CHARLOTTE ' NEWS. VOLUME VII. CHARLOTTE, N. O.. TUKSDA Y KVKNIXO. FKIIIUMIY L IHU2 TP iv)ia. CHAMOIS GLOVES. FED. a 1803. Uvea I ImIIi t h iU wi aa Ike ahadea. TkeaW ftOTM UHi a a liaea. mt tscy esylua aa are L fair. Trf a flr 4 fcaUUhw awl as. fWaMeaa laal fall lift I ) rpea. I, aa Wi delay. CHirniXH: At They go aalet are aa A gal a we CMfftMl MMIIt. TMe will ase lha Chlffaa aaejaewe rMIU blraestfroiai Nathlag trlaaa pre Ulf MfWM hewltehlaf a boa I the thrwsl at tha daialy eblfloae. We have last reealved a aew ehlpmeal aad a lovely om al XWU la Ua aba4a all wkftbe are her- aad all laa daia ly aeloaaew. DKaflr MUNCKK ara U have a great raa aad wa ara tw ehowlag UveJr staffs la laa aad embroider Ua. The Uvelleel patleraa ara aew aa alipuj. hi LK M V LLM eeee eaore at aftrla arrd la Wblte, Creasa. Ll. Waa, Wak. Cora. Bcerlet aad Black. Kll ty laches wide aad aalv Mete fWd. BAIU1AIN II AM Bl' BUS ara galea rear. Only yeeterday oae aaaiaaaer boaghl 1n0 yerda. Tbay ARK B A I Wl A 1 71 B la the reaeoa Vomr and a half yards for t&eta for rood a worth Bfcta yard. Daw .eatroiJenee Tocenona, mm TVs aalaaa a aaf ealsf welly I ara aa aWeU awagr alalaUag tfcesa. eeJre ay U f aalUAi lbs Car a I eie U al Usl a lb aaaae af r- aellet aa4 Ibal U La I raa ) la fcrwad al laaraaUaasv. Wr.taU- all aa ate Uf la UU eaeratagt tea a 4 aW a la at waaal ft- fatt TMlNaat a-aa aa WM whatever taal a a lh araaeall saat ia tfcrwtt will HaaJf U aw )et W 1 al a awaleg daily that Char Uu ha aa loaf aodil III, Nalaeooke aad aowapea aad ready. WhIU daode T. L Seigle & CO. 2o. vV. Trada al. IA.S H. Tryoo al ctiKRurrCk, n. a Gil N S 120,000 PAPERS Laodretb's Fresh Seeds Jl'HT RKCKIVKD. VOH BOTH WHOLKMAMC AND RRTAIK -Mr. H W. (iU,aaiba aadt M of la Araoar I'acalag CHBpaay la al Ua Ba(4 Mr. II. V. Uraarw a vary popatar Iravaiiaf aaaa U al la Oalrai. Tha f ardaaora ara fcwaily al tk lylafto r4 aoaoilila4 fo ftbava fro ad for oao of tha alg fro laal will U aUof Ibia aad aaii aooaUi, to work oa. Mr W. (). H4ota aa aooa ap- folaiod I'harloiia afaal for lb MoekUalrf oaaly alllaao da prlaaal of I Ha Hallatxtry Watrh- laa. Tbo rUUlfti n.rrhaaU aad Wok eoaaiy farmar hold a aaooi mg yaatarday, aad adapted raonla- Uoaalo plaat al looal 9par eaal Uh aottoa Ibla yoar lhaa U.L If. Kdward Hilil. a mrgtim al Uobod to lha I'allod HUtoa laar BaJUatoro, arrlvod la lha clly laal alfbL II tall aol atorUlBlB(ly af hU iorlBcoo la lha harUir of Valparaiso. Th pratty waalhar I balog lakaa adraaUffaof by tha farmaro aad thay ara ploablcg froaa aaa rlao to dark. Drlvlaf aloof lha ooaaty rnada oaa eaa aoa 4oaf ht folof la al moat arary tald. Taa aoaaly ooMtaalaaloaara hava ordarad lha roaa work oa lha York- tllla road l aaaiUodad im yard, aa aa to aovar a portion of alino.t I m- paaaabla road. Tha advartlaamant la yaaurday'a Nrwi of tb woodarfal a, had tha doalrad ffoet. Tha whaalod plat form waa wlUidrawn from lha drool aad paopl anoara brtao tbay ao loorar bavo tba ehaao to bo f nllod. Tha long i par lad lalaod claaa wladowa for lha oaw Tryon alraat Malhodlai ebarch hav arrived, aad work was roaa mod oa tha bulldlof thls moralDf. Tha windows aro bolna; polls and wh.o that I dona, lha choreh will bo spaodily roru-platod. Tut Nbwh wa favortnl yontrr- day aftaraooo with a call from Mr. Al Kalrbrolbar, d I tor of lha Durham (Mob. II waa a plaanr to ruak bla acquaintance fad wa hope ba will not forrat h a promlaa that Tiik Nkwh offlo shall honoaforth not bo (ilobe-la Tba yoana; ladlaa of Concord will viva a racaplloa at lha HU Cloud Hotal oa nail Friday avanins;, from H to 12. Arranramants hava boon mada to Insure a moat enjoyable and delightful evening. Tha supper will ba a prominent leatnre, and oysters. salads, cake, loe cream, fruits, and confectlonariea will he served In xu- perb style. tv taa rwSfaa W .i i 4 . ts S i am a4a sa tr a mmmat sua m r . Tha Hoard af lUraaU af (he Praa bylariaa Orpbaaa llaaaa, asel al lha Coatral Haul thla aftaraooa. Tha BAoaUag waa aallod to bear lha re port of t'ol. Joha U lire a a aad Rav If. J. Rcaaple, ho war racaall r appolatod a oaaaiultlao to visit lha Thorawell Orpbaaaa aad Inapocl lha balldlaf wllh lha view of adopt log a balldlag sal labia for the or pbaaag al Barlaat Hprlag. CoL Brows aad Ir. Ham pi a toaad thai tha MKWmack eoiuga was last tha tolas aaaNlatl. It Is a three atory boasa, of aa laspoalag arabltortarai daslro. wllh 11 rooana, aiclael v of a dlalag room oa lha first door, aad a arbool room on tba aoeoad floor. Tba Oral and eacood eWle will ba af brick, lha third story shingled la Kaglish atjrla. Tha cost of the balldlag will ba a boa I i :,MU Tba lUgeaU adopt ad this plan and hv ait fall lha or pbaaa will be In their new home. BaJIwst trmrn (ieneral M anagar John ('. Winder, yeatorday laeaed aa order makloa Uia followlag oromotioas to Uka af fact March 1st: Mr.Joba M. Hber- wood traaaurer of the Ueorgla, Caro lina A Northern railway, wllh office at Athens, (la; Mr. Utorr K. Han- tar to the poellion In the trass a ry de partment of the Raleigh A Uaslon, lUlelgb A Aagnsta Air-Line and Darbaai A Northern railways, made vacant by the promotion of Mr.Hher wood, with office at Ralalgn; Mr. N T.Cobb auditor of lha Raleigh A UsstoB, Raleigh A AngosU Air-Una and Durham A Northern railways. with office at Raleigh, vice Mr. Hun ter promoted. The taaasial prl 1-aa flaJasad the tlksUosof lha Ufdaf aidwaaaa yaatasday aVsrawa. ead a a rell aa dar waa paa0 l'sl the laaie ba ao4iBad thai Ids rllf bad aa aaaasy with wblcb U yJ Ibair sal artea. Taa r tuaJ t ( the mWm aad lha eoaaasai vitttdraaal of Iba II1AU llrsaaa US ahlcb bad already ba prwidad for la lha ( bill, IS raepoaelaia for It It aUa. Mayor Brevard read U ihs board a carrfally prepared SlaUausbl of the fl.tMIl' aitaalioa of Iba ally la ahlch bees, plalead Ibal whsa Ihs eouisalltaa oa flasara east ls May, Ibay asad thalr eUaala aad levied lha las, aa a aaaiur of coaraa ralealaUag ( a II1.TWI 40 retail llraBaa la I. To aua II msw. Itisy ware felly Jaetlflsd In ee doing. The saaae geallaaaaa sis aarvleg on lha bard of coanl v ra- ailaaiooare shu had greeted liraose to a aas)orNy of tha lata appllranls as eo year aa;, and oif fommll laa bad oo Intimation thai any of these ceellsouea bad iriorrJ chat g of ailod or heart. Ks laslnf their rairalstions upon thrsa facts, tbay peeled U have on hand and daaoalaill.l w han thry oil aarly la Janaary, fr tnouilis tfr the od of Ids fiscal )rar. la rouml nun)- bars hriaseo 12,0 11 aud f.Vnti la prlvad, howsvrr, of this sourr? of ravsnoa, after ec-Uliif aside iii.tiry voted for Hie enilfllii ir tlis nrw city hall, wa have Ml fr all pai hm e not 0 or J,i.i lul lliwn I MAO and II ouala liKTI per D).ntli U run ttr city government, and II was a ijues. lion of alopplog street work, suspend ing th police force SIM I other nwi- eary adjuncts to therlty government or of rloaiog the echnols. Afler the altaation was reviewed, a motion made by alderman (iraham that the teachers of the graded school tm no. HQed that there was no tnmiey In the treasury to pay their salaries. was carried. The news of thla action of (he board created a considerable actua tion about town, anil ha leeti the eubjecl of talk in the home and on the street TL. te. aieeea 4 Mr ftl.kar Mewi aur la Ur. beasabesd bslJesi. se4 eaa lag eeawchlae. a tats Mxrie4 laetv aeade t Jy ealtsf Mr Mewled aaesgaaaaal was iUJ si ibe swart bse al a atseak Ual eitk Me. ftaraM ( IsJieea Ul the arsis-a ea. Ul. Mm llaUtllae are eni.laa fia-MWea f li.4 aad Mr. 4 lefkeoa slate thai l aeaeil wlllaas-aal fa'ly to llTjtfU Mr. Moore tMliSl bis saure atoak sd Burwell Dunn WAOLEHALE AND PKTAII. Druggists. New AavarllsiHeatsTs-hr. Ulovea lound. Wanted 'II." A V and A M tonight. IliBMMuUon ol partnervhip. Dnuqrislo 1 Keee.t (V Manure for sale T J Davis. Hrick for sale J P Hunter. The Itarrel J as Harrison A Co. Chamois eloves T L tViele A I Vi. School books- ftldina l.iok Wore. Onrra House "Tern's Vacation. ' Mechanica IVmetaal It I. Amociiiioii . WiUkowsky, Ini.lent They Kelssa a Tws to a Tasaljr. Yesterday's Salisbury Herald says: Two wen, one of them white and the other colored, claimlug to be from Charlotte, were arrested here Htnr- day night by policeman Pool, for trying to pass a two dollar bill which Ciey had raised to twenty. They at tempted to spend the money at tha store of W. H. Nicholas, colored, bnt noticing aomethlng wrong with the bill Mr. Tool was called in and on eiamlnatlon found that it had been doctored with. He immediately ar rested the men calling Mr. J.M. Dry to his assistance. The negro then said lie must have something to eat and began ecufiling. H v some means he gave Mr. Tool a twist and threw him down, at the same time breaking loose from Mr. Dry. Both men then ran down the alley and made their escape, leaving the two dollar hill in Ml. Pool's charge. We learn the white man's name ia Hmlth and that he halls from near Davidson College. The negro Is from High Point. TVs Im. Tear Halt. The leap year ball, given by the ladies of Charlotte at the Huforcl Hotel last night, wa beyond any question, the most elrtraut affair of that kind tint has Iwu known in Charlotte, no previnu occasion ex cepted. It was the most l.trvrly at tended ball of any held in tlii c i t y since the 20th May ball of 1. at tin Central Hotel. The wind up tlul not occur until two o'clock and tifu-.-n minutes, and as they went lime from the lull, the participant-! felt morally certain that they had never attended a more delightfully mrof ful aflalr. wli aad peraoael ppiy, terv lag oaly Ibe sisatpUoai etlawsd by law. C.oUlits pasbed bias, t-.e aswaaU to si aaytbleg Ilk fairly god elleMa. bac bl easJf Of ( lflo4ts's proaoal furva of asafctisni. fsa hava aoaa la buslaaas a l-ir lime laaa Mr. Moors. aad bis rerear bs twa oa of aaflagflag a- if aad noarsi mmattv II out only ba the sympathy af oar plo bat lb hop af H Ibal I. Ill aooa ba apoa hi f4 acala. aad a betlsr hap thaa ever. la Mr. Mora' aaaJgamaat, lb honts cfodl tor hav the prvfafsaca. Uf this elaa lb Marrbaal A Kernier Haak Is preferred for notee. a US la trrosL. of IT 'A, AKA ll ITi.lbs 1st Nalioaal Hsok Mr. Moor so- earra thuaa who hU aole aad a coaat agalasl hint as follows Dr J II McAdao II.M. K W H.rr,l,lll 11, A A lia.lon rs. J D Palmer lltit, W I. t'ocbran T"; Wm Tfa loar l(ii. ItJHr.Tirtl n, HsrUl Clarlson I '; J I. brothers f.i. A Herrvhlll IT : KHKlnchfll; Wm Htraof I.); Hammond A J u sties Ito.llmanA Co.lJJl. M A Bland I.-', tillrealh A Co , Mrs Ksllls Vstr III'.; lUthuos A Wblla IT; Mr M A (sborna l3; Pbarr A ImgliS; Kaufman A Co , 1', ; KM Andrew II: C Moor l4; dray A Harohardl IH. J I. Davis; J a A Caraonlr0; Thoa W rpark I'hlla , 1131; Keen A Hararty. Hallo, law. Lyon CookllngA Co,3); Watkina. Collrall A Co.. Richmond l-. TL Kelgle A Co,, f jr; Jone A (Inhim 11V Thr is a loor list of credlor other than of th class above named, among Ihoee holding Ibe largeat claims heiojr the Richmond rUove Co., $I;I0; Wheeler Wllaon Man ufacturing Co,. ! ; Hopple Hard ware Co., K)0. Mr. (Markaon's estimate of the val ue of Mr. Moore's stock is $UUM, snd In addition to this ha holds notes and accounts to the amount of seven or elf(h( thousand dollars. 1 J FAIR SEE. Noas af the t.ssosi NevallJ bafla l" coin pars wllh oar f IllUrtag af . s ray of t'AUD HAHKH. How popalar Ihey ar I IJard by th daiaa4 far lhaa. ll baa booa taadllr larrvasiaa- aad II ba aol raacfd a allaaal yC It yoe ara oat of lha fashion, you ara virtually eal of the world a4 the world asvar yet boasted of anything- dalolier or mors fashloa tbla lhaa our NKCKLACF-K Thsy are ao eialsiu ia drsijn and o prfct la lak oratioa thai aotblng but an aacandllionai sarrsadsr is lo ordsr wbe yoa see them. If yoa want to look at something more thaa aaaally latnpUag come aoJ glance al our In of DIAMOND HI Nli.H. Kull stuck ; fair prlcwa, iaallty gaaraotaad. BOYJN e & L BADGER le eading Jewe Charlotte, N O. rs, Shoe Brushes and Blacking. I:-: I I :-: I Taa Waalhar. The following is a svnop-'i-' of the weather prevailing at s a m . t .Uy The same settled comlltiii "till oh tain over Ibis section with t ntni(ie1 slowly rlsloir temperature. North of Virginia, however, the temperatures have diminished 5 to 10 .levees, and a low barometer hangsover the lakes A high barometer hangs over the west, where also temperature- have fallen. Conditions at present, how ever, show uo slgna of an immediate let up In the settled conditions which now prevails. Wi'sons Crystal Wafcrs. fresh and criK at OUR SHOES HA VK A W'Al.K-OVKR. For downright, positive cheapness you wil 11 nd It not difficult, but impossible to match the shoes we are selling; Oar artist's private opinion Is that they have a walk-over; Well, he might easily ba much further front the truth; Don't take our word for it, investigate the matter for yourself, A small margin on a continuous customer, knocks out a big mar gin on a single sale every time. That ia why wa art Klllog our shoes at a flgnre which no aIKm Amar Kaa ever dared to Quote, and thai ia why prudent purchasers ara, prompt pur-1 . A.E.RANKINABRO. Wye ths Charcoal Lozenges, 10 grains each In bulk. Hpencers Chloramlne Pas tiles 2&oa bottle. Wyeths Compound Sulphur 1e.u- ges, lor nauttuai constipation. Wlstars Iior.etigea for Coughs and i otas in duik. Licorice Lorenges In balk. I Bulphar and Cream of Tartar Loxan- ges in duik. Wyeths Pepsin, Bismuth and Ginger jjOenge-iti ovik. Cocaine and Cubebs Compound Los- ; enges. Compressed Voice Tablets ,25c ft bottle. Wyaths Bentolo Acid Lor.eues with uurrent raste A. R REESE & CO. a w o 'A W 'A O k a. o a: a. H 'A i" 33 H O J cc a 'A h o 35 w a X' if X x 'A O w H A aa H T3 a M 00 a o o o MS aaa -W S a fc tr, ?5 BARE FACTS One lot ladies Muslin Garment. with hoi, I fast seams neatlv lace trimmed. The ladies are all busy nrenarins for sum mer and vou might be benelitted tv looking into onr well sUx-keil doniestio iletwrtnieut. it inbuilt of all the best brands of Cambric. Twills, aiurplain lHntestica. Sheeune and Pillow Otsinir. U. ! 4, KM. linen or cotton. New lot ToweU. Odd ends of Table Damask hnrpii tis. About 25 pair handsome lace Curtains, broken lots, well worth considering. Kxtra Super Carpetine worth S.V now tile: others proportionaU-ly low. Great Embroidery and While (i.v,ls is- L tribution continues; All widths, prices and qualities; I leave of Torchon Lace; if we would name the price it would tickle the earth. Aa Ola Metre ttsrara la a Cool. Aii old negro man named Ransom Ilohiiison. vt burned up In a cabin on the farm f Mr. H I). Alexander in Providence township, last Sunday morning, at daylight He was left alone iu the house by his wife Satur day night. Hlie went otT to spend the ulkrht with a neighbor. Sunday morning the house was found iu a lies. Only a few charred bone of the old mans' body could le fouud In the embers. Toarl at Taerora. The Superior court at Concord to day Is engaged I u hearing the cele brated land cate f J. Burleaon vs. A. M. Wllhelm. The amount of land involved is only one half of an acre. yet the coats have already reached t.vto Msrrlsc Ta-Mnrrow. Miss Janle (Jifford.of Charlotte, is to be married to-morrow to Major Heartt.of Steel Creek township. Children Cry for Pitcher's gastoria. c S3 e X o o w o o c n H H O 5 H " O S V, M 'A N i 5 W X Shoes la oar tuslnesa, but we carry at all times a fnll line of Blackinf Bruahes, Daubers, and Polishers; Our traveling set Is the nicest thing for Uavellng people to t found A good II rush and a box of Blacking nicely packed In a small wood box ao aa to be carried In a grip. Also a fall Una of Blacking, inolading the c. lebraled T M., the best on the market. Our Pat ent Leather Polish Is superior to all others; it is warranted to r eater a tha gloaa to an old pair of patent leathej Shoe. For ladiea we carry three stan dard brands of Shoe Dressing: Haven (Hoes, (lilt Kdge and Olycerole at 2k Also a good dressing at 10c per bottle. Iadlea aud (fentlemens Cver-tialtera. A new lot just received. Klow black cloth at $Il We have a nice lot of different colors at $1,60. Coma and make your selection while the stock is fresh ; We hav soma elegant shades to show you. GRAY it jsAIlNIIAltDT. 19 East Trade Street, CHARLO'fhii N. C r Prompt attention given to all Mail Order. DRESS SHOES. . Gentlemen's Patent Leather Hhoes in great variety ; suitable for bual ness or dress. All the leading styles at popular prices. These goods ara all made to our order; only the best Freuch stock used. Ladies Patent Leather Boots, black French cloth lops. This is tba handsomest dress Shoo in the market and every one should make a point to we them. Whitmore's Pasta Polish for Patent Leather, price 2ic. T. L. ALEXANDER, S H O r; s e-v x X a a o 'A 3 O W X X ON & CO. QILREATH Open arery evening U11J8:00; Saturday till 11 .OU (Mr aa a call & OO. A Beautiful Line FUR nTt U R Continues to be Offered the Ptiblieaby BURQESS NIOHOL S.U E TUB HOLIDAYS IIAVE GONE BUT PIUCF.H STILL F. MAIN CHEAP. BLKQvNT PARIX)K SUITS. CHAMKKK SUITS, i ABINET8, TAB1.K8 AND DIN KKS, RATTAN ROCKKRB, 4c Call and see INET8, HALL (THAI KM AND RACKS. DIfKO TAB1.K8 AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE. PLUSH KOCK. ' .t v--x ww wa s m . . . 7" R. S Sloan - - - Mr-; Deiler; UNDERTAKER. Night eall. B0Bt j No. 8, Brrn buildlnf, iVvr Ilogaia AOo.l I "

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