CHARLOTTE NEWS. DE C EMBER 18, 1903. A THE CHARLOTTE NEWS Published Dally Except Sunday, tht Newt Publishing Co. by NEW YORK OFFICE: Frank R. Northrup, Manager, 220 Broadway. Telephone 120, Cortland. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. eana want to draw thl Hue la the natlen&l election, and they seem bent en delng It, the peepl can 1 teW a few things. And we do not know any body better to tell them than Ghas. B, Aycock, as the candidate for .Vice-President. FRIENDS OF THE SOUTH. No mention should be made In the South of the recent resolutions of Im pertinent Interference passed by the ITnion League Club of New York City without mentioning also the names of Robert C. Ogden and William II. Bald win, members of the Club but friends of the South. These resolutions of in quiry into suffrage conditions were of fered some months ago and through the protest of Mr. Ogden they were laid upon the table. The splendid address before the Education meeting in Rich mond, last year, by President Hiil of the University of Georgia, on the negro Question, was printed, and circulated largely for the benefit of the Union Lf ague Club. In the meeting the other day, Mr. Ogden and Mr. Baldwin lifted their voices in earnest though Ineffec tive protest against the passage of the resolutions. Now the resolutions of Inquiry do not concern us very particularly. The South has passed the point of growing hysterical at such "recrudescence of the Bourbon spirit at the North" as the Brooklyn Eagle called this out burst of sectionalism. All the same, the South Is always grateful for such friends. And a point that might be made Is that these men became the friends of the South simply by a closer acquaint ance with the South. Mr. Baldwin, now President of the Long Island Railroad the South was doing for negro educa great financiers of New York City was Company and recognized as one oG the once connected with the Southern Rail way. He has learned the Southern view of Southern problems. He is doing his ulmost to give his Northern friends the benefit of his knowledge r.nd the leaven is working. Mr. Ogden has been Instrumental now for several years In bringing South a party of distinguished educa tors and publicists, that, they also may come in contact with the best spirit of the South. There is no telling of the good that has been accomplished sim ply from their attitude of sympathetic learners rather than of self-appointed critics. Men who never knew before the peculiar burdens that the South is car rying have gone back to the North with new Ideas about Southern people and Southern problems. Mr. Ogden's protest mentioned what tlon, of the double load it had been car rying, the education of two races with the resources of one, of the kindly spirit that really exists in the South toward the negroes, of the total fail ure of the political experiments upon the negroes from the days of recon struction down, and plead that the South should be let alone. We should think that this manifestation of true fiiendship would effectively close the mouth of the Manufacturer's Record and the commercial papers who have slandered these men, because of their connection with the .Southern Educa tion Board, a hostility for which there have been proposed several theories, the most plausible of which seem to us to be the opposition of the Board to Child Labor in the factories, and the encouragement it has given to the cause of local taxation for education. MADMAN IN THE WHITE HOU8E. The treaty-making powers of the United States of America and the United States of Colombia are much the same. President Roosevelt and his fresh Assistant Secretary of State are bound to know that their accusations of bad faith are based on moonshine. The treaty passed by the United States Senate had the sanction of President Marroquin in the same way that the present Panama treaty has the sanc tion of the President of. the United States. But the treaty in either case had to be ratified by the law-making power. The Colombian Senate turned the Hay-Herran treaty down just as our Senate may.turn the Heigh-Bruno-Vanilla humbug down. There could be no breach of faith in not ratifying a treaty whose ratification could not pos sibly be promised in advance. And now it looks from yesterday's news as if the Commander-in-Chief of the American Army and Navy had is sued orders to his subordinates that would make it impossible to avoid a war with Colombia. We have done that little country injury enough, Heaven knows. The situation is a most delicate one from any point of view. We have violated every American prin ciple and precedent by encouraging and abetting the secession of Panama, aid ing the revolutionists and interfering with the Union troops in a way that would have provoked instant war with any first-class power. And now our ships are patrolling the Colombian coast, our sailors are boarding Colom bian vessels and our officers 'are land ing on Colombian soif and questioning with all the effrontery that can be sum moned the commanders of Colombian trocps. A spark might have caused a blaze yesterday. If the American troops had been fired on war would have been declared, we presume, and it would have been wholesale murder, miscalled war. We trust that the Democratic minori ty In the Senate will stand with Senator Hoar and otherB of his party who may be brave enough to protest against this iniquity. The brutal heaping up of in sults upon injuries in the case of Co lombia is stirring the whole country to protest. The consequences of the threatened war with Colombia would be far-reaching indeed. ARCH DELL ' S ear T r ac k Eelk Bros, Xmas Presents A LfittBr From 4v msaim s&.mA ! An4i fllAiiA ddllld UldUb Crnrl Tnv Ooeninri Todsvv We have converted our Stores into a veritable Toyland. All manner of Xmas Gifts for the little ones as well as the big ones. There are Mechanical Toys, Stationary En. gines, Locomotives, Trains, Steamboats, Magic Lanterns, Building Blocks, Ranges, Cradles Wagons, Doll House Furnishings, Tree Ornaments, Books, &c. ' Greatest Economic Possibilities In gift buying to be found anywhere on the globe. Our Xmas stock includes the latest styles of Ladies' Shoes and Slippers, Men's Shoes and Slippers, Misses' and Children's Shoes. Mer's Clothing 125 Men's All-Wool Suits, worth from $7.50 to $8,00, at $4.98. ' Xmas Handkerchiefs, Neckties. Mufflers, Gloves, &c. Notice Special Offer We will make special prices to committees purchasing Dolls, Toys, Xmas Novelties taken, but come at once and make &c for Sunday Schools, Church and other entertainments. i. m a a mw v T4 -4 a t, m w mm urn mm mm m m mr i ASUS LL.imr LL i&&i&rjLlW! Archbell's Store, Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 18, 1904. My Friends and Dear Children: You know it is my desire and pur pose to visit every one at this Christ mas season and especially the child ren, but I am getting old and therefore do not remember names and places as well as I once did, so advise you to call at my iieadquarters as early as possible and select your presents, so that I may have them wrapped, mark ed and delivered to you Xmas morning- Now, friend3 and children, don't wait until the best things have been BOSTON DEMOCRATIC. General Patrick Collins, who was re-elected the other day mayor of Bos ton, was President Cleveland's ap pointee to the consulship atLiverpool. Editor E. J. Hale, of Fayetteville, was a candidate for the place and thereby hangs a tale of woe. Mr. Hale had ex cellent recommendations on account of his previous good service in Cleve land's first administration. But the factional fight was just arising be tween. Vance and Ransom, and be tween the silver and gold wings of the party, that are now flopping to gether amicably, we are glad to say Mr. Hale espoused the cause of Vance and the appointment went to Coliins. But what we started out to say was that the negro question was injected into the Republican campaign in Bos ton 'by the nomination of a negro councilman. Even Boston could not stomach that and it voted the Dem ocratlc ticket with great enthusiasm, Collins is a insnman, just as W. S. O'B Robinson is. So is a good part of Democratic Boston Irish. But the day could not have been carried this time; it igi said by North ern newspapers, excepU-.hat the color line was drawn. And thw in Boston, Massachusetts, New England. We still think that if the RepublL The Philadelphia Public Ledger, de fending the President's record makes this admission which would seem to be a very damaging one. It Is nam to go beyond the epithet "pirate": President Roosevelt in the Panama business has discarded all his ideals, has violated the principles and pre cedents of the republic. Preaching exalted justice, constantly declaring with the utmost emphasis on all oc casions tha tthe ideals of justice and morality are just as closely applicable to the conduct of governments as to private conduct, he has approved des poliation of a friendly republic an at tack which, in it3 elemnts and results, was strictly piratical and in the at tempted justification for the act has in effect cited our great need of the stolen goods, thus informing the world that our national virtue is not strong enough to resist a very high price. And now South Carolina is cutting capers. She is trying to find out whether Committeeman Capers was at that pie-bald banquet of the Repub lican Committee in Washington Capers is trying to prove an alibi and there are some who say he was there and made a speech. In spite of all the evidences of iniquity under the administration of the present secretary of the Repub lican Committee, Mr. Hanna would not let Mr. Roosevelt sing, "My foot is on my Perry Heath." Sincerely yours, SANTA CLAUS. Wholesale and Retail. Cheapest Store on Earth, 11. 15. 19. 21 East Trade St. Santa Clans Store Is packed with all kinds of beautiful Gifts, so if you want to remember father, mother, uncles, aunts, daugh ters, sons, brothers, sisters, friends or whosovero it may be, you can do so by visiting "Old Santa Clans'" head quarters, where ho has collected all kinds of useful, ornamental and pret ty things for this joyous Christmas Presbyterian College For Women CHARLOTTE, N. C. OPENS 9PT. 10, 1903. The Primary Department under two specialists. Individual attention, select companions, comparative im munity from contagious diseases. Inquiry solicited, Rev. J. R. Bridges. D. D HAND IN HAND WITH YOUR COOK BOOK. PJDEJF CHARLOTTE "PATENT FLOUR Best for biscuits, rolls, pancakes and pastry. Has highest percentage of digesti bility and energy. Get if of your Grocer. 2 Mecklenburg Flour Mills, J. LEE KOINER, Propr. Games Games Games season. The Popular Archorena Combina tion Game Boards. CO complete Games can be played on these Boards. Just the thing for a family Game. Price, complete, First Floor Footballs from 75c. to $7.50 Dissected Maps of U. S ....65c. Rubber Balls 5c. to 50c. Horns .. 3c, 5c. and 10c. Flinch 50c Pit 50c. ABC Blocks 10c. to 50c. and other instructive Games. Save Your 50c. Cash Coupons. The Salisbury Truth-Index is a fine example of a lucus a non. By the time our hyphenated contemporary finds out what that means it will be so pleased with its knowledge that it will forget to be angry. And now the postoffice inspectors are after Postmaster Massie at Smithfield. This does seem to be an unlucky time for anybody with "as3" in the middle of his name. One difference between Republicans and Democrats is that the former are more easily muzzled. Have you noticed the impressive silence in Re publican circles over the fact that Judge Robinson would not dine with a negro? The gentleman who gave a hundred dollar bill and a five dollar bill for good measure is exemptifying the kind of measure is exemolifvinz the kind nf charity that does not sound a trumpet ueiore u. Many a little one will bless their unknown friend. Judge Robinson is the most popular Republican today in North Carolina. If he will come over to the Democracy it will serve up, any amount of stall fed veal. THE WEATHER. Fair Tonight, Cloudy and Warmer Saturday Followed by Rain. The following is a list of the many things you can find on our First Floor: Shirt Waists. Dress Skirts, Under skirts, Wrappers, Cloaks, Hosiery, Knit Underwear. Knit Shawls, Art Linens, Pillow Tops, Lace Pillow Shams, Lace Scarfs, Pin Cushions, Lace Collars, Handkerchiefs, Mitts, Kid and Silk Gloves, Shopping and Wrist Bags, Jewelry, Combs Brushes, Millinery, Furs, and many other useful and ornamental thines just suited for this Xmas season. HOUSTON. DIXON & CO. STATIONERS N. B. 'Phone and mail orders given prompt attention. TH E BEE HIVE The Cheapest One-Price Cash Store in mos Shoes ! Shoes ! We have one , of the largest and varied stocks in Charlotte to select from. II you come here you may expect to find what vnii wnnt and nr mnrri Inwpr nrirp thnn wmc Shoes can be bought elsewhere. DC DC and Basement You will find in our Basement a complete stock of things for the Children, as Santa Claus never forgets them: Toys, Dolls, China Sets, Toy Trunks, Phonographs, Violins, Harps, Horns, Balls, Comb and Brush Sets, Soaps and Soap Boxes, Candle Sticks, oil Wigs, Silver Novelties, Glovo Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Mirrors, i t . i-anierns, Black Boards, and many other Gifts that cannot bo mentioned here. ARCHBELL'S (J Yacrbroigh (SL Bellinger U Fur Buyers Hides, Tallow, Beeswax and Bones Wool, Metals, Rubber and Scrap Iron ESTABLISHED 1898 YLrbroigh (Si Bellinger Entire Block. 600 W. 3rd St;, Charlotte, N. C. ZZDQ( H allies' Solid Leather Shoes in all the different styles and many different makes from 98c. per pair on up to the very finest Kid in a genuine hand welt for $2.98 want from 99c. per pair up to Hani Made Shoes for Men's Fine Shoes DC CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS BRIDAL DESIGNS You should see our Cut Fl owers and get our prices before or dering. We have in stock everything in this line you want. Our Cut Flowers are of a superior quality this season. We are cutting hundreds of Carna tions and Roses daily. Chrysanthe mums will be ready in ten days. We have opened up a storo at 25 South Tryon street for the convenience of our customers, where you can get a full assortment of Cut Flowers, Palms and Ferns, also Bulbs for forcing and bedding. DILWOR.TH FLORAL GARDENS W. G. McPH EE, Proprietor, 2 in all the different leathers, Vici Kid, Box and Velour Calf, Patent Colt, and Patent Vici in all the latest toes, good fitting and good wearing Shoes. In these you can find just what you want and at much lower price than sure we can make it pay you to come S3.50 Boys', isses' and Children's Shoes We make a specialty of these lines and we are very careful in the selec tion of our Children's Shoes and are ing your Shoes from us begin now, a for these. If you have not been buy ing your Shoes from us begin now a3 it- o lnnot a cnvin2 Of 25 cent, on your purchases. Our PceS please customers and paralyze com petition. one E EE HIVE She Best in Job Work At The News Office am'mbm Mfapaf PAR VIII MAI 3 fl 1 VO bKLAI itftulAL UrrtH run IHh HULlUAioj -Tr tfea rnmla onmlnir to our Greater Ptaotoirranh Gftllerr we offer tneiucj 1 or attached coupon the f ollowirg SIX PRIZES : (1 ) One 16x30 Enlargea w orj elegant Frame, oorth W. (2 One dozen Best Cabinet Photos. uu ""ri pjr tures, worth $2.50. (0) One-half dozen Card Pictures, worth 81.60. rlI You are not expected to have Mir Pictures made to entitle you to a chance ior v -onlr present in person this Coupon from The sewt with your name and a'e" 7U J tftu live In thn city : II you live ouo oi tne city you can man it. -i ae cyu"-" - close Jan. 3. 1004, and Jan. 6. 104 the drawnig will take plaufl and th luoky oc be announced. W. M. MORSE, Photographer 229 1-2 West Trade St., Charlotte, H. C. SPECIAL For next Thirty Days we will make best Cabinet Photos atspecial dis count of $3, 13.50 and 14 dozen, giving with every 14 order a 16x20 ENLARGED PICTURE F R E E! j 1 1 1 1 1 A7 A 6V HORSE Photograph Galled est i-2W.Tig Charlotte, & Address.