CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 26, 1902. FULL REPORT OF TODAY'S MARKETS i AT EST ADVICES FROM THE REALM OF THE AND BEARS. (Reported by Ware & Leland, Private Wire to George A. Howeli.) THE COTTON MARKETS. 26 Private ad- OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was whollv BULLS cur.e(1 hy Dr. : King's New Life Pills, health.'7 They always do. Try them. Only 25c. at Burwell & Dunn Co.'s drug store. "Southern x- Orleans. Au :'. .o mm Liverpool today contained " ! lMi views of the outlook for busi . ' in manufactured goods abroad ventured the expectation of a good v- i iveruool cables say iririts displaying strength and the i-M't is more active. There is far dfSlie VO vuy Uldii xiaa uccu uu- I tor some time owing to unfav- m crop accounts. The market will I , higher if the crop advices continue I!!'1 factory and receipts are moder t - - li n n -J 1 1 . 4- - i i J- t -- nil l ! r. weatlier II1UU lliia juoi yut u.J an i .' hips for Texas which means gen- .., oiv T':iir weather. "iitc Liverpool advices are exception al hh-ou raging and prices here seem j'heiit on taking a straight upward (onrsf but the temptation to realize fits was presented and simultaneous i, i!i.i; of this character caused a tem-Mi-aVv setback. The tone is steady, however, with sentiment quite friend- U-poits from Corsicana, Houston, vJ.t. Waco. Waxahachie, Weather- Dallas, Greenville, uuero, liee Urownwood and Henrietta, Texas iiow maximum temperature tor yes KM.hiy from 101 to 104 degrees. A i-Vliable party at Hillsboro, Texas, wi'rt's: "Very serious damage from boll uvniis in the past ten days. Crops sDolU'il. Some fields nthns very little." Aii iilier at Belton, Texas, wires: '.Vn-wl damage very severe. Would esiiiu.ue present condition the equival ent vi last year." A sjuvial telegram from Atlanta, says: "Crop is deteriorating every day ami very short. There will be many km lions in Georgia through picking by 0, tuber first. Cotton has had a sun cu'okt' and has thrown up hands." The improvement brought with it some temptation to realize profits but the market holds decidely strong. Re ports of crop deterioration seem to have multiplied and hot temperatures roiuinue in western belt. Traders are apprehensive cf extensiv short com mitment with probability of very bull ish weekly and monthly bureau ahead. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Futures Closed Steady Ant;- . . 4 50 51 Antr-Sept 4 45 40 Stiit Oct 4 36-87 Oct -Nov . 4 Cl- N..v-Dec 4 23- Dee-Jan 4 27- .kn-Feb 4 26 27 Feb-Mch 4 26 27 Mcli- April 4 26 27 April -May 4 2(5-27 Spots Firm Middling1 5d Ueeripts 3.000 Sales 6,000 New York, Aug. 26 The Bureau re port has been all absorbing interest to day. Liverpool gave us a good open ing and while our market would have gone up regardless of Liverpool, never theless, the operation was appreciated. The Bureau report says: North Caro lina very promising. The reports of rust is widespread. A decided de foliation in cotton is reported in the Central and Western parts of the belt as well as over eastern districts. The most favorable reports from the Caro linas is in North Carolina. The condi tion of the crop is very promising, al though the prevalence of rust is re ported. In stiff soils in South Carolina new growing is blooming but on sandy soil rust, shedding and premature op ening are prevailing. Northern Missis sippi and parts of Oklahoma and In dian Territory where the crop is doing well, reports indicate a decline in its condition. The crop situation in Texas very un favorable and will only be an average crop." Immediately upon" the reading of the report the market advanced sharply upon bidding by brokers on orders in hand to buy if bureau report was bull ish. There were profit taking orders though and prices reached some firm high marks. But, the undertone was strong and immediately the market re covered. The position is now a wait- make good yield; ' ing one. Every one anxious to see how Liverpool will act. From indica tions it seems to us that Liverpool is on the verge of giving in to the bad crop accounts and will follow our mad rush in advancing. We still advise caution. Take profits on this advance and wait for further declines before entering the market again. NEW YORK COTTON. . O Bears tHe Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought a mo miiu tuu nave Always HO! For the FAIR 33222 ESS High Low Close Futures Closed Film Aug-ust 8 63 8 50 8 64 65 September 8 43 8 32 8 4?-43 October S 33 8 20 8 33 ?4 November 8 28 8 12 8 27-28 December 8 28 8 14 8 26 27 January 8 27 8 U 8 26 27 February 8 19 8 12 8 20-21 March 8 13 8 09 8 17-18 April 8 13 20 May 8 .22 8 10 8 20-22 Spots Quiet and Steady Middling lc by Commission CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected Daily for the News fleath-Reid Jobbing and "Jompany. Good Middling 9c trict Middling 8 90 Middling 8; Low Middling cc Tinges Stains 64(a)8c Steady THE STOCK MARKETS. THE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF 15 he Mcklenbirg Fsvir Association, TO BE HELD AT CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS DAY AND FRIDAY, SEPTEM BER 30 AND OCTOBER 1, 2, 2, 1902. A solid week of enjoyment and in struction for visitors to the Queen City of North Carolina. Full program of unrivaled attrac tions. A premium list that runs into big money. Complete line of competitive exhibits. Notable running and trotting races. Reduced rates on all railroads. Ample accommodations for every body. Nothing wilj be left undone towards making this initial meeting of the Mecklenburg Fair Association the greatest success of the State. Come and bring all your friends and kin with you. DR. R. J. BREVARD, President, JUNIUS H, HARDEN, Secretary. The Central Hotel office and waiting-room have been beautifully painted and renovated and with many additional electric lights they will be perfectly il luminated. The table, the rooms, the ser vice, etc., of the Central are ex cellent and equal to those of any commercial hotel in, the South. Under the personal management of Mr. C. E. Hooper. C. E. Hooper (& Co, PROPRIETORS i v i k . r a .ev iotk, Aug. zo. American stocks in London firm, 1-8 to 3-8 above rarity. Rumored rights on B. & O. doubled. J. J. Hill bullish on con tinued prosperity, especially in North W:st. Attempt to open mines with hon-union labor expected. Crop re forts continue feavorable. Erie annual letjort will make good showing in. spite of strikes. Seven roads third week August earnings increased 8.33. Gould interest bullish on Manhattan. Consoli dated gas making good earnings in view of scarcity of fuel. Advance in St. Paul dividend generafy expected. Hocking Valley July net increased $37, 977. ;iiilgeley U. P. looks very good and might easily move up half a dozen points in sympathy with St. Paul and New York Central, also look about ripe. C. & O. seems to have started for CO. Southern Pacifio may rest around "y2 for a few days preparatory to an other advance. It will not react more than fractionally unless some new fac tors develop. There is no use in tak ing profits when we know Southern Pacific will sell a great deal higher. You must not expect a property with 2.000,000 shares to advance 2 points every day. If subscribers who hold 100 shares or over of Southern Pacific will Tvi-ite me a short note stating the exact quantity of Southern Pacific they hold, it may aid me in figuring out the ex aet movement of this stock. Mean while. 1 advise you to hold Southern Pacific for par. L. & N. is good for l': if the deal goes through, but there seems to be a hitch somewhere. It might be well to keep a close stop loss n L. & N. and not let your profits slip day. .Mi-. Gates will be here tomor row and then we may know something, 0. looks like going to 120 this trip. TUiy a little. The advance in onnral list should continue until Wednesday when it may be wise to takf m-nfiK t. has received the following orders: Northern Pacific 50, Tennessee Cen tral 12, Lake Shore & "Michigan South ern 45 and Colorado Southern 12 en gines. The market has been very eratic to day. A feeling of uneasiness prevailing the whole line as if every one wished o sell their holding but would like to see just a little higher prices. We would advise caution now. Don't buy on these bulges. NEW YORK STOCKS. Atchison Balto & Ohio Can Pac Ches & Ohio . Chi & Alton 43M Chi &G. West . ........ 346 Chi Ter & Tran 23 Erie 41 Hock Valley .... 100 HI Central 10 Lou & Nash 154 & Man 1351 Misso Pac , 117 . 33M ...104 36 162 Seaboard Air Line Railway. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, Nev Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT MAY 25, 1902. Southern Railway i In Effect June 8tth, 1902. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information and is subject to change without, notice to the public: 5:00 a. m. No. 8 daily for Richmond and local points, connects at Greens boro for Winston-Salem, . Raleigh, Goldsboro, Newbern and Morehead City, at Danville for Norfolk. 7lL0 a. m. No. 27 daily, for Colum bia and C- C. & A. local stations. 7:15 a. m. No. 16 daily, except Sun day, for Statelville, Tayiorsville and local stations, connects at Mooresvilla for Winston-Salem, at Statesville for Asheville, Hickory, Lenoir and Blow ing Rock. 7:45 a. m. No. 39 daily, Atlanta Ex press, Pullman sleeper and day coaches to Atlanta, Pullman tourist sleeper to San Francisco, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, via New Orleans and Southern Pacific; close connection at Spartanburg for Hendersonville and Asheville. 8:30 a. m. No. 33 daily, Florida Ex press, for Rock Hill, Chester, Winns boro, Columbia and Savannah; Pull man sleepers to Jacksonville, Port Tampa and Augusta, first-class coach Washington to Jacksonville. Dining car service. 9:25 a. m. No. 36 daily, U. S. Fast Mail, for Washington and all points North: Pullman drawing rooms, sleep ers to New York and Richmond, day coaches New Orleans and Memphis; Pullman observation car, New York to Maco. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 10:05 a. m. No. 30 daily, for Dan ville, Richmond and Washington and all points North. Pullman sleeper to New York; first-class coach to Wash ington. This train is opened via Richmond, Va. 11:10 a. m. No. 28 daily, for Win ston-Salem. and Roanoke, Va, 12:35 p. m. No. 11 daily, for At lanta and local stations; connects at Spartanburg for Hendersonville and A sli vi 11 s 6;:40 p. in. No. 12 daily, for Richmond and local stations, connected at Greens boro for Raleigh and Goldsboro. 7:15 p. m. No. 24 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville and local stations, connects at Statesville for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Memphis. 8:18 p. m. No. 38 daily, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Pullman sleepers and Pullman observation car to New York. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 9:30 p. m. No. 34 daily, New York and Florida Express. Pullman sleep ers to New York; first-class coach to Washington. 10:10 n. m. No. 35 daily, U. S. Fast Mail, for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming harS day coaches Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service. 10:35 p .m No. 40 daily, for Wash ington and joints North. Pullman sleeper for Washington, Charlotte to Richmond, Charlotte to Norfolk. First class coach Atlanta to Washington. C. H. ACKERT, General Manager. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass Ag'nt., Washington, D. C. R. L. VERNON, Traveling Pass. Ag'nt. T. J. WITHERSPOON, City Ticket Ag"t 11 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Rajreaee called for and checked from WpI n-nd residence by Wadsworth'a Transfer Co.. on orders left at City Ticket Office. 99 the up-to-date Wall Finish. Beautiful colors, cheap and durable. For sale J. J. EZELL, No. 12 West Fifth Street. Housekeeper: "If I had to give up either my gas Range or my husband Well up I'd give know it doesn't cost keep a Gas Range." you much to Sold on Installments. SUMMER RESORT. Whe Seashore Motel, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. Opens for the Svmmcr, June 1st, 190' For the coming season of 1902. we have added sixty large, airy bed rooms, twenty en suite, with private baths, bowling alley, pool and bit lard hall. Hotel being but a few yards from old Ocean's edge renders ft cool and comfortable at all tinges. No malaria, no mosquitoes, no flies. . : The finest bathing, boating and fishing along the Atlantic coast. The cuisine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything in the way of delicacies in sea foods and choice edibles. Artesian water. Music the entire season by Professor Hollow bush's New York Orchestra of eight pieces. No more delightful resort In the South. Write for descriptive booklet, rates, etc. Address, JOE H. HINTON, Manager. Wrightcvilte Beach, N. C. EDUCATIONAL I 191 uMiMM 1 1 fl u Dow. Ha iv. rt m w TV - ' !. K -W K fl f III i i 1 1 iti ffiFosaiElSYdtisfiWftMfKSiHICKOnVNfC? MW HATTO N, A.M, UTT. M.Pres. STpFlfTEEN UNIVERSITY TRAlMED TEACHERS NOT EO HEALTH RESORT. mm fcassa twelve courses of study r-rsrt .'J.H.NORMAN. NSUS. nor nnmnn..i naf. P,lf fTPf a, X-' 'I S4QO PIANO OIVEN I MUSIC. BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE FRff:- 114 No. 32. No. 40. jv. Charlotte 7:27 p.m. 4:50 a.m. Ar. Monroe 8:25 p.m. 5:42 a.m. Lv. Monroe . . Ar. Hamlet .... Ar. Wilmington Ar. So. Pines ... Ar. Raleigh Ar. Norlina Jc. .. 8:40 p.m. 10:15 p.m. NO. 6i. 11:33 p.m. 5:52 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 8:34 a.m. 1:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 30 a.m. 1:15 p.m Ar.' Portsmouth . 7:15 a.m.( 5:35 a.m. Misso K & T New Y C Norfolk & W Ontario & W Penna Read'y St Paul So Pac So. Ry 68M .186& IA1 SoRvPfd 97 m n -r- t()7 Tex 5C .f aC y-;. "8 Union Pac 1U Wabash 4 Amal Cop 6Gl Brook Rap Trans 67 Col Fuel & Iron Nati Lead 25 Peoples Gas 104 Sugar yoay. Tenn Coal & Iron 70 TT S Leather 13 US Steele 41M US Steel Pfd Western Union 95 VC Chemical 65 Ar. Richmond .. 6:35 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Ar. Washington .10:10 a.m. 8:36 p.m. Ar. Baltimore ... 11:25 a.m. 11:25 p.m. Ar. Phila 1:36 p.m. 2:56 a.m. Ar. New York .. 4:15 p.m. 6:30 a.m. No. 33. No. 41. Lv. Monroe 9:10 a.m. 12:20 a.m. Ar. Athens 2:40 p.m. 6:13 a.m. Ar. Atlanta .... 4:55 p.m. 7:50 a.m. Ar. Montgomery 9:20 p.m Ar. Mobile 3:05 a.m i Ar. New Orleans 7:40 a.m.l Lv. Charlotte ... 10:18 a.m Lv. Lincoln 11:35 a.m. Lv. Shelby 12:39 p.m Ar. Rutherfdton. 2:10 p.m. MMiHorfolkWestern zJ2I2-L:Jl Schedule in Effect Schedule in effect June 8th, 1902, Through Train Daily, Charlotte and Roanoke, Va. Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry ..11:10 Lv. Winston, N. & W. Ry. . .3:00 Lv. Martinsville 5:15 Lv. Rocky Mt.. 6:35 Ar. Roanoke 7:40 Ar. Charlotte, So. Ry 6:00 Ar. Winston, N. & W. Ry.. . 2:00 Ar Martinsville 11:45 Ar. Rocky Mt 10:26 a m. Lv. Roanoke 9:15 a m. OAK- RIDGE INSTITUTE 51st Year PREPARES for the UNIVERSITIES "and COL LEGES as well as for BUSINESS, for TEACH- ING, and for LIFE. Situated NEAR GREENS BORO, N. C, over 1,000 feet above the sea level, in view of the mountains. Largest and Best Equipped Fitting School for Young Men and Boys In the South. Rates: $125.00 to $175.00 per annum. FOR BEAUTIFUL CATALOGUE, ADDRESS J. A. & M. H. HOLT - Oak Ridge, N. C. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Charlotte, N- C. Opens Thursday, Sept. nth, 1902. Magnificent building with ail modern conveniences. "Enlarged faculty of. exper ienced teachers. Physical culture a special feature. Gener al advance along eveiy line. For catalogue address, REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D IZABETH COLLEGE L a P P P P P P a m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. Tne American Locomotive Company THE PRODUCE MARKETS. duce. with packers buying the near fu tures. Deferred futures were quite Chicago, Aug. 26. Wheat There ! u'&s talk of a large cash business but amounts not obtainable. This was a tle, was selling early on good weath er but tr?.r!e was good for September jj'ith offerings small. While statistical iifciires -vere bearish there was fairly Boon, buying of all futures with shorts sposod to cover on strength of corn, while outside markets were stiff, the -norts in September is still large and un lhpr ig a change in conditions ,tl1 a !are movement values will be vapf;e to higher levels. L-The large decrease in the ll: : an1 small stocks was enough to 11 shorts covering while prospects Ttionr ' i ain where clear weather is I wa disheartening ; and ari tt0 ,hP days strength. Conditions am t at 311 Dearish and values are tror i lUor,I)t nigher with the existing di .entiment. thpa-'S i ne trade was very poor and v-hiip gTh in corn was a bull help ori-" P1TMhcti0Iis of more rain also most V? aPainst shorts. Patten was the - .-"""uubu seiier. ho -rovi3ion3 The stiff advance , in 2 reflected by advices in pro strong and we think are out or line with the situation. It looks as higlrer values would be witnessed. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. High Low WHEAT Close September -a December 68 May 7u CORN September 60 December 4 May OATS Septern er 27 December . ... '61 ny2 67 G9M 11X 67 43 26M 05 7 -J8 30 17 12 16 87 17 22 17 00 15 07 14 90 VI ay PORK September October . . January . . LARD n n 4 ,"Q September 10 97 10.87 October 9 93 J f January ,8;47 8.4U September J 2? X2 IS Octobe -.10 0o 9 97 January. a V ' 1 58M 43 39 26 30 16 87 17.00 1'4 90 10.95. 9.85 8 40 10 15 10 00 7.77 TVni-na arrive Charlotte daily, 10:08 a. m., 10:32 p. m. From East and South 7:17 p. m. From the west. Pullman sleeping cars between Char lotte and Porstsmouth on Train No. 32. Connects at Monroe with fast through trains and through sleepers to the East oniekpst. time between Charlo&s and New York. Leaving Charlotte 4:50 a. m., arrive in New York at iz:4& nigm, same night. For detail information address, AB. V. HARRILL, For Whooping Cough Use CHENEY'S 6XPFCT0RANT. Connects at Roanoke via Shenan doah Valley Route for Natural Bridgl, Luray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke and Philadelphia. Additfju. train leaves Winston Salen a. m. daily except Sun day ijt Southwest Virginia and Sv noah Valley points. W. B. BEVILL, Gen. Pass. Agt, Roanoke Va. M. F. BRAGG, Trav. Pass. Agent. WAR 0!i INSECTS FORWOMEN Select ONLY THE BEST when it comes to EDUCA TION. If you do not you will regret it. In vour search for a school whose motto is 1 HUK- OUGHNESSin ALL THINGS, consider ELIZABETH COLLEGE. Examine the records of our teachers, and the courses of study offered in Science, Languages, Music, Art, Elocution, Business and Physical Culture, etc.; Session Opens September loth, IbiUZ. For Catalogue, call at Jordan's Drug Store, or address C B. KING, President. Charlotte, N, C r 3E 1 . " ' I Sallade's Mosquito Bite Cure and Insect Exterminator Kills Bugs, Roaches, Moths, Fleas, Ants, etc. Never fails. Wonderful disinfectant. 25c. Bottles 1-2 gal., $1.00; gallons, S2.00. At all dealers, or SALLADE & CO., 122 CEDAR ST., N. Y. The Only Negro Dentist in the State Dr. O. K. Arnold, CDentist.) OCLc hours: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 2 to 6 p. m., 216 B. Trade street, Charlott N. C CONSULTATION FREE. Your Opportunity To prepare for Business is NOW Pupils enter at any time. Send for Catalogue. Branches! FOUNDED 1864 IKCORPORAOTD 1895 Toocb Tj vewit Ing. Sbort&asdb PenmftuiMpi Spelling; fee kecpiXLA Bat esg Pracdoa, Arithmetio; Oo reppoadeni Business anfl EngHrtu " 2 to 12 Charles St., North Baltimore Mdf . M - m A R.a,te oer Month, $10, Both. Department M. 1 INSTITUTE for YOUNG Vnd CONSERVATORY LADIES of MUSIC 23 LARGE FACULTY, ve HIGH STANDARDS. "Si. signature on every box of tbegne Laxative Bromo-Quimne Tablet. FULL EQUIPMENT. AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR. OUR. LIMITED NUMBERS 1 PEACE appeals to its patrons on account of its few, not its many, pupils. Many schools cost more, but none yield more on the investment. ' " xt For Free Catalogue Address President JalTieS f Raleigh, N. G. 'the remedy that cures a coiu -

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