CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 25, 1902 BUSINESS CARDS T. W. Dixon, President. A. C. Hutchison, Sec. & Treas. SOUTHERN HARDWARE COMPANY Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Mechanics' Tools, House Furnishings, Stoves, Tin ware and General Hardware. Bell 'phone 253, Charlotte 'phone 224. Sims Building, 41 W. Trade. FOR SALE Two cottages W. Eighth street. Rented until May at $11.00 per month. Price $1,00. Good terms. FOR RENT 705 Pine street, seven rooms, water and gas, $13.00 per month. 403 N. McDowell street, six rooms, $10.00 per month. J. K. A. ALEXANDER. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. We make a specialty and have made a great success of Commercial Photography Views, Buildings. In teriors, etc. General Portrait Work at Gallery. MORSE'S GALLERY, Corner Church and Fourth streets. SIMULATESREALWAR Rushing Preparations Joint Maneuvers F o r SIGNAL CORPS EQUIPMENT THE QUEEN CITY PRESSING CLUB Is the original club of the city don't mistake it for others. Only first-class work; if charge is more it is because work Is better. Experienced hands in Never Before Equaled in the United States Twenty Tons of Material For Balloons Artillery Companies (Washington Post.) Preparations for the war game to be played between the army and the navy following the search problem are being hurried at the War Department with vigor. The telegraphic office of the de partment is overloaded with work, rush messages being sent all through the i day and night to every point along the coast which is to be the seat of the sham war. The Signal Corps is particu larly active, and when August 29 ar rives it will have in the field an equip ment never before equaled in the United States. Twenty tons of tubing and material for the war balloons to be used in sighting the enemy have been ordered and will be delivered before every branch. Join club and get your clothes cleaned, $1 month. Mrs. the day set for the opening of the hos- i j f Tk T L 1 I . . . J. M. Hester, proprietor, y inoiiii tilities, and preparations are on an Tryon street. Bell 'Phone 246. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. equally extensive scale in every other branch of the service. Col. Amos Kimball, chief quarter master at New York, has been ordered to this city to consult with General Ludington in regard to the supplies for CASE & RAY, OSTEOPATHS. Chronic diseases and diseases of the artillery posts, and already a large women. No faith, no drugs, no knife, amount of these have been forwarded to the posts concerned In the Signal Corps bureau, Maj. George P. Scriven, who rushed a tele graph line from Pekin to .the coast in advance of all other nations, and Lieut. Henry S. Hathaway have been ordered to New London, Conn. Tihs apparently will be headquarters for the corps, and Gen. Greely will be there in person. During his absence Maj. Richard E. Thompson, now chief offi cer at Fort Myers, will be in charge of this office. The artillerv companies stationed at iuui xieajiu la uciici rucu jou i - ,,, or XT- -hea mart I the defenses of Long Island are to be ICtUUL lL V gjW-l. -. - V. . fc.'w -w I iv en an opportunity- to orusn Wilkinson building, rooms 5 and 7, 29 1-2 S. Tryon. Consultation free. Hours 9 to 12 and 3 to 6, and by ap pointment. Bell 'Phone 32S. YOUR TEETH 7 Are either the pride or the bane I of your life. A competent Den- 4 tist like J DR. J. H. NEWELL 1 Can make you proud of thv-m. 4 Your health is better when your "X work. For the best set of upper or lower teeth made, only 4 17.50; cement filling 60c; Amal- X gam filling 50c; extracting f 4- teeth 25c. Office over Belle 4 j Bro 4 DC. C. R. ZICKLER, Dentist. NO. 217 1-2 8. TRYON STREET. BELL 'PHONE S04. Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. C. L. ALEXANDER DENTIST, 8 South Tryon Street, Bell Phone 242 Queen City 1f. up on their marksmanship just before the naval attack of the North Atlantic Squadron, under Rear Admiral Hig ginson, begins." During the interval be tween August 25 the closing day of the naval search problem which is now in progress and September 1, when the joint maneuvers are scheduled to begin, extensive target practice will be indulged in at the defenses named and also at the other morts along the New England coast. The principal feature of the practice at the Long Island forts will be firing at moving targets, proficiency in which impending attack of the war vessels. The targets are rigged in various ways, some of them being fashioned to rep resent a warship. They are to be drawn past the forts by small tugs. A number of the ordnance officers on duty at the War Department left Washington last night to be present at the target work, and Gen. Crozier, chief ordnance offi cer, who is a member of Gen. MacAr 4 O. A. RobbillS . Co A thur's staff, is expected to view the k 1 t j 1 1 i f . Mill Engineers and Architects. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 201 South Tryon Street. - - II I . I . - Hook & Satwyer ARCHITECTS Charlotte. N. C. 0 WKeeler & Kunge Architects, Charlotte, N C. SECOND FLOOR 4 C'S BUILDING. J. M. McMichael Architect, v Charlotte, N. C. wwwts i-5Mr--hr3 work at the several forts. The War Department will issue an order in a few days giving general in structions to govern competition in this target practice along the coast. The general plan of the joint army ami navy maneuvers, wThich are to be gin August 29, as agreed to by Maj. Gen. Mac Arthur and Rear Admiral Higginson, the respective commanders of the land and sea forces, at their re cent Newport conference have reached Washington, and the instructions which will be issued by the two bran ches of the service to the opponents in the war game will be prepared here. These instructions will be of the same character as those which were issued t othe commanders of the White and Blue squadrons, which now are vying with each other off the New England coast. Later on, when the joint ma neuvers begin, the character of the problem as worked out by the war board, together with the instructions and the rules governing the contest, will be made public. Free to You If you are not well' and want to know the truth about your trou ble, send for my free booklets and self exami nation blanks No. 1, Ner vous Debil ity (Sexual Weak ness) ur. Hathaway. No. 2, Vari cocele, No. 3, Stricture, N,o. 4, Kidney and Bladder Complaints, No. 5, Dis ease of Women, No. 6, The Poison King (Blood Poison), No. 7, Catarrh. These books should be in the hands of every person afflicted as Dr. Hatha way, the author, is recognized as the best authority and expert in the Uni ted States on these diseases. Write or send for the book you want today, and it will be sent you free, sealed. Address, J. Newton Hathaway, M. D., 29 Inman Building, Atlanta, Ga. Housekeeper: "If I had to give up either my gas Range or my husband I'd give up . Well you know it doesn't cost much to keep a Gas Range." Founded 1842. Cures Eczema, Itchina Humors. Pimples and Carbuncles. Costs Nothina To Trv. lMiai I u lip n. . 5 B R b. (Botanic Blood Balm) is '," - , ', i iYTr'w7T now recognized as a certain and sure cure for eczema, itching skin, humors. GONORRHOEA AND GLEET scabs, scales, watery blisters, pimples, Cured ia 3 to 5 days by u5insr dr. ber- I aching bones or joints, boils, car- 'NaRD'S INJECTION or takinsr DR. BER hnnolps nnWIintr r..T. in -T-ir. NARD'S SANITARY MIXTURE Prevents od i"" 7tr RntVnin Stricture PrJce 50c each. For sale by W. L. om' eaim& sores, ulcers, etc. Botanic HAND & CO., Druirtrists. corner Trade and "ol- I Blood Balm, taken intemallv. cures oTprlceT' worst and most deep-seated cases or price py u. r , ujnxn, Apotnecarj , 1,(100 w onr;r,11,nr if.-ir, -.. i Sharp St., Baltimore, Md. WceK-End Rates. the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanjc Blood Balm Is the only cure, to stay cured, for these awful, annoying skin troubles. Heals every sore and gives the rich glow of health to tHe skin. Southern Railway will sell week- Builds ud the broken down bodv and m I l . I ona ucKets irom tjnanoue at rates makes the blood red and nourishine: named oeiow: Especially advised for chronic, old Hot Springs, N. C $4.40 cases that doctors, patent medicines iryon $5.&0 and hot springs fail to cure. Drus- Asheville, N. C $3.65 gists, $1. To prove B. B. B. cures, Black Mountain $3.G0 sample sent free and prepaid by writ- Round Knob $3.35 ing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga. De- Manon .. .. .... ?2.'J5 scribe trouble, and free medical ad- Morganton $2.45 vice sent in sealed letter. Connelly Springs $2.15 Hickory $1.95 OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. Hendersonville $3.10 M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Blacksburg S1.00 Winchester Ind.. writes: "My wiie Shelby $1.25 was sick a long time in spite of good Rutherfordton $1.50 doctor's treatment, but was wholly Lincolnton $1.00 cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, Lenoir $2.65 which worked wonders for her Cliffs $2.00 J health.'' They always do. Try them Jackson Snrines $3.50 Onlv 25c. at Burwell & Dunn Co. s Blowine Rock .. $5.65 drug store. Norfolk $7.90 Morehead City $6.50 These tickets sold on Saturday and forenoon train Sundays good to return following Monday, except tickets to Blowing Rock can be purchased Fri day and Saturday, good to return fol lowing Tuesday. Tickets to Morehead Citv sold Saturdays good to return following Tuesdays. For iurtnor in formation call on T. J. Withersyoon, J Tt A, ., CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Sold on Installments. RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS Cooper Bros., Proprietors Raleigh, N". C. MONUMENTS Tablets Curbing Vases Iron Fence We Pay the Freight Write tor our New Cata logue. rnfYXVYYYYYYYYYYYYYyx0 Photoengraving (g BaltmoreHri WE DO ONLY FIRST CLASS WORK HAND DELIVER WHEJS PROMISEDj Thig will Interest you It your Hail falls out or if you are troubled witl Itching, dryness or scurfy eruption. Mrs. M. P. Alexander, oi Concord N. C, says this of ' Mrs. Grier's Rescl Hair Restorer "Less than a bottle of MRS. GRIBR' RESTORER gave my little o a clean, healthy scalp and plenty ot natural hair, instead of a distressinf scurfy eruption and thin, dry hair." Electrical Construc tion and Repair Co An expert at the headoeach department N 'All Work guaranteed B. J. SW5KS0N, Mgr. 26 West Trade Street. - Letus give you an estimate on your work. tSng their own praise. Biy From o?e Makers and Save Here's a bargain in a good piano. We took it aa part pay ment on an artistic Stieff. Origi nal price was $300. Our very low price $195. Terms $15 cash, $7.00 per month. Will ship on 10 days trial: freight prepaid to any railroad station in North or South Caro lina, Georgia, Tennessee or Alabama. If you are not satisfied return at our expense. 5 T I , t , $ 213 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. A t t 4 4 ll makes cooKingf $ e7lT to to te ww&kdtjr -www FOR. SIGNS of every description come to headquarters Charlotte Cloth Sign Co. 40 EAST TRADE STREET CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ENNYR0YAL PILLS V . unpnti una wniy 'l-VMAH ii,. A lwavs reliable. I.ndles. sk Druritist 'AWl tot CIIICHESTElt'S ENGLISH WSvin KEI and 1 metallic boxes, se&ied 4 Sllr ?ith biuepibbon- Take no other. Refuse TTJ PaYieerous 8ubftHutlon and lmlta- ujf ui jour iruggisi, or Fena 1C ia stamps for Particular. Testimonials and 4KeIiet' lor L.ulies." in letterbj re 4 1 nit . f g d k Tn:nn :! O..I4 Kw & xi Tra7risri m!i.ia.a. ru :.,! Aladlion byuurc. Pill LA. JtA t U Vention this paper. 15he Brooklyn AxtomaJic and Wickless ' p iue Flame Oil Stove Burns ker osene oil. Absolutely Safe , ! 16141 For Asthma use CHENEY'S tAf fcCTORANT. t J. N. McCavsland & Company STOVE DEALERS AND ROOF- 4 ING CONTRACTORS. V t 221 S. Tryon St. $ Mechanics Perpetia! Buildiig Association 40th Series You can subscribe for stcck in this well known association any time during the month of August and file applications for loans. First payment to be made of the stock the first Saturday in September. S. WITTKOWSKY, President. R. E. COCHRANE, Sec. and Treas. Do You Love Health? pl SJ L. J. HAYDEN; Indian Herb Medicine Man, Is one of the Greatest Healers of the sicK on Earth. Cures all Diseases cr no Charge 1 cure all diseases that are known to the human race or no charge, no matter what your disease, sickness or affliction may be, and restore you to perfect health. l cure tiie lollowmsr Qiseases: Heart Disease, Consumption, lilood, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Stricture, Piles, in any form, Verti- f o, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Lungs, Dyspepsia, ndigestion. Constipation Rheumatism, in any form, Pains and Aches of any kind, Colds. Bronchial Troubles, Sores, Skin Diseases, all itching sensations, all Female Complaints, La Grippe, or Pneumonia; Ulcers, Carbun cles, Boils, Cancer, the worst forms without the use of knife or instruments: Eczema, Pimples on face and body: Diabetes of Kid neys or Brigt-t's Disease of the Kidnevs. I cure any disease no matter of what nature. All venereal diseases a specialty. Medicine sent to any address by express. j. or mil particuia rs send a two-cent stamp for answer. No. 4Ui W. Broad Street, Xiichmond, Virginia Do Yoi Know that we make a specialty of Spec tacle and Eye Glass work? No charge for an examination. Our Refracting Optician has had years of experience in adjusting both lenses an frames. If your eyes trouble you Come and see us. v Puzzle Prize v 4 A valuable and beautiful Swiss Parlor Clock, a piclUre of which is shown in this ad vertisement. will be given to every one who sends us a. cor rect solution to the following puzzle with a, label f.-om bottle of m 551 ROYAL HEADACHE TABLETS ADDRESS ROYAL DRUG COM Any retail druggist can supply yo LETS, as all wholesale druggists c When once tried, will always be u ROYAL HEADACHE TABLETS all Headaches, Neuralgia, Overwor Excesses, Train and Seasickness, G When buying ROYAL HEADACH ROYAL is on every tablet as our PA NY, BALTIMORE, MD. u with ROYAL HEADACHE TAL5- arry them in stock. sed. are the only sure and harmless curefor ked Brain, Sleeplessness, Alcoholic olds and La Grippe. E TABLETS, see that the word TRADE-MARK. Dose, two tablets. Price TEN CENTS a Bottle. FOR SALE BY ALL CHARLOTTE DRUGGISTS. THE PEER OF THE BEST. F O U R S T Y L E S . MEDIANAS ..5c. PERFECTOS ..5c. LONDRES GRANDE 5c. TRABOUCOS 3 for 25c. The above cigars are made of su perior quality Tobaccos and have been on the market for thirty years. Today they are unexcelled. Sold everywhere. Ask your dealer for them. Adress C. H. Brenamarv & Co. Makers. 422 W. Lexington St., BALTIMORE. MD. Sold by R. M. BRANNON, Druggist, Charlotte, N. C. C McNEL! S 4 YOU REN7 SEE OUR IDEAS, GET OUR PRICES AND COMPARE. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY On Lithographing, Printing, Em bossing and Blank Books, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Note Heads, En velopes, Business Cards, Checks, Drafts, Bonds, Diplomas, Show Cards, Labels, Certificates of Stock, Adver tising Novelties, Muslin and Oil Cloth Signs, Views of Buildings, Factories, etc. 15he EqviitLble LitKogr a-phi ng end Engraving Company S. W. Cor. Howard and Baltimore Sts. BALTIMORE, MD. SEASONABLE GOODS AND 1 Ix-room house on South Brevarr street. 1 7-room house South A. street, with all modern iniDrovements. 1 4-room house North Davidson street. 1 4-room house on East Palmer street. 1 4-room house on West Thirteenth street. 1 5-room house on West Hill street C. McNELIS. Insurance Headquarters Insurance Headquarters InsiraLnce Headquarters C. N. G. Bvitt Co. Insurance Headquarters. Is the oldest and only business college in Va. own ing its building a grand new one. No vacations. Indies & gentlemen. Bookkeeping, Shorthand Typewriting, Penmanship, Telegraphy, &c. . Leading business college south of the Potmar tmr.'Phila. Stenographer. Address, G. M. Smithdeal. President, Richmond, Ya. is without an equal for q,jiCli j frp.7iti!r will Yo ?lad to shovf ! I anything anybody wants to see. j; SUMMER SPECIALTIES Tanglefoot Fly Paper, Fly Traps, Fly Fans, Peerless Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Apple Parers, Apple Parers, Corers and Slicers Combined, Peach Parers, Fruit Jar Rub bers, Garden Hose in 25 and 50 feet lengths; Lawn Mowers, Rakes and Hoes. Some of the above articles are almost absolute necessity to make the summer months bear able. Our eerless Freezer J. H. Weddington (EL Company 29 East Trade Street. habitstreaiedrthoF U I I U iWC ant'ecl .I ? pay. B. H. VAI Man'Sff 'iLSSSentsert Co., Drawer A. Anstell,Ga. Homejreatme IW.MnMI. st.tiCi.Iy conn"