12 CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 23. 1902.. I A 15he Higher Life vS3C9l ';let something good be said, j When over the fair fame of friend or foe ; The shadow of disgrace shall fall; instead Pf words of 'blame, or proof of thus and so, - f j Let something good be said. . Forget not that no fellow-being yet May fall so low but love may lift his head; Even the cheek of shame with tears is wet i If something good be said. tfo generous heart may vainly turn aside In ways of sympathy; no soul so dead put may awaken strong and glorified If something good be said. 'And so I charge ye by the thorny crown : And by the. cross on which the Sa vior bled, And by your own soul's hope of fair renown. , Let something good be said. James Whitcomb Riley. Religious Thought. The Rt. Rev. J. L. Spaldtng, Bishop of Peoria, 111. One cannot think of ajiy phase of life without carrying it forward to religious thought. Not to be religious is not to be conscious of knowledge. ABSENT-MINDED FOLKS ASK your dealer for Jordan's "Old Glory" Boil er compound and Zero" Grease, The Jordan Supply Co., 125 South St. Baltimore Mi. (Continued From Page Nine.) WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Mrs. Williams. Leading Specialist in Femala m it . i t j a inp- ilrmcr ji miip- etrodt wfitn nn turn- Aruuuies, nas Drougntnaypiuesa w tuuusauus u ing aion& a quiet street when, on turn- anXi0us women; have never had a single failure; ing a corner, he came upon his friend, cases relieved at any stage within 48 hours or no rjr 1' cnargc wnatever; no pain, no aanger, no mxer It v;3.a warm day, and Dr. To Extend, Tli9 Rev. Dr. Wyli, Presbyterian, New York. This country is bound ?n to extend the kingdom of Jesus Christ, both in its own borders and throughout the world. Essential Christ. The Rev. E. E. Crawford, St. Thomas, Ontario. The fact that the life of Christ in spires me is the greatest proof of the essential Christ. All Confidence. The Rev. W. T. Euster, Mfeth6dist, Evanston, 111. When faith in the authority of scrip ture is destroyed it takes .with it all confidence in Methodism. An Active Layman. Through his position as secretary of the United Society of Christian En rlAavnr Mr. Baer is one of the best known laymen in America. He is a na tive of Minnesota, but spent his boy hood days in Ohio. He became editor of a newspaper in Iowa, but went to rvhristian Endeavor when it was a small and weak movement. His im press upon the movement has been tre mendous. Whatever may be said for or against it,' as a movement, and what ever its future may be, it is eertain that the Endeavor movement as the pioneer and other young people movements to follow after and pattern themselves upon it, revolutionized religious con ditions by bringing young people for rward and giving them a place in the church and something to do. In this tremendous task, accomplished against strong prejudice and often with much xin-Christian charity, three "men have been the burden. They are the Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark,. John Willis Baer and William Shaw. Two of these men are congregationalists. Mr. Baer a Presby terian, and two of them laymen, only one ordained. The Presbyterian board of home missions planted seven in ten of all Presbyterian churches in Amer ica, spending $23,000,000 during its 100 years of active work. Its income last year was larger than ever before in its history, and new plans, not yet given out, are said to be matured for the near future. Supreme Good. The Rev. S. G. Neil, Baptist, Philadel phia, Pa. God's likeness is the soul's supreme good. Hypocrisy. The Rev. George Adams, Methodist, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hypocrisy is contemptible in any walk of life; especially is it so in the church. Ak- God's Way. The Rev. A. B. Coats, Baptist, ron, O. There should be no question in our minds that God's way is best. ferencewith work : absolutely 6afe and harmless; was at office or by mail $2. Most Comfortable Jfri nfnnin- iiu v. uu a I vaie nome Tor ladies, urainea nurses; uoc iiau.ums vvicn ma imu uciu upoiuc uvwn tors care when de8ired . 25 years experience. m ftis lett hand, while with his right he Hours. 10 to 8. Sundays 2 till 5. Advice free. wiped his perspiring countenance. The Mrs.F.vmiams, 845 N Howard StBaltimwe.M(l professor, his eyes on the ground, dim ly perceived the motionless figure. He stopped, mumbled something, thrust a thumb into his waistcoat Docket, and dropped a coin into the hat. He then passed on, leaving the doctor, thus mis taken for a beggar, speechless with astonishment. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, TAKE Elixir Babek Clergymen are often absent-minded. The Rev. Mr. C , who during his va cation was in the habit of writing a number of Sermons for the winter's use, came down from the chancel one Sunday after service to speak to one of his vestrymen about some parochial matter, after which he said, just before separating, "I had an idea while preaching my sermon just now that it sounded very familiar, and I have been rather worried lest I might have preached it before. I trust that you did not have the same impression. Did you ever hear it before?" "Only last Sun day," was the laughing answer. A preventive against Miasmatic, .Fe'.rs, and positive cure for all. .Malarial Diseases, such as Chills. Fever and Ague, loss of Appetite,. .Bilious and Dyspeptic Disorders,. .Headache, Pains in the Back, Side. .or Limbs, Etc., Etc. .... ..... SEE WHAT OUR OWN PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ELIXIR BABEK. TESTIMONIALS: We might fill volumes with expressions like the fol lowing from the thousands that have been cured by Babek: Entirely for Itself. The Rev. Dr. Woods, San Francisco, Cal. , No nation has $ right to live entirely for itself any more than an individual. The Mystery of Life. The Rev. T. R. Silcer, Unitarian, New York. Constantly men and women of the most serious rature and of the most de vout spirit are asking, "Who can solve for us the mystery of life?" Some kill ing experience comes into life, some sharp upheaval of conditions unexpect ed; some sorrow we did not procure and so have no means of knowing its remedy, becausa we had no preparation for its coming; some unnatural death. These are things before which we stand. There is no explanation. The gate is shut. And it is wise and good. Such experiences of life are a part of the discipline of life in which we gather power and strength, not to ex plore, but to believe. USES OF THE LEMON. (From the Boston Travelor.) Juice of the lemon is one of the best and safest drinks for any person, whether in health or not. It is suit able for all stomach diseases, liver complaint and inflammation - of the bowels. Lemon is used in intermittent fevers. It will alleviate and finally cure coughs and colds, and heal dis eased lungs. Its uses are manifold, and the more we employ it internally, the better we shall find ourselves. It will yet supersede quinine. A certain old man suffered much from absent-mindedness and was fre quently compelled to seek the assist ance of his servant. "Thomas" hf wrmlrt sav. "T have just been looking for something, and now I can't remember what it is,' whereupon the obliging: Thomas inva riably made suggestions: "Was it your purse, or spectacles, or checkbook, sir?" and so onr he would inquire, till he hit upon th right ob ject. One night, after the old man had re tired, the bell rang for Thomas, and on reaching: the heriroom he tounri ni; I master ramblinsr restlesslv ahont tlm room. "Thomas, Thomas," he said, "I came up here for something, and now I've forgotten what." "Was it to go to bed, sir?" suggested the faithful'retainer. "Ah, the very thing; the very thing! Thank you, Thomas. Good-night!" Rev. John P. Sanders Writes: Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga.: I have been relieved of a trouble which greatly endangered my life, by using Mozley's Lemon Elixer. My doctor declared my only relief to be the knife, my trouble being appendicitis. have been permanently cured and am now a well man. I am a preacher of the M. E. Church. South, located in the town of Verbena, Ala. My brother, lev. E. E. Cowen, recommended the emon Elixir to me. Ship me a half dozen large bottles C. O. D. God in the Business World. The Rev. C. Woelfkin, Baptist, Brook lyn, N. Y. In the business world what place has God in the conduct of affairs? Oh, He can't be honest today and succeed? Is that true? Then it is a choice and to choose success is atheism. God on Sun day, no God on Monday. Men make partnerships without God, and then cannot jointly ask God in crisis. Men engage in lines where they cannot counsel with God. Your Claim. The Rev. Dr. Peters, Baptist, Balti more, Md. Perhaps you keep your claim upon religion with much the feeling with wmcn many men pay the premiums upon their insurance policies. Christ! anity is a reserve for times of peril, ana not a working instrument of every-day life. There is no saving grace in a religion of fear. Love knows no duty. Steadfastness. The Rev. R. Bagnell, Evangelist, New York. We need stability as regards the truth, as well as loyalty to service. I is my conviction that, much' nf thP looseness of living and the barrenness of Christian work is due to lack of ron eviction. It is also true that loyalty o service and loyalty of life must depend upon loyalty to conviction. God's Help. The Rev. E. White, Episcopalian, Wor cester, Mass. The chariots and utmost strength 0 GoTTs help are round about you if you pray, whether you see them or not. !v matter how dubious you may be as you are preparing to take some new step in your life you will only need to have the sense of help. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, Cured me of a long-standing case of chills and fever by using two bottles. J. C, STANLEY, Engineer E. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Cured me of a case of heart disease and indigestion of four years' stand ing. 1 tried a dozen ditterent medi cines. None but Lemon Elixer done me' any good. TITLES DIEHL. Cor. Habersham and St. Thomas Sts. Savannah, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I fully endorse it for nervous pros tration, headache, indigestion and constipation, having used it with most satisfactory results, after all other remedies hnd failed. J. W. ROLLO, West End, Atlanta, Ga. A Cambridge professor, whose fits of mental aberration were as frequent as they were amusing, was one day out In heavy rain, with his umbrella held high over his head, when he met a friend, who stopped him and exclaim ed: "Dear me, Professor M , why don't you put up your umbrella? You'll be drenched." "Put up my umbrella?" said the pro fessor. "It is up." For half-an hour, more or less, the professor had been walking the streets with a closed umbrella held above his head. . At another time the same scholar was riding down town in an electric car, and lost himself in a book he was reading. Suddenly he noticed symptoms of merriment amopg the other passen gers. What could they be laughing nt? The mystery was explained when he discovered that, having been annoyed by something between the plate of his artificial teeth and the roof of his mouth, he had removed the teeth and was holding them up to view between the thumb and finger of his hand! Washington, D. C, April 11th, 1900 Kloczewski & Co. Gentlemen: I wish to state that the two bottles of "Elixir Babek" I purchased of you at the recommenda tion of a friend, has proven of in calculable benefit to my daughter's health. I deem it the best, indeed the only remedy I have yet come across for malaria and offer this testimonial voluntarily. Yours truly, F. SHAPP, 1,000 Mary land Ave., S. W. Washington, D. C, April 4th, 1900. Kloczewski & Co.: ' Gentlemen: Your "Babek" acts like magic; I have given it to nu merous people in my parish who were suffering with chills, malaria and fever. They have used it with excel lent results. It well deserves the praise of thousands of people, and recommend it to those who are suf ferers, and in need of a good tonic Yours truly, REV. S. SZYMANOWSKI, St. Stephen's Church, Perth Amboy, N. J. For Sale at all ' Druggists, 50c. per Bottle. Prepared Only by KLOCZEWSKI & CO., Washington, D. C. R. M. BRANNON, Druggist, Sale Agent, Charlotte, N. C. IP P JUL CARLOS CORN PAINT receipt of price Carlos Chemical Co., BALTIMORE. MD. T IFFERENT from - anything you've ever used. Just paint your corn. That's all ! At all druggist, or sent by mail on JQq W. L. DORSETT, W. W. NEWMAN, Proprietor, Manager. Still more embarrassing was the case HOTELL, DORSETT, Fayetteville St.. of a lady who hurried into church one Sunday morning without her -bonnet, and when reminded of the omission by her husband, who had preceded her by several minutes, rose hastily and hur ried up the broad aisle with a large red parasol raised and held close to her head. The Philosophy of Felix G. Pryme (From the September "Success.") "A rolling stone gathers no moss," but it enjoys all the advantages of travel. When you are growling about your work, think of the poor fellow who has none. Patriotism, in the mind of a not un common citizen, is another name for partizanship. Obscurity has its compensations; he who flies the highest sometimes falls the farthest. You cannot, with much success, judge a man's character by the cost cf his Panama hat. Sometimes the loftiest monument towers above the grave of the poet who starved to death. ' Much talk is no demonstration of ability; the noisiest automobile (iocs not always win the race. The average financial magnate feels that you are taking an unfair pdv:m tage when you attempt to engage him in a conversation concerning mental development. If the camera could photograph our thoughts, how would you like to have your picture taken? I am asking the question of you, the man or woman wiio is reading this paragraph. ' Mrs. L., a Boston lady of dignified and even haughty manner, was trying on some very expensive wraps in a suit and cloak store, when she said to the clerk: "I do not think I will decide on One today." She had reached the street door when a floorwalker detained her, and said: "I beg your pardon, madam, but I shall have to ask you to remove that wrap of ours before you leave the store." Sydney Smith was not in general absent-minded; but he says that once, when calling on a friend in London, and being asked by the servant, "Who shall I say has called?" he could not for the life of him recollect his own name, and stared in blank confusion at the man for some time before it came back to him. Raleigh, N. C. newly furnished, trains. Centrally, located Free bus meets all : , . The first Lord Lytfleton was very absent-minded. It is declared of him that, when he fell into the river by the upsetting of a boat at Hagley, ' "he sank twice , before he recollected that he could swim." Sanctified. The Rev. Dr. Hotderby, Presbyterian, Atlanta, Ga. Some are sanctified and made meet for the Master's use; others are unholy and unsanctified vessels, and therefore, unfit for the Master's use. Sanctified means "set apart" from an unholy to a holy use. Essential Elements. The Rev. F. E. Mason, Independent, Brooklyn, N. Y. The essential elements of spiritual mindedness are to concede to yourself all the powers and purposes of God; then to actualize them by demonstrat ing God in your life. The prodigal son sometimes brings the fatted calf home with him. A FIREMAN'S CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine, although ev ery joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain,'' writes C. W. Bel lamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burl ington, Iowa, "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and . all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bitters and after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Burwall & Dunn Co. Price 50, cents. "Ah," mused the absent-minded man, "here is a string tied about my finger. Now, what could my wife have wanted that to remind me of? Let me see. He thought for some time, but could not decide what it might have been, so he said: "I'll go home and ask her what it was." At the door he was met by his wife, and he immediately asked her. . "Why, my dear," she smiled. "I tied that string round your finger to remind you to come home. Don't you remember?" A bridegroom of 24 hours left his wife, strolled around to his new mother-in-law's house, and asked if her daughter was at home. This came from force of habit; he had been call ing there daily for some time, and it probably occurred to him that he, had uot paid his us"ual visit. "Yes," said the absent-minded man, "I have quit doing my own shaving. It really is dangerous. "Nervous?" asked the barber. v"Oh, no. But yesterday I tried to I lather my face with the razor." HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway anc 63d St., N. Y. City. Absolutely Fireproof. Rates moderate, excellent cuisine, efficient service, extensive library, modern, exclusive, accessive. Orches tra concerts every evening. All cars pass the Empire. From Grand Central Station take the cars marked Broadway and 7th Ave. Seven minutes to Empire. On crossing any of the ferries, take the 9th Avenue Elevated Railway to 59tn street from which it is one minute's walk to hotel. Send for descriptive booklet. W. JOHNSON QUINN, Prop. WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS BUGGY TOPS CARRIAGE TR I M MINGS COACH PAINTS VARNISHES J. W. WHITE & SON The only Exclusive Car riage Hardware House in in the South. . 3 - : y Write for our Special . Price List. V J.W. WHITE & SON 1318 E. Main St, Richmond, Va. uzzie l rSze A valuable and beautifm Swiss Parlor Clock. a pictxire of which is shown in this ad vertisement, will be given every one who sends us a, cor rect solution to the f ollowin puzzle with 2t label from bottle of ROYAU r HEADACHE i ABLETS ADDRESS ROYAL DRUG COM Any retail druggist can supply yo LETS, as all wholesale druggists c When once tried, will always be u ROYAL HEADACHE TABLETS all Headaches, Neuralgia, Overwor Excesses, Train and Seasickness, G When buying ROYAL HEADACH ROYAL is on every tablet as our Price TEN CENTS a Bottle. PA NY, BALTIMORE, MD. u with ROYAL HEADACI arry them in stock. sed. are the only sure and harm" Iced Brain, Sleeplessness. olds and La Grippe. E TABLETS, see that the word TRADE-MARK. Dose, two tablets. TAB- curefor Aicoholu' FOR SALE BY ALL CHARLOTTE DRUGGISTS. Vise Words to Sufferers From a Woman of Notre Dame, Ind. , I will mail, free of any charge, this Home Treat ment with full instructions and the history of my own case to any lady suffering- from female trouble. You can cure yourself at home without the aid of any physician. It will cost you nothing to give the treatment a trial, and if you decide to continue it will only cost you about twelve cents a week. It wLl not interfere with your work or occupation. 1 have nothing to sell. Tell other sufferers of it that is aU I ask. It cures all, young- or old. If you feel a bearing'-down sensation, sense ol impending- evil, pain in the back cr bowels, creeping feeling up the spine, a desire to cry frequently, hot flashes, weariness, frequent desire to urinate, or if you have Leucorrhea (Whites), Displacement or Falling of the Womb, Profuse, cicanty or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, address MRS. M. SUMMERS, NOTRE DAME, IND., U. S. A., for the Freb Treatment and Full Information. Thousands besides myself have cured themselves with it. I send it in plain wrappers. TO MOTHERS OF DAUGHTERS I will explain a simple Home Treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhea, Green Sickness and Painful or Imgular Menstruation in young ladies. It will save you anxiety and expense and save your daughter the humiliation of. explaining- her troubles to others. Plumpness and health always result from its use. Wherever you li ve I can refer you to well-known ladies of your own state or county who know and will gladly teli any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all diseased conditions of our delicate female organism, thoroughly strengthens relaxed muscles and ligaments wHch causa dis placement, and makes women well. Write to-day, as this offer will not be made again. Address MRS. T. SUMMERS Notre Dame, Inch, U. S A. POISON CURED TO STAY CURED FOREVER On aetount of its frightful hideousness, Blood Poisoning is commonly called the King of all Diseases. It may be either hereditary or contracted. Once the system is tainted with it. the disease may manifest itself in the form of Scrofulal Izema, Rheumaiic Pains. Stiff or Swollen Joints. Eruptions or Copper Colored Spots on the Face or Body, little Ulcers in the mouth or on the Tongue, Sore Throat, Swollen Tonsils, Falling out of the Hair or Eyebrows, and finally a Leurous-like Decay of the Flesh ishd Bones. If you have any af these or similar symptoms, get BROWN'S BLOOD CURE immediatelp. This treatment is practically the re sult of life work. It contains no dangerous drugs or injurious medicines of any kind. It eoes to the very bottom of the Disease and forces out every particle of impurity. Soon every sign and sympton disappears completely and forever. The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the bones and the whole system are cleansed, purified and restored to perfect Health, and the parent prepared anew for the duties and pleasures or life, BROWN'S BBOOD CURE. $2.00 a Bottle, lasts a month. Hy Leading Druggists Everywhere or send to DR. BKOWN, Manufac turer, 935 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. LEARN AT HOME ; Book-keeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, Arithmetic. If you can not attend the College, take our Mail Course and prepare for u successful business career. i A Good Position Secured for Every Graduate. School open the entire year. Students enter at any time. Able ami experi enced teachers. Elegant rooms. Latest and best methods. Personal instruction. Send ten cents for aMittle book of pen written copies, with printed instructions. Elegant Catalogue iree. Write to-day. Be sure to mention this Paper, and state whether you wish to take the Mail Course or come to the College. 25. M. NORMAN, President. 5 N. CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, WD. 1864 Education for Real Life at 1902-3 SPENCERIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Leonard Garfield Spencer, Secretary. Academy of Music Building. Cor. 9a Streets,. N. W. Beautiful. Spaciu. fa'-"-Entrance 403 Ninth. N. V, WASHINGTON, P 0. The National Capital is itself a vast H- versity of Arts, Sciences and Lct-"Jt years residence here is a libera, t--;;. ci Washington is the new work s i t-- -intellectual life. COURSE OF TRAINING. Rapid, Legible and Beautiful "litirrr0. . Thorough English Correct tu- -Shorthand and Typewriting. . v-tv.s. Rapid Ciiv.-" -Book-keeping and Business Practice. Science of Wealth. hv Commercial Geo - Civics, Laws of Business. Cn,, rulre. Ethics. Moral and Socia. i--1-Art of Expression (Delsarte Methoo. Vocal and Physical Address. . : Mrs. Sarah A. Spencer, - Principal and ' Proprietor.