I . I CH AftLOTTE nSwO, NOVEMBER :14,l 903 Children's Corner THE AH GOO PEOPLE. ' The Ah Goo People don't touch the , ground. These singular folks are carried around And a single phrase is the only sound They are given utterance to. The Slaves all hurry .whenever they . hear A KJngly Ah Gooer drawing near And it's partly love and It's partly fear That they'll burst their skins clear through. For whenever thinks It's time for food unuKs, an Ah Goo Person and it's time for He gives a yell and he turns to pinks And several kinds of a blue. The Ah Goos live in every town, They're red, and yellow, and black, and brown, And white, and their password, with a frown. Is the single phrase, Ah Goo. friie Ah Goo people all live rent free In the Happy Land of the Jamboree In a single room called a Nurseree And every word is true! Eugenia O. Emerson, In Collier's Weekly. HOW INSECTS MAKE MUSIC. The katvdid has a wing that Is very curious te look at. says Laura Roberts, In "Four Tett, Two Feet and No Feet." You have seen this little Inseet, I have no doubt. It eeler Is light green, and jut wh?r the wing joins th boy, there Is a thick rldft, and another on th9 wing. On this ridg thirt Is a thin but strong spin which makes a sort ot drumhead. It fa th rubbing of these two ridges er drumheads together which makes th? ueer noise you have heard. There is no musle In It, certainly. The In sects could keep quiet !f they wished, but they must enjoy making the noise. The katydid sometimes makes two rubs on Us drumhead, and sometimes three, You" tail fancy she says: "Katy did' "'She did,", of "She didn't;" The ftioment it Is very dark they begin. &Jon the whole ctfiripany' is at work; Ai tfaey- rest atf aeh rubbing, It m if tile' flflswefed each other, Did fdn knew that ifom m&et tfieif wiflg? it i net ifee stir f th fceiutifui light wiai tfeit we hip.- U is tfc &if dfawjflf m mi et ( iba ftirrtyfas, in tfi tee's' fligfet. fftiB mm tb f?e fli, th joydef tfce humming Bi4 y krw tht JBaectf fee In4ee4 tftey M They haye nepyes ajl oyer them, through their wings and m t9 th? efl4 of every feeler, DOG FOOLED HIS MISTRESS, This dog learped a thing er two very quickly. A family in Tiffin, O., had moved from the old home, but rented the house, furnished throughout, the new tenant being an elderly lady. For some reason the family dog was "let" with the furniture. Now the new oc cupant of the house liked to sit in a particularly comfortable chair in the parlor, but as the dog was also fond of the chair she frequently found him In possession. Being rather afraid of the dog she did not dare to drive him out, and therefore used to go to the window and call: "Cats." The dog would ALL ON FIRE A Charlotte Citizen Tells How Relief Came Ever have Eczema? . Have any itching skin disease? Itching almost drives you crazy. You feel "all on fire.'' Doan's Ointment brings quick re lief. . . Cured Eczema, Itching Piles. And all itchiness of the skin. T. C. Crump, of 813 East Eighth St., says: "My wife upon my advice used a box of Doan's Ointment which I procured at R. H. Jordan & Co.'s drug store, for a severe case of , Eczema which had troubled, her for a long time. She had been unable up to that time to get anything which would do It any good. She gave the ointment a fair trial, and it made a complete cute for her. It la a great preparation for itching 6km diseases, and I am glad to be able to make a public statement to that effect" For sal by ail dealers. Price 60 cents. FesteT'Mlibura Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for the United States. Remember . the fiameDeaa'aaad takrae substitute. - then rush to the window, and the lady would calmly take possession of the chair. One day the dog entered the room and found the lady in possession. He trotted to the window and barked excitedly. The lady got up to see what was the matter, and the dog instantly seated himself in thee hair. Our Dumb Animals. - "THANK YOU." Everybody likes little Carl Rosen bloom, he Is so cunning and small and, fat He has lived in America just . a little while, and he can speak only two English words. It sounds so funny to hear hiit say, "Thank "you," to what ever is said to him that no .can help from smiling. One day Carl was trudging along with a basket of clothes. He was a droll little figure, .with his chubby legs and round, fat arms. Some boys playing marbles on the pavement were quite amused at this comical sight, and they begari to laugh and shout "Sausage bags!" - Now, Carl did not understand a word, but he saw they were speaking to him, so he turned his dear little face to them with the sweetest of smiles, and said, fThank you." You should have seen how ashamed the naughty boys looked then! One Of them smiled and nodded at little Carl, another gave him a nice red apple, while another tok his big basket, and carried it for him. Sunday After noon. THE PUPPIES. Elsie Danverg was a little folden h&irtd girl of tlx when she went with her family to camp out fo ra few wttkj at ont of th beautiful Adiron dack lakes. It was all new to them, this life in the forest, wher the cooking Is don over fin open fire, and where one rolls up in a blanket et night to sleep on the softest of balsam mattresses. fThe little camp was situated on a point between two small bays. Around it great hemlocks and pines rose to a height of ninety feet, and a fringe of silver birches 6ti the shore completely screened the camp from view, Om morning Elsie1 went, fis" tisiial, dowij to the fehote t fish far- mintiom It ms gtich tm t watch them1 dfttting Id flfld t0 ifl the giiflshine1 but filas, they wotitdfi't bite! afte a while h laid dwfl bef lift ind, meing a pretty path, deeded t take a iittte walk is the wd.. And s gh west, gatheriss frs end fef leht berries, till, H ftt see, ehe thought h ftw fs the distaste tw small black puppies frecklBf &F9ft4 ft ppruce tree, 'Q, the deaF little things," she crl&4, as she ran toward them; "what fus we will have!" Not long before Elsie started out on her walk Jim Keene, a lad of nineteen, had gone out in very much the same direction. He was employed to help around the camp, and this morning went to pick up dry wood for the fire. He had gathered quite a pile, and was just starting to take it back to camp when he heard the sound of a child's voice, not ten yards away. "0, you naughty doggie!" it said, and then followed a little squeak, which Jim recognized to be that of a young cub in distress. A low growl rang through, the forest Dropping his oad all but one stout suck, Jim rusned to the scene and picked up Elsie with his left hand, and just as the angry old mother bear was about to spring he gave her a swift, hard blow on the nose. She rose in the air once, then fell backward, stunned, while Jim gave her blow after blow, until she rolled over and breathed her last Then he walked back to camp, car- ring in his strong arms the bewilder ed Elsie, who had not once let go of her two black "puppies."' "Jim", the child asked, "what made you beat the old doggie so hard " Advocate and Guardian. , 3Ucd f - - J leather with vv an enameled- VV - tpMatioB and a ,' 5S1ot leather reel.' X -Add pliable. Maowa by ibli trade mark la the shoe. I v mrMTOTSr V. v.1 1 am&-:f. J 1 in 1(4, Plf, gnM.BOltOT now mr aw" wolf Proem I X Leetker Co., XFhMadelphUu THE SEAL. A GOOD WORK, irttott That the officials of the United States treasury and agricultural de. partments are very much In earnest in tHelr determination to prevent the Importation of adulterated food pro ducts Into this country is apparent from the fact that about 400 different importation shave already been held up by the inspectors for .examination. Thla was done under the provisions of the law passed at the last congress, which provides for the seizure at our ports of entry of any foreign food products suspected of being adulter ated or falsely labeled. Of the large number of seizures thus far made some have been found to be as repre sented and were admitted, others were rejected and ordered deported and still others are yet under investigation It is not expected that so many cases will be in the inspector's docket again, as the importers have .been given to understand that" the law is to be rigidly enforced. The fraud it is designed to frustrate is one of the meanest imaginable, as it threatens the . health of every individual who consumes these foodstuffs. The extent to which the fraud has been practiced i in the past is simply appalling, the records of the agricultural department experts showing 'that almost every article of food and drink brought from abroad is doctored with, poisonous coloring or flavoring matter or adul terated with cheap substitutes, con cealed by high spicings. The efforts of the government offi cials to i strictly enforce the anti adulteration law should be heartily seconded by the consumer, who is the one particularly benefited. Consum ers may play an important part in the work if they will take the pains to educate themselves as to the char acter of the adulterations used and insist on getting what they are sup posed to be paying for, When the manufacturers and importers are given to understand that the American peoplg linew th difference between adulterated u& pure food and will aot nst' th latter they will ceag their attempts to impost upon their pa trons. A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE DINNER JACKET. Her is a design for th very dain tiest of dinner jackets, and would be a most suitable gift to send a bride as art addition to her trousseau. It Is a loose-hanging sacque made of a fine silk white point d'esprit, gathered full across the top and sleetes, It is finished at the edge With lace motif's crescent-shaped, applied tm, oti aftef the- other-, making scallops, The little shaped jacket which i put as at terwafd is- made ol Dfesdea taf--leta, a white baehffousd, with pale pink and green designs through it. This Is all cut in one piece; with the tabs hanging over the shoulders. -The four button.3 are of rhinestones. THE MESSIAH OF NATIONS. The big West Indian seal, known as the Aquarium by the attendants as "No. 2", which died recently was prob ably the Aquarium's best known ex hibit iMore persons will remember her and her habit of playing tricks on the spectators than any of the other ex hibits, Her tank was always the centre Of attraction. Notwithstanding the sign which waa posted on one end trt the tank warning people to keep at the other end if they would not get wet, many were willing to take the chances for the pleasure of watching her. She wag discriminating in her chocie of subjects for her tricks, and showed her intelligence by the subtlety with which sh perpetrated It. She would swim about thi pool. t if niylna no &ttm uen to any on, ana, suddenly stop- pins, turn ner netta to on side ana bark, His aim was usually good, and the water, about a quart In quantity reaehed Us mark with startling speed and certainty, It Is told of on young man whose bright necktie became her target, that when the water atruck him he was so startled that he fell over backward, and would hava fallen to the floor had not an attendant caught him. The Heal, seeing him dls. appear, got up on the ledae of the bool and looked over to see what had be come of him. . One morning Mr, Spencer was walk ing about the unner tier of tanks. when he heard a demon-like roar that seemed lo come fronr beneath him, From time to time ha heard U in dif ferent parts f-th building. It al ways seemed to com from below. In vefstlg&tlon proved that th seal had put her snout down th big pip In the bottom of her empty tank ana was en Joying herself by roaring Into It, As the pipe connected with other pipe radiating all over the building, th roar arose everywhere, tthe was said to be the only one of her species in. captivity. It Is doubt ful if Hit AQuaxluA Kill have Rafter, In the need that bows us thus, America! Shape a mighty song for us America! : . Song to whelm a hundred years-1 Roar of wars and rain of tears, Neath a worlds triumphant Cheers; America! America! From Pesp ondeiicy -' ' ' 7 , - - , , , - to I "Health, ffi t m a ii 1 I"IT?TT1 A T TflW Tt T A aaa A few months iao my health leemed to break down alfcocethw I n'mnU -if-l; a ri? Lfv sustain me any longer. I lost my appetite, could not sleep and was in the very slough of despondency, which wag SettW aggravated at the menstrual period. - Our physician was unable to ffiva ma anvthln vrkinh a. t! : LJLpeauy ana I kept getting worse and was very nervous and hysterical. - 4 1 7 ' f T u- ca8b uenent w me ,A friend who had used Wine of Cardui suggested that I try it. So I' sent for some and within two days after I started to use it I felt a great deal better. I could sleep at night and gradually . 7 w 1 the nervousness passed away. I became strong and had no pain at theperiod. ? 0 Gn "tilte(!jxLjr I am now enjoying the best of health due to the merits oi Wine of fjdVfOZf,iJ fl Cardui for which I am deeply grateful. v , v , There are hundreds of women in this city today who need Wine of Cardui and they would not hes- n A u s ii.v. iwv.ub w uum. u. vmy rucw wudi a recora it nas maae. Day alter day and year after year letters like this one, praising Wine of Cardui, have appeared in the papers of this land and hundreds or xnousanas or sick women nave secured relief from painful and irremilar menrrniatinn. 1n-nrrViroo r,A i r . i ... . . . - a . , ocarmg uown pains Dy iouowing tne advice given. . Can any fair minded woman refuse to take the testimony of ten thousand of her sisters who have suffered just as she and then have been completely cured ? Who can fairly say ' 'Wine of Cardui will not help me" with such facts before her ? Wine of Cardui is a pure vegetable extract that is so mild and simple in nature that a girl can take it with benefit when threatened with early menstrual dis orders. Older women are cured of the more serious menstrual troubles, bearing down pains and leu corrhcea. For the troubles at childbirth and for middle-aged women at the change of life Wine of Cardui meets every crisis in the life of a woman. , J-W teeatoent by getting a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist today. The American Boy . For November comes to us with 36 pages chock full of matter of interest to boys that will keep them busy for many long evenings, This number con tains some peculiarly attractive mat ter. The first chapter of a story by the editor entitled, "Three Yankee Boya in Ireland," being a combined story of travel and history, thoroughly Illustra ted makes its appearance. Appropria te to the month ar two excellent foot ball stories "Harding; Substitute," and "Jack's two Victories," with an item on "How to Train for Football." Other stories are; "How m and Dill Trapped a Dogfish' Frltx Uiritch'g Turkey," Mr. Reed and the Harmless Cub;" "The Little Cayuse," and "How I Jlro Got His Antelope." There are articles teHlng how to make a coast ing wagon, how to rig up an electrical apparatus for the bedroom, how ta become strong; and how a boy can be his own bookbinder Theri there are illustrated articles on "Boys for the Navy;" Helpful Influences ih "The St, Bernard Hospices " "champiott swini-- ttiersj" "OOod Tricks for" Wititef gvehiflgaj" "A Peculiar November' ceiebratienT' "The Last Remflaflt m Perry's Fleet I" "The Trills mA Triunipb of a efltfy fie in a Great miy," FREE HELP TO SICK AND WEAK 8imply Write Drf Hathaway, th Benowned Southern Specialist, Just How You Suffer and He Will Tell You What To Do To Quickly Cure Yourself at Home Saves Doctor Bills. iGi Class FREE ALSO 8 MEDICAL BOOKS TO ALL. Thero is no longer any need of giv ing money to doctors to find out what disease you have when you can write ;Dr. J. Newton Hathaway, the distin guished Southern specialist and scien tist, and he will tell you for nothing; and as no man stands higher in the profession of f medicine and science John Philip Sousa, one of America's most popular composers, and, James Whitcomb Riley, one of America's most popular poets, have given us a new national , song. Riley . wrote the words shortly after the death of Presi dent McKlnley,, and the great band leader soon, after composed the music for it. Time is needed to make It one of the popular songs of the age. The song is entitled, "The Messiah of Na tions," and the lines are as follows: Lift the trumpet to thy mouth, : America I East and West and North and South ' America! Call us round thy dazzling ghrine Of the starry old enslgn New baptized In blood of thine, America! America! Dying eyes through pitying mists, America! See the assassin's shackled wrists, America! , Patient tyflg that turn their sight From all blackening erlme ana might, Btin toward heaven's holy llf&t- America! America! High o'erlooking sea and land, America Trustfully with outheld hand, America! Thou dost Welcome all in Quest Of thy freedom, peace and rest-- Every exile is thy guest America! America! Thine a universal love, " America! " ' Thine the cress and crown thereof, i ; Amerlcal, Aid us, then, to ling thy worth1; Oed bath bulldfd from thy birth, Th first nation f the earth-- ; America! America! AND -0THER5. Thi better clasi of druggist", everywhere, are men of scientific attainment)! and high Integrity, .who devote their lives to tn welfare of their fellow men in supplying th bent of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and Bcientifio formula. Druggists of th better class manufacture many excellent ' remedies, but always under original or officinal names and they never cell false brands, or imitation medicines. They are the men to deal with when in need Of anything in their line, which usually includes all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest tttid best of toilet articles and preparations and many tiseful accessories and remedial Appliances, The earning of ft fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from ft knowledge ef the benefits conferred upon" thelf patfonS &hd fifcslstaiiCd td th meMieal profession, k fislialiy their' grefltfest reward for; long years 6f study ahd many hours of dally toih They all knew that gyfup of fjgsisafl excellent laxatlte remedy aflti that H gives universal lati&fsetlofi) ahd therefore they &f& ellliig many fflllilefisj ef bettle flflritialiy ta the well Ififotffled j)tifgfcaF ef the wml fefadie, and they always" take elatife in hafldiflg at the genuine artldi barifl th Ml name f the fflpaHyyaiiffiifa if$ gyrtip (3,pfiiitd n th frfit f every package. Thy kn9W that ffl m f eeldi asd head&ehis atifldd by felllBflf &fld flgtlpatien ma f wakR t treidlty f the liver and howUt flflslug item iffegalar habit?, indigegtlofl, f vF--fttlBg; that thr 13 r thr refnedy flmmU ffmft mihmm in its eSeet as gyrup f Figs, and they m gUd t ill it baBff ifc givi ynlvffiftl fattefeefctefi, Owing h eien9 ol tiymp of Figs, the unfvergat PfltJgfaetjon whkh 'ft givei find the Immense. 4fan4 far it, Imimiom hav peen niftde, tried and condemned, but there Individual druggists to ba found, hero and there, who do not maintain the dignity end principles of tba profession and whosa greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate to recommend and try to sell tha imitations in order to make a larger profit uch preparations sometimes have the name Syrup of Fig3"--or MFig Syrup" and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitations should bo rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer papses off on a customer a preparation tinder the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig , Syrup," which does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter Ins establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do 60 with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians prescriptions, and should bb avoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists .are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be, purchased every where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents p?r bottle, but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the public of the 'facts, in order that ail may decline or return any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company California J'ig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the article and to'demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class of druggists who will sell you what you wisii, and the. best ol everyimng in ma nue at reason uno. via?. , MADE YOUNQ AGAIN. "Ona of Dr. King's New Ul Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again'' writes v. ii, Turner, of Dempseytown, Pa, They're the Lest in the worm ror wver, Diom ach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c, at Burwell & puna' omg stor?. D. J. NEWTON HAlMrtWAY. His Knowledge is Free to the Sick. than he does, what he tells you can be relied upon as being correct. In this way hundreds - upon hundreds that we know of throughout the South have been cured, for this great doctor is not only an expert in knowing what you suffer from, but his cures . are brought about in an entirely original way, , along ; new ; lines, developed by him after two generations of years in the profession. He wants to hear from ali:m$tt and women who suffer from any d&easof the throat, lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, bladder, female troubles, rheumatism,, plies, prostatic trouble, blood poison, nervous debility, emaciation ef parts, impotency, losses, i varicocele, stricture, night sweats, weak back and all other affections of the nerves, muscles and glands. 2I will iflgtantly stop all aehti and pains, soreness and swelling, steady; nerves, aroust museular energy, get th blood to circulating, put strength la the baek and flrmne&s in tht tissues and one again make yon an determined and ambitious as of old. The doctor is also famous as the au thor of many medical books on chronic diseases that are standard among the profession and these have now been Issued in special editions for free circulation among the masses. Every person who is sick and evfv haart tt a family should have them for refer ence in caste ot emergency, and this can be don by addressing rf. 3. New. ton Hathaway ,H 29 Inman Building, Afc ianta, aa telling him which book you want &fi,l h will send it free at unoa. Altogfet'aer there are g of them, as fol lows: 1, DiseftSiS ef tha Vital ore-ana. 2, threat, lungs, fatarrh; S, female dt pbbpb upw wmion) f 4, stricture; 6, varicocele; 6, blood poison (modern edition) 7, kidneys, bladder, rheuma tism 8, nervous deblirty and weak nossoi of men (enlarged new edition), rK. for r,.9 DQ0K yu want and the doctor Will Bend it to vnn trnn, rlt. him how you jiuffer and he will tell your disease and the quickest way to vw nee. tut the COLO DUST TWUfS do TOUT WOfk -' I M. T Minion of Xft I women have . temtl already, $ . Tl'Vleiniea that fgco3 1 ' more than J i " ryoV V i . actual labOf ot hottsewoik may bt feared tf ttting Q&M (EMJJO'ir CJfWEWAt, tfSEi .W OB OLD PEfTl Bi-tubbih floors, waebih tHft,te ana oisne ,Mn nanfa. anh(ht (iintbeq ana aisoes, BSliotllH bf(KWfil. eteMtttttg rtyB, pim, ate, , making M flflt wtt fP COW) MAW5S gABO WATIB IQfT If fef ii Where iYou IS GOOD $2.00 PREPAID A thorough douobaia net!e Brr (o ererv woman Wlnrd Circular Spnj nynnvs uperatcs ioiioi;iiii rpni'heat fetery pau ana ri tnriTnfl All Hflnl-nflnnl And all chutgoa, lnsnrihg, perteW heftltb atifl fotruiafltv, Hal tid trttltes of eotiiieotions ftn4 cfcMiot te ut ol otaei", Coo tetilont. aria aiays reaay ioi lot f n aetiilo t'f lfia Si tif nnald. Hook rit ihu fun tftieu)ari m ti ttln sealed ebtsloW to any ftddre fiubbsr Specialty Co, .. So 69 i ' itlaat. Qa CNaU'HL Mil la 11 EU b4 (told I1IU tow. mi4 5 lib blurlbtoea. l'nhan athar. Bftia aaaraa Hubatltullana aad I "ilia tlana. Bay of your brafi.t, ar mb4 4a. IB lUnp, fer Partlaalara. f aatlaaaalaU "flallar for I.adlt,aM Mtr, bj ra I r,uuu TMuaiaaiai.. aoin or A o o o o o o o o o o o o 41 o o o o o o o o o o o o ud "Jl tara III 11 Drufgina. C'klaheatar Chenlaal Vm.t JMrsitaa aaartf rmai 0 o 0 o o o 0 o 0 0 Come in wlili or without the cash and )1 f urnish your homo. Wo appreciate your ) patronage txnd flood will and wo have the O capital to carry you until you can pay us. -a- -a- . 1 t) OUR FALL STOCK IS NOV COMPLETE rt Big Line -of Bedroom Suits, Iron Beds, rs, Unll Racks, Stoves, Clocks, Picture i, Bed Springs, etc. J i i ' ) Largest Buyers and LoVyest Sellers In the Carolinas j With Rockers Frame 0 o mm 'ffiffi' 10 N. COLLEGE STREET SB. Always .Rearnber tht wa.Narae Curt tCd4 laOnoDay, Crista 2 Dtyi vS AW on every box. 25c (