STATE m RETUiRiNiED MISSIONARIES. Mr and Mrs. Dixon B. Penick, of Austin Tex., are viosmnig an jwumy piver this week. Our people gladly welcome the re turn of these missionjarleis' trom me Southwest. Mr. iBenick talks most in terestingly of Texas, and has ttoe piic ture of the beautiful JEilghlanid church der the ministry of Rev. Southall. .This church is the outgrowth of a Suinlay school Mrs. Penick organized, and from this church amotheT mission school is growing in- to a church. Rjotoky River suffered a serious loss when Mr. and Mrs. Penick went to Texas, and we rejoice to kniow their work in Austin has been Iblesssed. Their son, 'Mr. Dan Penick, ;has lately been elected Professor in Austin Col lege Their daughter, Miss Rosa Pe nick, who 'has if or several years taught with marked success in the Blind Asy lum at Austin' is in feeble health and is siimtmerinig ait Asheville N. C. STILL MORE SPLENIC FEVER Another herd of cattle sick with spteniic fever has ibeen reported to the Agricultural Department. On the plantation of Mr. R H Battle, near Method, Jvir. a.. t Morgan, a tenant, 3ias seyeral sick cows. It is expected that some of them will die. Dr. Curtice the State veterinarian, will go out there this week and render what assistance he can toward check ing the disease, or preventing its fur ther spread.! This (makes the fourth herd that is now being destroyed in this county by this disease. It is also reported that there is a fifth herd dying from it near Wakefield, but the report is not confinmed. Dr. Curtice jnas recently returned from Saxa paw, in Alamance county, where he went to examine Dr. Long's herd. He reports eight of his ctotws as already dead, ad eight others seriousljw sick. He will probably lose his entire herd. Raleigh News A HOMICIDE IN CLEVELAND. At Double Shoals in this county last week occcurred an altercation between two men !by tthe name of Lane and Tony, which resulted in the killing of Lane. It appears from the facts that we gather, that there -was an old feud between the mem. - Ijame. was uisan'g knucks on the head of Tony, and Tony becoming tired of the flight made off to get out of the -way and Lane lollaw--ed him pounding ihiim with the knucks. As he ran Tony threw his hand back at Lane and the small kniife he held in Ms hand struck iLane In tlhe neck, cut ting the jugular vein from which Lane dted. King's Mioiunitain Reformer. KILLED OEIEIt INFAiNT Last Monday night Dr. R. W. "Wloo ten coroner, was notified that the dead body. She gave bond for her appear- in a ditch on Sheriff Wiooten's fairm. Dr. Wooten had a coroners jurry sum moned, and on Tuesday morning held an inquest, resulting . an , the arrest of Eliza Parker, collared, who plead guilty to the charge of, conceailinig the dead body. She gave bonkl for her apepar ance at the next term of superior court. Kistom 'Free 'Press. BOOTIRLAGKS RAISE PRICES. Ed. Petty, Pressiey Smith, Andrew Strudwick. Jim Scott and Richard Scott colored bootblacks, nave paid their license fee of $5 each, and have put the professional prices at 10 cents per polish for rtan or patent leather, and 5 cents for black (leather sihoes. Each of the licensed gootiblacks has beeen supplied with a numerical padge. been supplied with a numbered badge. Asheville Citizen. A GOLDEN DREAM A tenant on one, of Sheriff Black welder's farms in the' lower part of the county, the other day picked up a Piece of gold worth $6. The sheriiff had Jbeen dreaming of gold on that place for several nights before he heard of the find All sorts of figures are flit ting through his head. 'Newton En terprise. TANK AT MONROE. A 35,000 gallon tank is 'being put in at the turntable below the depot says the Journal.. As soon as it is complet ed Capt. T. .B. Willis, will take charge of the pumping apparatus at the ar tesian wells Pipes will be laid to the tank and Capt. Willis will thus fur nish water for the railroad and for the town at the same time. The building committe of the Meth odist church at Monroe have decided to Put $10,000 in the building proper without seating, lighting etc. Archi tects are now at work on plans which the committee will receive on the 12th, says the Journal. ' 1 ; ; : DYSPEPS I ou rw,fe suffered for many years from Ker nd iyspepsia sick Headache. Sleeplessness hila&vu us Debility." - writes John Kelloes, oumtr phla- "We fried many physicians and FSrT,emedies.butwith no results, until I U bo Jhnson's Dyspepsia Cure. We bough Ptxtatin,?; a o Jhe results far surpassed our ex eainir..; She now eats and sleeps well. i fee ve?&m flesh and ber color, which had eoito e VeVi.Wan.J sickly. is now as fresh as when ton's DvIRt ."-ied.and I teWr&r that John yon?er!P PSla Cure has made tea yeara UfeBOX 10 CENTS. TABLETS) 1 JOHNSON LABORATORIES. Inc.. Phil. JORDAN ft CO. ,J WORILD'S lOHACMPlON (HUNTER 'POI9SUM- f Ool. eGonge Redfearn, the, champion possum hunter of Union county, says that so far no one has come over his record of 2,500 of the varmints in ten years, hut that he has heard of a man whose record is worthy of mention. It as Mr. IL H. Eason, who last season caught 218 'poissums, and the season before 217. Ail these were caught dur ing the day, and without dogs, Mr. Eason never usin these useful aids in the chase. The colonel says he is al most ready to yield .the laurels to Mr. Bason, as the latter has in one respect ine Dest record in the county, to-wit: One day he started to town- to pay his taxes, but forgot to bring any money along. Discovering this fact while on the way, he struck out through the woods hunting 'possums. On reaching town he had caught enough to sell for enough money to pay his taxes. This he did, and soon rendered unto Caesar his tributes and put out for home. Moniroe Journal . WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH IN RANDOLPH. The wife of Mr. B. I. Sheets, of Riley's Store, Randolph county, hap pened to a terrible accident. The Lex ington Dispatch says she had gone in her smoke-house carrying a lamp with her and whether it was broken or ex ploded is not known. Her son who was in the house and her husband who was at his machine shop some two hundred yards away heard her scream and when the son reached her she was enveloped in flames, they seeming to rise some eight or ten feet above her head. He tried with his bare hands to tear away her burning clothing and put out the flames, and at the same time asking a servant to bring 'him a quilt, but the woman was so frighten ed that she failed to do his bidding, and he relased his mother and ran for it himself. By that time the husband had reached her and she sank at his feet with almost every vestage of her clothing burned off her. She lived for several days, suffering agonies in those few hours. She was burned almost all over her body, except her face, which by a miracle escaped. PRISONER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. James Pear sail, one of the negroes in jail awaiting trial for complicity in the stealing of a large brass pump from the Atlantic Coast Line, yester day morning attempted suicide by tax ing with bis .breakfast a quantity of powdered glass, which he procured in some way from the corridor of the jail. Fortunately for tlhe negro, however, Jailer Millis discovered tbe attempt in time to save his life and took the glass from him. In his cell was also found a quantity of glass partially powdered. This also was taken from him. Mr. Mil lis says on several other occasions similar attempts at suicide have been made by Pearsall, but by watching him closely he has thwarted his plans. Pearsall is also said to have begged persistently some of his fellow prison ers to secure for him some of the car bolic acid used for disinfecting purpos es about the premises. Wilmington Star. UNREGISTERED FOR TWENTY YEARS. Two deeds to land, were offered here for registration last week that had been issued over 25 years ago. They could not be registered. The grantor of ) on rf the iiPMia is dpsiiii fmn tlift sn.n- one of the deeds is dead and the sub scribing witness is also dead, having committed suicide by the use of a ta ble fork. The other could not be regis tered on1 account of the clerk of court of Davidson county having failed to put his seal on same and the where abouts of the then clerk is not known to the holder of the deed. This illus trates that such business should be at tended to promptly. Mocksville Times. JOYNER'S CONFESSION. We learn that Mr. T. L. Turnage, of Dongola, Pitt county, has received a letter from Elijah Joyher, now in jail for the murder of Mr. Turnlage's ne phew and the burning of bis store, saying that Cephas Xangley, also in Raleigh jail charged with the same crime, bad nothing to do with the murder. Joyner says he desires to tell the truth about the matter, and no one except himself had any connection with the crime. -Kinston Free Press. "The fertilizer dealers have bad large sales this year amd a considerable ryer cent, f the farmers paid cash for every bag." Says thesihrd taoi toiao every bag," says the Mt, Airy News. . Up to the time Admiral Dewey left Manila 12,000 .babies had been named after him, and no returns have been received since, Wilmington Star. NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimpies, oiotcn es skin eruptions anu a wrtjicueu nnmnlexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stom ach, liver and kidneys anu to puriry Mia hlodd. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It win mane a ing, charming woman of a run-down invalid. vOnly 50 cents at Burwell & Dunn-s&fttm Store. ;:: y 5 - ' : ir -iPftftSirvel uoe GTtt PROGRAMME Of State Press Association to be Held at Wrights ville Beach. Wednesday, July 12. Morning session 9:30 o'clock. The convention will be called to order by the president, Mr. W. C. Dowd, of the Oharlotte News. Prayer by Rev. T. Ivey D. D of the Raleigh Christian Advocate. Roll call by secretary; report of executive committee; president's address; ap pointing committees and miscellaneous business. Afternoon session, 9:30 o'clock: Reading of 'historian's paper by Mr. Chas. L. Abernethy, of the Bufort Her ald. Essay "How to Build Up the Circu lation of a Weekly Paper," Mr. A. S. Carrson, of the Sparta Star. , Miscellaneous jbusiness, motions, resolutions, etc. Night session, 9:30 o clock. Annual oration by Mr. Chas. P. Sapp, of the Raleigh News and Observer. Reading of annual poem by Mr. W. W. Bays, Jr., of the Charlotte Church and State. Thursday, July 13, morning session, 9 o'clock. Essay How Can I Increase the Circulation of My Paper, Mr. J. B. Whittaker, of the Winston Sentinel. Alternate, Mr.. A. J. Maxwell, of the Rockingham Anglo-Saxon. Essay How Can I Increase the Ad vertising Patronage of My Paper? Mr. Thad R. Manning, of the Henderson Gold Leaf. Alternate, Mr. R. J. Oliver, of the Reidsville Review. .Essay Newspapers and Trusts, Mr. Josephus Daniels, of the Raleigh News and Observer. Alternate, Mr. H. A. London, of the Pittsboro Record. Essay Is the Newspaper Business Profitable in North Carolina, and If Not, Why Not? Mr. W. F. Marshall, of the Gastonia Gazette. Alternate, Mr. W. b. Herbert, of the Kinston Free Press. Discussions ou the above papers will fallow. Special order, 11 o'clock, election of officers. Afternoon session, 3 o'clock. Discus sions on suggestions in President's Message. Motion, resolutions, etc. On Thursday evening- a reception will be tendered the members of the Association by the Sedgely Hall Club. ONE DOLLAR IN HAND. When we opened our mail this morn ing, among the letters we found one containing a dollar for the Herrman parK iuna, wnicn tne Argus is so strongly urging the people to raise. To our unknown, public-spirited citizen we desire to return thanks, not only for the gift, hut for the spirit. Which prompted the gift. Oreensboro Argus. THE ORPHANS' PICNIC. The Old North State Band will play for the orphans' picnic at Mooresville July 27th. This picnic is for the benefit of Barium Springs Orphans' Home. THE ILLS OF WOMEN And How Mrs. Pinkham Overcome Them. Help! Mrs. Mary Bollinger, 1501 Marianna St., Chicago, 111., to Mrs. Pinkham: "Ihave been troubled for the past two years with falling of the womb, leucorrhoea, pains over my body, sick headaches, backache, nervousness and weakness. I tried doctors and varioua without relief. After taking . . s two botties of your vegetable Com pound, tbe relief I obtained was tralj wonderful. I have now taken several more bottles of your famous medicine. and can say that I am entirely cured. Mrs. Henby Dorr, No. 806 Findley St., Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham-: For a long time I suffered with chronic inflammation of the womb. 1 pain in abdomen and bearing-down feeling. Was very nervous at times, and o weak I was hardly able to do any thing. Was subject to headaches, also troubled with leucorrhoea. After doc lorimr for many mouths with different physicians, and getting no relief, I had given up all hope of being weli gain when I read of the great goo? Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was doing. I decided iznznedi &terr xo rive it a trial. The result wax dimply past belief.' After taking fou: bottles of Vegetable Compound and ttsing three packages of iSa.utive Wasb I can say I feel like a new woman. 1 deem it my duty to announce the f aci to my fellow sufferers that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable remedies have entirely cHired me -of all my pains anc suffering. I have her alone to than! for my recovery, for which I am grate ful. May heaven bless her for th good work she is doing for our sex. C9 N. G. BUTT (S CO. Insurance - - f - HJndcr Central Motel. - . i Headquarters wui uute note that we carry I stock an elegant line of BailderT Hardware. We can please the bo fastidious and the most econoziicr We sell the prettiest, most stylish as best quality for the money. It will par fou to look oyer our coods. A Hardware Co, :: THE :: COMMERCIAL NATIONAL df- t' Capital $ 1 75, 000. Surplus $2 J0t000. Charlotte. N. C. March 17, SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TOR RENT. We have just received our large safe containing 100 deposit boxes which we are prepared to rent at prices which will be an inducement to any one who needs such security. We have four sizes which will rent for $3, $5, $7.50 and $10 per antinm. The safe is placed in the front of the bank so as to be convenient of access. Capitalists, merchants, manufacturers, corporations of all kinds and ladles are solicited to rent these boxes. You are respectfully invited to call and see the safe, whether you want a box or not. Yours truly, A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. The Bargain Store 211 North Tryon St. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, 10 TO 2 ONLY. FROM Large size slop jars 98c. 50c. style water bottles 28c Trilby polish and paste 10c. Gas chimneys 7c. 25c. cuspidores 15c 50c. value fancy shape cups and . saucers to close out 35c 50c fine glass 1-2 gallon pitchers, to close out 27c Special bargain in English porce lain tin plates 5c Also 5-inch plates 4c. 1 12-piece fine Dec. Toilet Set. was $10.50 $8.50 NO UNSIGHTLY ASH HEAPS If YOU U5E iAsroiruEL TThen you bays a sas range thr mo unpleasant details after cooKini inch as Mhes to remove or dirt to elea& When yon are through turn off tb Cjls and that Is all there is to It. Qas Stores, In stantanocna Wtt Heaters and all Gas appliances cold ct eo9t by Charlotte (Sao Light Co, SUN HEADACHE. Many persons cannot go to chnrc or an entertainment, even out walking or riding or a short journey on tbe cars without incurring the worst kind of headache. It's because of defectir vision. The heat and glare of the sua still further strain the overworked eyes make them smart, and burn and ache. We'll fit your eyes with the prop er glasses to perfect them and reliere the strain. f 111 - y . m i i ii i i ii ii an a- Consultation Free. Southern Optical Co, S. R. PECK, Mgr. JUST OUT OP A BANDBOX is how the man looksthat has his Hrr- laundered here. It keeps stiff, clean ss3 comfortable looking longer when do&9 up by our perfect methods than by crs? other yet discovered. No fray to acracC you in hot weather, but smooth perfect finish and faultless color shirts collars and cuffs. Agents wanted in every town In ttz State. Correspondence solicited. . vlodel Steam Laundry HOLLADAY ft CAVI2, 'Phone 1C& a- MiLi'v'i.Al'i'i:. 'io-i- The Only Pebble on ttxo Beach w don't claim our coal to be; tboca nay be others, but you will nerer CzT iuy coal that will glyt you more czza ine satisfaction for cooking or bitfcE3f Jkn. our high grade well-8cv'fifracj Xellco CoaL Ton can't beat it, and ront want to try when you hare C2JZ3 Meted it. It is the best coal on tfe& auurket today. Standard Ice and fuel Co. A. J. HAYGOOD. M&naeec, BOTH PHONES 71. i Outing Shirts, Flannels, etc., wbicli may shrink if not very carefully treat ed are washed and finished by the? Charlotte Steam Laundry in a manner which makes shrinkage impossible. The goods are returned full size an& delightfully soft. The starched work is an object of special pride. Its exquisite finish is the admiration of all our patrons. On place is always open for visitors and you are cordially invited to visit at anjj time. A pleasure to snow you through. ChariotteSteamLanndii Phones 47 219 S. Tryon Reliable agents wanted. every where. My stock of Merchant goods is now complete. I offer you t&3 largest and best selected asaortrwnt select from in the State. IgTDj the most stylish cut, best fitting crft best made garments ever produced ta. Charlotte. , J. S. Phillips MERCH ANT TAILOR 18 South Tryon Street. IN DILtfOBTH Spring 1899.- Teslkwfca BUY HOME ' .- ...... - , , . .. . : . , WITH RENT QODEY. aBT'S (BIN ood-BBCnttt

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