THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 27, 1906: MP OR WRITERS CRA HEUMATISM IN WR mi PLASTERS. Tear an AHcock's Plaster in two, lengthwise, and apply as shown above. You will be sur prised how it will relieve all pain as well as strengthen the muscles Ki-ggn-iffin .urn feat A ICOClCs InsistUpon Having CORN PLASTERS I BUPJIOW PLASTERS For Relief and Cure of Corns and Bunions iate Relief Afford Absolute Comfy, '. BOND INCREASED TO $1,000. MR. E. B. SPRINGS HERE. Sudie Harmon, the Slayer cf H. G. Stack, Stil! in Cabarrus Jail. The bond of Sudie Hannon, the young girl who killed H. G. Stack in Ccnccrd about ten days ago. has been increased from $500 to $1,000. The Concord Times says: 'Sudie Hannon, the 13-year-old j daughter of David Hannon. who shot ' and hilled H. G. Stack, a week ago Saturday night, ias spent the week in jail in default of a $500 bond. Mayor Caldwell has since raised her bond to ?1.00. "David Hannon. as was exclusively reported in The Times, left town by orders of Chief Boger. He has pitched camp out of town just beyond the furniture factory.' Owners Want High Price -Concerning Sale of Prop- Mr. Hines Critically III. The numerous Charlotte friends of Mr. Peter E. Hines will be grieved to know of his critical illness at his home at Raleigh, occasioned by an at tack of paralysis while at the dinner table Sunday. During the war be tween the States Mr. Hines was surg eon of the First North Carolina Regi ment and afterwards surgeon-general cf the State hospitals in Virginia. Says Mill Cotton.- erty. Mr. E. B. Springs, formerly a resi dent of Charlotte but now of New York, spent lasrnight in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Scott. He left this morning for New York. Mr. Springs has been visiting a num ber of the larger cotton mills of South Carolina and he finds that the owners deplore the recent drop in cotton. The mill people had rather see the price of cotton remain around 12 cents than for it to drop as low as 10 cents. This is because the manufactured article is expected to decrease in price, just in proportion- to the raw mate rial. Mr. Springs, while here, statedMo The News man that he had not sold the "Rock Island" property, that ex tends from East Trade to Fifth street. This property is owned jointly by Mr. Springs and Mrs. M. W. Burwell. Mr. Springs states that he has not only not sold the property nor has any one an option on it. It was reported several days ago that this property was included in the big sale of proper ties along the line of the Seaboard Air Line. SAMPLE LOT Regular $3 and $5 Goods LOUIS 'ROSENBAUM 27 WEST TRADE ST. LENTEN SERIES BEG N TO MORROW WBSlGnEmMmt 1 oreoar Cash Shoe Builders Just Received Two Big Shipments -of Ladies1 Oxfords in all the newest lasts and leathers. Prices from $2,00 to $4.00 Per Pair. ( Miller Cor. Trade and College Stsf STOP HI Special Services will be Held in the Episcopal and Catholic Churches During the Peniten- . tial Season. The Episcopal Calendar During Lent. The Lenten season will be ushered in tomorrow, it being Ash Wednesday. Both the Episcopal and the Catholic Churches of Charlotte have services for that penitential period. From tomorrow until Easter, which is the 15th of April, special attention will be given to me prescribed forms of the religious faiths of the Episcopal and Catholic Churches. The following is the Episcopal cal endar for the Lenten season: March 4 First Sunday in Lent; March 11 Second Sunday in Lent; March 18 Third Sunday in Lent; March 25 Mid Lent Sunday; April 1 Passover Sunday; April 8 Palm Sun day; April 9 Monday before Easter; April" Tuesday before Easter; "April 11 Wednesday before Easter; April 12 Maundy Thursday; April 18 Good Friday; April 14 Easter Even; April 15 Easter Dty. The following order of services have been arranged: Ash Wednesday. Morning prayer, Litany, Penitential Office and Sermon, 11.00 A. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon, 8.00 P. M. Sunday. Holy Communion (.except Passion Sunday), 7.30 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class, 9.30 A. M. Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon, 11.00 A. M. (Passion Sunday) Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon, 11.00 A. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7.30 P. M. Holy Days. Holy Communion, 10.30 A. M. Week Days. Wednesday and Friday, Litany Ser vice, 10.30 A. M. Daily (except Wednesday) Evening Prayer and Address, 4.30 P. M. Wednesday Evening Prayer and Ad dress, 8.00 P. M. Holy Week. Morning Prayer, Ante-Communion and Address (except liood Friday), 10 A. M. Monday and Tuesday, Evening Prayer and Address, 5.00 P. M. Wednesday, Evening Prayer and Ad dress, 8.00 P. M. Thursday, Rendition of Stainer's "Crucifixion," by full choir, after Ev ening Prayer, 8.00 P. M. Good Friday. Morning Prayer Litany, Ante-Communion and Sermon, 10.00 A. M. Commemoration of the Three Hours 'AgOny "oil tire Cro"ss with addresses on the Seven Last Words, 12 noon to 3.00 P. M. I Evening Prayer, Penitential Office and Address, 8.00 P. M. Easter Day.. Easter Dawn Celebration of the Holy Communion, 6.30 A. M. Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon, 11.00 A. M. Sunday School Carol Service, with Address and Presentation of Mission Mite Boxes, 4.30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sefmon, 7.30 P. M. The Easter Offerings will be devoted to the Parish Building Fund. The Apostolic rite of the laying on of hands, called confirmation, will be ad ministered by the Bishop of the Dio cese, Sunday, April 29, at 11 A. M. Confirmation instruction, Tuesdays and Fridays, beginning March 20. For children, 5.30 P. M.; for adults, 8.00 P. M.- Subjects of Lenten Addresses. First Sunday in Lent, the Christian and the Home; second Sunday in Lent, the Christian and Amusements; third Sunday in Lent, the Christian and So ciety; Mid Lent Sunday, the Christian and Business; Passion Sunday, the Christian and Politics; Palm Sunday, the Christian and the Church.; Sunday evening, Apostolic Christianity; Holy Week, "The Passion." Week Days. 10.30 A. M. Wednesdays and Fridays Selections from Dean Barrett's Med itations. 4 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays Lessen Study, The Prayer Book. 4 P. M. Tuesdays and Fridays Bible Class, St. Mark's Gospel. 4.30 P. M. Daily (execpt Wednesday) The Apostles Creed. Eight P. M. Wednesday The Prin ciples of the Doctrine of Christ; first Wednesday, Repentence from Dead Works; second Wednesday, Faith To ward God; third Wednesday, The Doc trine cf Baptisms; fourth Wednesday, Laying on cf Hands; fifth Wednes day, Resurrection of the Dead; sixth Wednesday, Eternal Judgment. Cathoiic Services. At St. Peter's Catholic Church to morrow morning at 8 o'clock there will be the usual Ash Wednesday ser vices with the distribution of ashes. Every Friday during Lent there will be the usual stations of the Cross. Other Services. Services will be held tomorrow by Rev. F. M. Osborne at the following churches: 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Church of the Holy Comforter, Dilworth ; 4 P. M. at St. Martin's Chapel, Davidson and Tenth streets. Tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock Rev. E. A. Osborne will conduct services at St. Andrew's Chapel. The Sweetmeats of Litemture To the greybeards of America, and to their gentle companions with silvery hair; to the people of middle age, arid to those whoiave passed beyond early youth to you all First number came out on the 10th of February BOM j 500,000 copies, and all sold out. Second edition now on the press will bring back to your mind and heart the delight that a piece of mother's pie would bring to your palate a big, juicy piece that used to taste so good, so unspeakably good, in the hungry play days of youth. The Sweetmeats of Literature old familiar friends, coming back to you in THE SCRAP BOOK poems, anecdotes, declamations, humorous stories and humorous bits; pathetic stories too, half-forgotten hymns, lost facts, quaint and curious things, absorbing incidents, jokes, satires, and stories that once set your youthful fancies ablaze and opened up the big world to your vision all these "and a thousand things more are in THE SCRAP BOOK. It is such a treasure-house of new things, and of old things collected from the archives of the century, as has never before been gathered together or even dreamed of. ! THE SCRAP BOOK is the hit of the century in magazine making. On All News Stands or from the Publisher." 10 Cents a Copy fcy the Year $1.00. FRANK A. MUNSEY, 175, Fifth Avenue, New York DEATH OF- MR. GEORGE S. WATTS. The Father of Mrs. C. B. King of This City Died Yesterday Afternoon. - Rev. C. B. King, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mary King and Misses Ethel and Louis Carr, of Durham, and Nellie Watts, of Baltimore, left last night for Baltimore to attend the fu neral of Mr. George S. Watts who died at that city yesterday afternoon. Mr. Watts . was very prominent in public life. He was 86 years old and besides his wife, is survived by four children Mr. George W. Watts, of Durham; Messrs. Charles W. and James Watts, of Baltimore arid Mrs. Charles B. King, of this -city. The Misses Carr and Miss Watts, who have been visiting at Mr. King's are nieces of the deceased. TRY A TIMES-DEMOCRAT R. D. M00RE INSURANCE. FIRf ACCIDENT, and HEALTH. Business Large and Small 1 Close Attention. ROBERT D. MOORE, ' ROOM 7. 4C'o Rim """INS, Watch arid Jewelry Repairing Promptness and good work re juire the entire time and atten. Ion of the workmen. I carry no stock and hare lothing but repairing to thin bout. If vou appreciate having your watch's, clocks and jewelry -epaired in a first-class manner uid yady when promised, send them vo me. W. R. Hartsfield Watchmaker and Jeweler 10 W. Trade St, next to Blair's Drug Store. W A d DON'T DOSENTHE STOMACH. Cure Catarrh By Breathing Hyomei Sold Under Guarantee By R. H. Jordan & Co. ' Hyomei is not a cure-all; : it is a spe cific for the cure of catarrhal troubles. Breathing through the neat pocket-inhaler fhat'coinea wiW every' outfit, the aromatic healing' of 'Hyomei penetrates to the most remote1 parts of the nose throat, and lungs, healing all inflama tion and killing the catarrhal germs wherever present. So successful Ijas Hyomei been in the cure of catarrh,; that R. H. Jordan & Co. sell it under a guarantee that it will cost you nothing unless it gives satisfaction. The complete Hyomei outfit sells for $1, and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the vest pocket, a medicine dropper and a bot tle of Hyomei. The inhaler lasts a life-time, and if more Hyomei is needed, extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. It is the most economical of all rem edies advertised for the cure of ca tarrh, and is the only one that treats this disease without stomach dosing, applying the medication and healing where the disease germs are present. If not , convenient to obtain Hyoroei of R. H. Jordan or some other druggist it will be forwarded from the laborato ry by mail on receipt of price. ..The R ,T. Booth Co., Hyomei Bldg., It.baca. N. Y. How many times has this collar gone to the laundry? Don't always blame the laundry for wearing them out sometimes they're defective when you buy' them. Even a collar will wear out, but they'll last much longer if you send them to us. Charlotte Steam Laundry Launders, Dyers, Cleaners. Z19 S. Tryon St. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S Sig nature is on each box. 25c PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE. J. D. Runyan, of Butlervllle, O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his pain ful symptoms, of indigestion and bil iousness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He says: "They are a perfect remedy, for dizziness, sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc." Guaranteed at Wood- l all heppad's drus store, price ?5c. DEATH OF MRS. WILKES. Died At Her Home at Florence, Italy On February the 24th. News has been received in the city of the death of Mrs. Mary Wilkes, rel ict of the late Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes, whose death occurred at her home at Florence, Italy on the 24th of Wilkes was a native of Lincoln ton. She was 84 years old and was the step mother of Captain John Wilkes of this citv. One of the Handsomest. Charlotte can now boast of one of the handsomest passenger stations between Washington and Atlanta, Ga, The building has been open to the pub lic for several days and within a very short time all arrangements will be complete for perfect accommodations. Concord Times. ( The deacons of the Second Pres byterian Church will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at Dr. I. W. Faison's residence, on North Tryon street. . . , A Beautiful Complexion. No woman can hope to be beautiful, who ha not a good complexion. Nor can any woman hope to have a good complexion, who suffers with Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sick Headache, Torpid I,iver or other Irregularities. M 0ZLETC LEMON ELIXIR. will cleanse your system of all impurities, build you up, give you perfect health, and as a conse quence a beautiful complexion. Pleasant to take, gentle In action, but thorough In results. No unpleasant effects. 50c. and $1.00 a. bottle at Drug Stores. "One Dose Convinces. INCOhPORATcd CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. Not the cheapest, but pre-eminently the BEST. These are the largest, oldest and best-equipped schools in NortlT Carolina a positive, provable FACT. One thousand former students holding positions in North Caro lina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written contract. Shorthand, Book keeping, Typewriting and English taught by experts. Send for handsome Catalogue it's free. " ' WHAT Piedmont Bio., S. Tryon St. IS BBOMllA ? Read the following carefully: If you have consumption or some of the contagious forms of blood poisoning we cannot cure you. We don't pre tend to cure you. You need the indi vidual treatment of some skilled spe cialist; but if you are run down in gen eral health, if you have dyspepsia, are subject to fainting spells, a victim to insomnia, biliousness, . kidney or liver trouble, catch cold easily, if your sys tem is in that condition that you may become an easy prey to the disease germs of pneumonia, la grippe and the various epidemics, if you are bothered with-constant headache, loss of mem ory, generally impaired vitality, we can help you, and, if you follow our di rections, render you immune against sickness. Most skin disease can tie cured by the use of "Bromonia." "Bromonia" is to the human sys tem what the scrubbing brush and coon qpd in Vi o rliftxr wacMinwl Tt aids Nature to resume normal action.! It increases the strength, the fighting ability of the phagocytes of the blood; j it promotes the healthy flow of i;he salivary and gastric secretions. If! KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHARLOTTE, N. C, 217 North Tryon Four-ounce Bottle Horehound Pine Tar and Honey, 20cts; Newbros' Herpicide, 85cts.. Our motto quick sales and small profits, courteous treatment. Call 240. We will serve you promptly. GUT-RATE DRUG STORE PHONE 24e 217 N. TRYON ST. For Sale The O'DONAGUHUif- Residence I T on East &aenuo. V t . nouses una iota on s. Brevard .U St. 4. FOR RENT. I 1 43-room house, corner of Eighth if t and Davidson. t your stomach is in good condition, you are well. The Chinese area wise peo ple. They accost each other with, "How is your stomach?" R. H. Jordan & Co. guarantee that, if you will write to the Bromonia Co. New York, giving your full name and address on the coupon at the bottom of this column, you will receive a full size package without any cost to you whatever. Write name and address' plainly. Be careful to address BROMONIA CO,. NEW YORK. FREE BROMONIA COUPON. Name City State Street Address My disease is If you think Bromonia is what you need and do not care to send coupon, you will find it 'at all first-class drug gists 25c and 50 cts. the bottle. Spe cial sale being held by R. H. Jordan & Co Sustaining Pood That's what bread is when made in the right way of the right kind of flour. PRIDE OF CHAR 1 01 IE Is the right kind of flour the flour that has the brain, bone and muscle building properties left in. Good grocers sell it. teklenburg Floor Mills, Charlotte, N. C. J. LEE KOINER, Proprietor. 4. 'PHONE 604 Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. We Have Taken the Agency for the i Telephone For anything you may need in the line of Drugs, Medicine or Toilet Articles, we will select them carefully and deliver them at your home 'IMMEDIATELY. No extra charge, for this service. TRYON DRUG CO. is Phone 21. 7 N. Tryon St. Sub. P. a in Store. II I 1 II SJ II II IV" Ulh UFRANCO'S 9 COMPOUND Safe, speedy reRalator; 25 cents. Druggists or taai Booklet tree 4K. LaJ aAUtv P, UUtlphl- f 4. WABASH CABINET GO, Manufacturers of Vertical Filing Cabinets and Index Cabinets and everything that is made in office furniture. - Let us figure with you. Houston-Dixon & Co. MORE HEAT WITH LESS FUEL; O Stoves that will accomplish 'mendation, and that's just what we claim for O B,RD fe. GARLAND AND 5b IIMDIAV UETATCRS. O ' You all know that our claims mean something. o j. NJMausland&Co. 5 South Tryon St. A Child's Bicycle for a New Year's Present will make the happiest child. We have all sizes to select from. Call and get our price? Full line of supplies- Relay MTg Co., 213 8. Tryon t -

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