8 CHARLOTTE' NEWS.' SEPTEMBER 1 3. 1 902. TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. The News of Charlotte and Surround ing Section. Mr. Ernest Farrior is having a new coat of paint put on his building on South Tryon street. Mr. M. G. Hunter has changed his location to the Belmont. He formerly had apartments in one of the Ryder flats. Mr. Lewith who has been conduct ing an auction house in the Springs building is moving to the Holton build ing on East Trade street. The Home Missions Committee of Mecklenburg Presbytery will meet on adjournment next Tuesday at 10 a. m. in the parlor of First church. Mr. Edwin Gresham has secured uniforms for the young men who have charge of his lunch counter at the Southern's depot. The boys dressed up this morning In their new suits and presented a very attractive appear ance. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. James left this morning for Spartanburg. They will make the trip in Mr. James' automo bile. They left the city at 5 o'clock this morning and expect to arrive in Spar tanburg by 11 o'clock. Miss Mary Blount Beaman was considered some better this afternoon. Her condition was serious last night, "but a change for the better developed today and she is now thought to be out of danger. The art glass for Pritchard Memorial Church, arrived today from Atlanta and were placed in position. The designs are exceedingly beautiful and will add much to the appearance of the church building. Dr. C. R. Fisher will preside at the organ of the Second Presbyterian" church tomorrow. He was busy this morning drilling the chair and some good music may be expected. Dr. Fisher is in charge of the musical department of the Presbyterian College for Women. Mr. G. W. Flowers has returned from Spencer Mountain, where he went to recruit his health after an attack of fever. Mr. Flowers is Mr. Dick Bus bee's assistant. Mr. Busbee, who has "been sick at Raleigh, with fever, is now free from fever, and soon will be able to sit up. THE LOCUST EATERS. And it came to pass that locust pie became a great dish in back countries. "But," said the man who had order ed a pie in a hotel, "these locusts are not tender. Are you sure they are young?" "Oh, yes, sir," responded the waiter, "we guarantee none of them to be over 17 years old." TOO MUCH OF A FLIER. Sharpe Santos-Dumont says if any c gives him $2,000,000 he will build an -airship to cross the ocean. .Whealton M'm! I guess if anyone had that much to go -up in the air he'd just as well invest it in a Texas oil well. VOICE CULTURE. My fall term of vocal instruction will begin Sept. 1st. For the past three years I have been studying in New York with Madame Marie Gramm and Signor , Emilio Belari and have acquired the latest methods of correct placement and rapid development of the voice. For terms and general in formation address me at my studio, 8 East Morehead Avenue. MRS. MINNIE WRISTON SMITH. One Cent a Word FOR RENT Four-room bouse, 310 S. McDowell street, $7.00. W. M. Burkhead. 13-3t GET YOUR HELP THROUGH THis department. OCTOBER PATTERNS AND FASH ion sheets now at Ivey's. 13 Jt ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED FOR fresh milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, cream and butter. McD. Watkins. 9-15-eod FOR RENT One six and nine-room house on South College street. City and well water: McD. Arledge. 13-tf FOR RENT Six-room house, 15 E. Hill street. City water $11.00. Paul McKaine. 12-2t FLEMING UNIVERSITY, WILKIN- son Building, offers a thorough course in shorthand and typewrit ing. Special rate until Sept. 16. 13-lt CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED; Ex perience unnecessary; good pay, Emanuel & Co., Station "J," New York. 6-4t-oaw FOR SALE Fine driving horse; thorough bred. Address "S," care News. i32t HERRING ARTIFICIAL STONE CO. is now prepared to beautify your front walks. 'Phone 383. 12-5 1 UP-TO-DATE DRESSMAKING. Satisfaction guaranteed. 401 S. - Church. 13-it TO CURE A CUT OR BURN USE Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. No house should be without it. Burwell, Dunn & Co. I ASIDE FROM HIS OTHER Busi ness Mr. Frank F. Jones is now as sociated with us as city represen tative. He will be glad to call upon you for any of your wants in the printing, binding, engraving or of fice supply line. Any orders given him will be carefully attended to and appreciated. Queen City Print ing Co. 13-lt OYSTERS ARE IN SEASON AGAIN and I am ready to supply you with the celebrated "York River'' brand. Good measure, prompt de livery. Bell 'Phone. W. B. Puckett. ' 12-2t FOR SALE In very best locality for cash trade, a small stock of gro ceries ; clean new goods ; good terms to right person. Apply John Short, 313 East Trade street. H-3t FOR SALE CHEAP Rambler Bicycle in excellent condition. Address M'Bicycle" .care News, i2-2t WANTED By manufacturing house, person to travel calling on retail merchants and agents. Salary $1,024 a year guaranteed and all ex penses. Previous experience un necessary. Business successful. Standard House, 374, Dearborn St., Chicago. 13-lt WANTED Position as milliner or saleslady. Address "F," care of News. 13-3t WANTED A first-class female pants maker at once. A. Block, Tailor. 12-tf THOSE DESIRING WALL PAPER- ing done will save money by seeing J. W. Griffith, at Wheeler Wall Pa per Co. ll-3t SATISFY YOUR "WANTS" through this department. ADVERTISING THAT WOULD otherwise cost you dollars can be done here for cents. C. VALAER BOTTLING WORKS, 317 South '. College street, Natural Mineral Waters, Tate Epsom Spring. Swineford's Arsenic Lithia, . White Stone Lithia, bottled in half gallon bottles. Lithia Water Carbonated in pints and quart bottles. 9-tf AN ITEM LIKE THIS WILL MEET the eyes of the most of the people and the best of the people in Char lotte. BE SURE AND TRY "Sweet Home" Flour. 8-6t THE PEOPLE IN CHARLOTTE who don't read the News regularly are scarcely worth reaching for business. MODEL LAUNDRY, PROMPT SER- vice, elegant style. 'Phone 160. 6-tf ASK YOUR GROCER FOR "SWEET Home." 8-6t MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY DOES it right. 'Phone 160. 6-tf FOR RENT Five-room cottage, 618 W. Fourth street. J. W. Sample, agent. 6-tf SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BY Model Steam Laundry. 'Phone 160. 6-tf EVERYTHING FROM THE TOP OF your collar down to the toe of your stocking and edge of your cuffs given careful attention by the Model Steam Laundry. 'Phone 160. 6-tf DOUBLE the city circulation about half the cost these are some of the inducements of this department. FOR RENT Elegant 5-room cottage, $10.00 per month; 6-room dwelling, $12.50 per month, city water, etc. Hugh Harris. 30-tf. Another Runaway I beg to announce to the public, that I have established a real estate and typewriter exchange, and collecting agency in Charlotte, having re signed my position with the Liddell Company., with which I have been connected for the past 14 years, and in the future my business will be to buy, sell and rent all kinds of real estate, look after all kinds of collections for the public in general, and to operate a typewriter exchange, representing the Williams Typewriter Co., and buy and sell all kinds of type writers. I will also operate a rental exchange, and now own 25 first-class typewriters of the different standard makes which will be kept exclusively for rent by the day, week or month, and handle all kinds of typewriter supplies. And am prepared to have thoroughly overhauled and repaired by expert repairers typewriters of any make. I expect to conduct my business on a first-class, high-toned business basis, and to "hustle" for my own interests, and if given a part of your business will endeavor to "hustle" for your in terests, too. I also beg to thank my friends and the business men in general for the Notary Public business they have very kindly "thrown my way" in the past, and to add that I am now "My Own Boss" my time is my own and can call any time at your office, home or anywhere, when you require my services as a Notary. I know my business in this particular all busi ness strictly confidential (have been entrusted with the Notary Public business of most of the best business men in Charlotte). I make business before pleasure and solict your busi ness. Have horse and buggy and will go anywhere in Mecklenburg county, day or night. Office and headquarters No. 14 East Fourth street, Queen City Printing Co's place of business. Bell 'Phone in office and my residence. 'Phone me when you need me any hour. FraLiik F. Jones, P. S. Aside from my other business, I am the authorized city representa tive for the Queen City Printing Co., and will appreciate any business for this company through me. 13-lt JacKson Springs Mineral Water WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE JACKSON SPRINGS MINERAL WATER; TWILL CURE INDIGES TION, DISEASES OF THE KID NEYS AND BLADDER, RHEUMA TISM AND RESTORES APPETITE. II, H. JORDAN & CO IOur store is never closed. Dr. H. C. Henderson DENTIST, 1 Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Otntistry practiced in all its branches All work guaranteed. P.uen Cit Theme 878. ... 15he ii app-iuon. 12 and 14 EAST TRADE STREET. OffferMgs From Men's Fir rushing Department, Fall, 1902, Styles This department is now reaLdy for yoir in spection. The swell est productions of the most renowned ma-nufaLctvirers of men's and boys' fashionable furnishings caLn be hsvd Hera t a- very moderate price. Yoir attention is es pecially called to the following list of specials for today's selling. Neckweatr Newest stripes, patterns and colorings in men's and boys' Neckwear, made from superb quality foreign and domestic silks and satins large assortment to select from special line on sale at each 25 cervts Men's Fancy Half Hose A magnificent assortment of patterns in stripe, check and tancy figured effects, also solid blacks, blues, reds, tans, lavenders and maroons. Special lines on sale today at the pair 10, 15, 20, 25 cents Men's Garters A choice collection, including the celebrated "Bostons," ''Brightons" and ' 'Diamonds'' every imaginable color or pattern the pair Men's Handkerchiefs A pure all-linen hemstitched Handkerchief, white, an exceptionally rare value at H2 PVnXn Ue Department Stores 36TH 3ERIES OPEN L BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 23RD SERIES CLOSED The 23rd series was wound up on the last Saturday in July, "ahead of the bounds'' as usual. In fact, from the first we have matured our series from Two to Five Weeks Ahead of Any Other This means in money $1.97 more on the last series and $1.65 more on the preceding series than other Associa tions. MORTGAGES. Now ready for cancellation and de livery of same with insurance policies. NEW SERIES open and subscrip tions will be received either by Chase Brenizer or either of the un dersigned. P. M. BROWN, Pres't. A. G. BRENIZER, Treas. 3E NEXT MONDAY NIGHT Second Drawing BRANNON'S DRUG STORE ?5he Handsome v Ch&ir goes this time. Watch yoir cou ponsyou are jvist as apt to win as anybody else. . Two more draw ings after this. Save your cou pons, n 1 11 and 15 NORTH TRYON STREET 3 the newest colorings and 25 cents the dozen $1 20 .ffTThO (( Th, Department Stores OraAge Ice Chocolate Vanilla and Druggists " 1 n Inl ni Special Attention To Selling Farms Among those of note listed with us see the Logic Farm, over 500 acres two milea of city. The Walnut Grove of J. G. Harris, 1 3-4 miles W. of city, 131 acres, 'fear Sharon Church, 195 acres; modern buildings, $16.50 acre. At Mallard Creek Church 111 acres, of which 50 acres well timbered. Only $10.00 acre. 300 acres near Croft, on A. T. and O. Ry. Only $16.50 acre. Alex l riders Jno. W. &. F. D. 1 1 For Quick Sale On North Clarkson street, beyond Fifth, we have a lot 78 feet front and 148 feet deeD: 10-foot allev in rear from W. Fifth street. Public spring to all property pwners in rear. Old house which could be repaired. To a nnirk buyer the price is $500.00. We can ar range tne terms. Alfred W. Brown 6V Co. Hunt Building, .Bell 'PTione 302. To Earnest. Music Students Waldo Ames, teacher of piano; E. Sebastian Ames,. v;ioliniste; studied with renowned modern teachers. Ten years' experience; standard, thorough courses and advanced systems usied. Studio 401 N. Poplar. "Home classes" now forming. v Great Reduction in Fall and Winter Suitings and Trousings beautiful line just ar rived. Call and see them and I can save you some money. A. BLOCK, Tedlor 1 38 WEST TRADE STREET 5 Ice GreeuxL WOODALL&SHEPPARD WE ! OFFER. ON EAST AVIEMyE Desirable located building lot f0r $850, See is at once as it is not likely to remain on list long at these figures, , Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Co. Bell -Phone 236! y V No. 207 South Tryon Street. F 6 R A bargain in a lot on Elizabeth Avenue at $800. Cash $300, bal ance in 15 months. The bridge will soon be completed and this lot will then be one of the most desirable locations in that section. Thisvis a snap and will earn money for you. ... BROWN (SL COMPANY Real Estate arid Rental Agents Bell Phone 1651 X 217 North Tryon St. OLIVILO The , best Soap for Toflet and Bath. t J -' Come in get a free sample. I W. L. Haaid J (Bl Co. ooootoo 00 oooooeo o o o o o WE DO NOT WANT YOUR ORDERS For cheap, low grade Coal, for we are offering onlv 15he BEST to you, but WE DO WANT YOUR ORDERS for HIGH GRADE COAL and WOOD of Guaranteed Quality. Our RED ASH and BLUE GEM COAL IS UNEXCELLED on this market. PEOPLES ICE & FUEL COMPANY, G O O 0000090000000960 J5he Charlotte National Bank, CH ARLOTTE, N. C. Your Bank and manhood have more to do with your success than all other agencies combined., . Let this be your Bank. We promise you every facility that your balances, business and responsibility warrant. Call to see us and let us talk the matter over with you. B. D. HeoLtK. Pres. 3 W. H. T witty, Cashier ESTABLISHED 1871 Dr. J. H. McADEN.Prest GEO. E. WILSON. V.-Prest. ffje C.N.E VANS.Cashier W.C.WILKINSON, Ass't Cashier MERCHANTS a MODERN banking house : AN D - r with every facility for the FARMERS prompt and careful handling of NATIONAL all business intrusted IT T BANK Liberality Courtesy Strength 35 East Trade Street J J charlotte, N. c. Assets Over One Million dollars E QUI P P E D The Insurance Department of the Southern States Trust Co. offers protection to the; public through the following companies: FIRE. Assurance Company of America, Traders, Georgia Home. London and Lancashire, Teutonia, f North Carolina Home. BONDING. National Surety Co., V Aetna Indem nity Co. CASUALTY. Maryland Casualty , Co., v v : ( Travelers I nsurance Co. V HARVEY LAMBETH, Manager. WE A RE OF F ERING , TWO COTTIGl S On South McDowell Street of 4-rooms each, locat ed on good sized lot, with room for one more, well rented, good neighborhood. PRICE $1,700 . F. C. ;v'-A-l b d tt & Com pany Bell Phone 238 Piedmont B'ld'g Charlotte Phone 278 Ah E FOR RENT. Modern 6-room house. .01 Elizabeth avenue. Modern 8-room house, 312 North B street. Modern 14-room house, 2 W. Tenth street. Modern 6-room house, 602 N. Poplar street. 4-room house, 7 West Twelfth street, (city water.) x5-room house, West Palmer street. 4-room house, 813 East Seventh street. 4-room house, 303 South Cedar street. 2 3-room house on East Eleventh street. Other houses in all parts of city. J Arthur Henderson & Bro. Both 'Phones, 8 N. Qollege Street. oeooeeooooo G G o O O GO OOOOOOOOOO