2 CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGUST 29, 1902; NO LONGER THAN YOUR HAND. :1s the spot in your back directly af fected by lumbago. But it is big enough to prostrate you until a kind friend rubs Perry Davis' Painkiller into your aching flesh. Then' the throbbing pain, which has been as bad as toothache, dies away. Painkiller is equally good in relieving sciatica and the various forms of rheumatism. 25 and 50c. BURS WE NEVER SAW A finer lot of Potatoes than we receiv ed to-day. They arc extra large and white. These are. 25c. a peck. Lot No. 2 are medium size and are 20c. a pcefc. Country lard, 12 l-2c. retail. BRIDGERS & CO. 203 West Trade Street. We have a shipment of HIRES' ROOT BEER. (One package will make 5 gallons beer.) of Just for a starter we are going to yell you a 25c. package for 15c. This price will hold good until Saturday night. J. E. DARSEY. stamps. We give trading A TON'iC that makes Rich Red Blood. Restores Youthful Vigor, Gives Refreshin Sleep. DR. KINGS IRON TONIC BITTERS, $1.00 per bottle, and guaranteed. EURWELL & DUNN COMPANY. THE MITCHELL GROCERY CO., successors to Cooper'fc Lewis, carries a, strictly first-class stock of gro ceries, canned meats. Force and all the grocery specialties, vegetables, -etc. Prompt delivery. 211 North Tryon street. Both 'Phones 210. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM the Northern markets, where I have purchased the most elegant line of Scotch Novelties and Worsteds. See my line before buying your fall suit. New system of cutting which will en able me to give you all the latest kinris. Am prepared to give you the most stylish garment made anvwhere. H. MILLER, THE TAILOR, Central Hotel Building. THE GEM RESTAURANT lias a quick-action service that keeps :its customers from losing unneces sary time on their meals. The dining room is one of the most cheerful in the South. Try it next time you feel hungry. E. F. Creswell, manager. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by"W. I... Aldred and wife. M. A. Aldred and C. M. Al dred and wife, V. S. Aldred, on the 29th day of April, 1902, and registered in Book 1GG, Page 140, in the office cf Register of Deeds, for Mecklenburg county, N. C, and because of default in the payment of the debt therein secured, I will sell for cash at public auction in the city of Charlotte, N. C, on Saturday, September 2-0 th, 1902, at 12 o'clock m., all those two certain lots in Dilworth, 1st lot: Being Lot No. IS in block; No. 30 in Dilworth, as shown on the map of that property, lot beginning at a stake on Templeton ton avenue and extending back 150 feet; second lot being in square No. 20 of the property of the Charlotte Consolidated Construction Co. Said lot begining at a stake on Templeton avenue, the corner of Mrs. Bettie D. Armond's lot and runs with her line parallel with Commonwealth avenue in a northerly direction, one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet to a stake; thence in a line parallel with Temple ton avenue towards Commonwealth avenue forty-six feet to a stake: thence parallel with Commonwealth towards Templeton and with the line of a ten foot alley in the rear of Jno. A. Furr, laura E. Winchester and C. B. Gallant to a stake on Templeton avenue; thence with Templeton ave nue to the beginning, both of said lots have thereon nice cottages. This 19th day of August,- 1902. W. M. MOORE, Trustee. 8-19-tds Dray License dvie and pcxycble Septem ber 1st. Mxist be paid promptly W, B.Tacylor, City Tax Collector TWO CAS!! PRIZES IN GOLD OFFERED BY THE Mecklenburg Roller Mills We offer $20.00 in gold for the best pan of light rolls made from the Pride of Charlotte Flour, manufac tured by the Mecklenburg Roller Mills. Also $20.00 in gold for the best loaf of light bread made from the Pride of Charlotte Flour, manufactur ed by the Mecklenburg Mills. Both to be exhibited at the Meck lenburg County Fair, Sept. 30, Octo ber 1, 2 and 3. This. offer only applies to house keepers. MECKLENBURG ROLLER MILLS, J.. LEE KOINER. Prop. BUSIES Notice! ENDORSED T, H, HILL Republicans Make Fine Play For Respectibility ASSOCIATES LEFT BLANK Abbott Mamed For Corporation Com missioner and D. A. long For Supt. of Public Instruction Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 29 The Re publican convention met here yester day at noon, excuted the plans and mandates of Senator Pritchard and ad journed. In line with other recent actions of the party, the aim to attain some de gree of respectability and bring into the fold all the disgruntled Democrats possibly the convention endorsed T. H. Hill for Chief Justice in the hope of beating Judge Clark. They ignored the associate justices, leaving those places on the ticket blank. Rev. D. A. Long, whose Republican ism was vouched for by R. N. Douglas, was nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction and Dr. D. H. Ab bott fcr Corporation Commissioner. The convention was called to order in the opera house by Senator Pritch ard who introduced R. ,.D. Douglas of Greensboro. He welcomed the conven tion to Greensboro and Z. V. Walser responded on behalf of the delegates. Senator Pritchard followed Walser with a set speech that required an Lour and live minutes for delivery. He arraigned the Democratic administra- tiou in the usual Republican style and of course whs greeted with much ap plause when he sat down. At the con clusion ot his speech the convention adjourned until 5 o'clock and in the meantime the doors were closed to all except Republican delegates whfle star chamber spchees were made by orae of the leaders. The convention met again at 5:10 o'clock and the committee on creden tials, com nosed of J. W. Meekins, R. M. Ncrlleet, J elm E. Forbes, C. T. Bailey, W. B. Steele. T. II. Sutton, Z. F. Long, J. W. McNeill, W. A. Newland and W. Logan, reported in favor cf seating both Rockingham delegations, dividing the votes between the two factions; also in favor of delegations represent- ng "Lily White" or Pritchard men f om the counties of Halifax. Wayne, Wilson and Vance, and in favor of Postmaster Hasty 's faction from Union county, composed of S. A. Secrest,' S. S. Finrhen. T. S. Love and J S. Hastv. The report of the committee being adopted, Capt. Charles Price was nam ed as permanent chairman and R. II. McNeill, secretary, by the committee en organization, composed of W. P. Bynum, W. S. Hyams, A. E. Holton, Chas. McNamee, E. C. Duncan and D. H. Abbott. The committee of platform was an nounced as follows: First district, Harry Skinner; second district, E. M. Steward: third district, D. H. Abbott; fourth district, C. P. Locky; fifth dis trict, C. A. Reynolds; sixth district, T. A. Sutton: seventh district, Z. V. Wal ter; eighth district, A. H. Price; ninth district, L. L. Jenkins; tenth district, J. J. Britt. The convention then took a recess until 8:25 o'clock. The result, of the hot fight in caucus was the winning out of Senator Pritch ard by the adoption of a viva-voce vote by a narrow majority of the following resolutions which were adopted at night. "Resolved, That, whereas, the Re publican party desires the elevation to I the bench of the best fitted lawyers of tne state, regardless ot party amna tions, the candidacy of the Hon. Thom as N. Hill, of Halifax, for Chief Justice cf North Carolina, is hereby endorsed, and we, the Republicans of the State, in convention assembeld, do earnestly recommend him to the people of tjie State for this high office. "Resolved, Further, That it is the sense cf this convention, that no nomi-i-ations for associate justices be made at this time, but that the executive committee, hereafter, is empowered to take such action in relation to the same as shall seem best." Capt. Price and Col. Skinner both made set speeches after which the dele gates adjourned for supper. When the convention assembled af ter supper, Mr. Seawell, of Moore, off ered a resolution endorsing Senator Pritchard and the records of Congress men Moody and Blackburn, which was unanimously adopted. Assistant Dis trict Attorney Price then offered the resolution agreed on in the caucus en dorsing T. II. Hill for Chief Justice and leaving blank the nominations for As sociate Justices, which was adopted without opposition. D. A. Long, of Alamance, was nomi nated for Superintendent of Public Instruction by R. N. Douglass, who, in answer to inquiry, vouched for his Re publicanism and he went through all right. Assistant District Attorney Oscar Spears, of Harnett, and ex-Judge W. P. Bynum named D. H. Abbott for railroad commissioner and he was nominated by a rising vote. E. W. Timberlake of Franklin, fourth district; W. S. O'B. Robinson, of Wayne, sixth; H. F. Seawell, of Moore, eighth; A. L. Coble, of Iredell, tenth; H. R. Starbuck, of Forsyth, eleventh; R. H. McNeill, of Ashe, thirteenth; O. B. F. Blythe, of Henderson, fourteenth; C. D. Mashburn, of Madison, fifteenth; Baylus Cade, of Haywood, sixteenth; were nominated without opposition for judges of the Superior Court. .1S szfiWAjPknr.ig zctU cmfwypmfyp Z. V. Walser then reported the reso lutions of the committee on platform. which were adopted without opposi tion. They are as follows: "The Republicans of North Carolina, m convention assembled at Greens boro, on the 28th day of August, 1902, adopt the following as a declaration of principles upon which they ask the support cf the people of the State: "We deplore and deeply, mourn the death of President McKinley. His Christian character, noble impulses and patriotic spirit have done more to strengthen Republican institutions and any other agency which has been em ployed in modern times, and his life and work will be a tower of strength to the Christian religion and to official integrity and fidelity for all time to come. "While we deeply mourn the loss of our beloved President, at the same time we appreciate the fact that in President Roosevelt we have a Presi dent whose honesty of purpose and patriotism are such as to assure us that the affairs of the American people are in safe-keeping, and his faith in the principles of Republicanism is such as to guarantee a faithful ad herence to those things that have given this republic its grand position as a world power. "We endorse the national platform of the Republican party adopted at Philadelphia, and point with pride to the unexampled prosperity which the Republican administration has brought to the country at large. "Intelligence being the corner stone of the State, and the education of the masses being dependent solely upon our public schools, we favor the sup port by public taxation of at least a tour-months school in every school dis trict in the State, and we condemn the Democratic party for its failure to pro vide proper educational facilities for the education of the poor children of the State clurng its lease of power from 1S70 to 1S95. "We favor generous public aid to all charitable instiutions of the State, and the enactment of such pension laws as will give the ex-Confederate soldiers a more generous and equitable distribu tion of this fund than is provided for by the present pension laws. "We favcr such State legislation as will encourage the investment of capi tal, both foreign and domestic, and we respectfully invite capitalists from abroad to come among us and assist in the development of our wonderful re sources. "We invite the attention of the peo ple of the State to the clean, able and economic administration of our State vernment bv the Republican and and i Populist parties from 1S97 to 1901, (Continued on Third Page.) TOT CAUSES NIGHT ALARM. One night my brother's taken with Croup," writes baby was Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it socmen! it would strangle before we could get a doctor, go we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick , relief and permanently cured it. WTe always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other reme dy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c. and free at Burwell & $1.00. Trial Dunn Co. bottles to most women is a term of anxiety, serious thoucrht and sweet anticipation. With the cessation of pain necessary t o childbirth, there comes calm nerves, sleep and recuperation. MOTHER'S FRIEND docs diminish the pain accompanying maternity. With its aid mothers can and do bring healthy, sweet dispositioned and ideal babies into the world. Morning sickness, sore breasts and ex cruciating pains caused by the gradually expanding organs, are relieved by this penetrating and relaxing liniment. Among the manifold aids to childbirth Mother's Friend has grown in popularity and gained a prestige among rich wonieii as well as poor; it is found and welcomed in the mansion as well as in the cabin. , By lessening the mother's agony of mind and diminishing pain a beautiful influence is wrought upon the child, and instead oi peevish, iil-tcmpercd and sickly forms 3011 have health'-, laughing humanity, remain ing a blessing ever to you and its country. All Drujrgisls sell Mother's Friend at $i.oo. Wi ii.e for our free Hook "2-2otIexll.ool, THE CRADFIELD REGULATOR C0. Atlanta. Ga DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver t. and bladder remedy. It is the great medi- cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which .is the vorst xform of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a bock telling more about Syamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous otter in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The icguiar liny cent and Home of Swamp-Root. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Xril W 4 ii 4 Ui r ft ffyi 66 " - . - - (irlv For SeJe Two beautiful lots on North Graham St., one block from car line. L C. fferndon, 26 W. Trade St. 1 Yovir Sxiiil How about it? If you need a new suit for the coming season you will miss a treat if you fail to see my line of fall suitings. Many new styles this season and I have the choice ones for you to select from. Don't think of buying until you have seen my BEAU TIES. J. S. PHILLIPS, Merchant Tailor. First National Bank Building. WE HAVE Buggies, Surreys, Hacks, Farm Wagons and Har ness of every de scription and seat ing cLpcxcity. During the month of August, 1902, we will offer our stock at greatly re duced prices. You can buy better goods from us at lower prices than any other place in Charlotte. Come and see for yourself. J. w. Wacdswo r t h's Sons Both'Phones 26 Founded 1842. Makers and Save There are only two kinds of q pianos, the artistic Stieff, and q the rest. q Stieff pianos don't go back to & the factory to be rebuilt after a . few years' use. 6 Stieff pianos are not sold in department stores. $ Stieff pianos are sold direct. Q We make the Stieff, and being q 0 its -maker know every inch of it, and we pass it to you at asingle profit price, which means a clear saving to you of from $150 to 250. When a retail dealer of- fers any piano at price we sell the Stieff, he is clearing from $150 to $250. Can you afford to Q waste that much money? Do q you love the retail dealer that much? INVESTIGATE. SHE F F . 213 N.-Trycn St., Charlotte, N. C. o e C 9 . O 9 9 e 9 9 9 e 99 illlll 59 Jim Dumps would walk the floor for hours With baby, who yelled with all its powers. If tacks .attacked his feet so bare, In double blanks Jim Dumps would swear. Such trifles now don't bother him, For "Force" has made him "Sunny Jim I" The Ready-to-Serve Cereal a nightcap insuring sweet slumber Sweet, crisp flaKes of A Good Night's Sleep. " The verdict seems to be that 'Force ' is the most nutritions anrl th.. . digested of all the wheat products. One Mend tells me tS a Sal qu?, ! S eaten gust before retinng-seems always to insure him a good night's sleep. ' .? -1" ..'i -I. y the up-to-date Wall Finish. Beautiful colors, cheap and durable. For sale by J. J. EZELL, No. 12 West Fifth Street. Housekeeper: "If I had to give up either my gas Range or my husband I'd give up . Well you know it doesn't cost much to keep a Gas Range." S 1J on Installments. RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS Coo:crlBros., Proprietors Raleigh, N. C. MONUMENTS Tablets Curbing Vases Iron Fence We Pay the Freight Write lor our New Cata lotrue. Thia will Interest you II your hn.p falls cut or if you are troubled wit Itching, dryness or scurfy eruption. Mrs. M. P. Alexander, of Concord N. C, saya this of Mrs. Grier's ReaJ Hair Restorer "Legs than a Wtla of MRS. GRIBR'fc RESTORER gave my little not a clean, healthy scalp and plenty oi natural hair, instead of a distressing scurfy eruption and thin, dry hair." Wire Railing & Ornamental WireWork IDUFUR. & CO.. 311 N. Howard St. Baltimore. Md Wire Railing for Cemeteries,- Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Balconies. Win dow Guards, Tree Guards. Wire ClotLs Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Sand and Coal Screens, Chairs, Settees, etc. Eleva tor Enclosures a Specialty. Is the oldest and only business college in Va. own ing its building a grand new one. No vacations. Ladies & gentlemen. Bookkeeping, Shorthand Typewriting, Penmanship, Telegraphy, &c. Leading business college south of the Potomac river. 'Phila. Stenographer. Address, G. M. Smithdeal, President. Richmond, Va. PVbliC Dydor & Hundley, for values true, are unpurpassed the city tbroii J ' Y" ieldin to none, for styles new, the choicest Furniture waits for oj w Y) urable & elegant.ornate or plafti.suchSuites elsewhere we seek in vai Up iniOn N oted for Upholstery, here we find a grand selection of every in ) O rnamental Draperies.lt is known we l,in perfect taste.ttey do exec JJghtat 711 Broad St., of Mirrors and Fictures, the stock's comi-let (gfor beauty and quality we can rely on all Sydnor & Hundley do suppl Y THIS GREAT STORE IS 709-711-713 ast Broacd Street.IUchmond. Va. .7.1 1 wheat and malt eaten cold. (Name furnished on application.) GET W E L LI "PAY WHEN CURED." MEN. BE STRONG. Don't lot some oHl venopj:il lis-eii'-e il r:i in ymi r vittils and dnis you dowf.. Arc you siiiTi'ring from lost iniui hooi'., syphilis orsomckimlrod disease of the yenito - urinary ortriins? A 1 1 these, even it they ha ve pass ed to the chron ic stajje, will yield to t li e treatment o' a skilled special ist. Do not delay, for delays are dangerous. Do not be discouraged if you have taken medicines and sub itted to treatment elsewhere without results. If we undcitake your case we will CUKE vou, nor do you have to PAY until you are CURED, We probably have ratientsin your immediate neighborhood who have been fully restored tc health by our treatment. Our staff of physi cians is prepared to cure any disease which will yield to medical skill. Write for our symptom blanks. V,'o soiid them and all adviee FIJi'.E. Allcorrespein'.nin'e sacredly CONFIDENTIAL medicines sun in plain packages not . even a member of your family need i know you are under treatment. Write today. DR. T. ALEXANDER COX, 210 W. Franklin Street, BALTIMORE, MD. ON GUTS V V Ue Word V "ALPHA" MEANS FIR, ST QUALITY ARTISTS X? ENGRAVERS THE Alpha Engraving Co 217 East German Street. BALTIMORE, MD. Electrical Construc tion and Repair Co An expert at the headoeach department All Work gia.raateed B. J. S VINSON, Mgr. 26 West Trade Street. Let us give you an estimate on your work.

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