CHARLOTTE NEWS. .MAY 15, A 903. ivey's Ivey's Ivey s It will pay you to redd of Bargains that means Special Sale Yard-wide Corded Madras Yard wide Corded Madras, pi t?iy stripes and figures. They come in short lengtn, 5 to 15 yds. Make splendid Waists, Shirt Waist Suits, etc. Regular value 12 l-2c, but as a special for Saturday and Monday 6 3-4c. yd. Dotted Ducks 5c yard Dotted Duck, heavy, one color only, blue and only about 250 yds. in lot, special Saturday and Monday 5c. yd. Special Sale Shirt Waists Assorted lot Shirt Waists, both white and colored, many dif ferent styles, regular prices up to $1.50 each, slightly mussed. To clean thern up quick, take your choice Saturday and Mon day 49c. each Special Bargain Gowns at 98c Trimmed in Embroidery and Lace, nicely made, the ma terials would cost almost as much as we sell the finished garment for. You will be surprised to see how pretty a Gown we can sell you for 98c. Special values in other Muslin Un derwear. RESUME OF FIRST LECTURE. Prcf. Durham Again Delights a Large Audience. The second in the series of Trinity College extension lectures was given by Prof. Plato Durham in Tryon Street Methodist church last evening. The last lecture will be given at 8:30 o'clock this evening. These lectures will be of immense value in quicken ing the literary impulse of our town and -will give an opportunity for keep ing in touch with the educational pro gress cf our colleges. The public is in vited to join in the movement. In the lecture of last night Prof. Durham gave a resume of the first lec ture for the benefit of those who were not present to hear it. He took up the thread of his discouse and went on to show hew the Bible stands in the light of modern thought. The speaker evin ced clearly that he has put himself in touch with the greatest Bible students cf the present time, both in America and Europe and was able, therefore, to lift his audience to a higher plain of thinking on the subject. He gave a new v:ay of looking at the Bible a better way. He proved conclusively that there is no conflict in reality be tween science and the Bible, and thar science, philosophy, astronomy, biolo gy, music, literature, history, all are simply God's instruments .and that all of life is an expression of the life of God; every force a direct manifesta tion of the will of God. All are pro cesses of the Master Workman of the universe. The human race shows God In His highest work. Attention was called to the fact that God works with imperfect instruments as for instance ourselves. Lo, in His great revelation to the world of Bible truth he worked through imperf-ct beings, Moses, uavid, Paul and so on, only in Christ was a perfect manifestation. rroi. uurham spoke of evolution, snowing that it means only develop- tv. I .rom sma11. dark beginnings to ungmness of civilization, the di eternal life underlying all. That od worked in a progressive way in revelation was illustrated by morals m ."me ot Jacob compared to what inst taught, and by the development h lv.e ldeas of immortality as shown oy the Bible, how the light flashed "j'e ana more until it became s lignt. The changeless and Clmai is God. v"rlgh,er criticism was explained in a -j Lidr ana torcible way; that it v .not mean destructive Ul simply study; that it has never PURE BLOOD snHrPer care of the stomach will re uii . in the making of plenty of rich tlrp bl00d and the upbuilding of the en nrL,em- If yur stomach is dis woered and the blood impure take f " u Je.s ot Hostetter's Stomach Bit an'r v , 1S the best stomach medicine u uiuoa purifier in the world, and dini cure Dizz'ness, Belching, In dyspepsia, and Malaria. Be . try ,t. For sale by druggists. iraetter's Stomach Bitters For Saturday and Monday every word oi this advertisement for it tells a substantial saving to you. y v V II in Saturday and Monday days with us on Ladies' dren's Hats. Everybody are grand and Chi I knows that they can buy pretty Hats here for so much less, and of course here they come. Just received a lot of pretty new Hats. Special values in ready-to-wear Hats, assorted values, worth up to $2.00 each, choice $1.00 A nice ready-to-wear Hat. . . . Children's Sailors 25, 50, 75c, .75c. $1.00, .etc. Special Bargain Ladies' Shapes All styles, manufacturers sam ples, worth up to $2.00.. .. ..$1.00 Select your Trimmings and have It. trimmed to your order. : Special lot Spray Cherries just received.. . .. .. .. .. 25c. bunch Hosiery Saturday is a great day on Hos iery with us. Good shoppers have found that here is the place to buy Ladies and Chil dren's Hosiery. Special values Black Lace Hose' 10, 15 and ! !5c. 13 WEST TRADE STR ouched the essential truths of the Bible, which is the most perfectly au thenticated book in the world today. Attack on the Bible has been thrown aside and the best colleges and univer sities are now making a text book of And so the most profound thinkers of the old and new world believe that the Bible is the Book of all books the. eternal word of God. , ( THE RECORDER'S COURT., Four Young Men In a Brawl, Sunday. Charges of Selling to Minors. Four young men,' Amos Rollins, Dick Hatch, Ed Russell and Walter Sofman, were before the Recorder this morning harged with an affray. The row took place in a restaurant on Trade street Sunday. It was a very mixed .up affair and deadly weapons and curse-words were used freely. Hatch and Rol lins having used a rock and a knife re spectively were bound over to court in the sum of $25. Russell and Sofman paid costs and were discharged. J. M. Woodsides and a negro wee works for him were charged with sell ing whiskey to a minor, Adam Kourl. Xouri said that he asked the negro, Sam Irwin, if he could get him a half pint of whiskey. The negro told him he didn't know, that he would see about it, that later another negro handed him the whiskey. The negro denied that he spoke to the boy about whiskey, or that he sent him any. Mr. Woodsides stated that the negro had never given him any trouble In this way and that he had strict orders noi to send out anything except what the management told him to send. The Recorder said. in effect, that when the law was violated this way by negro porters. he handn't any idea that the money went into the cash drawer of the pro nrietor. but was appropriated by the oorters to their own use, but that un ifir the law the proprietor, while lenorant of the sale, is equally guilty with the employe who makes the sale. Both Mr. Woodsides and the negro were bound over to court in the sum of $100. Four nesro men were arraigned for vagrancy. The court was inclined to be merciful , and discharged them, but warned them that they must go to work or keep off the streets. He said that workine on the chain gang was a oetter place for them than loafing in 'ront of the bar-rooms or tne cny ilockinc the streets and being a gen eral nuisance. With Messrs. Haley & King. ifr- iwntthpw Miirohv. one of our mnst" vpti prated and popular old citi pna is now emoloved in the office and sales 'room of Messrs. Haley & King, the plumbers, steam and gas fitters at .s West Fifth street, lnis new uu ;c aiwQrtv rpepivine a splendid patron- age nnd will nut in at an eanj uj more stock of the merchandise in its line. jfoir nr John W. Stagg lef for his home, Birmingham, Ala., to day. That does not seem natural, does it' Dr Stagg looks more at home m Charlotte than any wnere ewe. Ivey's Ivey's Domestic Bargains Short lengths Bleached Domestic and Cambric, worth up to 10c. yd. Another lot like we sold so much of a few weeks ago . .7c. yd. 10c Solid color Lawns 5c Solid Color Lawns, pretty quality, all shades, short lengths of 10c. grade, a special ' bargain ..5c. yd. Gingham Special Short . lengths Bates Ginghams, every everywhere 12 l-2c, new lot. 10c. yd. Chatelaine Bag Special Special purchase large Chate laine Bag with Safety Catch, we guarantee it to be a $1.50 grade. We secured a lot at a ridiculous price for such a grade and put them on sale Saturday and Monday . 59c. each Ribbons Everybody knows we are head quarters on Ribbons, new lot just received. , Wash Taffeta -Ribbons 10, 15, 20. yd. Satin Taffeta Ribbons 15, 20, 25c. yd. Double faced Taffeta Ribbon, wide, .. .. .. .. 35c. yd. Corset Special Pretty Batiste Girdle, nice quali ty, with good pair Hose Sup porters .with each Corset .. ...50c. If you want any grade Corset it will pay you to see us. EE T f PERSONALS. People. Who Are Here On Business Or Pleasure. Dr. W. W. Orr went to Monroe this norm ng to assist in tne lunerai 01 Mr. Bonner Stewart, which was held his afternoon. Mr. R. L. Tate, of Columbia, S. C, is registered at the Buford today. Mr. R. R. Ray, of Lowell, is in tne city today. Mr. W. T. Love, of Gastonia, is a Charlotte visitor today. Mr. R. H. Hay, of Pittsboro, is here. Mr. G. Bryant, of Randleman, is here attending the meeting of Cotton Spin ners. Messrs. F. L. and F. B. Emery, of Concord, are at the Buford. Mr. Paul Barringer, of Mt. Pleasant, is here. Mr. C. H. Dillingham, of Columbia, Is registered at the Buford. Mr. G. L. Parker, of Salisbury, is here today. Mr. M. R. Reeves, of Greensboro, is hero today. Mr. J. C. Smith, of Bessemer City, is at the Central. Mr. James F. Cobb, of Greensboro, :ame in today to attend the Cotton -Spinners Association. Mr. J. R. Boulware, of Rock Hill, is at the Central. Messrs. S. B. Cunningham and C. T Blakeney, of Monroe, are here today, ' Mr. L. B. Johnson went to Spartan burg on the noon train, on business. Mr. John BrKenney, a quondam resi dent of Charlotte, is in town. PRESBYTERIAN COMMENCEMENT deception By Students Tonight Col Waddell To Deliver the Address. There will be a reception . by the student body of the Presbyterian Col lege tonight. Col. Waddell, the orator of com mencement will arrive Tuesday, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs Watters of this city. Dr. Reed, who will preach the bac calaureate sermon at the Second church will arrive Saturday evening and wil be the guest of the college. Special invitations to the commence tnent have been sent only to -the pat 10ns of the school, but all friends are cordially invited to the exercises. These exercises will close the most prosperous year in the history of the school. Tomorrow evening the Juniors will give a reception to the Seniors at Elizabeth College. Ely's Liquid Cream Balm is an old Mend in a new form. It is prepared Tor the particular benelit of sufferers .'rom nasal catarrh who are used to m atomizer in spraying the diseased membranes. All the healing and sooth- ng properties of Cream Balm are re :ained m the new not dry up the eluding spraying druggists or Ely street, Netf York, preparation. It doesjH secretions. Price, in- il tube, 75c. At your 1 Brothers, 56 Warren II , will mail it. Z IN ODDS AND ENDS. What Has Been Gleaned In a Busy Day From a' Busy Throng. Daily rehearsals' are now going on at the Latta Park Auditorium. Mr. J. H. Wearn has been confined to his borne this week with the grip. The front exterior of the Allen Hardware Co's store has been nicely repainted. Mrs, John T. Butler is having her hous'3 painted on South Tryon street, and otherwise improving the premists. Mrs. Falls, wife of the pastor of Brevard Street Methodist church, who has been sick is now able to sit up a little. Miss Norma Van Landingham will spend a part of her vacation at Mt. Holyoke College. Miss Mary B. Anthony will pursue her art studies in New York City during- the summer. Mr. Joe Wearn, who has been con fined to the house by sickness since last Saturday,- hopes to be out by Sun day. Mr. John W. Todd as soon - as strong enough, will go to the Presby terian. Hospital for an operation for appendicitis. - - Mr. Herman Schroeder, clerk in the postoffice, will go on the road as postal clerk on the 22nd inst. His run will be from Greensboro to Atlanta. Miss Ola Herron and Hattie Cooper, of Charlotte, are guests at Mr. W. L. Gallant's. They acted as brides maids at the Robinson-Gallant mar riage yesterday. Gastonia Gazette. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. D. O. K. K.'s Annual Election Was Held Last Night. Suez Temple No. 73, D. O. K. K. elected officers for the ensuing year at its regular annual meeting last night. The following were elected: V. S., Walter Scott; R. V., Dr. Chas. A. Bland; G. E., E. S. Pegram; ma hedi, R. J. Cochran; secretary, J. A. Solomons; treasurer, E. A. McCaus land; satrap, Thomas W. Alexander; sahib, P. H. Williams, and junior icy.' prince, Kev. J. A. Dorritee. At the meeting of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias in Wilmington June 17th, the members of the Order will give a ceremonial session. Com mittees to make arrangements for that meeting have been appointed as fol lows: . Committee on Entertainment: A. E. McCausland, Thomas S. Franklin, E. Reid, Walter Scott and J. A. Solo mons. Committee on Invitations: Joseph H. Craighill, T. W. Alexander and T. P. ROSS. ; Committee on Sixth Order: Walter Scott, A. E. McCausland and John F. Yorke. - Graduating Recital. There will be a graduating piano re cital at Elizabeth College this evening at 8:30 o'clock that will attract many music lovers and afford a fine oppor tunity for hearing some talented young ladies play. The musical standard 01 Elizabeth College is a high one and so a candidate for graduation must De able to render difficult, music. The selections on the programme f lv Misses Lillie Belle Hallman and Ora May Huffman are, therefore, from the compositions of the great masters of classical music, Grieg, Chopin, Men delssohn, Beethoven, Schumann, Schu bert and Hiller; Misses Nell Watkins and Ashe Graddy will assist the grad uates. The one great virtue of Burnett's Vanilla Extract is purity. It is real vanilla extract and nothing but vanilla extract. Always use Burnett's AN ANNOUNCEMENT. . To accommodate a portion or our Piano and Violin students we wil continues giving instruction through out the Summer. If interested call on or address us for general information Yours truly, MR. AND MRS. WALDO AMES. Studio 401 N. Poplar. Bell 'phone 4262 ICE CR.EAM FREEZE 1 t t Pails made of best Virginia White Cedar, heavy can with steel bottom, hinge top, and the famou3 Wheel Dasher which forces cream from cen ter to circumference, where it is quickly frozen and removed by automatic scraper. Freezes quicker, easier and makes more ice cream from a given quantity of cream than other freezers. Let us show it to you. Also Ice Chippers, Ice Shav ers and Maine Refrigerators the kind you want. ! J.N. MCCAUSLAND & CO. New Books well worth your time and $1.50. "Conqueror's House" "The Voice of the People." "Lady Rose's Daughter." "The Better Sort." "The Spenders." "The Pit." "Old Plantation Days." "The Circle." "Under the Rose." and "Waldo." We have all of these and others too. a Houston, Dixon & Co., BOOK, STATIONERY AND ART STORE : : 10 South Tryon Street ''Lightning" Founded 1842. Sing their own praise. I Kcellence of the STIEFF PIANO and from the fact it is sold direct ; to you and not to a second, perhaps third, party to resell, with one or. two additional profits, makes it easy for the . sales man and simple for the purchaser. The salesman is not required to do 6 much "talking'' and to the buyer tne advantages of the Stieff are so mani fold and apparent that in competi tion the selection of the Stieff is not a very long drawn-out question. Visit Our Varerooms ind examine our magnificent stock and hear the wonderful Cecilian, the perfect Piano player. STI E F F Southern Warerooms, 211-213 North Cry on Street, Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. "Km Many People Don't Want to Wear Glasses because of prejudice or some other foolish notion. Spec tacles are essential to the cure of many kinds of -headaches and nerve troubles. 1 There is nothing else that will relieve them if they come from the eyes. . We tell you where they come from after making our examina tion. ...Examination Free.., Dr. J. H. SpilmaLnL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST i 22 W. Trade. Charlotte (Blair's Drug Store.) Litres SEE Men's Spring SUIT We have spent months in examining, comparing and testing the almost innumerable makes of Ready-to-Wear CLOTHING ancj the results are here, ready for you. We in vite you to come in and inspect our new line, just opened and decide for yourself the many merits which they possess. You can see many of them it a glance; others you will see when you have worn the garments a long time. O U R. GREAT II COLLECTION IS ESPEC I ALL Y STRONG v v Boys' School Suits,, the kind thatjdon't wear out easily, are here at small prices. Carolina Clothing Go; J. A. SOLOMONS, Manager. The General J. H. LITTLE, President, H. CY. LONG, Vice-President. SUCCESSORS TO THE GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORES Well Tailored Clothing Do you like a good fit? Do you appreciate well tailored suits? Do you want stylish' patterns? - Do you need to save money? If so, we are the peo ple to see. We can meet , all the requirements. We are sole agents for a high grade of Clothing, well designed, selected styles, well trimmed, all cuts that are in style, and none fit better, regulars, slims, stouts and extra sizes, the latest weaves in worsteds, worsted cheviots, chevoits, cassimere and unfinished worsteds, solid colors, solid black and neat effects. Our popular prices are $10, $12.50,.$ up to $20 each. We promise to save you on most of these suits from $2.50 to $5 by giving you our regular small proofit department store prices. Children's Suits This department is an advertiser. .We carry one of the best lines to be had in New York, and no house in the city carries a larger stock, nor a better line than we, from $2.00 to $5.00. Every suit is guaranted both in workmanship and material; sizes, 3 to 17 years; 3 to 8 years in little Norfolks with Sailor. Collars. A special lot of $4.00 Fancy Serges for, each.. .. .. .. ..$3.00 The newest Suits yet are some little Norfolks, 4 to 8 years, in red, blue, brown and navy in unfinished Worsted, Nor folk style with Sailor Collars and Silk Bows. They are simply beautiful; at, each.. . . ..... .... .$5.00 Faocy and White Vests New shipment just received, from. A real neat striped Wash Vest, all sizes, for A beautiful White Corded Pique Vest, 33 to.42, for.. . $8.50 dark blue' Serge Coats, for.. .. .. .. A lot of real fine dark blue Serge Coats, Satin faced, retails at $8.50, sizes, 35 to 42, our price as long as last, at Other blue-black Serge Coats, Gent s FvirnisKings Fancy Sox Lace Half-Hose, in solid black and colors; also ' ' Silk Embroidered at, per pair 10 to 50c. Shawknit Socks in solid black and colors and fancy, per pair 25c 50c Undershirts 25c We have just gotten a lot of new honey-comb Undershirts . that has always retailed for 50 cents, the price till all are sold..' .. .. .. ..- .25c. Feather-weight Nainsook Shirts and Drawers, each. . ...... 48c. HALF-PRICE CLOTH- f ftZ ING SALE CONTINUES vpO.J Still take choice of that big lot of Spring Suits , we placed . on sale last week which we bought in New York at 50 cents on the dollar and retail, at $8.50 to $15.00. Today and Tomorrow are the Last Days of the Big Collar Button Sale. io Karat Gold Filled Collar Buttons, regular value ioc, our price for this sale 2 l-2c 14 Karat Gold Filled, CoUar Buttons, regular value 15c, our price for this sale 5c The Silver King Collar Buttons, regular value 25c, price for this sale . 8c Shoe Department Special values in Men's, Wo men's and Children's fine Foot wear. A nice Dongola Baby's Slip per; fancy buckle; patent leather tip; special the pair 50c. A nice Kid Slipper for Chil dren ; wedge heel fancy bow; patent tip; regular 75c. values; -special, the pair .. ..65c. A genuine patent leather Slipper for children; fancy buckles; spring or wedge heel; sizes, 2 1-2 to 5; regular 90c. and $1.00 values; special, the pair. .75 and 85c. 100 pairs Women's fine Slip pers and Oxfords, nicely made up in every way; patent tip; heel, fit,' style and quality guaranteed; never sold for less than $1.75; special the pair $1.48 A genuine glaze Dongola Kid Slipper for Ladies, made in an Oxford Tie or a 3-strap sandal; plain or half French heel; sold the world over for $2.50, special, the -pair $1.93 Our American Lady line of Ladies' Slippers and Ox fords are unsurpassed for fit and quality; made in an Oxford tie or a 3-strap Slip per; D or E last; all sizes; Within a radius of 500 miles of Charlotte we will prepay freight on all packages amounting to $5 and over. ' ; ": , ' ; WHOLESALE. AND R.ETAIL 12-14 W. Trade St. 11-15 N. Tryon St. J. W. CUTHBERTSON, Sec, and Treasurer. : t ' 1 i TAPP-LONG CO. t : : ! $1.25 to $3.00 $ 1 25 $1 50 . ..$4.00 that they, ..$4.00 all size, from $2.00 to $5.00 t t : . half French or Cuban heel; Duchess or opera toe; welt or turn soles; regu lar $3.00 values; special, the pair $2.50 Men's Dongola Oxfords; cap toe; E last; all sizes; regular $1.50 values; spe cial, the pair.. .;' .. ..$1.35 Men's Nullifiers; the best $1.75 on the market; spe-" cial, the pair $1.50 Men's Vici . Kid Oxfords;, well made; cap toe; E last; English backstay; regular sizes; well worth. $2.00; special, the pair $1.69 Men's Cadet Kid Oxfords; kldlined; solid as a rock; English welt sole; E last; regular $2.50 values; spe cial, the pair.. $2.19 A genuine horse-hide or pat ent Cordan Oxford for men;, welt sole; extension edge; well worth $3.00; special, the pair $2.50 Our line of Men's Vici Kid, ideal kid, patent kid or patent colt Oxfords and corkers; made in plain lace or Blucher, plain or monkey skin toping; made on all the latest last and in all the latest toes; these goods you pay from $4 to $5; special sale price the pair. ,.$3.50 s i t t . - V

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