CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 27, 1902. SHORT STORIL'S. Some Items That Were too .-Small for a Head. The court house continues about the dullest place in the city. The cool nights' continue much1 Jo the enjoyment of tired humanity. Mr E. V. Finlayson has rented one of the Ryder flats and will move in right away. Miss Laura Gum will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson. The reception at the Y. M. C. A. will he next week. Thursday night in stead of this week as stated in yester day's paper. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, who has heen sick at his residence east of the city, has been moved to the Private Hospital. The receipts of cotton at the local platform today amounted to 8 bales. Prices ranged from .8.25 to 8.60. For the same day last year the receipts were S bales. Best price 8.50. The Western Union is putting on airs. Both the interior and exterior of the building has been greatly im proved during the past few days. The Charlotte office is one of the most im portant in the South and Manager Burts keeps it in splendid order. The Charlotte Day Nursery As sociation will have an important meeting to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock in Trvon Street Methodist Church parlor. Memebrs and friends are invited. There will be a Civil Service ex amination at the U. S. Court room. Charlotte, September 30, for the the noRitinn nf "assistant examiner of soils" in the Agricultural Department at Washington. Application papers can be gotten at the post office. To Pass on Plans. Di Henry Louis Smith, president of Davidson College, was here today. He informs the News that the college will open next Thursday, September 4th and that the prospects of a large num ber of students is exceedingly encour aging. Dr. Smith's visit to Charlotte today was to meet with a committee compos ed of Mayor P. M. Brown and Messrs Geo. E. Wilson and R. A. Dunn, that will pass on the plans of the new dor mitory that will soon be under con struction. The plans were drawn by Hook & Sawyer, of this city. SELLING OUT. entire stock of dry goods, notions, shoes, clothing, jew elry, watches, furniture, paints, brushes, va.mishes, etc. Will "be of fered every -day at auction until closed out. Remember everything at your own price at these , sales. Showcases atnd store fixtures at a sacrifice. Yours to close out. Lew ith Bargain House, Col. T. Ia. Ritch, auctioneer, 2' 11 North Try on street. Sale begins every day at 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. T5he 1" . a pp-JLon. g (Co 12 and 14 EAST TRADE STREET. 11 and 15 NORTH TRYON STREET. WE HAVE added another special car for our lady friends. Who will be the lucky ones to fill this one? See 02' write Berryhill & McCall, Man agers. 2T-lt. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR cures eczema and all SKin ais eases. Burwell, Dunn & Co. 6-16 -oawtf PLENTY Call's. OF WOOD at L. H. Mc-27-6t. FOUR FINE7- Sriu w tAstb,; lor sale at a sacrifice. Lewitn Bargain Bargain House, 231 N. T,Tyon. 27-lt GO TO NOK uii 5tfi. za. uay- light trip bcth ways. Berryhill & McCall, Managers. 27-lt. BARGAINS IN SHOES, HATS, MEN'S furnishings. Davidson & Vanischop. 26-4t THE BEST TRIP of the season. Go to Norfolk Sept. 2d. Berryhill & McCall, Managers', 27-lt. LOT MAMMOTH LAMPS for. sale at a bargain. Lewitn,-231" N. Tryon. 27-lt NOTICE A good, gentle cow for sale. 10 to 12 quarts rich milk. Price $30. Room 4, City Hall. 27-2t. EVERYTHING AT AND BELOW New York cost to make! room for our custom tailoring. Davidson '& Van Echop. 4 26-4t mnore A great opportunity to buy Umbrellas at a big saving. While in New York we were able to run across a big lot of Umbrellas which we bought at about 6oc on the dollar. We have- never before been able to get such Umbrellas at these prices. Now is Your Charvce ioo elegant 28-inch Umbrellas, large assortment of handles, a regular 75c one, for onl DON'T DECIDE ON YOUR FALL suit until you have consulted Davidson & VanEchop. 26-4t Died at Mooresville. Mr. Thomas Davis, a brother of Mr. Martin Davis, of this city, died at Mooresville yesterday and was buried there to-day. Mr. Davis was a native of Mecklenburg county and had been residing at Mooresville for several years. He had only been sick a short while. Mr. Fassoux Robbed. Mr. T. M. Fayssoux of Gastonia. is brother of Mr. Ed. Fassoux of Char lotte, was robbed of a $100 gold watch and $25 in money. The watch was given to Mr. Fayssoux by the New York Life Insunrance Company and he prized it very highly. The thief entered Mr. Fayssoux's bed room and secured the watch and money while the owner slept. Social. About twenty of the young friends of Miss Gertrude Andrews were entertain ed Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Wheeler. Miss Andrews has been in Charlotte about a year and in that time has made many friends and admirers among the younger set. She never appeared more attractive than as hostess on this occasion. The Lesson of the Sky. Sky is the part of creation in which Nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man, more for the sole and evident purpose of talking to him and teaching him, than in any other of her works, and it is just the part in which we least attend to her. John Ruskia. FOR SALE Stock of dry goods and notions. Lewith Bargain House, 231 N. Tryon street. 27-lt NOTICE Parties who intend visit ing New York during August or Sep tember can secure rooms at a lead ing hotel at a discount by address ing "Hotel," care News. 21-6t FOR SALE AT HALF PRICE Stock of paints, varnishes and brushes. Lewith Bargain House, 231 North Tryon street. 27-lt CHOICE LAMB AND BEEF TODAY. Both 'phones, Robinson, 217 East Trade. 25-tf FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE Lot of hardware. Lewith, 231 N. Tryon. 27-lt FOR RENT Two-story, 6-room house, modern conveniences, on Elizabeth avenue, this side Bridge, $15.00 per month. F. R. McNinch. 20-tf BARGAIN IN GIRL'S BICYCLE. On exhibition at Southern Hardware Co. 27-lt ROYAL CROWN SODA WATER. Kave you tried it?. C. Valaer Bot tling Works. 9-tf The circumstance that an entire coal yard at Shamokin, Pa. including coal, wagons, sheds and offices has disap peared over night leads to the suspi cion that some of the wandering St. Louis aldermen have found a tempor ary abiding place in Pennsylvania. Chicago Chronicle. One Cent a Word QUICK! Get your orders in to L. H. McCall for wood, any kind, any length. Bell phone 343. 27-6t. WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. "F," care. News. 26-lt FOUND A check. Finder can get same by proving property and pay ing for notice at this office. 27-tf. WANTED To find home with Chris tian people for nice boy baby, six months old. Address at once "B, care News. 25-3t FOR SALE At bargain, second hand safe, 1,500 pounds. Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Company. 27-3t. WANTED A position as steno grapher. Have had experience in office work. Apply to "H. S." Pine ville, N. C, No. 66. 26-31 LAY in your winter wood from L. H. McCall.West Trade and Fifth Sts. Bell Phone 343. 27-Gt Dr. H. C- Henderson DENTIST, . Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry practiced in all its branchet All work guaranteed. Queen City 'Phone 378. Hesur This The Charlotte Building and Loan started out to make the August series tne largest on tneir records, and they are doing it. Manyv new stockholders have been added, but in order to make this an unusually large series the books are still kept open, so you can still get in. Your delay is your loss; for, beyond all doubt, this is the best method de vised by man for earning a handsome profit on small sums, and its safety is assured. E. L. KEESLER, Sec'y. 25 S. Tryon Street. J. H. Van Ness, Pres. 1 50 real good, quality 26 and 28-inch Umbrellas, beautiful assortment of handles, the $ 1 grade, for 5c JLolc 200 Umbrellas, with elegant assortment of handles, worth 1 25 to $1 50, in 26, 28, 30 to 32-inch part self-raising, choice, WillSell orv Easy Terms desirable 8-Room Resi- dervce v, No 623 North College, located just above the handsome Presbyterian College building and one of the choicest residence sections of the city Lot fronts College street, 48 feet and ex tends back 3 50 feet Note the depth and see us fot price and terms. Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Co. Bell 'Phone 236. - No. 207 South Tryon Street. Reocl Estate and Rents h About 300 fine Umbrellas, with nobby handles, from to S3o5 In Gents Fvirnishing Department, North Tryon Street ?5he Department Stores Department Stores AN EXQUISITE CUT GLASS PSTCHER THAT COST $12. A HANDSOME ROCKER THAT COST $12.50. A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL SILVER CANDELABRA THAT COST $15.00. AND A HANDSOME BRASS AND ONYX TABLE WITH A LARGE AND EXTREMELY PRETTY PICTURE LAMP. THAT COST $25.00. These are the four prizes in Brannon's Coupon Contest. A Coupon with every 5 cent cash purchase of soda water, ice cream, cigars andx tobacco. First drawing September 1. Save your coupons. BRANNON'S DRUG STORE 6TH SERIES OPEN N vi rv rv a. 1 ly' s DELICIOUS CANDIES 9 fresh by express today. 60c PER POUND : : LL&SHEPPARD Druggists Sole Agents for Charlotte Both 'Phones No. 69. M 17 W VLY TT The latest and best game Price 50c MUTUAL BUILDING & S3Q YOU CAN GET THE FINEST AND PUREST CANDIES A. T- 1 North Tryon St 22 OUk FAMOUS NEWPORT ICE CREAM AND ICE CREAM SODA SERVED : : : : : McCALL has a full supply of wood flit in oil lonorthc! Tol 1 tVi -.n - O I '. 27-Gt. TO PROPERTY OWNERS We are house renting agents. List your houses with us. We can fill them. We move our customers free of charge. Office 204 S. Tryon. 'Phone 200 or 1892. Branner Moving i & Storage Co. 26-5t E THAT KEEP "SUN" OR WASHINGTON "TIME" WE ARE BOOKING PEOPLE every day for our excursion to Norfolk September 2d. Come go- with us we will give you the best trip of the season. Berryhill & McCall. Managers. 27-lt. LOAN ASSQClftT 1 " TV " T T T" f v w- "v -w "v FOR SA,L.E BY HOUSTON, DIXON (EL COMPANY LEADING BOOK, STATIONERY AND ART STORE 10 South Tryo- St. Op. Central Hott WANTED An honest, reliable wo man for cooking and general house work to go to Norfolk. Must be well ALL FULLY GUARANTEED ; lipoid, silver ana billed eases Ladies' Watches, $5.00 Up Gentlemen's, $2.50 Up recommended. .Tryon street. Apply at 501 N. 26-2t Garibaldi & Burns. The 23rd series was wound up on the last Saturday in July, "ahead of the hounds'' as usual. In fact, from the first we have matured our series from Two to Five Weeks Ahead of Any Other This means in money $1.97 more on the last series and $1.65 more on the preceding series than other Associa tions. MORTGAGES. Now ready for cancellation and de livery of same with insurance policies. NEW SERIES open and subscrip tions will be received either by Chase Brenizer or either of the un dersigned. P. M. BROWN, Pres't. A. G. BRENIZER, Treas. AUGUST Is one of the best months in the year to have that vehicle of yours Re paired and Repainted. My work in both lines is equal to any in the country. Fine Carriage Painting is my specialty. G. A. PAGE, cor. Fourth and Church Streets, Charlotte, N. C. THREE-ROOM HOUSES 5 all in a row, renting to white people for $3.00 per month each. Income per annum, $325. PRICE, $2,500. Earning 12 7-8 per cent. Free of city tax. Location thickly settled su burban, on and near one of the macadam thoroughfares. ALEXANDERS J. W. & F. D, Notary Public and Public Stenographer. STAR. MILLS CORN MEAL Is the best, so say all who have used it. You can get it fresh in any quantity direct from the mills. W. M. CROWELL, Proprietor. We hacve always good baLrgaLiis in Hovises, Building Lots and Farms, If you think of pur chasing consult us. 8-room house, city water Church and Liddell streets llo.or, 6-room cottage, E Ninth, larjr- i, f $9.00. "1 6-room house, E. $12.50. Liberty street Modern convenience. 4-room cottage, E Fifth street Fx tended, $7.00. ne Ryder Flat, Modehead strictly up-to-date, $40.00. b-room house, 713 N. Davidson $10.00. Sirect BR.OWN COMPANY Bell Phone 1651 . 217 North Tryon St. Bell 'Phon 297. pi 3ices A fresh supply of powdered and whole Spices, just received. The best quality for pickling purposes. Free delivery to all parts of the city. 'Phone 292. 1L, W. L. Hand j (El Co. i Cor. Trade & College Sts. I FOR RET. orth P. e, 210 West Modern 7-room -house, street, Sept. 3rd. Modern 6-room h Eighth street. Modern 6-room house, 301 Elizabeth avenue. Modern 8-room house, 312 North 1 street. Modem 14-room house, 2 W. Tenth street. 5-room house, SOS street. North Collet 3-room house, 216 Clarkson street. 2-room, upstairs, 9 1-2 North College street. 1 store-room on East Trade street. Other houses in all parts of city. J, Arthur Henderson & Bro. 8 North College Street. THE STURDY OAK has its beginning with the implanted corn. Likewise the Tree of Fortune takes root with the opening of a savings account. With us twenty-five cents is sufficient to start an account. We pay interest on all do posits. Southern Loan and Savings Bank P. M. BEOWIT, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice-President. P. J. HAYWOOD, Jr Cashier. T5he Charlotte National Bank, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Your Bank and manhood have more to do with your success than al! other agencies combined. Let this be your Bank. We promise you every facility that your balances, business and responsibility warrant. Call to see us and let us talk the matter over with you. B. D. Heath. Pres. S W. H. Twitty, Cashier ESTABLISHED 15 he 1871 MERCHANTS AND FAR. M E(RS NATIONAL BANK 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. Dr. J. H. McAlJEN.Prest GEO. E. WILSON. V.-l'rt. .C.N.EVANS.Cashier W.C.WILKINSON, Ass t Cashier A MODERN banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business intrusted Liberality Courtesy Strength Assets Over One Million Dollars ess SoitKern States T r vi s t C o rnpa'y FOR EXAMPLE Mr. Brown earns nine dollars a week; he puts one dollar of this in the bank. He tells us that he never; misses that dollar and that he is da lighted and surprised at the rapid growth of his bank account. We cordially invite you to open an account in our Savings Department. Geo. Stephens, T S Franklin, W. a. ood. Pres V-Pres Sec -Tnas jj UM ' 1 IPLeal Estate Neat cottage home on N. Brevard s treet. Several choice lots on Eliza avenue. New Dil worth residence on the Boulevard and Church streets Nice corner lot, Sixt New 7-room residence N. Pine street. Do any of the above interest you? prices are at bargain values. If so, -call for further particulars. The F. C. Abbott & Compan)' OFFICE: PIEDMONT. BUILDING.