is perfectly waterproof, the best stock ever pat in a shoe, and will wear aa lone; as two pair of ordinary shoes. We have all kind of footwear, to salt all kind of people. Give us a call. ." , QILREATH Ss OO. Open every evening 1111(8:00; Saturday till 11 :00t A Beautiful Line -o-p- '- R N IT U RE F U rs Continues to be Offered the Public by BURGESS NICHOLS. THE HOLIDAYS HAVE OONE BUT PRICE8 STILL RE MAIN CHEAP. ELKO NT PARLOR SUITS, CHAMFER SUITS, i'ABINETS, HALL CHAIRS AND RACKS, DIM Mi TABLKS AND DININO ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH ROCK ERS, RATTAN RO0KKR8, Ac Call and see , , . - BURGESS NICHOLS T. L. ALEIXAOEE, SION & CO. R s s,oan' - - - Forflilore Dealer. UNDERTAKER. Night eall, E?m Na 6, Bryan building, over Slagttn &Co, V o mjT"