CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 26, 1902. 3 SHE DIDN'T WEAR A MASK lulltV was i-uiuyiciciji uivi- H,r 1 ' ..." Hi.itrhps and pimples till ,len 10 ppcklon's Arnica Salve. Tben ',XheA as will all Eruptions, ''!lt'-' Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles ms from its use. Infallible for , ;'! n. Burns, Scalds and Piles. -' nntecd. 25c. at liurwell & 0,.v y; " 1 Dunn - ROOSEV ELT'S ' EDICT1 GOOD ROADS. - - aMMMivnnn i ! Kellam Cancer Hospital, TWELFTH AND BANK RICHMOND, VA. STS., Ve cure Cancers, Turr-f dnd Use of the Knife. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE. r.nne oral see what we have vww'.'aml are doing. If then you tl not satisfied that we do all Jv',1-claim we will pay all of your Southern Republicans, it is Said, Oppose Reorganization n ft t,eo . Building Material ft Window Glass Feed D. ws HER.S ; 202 S. College Street g ; Charlotte, N. G. ? able to Democratic Success Some Obj ection to the Ticket (Baltimore Sun. ; KOTII rilONES. Building MoLterioJ Fire Brick 61 Clay VIRGINIA ANCHOR Highest BRAND LIME. Award Chicago position LEHIGH BRND PORTLAND CEMENT. Highest Award BuffaZo Expoi' tlon. Only house in Charlotte m this line reached by all rail roads; therefore we are en aided to undersell all compatt- tOi'.s. Writs for prices. rr TfT KIT- t SF C? i Charlotte. N. C. 4 A can leave their L A U N D R Y A With us while passing through Y Ynd have it promptly forwarded to almost any address in this sec- tion of North and South Caro- Una WITHOUT EXPRESS CHARGES, through our numer- ous agencies in surrounding towns. $ $ Our work will be found to be y FIRST-CLASS in every way and vve get it to you when promised.? 1 STAR LAUNDRY! 2.S West Trade St. - - H. B. McDowell, Propr $ L i i e rk$ I Longevity t t W lT a first -class II T 1 1 M A 4 KT a first-class T 1 i i $ lnunary line ours handle y " " - o rid of the harrowing rub- f a-dub-dub of the washer- 4 A 4 woman, We get it clean f I and reduce the friction to I a minimum, H6e Model Steam Laundry omp any EOTH PHONES. Washington, Aug. 2i. Senator F. McL. Simmons, of North Carolina, who is in Washington, says that the Presi dent's recent disapproval of the atti tude of the Republicans of the South in the matter of factional fights and his edict that the men of his party in that scltion must strive for genuine success at the polls is not being generally ap- "My opinion," said Senator Simmons to a Sun correspondent today, "is that M'r. Roosevelt's policy with reference to reorganizing the party in the South will be exceedingly unpopular with the present leaders of the organization there. Their one idea for years has been a division of Federal patronage. And they have desired, and now desire, that division to be participated in by as few men as possible. Hence they have not been as enthusiastic as might hJWve been expected in the matter of electing their party candidates to pow er. 1 he Republican leaders of North Carolina are now in rebellion against i CI J Tj -r-v . t i --. ioeiuuur jeter u. rritcnaru. rney charge that he puts disaffected and purchas able Democrats in Federal positions to which they think they are entitled by reason of their own services and loy alty to the party. REORGANIZATION IS OPPOSED. "It may be stated in general terms," cuiiLinueu ivir. Simmons, that, t hp leaders of the Republican party in the South are satisfied with the minority position which they now occupy, and do not desire reorganization. The Re 1 , n .a puuncans 01 out tew counties in our State have thus far held their conven 3 tions. In one county which 1 J held its convention a few days ago, nuwever, resolutions were passed strongly condemning the policy of Sen ator Pritchard, and it was declared that no man should be supported for tiie Legislature who should seek Mr. Pritchard's re-election. This conven tion was dominated by the negro ele ment of the Republican party, and based its opposition to Mr. Pritchard on the ground that he had deserted and Detrayea the negroes. The negroes think this because he turned down sev eral negro candidates for postmaster- ships. There is also strong opposition to him among the white Republicans of the eastern part of the State, based upon the charge that he has tried to continue President McKinley's Federal office policy by selecting ex-Democrats for appointment to postoffices and other Federal positions." , OUTLOOK FOR NEXT FALL. Mr. Simmons was questioned con cerning the prospect of a complete Democratic victory in North Carolina next fall. He said: "We carried the State two years ago by a majority of 50,000. Now the new Constitution, which imposes qualifi cations upon sultrage, has just gone into effect, and will apply in the elec come. By the operations of this Constitution we expect the Republi cans to lose about 60,000 votes, and if the full vote of the State is polled next fall, we will carry it by a very large majority. I do not expect, however, that the vote polled this year will be as large as that of two years ago, but to my mind thre is absolutely no ques tion that the. Democrats will carry the State, and there is no reason to suppose that our majority in the Le. islature will be less than it now is. Two vears aero in the election of the Legislature we chose about four Demo crats to one Republican. That also will be the ratio, I think, for the next Leg islature. 'There are only three Congressional districts in the State where the Re publicans claim they have any show for victory. They are the Eighth, Ninth ml ' JS .1 n 1 ! ". .. ana rentn. mere is nu luuuuauuu iu their claims in any district except the Tenth, in which, there is a possibility of their success. DEMOCRATS NOT DISAFFECTED. 'I deny the statement that there has been any material disaffection among the Democrats of the State, and that many, since the adoption of the new Constitution, have joined tne tepuo- lican ranks. Democrats generally are as staunch and loyal to the party as they have ever been. In fact, I believe Democratic sentiment, in North Caro lina is stronger than I have known it to be during any of the four campaigns in which I have been chairman. The only independent movement there j arises irum iutai n uuuio owia satisfaction with the stock laws and the prohibition question. Such troubles have always prevailed there. They arc greater this year than ever. "There appeared to be some opposi tion to the regular Democratic candi date for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. A fight was made in convention upon his nomination, but out of 1,200 delegates only about 100 voted against him. There will be no organized oppo sition to his election on the part of men claiming to be Democrats. The Demo cratic opposition is growing less every day; and his vote will not fall percep tibly behind that of the regular ticket. An independent . Democrat has an nounced his candidacy for the post. He will command the Republican vote, but not enough Democratic votes to affect the result. j. D Wilson shot and killed his friend, D. E. Apperson m ni"'uuu early yesterday morning. Apperson was out late ancl was mistaken for a burglar by Wilson. t i rpnorted that the general freight offices of the Southern railway, which have been hitherto at Washing- Iton, will be movea u auauw. What Uncle Sam Has Do ne in That Line in Porto Rico. Chapel Hill, N. C, Aug. 24. The following interesting facts regarding the progress of Good Roads in Porto Rico will appeal to the sound -mrtsr- ment of the citizens of North. Caro lina: OUTLOOK IN THIs QTATC By the end of this year the Ameri " iiiivj O l n 1 L I cans will h v-rvw.iv KJ 111 ttill J lilllVO of good roads in Porto Rico as the Spaniards constmrtpri rl Senator Simmons Declares it is Favor- four centuries of their occupancy. This statement is made by William H. El liott, commissioner of the interior in Porto Rico, who is now in this coun try, and it shows what American rule had done for that island, to promote its interests and add to its prosperity. When the Americans gained pos session of Porto Rico there was al most no good means of transportation with the exception of the military road from San Juan across to Ponce, called the "central road," and a few stretches of good road running out from some of the towns. The total length of the good road was not much in excess of 100 miles, and the only means of interior transportation was by horseback and pack animals. With $1,500,000 of the $2,500,000 from refunded duties which congress appropriated to the improvement of Porto Rico, the Americans entered upon a road building campaign, and today 1G0 miles of first-class macadam road is either completed or under con struction connecting the most im portant towns. Porto Rico has an abundance of good ston,3 for road building purposes and the new roads are of the same class as are being constructed in the States. In addition to the roads bnilt by the insular government, a lav was passed at the last session of the assembly setting aside 25 per cent, of the tax levy of municipalities to be used un der the direction of a supervisor who, in turn, is responsible to the interior department, in constructing roads from towns to the main trunk roads. It is hoped that later a poll tax levy may be made for the same purpose. The people enter heartily into this plan. They take kindly to the road building idea and see in their greatly increased prosperity tangible results therefrom. Wages are increased, freight charges are reduced, trans portation and communication and generally facilitated, and a revolution has taken place in the styles of ve hicles used. Under the Spaniards the price of labor was IS cents a day. gold; now the government pays 50 cents a day, gold, and private con cerns are paying as nign as a nay. It used to cost SO cents per 100 to transport coffee by bull cart from Utrado to the coast, and now the charge is 10 cents a hundred-weight. From Arccibo to a shipping point the charge for carrying sugar was 15 cents a hundred, and now it ranges from 3 to 5 ce"nts for the same weight. The ' And every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly , Relieved by Baths with 7 Andrews Misic Firniture Corn.pjriy urratwe old bull-cart, a high-wheeled, slow- going affair, is rapidly disappearing, and its place is being taken by wagons and mules, and automobiles are Doing mtroauceu. This is one result of the American occupation of Porto Rico, and it is a result which works almost as much for higher civilization as schools and colleges. Similar results will in time be seen in Cuba and the Philippines. Road building is emblematic of Ameri can spirit and enterprise. Brevity is the sole of wit to the fel low who is on his uppers. A DEEP MYSTERY. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters- will quick ly cure such troubles. I suffered tor years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained m,e so I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although li years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipa tion; improves appetite, gives perfect health. Only 50c. at Burwell & Dunn Co.'s drug store. And gentle anointings with CUTI CURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure and purest of emollients, to be followed, in severe cases, by me dium doses of CUTICURA RESOL VENT PILLS, to cool and cleanse the blood. This is the most speedy, permanent, and economical cure for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply humours, with loss of hair, ever compounded. Millions Use Ctjticfra Soap, assisted by Cuticuka Ointment, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing tbe ecalp and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes and irritations, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Sold throughout the world. Soap, 2c., Ointment, COc., Pills, 25c. British Depot: 27-28. Charterhouse tq., London. French Depot: 5 Rue de la Paix, J'arie. Por 1BB Dl'KO ASO Cilil. Coar., Sole Props., iioBteii. Ovir new fadl stock of Fine Leather Firnitire bought wkiie in Ground Rap ids in Augvist is now on our floors for your inspection. We do not hesitate to J Scy that this is the largest, finest and cheapest collection of Leather Furniture ever shown in this Sta.te. Every piece of it is a p,ece of Furni ture that combines in it everything that goes to make ip a high grade, meritb rious piece of Furniture. You should inspect these new goods at once. We offer them all this week at our August Clearance Sale prices. rews Furniture Ard (El M US1C C omparvy DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? A THING of BEAV1 fY LB I, ttttr m, ! Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.! Almost everybody vho reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the rreat kidney, liver U- and biadder remedy. H It is the great medi- j; ca! triumph of the nine- 1 OH teenth century; dis- l covered after years of j!! scientific research by sM Dr. Kilmer, the emi' " nent kidney and blad der specialisi, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the wjrst torm ot kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested in so many vays, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton. N. Y. The regular fifty cent and none of swamp-Root. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. is a joy forever, buta c h e a p a n d inferior piece of Furniture is not only a source of continual annoyance, but no amount of re pairs will ever produce that Beauty, Comfort end Service That you will find in High Grade Furniture. Cheap Furniture is High Price It matters not where you buy it, but good, high- i . grade Furniture is cheap if you buy from 3 3, 3 LUBIN FUR.NITUR.E CO. Examine our stock and get our prices before you buy. Dd(B Made In three types selling at $15, $20 $30 The host Disc Machine an the Market Entertains Everyisesfy Everywhere Uses Flat Indestructible Records WE GUARANTEE PRICES AND TO SUPPLY YOU AT ALL TIMES WITH PURE CRYSTAL ICE AND ALL THE BEST GRADES OF which can be handled without danger of being injured r,? sax.-.. The reproductions are LOUD, GLEAR and BRILLIANT 7-inch Records 50 cents each ; $5 per doz. 1 0-inch Records $1 each; $10 per , doz. t t sasS " fflassas I STANDARD ICE 5 FUEL COMPANY. The GRAPHOPHONE and COLUMBIA RECORDS were awarded the GRAND PRIZE at the PARIS EXPOSITION of 1900 1H0 E. BaStiinore Street, BALTSMORE, MD. Thia signature li on eveiy box cf the genuine ' Laxative Bromoa0uiniae Tablets1 'iho remedy ihaA cares a cold ta ene day O o e eooosooooooooooooooooooooo G O O D PAINT Not only beautifies your house -but preserves it. Our SEMI-PASTE PAINT which is made of lead, zinc, and best coloring matter ground in PURE LINSEED OIL to thickness that it requires one gallon of Lm seed Oil to each gallon of Semi-Paste Paint, is wfrat you should paint hnncp with as Linseed Oil is the life ol all paints, ana uy usm rour Oil. TANNER PAINT AND OIL COMPANY, 1419 East Main Street, Richmond, Va. O 9 C i v o ct o Box 180. 00000000000000300 o e u o v o 0 o v w v w -