. J,. w w. , . , . V' l.S. FULL REPORT OF LATEST ADVICES FROM TrjE REALM OF THE BULLS AND BEARS. (ni-romd by Ware & Leland, PilTale Wire to Georee A Howell.) THE COTTON MARKETS. . . ..1 .-n o To A n or 0 T j . c;. naI operators in common now find ,!,, .pjsi'Ivt'S cast for the periolous part iriK'LHUIl, v iicii awli j tu ouu. ill (ih'i words, one have a correct ideNa . j? 1 1. . i i ijlt tortunes ui uns crop oniy oy lain wins;- .. i i t i : i. I whether the palpitating heat by the great luminary, thro is li (;! Un- vh these August days and nights , or death to the " plant. In this an in most others, the doctors odds, but the best opinion ; to be that the various Septem- i . : 1 1 . .1 n -i ! i-l'OlLS win leneci a, seuuus ue in the average condition. Surmise is idle, since the truth will Sl .,",!! out. In the mean while, the trade is !"' lit ui of surpassing import. The of the movement rises from day in '.lay and its volumn must in the near future assume -really large pro- What will the farmer, do? IK! rlliMi.Ti. , ..... - - " 4 aU! he deal out his product to the I'miiu.ry spindles or will he cry for This is the mind readers rid aiul men of less insight must rest (i,ari!it with their ignorance. The position is critical so that al-IIK-t anything may happen between mm;.-!. I.n oruool responded fairly well to tin- nature of developments respecting ruiun. though surface indications ji ,!i:rri'. to an inclination amongst for hL':i traders to do nothing extensively at !,. moment as evidenced by the lim ited snot transactions (3,000 bales) in th;' iai e of 1-1G d advance. Deliveries arose i'-Gld. with the tone called steady. iCaily transactions here were in the liai i cln.- i ein v of realizing by some recent pur ir, over Sunday, but fresh cora ls ni crop deterioration from var points in Mississippi Louisiana, ati'il the steady tone and a mod- (!at; improvement followed. C'l.!.-ing quotations are 11-points liihi r on August and 5 to 6 points up nt utlier months. A genuine conver sion of sentiment in favor of cotton lias doubtless been accomplished re-' i-mtly by the unanimity of reports of com deterioration covering sections in every State in the belt and it is not very probable that a more elevated ran so cf prices would be on record, if the trade was satisfactory as to the i marine" in which offerings of new re cepits will be extended. Meanwhile there are the weekly and monthly government reports on the crop rendition to be digested and the thought of the publications alone is likely to act as a preventive against artivo selling operations. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Futures Closed Very Steady High Low Close 8 44-50 8 03-04 7 83-84 7 79-0 7 79-80 7 83-84 7 83-85 7 85-S6 August 8 44 8 3tf 7 06 7 7G September 8 04 Ormber 7 84 November 1 lei-ember , 7 SO January 7 84 February .March ' . Sim its Firm Middling 8 73 74 New York, Aug. 23. The Financial Chronicle says: Our telegraphic ad vices indicate that while dry weather has been quiet general in Southwest liming the week, in "many districts, eisewhere, rain has fallen. In Texas some deterioration of condition is c':1 inied as a result dry weather and f.om portions of Alabama there are. com plaints of rust and premature opening. On the other hand reports from Arkansas, Tennessee and At lantic districts are quite good. Cotton is opening rapidly and picking is mak- THE STOCK New York, Aug. 23. The New Wk Sim will say: The market open 'il fairly active but subsequently be r'anu irregular. A few stocks in which manipulative operations are going on showed activity, being St. Paul, Nor lolk and O. and W. There was nothing new on the strike. The Reading shares yeie quite neglected. As usual on Saturday, the expectations on the bank statement influenced the market and it seemed to be anticipated that to day's figures would make a good strong showing. Americans was strong '11 London. The days weather advices fi'orn the grain belt were good. The un expected announcement that the man agement of the Southern Railway Company had deferred action on the preferred dividend led to a decline. Tlie move of the arrangement was in terpreted as a step in the current negotiations to a readjustment of the railway situation in the South. The l,ank statement made a superficially strong showing on account of the in-ereat-;e in surplus reserves which was !-.n;.ooo. The decrease in the actual 'asli was $377,000, whereas the pre Hniinary estimates had indicated a Kain (1f about that sum. The money market during the week was easy. Americans in London steady, about Pa,,ity. Insiders bullish on market Position of U. S. S. Southern Railway l)! eterreii dividend postponed and otuig trust continues. Expected 2 per Jt. on Heading 1st next week. Strong ,mi Pool operating is Western Union IL"riVe roads sornnrl wpolr orninp-S show average net increase 6.36 per cent. 'art.stroets says trade develop- still largely favorable. Dun's jnllew sa's fuel scarcity is serious n Ttr!il! handicap. Good bank state nt expected today, 12 industrials lunce 47, 20 active R. Rs. advance , Southern Railwav dividend de- leriYHi Th ,1: ... ftnn. Electors or tne soutnern tool- LomPany met yesterday but pref n attion 011 the question of the deterred j.. "win? O Stock rlivirlonrl eiVirmf Hup fl'm th OJ ;1 ( TTl "m nn i in 1 .-rti-irw1 lfcy had "'"6 ui ustees HLauiug mai. been requested ' to extend X yJUn2 trust. li0l"rlo Fuel and Iron: A mem- says rm of Harris, Cates & Co., n of the injunction deny-. TODAY'S MARKETS, SS IT! m fl T1 ir Dlr.f,V stati 8 the Weekly cotto This wppTt t oof xoxuic suppiy.. .1,434,600 1,742,000 American.. . In sights . . During week Port receipts T "a i . .. 841.G00 1,040,400 .10,451.483 10,400,900 61,594 53,135 .24,692 17,281,000 r-on stocKs . . . . .149,968 256,759 26,365 21,278 exports 24,090 Interior receipts . .26,826 mcuui smpments .31,381 25 876 Interior stocks . ...55,454 13U01 New York, Aug. 23. As we said yesterday, today's market has ruled generally firm notwithstanding the ac tive selling for profits by the smaller longs, customary cn Saturday. More over, predictions from Washington for rains generally over the contenant and Eastern belt and for possible showers over important districts of Western belt, failed to counteract the influence of further bullish private crop reports, which were numerous. True, the demand for cloths at FallJ Kiver and Providence reflects hesita tion on part of buyers but in dry goods centers there is a notable shaking to gether of dry bones with buyers now apparently quite, willing to listen to the offers of sellers. The feature of the market was the strong support in the near position, August and September being in demand for account of sev eral well-known cotton and export houses. Wall street was again very much in evidence as a buyer of Jan uary and the leading bears were seen to be quietly absorbing the winter months. Sentiment on the floor is now bullish and scalpers as a rule bolted for a further rise. The official opening was very steady with prices 1 to i points higher. Then came a slight re action under room selling immediately followed a fresh up turn to top notch of present bull wave. We look for still more advance before the needs of shorts are satisfied and the longs are contented with their holdings. NEW. YORK COTTON. High Low Close Futures Closed Very Steady August... Is 53 8 51 8 43 50' September .. ... 8 18 8 13 8 16 17 October 8 03 7 9 7 8 01 2 November 7 93 7 91 7 95 96 December .7 S6 7 90 7 95 t6 aouary 8c 7 92 7 98 9iJ February 7 92 7 2 7 96 93 VTarch 7 95 7 90 7 94-95 April 7 94 96 May 7 94 7 93 7 95-97 Spots Quiet Middling 8 7 LIVERPOOL COTTON. Futures Closed Quiet and Steady Aug 4 44 45 Aug-Sept '. 4 39 40 Sept-Oct 4 3 -31 Oet-Nov 4 -4- 5 Nov-Deo 4 2 -22 Dec-Jan 4 20-s Jan-Feb 4 19 20 Feb-Mch 4 1 20 Mcli-April 4 19 21 April-May 4 19-20 Spots Hardening Middling 4 29 32 Receipts 6,300 dales 3,000 CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected Daily for the News by fleath-Reid Jobbing and Commission Company. 3ood Middling ..... , 9c Strict Middling 8 90 Middling Low Middling- A- cc Tinsres IM&A Stains 08c Steady MARKETS. ing the directors of Colorado Fuel the privilege of calling a meeting, and un til this application is either granted or denied we shall do nothing. We are not buying a share of Colorado Fuel today. The support is apparently the result of shorts covering. The stock will go lower, however, if our applica tion is not granted. Messrs. Gates, Blair, Mitchell and Lambert are now on their way to Chicago. Western Union: The up move in this stock which .was such a' con spicuous featfure of today's market was continued and on large dealings the price rose to 95 3-8. This activity in a stock that is usually as slow of movement as Western Union and its successive advances of the past few days are causing a good deal of specu lation regarding the movement but thus far there has been nothing other than rumors and conjectures to ac count for it. It was said that the buy ing was by some powerful interests and from the character and extent of the purchases it would appear that there may be some truth in this. Ridgely says: Hold your Southern Pacific for higher prices. Take profits on other stocks on bulges. You need not be in a hurry, the market is all right but lighten your load on the stock after another as it bulges up and be prepared for a possible break some time in September. Even at these prices I consider Southern Pa cific the safest and surest purcase in the list. It will go up ten points while others are going up five, and in case of a general smash it would not de cline five points while others were dropping ten and- fifteen. If the mar ket conditions favorable to Southern Pacific will sell above 89 next week. My views on other stocks remain same as yesterday. Of course you un derstand that dealing in such stocks as L. N. you are taking chances. ' ' NEW YORK STOCKS. Atchison 92M 110 .139M . 54 . 43M . 34 . 23 . 40 .101 Balto & Ohio.. Can Pac Ches & Ohio . . Chi & Alton . Chi & G. West Chi Ter & Tran Erie Mnnr VflllAV . - 111 Central Jg Lou & Nash , Misso -Pac .....noft CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 23, 1902. Misso K & T . . 3054 NewYG ' ... 164 Norfolk & W 71; Ontario & W 36j Pei:na 161 Kead'y . St Paul So Pji. .135 O. KV . 403 SoRyPfd ... 97$ Tex & Pac union tfac 109 abash 7& Amal Cop Brook Rap Trans Col Fuel & Iron Nati Lead Peoples Gas . . Sugar .... Tenn Coal & Iron U S Leather 66 70 104'4 133 131 , US Steele 41 U S Steel Pfd 901 Western Union 95 v u unemical 6oJ BANK STATEMENT. Reserve increase $2,616,750 Loans decrease.. .. 10,460,100 Specie increase.. . . 724,200 Legal decrease 1,101,500 Deposit decrease.. .. 11,976,200 Circulation increase 309,800 CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Chicago, Aug. 23. Wheat Early values were lower but Armour bought September while the crowd were dis posed to follow him, and bought Sep tember as well as December. There was not much disposition shown to hammer the market and considerable strength was displayed, although dull ness prevailed at times. More rains were indicated for the Red river valley and this, with the large clearances and talk of a big cash business, induced the local shorts to cover.- The visible sup ply will no doubt show a decrease and indications point toward a stronger market. Should any decided advance appear, however, we would favor sales. Corn Receipts were light and stock here will show a good sized decrease. There was a little dip early, but com mission houses were buyers and there was reports of frost from enough points to frighten shorts. The closing was strong all round and unless warm er weather appears no doubt values will be forced higher. Oats The crowd was bullish but a broker had a large selling order in September at 33 1-4. There was some commission house buying. The mar ket will be governed by weather condi tions. Provisions were strong, although hogs were lower and a good run look ed for next week. About the only fea ture consisted in buying of ribs by Armour while there was selling of the deferred futures by commission houses. It looks as if values would work high er. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. High Low WHEAT Close 67M 69K 27 20 September 71 67 42 December 08 Vay CORN September 58 December 43 May 40 OATS Septem tr.. 27 December 2f ay ........ 31 PORK 27 30M September .10 SO 10 70 October 16 95 16.75 January 14 60 14 50 LAR! September 10 SO 10.83 October 9 75 9 70 January 8.35 8 30 RIBS September 10 15 10.07 Octobe 9 S2 9 75 January 7 62 7 57 16 80 10.92 14 00 10.85 9.75 8 32 10 .10 9 82 7 00 YARN MARKET. Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 22. The rul ing factor in the yarn market today is the opinion of the buyers and mill men regarding the price at which the new crop will besold. It was predicted here today that new crop cotton could be bought for 7 to 8 cents. Shortly one case is reported where a cotton manu facturer has sold his entire crop of new cotton not yet gathered at 8 cents, in dicating his expectation that new cot ton could be bought for less than that figure when the crop begins to move. An attempt on the part of some northern commission men to break the market by predicting very low cotton is also reported. Inquiries during the past week have been fairly good but as usual the mill men cannot see their way clear to ac cept these offers which are about V2 cent below quotations in many, cases. Coarse yarns and hosiery yarns con tinue to be the dullest factors in the market. Inquiries received are mostly for 20s and numbers above 40s. Prices have shown no change during the last seven days, no drop corre sponding to that of the preceding week having taken place. Warps, singles, are quoted as fol lows: 12 to 14, 13 to 14c; 16s to 18s, 14c; 2Gs to 22s, 14y2c; 24s to 26s, 16c; 30s, 17c; 40s, 22c. Carded. Egyptian yarns: 2-22 and 2-26, 25 to 26c; 2-30, 7c; 2-6, 29c; 2-40, 31c; 2-25, 37 to 38c; 2-60, 42 to 43c. The cloth market is being ruled by the same conditions governing yarns, namely the probable value of the new crop cotton when placed upon the mar ket. For this reason buyers are hold ing off, expecting lower cotton and hence lower prices on goods. Business is not expected to show any change until the new crop begins to move. The latest in improvements a'nd new mills including the following: $20,00 subscribed for a new cotton mill at Ringgold, Ga.; the Broad River Manu facturing Company of Columbia, S. C, commissioned with $100,000 capital to develop water power and manufacture cotton; the Williamston, S. C, cotton mill has purchased machinery suffi cient to double the capacity of the mill. The Trenton, Tenn., cotton mills will increase their capital $52,000; Apalache mills of Greers, S: C, char tered with $335,000 capital also the Brogon mill, Anderson, S. C, with $500,000 capital; a two-story mill will likely be established at Newport News, Va. 1 " : ! : . . Cold Facts. Patient "My wife insists thatmy sickness is purely imaginary." -Doctor "Don't let that worry you. There will be nothing imaginary about my bill." September Woman's Home Companion. 44CQLlcimo,, the up-to-date Wall Finish. Beautiful colors, cheap and durable. For sale by J. J. E Z E L No. 12 West Fifth Street. Here is Where You Come In. Summer suitings, trouserings, etc., being closed out now at great reduc tion. A handsome line to select from sure to be something to suit you at a substantial saving in price. A. BLOCK, Tailor l5he STAR LAUNDRY! Is still in the ascendancy. It has become a fixed orb in the business firmament of Char- lotte. Its laundering is the best that can be had. Our motto is, "Excellence brings success." $ No pains spared with your work. We are determined to please. Promptness is also a specialty with us. We keep all promises. Q Our wagons call for and de- liver anywhere in the city. Try us. f H. B. McDowell, f 4 Proprietor. $ 28 W. Trade Street, $ f Charlotte N. C. f f u t Building Material t i t Window Glass Feed t 4 t 202 S. College-Street g 4- Charlotte, N. C. ? 4- 4- 9 BOTH PHONES. 4 0 4 WE HAVE Buggies, Surreys, Hacks, Farm . Wagons and Har ness of every de scription and seat ing cLpQLcity. During the month of August, 1902, we will offer our stock at greatly re duced prices. You can buy better goods from us at lower prices than any other place in Charlotte. Come and see for yourself. J. Wadswo r t K's BotK'PKones 26 S2 or oale Two beautiful lots on North Graham St. , one block from car line. L. C. Herndori, 26 W. Trade St. 658 North Eighth St., Phila., Pa. Father ancT son have been practicing success fully in Pb dadelphia for 65 years OLE YOU A VICTIM? Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Ulcers, Blad der. Kidneys, Skin Diseases, Varicocele, Hydro cele, Kuiture, Piles, permanently cured by im proved methods without pain or detention from business. We do not keep a drug store nor copy remedies from othe" doctors' prescriptions, but make the treatment of each case a special study. We are graduates of medical colleges.father and son and combine hospital practice with 65 years office experience, Go where you will be treat ed for your disease, and not for the sake of sell ing drugs. Our treatment is scientific and costs less with better results. Consultation free of Charge. SEND FOR BOOK, Hours. S to 3. 6 to 9. Sunday. 3 to 12. Wire Railing & Ornamental WireWork DUFUIL (EL CO., 311 N. Howard St. Baltimore, Md. Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Balconies. Win dow Guards, Tree Guards, Wire Clotfc, Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Sand and Coa Screens. Chairs, Settees, etc. Eleva tor Enclosures a Specialty. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by W. L. Aldred and wife, M. A. Aldred and C. M. Al dred and wife, V. S. Aldred, on the 29th day of April, 1902, and registered in Book 1GG, Page 140. in the office of Register of Deeds, for Mecklenburg county, N. C, and because of default in the payment of the debt therein secured, I will sell for cash at public auction in the city of Charlotte, N. C, on Saturday, September 2erth, 1902, at 12 o'clock m., all those two certain lots in Dil worth, 1st lot: Being Lot No. 18 in block; No. 30 in Dilworth, as shown on the map of that property, lot beginning at a stake on Templeton ton avenue and extending back 150 feet; second lot being in square No. 20 of the property of the Charlotte Consolidated Construction Co. Said lot begining at a stake on Templeton avenue, the corner of Mrs. Bettie D. Armond's lot and runs with her line parallel with Commonwealth avenue in a northerly direction, one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet to a stake; thence in a line parallel with Temple ton avenue towards Commonwealth avenue forty-six feet to a stake: thence parallel with Commonwealth towards Templeton and with the line of a ten foot alley in the rear of Jno. A. Furr, Laura E. Winchester and C. B. Gallant to a stake on Templeton avenue; thence with Templeton ave nue to the beginning, both of said lots have thereon nice cottages. This 19th day of August, 1902. W. M. MOORE, Trustee. 8-19-tds. A Noted Detective of the South. Testifies Mr. J. Samuel Wilkinson, 501 1-2 N. 2Sth St., Says: "I was cured of a very had case of stricture with three bottles of L. J. Hayden's Wonderful Indian Herb Medicine, after having been operated on by three different doctors that only gave me temporary relief. I was advised by Mr. J. J. Graves, Justice of the Peace for Jackson Ward, to go to Mr. L. J. Hayden, 404 West Broad street, Richmond, Va., and was cured without any instrument. I most cheerfully recommended his medicine to all who are suffering from this cause, and will, with pleasure, give any information as to how I was cured." Very respectfully, J. SAM'L WILKINSON, Px-Sergeant-at-Arms City Democratic Committee for 17 years, and Private Detective with Wren's National De tective Agency for 14 years. Richmond, Va., April 23rd, 1902. FOR. SIGNS o f every description come to headquarters Charlotte Cloth Sign Co. 40 EAST TRADE STREET 1 Biildirg MecteriaJ Fire Brick & Ciay ANCHOR BRAND VIRGINIA LIME. Highest Award Chicago Ex position. LEHIGH BR.-vND PCITLAND CEMENT. Highest Award Buffalo Exposi tion. Only house in Charlottt in this line reached by all rail roads; therefore we are en abled to undersell all competi tors. Writs for pricet. W. W. Wxrd (& Son Charlotte. N. G. li -5 - 2: Eve?? Woman 18 Interested and sr-ould know about the wonderf t MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Sjrlne. Jnieo. tionana (suction, jiest Sat, est Most Convenient u ueuuee Inatantlj Ilk yonr drogglat for It. It he cannot supply the mIRVkl. accent no Other, but send stamp for ft tustrated book aied.lt gives fnii nartiMilars and directions In- ralnahletolaMes. MABEI CO. TWELFTH AND BANK STS., RICHMOND, VA. We cure Cancers, Turr-fti and Chronic Sores Without .he Use of the Knife. g ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE. g Come and see what we have done, and are doing. If then you are not satisfied that we do all we claim we will pay all of your expenses. 9v ' g(smm If EASE and REST For sale by all good you would enjoy, , dealers or address, tt4 H vnn'll find vou must J employ. G E T W E L L! .'PAY WHEN CURED." MEN. BE STRONG. Don't let soma old venereal dis ease drain your vitals and drag you dowt. Are you suffering from lost man hood, syphilis or some kindred , disease of the genito- urinary organs?- A 1 1 these; even if they have pass ed to the chron ic stage, will yield, t o th o treatment of a skilled special ist. Do not delay, for delays are dangerous. , Do not be discouraged if you nave taken medicine.5? and subi itted to treatment elsewhere without results. If we undertake your case we will CURE you. nor do you have to PAY until you are CURED, ' We probably have patientsin" your immediate neighborhood who have been fully restored to health by our treatment. Our staff of physi cians is prepared to cure any disease which will yield to medical skill. Write for our symptom blanks. We, send themandall advice FR &E. All correspondence sacredly CONFIDENTIAL medicines sent in plain packages not even a member of your family need Iknow you are under treatment. Write. today. DR. T. ALEXANDER COX, 210 W. Franklin Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Balti more Spec ialist J. B. WEBSTER, M. D. Consultant on Matters of. Health Promotion, Wasting and Chronic Diseases, Nervous Affections. Among others who testify to the remarkable cures which Dr. Webster has accomplished are: REV, M. A. KENNELLEY, Pastor Grace United .Evangelical unurcn. Baltimore. JUSTICE H. N. GRENINGER.Hebbville.Md. PROF.W. H. ZIMMERMAN. Halethrope, Md, MRS. WM. li. HODGES, 1448 Henry St., Citv. WM. F. BRIGHT. 1801 Division St., City. CASHIER S, EDWIN COX, Calvert Bank. Howard and Saratoga Sts., City, Write to Dr. Webster at once or submit your case and get the advantage of the low summer rates. OFFICE 209 N. LIBERTY STREET Baltimore, Md. OFF1CK HOURS 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY URICSOL The nrM - V CALIFORNIA REMEDY . . CURES . , RHEUMATISM and all Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases caused by an excess of uric acid in the system. It is pleasant in its effects and builds up the health and strength while using it. Thousands of certificates sound its praise. It is thoroughly endorsed and never disappoints. Send stamp for book of particulars and wonderful certificates. Price $1 per bottle. 6 bottles, $5. For sale by druggists. If your druggist can not supply you it will be sent, pre paid, upon receipt of price. Address URICSOL CHEMICAL CO., Los Angeles, Cat. or the LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. lii Dlstribut na Aaents. QUOR Permanently cured by, O 1R, I 3NT 2? vithout detention from business. Refreshing sleep, steady nerves and healthy appetite follow the use of ORRINE. Given secretly, cures one who refuses to 6a ve himself: is not this yout duty? Absolutely destroys all desire for liquor. Rev. T. C. Easton, of Washington, D. C, writes: " ORRINE is a marvellous remedy for chronic in ecriafces; my personal observation leads me to believe-that ORRINE will effect a permanent cure." Call or write for free booklet of information and testimonials. ORRINE per box SI. 6 for $5. For sale by R. M. BRANNON, drug gist, Charlotte, N. C. i 1 q CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ENNYROYAL PIUS fcVrVSAFE. A !m.T reliable-. Ladle, ak Prafrfrt ta Ktll anl. Unld metallic boxes;1 with bine ribbon. I'.L n nt)tw Rahu Iancerou Kubatitutlona and Imita' tlon. JSuy of your Druggist or bcb4 4. ia stamp for I'nrtleulnra, Teoti atari LaJa and "Kcllct' lor L,a1 lea," in ieWr, by re turn Mall. 1 0.OOQ Testimonial. Sold br 'Irurj.s's. ( ,hlrli..iF'li.t..lr. Mention thu paper. Madison Square. Vllllik JrC . " - - ' ' ''. Aforphtne and TV;L!&:e habitstreated without paia or confinement. Cure guar anteed at Sanitarium or so pay. B. H. VEAL, Man'gr Lithia Springs Curft Co., Drawer A. Aitstell,Ga. Homejtreatment senft ii preferred. Correspondence stncHy confident! ro and 25 ,cts CARR0LT0N CHEMICAL COMPANY Baltimore, Md. I) , p. L HABIT ai". DPUt 1 . . . srnj f-vi M ,M 1 -: 1 li; 1 ; i: . I. 14 n- i '!':" ; f ; m . 'a :ft : l: ; :?m