SANTA GLAUS I LETTRES 1 t . ;.i Cl;ii' ; I 1 ii good ' ' ' j.;rl l J want you ''"" ,. ,'.;.,!! :'U I a carrlaR. ')" !, , -,.., oiiiiifivs, bananas, . ',, . '.;;( r good things. '.' ; o.v. fi little gill, :i ; h, .?SIE RICHARDS, SO KIND. Clause: Would you ( i ., ; U Srli:l Hit a lilUU ,' .,' ; :i lrum and some '.',,,!;, s and fruits. ' V.;rs truly. LESTER SMITH, 0 lt i'a'.:::er Tit AT WILL DO. n r- i-rt;1 Clstwe: I am a boy and , ion! a "o'v.t mat and a pair of gloves '..Mint will iio nie- a ' v , vit vour friend. CHARLIE UNDER, NV- ;. Nrrth IVdar ?t. A WORKMAN, nr OM .-ant a: I will write you a .-le'lKii-'' t io!l you what I want w'V,s.i-i 1 want a wheelbarrow ill." " av'l fl'uit: tour years old. v,)'i- little friends. HORACE DOOLEY, 111 South Tryun St. ONLY A MUFF. Pt-r S-iua Claus: I dont want much tv ri.rimas. bat please send me a -J' Vo k:op my hands warm these lV,-'VvtTs cl-1 and go to school. ' " MAGGIE ANN SADLER, :: ; !" A A NEW FRIEND. Par ?".nt.t Claus: I dident write to voi liiii-unas. will try to write l' i ';;::" t" 1 1-1 1 you what 1 want. I v"-';. v,, ', t . I.:-in 2 me a doll with 1 vsk7 v.i: a carriage and a tea set, j i !(,,; .an iy an 1 oranges aad any ' ' i t, vc, t have got. I am 5 years r'i "i i tii my grandjr.ama and ;,;.;;.a. My n.ama and papa la dead. f"'i!:'" 't.ltXIli V.VAAj hkcsleu, Ave No. 12, A H!G DHFM. " . . ria w. I am a boy fi v,.-u 1. i'I br'.n me a wagon ' a ir .;t!i .'.'-.'1 a dnim. JOHN H, WALLACH, . M'.nt ir. WANT.-: A TKA SLT. Pear .-'.t:; !a Clan: I will write you t tr to.'ay to 1' t you know what 1 want f'ir t'iiiitma. I want you to Y.-x J.': a ''oil, fa sf-t and story book, i',u id by l-'onda, JULIA BLACK. ;i; i " Tyt i St.. 11 yearn. PAPA i !AB. MAMA WORKS, Iir-nr Hfiiit, Cimii: Ab so many little (,:iif;i ,!! viitp,' k-tters to you t Cough r 1 tii't iid you one &Uo. I smal,rsl" tin ' yi-nn old and have a TO iiiidi' r :i , -ars old. Our papa i iA ais'l our k imrr.a works for U3 ry day. ','f. w. 1 he bo thankful for ttvthinjr you ho f- to give us. This from It, CINE ALLRED. south H.'.rrill Ht. No. 5. Belmont Park. GROVETON' AVENUE. teir Santi flrma: I 'pver wrote you !.'. iff'T la.-t vear .so v ii are still liv- i:?I v.-ill write you a rdiort letter. I s-ra a li'tlo l.oy eight yetrs old if yon ! sf nd u," u little wagou, horn H' 'ir-irr.. oranges, bana tas, candy, at.tH and oblige V ERNIE McROlB. No. 1; firovpion Ave. A SPORTSMAN. I:ir Hrtr.'.a Cluis: 1 want you to I'.iii? ti!; a gun and some shells and a l)yy:i.-. CiiHi l Ato North Carolina, r-'-'v Htute-Hvilie ruid. EDGAR VAUGHN, i'I.lClt HKATLS" AND ICE. aillrl 1 imirt; i V. mil, juu i" ''ra' me a bicyeb; and a pair of roller cue horn and some nuts and f'!liV.' find riirrtrw.u onI I ti-oriT mv Wpr. fj c(,rne home and spend Xrnas 'th me. tjoorl ,v vour little friend FALLS THOMASON, ''M Keru-t Liberty street. Gf)IX(TTTvAY. Santa: 1 l.:ivo trw.rt in t.o n K'l boy tin;, y,.i)r a(J j nopt, you " i i'.rset to eoiiie to see me Xrnas. 1 'aiJt a yiltl. I!tt!-. tr.!.r.l,.u L.'.m i.n. '"")k ;i;;('- nuts, apples, oranges, ,,. ''"'"'h, rai;;ins, candy, fireworks "I!lt Kails, banannas,, twisted A,'i'. v.hi:;if ii. i i t.i.n.. r,.i " ' urn uuu ui iui; , , . , THOMAS HENDERSON, if,,..;, " -'r, j. i). snaws, jr., thr i ' l,"';iH :H on me Wn'i:,lif yo" a li;,l'l'y Xmas, I havo H' liooi, my teacher says. , a iiopn TiZvr TOOTS. to brinu i',' ,1 J!l"s: 1 want yo,t horsi.. - , I . I : ,Tflln an' a "ttlo toot .' , !l '"u'! '"m that goes toot I ii !,,?, ?,f "'"! things to eat. . I am ft,. lj""IH" Mil1- Street No ' 'H-y, old and my name LEMMIK HELTON. h Ui- MkS AN Y0UR HAND f,;'H v ! .yo"r baf'k directly af- J.'1'h.-i ... pr',Ktiat,; vo llnti1 vour v .i, : UAV, Falnk 1 er Afe'?11 the throb. tth.vhe ' h ha;i bee r.a bad un "to vo ,"J'crrv lvis' Painkiller - "! nosh. Then the throb ' " rj han bee nas bad aa , m,v (-00,1 u 7. -' am Killer is flU(,5iJUa r"" of rheumatism. 25 ARE YOU" AGEING? " Dr. Holmes used to say lie was "seventy years young' Some men are old at half that figure. Age h not in years. It ig in the blood. Scott's Emul sion helps to keep you young by keeping your blood young; by supplying it with an abundance of rich, pure, vital nourishment; carrying con stant life and renewal to every fibre of your body. It will help you to rob advancing years of half their sting. We'll send you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & EOWNE, 409 Pearl Street, New York. A NICE TOO?,- BOX., Dear Snrtfi dens: I'm a little bov five years old and T would ho so glad if you would bring mo a nice tool box and some ni;e candies, and fruits. I reamin vours, BERTRAM HOLMES, No. 21 Louise Mill. A PLEASURE. Derr Santa Olotn: I will take the rln?uv in vriMng to yen this mn'r in?. I run a little boy three vears old and I want to tell you what I would : !ik to have, a recking horse and a j prettr little wagon and would like ito have a new dress and a coat, and my nome is m number 10, Groveton avenue. HAWLEY KLOUSE. I LIVE AT NO. 10. Dear Old Santa Claus: I am a little girl seven years old and I wish to toil you what I need want a little hood and cont and a baby doll and a little doll bed. I must close for this time. So good by. I live at Number 10, Groveton ave. GRACx. CLOUSE. COME TO THE RED FRONT. Deir Snnta Clrus: I want vou to brig rrt" n rtibbnr ftol! ifd snp rnf and candy if yau have them to spare. Yorus trtilv. RUTH WASH, Adl'efj rirp of the. r?d Front Store, No, i, Belmont Park. VERY DEFINITE, H"nr-' want"! n d"ll, b-ll( booh, born, rmt, ruhUm, enndv. oran.--4 nnd Ptr's!, HENRY WE A KM (MT1 H'Y. H. 15. St. ANYTtHNG ELSE. Chnrlie wants n drum, horn, ball, clown, automobll. olophnnt. eneine, fire reil, pony, Christmas tree, merrv go roTimd. monkev. down swallowing a rat, box of tools, football to plav with next summer, Santa on n mule, nuts, candy, orarg?s, raisins and ap ples, wild cat bonk, - - CHARLEY OATHEY. 2Q) S. B. St, MO HE TOO IF YOU CAN. Derr Saritf. dsns: I'b-ape bring: me a train, a billy groat, a book, a pr of pttntq a pr of rubbers, raHons, tits, a horse, som candy, oranges and tip p, a monkey wh?t you nu"f and make him jump, Mv ago In fi vrs, I wish you would brlner me all that t aek for and mnrp too f von can, GEORGE CAT HEY. 200 S, Brevard St. ORANGES AND NUTS. Dear Snnta Claus: Please bring me two feet ball, doll and a box of banan as and some orangey and some nuts. Yours truly, GEORGIE MARTIN, 703 E. 7th st. A PIANO. Dear Old Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a piano and doll and bed and carriage to, i believe that is all I want this time. I am nine years old. I live onEast Mver street. Yours truly, GLADYS McALLEY. BOTH 'PHONES 100. There's When the laundry comes home from our place compare it with the other fellow's work and see the difference. If the washing Is not cleaner, the finish better, the stains and spots all out, wc wil never ask another trial order of you. You will find us to be best by test. Model Steam Laundry Co,, P. M. CAVK, Manager. Corner Fifth and Church Streets. DON'T WALK! Don't wait on the cars, either. Come here and buy you a Bicycle that will afford you rapid transit and make you Independent of ail other means oV loco motion. Scores of rebuilt and slightiy used Bikes of best makes. Some of the latter sold from $1 up. No matter what you want wo have a bargain for you. RELAY M'F'G CO.. 231 SOUTH TF1YON STREET. Qukkti.1 Bicycle RbpaltlBG ia city. tiie Rub For Them CHARLOTTE "WhiHn, Kit s on and Wo on sock at"' ( I COTTON MM,L MACHINERY 1 Pirn 2nd SpsclflsaJlo lit for Coif on Mills ST U A HT VV . 'I Km jjlncor and 0 CHARLOTTE, N. C. j,, i i f h AshwortH. MANUFACTURER Or Tempsrerf Steel anil Plough Sreund Card ' Clothing Manchester, Eg!ar.c.'. , HENRY ASHWORTH, Agent, Fali River, Mass. Top:, t-r-i ! thed. Lirkt :-ins rewound. Spiral Brushes refilled. Burn isher an; Stripper Fillet. Dronor. fieh? K:r.c-ry Fillet and Grinders. Regular mz-: clothing t.hipned same dav a.: ordeied. W. H, BIGELGW, Agent 12 V,'e;t Fourth St., Charlotte, N. C. Long Distance 'I'hone. ':' 'v-f'v'' ' rMrite STnrT, CR01 AND ricTur c 4! CHILDREN'S HATS AND BABY C A HAIR GOODS. o li Miss Minnie Sliuart 24 WEST TRADE STREET. DreHsriaking I'ailor,?, 1 North Tryon kett, over J'lrst National flank. CUFFHENUS. I gueHH I liked Suffrenus just Bfcanro he used to tome And crook his elbow up, and ask If he could cce mo home. We didn't go to the imras church I'm Baptist through and through; Su ff ren 1 1 s Pros by t ei ian . The bluest of the blue. It didn't matter if I wu.? As plain as plain could be, Suffrenti!) always seemed to have A notion afU-r me. My! plenty girls about the town Would give a, lot to talk And chapter with Suffronus when He went to take a walk, Suffronu:! couldn't sing a bit A note to him was blind; He dldn i. drep.s so very loud, But, o!i! ho was ao kind. He had a cowlick on his head, , And freckles an his uose; But love don't never bother with Such things a3 those. Ills letters used to come to me With funny words to :;pell; Suffronus owned a hundred cows An.l meadow land as well. Suffrtnus couldn't dance a step "Too Inshful," f-jo he said: But danc i n-g never made the man A proper man to wed. Suff ren ii". owned a c lever nng I'll tell it if I must; His LugKy never ursed to take The other people's dust, Also he owned the nicest farm And so between us both, you see, I never was afraid. I never was afraid to nay "Yet;," when ho asked me to Suffrenus Presbyterian. I Baptist through and through. And 1 have never felt bit Of fret or worry, see, Because we didn't both belong. To churches that agree. It does not matter whether yen are Baptist, Presbyterian or whatnot when you come to Insurance Head quarters, you get treated light. C. N. G. BUTT & CO., Insurance Headquarters. HDI IMY ill i infdy Mrs, Brier's Real Heir Restorer lit a clean, safe medicine for a vllHeaaerl scalp, features of which are dryness, Itchy erup tions, dandruff and loss of hair. . It ia soothing, cleansing, In vigorating, makes the hair soft, natural and growthy and 1m pail:) delight Jul odor to the hair. It 1 not a dye or rencwer of eodur. This feature of hah' torles,' being more or less haimfttl, is avoided. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. PRICE COc. DOTTLE. NEWS, DECEMBER 18. 1903 ftjiiifi'S for .Ajj.ik Hps c H. A M E fL ContrncttM' I ATLANTA, GA, SBa Are a visitor In the city it will pay you to select your Christmas Gifts before .'( turning home. We are here to serve you and shall be pleased to shovs you o"r imrnrnc-c selection of 'Fine Holi day Goods. Leather Goods, Opera Glasses. Watches, Chains, Rings. Brooches and so many ether useful articles it is impossible- to mention here. Cc me and see them for your self. Sc-nj tis your mail orders. Jut -of to-vji (irdert; will have prompt 'i ! t.t ii ion M Gent r And Annex C. E. HOOPER &. CO., Proprs. 'fi.ii -oiigh iy modern. Liberally con duced. Gommodiofia and comfortable looms. The leading and most cen trally located Hotel of the city. UNDER PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OF CHAS. E. HOOPER COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree of the 'Su perior Court of Mecklenburg county, had In that special proceedings en titled '('. W. Odditis and others, Ex P;irte," I will sell for a' !i to the highest bidder at the County Court h c;'.! 'o door in the city oi Chailotte, at the Pour of 12 o'clock M., on Satur day, tl:e TCth day of January, 190-1. the following described real estate: . That lot of land being located at the corner made by the Southwest intersection of North College and East Eifth street, and being known and designated on Butler's map of Hie City of Charlotte as Lot No. (1, in Square No. 2, Ward 1 of aid city, and fronting 3fi feet on Colleges street and extending back vith that width 12'5 fu-t. Thb property will bo di vided into four lots- one fronting 30 feet on College street and extending back with that width (!3 feet, upon which Is located a two-story Lrlck ftore building. The other three-lots will each front 20 feet on Fifth street and extend back with that width 3fi feet. The property will be sold in separate lots and then as a whole, and will be knocked down to the highest bidder, . U. Lots Nos. 1, 5, fi. 7 and 20 of the W. I. Eddins Home Property, located in Square 12'J, Ward 1 of the city of Charlotte, for a particular di"scription iit which see plat of said property in tho ofP.ce of the Clerk of the Superior Court. This, the 14th day of December, 1803. C. W. EDDINS, 12-lfi-tds. Commissioner. Other people advertise Toys-1-butyou have not seen anything to compare with the assortment of Toys, Fancy Goods, Dinner jets, Toilet Sets, and almost every thing useful for the housekeeper and pleasing to the children un til you inspect the lines at I'm, 20 East Trade street. Pell 'Phone 2261. G. 0. FLOURHOY & CO., VHOLESALE AND RETAIL. R 5 111 a a aiihofel Show lyff BUS Finest ' LIVE'R X" J - "-"-lg:.t..- i Wo have the largc.M sfaVdew in the Pouth an-! can i r.r; any kind of a Tea::; required. Pi nest Veiili-le Repository in the South, with a large and vailed li, je of Buggies, Carriages, l'haotous, Surreys, Wagons, etc. Well equipped Harness and Black smith Shops. J, W, Wadswoith's Sons 220-22K North Tryon Street. C M c N ELKS a --v V RSNT mmmm One 7-rootn house on Soutli A street, with all modern improvements One 4 roo:;i house on South Cra h;im vt:-r;. wit?i dty water. Five-1 oov.i r-ottage. with city water, on North Brevard street. One siv-ro.un cott?e on North Bre vard j,',r-.. L, One fm.jj'-room hoipe oa South Chttrci) street. One four rooi hour.e on Enulh Cald well fffl. Oav h'ir.uCnm bov.fu, on Wrt Fifth fdrect. 6V McNeils W . L . S i a n d & Co m pan Will rjive your MONEY back If you buy a puckf.cjo of "FRANKLIN'S ELECTRIC CATARRH CURE." L'rc it and it does riot give SATIS FACTION. This is a eure cure for Catarrh and COLD IN THE HEAD. Put up in cob lapslble tubec, and Is therefore con venlcntly carried by Indies or gentle men. Call on these gentkrcn and buy a package cf "LiLtCTmc CURE." You take no risk. Price 25 ceitta per package. They also carry the famous and first guaranteed cure for Headache and Neuralgia "MAGIC CURE." Ev ery bottle GUARANTEED TO cure you. Remember the place, "V. L. HAND & COMPANY." DGmasiic and English Cheviots SERGES, WORSTEDS, GRANITES, ETC. From the largest and best Woolen Houses in America. They aro o the popular colorings. I guarantee style, fit and workmanship. r. 5 PHILLIPS MEeiCHATN TAILOR. 12 South Tryou Street. First Na tional Bank Building', VALUABLE TIMBER WOODED and FARMING LANDS FOP SALE. Monday, January the 4th, 1004, at 12 o'clock, at the courthouse door in j Chailotte, I offer for sale (ut public auction, u not koju ueiorej, me tract of land situated in the northern part of Mecklenburg county, Long Creek township, and known as the Black place on McDowell's creek three miles from f;nitrsvi!le containing five hundred and forty-six acres, more or less. The tract has very fine timber, any quantity of wood and part of it is well adapted for pasturing and stock raising and a small part Is being farmed. The tract is well watered by half a dozen springs and creek and has a very fino meadow. The tract Is well adapted for a fine stock farm. The fine tim ber and wood can. be hauled to Messrs. Holt, Spencer & Johnson's large factory, at Huntersvllle, only three milc3, where there is a ready market, as wood and timber are get ting scarcer every year aid laud Is going up and keeping pace with the high cotton. Thl3 tract has three dwellings and a barn on it and a three-horse farm is being cultivated. I offer another tract of land of ninety seven and three-quarters acres on McDowell's creek, adjoining Sheriff N. W.. Wallace's land. This tract Is also well wooded and limbered and some of it Is under cultivation. The lands are from one to two miles from the macadamized roads (Boattic's Ford road), and are near tho churches of Gilead, Hopewell and Hunters vllle, also good schools. The lands are only a few miles from the Catawba river. Parties wishing any information concerning tho above tracts or to see them, write or call on, E. L. BAXTER DAVIDSON, Ex, oi A. Brevard Divideon. Terms: One-third cash; balance eix months and twelve months. Dtc. 4tUi, 11)03. I -.w f"v 3.- . in.. i - .it,' i - i 'i , P.OYAL BENEFIT SOCIETY. We Are Advertised By Our Loving Friends Bock Hill, S. C July 1, JH02. Mr, U. J. GREEN, Charlotte, N, C. Dear Sir: I wish to esprefs my gratitude and many thanks fof the prompt manner hi' which yni have "ddJed ray second ciaitn for nick bene fits, amounting to $12,01, 1 feel iriysflf uudrr renewed obligations to do all (J nf He in my power for Hie of ih'. jtovitl lit fiefit Boi'fyty, Vo'h'm vry truly, 5. li. KliWfK. INSURANCE GIVING DEATH, SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. We "vfint you to Investigate them. Good a gent-.! wanted evprywtn-re. ' H. J. GREEN, General Agent for North and South Carolina ?nd Tennessee. BOX 113 CHARLOTTE, N. C. ncrr.e Office: Washington, D. C. Winter Tourists R.ales Via Southern Railway Southern Railway announce ' that they will sell daily until April 30th winter tourist tickets, with final limit May 3 1st, 1904. The following rates will apply from Charlotte, N. C, to points named. Approximately low rate3 to other resorts. Austin. Texas ? 54.50 Do Land. Fla 30.70 IHining, N. M 70.25 El Paso, Texas . . .. 73.10 Fort Pierce.. 38.50 Gainesville. Fla 2825 Galveston, Texas .. .. 49.75 Houston. Texas 47. 5 Jacksonville, Fla 24.00 Miami. Fla 4G.00 Palm Beach, Fla 42.50 St. Augustine, Fla 20.50 Sao. Antonio, Texas 56.10 Tampa. Fla 36.60 Tate Springs, Tenn 10.00 Thoruasville, Ga. 22.70 Approximately low rates from other points. For further information call ou your depot agent or write JL L. VERNON, 'P. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. S. If. Hardwick, O. P. A., Washington, D. C. Seaboard Air Line ilailvay DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Between New York, Tampa. Atlanta, New Orb'tiiiN and Points South In Effect l?tept. list, 1303. and Wfifst. Twin orrlve a,4 follows: 3.1, from Atlanta, New York, Wanb Ingtoii. Richmond, Norfolk, Raleigh, A Bantu V);0H a, m. from Atlanta, New York, Wash Jngtort, Richmond, Norfolk, Raleigh Wilmington, 10:45 p. m. Train 32, from Rutherford 'hel by and Lincolnton, 7:15 p. iu. Trains leave as follows: 40, for Atlanta. Wilmington, Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, New York, 5:01 a. m, 321, for Atlanta, Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, NoV York, 7:25 p. tn. 33, for Lincolnton, Shelby, Ruther fordton. 10:18 a. to, Nos. 39 rnd 40 run uolh! to aod from Wilmington, Pullman vtMtlbul! sleeper, Char lotte to I'ortuieun, connecting at Monroe with through lecper to Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia nod New York. M. L. HERMAN, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Up-Town Ticket office 23 S. Tryoa Street, Charlotte. Z, P. SMITH. V. P. A.. RaleiRh, N. C. CHARLES B. RYAN, Q. P. A., Ports mouth, Va. Winter Tourist Rates Via Seaboard Air Line Winter tourist rates arfc row effec tive to tho many attractive teHorts on the Seaboard, a number of which are shown bf low. Austin, Texas $34.50 DeLcon Springs, Fla 21b J5 El Paso, Texas 73.10 FernandJna, 'Fla .,23,70 Havana. Cuba 77.00 Houhton, Texas 47.75 Jacksonville, Fla ,, , 24.j0 Jackson Springs, N. C 6.05 Lakeview, N. C ft.CO Niagara, N. C 6.40 Nassau, N, P 60.00 Pine Bluff, N. C COO St. Augustine, Fla 26.50 San Antonio, Texas 56.10 Southern Pines, N. C 5.30 Tarnpa, Fla 36.60 Tickets on sale October 15th, 1903. April 30th, 1904. Final limit May 3.1st, 1904. For further Information call on . 7,, P. SMITH, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. M. L. HERMAN, C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Winners Our Goods are prize winners. When you buy from us for CASH you have a chance at $100 worth of our best Goods FREE. The largest assort ment of Watches, Diamonds and Holi day Novelties ever shown In Char lotte. GARIBALDI & BRUNS Pi CHtCHffiTcn'f rNciitu ENHYROYAL PILLS U -rW . OHkIiibI and Only Oesnlnn. lot MKJlIEMTEH'f lOXiLI.HU in II fill n1 Ontrf metallH hot-.. .1 with Murlbb?e. 'J ute ntt nttief. Jtrfo4 Iacrim fttibatltatlons and lislta tiofift. flu of ror Druggist, ttt r-n'l 4, la sfmM tnf I'ftrtlcnlnt-, Trwf Imaniats ad " Jtellcf t-,r t.n.ll. "(n Mitt, bf re- IMMI H.IL i 11.4,111. -iMil,.il,tl. M,.lrf t. Iftatlva Uil l.,M. UmiUam , rUUiL, rjj Prize '9 ! Inauguration of Buffet Parlor Car Ser ! vice. Trains NOs. 41 and, 23 Beiwfi Portsmouth, Va., and Harnlet, N. C The Seaboard announces effective December 1st, 1903, Sleeping Cflf ser vice now opt rated between Atlanta, Ga Mid Portsmouth, Va trains Nos, 3 and 41, will be discontinued flortfc ff Hamlet, N, C. Etfwtlve December . Hi, 1903, Buffet Parler Cat gory-tea wid be Inaugurated between Ports M&uth. Vfl mu Hamlet, n. C trains tow. 41 ana 38. First ear leaving Portsmouth, Va (Southbound) tmla No, 41, wider Ut, wmmUng at lUmlut. N, C, with sleep r for At lanta ami Intermediate points, . First fir leaving Hamlet, N- C,.' (North bound) train No. 38, December 1st, connecting at Hamlet with sleeper from Atlanta and Intermediate- points. These cars will be In charge of thoroughly reliable porters, and Hut fet will be thoroughly stocked. Meato being served between Portsmouth, Va., and Hamlet, N. C. CHAS. B, RYAN, G. P. A., Portsmouth. Va. Z. P. SMITH, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. M. L. HERMAN, C. P. & T. A., Charlotte,. N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY In Effect November 29th,' 1903. This condensed schedule s publish ed as information and Is subject to .change without notice to the public. :uu a. m. .no. 8 daily, for Rich mond and local points, connects at Greensboro for Winston Salem, Ral eigh, Goldsboro, Newbera and More head City, at Danville for Norfolk. 7:00 a. m. No. 27 daily, for Rock Hill, Chester, Columbia and local points. 7; 10 a. m. No. If? daily except Sun day, for States ville, Taylorsville and local stations, connects at Mooresville for Winston-Salem, at Statesville for Asheville, Hickory, Lenoir and Blow ing Rock. 7:15 a. m., No. 39 daily, Atlanta Ex press Pullman sleeper to Columbus, Ga., day coaches to Atlanta. Close connections at Spartanburg for Hen dersonville and Asheville. 1 8:40 a. m. No. 33 daily, Florida Ex press for Rock Hill, Chester, Wlnns boro, Columbia. Savannah and Jack sonville; Pullman sleepers to Augusta and Jacksonville, first-class coach, Washington and Jacksonville. 9:25 a. m. No. 33 dally, U. S. Fast Mall, for Washington and ail points North; Pullman drawing rooms, aleep erg to New York and Richmond, day coaches New Orleans to Washington; dining car service. Connect at Greens boto for Winston Salem, Raleigh and OoJdHboro. 9:30 a, m. No, 37 dally, Washington ond Southwestern Limited, Pullman drawing room sleepera, Nsw York to New Orleans and Memphis; Pullman observation car, New York to Macon;' dining car service; uolld Pullman train. 10:03 a. m. No. 30 dally, for Wash ington and all points North, Pullman sleepers to New York; first-class coach to Washington, Close connection at Danville for Richmond, Va. Dining car service. 11:00 a, m. No. 28 dally, for David son, Mooresville, Barber Junction, Cooleemee, Moekuvllle, Winston-Salem and Roanoke, Va., and local stations. 12:35 p, m. No. 11 daily, for Atlanta and local stations; connects at Spar tanburg for Headersonville and Ashe ville. 6:25 p, ra. No. 25 Freight and Pas senger, for Chester, g. C, and local points. 7:10 p, ro. No. 12 dolly, for Rich mond and local stations, connects at Greensboro for Goldsboro; Pullman sleeper Greensboro to Raleigh,' Char lotte to Richmond, Charlotte to Nor folk, 7:15 p. m. No. 24 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville and local stations; connects at Statesville for Asheville, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga and Memphis. 8:18 p. m. No. 38 dally, Washington and Southwestern Limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Pullman sleepers and Pullman observation car to New York. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train, 9:45 p. ra. No. 34 dally, Florida Ex press for Washington' and points North. Pullman aleeper to New York. Flrst-claas coach Charlotte to Wash ington. 9:50 p, ra. No. 29 dany, for Colum bia, Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and Jacksonville. Pullman sleepers to Jacksonville; first-class coach, Wash ington to Jacksonville. 10:20 p. m. No. 35 U. S. Fast Mail for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham; day coaches Washington to New Orleans, Dining car service. , 10:30 p. m. No. 40 daily for Wash ington and points North. Pullman sleeper for Washington. First-class coach Atlanta to Washington. . C, H. ACKERT, Cen. Mgr. S. H. HARDWICK. Gen. Pass. Agt. Washington. D..C. R. L. VERNON, Traveling Pass. Agt. ,T. J. WITHERSPOON, City Ticket Agent. 11 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N, C. . r, , - Baggago called .for and checked from hotel and residence by Wads worth's Transfer Co. on orders left at City Ticket office. MlfKflrffllstern tnmnvmmHm Schedule In Effect Schedule In effecTlTm Through Train Dally, Charlotte and TJoanokfl. V KORT1I BOUND. Lv. Charlotte, 80. Ry. .. .. ....11:10 a. n. Lv, tVinxton. S. anP W. Ry.,L.2:S0 v ni, Lv. Martinsville .... .... 6:15 p. m. Ar. Koiinokc.. .................. ......7.30 p. m. Lv. Rocky Mount .., .... ...,6:35 p. m. BOUTll BOUND. Ar. Charlotte, So. Tty, ,, ...,,.8:00 p. m, Ar. Winston, N. and W. Ry. ..2;W p. m. Ar. Martinnvllle ., -...,.,..,.11:45 a. m. Ar. Hocky Mount ...,...,10:k!8 a. tn. Lv. Itoanoke .... ., , ...,,.;15 fl. m. t Connects at Roanoke via BhenunUoah Valley Route for Natural Bridge. Luray, Hagerstownand all points In. Pennsyl vania and Nw York Pullman sleper, Koanokq and Philadelphia. Additional train leave Winston-Salem :00 a. tn. dally. tcept Bunday,. for Bout1iw!Bt Vitginla, and Bhehandoah Valley points, - W. B, BEV1LL, lrar. Afoat

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