CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 25, 1902. mm, FULL REPORT OF TODftY'S M IA1FST ADVICES FROM THE REALM OF THE BULLS AND BEARS. (Reported by Ware & Leland, Private Wire to George A. Howell.) Bears the ) he Kind You Have Always Bought Signature THE COTTON MARKETS. , La., Aug. 25. Reports v,nv Orleans ( ;'hlilio to hand from over the "belt are (,.,t:unly very blue. utter received from a very liable .,',n.:nondent in Alabama under date , ,vrnt 23. is as follows: Our crop ' was ' .,,;, riovating every day. Am satisfied Jhi section can't make over half a ' , since farmers began picking, I 1 L finding it shorter, some parts this country have not had any rain pril 22nd. rms is given as a of just thousands tnat are nling into the exchange and the re- ility Ot tlie parues seuams Liicm cannot be questioned, lne iact hut our prospects are not anything as good as the bears want to see :iMiiot be erased and the effect, the IS I1UV1I1& uyuu llic ucai o shown in the marking up of Thpv are trying to get out or they are of ..( .-imen ct plainly values. 6 .- a on the market. let up in the The following heir short position 'Mi ere seems to be no ..h.-u- :.nd hot weather. V l v n i - been recciveu: ocast for W est Florida, Aiaoa- Louisiana Local New York, Aug. 25. Liverpool did not give us as good market as was ex pected from our strong closing of Saturday but there was too much senti ment on the bull side to pay much at tention to Liverpool and our market radually forced ahead on good buying from nearly all quarters. Shorts were disposed to cover only on stub born forcing from the bulls. The crop accounts coming to hand were of the greatest assistance to the bulls. The weather map showed no relief and with the buying for new account as well as for the scared shorts, the market scor ed a good advance over Saturday's closing. The market now has the appearance of everyone being afraid to stand short until the weekly bureau report of to morrow which all concede will be dis tinctly bullish. The early bear move ment now has a black eye but there will be some cotton made and it is therefore the part of wisdom to act shy of advances and buy only on de clines. We would not advise any one to get on the bear side for the present at least. NEW YORK COTTON. . Charles N. Herried is the third Nor-weign-Ameiican to be elected governor of South Dakota. WANTED 1,000 tons of old Scrap Iron. Any kind. YARBOROUGH & BELLINGER. HO! For the FAIR! and Has '() Mississippi n us Monday and Tuesday; fresh east ,(ViK)theast winds. For East Texas, fair Monday and Tuesday fresh south Njr,ls Texarkana clear, 80; San Aii i,mu! clear, 84; Waco clear, 79; Cal- dear. Si; Galveston ciear, ; c;t e Dallas clear, S2; Paris clear, 78 man el ear, 90 and Austin clear, LIVERPOOL COTTON. Futures Closed Finn 4 4 4 4 4 ........ - ; Sher-84. High Low Close Futures Closed Steady August .... ... . 8 59 September . . . . 8 30 October 8 19 November 8 10 December S 14 January 8 14 Fe bruary March 8 0(5 April May . 8 03 Spots Quiet Middling- Vc 8 8 8 i 7 17 04 99 98 7 97 8 C2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 :8 59 2)-30 18 19 11-12 14-15 1314 09-10 06-07 07 09 03-10 4C, 42 47 Auu- Auuept ..... S'l't-Oet Oct -Nov Y.,v-lVc ?),c Jan 4 2 5-24 i.i.i.V.l 4 23 24 i'i.u - - - - Feb-M eli Mcli-April April -May 4 Snots Quiet Middling 4 2.) 32 ' ...... y- , sates o,uuu 4 4 8:J-:U v7-'8 25-b 23 24 23 24 23-24 CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected Daily for the News by fleath-Reid Jobbing and Commission Company. Giood Middling 9c Strict Middling- 8 90 Middling Low Middling , ee Tinges "VzVz itains (J8e Steady THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF T5he Mcklenbvirg Fsvir Association, TO BE HELD AT CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS DAY AND FRIDAY, SEPTEM BER 30 AND OCTOBER 1, 2, 2, 1902. A solid week of enjoyment and in struction for visitors to the Queen City of North Carolina. Full program of unrivaled attrac tions. A premium list that runs into big money. Complete line of competitive ex hibits. ; Notable running and trotting races. Reduced rates on all railroads. Ample accommodations for every body. Nothing will be left undone towards making this initial meeting of the Mecklenburg Fair Association the greatest success of the State. Come and bring all your friends and kin with you. DR. R. J. BREVARD, President, JUNIUS H. HARDEN, Secretary. The Central Hotel Receipts THE STOCK MARKETS. New York, Aug. 25. The whole mar ket ought to follow the upward flight cf Southern Pacific. Whether or not it will is another question, but in my judgment you don't run much risk in buying at present levels. St. Paul, New York Central, Atchison, Union Pacific, Cincinnati & Ohio. Alton, Pacific Coast, Pae aMil. Eries, O. &. W. People's Gas, T. C. I, U. S. Steels, Wisconsin Central issues.' In fact most anything. It is simplv a matter of guessing which is the best after Southern Pacific. Do uot carrv too much stock, however, and be satisfied with fair profits. W3 may j pet a pretty good break some lime viiiiin the next 30 daysand I wouldn't like to see you caught loaded up to the neck when the break comes. American stocks in London steady, about parity. Early crisis 'in anthra ci:e strike expected with important de vf torments at operators meeting to rforrow. Senator Hanna says that further ef forts to terminate strike useless. Presi dent. Fish says Illinois Central will be independent of Southern combine. The trl;ng of testimony in the Northern P -.-.i-ities suit begins in New York ( j.tember 15th. Crop conditions favor able. Good statement causes encourage ment in Sunday prices. Car shortage caused banking of furnaces around Pittsburg. Relations betweenvAtchison and Rhode Island reported particularly friendly. No dividend meeting yet call ed for Reading first preferred. Forty nine roads second week in August earnings increased 6.54 per cent. Wa bash entry to Pittsburg is expected to ix comnleted bv May 1st. The stock market has been bullish throughout the day. The response from London was healthy and from the start our market has been firmly held. Southern Pacific has been the leader advancing well over 77. Baltimore & i L. & N. seems at a standstill awaiting developments of the merger plans now on the tape. C. F. I. continues weak but did not disturb the rest of the mar ket. The conservative course would be to take profits on such bulges as we have today and buy back at lower levels as there seems to be no disturb ing elements in the way of prosperity at present except the coal strike which must soon come to an end with benefi cial results to the' market. NEW YORK STOCKS. Atchison 63 Balto & Ohio 114 rl T- 1 on 1 vjan s Ches & Ohio . . Chi & Alton . Chi & G. West Chi Ter & Tran Erie I lock Valley . 111 Central 169 Lou & Nash 15 Man 135 J$ Misso Pac H?M MissoK&T 32 New Y C ' ......... 164M Norfolk & W 72 Ontario & W . 36 J Penna I62 Read'y 67 St Paul - 16M So Pac 7'J4 So. Ry office and waiting room have been beautifully painted and renovated and with many additional electric lights they will be pertectly il luminated. The table, the rooms, the ser vice, etc., of the Central are ex cellent and equal to those of any commercial hotel in the South. Under the personal management of Mr. C. E. Hooper. C. E. Hooper (EL Co, PKU.TKJJSTU.K.S 3 56 43 34 y, 41 .100 SoRyPfd 97 Tex & Pac Union Pac ; 111 Wabash 33 Amal Cop 67 Brook Rap Trans 67 r,nl "Fnel & Iron 77 Nati Lead Peoples Gas Susrar Tenn Coal & Iron 70 US Leather 13M US Steele 41 U S Steel Pf d 904 -r-r n 51 Western union yA VC Chemical 65 Ohio advanced sharply on good buying. THE PRODUCE MARKETS. Chicago, Aug. 25 Wheat-While the weather conditions in the belt were favorable, receipts heavy and every thing pointing to bear figures yet the market inspired by the good Liverpool market, and manipulation of Septem ber, sold much higher and closed about the best prices cf the day. We prefer not to advise on September option, which is pure manipulation but would sell deferred options on all hard spots. Corn Harris-Gates & Co. were good hnyers of the September option which is clearly manipulated and can be run to any point thev mav mind to put it h'u on all advances we would advise caution just now as there seems to be n unwieldy short interest in the mar ket. Provisions Receipts of hogs con tinue light consequent pork, lard and i"d)s are all firmly held, the short inter ests in these commodities nave been sorely tried and are being run to cover e would not sell except on high mar- WlRELESS TELEGRAPH TESTS. Tne Navy Tries To Avoid Using The Marconi System. Washington, Aug. 22. Wireless telegraphy tests between this city and Annapolis under the supervision of a special board of naval officers, which ''i its first meeting today, have un made tinned , . , kets which will come along as shorts are forced. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. Hisrh Low Close WHEAT September 72 71 j December .... .... 'jo8 27M 3i Vfay CORN September ........ .r9 December 44 May 40 OATS Septemv er December May PORK September October y 17 January -14 LARD September 10 7 October 9 0 January g 40 RIBS September 10 .27 Octobe -lj L9 January - " 75 695 58 42 40M 72 70 Seaboard Air Line Railway- DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Bet a New York, Tampa, Atjanta, New Orleans and Points South and West. Southern Railway In Effect June 8tth, T902. This condensed schedule is pul lished as information and is subject to change without notice to the public: 5:00 a. m. No. 8 daily for Richmond V and local points, connects at Greens boro for Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Newbern and Morehead City, at Danville for Norfolk. 7:10 a. m. No. 27 daily, for Colum bia and C. C. & A. local stations. 7:15 a. m. No. 16 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville, Tayiorsville and local stations, CDnnects at Mooresvillt for Winston-Saiem, at Statesville for Asheville, Hickory, Lenoir and Blow ing Rock. 7:45 a. m. No. 33 daily, Atlanta Ex press, Pullman sleeper and day coaches to Atlanta, Pullman tourist sleeper to San Francisco, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, via New Orleans and Southern Pacific; close connection at Spartanburg for Hendersonville and Asheville. 8:30 a. m. No. 33 daily, Florida Ex press, for Rock Hill, Chester, Winns- boro, Columbia .and Savannah;- Pull man sleeDers to Jacksonville, Port Tampa and Augusta, first-class coach Washington to Jacksonville. Dining car service. 9:25 a. m. No. 3G daily, U. S. Fast Mail, for Washington and all points North; Pullman drawing rooms, sleep ers to New York and Richmond, day coaches New .Orleans and Memphis; Pullman observation car, New York to Maco. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 10:05 a. m. No. 30 daily, for Dan illfi. Richmond and Washington ana all noints North. Pullman sleeper to New York; first-class coach to Wash infrtrm. This train is operated via Richmond. Va. n-10 a. m. No. 28 daily, tor vvin- ston-Salem and Roanoke, Va. 12:35 p. m. No. 11 daity, for At la.nta and local stations: connects at Snn.Tta.nhnre for Hendersonville and Asheville. 6:40 p. m. No. 12 daily, for Richmond and local stations, connected at Greens boro for Raleigh and Goldsboro. 7:15 p. m. No. 24 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville and local stations connects at Statesville for Asheville Knoxville. Chattanooga and Memphis. 8:18 p. m. No. 38 daily, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Pullman sleepers and Pullman observation car to New York. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 9:30 p. m. No. 34 daily, New York and Florida Express. Pullman sleep ers to New York; first-class coach to Washington. 10:10 t. m. No. 35 daily, U. S. Fast Mail, for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullmar, drawing room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham; day coaches wasnvngicn to iNew Orleans. Dining car service. 10:35 p .m No. 40 daily, for Wash ington and joints North. Pullman Sleeper for Washington, Charlotte to Richmond, Charlotte to Norfolk. First class coach Atlanta to Washington. C. H. ACKERT, General Managei-. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass Ag'nt., Washington, D. C. t R. L. VERNON, : ' Traveling Pass. Ag'nt. T. J. WITHERSPOON, City Ticket AgH 11 S. Trvon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Baggage called for and checked from hotel and residence by waaswortn a Transfer Co, on orders left at v,uy Ticket Office. Geeeoooooeooooooo o o o o o.o qoooooooooo PAINT 2 GOOD Not only beautifies your house but preserves it. Our SEMI-PASTE PAINT, which is made of lead, zinc, and best coloring matter ground in PURE LINSEED OIL to thick ness that it requires one gallon of Lin seed Oil to each gallon of Seini-P aste Paint, is what you should paint, four house with, as Linseed Oil i s the life of all paints, and by. nsinff our SEMI-PASTE PAINTS, you add your own Linseed Oil. r - TANNER PAINT AND OIL COMPANY,, Box 180. 1419 East Main Street, Richmond, Va. . c o r o o a aoooeooeooeoooaoo oeoocooocoooo o a r Rev. JE. R. Cars well, late Of Ga rs-j 5a I; A Minister's Great Discovery The One Cause and Its Sure Remedy. No Knife, No Medicine. Infallible, natural: sci entific, quick. No oth er cure. Other methods artificial and afford only temporary improvement. No relapses when once the Fon-Lin Method "takes." Best References. Send samp for Pocket Pamphlet and Summer Terms. " - CARSWELL INSTITUTE. 2325 Cal lew Ave., Baltimore Md. SUMMER RESORT. 15he Seashore Hotel, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. Opens for the Summer, Jvnc 1st, 1902 For the coming season of 1902 we have added sixty large, airy bed rooms, twenty en suite, with private baths, bowling alley, pool and bit lard hall. Hotel being but a few yards from old Ocean's edge renders it cool and comfortable at all tiroes. No malaria, no mosquitoes, no flies. The finest bathing, boating and fishing along the Atlantic coasL The cuisine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything in the way of delicacies in sea foods and choice edibles. Artesian water. Music the entire season by Professor Hollow bush's New York Orchestra of eight pfeces. No more delightful resort In the South. Write for descriptive bcoklet, rates, etc. Address, JOE H. HINTON, Man&ger, Wrightcville Beach, N. C. EDUCATIONAL QMWATTOiy.A.M.,LITT. M-Pres-H FIFTEEN UNIVERSITY TRAINED TEACHERS A NOTE! tit ALT H RESORT. JJ.H.NORMAN. IViUS.DOC. OXFORDoLE IP5IO, DIRECTOR o 8400 PIANJO GIVEN IN MUSIC. BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE FREE.' 1 RESBYTERIAN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Charlotte, N. C. Opens Thursday, Sept. nth, 1902. Magnificent building with ail modern conveniences. Enlarged faculty of exper ienced teachers. ' Physical culture a special feature. Gener al advance along every line. For catalogue address, REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D. IN EFFECT MAY 25, 1902. No. 32. No. 40. 17 oo 22 87 26y2 16 62 17 05 14 7a 10.89 9 S3 8 35 10 9 .17 90 70 59tf 43? 40 c 27 31 16 92 17.05 14 80 10.87 9.82 8 40 10 2D 9 95 7 72 jv. Charlotte ... . 7:27 p.m. 4:50 a.m. Ar. Monroe 8:25 p.m. 5:42 a.m. Lv. Monroe .... 8:40 p.m. 5:52 a.m. Ar. Hamlet 10:15 p.m. 7:15 a.m. Ar. Wilmington . No. 34. 12:15 p.m. Ar. So. Pines ... 11:33 p.m. 8:34 a.m. Ar. Raleigh 1:30 a.m.(U:00 a.m. Ar. Norlina Jc. .. 30 a.m. 1:15 p.m Ar. Portsmouth . 7:15 a.m. 5:35 a.m. Ar. Richmond .. 6:35 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Ar. Washington .10:10 a.m. 8:36 p.m. Ar. Baltimore ... 11:25 a.m. 11:25 p.m. Ar. Phila 1:36 p.m. 2:56 a.m. Ar. New York .. 4:15 p.m. 6:30 a.m. No. 33. No. 41. Lv. Monroe 9:10 a.m. 12:20 a.m. Ar. Athens 2:40 p.m. 6:13 a.m. Ar. Atlanta 4:55 p.m. 7:50 a.m. Ar. Montgomery 9:20 p.m Ar. Mobile 3:05 a.m Ar. New Orleans 7:40 a.m. Lv. Charlotte ...110:18 a.m. Lv. Lincoln 11:35 a.m Lv. Shelby 12:39 p.m. Ar. Rutherfdton. 2:10 p.m orfalkftSsWeslern Schedule in Effect Schedule in effect June 8th, 1902, Through Train Daily, Charlotte and Roanoke, Va. Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry ..11:10 am. Lv. Winston, N. & W. Ry. . .3:00 p m. Lv. Martinsville ..5:15 p m. LV. Rocky Mt'.. 6:35 p m. Ar. Roanoke ..7:40 p m. Ar. Charlotte, So. Ry 6:00 p m. Ar. Winston, N. & W. Ry.. . 2:00 p m. Ar Martinsville 11:45 a m. Ar. Rocky Mt 10:26 a m. Lv. Roanoke 9:15 a m. LIZABETH COLLEGE FORWOMEN Select ONLY THE BEST when it comes to EDUCA TION. If you do not you will regret it. In your search for a school whose motto is THOR OUGHNESS in ALL THINGS, consider ELIZABETH COLLEGE. Examine the records of our teachers, and the courses of study offered in Science, Languages, Music, Art, Elocution, Business and Physical Culture, etc. Session Opens September 18th, 1902. For Catalogue, call at Jordan's Drug Store, or address C B. KING, President. Charlotte, N C H...IH lil IJ HI.MWM1IIU I' 3f "'?822 jfea5f. Hilar Wi""1 3 con meeting t lately and wi 11 II T 1 l tho hnnrH -roar hoc a fusion regarding the merits of resent system. " The Navy Department is trying to Vla a system which it can use on war--Jips without being compelled to pur-J-nase the invention of Marconi, which. . r has been adopted generally by foreign navies and seems to have results than used tele- satisfactory that perfected by Germans and tir war vessels. Wireless graphy is by no means a new thing with the navy. Two years ago it was given important tests at sea between the battleship Massachusetts and the cruiser New York, but with poor re tv ohina were able to com- rmmiralfi with one another nf Fn miles, but it that the waves of transmission could easily be interrupted by other ves- onH tiio mpssaaes ueuewcu. aiiu ' at a dis- was snown Trains arrive Charlotte daily, 10:08 a. m., 10:32 p. m. From East and South 7:17 p. m. From the West. Pullman sleeping cars between Char lotte and Porstsmouth on Train No. 32. Connects at Monroe with fast through trains and through sleepers to the East and South. , Quickest time between Charlotte and New York. Leaving Charlotte 4:50 a, m., arrive in New York at 12:45 night, same night. For detail information address, AB. V. HARRILL, Fnr Whoooine Cough Use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. Connects at Roanoke via Shenan doah Valley Route for Natural Bridge, Luray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke and Philadelphia. Addit?iwii train leaves Winston Salem jIk; a. m. daily except Sun- dav hi Southwest Virginia ana Sv-. noah Valley points. W. B. BEVILL, Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke Va. M. F. BRAGG, Trav. Pass. Agent. WAR Oil INSECTS Sallade's Mosquito Bite Cure and Insect Exterminator Kills Bugs, Moths. Fleas. Ants. etc. MP'fr fails. Wonderful disinfectant 25c. Bottles 1-2 gal., $1.00; gallons, $5! no At all dealers, or SALLADE & CO., 122 CEDAR ST., N. pmm Your Opportunity To prepare for Business is NOW Pupils enter at any time. Send for Catalogue. Branches Taught Touch Typewtf in. Shortfcan4, Penmastbttt Bpelllna. Boo kectfoft Bug Arithmetic, Oaf respondeat Business Lty .- v J FOUNDED 1864 INCORPORATED 1803 end English. Y. The Only Negro Dentist In the Statt Dr. O. H.. Arnold. (Dentist.) Office hours: 9 a. m. to l p. m. 2 tc 6 p. m., 216 B. Trade street, Charlotte, N C ' CONSULTATION FREE. 2 to 12 Charles St.. North Baltimore, Md. Rscte per Month. $10. Both Department E 3 ' .... . LIIU lllUI.LIL 1,11 "f""!! INSTITUTE for YOUNG CONSERVATORY LAR.GE FACULTY. HIGH STANDARDS. LADIES of MUSIC Srcif - Trr.Un The present test at me y u.B TC ivv Yary is to discover the actual Expense of the system that shall be considered the best in the market . and is not to perfect any special scheme, the naval officers have. FULL EQUIPMENT. AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR. OUR. LIMITED NUMBERS; PEACE appeals to its patrons on account of its few, not its many, pupils. Many schools cost more, but none yield more on the investment. . For Free Catalogue Address President James Dinwiddie, R.aleigKr Nt) G.