TnnniYirri , in -sr vomtmi: vn. CIIAItLOTW K. Oh MOKDAY EVENING. J ANUAltY NUM1U.I; l ELAEL BWB. v. JAN. 3 asba. kaiU.fcl', lUf (MUM CVteeel J'.e Mm t i r jt jr t( On Ive WiM Ce Mlwvtag 4tfill l- Tn a Neat .The UUA mam uMi;tt MJlxhl4 On at ko v-f t j at tsIe tbe rattiua $ u I Mmli flaUe for to f kU la IK lty Cnl W Ue eeae lyeaeveeUea w are ;llg now tore4Jeu je,waiikaw that all adef4 people ere rUUlM( eel whit friends are eat 114 bat not te uie rn u Miif i the 4if rati pa per he A aeerUl neat the etaad m tola tb ealy v we ea rpk 1 waJpMle.a ' S J. W. Clerdoa) will apeak tore q-tertereefaabweri R. I Hants, half aa bear aad eed Jehe WlUe b. fill eheerve. take tb brJisr. "' , V iwH Imim4 fae ,' l'afle I vI.CIiailM hV rxriJ, j.r m sggregat ef eo J.j. II u Un we add Ue bae4 tf W ira. ear, ea4 Hnui: lb HuaIUl BM provided boa4 e4 TilsBaa freaalM MJS ths g1 r, biH w h I ch eeaisr Urge sjaeaal f eeeafort ! rslUf apoa the ImM el the fceepttal IUm((iU; eebmIMe4 a tbe Board ef HtuiHi haepital. Mr. Fe a- Pre r M r. Witk, IW TrMijUiM'tt.MMrvMn L A. Oafcotee,MrJt 0 ., Mr. T. R. Rotertaea, lira. T. a Clarke, lira. ka TaUi Kipaaaaa la l IKLML UAMBt'Kl) KMBROIPKRICbV TImb H.mWc aa IW rf W aatea Miiaairap tta ln A TWa am tna aw 7ar4 Bj iW-rfl mniWn a p Ti. Tftaaa tej an rrrt rKa Mairl Uaul, Baifrtaa I Ftta Ihoa aaantiHalartaW. b at W a el rip af 44 rrW UMMtlM will aMM in; hl aaov br Itx wwiMn a. lar vasl jhm taiakaa orititBl Idu tu tkay will kaar la Itwlhas. art vhal yoa abmUr aov aa4 aaaia aa Bj tkanumlaji.aaaua; KbfofcWiai ta lrta Uvm; T a yuajr cfcaneai Aa aaUra mtm Iim ate aa aala aai aaaatlfal aaUaraaaa qaallitaa thajr ar; .Htm aMla qak-a vork. M Uta naiiniai of ear t Wa an ntfUjur ntoaj itrM aa4 Mt W. rloa oat taa a hum i aartoaf UajMiaatrv HESILIJtCCBTAINa art la lha Mafatutr tW aiaatan; now X ay mm liaar, auk tha aMal of M. a) four T. L Seigle & CO. a tl W. Trda at. 18 H.;TrB) at ; C'H ABLOTTK, N. C bMlrMna4 TV CliarMi boaa4 famafat ralwalli arr1r4 Wr. BaiarJa; 'VMlaff a4 'aUa(ka4a4 a (artaadi Ira frvaj tb Haftr iratk WMf,' ft flaatllla, aa4 fellU4h!a. Tba aaUl a 4 ! th UUf Uaa MU CarotlM 4I, ud U rtJi ad la Kartii Carol I aa aalL TbafcaxJr f Ua araaif an la44 tWKorth Carol ta a aid, a4 MaakleaUarf aoaal waa ifeac. (era ev.led ap l M14 mm laaaaL Dr. WU4rUrtrf thaaoaMthla af- Uroax Tba Uaaap tu alek, -ad aaa ttglar at tK baaaaa la tha aal(hborboti J eat baora tha afW drai. Ill Idaatliv la aakaowa. . Nan Mosda tha board of roaata aoannlaeloaara will asaat la rejalar asoalhly aaoaloa, aod aaa of tba la- Uraatlaf thiap will ba a flrM V tha flalah la tha mattor of iaa Lladr.ap pllaaat for Hood to a II vblikey la Chartoti. Thar will alao La othor afplleaata. The .ra.ei WUI T.l.el.n. A raaar waa (olag aboat Iowa to day, aaaaeaoalag tha Biubora of too HoraaU Neat Kiflaaoa to aa Impoe Uat aoooUar to-alfhl. "Afur tha racalar aaoathlj laapaetjaa, Capt Roblaaoa will aafold tba Chlliaa af fair to tha aoeapaaj. and It la aader- Itood that tha oaspaa wlU roto U laador Ita aorrloaa aa tha roraaa4at whaaar aaadad. RecamTer Cream, it Balm, Soap Freckle Latiao. The finest Toilet articles known. Madaby MRH. HARRIOT HUB BARD AYKR NawYork. r a roil Burwell i Donn, WAOLE8ALR AND BKTAlL r Druggists. ' -Mr. and Mr. Dal4 T. Jaakiaa ar la tb eltj, tha gooata of tba Caa- trml HoUl. Mr. Tboa. H. Rrovaflad laal alght ai t',' o'clock of grip, aoar H ao- UraTllla. -Mr. Barrall Blantoo of Hbalbj, died ar auddanl at liar bo ma In that town laat night of paralala. Fortv-alrh t baloa of eot ton war brought to th narkt br wagon to day. Th prlo rangod from B to 7 oaata. A colored man named PoaUr Karla waa rao over by th bear truok of th Hook A Ladder company tula avenlog, and rerj badly hurt. Col John C. Tipton, of tha Hhal by Rvlw, la In the city to-day. Th cotton nillla at Foraat City bara bon abut down on acwunt of fluanolal trouble. H. 8. Cawtborn and Suale For renter, In "Little Naggt," call forth atormaof applauae ererywhere, aa they render the comical aonn: "Aak a rollceman," "That'a Wbat,""!! K vary th log from Your Neigh Ac. Do not fail to aea thorn. th city court thla morning, following flnea were Impoaod: Ed Dbrale, drunk $3; Henry Mon- thsth, drunk and assault, 15 for tha former, $26 bond for tha latter; Geo. MoAffe aodC. L.KIng, fight 3eaohf Will Spring and George Dean, at fray, $3&jHd each. at Ta-B)r. :. A Maw AdvarttoaM Dwelling r rent. For rent J L Brown. lryooda TLSetRkAOo. . v BulsCi sfd Jordan A Hottt, Tha Kl-PnroA B Kacaa A Uo. What w keep-laa Han toon A Co. Wi'son Cryttal Waferg. freah and crisp, at BONNKY A VAN KSSSf. THE IX) INTER IK SHOES. WearaaeiUng Qanta Fine Calf Bala and OrniKPaa for $ It, and IS, tbat are thanrnt yaluca t b bad aoywiier fix the prion aak- , td tot them. ;.Tbat'8 a pointer that'a to the point. Call and ifet a pair. Wa bare cheaper . and Jntermedtata grades of aood : Valaea. which we are selling at prices' to Suit the .Umea. Our ldis Slioea at 9 2,ao and U ore of tplefldid quality, fit and finish, pur goods r U tiiatle to r own order by th best manufacturers In the country,, apd are I " guaranteed to giv satisfactioin , AE. RANKIN A BRO." EL-PURO la a Havana and (Sumatra Cigar, For 5c. The Flor ie TelleR la a Cuban Hand Made Cigar foMOttf - JL;R REESE & CO, Pajaaaa arrU4 U Ian lit 41. Tt board f Maaagwra tfeair m aall atatia t lb awapartaoai as eipa wim the ear aaa ruj gtraa U aa aaaay kaffarar. It 1 a reaniftabl ahawlag. - There hare ba are laaata lata yaaf tha la gay preeediaf ai apllag aa4 ih aaa f 4aya board baa ese44 area thai yaf. ' fteearal ealaaMe baiae have ba r4r4 frwaa Waeaaa'a AaaUlary, BoaleUeet fra Haetlagdaa, Loag lalaad. Kewpert R I Bath it Y Waablagtoa N Cl radaeah Ky. Ba al daa assay daaaUoaa f aaefal thlage, gtv by frUada la Cbarlotaa fof all wbleh tba aaaaagra retara alaoara thaaka. The boital ta agala fortaaate I aloaiag tha year wliheai debt, Tber bar ba twa oWtha a the haapiUldartag IsVI. Oaa waa aa ag4 anaa, wb waa takaa froas tha Air Li a trala la a al-oo aeloaa aawdlttoa. aad earriad I th beplul by tha depot aJieataa. II 414 all daye afurward la th ear of bis aoa aad aoa-ia-law, wb were awaaatoaed to bis bedside. Tb other waa a yoaag brakeaaaa lajarad la the Richmond A Deavtlle yard, who lived ealy a few bwr. Tbepalieata ware dlrldad aa fol io wa: Prom Charlotta, lt Maeklaabarg Co, 8; other pert of N. 0, t; R A D. R. R,t; CheurR.C,l; Ha vaaaahClal; Fetonbarg Vaj la- dlaaali Tramps fad, , Total 82. Bloaglag te tn Epleoopal cbareh II; Mathodlet, IS; PreabyUrlaa. 8; IlaptlalS; Lalberaal; Rom a a Catholle S; Aaeoelat Raforaaad PreabyUriaa, I ; Na eharch girea ft Total 62. M ale 17 Female ;-!. . CblldraaCB; Adalte M; tt Dra. C. A. Melaenhelmer, and R L. Gibbon have been the pbyalelaaa la cbarre all the year, and have proved moat klad attentive aad akll ral. Tba boapltal awes a debt of gratl tode to the physicians of Cbarlott, who hare all abowa a klndneaa aad read la aaa to help which la very gratl rylog. Mra. Prentiea waa matron from Jan. 1st to OrL llth. Mra. Evana then took th poslUoa. We carry eight patlenta over to this new year. In concluding their report, the Managers onoa more urge npou tba people of Charlotte, the claims and neeeealtlee of thla work; and do earnestly beg for a larger measure of assistance aad Interest Rut few persons visit the hospital. Many do not even know where it la located. Very few eooalder th preeeing bur- dan of care and anxiety borne by tha Managers for 16 year. In providing for ao many euftertug human being. Much of thla burden would ba lifted If thoee who. are able would give 25 or 50c ta a month to thla char itable work. A sum which iwpr eeota but littl loaa or privation to Tr Aft- a aelg of raia, a laat, eaew, thaw aad frwaaee, w have had twa day af bUfel. weather, haaday waa a lovely day, with aofl saasblae aad balmy air, with eggUe of epriag la every br, aad today waa (a eoaaterpart. Maatehe of - ahlee like this are so be apprelata4. for tha re la yet a lot of le aad roagk waalhar ahead of aa before real epriag tl aaa au lau I OrtMiilf at m i teaa. A selal free Know Hill, (Ireeae aoealy, N. aaaoaeea that the GrteBeWy-AbaraaJ by aaae wbleh which aame ap la the (ireeae (taper- tor oaart. waa dlapeasd af la a maa ar that waa eoeaewhal of a earprlaa. A few weeka aga OrlanaUy shot IUv. Mr. A bara thy, ba b eaorht la th act of klaalag ble wife. A few day User ba met Absreaihy on th etreet aad repaatod the do, ahoot- lag blm through tha neck. It waa thought that the woand woald prove fatal, bat Aboraathy baa elnoe re covered, la the eoart, when Grime- ley waa arraigned for shooting the preacher, ba pleaded gailty. The eolicltor of the district thereupon moved for a eeapeaeioa of jodrment, wbicb was ao ordered by Judge R. W. Wlaetoa preeldlng, aod Grimaley waa diecbarged oa payment of coats. The Wilmington Hur saya that thla la regarded aa ahowing the eeotl- atto be that Grimaley waa Joetifl- able la doing the ahootlng. W,rt.lT i tun i as Tea g sea, WaaMiarroa, 19 a, a.,,7aaary a. -The rraeideat4 ai seas go aa the Chilian affair la ai pet4 at th apl M at I a, tm. today. The fee II a g beee thl aaaralag la a are warlike eepaelally la admtaUlrtle alr eUa. Ianoa, Jaa. aV The Tlaaee1 aov- rpo4at at HaaUaga aahUa thla aaaralag thai It ta aadaretood that Cblll baa agreed t anbemll th aaUrs 4IOra U arbltraU. WAawiauTOM, IS M4 J saw. ta. Th report reelv4 bar thla moraiag that Chill la dealroaa af aabeallUag the Iroa bl a t a arbl Ua tie, an ay delay th a4lag to Cogra af tha preel deal's asss ag. wbleh. It waa l pMled, woald ba seat la at 1 e'elok today. Th Freeideal baa beea la aoafera thla moraiag with the leadlag navy afflelala. Miaaiaoa'a m aaa so a. Wabhimutom. D. ti. Jeay. a, t p. an. Trie rreiaeata aaiaaag waa aeal to Coagree at I o'etoek. He re views the evtdeae la lb Chilian matter, aad aay that be feele eoaa palled to etaad epoa the demaada af hi aol of th Slsl to Minister Egan. demanding reparatloa for th attack apon the eeamoa; the withdrawal af the Malta not, aad aa apology. Tb language meat be diaavwwed aa peb llely aa It was circa la teLoe the diplo matic relatioaa meat caeas. Egaa'a reeali w4II aol be oeaaldered aaUl three mature are disposed of. The Preeldeat, la stating the reaaona for maklag the demaaJe advieee Con gree to cob Arm aad a afore them. WATCHECtv MR Na lady la like! t withdraw br aaa4 wbaah has tks !... belagwaiebedU that klad aft way'lt yea tare aa Idea ihstltUs' liana for yea t watch aoeaeaodf, have aw Idea Cat It ta abeet Ve yon tebeetor aa with vlsli. Dalit ra away with tl mrtUy ttst'e . bet a elh la apprwertat. ,Alt aay ae( A haiJred La,lj' t lag may b mad I eerve, ywaf paryajaa )at aa walL V. l i' r parehaeeror aet,w will regard & vlUc the e-I portwalty 'I i yoa what we eaa ptaa at jwnr dlspoaeX Yaa wlllbepextk&llt' t ' b,-,tiMf .... f , ;. . - ' . LADIES WATCHES from tha ehaapeet poearate Uaa places the jsiy V.t . elaborately earvaddtaaaoadraby, aad aadphlre ecFrmrj -Then w hav th bandaoeaely engraved 4f me ; e Ladle Watcbeaat U; opea faee $10; aoUJ gold at I-) t . t W do not 'Veast wbaa w nay that we caa show t 00 ID lw h H W a, o o H W ' 3 55 K S ? - 2 a 9 g S i I v rl . sr. a o ; ; 1 1 ao h 2 r ; 5 8 2 2 S'-i p 8 H 2 a-;- B,riS.8?.v. e S. U W J M 4 so., t, ;4 :: I J This gifted and hautirul ac trees of wboea ao mach haa been aald and nttea darlug her annual tfoathern toar for eeveral year pas, will make flrat appearance In Cbarlotto on Tneeday evening neit, supported by a pre-emlaeatly powerfBl and capa ble eompaoy, Including aucb a tag aotablee as Edmund Collier, Louie Pomeroy, Arthur Klllot, Walter Ey- Unae.Mlldred Hall. Rolp Bell and Fred Wottle, all of whom stand high la the dramatic profeaaion and el ana ed among tha best people on the American stage. Mlaa Lewia la aa emotional acireea of the hlgbeet acbool, ranking with Clara Morns, Rhea, Davenport and other of not, aa lienor In "Credid Lorraine," ahe la credited with living one of the moot oringl ual aud powerful of Im peraonatlona, and haa made for h cr eel f an enduring reputation. The play deala with Incldenta In the hla- tory of French nuance Just previoua to th war with Pruaala. Leuora th baracrar pi yed by Mlaa Lew la, waa a famoua Parisian beauty and flgur ed nromlnantlv in the court of the emperor. Ot aiaaH at a Qlar PrWt. R. P. P. Alston, (colored) who haa been rector of HL Mlcliael'a Eple oopal church In this city sine the naatorat of Rv. a C. Quinn. ta to morrow to ba ordained prieet. The ordlnaUon aervie la to be conducted by Bishop Lyman, a o'clock Bishop Lyman will 6 avgalated on the on the fit or aiv of tha roahleut and rlsltlng clar- bt oi uie avuvoi'w vhwvw publlo will b mo jwHally wel bomed at th aanrtres. New and txJPttlar ahadea of Han- darian clotbaj aat th thing for an inexpensive even log drees.. Fieah atoik Towels, fringed or hem mod, damask and b uck. - Ji' . " W can' tastefully do your trble wltb damask and doilies, as wa carry A large line of eaeh v . 60doseQladla Handkerchiefs iiew- y opened iron ao up. An eiquisiio in Ina p( white embroidered ones. depi Inducements to r--;iina-in thla tTtvi - eoina special close broken numbers PAnet aala continues, reirardlesaof bad weather. Prteea ao low the dis interested"" are-, atlrred en the floor drosalng tabjact - - ItlankeU and winter stock general mark4 down. nemembec the Hosiery sale. i-4 iMM Tb Racket store will la a few day have on tbe etreeta one of tha pre-1 Watehe that aaa be foaad la aay aatablla nent la tha r ..... u.iit.i, v- un, If ya doat bells v It eome aad sea. I me wipia wum in uie movm m J. W. Wadeworth A Bon, of thla city, and la a complete novelty. Tbe front portion la made to repreeent th boiler and amokeaUck of an ng(aa, a eomfortabie aeat belag flied far th driver la the ateck. Tha wagon la a epleadld repreaentatlon a pal see ear, aad on each aeon "The Racket Railway In big letter. 1 he plan of eonstrnoUoa n very Buloiaad doe eredit bo the sTctohsnldesifnor, Mr. J. L. CKreas, wbo la In charge of Mr. Wadawortb'e manufacturing department. BOYiVE iEAD; e niearerue s . 9r , v 4 . . ... L e aa i n gv.J'.e.w e l aldeeabbe ( -,. ; - .. - cioriotto, it. o. . , . . Childrens Dress-Shoes. Attar Maay Daja. Forepauh'aelreaa waa in Char lotte on the 6th of I ajt Nevembr.' It came here from Bo a lb Carolina, and along with it came a lot of light fin gered chape, erdlaarlly known aa plckpocketa. Two ot them Were cap tured by oar eagle eyed polio and war promptly jailed. Tney were iden tilled aa the haea wbo had oper ated la Greenville, 8. C, and the pro ceedings for requisition paper were entered Into. It proved a dull place of business, and the pickpockete oonnael In due course of law, secured their release. This, morning, the requisition paper, only signed by Governor Holt, were received by the Chief of Polios, but there being; bo coupons to aerre them npon,' 4ha ohlef turned them overthe sheriff. Tb abarlff wrote a little kt of bllus Caesar on the back ot It and returned It to Gov. Holt. ' . k..ww iT- . eJ . Our sales ea Cblldreoa Shoes Is a bOrvri laenoa af the aaerila of la Shore we are gt t u oar eaatooMra. Our WILUAM8 A HOYTK Una arc tbe beat and moat aackct fiuiog shoes to be bad, Mag mad by the floral aboemak ers la the land, they bar all tbe style and artistic absps to be louad ia shoe leather. ' Their wearing qualities are equal to tbe beat. If you want a oka dress eboe far your child, with alt tbe wearing qualities possible, come and at na, ' We have them la all grades; Bpring beela. with or without patent tips. Good thick soia for winter. J if I Talwr-TaaTMiBlfi GRAY & BAKNHARDT. 19 EaA Tnde . Street,. CHAKL0T1 B, JT. ,C af rrueut attantioa given te all waflOWare., Many Peraons m Aiwa ftaa OTCTworfc or aiawnhnsir- Brown's Iron ItlUera Ketniidath kkfa diraUoa. raxreaezeaaioblv and cura. aiaiaria. Cat ta faauiaajS : , 5 5 h g w a h m S J B 'P H S U a a w w d m 2 to 2 B i 2 o s g a k p 5 I 2- 2 w-g I 2 g i- W T H B 8 I 8 w S 5 B a 5, a a 2 8 w g .a 1 1 -s 5 - P s '9 Inevar allow 0, W bar a nilfaasortiaent of Rubber QvenjLaad. 'Ndals.and 1 to ran short. '; Wb always shew thl beat iaakes, aell at the lowest prices conI ' goods," veto Ibot-bolds, and HgM Mkaat and kdiet .spring 'i.S Ught &d beavySrelght; Ladies and kbarn Aetc lined gum boot iiins. bo s, n 1 13 boobK afena ajtra long-sporting boots; Wbu feeding nicb goods r i v e l a Open every vtrdag UlS 0;'8atnrday UU ll.-oa ; " -" . ' iS' . . '"1 1 ? ') f to: ' .. 0 b, I ON &iG0, A Beautiful' Uirie: ; : R NJ J U RJE Continues to ba Offered UiePtibliciDy . - burqesb kfoHOLs,:;: TBI HOLIDAYS HAVE' G0NB? BUT PRICES. RTILL JlV.- MAIN CHEAP. ELEG sNT PARLOR SUITS, CHAM Fl !S SUrrS, HABINTBTS, HALL -CRAIK8 RACKS, mMij TABLES AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PLCSH liOCU ER9, BATTAN BOOKERS, Ac, . Call and sea . , BURGESS NIK i " :j Fori iifcfcT: ..,"V;- . "VIP' ("IT