THE CHARLOTTE -NEWS; FEBRUARY 12, 1 906 RECORDER DEALS WITH BUND TIGERS A Number Were Sent Up to the Higher Court this Morning. A Bad Negro From Lancaster, S. C, is in the dutches of the Law. Other Cases this Mornirig. Recorder Shannonhouse is still pil ing up whiskey cases to be tried at the present term of criminal court. At his court this morning offenders were "sent up" on this charge under bonds aggregating more than $600. The Recorder had a busy time of it this morning and yet the usual large Monday morning docket was cleared with unusual rapidity. In the absence of Attorney Cameron Morrison, repre senting the Law and Order League in the prosecution of whiskey cases, his associate, Mr. Paul C. TVhitlock, was there in this capacity. The first case was that of Jim Clarke who. it will be recalled, came near putting John Durin out of busi ness one night last week. Clarke was apprehended a few nights after the deadly assault and placed in jail to await" trial this morning. The evidence against Clarke was convincing. The razor, the weapon he handled so reck lessly upon the person of Durin, was found in the yard where the rucas took' place and it was identified as his prop erty. Other convincing evidence was introduced and Clarke was sent to jail in default of a $100 bend. Walter Johnston, the negro who was arrested a few nights ago as an es caped convict, was turned over to county officials. He was taken to the jail. Jim Black was fined $3 and the costs for indulging in tco much drink. Cleve Queen was fined $5 and the cost for a too liberal use of profane words. Alfred Palmer and Ernest Twitty, two negro youths, were fined $3 and the costs for an affray. John Ballard, a negro, who has been working at the Central Hotel, was ar rested a few days ago as a fugitive from justice and this morning the Court ordered that he be turned over to Sheriff Hunter, of Lancaster, S. C, where he is wanted on the charge of larceny and several other crimes. Sheriff Hunter arrived in the city this morning and will take his prisoner to Lancaster this evening. In the mean time, the authorities here have worked up a case against him and have in structed Sheriff Hunter to "handle him with care" and notify tnern as soon as his term on the roads tnere expires. The whiskey cases tried this morn ing are the following: J. T. Tray wick, bound over to Superior Court in the sum of $100; Henry Robinson, $200; John Barnes, $2u0, and John Key, $100. Worth Knowing that Allcock's are the original and genuine porous plasters; .all others are imitations. MUSIC AT THE CLUB. Delightful Innovation Will Be Intro duced at the Manufacturers' Club. There will be music at the Southern Manufacturers' Club every evening from 8 to 9 o'clock. Arrangements have been made with Mr. D. Amatti Richardson to furnish music every ev ening at this time and he will have to assist him Mr. Von Lawrenz, piano, and Mr. Louis Baker, cornet. It goes without saying that the club members w-ill greatly enjoy and appre ciate the high class music that will be furnished by this splendid trio. Each of them are musicians of the first class and it would be difficult to find a bet ter combination. They will play to gether thig evening for the first time. Funeral of Grace Blakeney. The funeral of little Grace Blakeney, the ir-months-old daughter of Mr. and J. A. Blakeney, who died at their home in Providence township yesterday morning took place from Providence church this afternoon. She had been ill about two weeks and her death came as a great shock to the parents whose tender care and fondness watch ed over the little one every moment of her brief illness. Pure Food Laws will not interfere with BURNETT'S VANILLA. No State Board has ever questioned its purity. DAMRlfriDuf It is the Bark of Nature's Watch-dog, the Signal of uanger.Uire your Lungs. A Powerful External Rem edy. . lhe cougn is no trivial thing. It means lungs that are in distress. They are beset by evil germs. Consumption and pneu monia are attacking your weakened lungs. Cast out that cold! Strengthen and make well your lungs. Tf nVi T) a rucumoma ure over your chest (over your throat, too, if that uc txjie; anu cure yourself m one night. Cures sore throat, colds, couphs ptmm' pneumoniaall diseases that come from eoias. . " My wife suffered with a severe Cowan 's effected a permanent cure " WHITE, Merchant, Burlington, N. C. cough. D. H. " Saved me from pneumonia last winter." auski i,. ittUMi"SOM, Raleigh, N. C. External, harmless, powerful, penetrating. uowan s zrea. All druggists, $1.00 a bottle. Croup size, 25 cents. By mail, if desired. Cowan Medical Co., Durham, N. C Always .R-emtr-ber the Full .Name I axative jjromo ftginine Ceres Cold in One Day, Cnpiii 2 Days ITS MERIT IS PROVED RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE A Prominent Cincinnati Woman Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Completely Cured Her. The great good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is doing amohg the women of America is attracting the attention of many of our leading scientists, and thinking people generally. 3TT2 f TsTTTZ - -- The following letter is only one of many thousands which are on file in the Pinkham office, and go to prove beyond question that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound must be a. remedy of great merit, otherwise it could not produce such marvelous results among sick and ailing women. Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "About nine months ago I was & great suf ferer with female trouble, which caused me severe pain, extreme nervousness and fre quent headaches, from which the doctor failed to relieve me. I tried Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and within a short time felt better, and after taking five bottles of it I was entirely cured. I therefore heartilv recommend your Compound as a splendid female tonic. It makes the monthly periods regular and without pain; and what a blessing it is to find such a remedy after so many doctors fail to help you. I am pleased to recommend it to all suffering women." Mrs. Sara Wilson, 31 East 3d Street, Cincin nati, Ohio. If you have suppressed or painful periods, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, bloating, pelvic catarrh, nervous prostration, dizziness, faint ness, " don't-care " and ' want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excitabilit', back ache or the blues, these are sure indi cations of female weakness, or some derangement of the organs. In such cases there is one tried and true remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. CHILDREN BURNED. Two Little Girls Suffer Greatly Be cause Of Burns. The six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Long, of Coburn's store, was badly burned Saturday. A little sister ot the cniicl wno attempted to extinguish the flames, was painfully burned about the hands and arms. The children were in the yard play ing about a trash pile that was burn ing. The dress of the little child caught and burned rapidly. Her little sister who was nearby, realizing the danger, rushed to the child's side and bravely faught the flames. The child was hor ribly burned and it is feared that death will result. The brave little one who ran to the rescue of her sister, has suffered greatly from the burns she re ceived. A MONTH'S MEDICINE FOR 25c. Every bottle of Dr. Howard's specific for the cure of constipation and dys pepsia contains sixty doses of a rem edy that is pleasant and easy to take. Used according to directions, this is sufficient for a month's treatment. Bought on R. H. Jordan & Co's spe cial half-price offer of a regular-sized 50 cent bottle at half price, you get a month's supply of the best medicine in the world for only 25 cents. Another reason why you should use Dr. Howard's Specific, or at least try it, if suffering with constipation, dys pepsia or liver trouble, is the fact that druggists R. II. Jordan & Co. sells ev ery bottle under their persona guar antee to refund the money if the spe cific does not cure. Many lives are lost by treating the sick for the wrong disease. If you have any of the following symptoms, Dr. Howard s Specific will cure you: Loss of Appetite, Sick Headache, Distress in Stomach, Sour Stomach, Great Mental Depression, Belching of Gas, Bloating of Stomach, Heartburn, Tired, Stupid Feeling, Lack of Energy, Specks before the Eyes, Constipation, Gnawing in the Stomach, Choking Feeling, Pains in the Side and Chest, Stomach Cough,' Dull Pains in the Head, Coated Tongue, Melancholy Forebodings, Loss of Sleep, Bad Dreams. There are hundreds of people in Chahrlotte who are prasing this remark able remedy for restoring them to health. Many of them thought their case incurable, but as Druggists R. H. Jordan & Co. told them that Dr. How ard's Specific would cost them noth ing if it did not help (they to be the judge), they decided 'to use it and are today in the best of health. Goes to Rock Hill. The Textile Excelsior has the follow ing W. L. Robbins, formerly with the Continental Manufacturing Company, Charlotte, has taken the position of carder . and spinner at the Bellevue Cotton Mills, Rock Hill S. C. The card room of this mill, which was formerly known as the Chicora Mil!, has been put in operation, and the spinning will be started in a few days. A Correction. In the report of the proceedirfgs of the ' Recorder's court Saturday the name of John Barrett was mentioned among those who were bound over for gambling. It should have been John Simpson. Mr. Barrett was indicted with the others but. the evidence disclosed the fact that he was not of the guilty party. JQ 1VJ& fc'J&yy on every yX9Vt box. 25c SPECIAL MISSIONARY SERVICE. To be Held at the First Baptist Church. Tonight at 8, o'clock. The Baptist Young People's Union are to have a special Missionary ser vice at the First Bantist Church to night, beginning at 8 o'clock. The fol lowing is the program. Singing "Anywhere With Jesus" By Union. Prayer For Missions . . . Mr. c. E. Mason. Singing "I'll Go Where you Want Me To Go" By Union. Scripture Reading 28th Chapter of Mathew B:r President. Solo "Go Ye Into All the World." E. P. Tingeiey. Judson in Burmah , Mr. C. A. Duckworth. Hannah Marshman in India Miss. Carrie Lee McLean. Moffat in Africa . .Mr. C. E. Mason. ; Singing "From Greenland's ley- nntoin" Wxr TTrinn ' Mountain" By Union Mrs. Judson's Missionary Work Mrs. T. S. Franklin. Returned Missionary from Japan in Japanese Costume, will sing Solo in Japanese Language Rev. C. T. Willingham. What President William McKinley said of the Value of Misions and Missionary work. .Miss Carrie Booker. Sentence Prayers For Missions .... ... . Voluntary. Singing "Rescue the Perishing" .By Union. Five Minutes' Business Session. Benediction. .Rev. C. T. Willingham. ST. MARY'S GUILD. Alumnae Will Meet At Library Tomor row Morning. The members of St. Mary's Guild, and all other alumnae in the city, are requested to meet at the Carnegie Library tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. The members of the Guild are the following: Mesdames Sarah Virginia Young, Laura Johnston, R. Loekw'ood Jones, WT. E. Stitt, Francis Osborne, C. H. C. Mills, Rebecca Hill, Margaret Davis, J. S. Myers, J. S. Watters, Heriot Clarkson, E. Reid Russell, Carlton Best, Baxter Moore. W. R.Taliaferro, H. A. London. Jr., John F. Yorke, Joseph Ross and Misses Rebecca Hill, Florence Thomas," Josephine Osborne, Laura Johnston, Janie Haughton, Maud Holt, Caro Brevard, Alice Haughton, Mrs. J. Frank Wilkes, president, and Mrs. Clem Dowd, secre tary. Announcement. The following Leading Papers in the United States are using Grove's Mu sic Simplifier. this is undoubtedly the greatest edu cational feature introduced in the newsnaper field in recent years, and it is with Dleasure that The News an- nounces that it has secured for its readers his valuable educational fea ture. The News intends to give its readers the very best there is, hence the many valuable offers which we are making. The following include the Leading papers in the United States Enquirer, Cincinnati Ohio. Globe, Boston, Mass. Press, PhiladelDhia, PA. Courier, Buf falo, N.. Y. Herald, Syracuse, N. Y. Miner, Butte, Montana. Star, St. Louis, Mo. Union, Springfield, Mass. Times, Los Angeles, Cal. Post, Washington.D. C. Times-Union. Albany, N. Y. Blade, Toledo, Ohio. Patriot, Harrisburg, Pa. Standard, Bridgeport, Conn. News, Newark, N. J. Virginan Pilot, Norfolk, Va. Post, Houston, Texas. Union,. New Haven, Conn. Telegram, Worcester, Mass. Tribune, Minneap'lis, Minn.Star, Indinapolis, Ind. Times. Trenton. N. J. Call, San Francisco, Cal. State Journal, Columbus, Ohio. Times, Buffalo, N. Y. Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn. Dispatch, Pittsburg, Pa. Democrat and Chronicle. Rochester. N. Y. News I ' ' - Leader, Richmond Va. Sentmell, Ind ianapolis, Ind. Evening Post, Denver, Col. Evening Press, Gr'nd R'p'ds Mich. Toronto, Canada. La Presse. Montreal, Oregon Journal, Portland Oregon. Free Press, Detroit, Mich. Leader, Cleveland, Ohio. American. Baltimore, Md. Globe, New lork, N. Y. News, Canada. Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky. American, Nashville, Tenn.News, Birmingham, Ala. Times Union Jack sonville, Fla Press, Savanah.Ga.. Chron icle, Augusta, Ga. State, Columbia, S. C. Post, Charleston, S. C. Remains taken to Virginia. The body of Mrs. Ella D. Ross was taken to Southerlin, Va., last night for burial. The death of Mrs.-Ross occurred at St. Peter's Hospital yesterday morn ing about 1 o'clock after an illness ot about three weeks. Her home was at Villa Heights. She was about 35 years old and is survived by her husband, mother and four children. Mr. Joe Ray, of Gastonia, is here on business. nsnaring Victims Steps Should . Prevent be Taken at Once to Further Trouble. , Here in Charlotte, as in other cities and towns, dyspepsia or stomach troubles are ensnaring victims in a most insidious way. Use Mi-o-na now and soothe the irritated walls of the stomach and strengthen the gastric follicles so that they will pour out their daily supply of digestive materials with regularity. Then the headaches, sleeplessness, specks before the eyes, .poor appetite, tired feelings and nervousness will dis appear and you can eat what you want at any time you like. Just one little tablet, out of a i0 cent box before meals, for a few days, and you will soon regain perfect health and strength, and have no fear of in digestion or stomach troubles. Ask Woodall & Sheppard to show you the guarantee under which they sell this remedy. Tf not convenient to obtain Mi-o-na of Woodall & Sheppard or some other retailer .it" will be sent by mail postage repaid on receipt "of, price. . Tlie R. T. Booth, Co.- Ilhaca, N. T. HARDIN M WE SEED REVIVAL Speaking Particularly of his Own Denomination." He Said there is Great Need of a Religious Awakening Among the Members of the Presbyterian Churches. At the installation services at Tenth Avenue Church last night, Dr. Martin D. Hardin preached the sermon and he took occasion to remind the Pres- by terians of Charlotte that they, as a Christian people, were not living up to ... their religious duties. Dr. Hardin took as his text a part of the second verse of the third chapter of Habakkuk, "O, Lord revive thy work in the midst of the years." Dr. Hardin said in part: "In thinking of a subject which would be appropriate for a sermon on this occasion it has seemed to me eminent ly proper that we consider the present needs cf a revival in the churches of our city. We have assembled here to night the representatives of most of our Presbyterian congregations. We have met to install the new pastor of this church and there is, I know, one desire and prayer in the hearts of all present that this union of pastor and people may be fruitful of vast good, not only to this congregation, but to the whole community. "How can we better help on this consummation than by striving to make this meeting the beginning of a united movement among our Presby terian congregations which will awak en in all our churches a new sense of the reality of Chrust's revelations a new sense of the love of God. A new sense of the danger and the hideous ness of sin a new sense of the joy of Christian service; a new sense cf our obligations as soul winners for God? "I know I but voice the feeling of many here present when I say that as I look at the life of our churches I am filled with a profound conviction that they are in need of nothing so much as a genuine, heart-searching revival of true religion which shall put an end to many of the dangerous symptoms of indifference now manifest. "Pride goeth before a fall." I think I have been a member of this com munity long enough to show my love for it.and long enough not to be misun derstood when I make a plain, out spoken criticism and the criticism I would make is this, that I have never seen a community which was better satisfied with its religious state than this one. I have never seen a com munity where there was more of the feeling that 'we be Abraham's children and were never in bondage to any man. "The fact that the' form's 'of religion are respected, and to a large degree observed, has filled many of us with religious pride. Especially is this true of people of our own denomination. Our forefathers established this county and community. They were good men and true. We have inherited religious aristocracy and control from them. "Now, I do not mean to say that there is not a legitimate and proper place for a sense of pride and grati tude over these things. But when the sense of what our -fathers were and what we have done becomes so impor tnat that it acts as an opiate to pres ent effort instead of a stimulus send ing us on our wayfor higher things. Our congregations need to be humbled before the things they have not done. Oun people will not feel this whole some humility until under the spirit's inspiration they are made to see what among us might be done. "In Charlotte we have five regularly organized Presbyterian churches, with a total membership of 2,608, and dur ing the past year only 140 members have been added to these churches on profession of faith. These figures show that it took 18 1-2 to secure one new member, and in some of our churches it took fifty to secure one. It is sim ply appalling, for us to be thus asleep at our post of duty while souls are slipping away. We are thus letting opportunities pass unused that we can never have again. "Nothing is impossible with God, but it is His plan to work through human instrumentality in saving the world, and if . this work is to be done, we cannot have God's love and grace in our hearts .without wanting to share them with others. This should be our chief concern. "We need a pentecostal blessing. We need it if ever a people needed it. But before it will come we must engage in believing, agonizing heart-searching power. In this way we can secure this glorious awakening in our lives. "God is ready and willing to give us this blessing. Will we ask Him; dare we ask Him for it in faith?" Neither Here nor There. German shipping companies know a thing or two. In addition to the subsi dies" which they get from the Ger man Government, they also help to de velop the commerce of other countries and get subsidies . for that work, too. The latest turn of this kind is with Chile. The Chilean Government, having practically no merchent marine of its own, is willing to devote several mil lion marks yearly to increase its foreign trade and its coasting trade. The money is to be given in subsidies. Consequently, new combinations and organizations are at present active in German shipping. , - The only difficulty about our doing the same kind of things is that we haven't the ships to do it with. It is disheartening to patriotic Americans to see our next door business going into foreign hands for want of ocean carrying vessels flying our flag. New York Sun. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itcb'ng, Blind, Bleeding, Protuding Pils Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in C to 14 days. 50a It To Suffer From a In the past few years, scores of dis eases have been traced to germ attacks. They were thought to be due to other causes when old-time remedies were made. Can you not see why you don't get well, if you treat a germ disease with remedies that can't kill germs? The remedy of to-day is Liquozone, and the first bottle is free. Its power is best toM by a test. We ask you to try it, as millions have done, and learn what it means to you. Learn what this gas-made germicide can do. What Liquozone Is. The virtues of Liquozone are derived solely from gases. The formula is sent to each user. The process of making re quires large apparatus, and from 8 to 14 days' time. It is directed by chemists of the highest class. The object is to so fix and combine the gases as to carry into the system a powerful tonic-germicide. Contact with Liquozone kills any form of disease germ, because germs are of vegetable origin. Yet to the body Liquo zone is not only harmless, but helpful in the extreme. That is its main dis tinction. Common germicides are poison when taken internally. That is why medicine has been so helpless in a germ disease. Liquozone is exhilarating, vi talizing, purifying; yet no disease germ can exist in it. We purchased the American rights to Liquozone after thousands of tests had Small-pox in Nineteen Counties. The January bulletin of the North Carolina board of health, is revoted to a paper on "The Source of Infec tion" by Dr. C. V. Chaplin, cf Providen ce, R. I. The report states that during December small-pox existed in 19 coun ties, as follows: Anson 5, Bertie many, Bladen 6,Bun combe 4, Camden 1, Chowan 8Craven 4, Cumberland 68, Harnett 1. Hertford Han75, Hyde 150, Mecklenburg 6, New Hanover 14, Perquimins many, Scotland a few, Union epidemic in one township, Washmgton 20, Wayne 7. Only a woman can get any satisfac tion out of a daily paper that is more than a week old. If you have lost your boyhood spir its, courage and confidence of youth, wre offer you new life, fresh courage and freedom from ill health in Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. 5 More Days in which to turn Five Thousand Dollars worth of Winter Shoes Into Cash and that is by the painful operation of PRICE CUT TING, so in goes the knife -deep and sure---nc matter how it hurts---we are going to move these goods' FIVE MORE DAYS and the Great Shoe Sale will be a thing of the past--but into these Five Days we must crowd an ordinary month's business--"in order to clear the shelves for the spring goods that are now on the way. " 9 Many Shoes have lost their tags and former prices forgotten--it matters not how good the shoe or how new the style--they must move out this week. Everything goes ! Nothing reserved ! 9 1-2 W. Trade" St, Oiarlotte 7 Wron Germ Disease When been made with it. Its power had been proved, again and again, in the most dif ficult germ diseases. Then we offered to supply the first bottle free in every di sease that required it. And over one million dollars have been spent to an nounce and fulfill this offer. The result is that 11,000,000 bottles have been used, mostly in the past two years. Today there are countless cured ones, scattered everywhere, to tell what Liquozone has done. But so many others need it that this offer is published still. In late years, sci ence has traced scores of diseases to germ attacks. Old remedies do not apply to them. We wish to show those sick ones at our cost what Liquozone can do. Where It Applies. These are the diseases in which Liquo zone has been most employed. In these it has earned its widest reputation. In all of these troubles we supply the first bottle free. And in all no matter how dif ficult we offer each user a two months' further test without the risk of a penny. Asthma Abscess Anaemia Goitre Gout Gonorrhea Gleet Hay Fever Influenza La Grippe -Jjeucorrhes Malaria Neuralgia Piles Quinsy "Rheumatism Scrofula Syphilis Skin Diseases i Tuberculosis Tumors Ulcers Throat Troubles Bronchitis Blood Poison Bowel Troubles Coughs Colds Consumption Contagious Diseases Cancer Catarrh Dysentery Diarrhea Dyspepsia Dandruff Eczema Erysipelas Fevers Gall Stones OFFICE Mechanics' Perpetual Building & Loan Association Feb. 5th, 1906. AND NOW GET READY FOR THE "With the regularity of the pendulum -swinging back and forth, does the Mechanics' Perpetual Building and Loan Association run its system of maturing and paying off and comm encing new series. We have just finished paying off the 34th Series of $70,400, the largest in cur history (and perhaps the largest ever in the South) and now we are getting ready to open the books for the new 47TH SERIES, wrhich com mences on MARCH 1ST. The subscription books are now open. ' One great inducement to take stock in this Association is the fact that OUR weekly receipts are now so enormous that we can safely promise borrowers to reach them within 60 DAYS from the time the application is acted on. Shares in force with this new series- will reach nearly 17,000 equal to par value of $1,700,000. Amount loaned out, between $000,000 and $700,000. - Prospective builders are advised to subscribe at once, as we have the INFLEXIBLE RULE OF FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. R. E. COCHRANE, Sec. and Treas. S. WITTKOWSKY. Pres. E SI Liquozone is Free. Also most forms of the following: Kidney Troubles Liver Troubles Stomach Troubles "Women's Diseases Fever, inflammation or catarrh impure or bo!. soned blood usually indicate a germ attack In nervous debility Liquozone acta as a vitalizer accomplishing remarkable results. ser, 50c. Bottle Free. .Ifvou need Liquozone, and have never tried it, please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an order on a local druggist for a full-size bottle, and will pay the druggist ourselves for it. This isour free gift, made to convince you to let the product itself show you what it can do. In justice to yourself, please accept it today, for it places you under no obligations whatever.' Liquozone costs 50c. and $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Fill It out and mail it to The Liquozone Com pany, 453-464 Wabash Ave., Chicago. My disease Is , I have never tried Liquozone, but if you will supply me a 50c bottle Xreo I wiU take it. A ' Give full address write plainly. Note that this offer applies to new users onlv. Any physician or hospital not yet using LiquoMLS will be gladly supplied for a teat. OF THE m 3C 3