CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 27, 1902. 2 'gala day for huntersville. ' A MINISTER'S BUSY WIFE. Pe-ru-na a Prompt and Permanent Cure for Nervousness. Mrs. Anna B. Floharty, Galesburg, 111. Mrs. Anna B.'Fleharty, recent super intendent of the W. C. T. IT. headquar ters, at Galesburg, 111., was for ten years one of the leading women there. Her husband, when living, was first Presi dent of the Nebraska "Wesley an Uni versity, at Lincoln, Xeb. In a letter written from 401 Sixty Seventh street, TV., Chicago, 111., Mrs. Fleharty says the following in regard to Perun: "Having lived a very active life as wife and working partner jjf a busy minister, my health failed me a few years ago. I lost my husband about the same time, and gradually I seemed to lose health and spirit. My daughter is a confirmed invalid, and we both felt great need ol an invigorator. w "One of my neighbors advised me id try Peruna. A bottle was Immediate ly secured and a groat change took place in my daughter's, as well as In my own health. Oar appetites im proved very greatly, the digestion seemed much helped, and restful sleep soon improved us, so that we seeved like new women. " I would- not be without Peruna for ten times its cost." MItiJ. ANNA ii. FLEIIAIITY. Peruna never fails to prevent nervous prostration if taken in time. "Summer Catarrh," a book written by Dr. Ilartman on the subject of the ner vous disturbances peculiar to summer, gent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O Matthews Meaiin left Matthews Pick Ups. Aug. 2(5 N. C. this mornim -Mr. for Smith Wake Large Crowd Attended the Education Rally and Picnic The educational rally and picnic at Huntersville yesterday was a decided success. It is estimated that about 2,000 ! people were in attendance. The speaking took place in the audi torium of the High School. Rev. John Grier, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Huntersville, opened the meeting with prayer. Prof. R. J. Coch ran made the address of welcome. Hon. Lee S. Overman who spoke after Prof. Cochran, was introduced by Prof. J. M. McKinnon, principal of the school at Huntersville. Mr. Overman dwelt at length on the blessings that education had brought to the American people. The speaker was given the best of attention and. At the close of his ad dress, he was liberally applauded. Mr. E. Y. Webb, the next speaker, was introduced by Prof. Cochran. This was Mr. Webb's first visit tc the Hun tersville section and the people were anxious to hear him. He spoke enter tainingly on the needs of early train ing and declared that the mother was the best teacher of the child and that this teaching should begin in infancy. Mr. Webb stated that the parent should look well after the early train ing of his child and. see to it that the training was based on a solid ground His speech was well received. At the conclusion of Mr. Webb's ad dress, dinner was announced. An ex cellent meal was spread on die campus to which all present were invited. In the afternoon there was a tourna ment and a game of baseball. The suc cessful Knights were: Mr. W. M. Van Pelt, the Knight of the Old Red Hill, first: Mr. Tom McCoy, the Knight of Eureka, second; Mr. J. G. Davidson, the Knight of Rural Hill, third, and Mr. Mac Hen derson, the Knight of River Bend, fourth. After the tournament, the coronation address delivered by Mr. F. R. M' Ninch - came next after which the crowns were delivered. Miss Bennie Pitts, of Utiiontown, " was crowned queen by Dr. J. E. S. Davidson (Mr. Van Pelt, having do nated his right to Dr. Davidson) ; Miss Josie Shipp, of Yazoo City, Miss., was crowned first maid of honor; Miss Kit tie' Walker, of Charlotte, second maid of honor, and Miss Daisy Shipp,- of Yazoo City, Miss., third maid of honor. The gameof baseball was won by Davidson by a score of 11 to 7. Forest College. Miss Alice Mullins, of Raleigh, is vis iting at Capt. T. J. Renfrows. Miss Ida Huey, of Rock Hill, S. C, is visiting her brother, Mr. F. V. Huey. Engineers, Jame and Ed. Robinson, of Raleigh, N. C, are visiting relatives in town. - Mr. Oliver W. Lassiter who has been taking practical lessons in rail roading, under Mr. A. W. Lindsay, left for Winston to visit his mother, for a few days, after which, he will enter Bingham School at Mebane, C. Rev. L. R. Pruett, of Charlotte, is as sisting Rev. D. M. Austin in a meeting at the Baptist church. ' Matthews High School opened with an enrollment of 91 pupils which is the largest in the history cf the school. The citizens of this place, by their subscriptions, have supplement the public fund, till they have practically a public school for nine months yer year. TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other reme dy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Burwell & Dunn Co. Donated to Barium Springs. Our Fatherless Ones, published at barium Springs Orphanage, has the following: Last year Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bur roughs, of Charlotte, placed in one of the rooms of Synod's Cottage many beautiful paintings of their daughter, Mrs. Carrie Burroughs Dula, who was quite an artist and left many admira ble specimens of her work in the pos session of her parents. Later they decided to erect a suitable memorial building containing an art room -n which these-painting might be placed. In addition to an art room this build ing will contain a library room and an office for the Superintendent of the Home. Plans have been prepared by Messrs. Hook and Sawyer, architects, of Charlotte, for quite a handsome building, the material is now being placed on the ground and work on the building will most probably have be gun before this falls under the eyes of our readers. The building will stand opposite Synod's Cottage, south of Superintendant's Cottage, and in a line with it. A more beautiful and appropriate site could not have been selected for such a building and it will add much to the beautiful appear ance of the Orphans' Home. This memorial building is a most happy thought of Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ( roughs, and will preserve not only the name of their beloved daughter, but their names as well, in sacred remem brance perpetually. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? ar i TODAY'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sura to know of- the vonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver t and bladder remedv. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis- Uij! scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent, kidney and blad der SDecinlir rr ic wonderfully successful in 'promDtly curin? t lame uiaok., luuney, uiaaaer, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's SwarnpRoot is not rec ' ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The. regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Dray license due W. B. Taylor, C. T. C. A great opportunity to buy umbrel las at a big saving The Tapp-Long Co. - All 1 dies' laundry is handled by women experts and apart from the other work. Charlotte Steam Laundry. The new Holly Antiseptic Kinder garten Slate at the Bee Hive. Hire's Root Beer at J. E. Darsey's. Announcement from Theodore H. Price. 'Voice culture. Mrs. Minnie Wriston Smith. Doors, windows and blind?. W. T. Ward & Son. Our wonderful August sale will te continued only a few days longer. Arch bell. fresh Shep- C'1,3 W es & N u a n a 1 1 y ' s d e 1 i c i o u s by express today at pard's. The Wernicke "Elastic' book case is the only one for a growing library. Stone & Barriner. New goods at J. B. Ivcy & Go's. Win do v glass and feed at B. F. Withers. Of Interest in Charlotte. The Gastonia Gazette says: Miss Mary Spencer Anderson, of Charlotte, is the guest of Miss Anna Chrietz- Mr. J. Lawrence Beal was a Char lotto visitor Sunday. Mr. J. C. Allison, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. H; F. Chrietzberg, Jr., is at home from Charlotte, where he has been with the Charlotte Telephone: Co. He leaves in a few days for the A. &' M. College at Raleigh, to take a course in electrical engineering. Mr. J. A. Newton and family move to Charlotte to-day, where Mr. Newton accepts a regular job as carpenter for the Louise Mill. Mr. Newton was a good and useful citizen and bis friends regret that he and his family have left Gastonia. " - THE WEATHER. Forecasts for tonight and Thursday. i For Charlotte and vicinity: Showers I tonight and Thursday. j i n For North and South Carolina: TOT LaGriODe and Influenza Snowers tonight and Thursday. Light use CHENEY'S EXPECTOR-'0 fresh easterly winRs-w. gray, J Observer Temporarily in Charge. r 1 .7.,,.,.,, --r 'Jr iiimiimiimi ...... ,..,. ... ( m Mt -'-"rv j n r--.- iniiliTftiliMiiiM, iii"iiill,,r'a ' (L '0 JiSl ii i fefl?l rt TO SMOKERS OF THE will the United States collect Taxes on during the Month of December, 1902? (Cigars bearing $3.00 per thousand tax.) fi4-OsuT are nearest to the number of cisrars on which $7 on tav ner j i' - thousand is paid during the month of December, 1902, as shown by the total sales of stamps made by the United States Internal Revenue Department during December, 1902. Distribution will be made &s follows t To the (1) person estimating the closeet To the 2 persons whose estimates are next closest.. ($2,500.00 each) To the 5 persons whose estimates are E&xt closest (1,000.00 each)...- ,. To the. .. ..10 persona whose estimates are. next closest... (8500.00 each)......... To the 20 persons whose esitmates are next closest.. (S250.00 each) To the 25 persons whose estimates ere next closest... ......... .(S100.00 each) To the. . . . 50 persons whose estimates are next closest. .($50.00 each). To the.... 100 persons whose estimates are next closest.; ($25.00 each)... To the. .2,000 persons whose estimates are next closest-- ($10.00 each). To the .3,000 persons whose estimates are next closest ($5.00 each) , o the 80,000 persons whose, estimates are next closest we will send - , to each one box of 50 Cremo" Cigars (value $2.50 per box) 35,213 35,213 persons..... $5,000.00 in cash 5.0PO.OO " 5,000.00 ' 5.000.00 " 5.000.00 " 2.500.00 " 2,500.00 2,500.00 20.000.00 1 5,000.00 75,000.00 it . . . i . . $142,500.00 Every 100 bands from above named cigars will entitle you to four estimates. (One ' Florsdora" band counting as two bands from the 6 cent cigars mentioned; and no less than 100 bands will be received at any one time for estimates.) Information which may be cf value in making estimates: the number of Cigars now beariDg $3.00 Tax per thousand, for which Stamps were purchased, appears below : In December, 1S00, "December, 1901, January, 1902, "February, 1802, 467,092,208 Cigars. :479;312,170 " 496,983,717 " .445,495.483 40 In March, 1902, 516,599,027 Cigars. April, 1902, 516,835,163 " May, 1902, 523,035,907 Incase of a tie ia estimates, thaamount offered will be divided equally among those entitled to it. Distribution of the awards will be made as soon after January 1st, I903TUI the figureo are obtainable from the Internal Revenue Department of the United States for December Write your full name and Post Office Address plainly on packages containing bands.. Tbe "Postage, or Express charges on vour cackaee must be fully prepaid, in order for your estimate to participate. " , . & J v A!! estimates Kinder tass offer a:st be forwarded before Decenshsr 1st, 1502, to the . . FLORODORA TAG COMPANY, Jersey City, N. J. You do not loco the value cf year bands. Receipts will be sent you for your bands, and these receipts will be just as good as the bacds themselves ia securing Presents. rOrae band from Rorodora," or two bands from any of the other Cigars mentioned above, wirl count in sscurhig Presents the same as one tag: from "Star Horse Shoe," Spear Head," Standard Navy," "Old Peach sr.d Honey," "J. T."." Mssier Workman," "Piper I1eidsleck,J Jolly Tar," "Boot Jack." "Old Honesty . .Razot,,r or Planets Tpobaccofor one SwTjiyrai;.'; Cigarette Box Front..: ScCd eaCh estimate on a separate glete o? paper, Ith year name end address plnly written on each. Blank forms for estimates will be mailed upon application: Illustrated Catalorus of Presents for 1903 and 1904 will be ready for distribution ahrmt