CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 26. 1902. 8 OOOOOOOOIO DO oooo D o O o c City TL7 Mkrk4nkt no m ooooooooooooooo In the Recorder's court this morning Will Maxwell and Mary Massey were before the court charged with living together without the form of marriage. The Acting Recorder stated that if "Massey would secure the license and get married today, he would allow -PTn to so on the payment of costs. Will Nelson, charged with larceny, -as sent to jail in default of a $25 hond. . , Richard Camp and Hattie Sanders, were sent to jail in default of $25 bond for living together without being mar ried. , , . Sam Coles, J. C. Colston, John Mills and Paul Brown, all colored, were be fore the court charged with giving a dance without the proper permit. They were discharged on account of lack of evidence. J oo Stephens, colored, who is em ployed by W. H. Hoover, was before the court charged with selling liquor to minors. As the witnesses for the State could not identify Stephens as the man who sold the liquor, he was discharged. John Sharp, for an assault on Chas. Stewart, forfeited a bond of $3.75. Reshine Crockett, for riding in front Of fire engine while en route to the fire yesterday, was fined $5 and costs. Lou Dougherty and Nettie Kemp were fined $2 and the costs for an af fray. NOTES OF THE NEWS. YOU CAN SEE SIGHTS IN AND around Norfolk. Go with the crowd. Berryhill & McCall, Managers. BARGAINS IN SHOES, HATS, MEN'S furnishings. Davidson & VanEchop. 2G-4t HANCOCKS LIQUID SULPHUR Baths are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. It is known that the average percen tage of Sulphur contained in the waters of Sulphur Springs does pot exceed one-tenth of one per cent. Therefore I can very readily un derstand what wonders may be ef fected by Liquid Sulphur. For sale by Burwell, Dunn Co., The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. YOU WILL HAVE DAYLIGHT RID- ing both ways to Norfolk. Train leaves Sept. 2nd. 8:30 a. m. Berry hill & McCall, Managers. 26-lt FIFTY-THREE HOURS IN SAVAN- nah for little cost Harkey Bros. & Thomasson. 25-2t DON'T DECIDE ON YOUR FALL suit until you have consulted Davidson & VanEchop. 2G-lt WE INVITE THE LADIES TO GO with us to Savannah Wednesday. Good order guaranteed. Comfortabl seats for all who go. Harkey Bros r Thomasson. 25-2t DO NOT MISS THE NORFOLK EX cursion Sept. 2nd. Berryhill & Mc- fnll Manaeers. 26-lt Items Gathered in and Around Char lotte Today. Mr! William Martin, son of Mr. Boswell Martin, died Saturday night and the body was buried at Pleasant Hill last Sunday. Deceased was 19 years old and was a bright and useful SAVANNAH EXCURSION LEAVES Wednesday morning, rain or shine promptly at 9 o'clock. Round trip nrilv $3.50. 25-2t 1 1 m rrella LOST Color dark green, left in First Presbyterian Church. Please return to owner at No. 1 College avenue Address W J5he TTapp-ILon. g (Co 12 and 14 EAST TRADE STREET. 11 and 15 NORTH TRYON STREET Styles A A tetsoin .d$ 0ir first shipment of tKe celebrated Stetson Hocts Hols arrived, embrac ing every new and correct idea in men's fashionable headwear. It is unnecessary to waste newspaper space in praising these Hats. Ev erybody knows Stetson Hats. Will Sell orv. Easy Terms Desirable S-Room M oc;. dence w No 623 North College, located just above the handsome Presbyterian College building and one of the choicest residence sections of the city Lot fronts College street, 48 feet and ex tends back 350 feet Note the depth and see us fot price and terms. Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Co. No. 207 South Tryon Street. Bell 'Phone 236. eal Estate and R s Correct fall shapes in Stetson's Stiff Hats Correct fall shapes and colors in Stetson's Soft Hats 3.50 5. 00 If P ine Fir Hd:s We have always good bargains in Hovises, Building Lots and Farms, If yoi think of pur chasing consult us. 8-room house, city water, co Church and Liddell streets $ " 6-room cottage, E Ninth, lar-P t $9.00. " l0tl 6-room house, E. $12.50. Liberty street. Modern convenience. 4-rooni cottage, E Fifth street Ex tended, $7.00. The Ryder Flat, Modehead Strep strictly up-to-date, $40.00. 6-room house, 713 N. Davidson $10.00. W. Johnson. 25-2t GO TO NORFOLK SEPT. 2ND. 26-lt NOTICE Parties who intend , visit ing New York during August or Sep tember can secure rooms at a lead ing hotel at a discount by address ing "Hotel," care News. ' 21-6t young man. Rev. Plato Durham, after spending a week or ten days in Mecklenburg, delivering educational addresses, re turned to Durham this morning. Mr. Durham's work in Mecklenburg has been of a high order and is appreciated by our people. At the Y. M. C. A. next Thursday night a reception will be held, at which time the members and friends of the association will have an opportunity of bidding farewell to Mr. Edmund Mc Donald, Jr., who has so successfully I cqr RENT 211 W. 8 7-rooms, mod filled the position of boys' secretary, ern improvements. W. M. Van and of welcoming his successor, Mr. awpv. $16 ner month. 23-2t n. k. noweii, or iviorganton. :vir. Mc Donald returns to the State University this fall. CHOICE LAMB AND BEEF TODAY. Both 'phones, Robinson, 217 East Trade. 25-tf DON'T FORGET RADER'S PHOTO- graph Gallery. We have a lot of new Big Excursion From Athens. The city has been full to overflowing with colored excursionists today. The crowds came from along the line of the Seaboard, the start being from Athens, Ga. When the train arrived in Char lotte last night, there were 11 cars fill ed with colored people and one car well filled with whites. The colored people came to attend the camp meet ing. On their arrival in the city, they boarded the electric cars and went to the park. The excursion train will remain in Charlotte until late tonight and probably, until in the morning. . The crowd has been very orderly and have caused the police no trouble. It is estimated that at least 800 came in on last night's excursion. One Cent a Word styles. 19-7t FOR RENT Two-story, 6-room house, modern conveniences, on Elizabeth avenue, this side Bridge, $15.00 per month. F. R. McNinch. 20-tf HAVE JUST COME FROM THE East where I have bought to the full capacity of my room, and to the interest of the people, and we are now at work on the inside mak ing ready for the opening, which will not be long and after you see the bargains we "have to offer you will not consider your waiting in vain. The Johnson. Bargain Store. 18-tf One hindred dozen Men's Ssxmple Fir Hacts bovight at 50c on the dol lar. In this line you will find new shape. color ond style for the com ing fall season. This entire line will be sold wt ha If price. 3 1.50 HLts, 75c. S3 and $3.50 BR.OWN COMPANY Bell Phone 1651 217 North Try on St. 5 5 2 HLts, 98c. ats, 1.50. Hoys lps N 15he largest assortment Boys Caps ever brought to the city. Yachts, Eatons, Golfs and Long-front Caps in reds, blues and mixed colors. The latest 1902 Caps for boys, E. each, tVSfSXlk C37-A" ,J.M 31C A fresh supply of powdered and whole Spices, just received. The hest quality for pickling purposes. Free delivery to all parts of the city. 'Phone 292. W. L. Madrid (EL Co. 15he si - Cor. Trade & College Sts. FOR RENT. Modern 7-room housr ; North Q street, Sept. 3rd. Modern 6-room hoi: 210 West Eighth street. Modern 6-room house, 301 Elizabeth avenue. Modern 8-room house, 312 North 75 street. Modern 14-room house, 2 W. Tentii street. 5-room house, 808 street. North Colleet 3-room house, 216 Clarkson street. 2-room, upstairs, 9 1-2 North College street. 1 store-room on East Trade street. Other houses in all parts of city. J, Arthur Henderson & Bro. 8 North College Street. Department Stores Department Stores ROYAL CROWN SODA WATER. Have you tried it?. C. Yalaer Bot tling Works. 9-tf Dr. H. C. Henderson DENTIST, Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. 26-lt Dentistry practiced in all its branches All work guaranteed. Queen Citv 'Phono 378. WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms tor light housekeeping. "F, care News. GO TO NORFOLK SEPT. 2ND. 26-lt LOST A SILVER BELT PIN BE- tween Morehead and First National Bank. Reward given if returned to ub boutn unurch street. 2G-2t Thp r.harlnt "Rnilriinsr and Loan WANTED To find home with Chris- started out to make the August tian people for nice boy baby, six series the largest on their records, months old. Address at once "B; , , . , a-iiu uiey are aomg n. many new Heeo This care News. 25-3t REMEMBER THE NORFOLK Ex cursion leaves Sept. 2nd 8: 30 -o'clock a. m. Berryhill & McCall, Managers. 26-lt stockholders have been, added, but in order to make this an unusually large series the books are still kept open, so you can still get in. Your WANTED A position as steno- aeiay is your loss; lor, Deyona an grapher. Have had experience in doubt, this is the best method de- office work. Apply to "H. S." Pine- vised, by man. for earning a handsome ville, N. C, No. 66. 26-3t proflt on small gumS) amJ its safety . . . . lie aoenrod i $i.DU Ufcl A SfcAT ON THE SAVAN- nah excursion Wednesday morn ing. 25-2t DO YOU WANT A NICE TRIP? GO to Norfolk Sept. 2nd. Berryhill fc McCall. 26-lt EVERYTHING AT AND BELOW New York cost to make room for our custom tailoring. Davidson & Van- Ecnop. 26-4t is assured. E. L. KEESLER, Sec'y. 25 S. Tryon Street. J. H. Van Ness, Pres. s AN EXQUISITE CUT GLASS PITCHER THAT COST $12. A HANDSOME ROCKER THAT COST $12.50. A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL SILVER CANDELABRA THAT COST $15.00. AND A HANDSOME BRASS AND ONYX TABLE WITH A LARGE AND EXTREMELY PRETTY PICTURE LAMP. THAT COST $25.00. These are the four prizes in Brannon's Coupon Contest. A Coupon with every 5 cent cash purchase of soda water, ice cream, cigars and. tobacco. First drawing September 1. Save your coupons. BRANNON'S DRUG STORE To Serve, 36TH SERIES OPEN MUTUAL BUILDING k YOU CAN GET THE FINEST AND PUREST CANDIES 1 LOAN ASSOCIATlOi I SERIES CLOSED ROUND TRIP TO SAVANNAH AND return $3.50. 25-2t THERE WILL BE A JOLLY CROWD go to Norfolk Sept. 2nd. Lots of young ladies are going. Berryhill & McCall, Managers. WANTED By handy man a few hour's light employment daily, in office or store. "B." 407 West Eleventh street. 26-lt BAGGING AND TIES AT 25 CENTS per bale. Apply at mill. Ada M'f'g, Co., Charlotte, N. C. 15-d&w-t WE ALWAYS TAKE A NICE CROWD to Norfolk, Sep. 2nd. will be "no . exception. Berryhill & McCall. 26-lt H A T ! s North Tryon St 22-; OUit FAMOUS NEWPORT ICE CREAM . AND ICE CREAM SODA SERVED : : : : : WATCH ICS THAT KEEP "SUN" OR WASHINGTON "TIME" TO PROPERTY OWNERS We are house renting agents. List your houses with us. We can fill them.' We move our customers free of ' charge. Office 204 S. Tryon. 'Phone 200 or 1892. Branner Moving & I TarliRR' Watr.hfis. S5.00 TTo etc rr I ' - ALL FULLY GUARANTEED Gold, Silver and Filled Cases The 23rd series was wound up on the last Saturday in July, "ahead of the hounds'' as usual. In fact, from the first we have matured our series from Two to Five Weeks AHead of Any Other This means in money $1.97 more on the last series and $1.65 more on the preceding series than other Associa tions. MORTGAGES. Now ready for cancellation and de livery of same with insurance policies. NEW SERIES open and subscrip tions will be received either by Chase Brenizer or either of the un dersigned. , . P. M. BROWN, Pres't. A. G. BRENIZER, Treas. It is a pleasure for us to wait on customers. We enjoy the wrork enjoy meeting so many different interesting people; en joy, getting special things for them; enjoy, doing all wr.e can to please them so they will come again. There is no hate-to-do it air tZl about our store. We're a cheer ful lot because we are in love with the business. THE STURDY OAK has its beginning with the implanted corn. Likewise the Tree of Fortune takes root with the opening of a savings account. With us twenty-five ce nts is sufficient to start an account. We pay interest on all deposits. Southern. Loon and Savings Bank P. M. BROWN, Presided. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice-President. F. J. HAYWOOD, Jr Cashier. i i WOODALL&SHEPPAR Druggists Beth 'Phones No. 69. 15he Charlotte National Bank, CHARLOTTE, N. C. t Your Bank and manhood have more to do with your success than all other agencies combined. Let this be your Bank. We promise you every facility that your balances, business and responsibility warrant. Call to see us and let, us talk the matter over with you. Xnt B" D" HetK Pres ' w- H- Twitty, Cashier NCM The latest and best game Price 50c FOR SALE BY HOUSTON. DIXON & COMPANY LEADING BOOK, STATIONERY AND ART STORE fj ui South Tryou St. Op. Central Hotel 1 ESTABLISHED 1871 Dr. J. H. McADEN.Prest GEO. E. WILSON, V.-PnM. Jfoe C.N.EVANS.Cashier W.C.WILKINSON, Ass't Cashier MERCHANTS a MODERN banking house AND With every facility for the i FARM ER.S prompt and careful handling of NATIONAL a business intrusted t BANK Liberality Courtesy Strength 35 East Trade Street - n II c charlotte, n. c. Assets Over One Million Uoliars Storage Co. WANTED An honest, reliable wo man for, cooking and general house ', ,work to go to Norfolk. Must be -well Y recommended. Apply at 501 N. Tryon atreet. ' 26-2L Gentlemen's, AUGUST Is one of the best months in the vear S2.50 Up to have tnat vehicle of yours Re- Ir-"- ' """ -"viiaiuicu. jxiy wux js. ill both lines is equal to any in the .country. Fine Carriage Painting is ;hllT Tk inline imy specialty. G. A. PAGE, cor. Fourth VJUJL1UUJLU.1 Di una. and tnurch Streets, Charlotte, N. C THR.EEHOOM HOUSES 3 all in a row, renting to white people for $3.00 per month each. Income per annum, $325. PRICE, $2,500. Earning 12 7-8 per cent. Free of city tax. Location thickly settled su burban, on and near one of the macadam thoroughfares. ALEXANDERS J. W. & F. D, Notary Public and Public Stenographer. SO STAR. MILLS CORN MEAL Is the best, so say all who have used it. You can get it fresh in any quantity direct from the mills. W. M. CROWELL, Proprietor. Bell 'Phono 297. 2E SoitKern States T r r:s t C 0 mpay FOR EXAMPLE Mr. Brown earns .nine dollars a; week; he puts one dollar of this in. the bank. He tells us that ne neve. , misses that dollar and that he is de-, lighted and surprised at the rapid, growth of his bank account. We cordially invite you to open an; account in our Savings Department., Geo. Stephens, T. S. Franklin, W. H. ood, Pres. V-Pres. Sec -Treas. j i .1, in 1 w it ui i;5S5g33 Neat cottage -home on N. Brevard street. Several choice lots ou Ehzaoe avenue. New Dilworth residence on the Boulevard. Nice corner lot, Sixtb and Church streets. New 7-room residence N. Pine street. rs. The Do any of the above interest you? If so, call for further particulars. prices are at bargain values. F. C. Abbott & Company OFFICE:. PIEDMONT. BUR-DING.

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