THE CHARLOTTE NEWB. VOLUMK VII. CIIAHLOTTK. N. C. FRIDAY KVKK1NO. .1 AXUARY 22. 18U2 NUMBER 1051 Seine's iff TV JAN. 22 1803. Hamburg Embraidery Sal. TV M t'i' ilrrtii Tsrnlv .tiff. fUi 3r jarr r1 T(-T rv in ri .-if an.) a t.tlf Trl l liv I lip lru . tin! rtuark a in-l 1 1 t yrt Iwtur in iMir tii(r tiat r '. titan t tii.l of tin T. L Soigle & CO. No. II V. Trad m. Is1, K Trvon at CH AIU.OTTK. N (' Keener ('ream, lil Soap Freckle Latian. The finest Toilet articles! known. Mad by MR MAURI FT 1 1 1 1 II - RARDAYKR Nw York. ft aae I in - - MM t n to SUaa to a ate. ' i to 111. fwMl to TW tew WtiMitumt, Jtu. H-Ami'HiU JualJe of lli. Calked HlUHBprae dart, Jwt,ti . Ilradley, of Mw JtiM, Ji.JiiibUriir, ibl ntofa- luf, el li o'clock. - - Juaeph f Itrtoltojr, Ura In Item.. A ll-a r ely . N J . Match It, 111. t.f I ugllh dreel. Mr. Mradley' arly 1 1 fa, C Ills I Mil year, wa pnt on farm, tut hi fMM I" a Valuable library of hit father' auoti suad hint loii fur other purull. rui aavrral year h villa ecl,i, Uarlir. AlUuiloa having boon attracted lu til aludiou habit ha aularad al Halfer Col leg, w her ha a aa TlaiUcl wllh high honor lu K1 Karl lu IM7 h commenced Clio etady of law ami Id I vtw lw(a I la practice lu Naark, N J . auil roullnued a a promineul attorney for year, all of Mrh time hi. wa cHU.-m with Ilie leading ra'ea In thai arctloii (f n,r rouulry. In M arrli, 170, ht m ap pointed Ly President I Irani, Judira of h Huprem Curl of Ilia t'nlle.1 Htatea, and i1.lgnalt circuit Justice for lb lrtfeHoat hem circuit. HubaequeuiW. on the rmlmUrtii of J attic Mlrou-, he a a-XDI lo lh llilftl circuit, nitr.rlur lh flat!)! I !(! VlTHIIV .W Jrrtrl aol Ilaar. Th itt-aptl jurNt oiip f lit "inajorlly" In Hi rrlr- tratHl lval ltnliriirllo of th ri ilnlll rarxll1alp' Tl Lion - H ar. Mr. Hrally a a ri-ulOlrii. and alway lMk-il umii a ulrou ar Mr. W. J. Yat I out aflrr mv- ral tlaya Im1lxttlin. Rt Dr K (' Rd will prarh at lh Klrat Prly lerlan rhurrh on Sunday at II o'clock a. m. -Mr. and Mr. K H. Jordan. r lurnod thl morning from a vlli u rlalivi In HiMiry rminly, 'lr- Kinla. Tb N' York cotton market ha ud rllmblnir for lh jat four or fl v day under th no.callnl influ- nr of llgtit receipt. -To-nlirht at s o'clock Mr. (isle w ill irlv hi lat talk u nu n at tli 'nun)f Mu Christian A'vonatlon. Men cordially liiTlted. Mr. V. A I'tty, w ho tm len contlnnd t hla room for the paet thrne week reading w ith the In fluenr.a, I aln at hi dek in J. M. Hloan'n ofllce. John (iraliam, the nero who wn arrested lant nl)rlt on several charge will have heariiiK lefore 1 nited Stole ('ouimiooioner l. (I. Maxwell, Una afternoon, on the chargx of re tailing w hlxkey w Itliotit liceii. The Ualelfrh Chronicle Hay: Rev. Dr.J. It. Clifuhiri. Jr., of Chariot!, la now vNitliiK Rev. Ir. J. It. Chen- hire, Hr., l TarlMtro. Humlay after ueit he will preach at the State ni vera! ty, one of a nerh-o of ser mon. tV AM I . to (fee A fiian iilnl m tU Tt Mr K4lr aaya Mr, lx H. WtllrstUbMUta bjla( aiV h- la7 Mioaa A tV , t.f CbaUlU U abxal aad bt aboaa raaaol b ittotiUj fir li f.aallj- ra aaof J Ibal h bol la bta aruaau vllb thai Brat la-a txr ibr baadrl dollar. Wa hop ibl way lara al U b aala aod lhal b will tuak bl appara aaj ahow hi a- r-oaata to ba all rlfhl with lh firm. Thl ynaag man la wall kaa la Charlotu, bavlaf l'J bar whit la llta rupoy of Mlh. KaJrUy. a ad Haalh, la thalr eotinD auaiMxtioa la Ihia city durlnf lh aoaaua of l W Wolf while hf alhlbllod ItfoBf Inellaailou lor ll pml ruutu and oihr roanrt of rl, aad la ihl lln ha waa alJ lo tx vary uaaae- rxful aa a playr Iarlof lh Chrlatniaa holiday of W h wa foabd hort la bla aanta lib the Halh'a bat thl wa tuad fi by an older brother who raaldo la Moo roe. HulaxUolly h card ai ploymnt with Mr J M. Kalrly of thai lowu vlnri Wolf lived, aud r manled w Ith thai (utlataiaa u U oivenlnif of lh irMnl " whan h mad an rntracement with J. II. Sloan lo l.ny coimn for him Wolf, I scarcely iwauly year of afm, rather larve In lature. drexy and lo a ao rial aeiiM, a ery clvr youuc nian. 1 1 I tlifvd thai hi ahortaff with J. H. SI -an. III ird nU , N i m , rri rur aaw Mr. J. H Sloao at hi nltlrr thl luorolof and III ecu variation ha aald that lh mai ler had Imwu e tiled 1 1 I uiidar- IoihI tlitt Wolfe' father In order to top criminal proaex-ullon mad rom1 the ahortatre hi aoo lo the nieauw hile youiifr Wolfe I aaeklnK a cooler climate poaalbly "Oraan land ' talk nnaa t wa to a Mmm i ra. fwaaJ to Tat W uiaurtva. I C , Ja 3. -Tt Uarlb attaal la lb r cbttf oallaaJ lu day. kal allb tM olll Utod:!. Tb ' l-a Ulk Mal baa atrdl lb l..'ll (allaf aJarTadajr' cablbat ium I lef w a isauiliil Ulad lll to.. n lb( w baa lb bllf lta I" liial lb Chilian rof ri..udu' Woald Im abuiilil ! I 'uog mi ut Halarda t . r idej II ImuM are Itiaa In waalon, Tba !'- Lie I tiaa coallaaeu til uil on iii nuiin that I la a-uinpauy tba d.xuttini, aad II will f rut. ably l laid U-f.. tl,a rablol al l morrow maclinf KtxraUlf Itlala walkl trt u lb rLlo ltoparlniel al II orl.K-k Ibl uiorala la eotupaoy wiili Kr rlry Klklo aod ul a coupl of hoar rlvln( iba foraifa kiiuiiuri who called Dili l-lt)f the rfular day I apart for Iha lraoarllnj of baloM between lh r-txrlry and tb d Iplouiata Hiior lUininn w a on baud early and wa lLflrlloot la I u an lujimrr Kecrlary Tracy rM-l. a f r it. j I call from th lloua cotufiiii(- on naval affair durluj tb mortilnir li wa hat lh regular call to pay ra pcU, hotntr. and :hoiifli Ihesub Jxl of the Chilian I m t.f l. may hare tx-eu actively dlcuaet Ilia visit waauot made for that pur-. Tha ninilera ruiJnd with th Secretary alout half anil hour No Information ia yet ln r celve.1 at lh Navy ltepartmeiit Itiat th Ynrktown ha actually allel from Valparaiso for Callao. althounh Commander Kvau ha cabled II hi Intention to call d .V Ix-fore ve terday The trip to Callao ordmarl y occuple atout three daya a Mtu rw ra a a to Vatr Lmt iara a4 r alf . Bakb W fa I n a a Pol 4 a, J aa. a a? lb toi toribU alalki tra laJ tSaa ai cxarra4 la UkU city, lUria I aaoldaaa! af IK ladlaa ftarft al laalllato laal al 12 o'rla. Tba wa a to til J- bita lb taiala talUla aad la ana I wbkeb rv4 aa a flalf lit II 9 Uaata Ibal fad Ibaaaffy flat Wbea lb aa aflvwd l lb oat fl it.fl .rraUoB-lb aladowt of lb auala .lldlBa wv BIImI wllh lh In mala of lb latUlato. Tba crl at lb crlpplad aad falplra wra heard fro at all i4a. My Ihl litu lb anal a balldlaf had afbl fir aad lh flam w' (radaally lappluc ovr lo wbr lit laasau are Ttialrcrta baBa aaoC alii fal a lb fln twl b If bar tad would brah lhair far) aa lby woald paaa frum w I aduw to aladow bxklB( la vala far aoan way of rapa. I -J Jr wera raieoo ana rnixr wr aw act oal In Ua W aav mul of lb 0 who dwell wllhla. Tb bulldlna! klnioai eompltUlr cob - utnad and far laa hudle hav trro draffnl front lb rala tad iMrty more are burned bayood hop of receiver. Tha aewn around lh I mil lute l andead bartradlnf aad beyond decrlptlon. Hod la buroed Uicrltar baluc la n oat wlthoal Iha (HirhlMt hop of raeofTBltion. WATCHING HER TVara W 111 k ra. "In addition to the aril tic and In structive feiturr Iher I any amount of r.voj. clean, pur fao lu Ihl maa'nlflceolly lllotlraled Dtr- Ulnni-nl" K ay th Hrooklyn r'.le of th nlertalamDt by Her bert Stanley Rentoo. who will b her on the Y. M. C. A Star Cour, Thursday, Jan. Tk.u l alM Mrlii af aoalhara Till': Nkw learn, on authority that cannot lx dotihted, that th place of all the meen(rer who re cently declined to perforin service for theKouthern Kipreaa Company were promptly rilled, mil that th t hunlne of the comiutny from thl and other polnti wa continued throughout the trlke without lolerruptlou. We have been Informed that there are over 7tK) applicant for Iha place of th l.i men who declined to erform their work lu thl section of the country. Ho far a the comrvanr la t'oncerned the tlrike seenii to have been over before It had its "tart, for although the men who went out-rave no notice whatever of their Inten tion, the hueines of that comj'.iny ia so thoroughly ystemlrel that von a matter that look as seriou to the outxide world as the so-called strike ai mot without any hesitation or delay, ami the company is nt. 1 1 doing Html lies "at the same old elaml," here and elsewhere. ( kill S,anal to Tmi Si. Nbw Yomk. Jan. i Advice from Kantlagtt. Chill. Just recelve.1 say that the foreign office wl II have the paper In the cae of th cutr Hal- tlmore ready early neit week, when they will te auhmltted to th t'ntte-d Slate, with Ihst country' view thereon. Then If an agreement h tweeu the twa power is not rearhetl the friendly offlcee of other nation will be ake a arbitrator. Burwoll & Dunn New ArivertlammlsT-ly. nrugKisw A II !? Co. ILfx kJt Klore V J lavi, Co What iloesil mean J Katnai lil. l'hlllinnoiii Socii-tv Y M C A, OiiiKliani mill tlotk tor al Iry linxIs T I. Alriainlcr, Son , Co llanilinrv cuild'TV A ily anl niKlit I I. Seigl.. A Co in a voliano-Y M C A.. WAO,KSALK AND RUT AIL Druggists. Vi'ons Crystal WsfetN. 1IONNKY nml oriip, at A VAN NrV. Iturham' Im I Ashevllle'e Cjala. Rev. J. I.. White, w ho for years past has been pastor of the First Baptist church of Durham, has ten dered his riiiriiation as pastor of that church, to take effect on and af ter the second Sunday lit February, His resignation was accepted. Mr White goes to Ashevilln to liecoilie pastor of the First Haptist church in that city. The former pastor of tlit Ash. ville church, Rev. W. A. Ned son, roHigtifd on account of ill health. mill r"f ,.! , Vt "f-- i,r' ;sto" "" '" -s x A X X hi H M nrrays Charcoal Tablets, Valentine Tar Dnips. Pianioiul Nail Knamol. I'rays Koaaline. Prays Ongnline. Arnica Tixith Soa. ,S. B." Cough Camly. Dental Floss Silk. Hinds Almond Cream. x 7i a, A -H X a. y. u. 8H0KS FOR THE MILLION. We have them to suit everybody and at bottom prices. Unink sales erjvwhat wear after and we are n j, m i wernio- iiisun- !ken tea. te A. B. REESE & CO. H X o H O X O -) W o X w X H o A 'A W a. x Q a 'A 'A 9i W C3 O tf X w x s a, o x x X, IJ mv Cfi x" O A - w -1 w X tar w 5 5 Z 'A Q 2 o 05 o & x 2 w jj & A - Ckarf Preferred Aclal Joha firahaat J oh ii ( i rah am was up tie tore .Mayor Itrevard thit morning on a variety of chargea. The first charge that wa preferred against John was that of au assault. I'pon this charge he was lined $.vW). The ueit offence was for resitting an oftlcer. For this he was fined I.S. The thir l ch.-uc was for carrying a concealed weap on . The usual flue of f.W was set down opposite John's name. The fourth charge and the last one but not in any way the least, was that of running a "Hliud Tiger." John had his jug and glass and was otherwise well prepared to dispense "Corn Juice" or any other variety of liquors that hia customer might demand. For lack of evidence and on account of the absence of witnesses this charge was left open until the chain of evidence could he fully joined to- iretner. In the meantime John ha his bodv soourelv wrapped up In the blanket furnished at the ttation house. mp i ,( li ii.n'K At if r.. Or you are all om out. ri'slly pnii lurnotb. Inc. it In :i'in ril ili l'ilitv Try UN (jar v.. 1KO.V hl'TTKHS. It will cure you, ch-snar visir lirvr, and ffiv a tixxi aiHs'iiui. New and popular shades of Man- darlan cloths, just the thing tor an inexpensive evening dress. Fieh stock Towels, fringed or hem med, damask and buck. We can tastefully do your trhle with damask and doilies, as wa carry a large lineof each. 50dor.en ladies Handkerchiefs new ly opened from 5c up. An exquisite lineof white embroidered ones. Curtains in this department we otter some special inducements to close brokeu nu inter. Carpet sale pontlnues, regardless of had weather. Prices so low the dis interested are stirred on the tUior dressing subject. Blankets and winter stock general ly marked down. Remember the Hosiery sale. T. L ALEXANDER. SON & CO. T aeara la evar. SIlo lh lelf raph haa broofht an aoranc of coollnod poac with Chill, the price of hatalllon tulu and membership certificate ha mata rlally advaoced. Thoaa who war "eager for the fray," look cret-falln but thrMte who had a "horror of war," fael the transition from th polblll ly of a "terrltde struggle" lo "white inged peace" ao great that they smile, and really pretend regret at the failure of this big government to lick th little bantam in South America. There It no movement on foot to crgaulte another batallion In thl citv. Thedutla and chances of tarh a "highly feathered circle" are too stupendous. I MIifrmr fM-ale' Cos 1 1 laa. Fx-loveriior Scales ttill continue to linger, although he has been very low for several month. Hi physi cian hus been compelled to slop giv ing opiates as they have long since lost their power over him, and the sufferer gels very little sleep. It Is really remarkable how the (ieneral can live considering his great loss of sleep and thesmall -uanlityof nour ishment he take. He it rarely ever at himself now and his constant de sire is to "go home." It seems he imagines he is away from home. It is pitiful to hear this noble christian gentleman mourning to be taken home, wheu loving hands are always ready to make him as comfortable as human power can do. Through all his suffering he is the same kind- hearted gentlemau he always w, and it seems to worry him to sea any one put to trouble on his ac count. No lady I likely lo withdraw hr band whaath ha lh plaaJara t lolDf watched lo that klod of a way, Ifyoo hav aa Ida lbl It U bJmXJi tian for yoa to wab-b ombody, whe-va Idea thai II I aboal Um for yoa to honor at wllh a vlH. IWio'i run away with iha Botioa lb at BoUtlnf bt a watch I approprlau, Almoat any on of a botdrd haadaomaaffefV lair Biay b mad to aarv your parpua Jut at wll. Wblhr ya n n parcbar or not, wa will regard aa a privlleg lh opportaalty of tbowlbf yoa what wa can plar al yonr dltpoaaL You will b partlealaily atlraatad by our lln of LADIES WATCHES from lb chpt accarate um plc th Lady WaUrbary, to lb tMct elaborately carved dlamood, roby, and aadphlr orratred o!ld gold CH Then w hav th handsomely engraved ca of medium coL OolJ CUIad Idle Walcba al 918 ; opo fa I0; aolld gold at 130 to .'A W do not bJt whn wa aay that w can show von th largt liac f WaUb that can b found la any stabllthmnt In th Stat of North Car Una. If you dont bclltv It com and . BOYJNE & BADGER. eading Jewele rs, Oiiarlotte, N O. Childrens Dress Shoes. L e H X ac 'A, O r: w x a S3 W n X x -9 X O 53 53 e X w 53 - o r c "3 M K 53 53 O O P3 53 X O X 5? a t3 W 53 W JO 53 M 3 a r tr H a M X w M PS 53 a O 53 x v W rr C M X C 'A H Z 53 O a o I C 53 W 3 x H O O X a o K .3 53 J B3 O D r "d s x w C3 k- O a o r o o H a w Ouraaleaoo Cbilttren 8hoea laa fair evi itence of the menta of tb 8bora w are giving our ruslnniers. Our WILUAMS HOYTK line are the best and roost perfect fitting shoe lo be bail, being' made by the finest nbormak- en in the land, tbey have all tb style and artistic sh( to be lound id shoe leather. Their wearing qualities are equal lo the best. If you want a nice wreaa shoe fur your child, withll the wearing qualities possible, come and ae ua, We bare them in all gmdKt; Spring heels- wilh or without patent tips. Good thick olet for winter. GRAY fe BARNHARDT 19 East Trade Street, CHARLOTlfi. N. C aT- Prompt attention given to all Kail Order. 0 YE E SHOES. :o: V have a full assortment of Rubber Overshoes and Sandals, and never allow onr stock to run short. We always show the best makes, sell at the lowest prices consistent with best goods. Ladies veto foot-holds, and light sandals: Misses and ladies spring ami aandala, light and heavy weight; Ladies and Misses neece lined gum boots; Mens, boys, and youths gum boots: Meus extra long sporting boots; When needing such goods give OS triaL .' QILREATH Open every evening U1IS:00; Saturday till 11:00. As OO, F U A Beautiful Line -O-F- RN IT (J RE Continues to be Offered the Pnbliby BURQESS NIOHOXjS. THK HOLIDAYS HAVE GONE BUT PRICES STILL RE MAIN CHEAP. ELKQNT PARLOR SUITS. CHAMFER SUITit'cABINETS, HALL CHAINS AND RACKS, MMU TABLES AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLUSH IIOCK EK8, RATTAN ROCKERS, Ac Call and I9 BURGESS NICHOLS. - - - Fornilnre Dealer. RS SlOan UNDERTAKER. NIgbt V- WlVe'ClUj jfa,., Bryan baUding, o?er 11 Room call. over lioger Af o.a