DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable, Almost everybody who reads the nev'"? papers is sure to know of the wonderit.! cures made oy Dr. (Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triamph of the nine- U JjA i t & I mm jiiartr DECLINES THE CALL. Dr. Sprunt WiM Not Go to .Clarksville, Term. Several davs aso The News stated that Rev. Alexander Sprunt, formerly of Rock Hill, now of Charleston, had received a call from the church or me Southwestern Presbyterian University, at Clarksville, Tenn. Dr. Sprunt has declined the call as the following from The Evening Post of Charleston indicates: "Rev. Dr. Alexander Sprunt an- Pna , 1 inounceu yesieiuajr LJ mo wixgc6cn.ivjii rfteentn cePtury; cis-)at the First Presbyterian Church that if : .7. , he had deemed not 10 accept iue ca-xi iu Unscientific research byJthe church of the Southwestern' Pres Dr. Kilmer, the emi- TTnivarcitv at riarVovillp nent kidney and blad- Tenn The call wag a most flattering der specialist, and is Ur.c ,t in Th0 in- wonaenully successful in promptly curing d much pressure was lame back, kidney, bladder uric acid trcu- , bru ht to bear to have the popular bles and Bright s Diseasel which is the worst i . . fuv. tViQ form of k;dnv troub'e minister sever his connection with the r, t.-v c,'n.DAAt ,-, Charleston congregation, but it is a ommendedforeverythirgbutifyouhavekid-isource of much pleasure to the Char ney, liver or Diaaaer trouoie it win De touna just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so mar.y ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and hfs proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper vho have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book felling mors about Swamp-Root and how to iind out if you have kidney or bladder trouble Vhen writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer h Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Eoot. dollar sizes are sold by all ?ocd drugsj'Ms. Don't make any mistake, but re member the names Swamp-Rort, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton. N. Y., on every bottlft. Mr. Tabor to Succeed Mr. Harrill. Mr. W. R. Tabor, who has been with the passenger department of the Southern- Railway at Asheville. will succeed Mr. Ab. V. Harrill as assistant to Mr. T. J. Witherspoon, the city ticket agent of the Southern in Char lotte. As has been stated in The News, Mr. Harrill will take a position with the Southern Power Company about the first of March. Mr. Tabor has been with the Southern for sev eral years and is a young man of ability. He will receive a cordial wel come to Charlotte. lestoil congregation and the public gen erally that Dr. Sprunt has determined to remain here, having notified the uni versity authorities of the fact." MUCH COLDER TOMORROW. Rain a Probability For Tpnight; Colder Weather Tomorrow. The weather man says that we may expect much colder weather tomorrow with increasing cloudiness. It is pre dicted that we may have a shower to night and some colder weather. In his remarks Mr. Bennett says: "The low pressure area central Tuesday morning over Oklahoma mov ed rapidly northeastward to the lower lake region, causing snow over the Middle Mississippi and Ohio Valleys and the lake region, and rain over the East Gulf States. An extensive area of high pressure is moving slowly eastward over the Dakotas, and has caused a marked fall in temperature over the Missouri, Middle and Upper Mississippi Valleys. In this vicinity cloudy, colder weather with probably a little rain is indicated for tonight. Thursday will be fair and much colder." To Be Married Tonight. Deputy Register of Deeds Benjamin Powell, this morning issued a mar riage license to Mr. Geo. A. Lottimer who is to wed Miss Elmetta Brown. The ceremony will be performed this evening. Mr. Lottimer is a native of Maine. The bride-to-be, is a native of Mecklenburg. The Great Winter Resort of the , South, PINEHURST, N. C, Special Rates. The Seaboard Air Line is selling a special round trip ticket Charlotte to Pinehurst, N. C, and return at $5.55, good to May 31st, trains leave via Sea board 5.01 a. m. and 7.15 p. m. PINE HURST is by far the greatest winter resort in North Carolina an it is the most delightful place to take a few days' rest from the cares of business. Descriptive literature can ie gotten by calling on JAMES KER, JR., C P. A., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., . Raleigh, Nr C. , I-30th of the entire Quiaino production of the World is consumed every year t a Laxative Bromo ulnine Tablets j "C jre r Cold ia One Day." E. W. GKOVE'S signature oa box. 25c Why It Is Possible. At Kress' you can often buy for ten cents an article that you know is selling all over town at half a dollar. The reason is that we have an enormous business and plenty of cash money. , We can buy in enormous quantities, can get all the discounts that go with cash payments, and because of our tremendous selling can afford to cut even the usual retailing profit down to the last notch. - In the items below you will find what this means in giving you sterling qualities at our small prices. N On Sale Friday 9 A, M. Ladies') Muslin Underwear and Night Gowns We have done it again! What ?? Bought a giant lot? Can now sell at pigmy prices! Another, of those big sales that make women come across lots to Kress. Corset Covers, wide, lace front and lace neck, or square yoke and lace on neck and sleeves, wide lace and insertion, front fV and yoke - - - . - 25c Drawers, three tucks, wide embroidery, two. rows lace inser , tion and one row lace edge or one row beading, insertion or with hemstitch and five tucks - . - - 25C Night Gowns, a fine assortment in latest designs: Our night gown prices are far-and-away more attractive than anywhere else. Three styles assorted; two styles in pleated and ruffled ,. yoke.and one style insertion yoke; all gowns 53 inches long by 72 inches wide ' - . - - - 25c Underskirts, fine material and attractive patterns with two . tucks, three rows of hemstitching, 22 inches and 44 inches long A ROW AT 1 NIGHT SCHOOL Tom Lambert Made to Pay $10 and the Costs Eor Disturbing the Night Lchool at the Victor Mill. Mr. Alfred W. Brown Appeared Against the Young Man. The most interesting, case heard in the Recorder's Court this morning, was the charge against Thomas Lhm bert, a young white man, of disturbing the night school at the Victor Mill, which is conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Brown. ' Mr. Brown, who was a witness against Lambert, testified that the young man appeared on the scene last night and acted in an ugly manner. When he was ordered out of the room, he refused to go. Mr. Brown then used sufficient force in order to eject him. After ' Lambert was outside, he com menced to curse Mr. Brown and threat ened to cut his head off. Lambert had a number of witnesses summoned but not a single one con tradicted what Mr. Brown related. The court adjujdged the defendant guilty and sentenced him to 30 days in jail or pay a fine of $10 hud the costs. The latter sentence was accepted and "the young man was given his liberty. John Connor, a well known negro, an employee of the Southern railway, was before the court charged with an assault on Ed. Kirkpatrick. Connor arrived at his home about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon and found Kirk patrick in his house, sitting in a chair. He did not wait for any explanation, but lit on Kirkpatrick and made him hard to catch. Connor's wife pleaded with her husband not to create a scene, telling him that his jealousy had no foundation; that Kirkpatrick merely dropped in and was a meaning of no harm and a hopin' of no hard feelings. Connor declined to accept his wife's version of the affair and caused: a scene that completely set the neigh bor's tongues wagging. In court this morning, Kirkpatrick was as humble as the youngest lamb. He said he meant no harm and simply stopped by to pass the time of day. The Recorder suggested to him that he had better rins the fire alarm the next time he contemplated a visit to the Connor home. Before leaving court, Connor de clared that he wras done with his wife. When he made this assertion, great, big tears rolled down the woman's face. She declared that an awful mis take had been made and that her hus band had allowed his jealousy to de throne his reason. All her pleadings were in vain for Connor declared that he was done for keeps. Henry Connor, a negro boy with only one leg, was before the court, charged with loitering about the South ern's passenger station. He was sen tenced to 30 days in jail. lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for ali those painful ailments of women. It wil entirely cure the worst forms of Female Com plaints. Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling- and Displacements and conse quent Spinal Weakness, and is peculi arly adapted to the Cltange of Life. It will surely cure. - ' 1 Backache It has cured more cases of Female Weakness than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost in fallible in such cases. It dissolves and i expels Tumors in an: early stasre of , development. That Bearing-down Feeling, causing- pain, weight and headache, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circum- i stances it acts in harmony with the female system. It corrects Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Periods. Weak ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloat- j mgy JNervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility. Also Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, " don't-care " and " want-to-he-left-alone " feeling, excit- ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the "blues," and haekaehe. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the organs. For Kidney Complaints and Backache of eithe,trsex the Vegeta ble Compound is unequalled. You can write Mrs. Pinkham about yourself in strictest confidence. LYDIA E. PINKHAM MED. CO., Lynn, Mail. Air Line' depot' through town to some point on Mountain, creek, where it is now thought that the South and West- j ern will be located. This seems to in sure the building of a railroad through jour town at no distant day. j An unknown woman, the mother of , five children, about a month ago rent , ed a house five miles south of Hen rietta, within a few yards of the South Carolina line, for the purpose of selling blockade liquor. For a week or more whiskey wagons have unloaded hun dreds of gallons of contraband whis key at her home and in the woods ad jacent. Blockaders from Polk : county and South Carolina's dark corner, it is said, have furnished the blockade whiskey and - have reaped a golden harvest from th sales. Parties in both North and South Carolina re cently made affidavits against the wo man, and oil Saturday afternoon three State officers, Constables J. N. Math eny, J. D. Short and C. W. Smith, went to the woman's home to serve a war rant on her. Five blockaders came to her rescue, . armed' with" pistols and guns, and she fled over the line into South Carolina and the officers went over after her. She was also armed with pistols and refused to come back over the line. As the officers were be yond the North Carolina line, they took a $25 cash deposit for her appear ance at the next term of Rutherford Superior Court, and left the place with the blockaders in full possession of the field. Dr. Holland's Guest v v Prof Julian D. Dreher L. L. D. who for 25 years was president of Roanoke College will arrive in ; Charlotte to night, and wilf be the guest of, Dr. R. C. Holland. Prof. Dreher, will remain in the city for several days. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. ItcbJng, Blind, Bleeding, s Protuding Piles Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in G 14 days. 50a HYHE'g New Discovery. I Dcst Cure For CATARRH, RHEUMATISM I ISCIGECTIOH, MZRV0U3KCCS, KIDKEY, LIVER . AND BLOOD DISEASES. S1.CO. j Quick Relief; Eestforall ACHES and PAINS-Price ZGc. PAY HE'S MEDICATED SOAP ICc. DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY W. L. Hand & Co - Mr. W. A. Holland, of Danville, Va., is a Charlotte visitor today. 1 1 ' til v c ri at ik rrk si . . rm to m jg .... ttorf ih RUTHERFORDTON NEWS NINTIETH ANNIVERSARY. and three thousand, four hundred dollars worth of Shoes to sell A lot of them For so short a time, it's true, but the prices we are making ought to do the work. ' It's certainly an exceptional opportunity to buy first-class shoes for men, women and children at a fraction of their usual prices. Candies: 25c . A little money supplies many when spent at Kress'. Ten cents buys as, much good candy here as would cost you from 25c. to 35c. elsewhere. , Kress' sell more than 1 million pounds a year. Hence we can sell, fresh, pure candy one-third the price possible in the case of the small dealer, for the bigger the purchase lot the lower the cost and the selling price. Fudge, (Chocolate and Vanilla flavors), Chocolate drops., worth 25c. per pound . 1 OC Of American Bible Society to Be Ob- " served in Charlotte. A .ioint observance of the 90th an niversary of the American Bible Soci ety, will be held at the First Presby terian church Sunday night, February 25, ?.t 8 o'clock. All the -different pro testant denominations of the city will come together in honor of this anni versary. A committee has been appointed to prepare a program of exercises for this occasion and it will be given to the public, in advance .of the meeting. - The American Bible Society is given up to be the greatest organization in the world for the dissemination of re ligious literature. It is one of the strongest arms of the Christian church and is supported by all denomina tions. . The anniversary meeting which will be held Sunday night week, promises to be an event of unusual interest. It is useless to add that a large crowd will be in attendance. HAD THEIR DOUBTS. Suspicious at First, but they Acknowl edge the Truth Now. "When they heard that a long Ha vana filled cigar, of regular size, was being retailed in the East for a nickel, they did not think it could be pos sible," said Mr. Woodall of Woodall & Sheppard to a News reporter. "If it could be done, We wanted to do it, and after a good deal of correspond ence, we found that this cigar was made in Binghamton, and - wa called the Wadsworth Bros." Chico. "To make a long story short, we bought a small lot a short time ago, and to-day are having regular ship ments of 5,000 at a time, to supply the demand that has grown up for this cigar. Our best smokers enjoy it, and we recommend every smoker to see how good the Chico is." Men's Hose- pn don't; go , . - to expensive outfitters after they once try our hose. We sell so many we can sell them cheap. Black half hose, seamless, silk heel ifi and toe ; in tans also, per pair 1 OC Ladies' A varied line of China silk collars, embroidered : in lUliarb white, short tabs, assorted colors, white, blue, black, pink. . . 10c Table Napkins figure work Mercerized linen.- 20 inches square, variety oi designs, white f - each WATCH "WINDOWS 9 Mr. J. M. McLaughlin, formerly of Johnson & McLaughlin, upholsterers, has accepted a position as travelling salesman and will go on the road this week. Mr. McLaughlin will make Charlotte his headquarters, his family rentaining here. Energy all gone? Headache? Stom ach out of order? Simply a case of torpid liver. Burdock Blood Biters will make a new or woman of you. Hundreds of lives saved every year by having Dr. Thomas' Eclectrical on in the house just when it is neeaea. Cures croup, heals burns, cuts wounds of every sort: All the healing balsamic virtues of the Norway pine are concentrated in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Na ture's pwn. remedy for coughs and colds.. ' ' - - , ': - It's a mistake to imagine that itch ing piles can't be cured; a mistake to suffer a day longer than you can help. Doan's , ointment brings instant relief and permanent cure. At any drug store, 50 cents. ' , Items of Interest Frorrt-Th riving Ruth erford County Seat. Special to The News. Iiutherfordton, Feb. 14V-The second week of the civil termVof Rutherford Superior Court was begun yesterday morning with the casI;pf Gallert vs. Morrow. Most of the Morning and a portion of the afternoon was taken up in the selection of a jury and other preliminaries of the trial, after, which it was begun in earnest This is a case in which Mr. SGallert is sueing Mr. D. F. Morrow for $50,00Q damages on account of an article that appeared in the county papers tlurmg the heat of the primary, preceding the last gen eral election, whici'the plaintiff claims .was defamitorj G.vis character. Mr. Gallert, the chief wxness, was the first to be examined and "occupied the great er part of the afternoon yesterday, and it is thought that' his testimony will! out about all the points - involved in the case. The case is a very interest ing one and its progress is being watched with much, interest. - A like action is also pending in the-court, in which Mr. Morrow is .sueing Mr. Gal. lert . for the same -amount and on the same grounds, but,;it is hardly probable that it will be reached at this term of the court. The South and Western Railway's engineering corps, in charge of Capt. J. A. Nichols, was moved here today from Poor's Ford by order of Chief! Engineer M. J. Caples, of Bristol, Tenn. They have also been instructed ' to make a survey, from the Seaboard Hw!gBug!g 89cr 98c, $1-38' $r6$l-98' $2-48, $298 $478 These Prices come pretty near taking the wole "Kit and Bile" of . Good Winter Footwear here nowbut you must see these shoes to , really know what it means to offer them at such prices. . Glosinr Shoe Sale DC n 3 wmnm DC NO 23 n THE MECHANICS' PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION sends kind ' greetings to the public with the information that the books are now open for the. subscription of shares to the FORTY-SEVENTH SERIES, which goes into effect on March 1st (and the first pay ment Saturday, March 3rd), and as we have for 23 years held to the inflexible rule of "First come, first served," prospective "HOME BUYERS OR HOME BUILDERS" are advised to DO' I T N O W To subscribe now and get the number of your application assigned. This Association claims the dis tinctive ability of bnng able in frjm 30 to 60 DAYS frcm the time the Committee on Loans makes its report to meet the Loans; no three, fcur cr six mcntbs waitirg with us. A discerning public has ever given us a most generous support, because we have ever openly and truthfully taken it into our Confi dence; and the follow ing information (as verified by our Auditing Committee, consisting of C ol. A. L. Smith, W. W. Phifer and J. H. Wearn, Esq.,) we know will not enly be gratifying but also astounding, to that generous public. rIfjSs5I& The Moneys Passed Out of Our Desk During the Month of January, 1906, Were the Unprecendented Sum of ""r'" $67,000.00 OElfSSia&Giljrl V-ii; J and the Amount so Handled During the Year 1906 was the Colosal Sum of $355,000.00 and the Total Assets of $613,500.00 n To. which the management points with pride as ITS JEWEL S. This Association is reaching its Quarter of a Century's Life. . On March 1st we will have had 23 years of uninterrupted prosperity with out the LOSS OF A CENT. It has been the means of making thousands of happy homes, and is today sought, by not only North Carolina or even the South, but throughout the United States and even in Europe, as a worthy example to be patterned' after, i Hence, we can with assurance - ?sk you not to delay, and. subscribe at once to the NEW SERIES, THE 47TK. . S. WITT TKOWSKY, Pres. E E. COCHRANE; Sec. and Treas. - FOR THE DIRECTORS. . . Ocrzr 3C DC DC