CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 27, 1902. The Charlotte News Hy Except Surday. THE TIMES-DEMOCRAT Mondays and Thursdays. W. C. DOWD Publisher. R. W. VINCENT, .. Associate Editor. C. A. MATTHEWS.. ..City Editor. Delivered anywhere In the United ttates by mail at 10 cents a week. Delivered anywhere in the city by carriers at 10 cents a week. WASHINGTON OFFICE: Trade Press Building, 1209 G St. N.W. Edward A. Oldham, Manager. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. JUDGED BY WORKS. A political party must be judged by what it does, not by what any num ber of its voters may want done, but can't get done. No man of sense ques tions for a minute that the average Re publican is a. patriotic citizen. If a vote of the party could be taken tomorrow there is every reason to believe that a large majority would be given in favor of justice to Cuba, a revision of the tariff so as to deprive monopolies of its shelter, and a thorough going enforce ment of the Sherman Anti-Trust law. But it happens that the voters of the Republican party no longer shape the policies of their party. That business is taken out of their hands by the leaders who control legislation at Washington. These leaders and the preying plutocracy which commands them are aware that among the Repub lican masses there exist discontent, restiveness, and protest. But so long as the Republican masses will take fine professions of patriotic purpose as an offset to evil deeds, and accept vague platform promises of good deeds in the future, no matter what the recent actual party performances may have been, the Republican masses may be as discontented as they choose, and as restive and as protesting, yet they will be no better off. If you want a per petuation of trust domination continue to vote the Republican ticket, for the strength of the combined trusts which govern the United States today lies chiefly in the political partisanship of the Republican masses a partisanship made up of habit, sentiment, and in herited or acquired fondness for a party name, regardless of what that party has really come to stand for. THEN AND NOW. The best way to arrive at whether the average man is better off today than he was in 1897, is to figure the cost of living today as compared with that time together with wage earning ca pacity at that time as compared with now. A bill of goods consisting of salt, sugar, spool cotton, sole leather, bleached sheetings, dress goods, kero sene oils, axes, and other things which cost at wholesale in 1897 $43.04, cost $55.35. If we add to these wholesale prices 33 1-3 for retailers profits (and this is anexceedingly small addition for such profits) we find that the retail price of this bill of goods in 1897 was $57.39, and that the identical articles in 1901 cost $73.79. This would require about ten days extra work to pay for the bill over 1897. If on the other hand it was a farmer who bought the bill it required seventy-two bushels of wheat to pay for it in 1897, while in 1901 it required one hundred and two bushels to pay for the same bill. The Republican Campaign Text Book is silent as to reciprocity with Cuba. It is afraid to make any pretensions along that line. Those who made it known full well that the administration's words are not backed up by deeds and is silent. The utmost reference to Cuba is contained in the assertion that the ground work of a Republican form of government has been laid in Cuba under a Republican policy. But what of the failure of Congress to furnish the new government with the means of making that experiment a success? What of the policy of McKinley which President Roosevelt at Schenley Park affirmed would be carried out "as sure as fate." With half a dozen of the lead ing Republican state conventions de claring unqualifiedly for the Presi dent's policy, why should the Con gressional Campaign Committee over look the necessity of discussing that issue with the people. The Beef Trust confesses that there has been blacklisting and a restraining of trade, but it turns around and in an off-hand way says, "What are you going to do about it?" No one has seen any real signs of Mr. Knox's doing anything about it. "Every dog has his day," and in the natural trend of events, General Miles star must soon be in the ascendancy. Iredell County Convention. Statesville, N. C, Aug. 27 Rev. W. W; Orr, of Charlotte, is aiding Rev. J. H. Pressley in revival services. The congregations are good and the interest is growing. The meeting of the Democratic Con vention for Iredell county to nominate county officers, was in session here to day and brought quite a good many people to town who are taking a lively interest in politics. Following are the nominations made: R. B. McGlothlin, for the Senate; A. D. Watts and Dr. Sam. W. Stevenson, renominated, for the Legislature; J. A. Hartness was re-nominated by accla mation for Clerk of Court; W. A. Summers for Sheriff; M. C. Williams, Registrar; M. A. Feimster, Treasurer; Dr. R. A. Campbell for Coroner and L. O. White for Surveyor. The nominees for County Commis sioners were as follows: N. B. Mills; J. W. Hager, M. F. Nesbit, J. A. Bradford and J. H. Black. Anson Primary. Peachland, N. C, Aug. 26 The Dem ocratic primary .for this, (Anson coun ty) was held today and the following ticket nominated: For Representative, John A. McRae; for Sheriff, John A. Boggan; for Register of Deeds, C. C. Moore. The ticket stands Representative J. A. McRae; Clerk of Court, T. C. Rob inson; Sheriff, J. A. Boggan; Register of Deeds, C. C. Moore; Treasurer, J. O. A. Craig; County Commissioners, W. F. Crump. B. L. Wall, J. A. Hardison; Coroner, E. T. Fenton; Surveyor, W. T. Ledbetter. Everything passed off qui etly. No other news. F. C. BRADAWAY. NO ONE CENT LETTER POSTAGE. The bill providing for the adoption of one cent postage instead of two. on all first-class mail matter will not become a law, because the loss of revenue to the government would be too great. It is good policy to guard against losses of any kind, but es pecially against the loss of your health. For this purpose Hostetter's Stomach Bitters should be taken, be cause it will strengthen the stomach, perfect the digestion and keep the bowels open, thus protecting you froni all sickness. If, however, you have lost your health and suffer from head ache, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipa tion or biliousness, you need the Bit ters at once, because it is a specific remedy for these ailments, and will cure you. Try a bottle and see for yourself. President Roosevelt continues to ! swat the trusts unmercifully and the guilty and unlawful combinations of capital shrink from the strenuous man in fear and trembling. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tol edo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Chicago papers have ceased to fill their columns with Southern out rages. Her crime calendar this summer requires all the space available, and many of these papers are blanket sheets. Meridian Press. "Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work." Don't use soap for your cleaning. (BLED BDfUST is more convenient, cheaper and better than Soap at any price. It softens hard water, lessens labor and injures nothing. Made only by THE N. K. FA1RBANK COMPANY. Chicago. New York, Boston, St. Louis. Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. GET WELL! "PAY WHEN CURED." MEN. BE STRONG. Don't let some old venereal dis ease drain your itals and' drag you down. Are you suffering from lost man- - hood, syphilis or some kindred disease of the grenito - urinary organs? All these, even if they have pass ed to the chron ic stage, will yield to the treatment o' a skilled special ist. Do not delay, for delays are dangerous. Do not be discouraged if you have takn medicines and sub itted to treatment elsewhere without results. If we undertake your case we will CURE you, nor do you have to PAY until you are CURED, t We probably have patientsin your immediate neighborhood who have been fully restored tc health by our treatment. Our staff of physi cians is prepared to cure any disease which win yield to medical skill. ' m a Write for our symptom blanks. We send them and all advice FRvE. All correspondence sacredly CONFIDENTIAL. medicines sent in plain packages not even a memoer of your family need lknow you are under treatment. Write today. DR. T. ALEXANDER COX, 210 W. Franklin Street, -BALTIMORE, MD. NO LONGER THAN YOUR HAND. I ! is the spot in your back directly af- ; fected by lumbago. But it is big ! enough to prostrate you until a kind friend rubs Perry Davis' Painkiller into your aching flesh. Then the throbbing pain, which has been as bad as toothache, dies away. Painkiller is equally good in relieving sciatica and the various forms of rheumatism. 25 and 50c. We have a shipment of HIRES' ROOT BEER. (One package will make 5 gallons of beer.) Just for a starter we are going to sell you a 25c. package for 15c. This price will hold good until Saturday night. J. E. DARSEY. We give trading stamps. VOICE CULTURE. My fall term of vocal instruction will begin Sept. 1st. For the past three years I have been studying in New York with Madame Marie Gramm and Signor Emilio Belari and have acquired the latest methods of correct placement and rapid development of the voice. For terms and general in formation address me at my studio, 8 East Morehead Avenue. MRS. MINNIE YVRISTON SMITH. CONCENTRATED LYE. The 5c. size at 2 l-2c. and the 10c. size for 5c. Quality guaranteed. BRIDGERS & CO. 203 West Trade Street. A TO NIC that makes Rich Red Blood, Restores Youthful Vigor, Gives Refreshing Sleep. DR. KING'S IRON TONIC BITTERS, $1.00 per bottle, and guaranteed. BURWELL & DUNN COMPANY. THE MITCHELL GROCERY CO., successors to Cooper & Lewis, carries a strictly first-class stock of gro ceries, canned meats, Force and all the grocery specialties, vegetables, etc. Prompt delivery. 211 North Tryon street. Both 'Phones 210. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM the Northern markets, where I have purchased the most elegant line of Scotch Novelties and Worsteds. See my line before buying your fall suit. New system of cutting which will en able me to give you all the latest kinds. Am prepared to give you the most stvlish garment made anywhere. H. MILLER, THE TAILOR, Central Hotel Building. THE GEM RESTAURANT has a quick-action service that keeps its customers from losing unneces- sary time on their meals. The dining . room is one of the most cheerful in the South. Try it next time you feel hungry. E. F. Creswell, manager. Our Selection of FaJl Ng Can only be compared with the stock of the swellest New York Hat ters. : : : : : : LL the newest styles are embodied therein and the qualities are be yond reproach, yet our prices are from : 50c to 2,00 L es s than you would have to pay an exclusive Hatter. This is worth consider ing, is it not ? : : : GaLrolin Clothing Co., M J. A. MILUmUNh. M2r. I Must be Sold j We haye four lots 50x164 wth 10 j foot alley in rear on Allen street in , the suburb of Bolment, which must be . ouiu. mey are located near tne new Graded School now being built. The owner needs the money more than the land. Let us show you his property. . ALFRED W. BROWN & CO., Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone 302. BUSINESS BUILDERS A ARCHBELL Our Wonderful August Will Be Continued Only a Few D orvger So if you want to profit by by the many bargains we ar e offering you must not delay your visit but come now. Schools Our schools will soon open and many children will Avant Umbrellas, Hosiery, Hand kerchiefs, Dress Goods, etc. It will be great saving for you to buy them at this sale. We have a large assortment of Um brellas, and they are new goods, too. That means lots in an Umbrella. A Good Steel Rod Umbrella 39c. A nice child's Umbrella, 24-inch. .59c. A large assortment of 26-inch Umbrellas, 75c. A better grade, with fancy han dles, .... 95c. We also have the better grades at very atttractive prices. Hosiery 15 doz. Children's 10c. Hose to close at. . 5c. 25 doz. Children's Ribbed Hose .. ..10c. pr., 3 prs. for 25. 25 doz. Boys' and Misses' Heavy Ribbed Hose, 15c. pr., 2 prs. for 25c. 10 doz. Misses' Fur Ribbed Hose at, 25c. pr. 20 doz. Men's and Ladies' Hose 3 prs. for 25c. Handkerchiefs 10 doz. Children's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at.. : 5c. We also have the better qualities in Men's, Ladies' and Children's. We call your attention to our line of White Flannels in both plain and embroidered. Plain from 15c. to $1 per yard. Embroidered, from 75 to $2.75 per yd. Towels Lot 2. Turkish Towels, 18x41, 9c. each or . .$1 doz. Lot 3. Turkish Towels, 21x43, . 10c. each or $1.10 doz. Lot 4. Turkish Towels, 23x48, 20c. each or two for 35c. Lot 5. Turkish Towels, 28x60, these are regular 50c. Towels, slightly damaged, special 25c. All Colored Lawns Half Price 2 l-2c. Colored Lawns at 1 1-4c. 5c. Colored Lawns at 2 1-2c. 7c. Colored Lawns 3 1-2c. 10c. Colored Lawns at 5c. 15c. Colored Lawns at. ..7 1-2c. 25c. Colored Lawns at 12 1-2c. Hats All Ladies' and Children's Hats to be closed out at Half Price. 1 lot Ladies' 75c. walking Hats, at ... .25c. All $1 Hats reduced to 50c White La. wrvs 15c. and 20c. White Lawns in Remnants at ' .10c. Dressing Combs 2 Gross of. 10c. Ladies' Dressing Combs. We will sell these to morrow from 8 to 12 o'clock for .... 5c. each. Not more than six to any one cus tomer. It will pay everybody to visit this sale Remember this sale will only ;be contin ued for a few days longer Bell 'Phone 2656. ARCHBELL We Knock off Gre t Chunks from the Prices Saturday's and Monday's Sale for the masses will crowd every department of four big stores. To begin with, here is a SALE Work Shirts at Slips at Socks at 18c 18c 5c SUITS OF Worth $3 50 aLt $1 25 a. Suit Clear the shoe shelves; that's the cry. That's why th summer shoes straightway fly for the fall is drawn ni-if Ladies' low cut Shoes at 50c and 75c Men's Shoes mmmm BaLrgadn Dress Goods Counter many lines Millinery stock, ig Orve 25 Envelopes. . 1c. Finger Ring. -c. 24 Sheets Paper 1C. Handkerchiefs 1c. 2 Balls Cotton . ,1C! Whistle 1c. 28 Marbles 1C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Both 'Phones 256, Arvtis eptle cloo. No Moisture to the Pencil Marks 15he New Holly Antiseptic Kin.derga.rten Slate SUPERIOR. TO ALL OTHERS. WHY? N CAUSE It is Cheap. It is Light. It is Durable. It is Clea.n. It is San.ita.ry. It is Safe. It has 18 different copy studies, H6e Slacte sund copies com plete witK one wood encased Slate Pencil, 15 he THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE q e c 9 m OQQ 9 e eo Q Q ooo ooo e oc o ooo ooooeooo eoeoooo0 All Ladies' LaLindry Is handled by women experts separate and apart the other work. They understand their business perfectly and our lady friends will be satisfied here as nowhere else . :: : :: CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY, both phones. oooooooooooooogooooooooooc oooo9oooeoooeooooooo3ef O O O O O O O.O 0000000000000000093C our FOR Men Scriven's' Imitation Draw ers at 7q Linen Collars at nn -C villus, per pair, 5c CLOTHE $2 00 to S2 50PsMlts at 98c iosins: out too, must go to make room Cent SaJ Black Stove Polish. 3 Boxes Matches . . Fine Comb 13 Slate Pencils.. 1c. 1c. .. ..1c. 1c. 1 Shaving Brush. cma nunareas ot oiner articles at same price, at the store of all stores. 1 I I I . .. . . . '-. CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH 11 - 15 - 19 - 21 East Trade St. It ttxkes any Soap stone Pencil. It saves the dirt and dust of chaJk. It saves the dirt and da.nger of using sponges and saliva It can be used on both sides. 3 & 9 e tee $ 9 S3 S 9 fed 45 &9 009 Q&9 f 09 QfS9 9 S 999

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