THE ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER IN CHARLOTTE.. VOL. XXXV NU. b36 CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1906 PRICE: 5 CENTS THE TWENTVJHIRD VICTIM OhKCK . 0IE0 TMSMORi Hosa McBride, One of the Worst , of the Injured Died at the Good Samaritan Hospital at 8 O'clock This Morning. Three Others Are Expected to Die. . Nine ot the Injured Brought Here Will Be Discharged This After noon. Only One or Two Limbs Have Been Amputated. Thirty in Hospital. The twenty-third victim of the hor iilile wreck on the Seaboard Air I iae near Hamlet Sunday evening, , ied at the Good Samaritan Hospital mis morning at .8 o'clock. The unfortunate one was Rosa McBride, a well known woman of Hamlet. She was one of the occu-l-r.nts of the Jim Crow car which was f mashed to pieces and in which 21 igroes were killed. All day yesterday the life of this cor unfortunate was hanging by a 1 l ittle thread, and it was expected at i i v moment that death would relieve Ler of her sufferings. She sustained several fractures of the arms and U gs, her right eye was entirely dis placed and her head and body were u rn and gashed in number of places. !; fact it seems hardly possible that she could have .survived the awful catastrophe for any length of time. The body has been prepared . for burial and will be slipped on the af ternoon train to relatives in Hamlet. Of the remaining 41 injured, now m the Good Samaritan Hospital, Dr. il M. Wilder, informs The News this rlternoon that nine wilf be dis charged today and will be allowed to rt turn to their respective homes. Of the 31 that, will remain in the C-nn.l Samaritan Hosnital three sus-o t. lined injuries that will probably re sult fatally. Two of these are very severely wounded and little or no 1 1 pe is entertained for their recov ery. Everything possible is Deing' ' J O XT -i ' I V, lAldV VV IXC I iXC -- . U." KJ I U V- cone for the comfort and these POormarry a white girl with whom he had i nfortunates, and the hospital author Hies as well as the physicians de serve commendation for the great v ork in their interests. The physicians who administered to the relief of the negroes here were: Drs. F. M. Winchester, B. J. Witherspoon, Thos. H. Wright, C. S. McLaughlin, C. M. Strong and H. M. Wilder, the latter the very efficient surgeon of the Seaboard Air Line here. Every one of these well known I. hysicians did valiant service yester day and last night and their splen t id work is deserving of special mention. The Seaboard could not have possibly gotten together a more indent corps of physicians to attend to their wounded. POLICY HOLDERS MEET. Call issued to Policy Holders of Mu tual and New York Life. Special to The News. Raleigh, July 24. Insurance Com missioner Young issues a call for a conference of the policy holders in the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York and the New York Life Insurance Company, residing in North Carolina to be held in Raleigh Sept. 12, for con sidering a plan of action in the ensu ing election of directors, Dec. 18th. He says the propriety of selecting a committee to represent North Caroli na policy holders at the meeting in New York will be considered at the Raleigh meeting. JOE GANS GOT DECISION. Was Given- Decision Over Dave Hol ly in Twenty-Round Bout. Ey Associated Press. Seattle, Wn., July 24. Joe Gans was given the decision over Dave Holly at Pleasant Beach last night after an interesting battle that went the limit, twenty rounds. Holly Hnched repeatedly and used his Vv-eight to advantage. Gans had his pponent groggy in the last round, but could not put him down. Gans l ad absolutely no chance to show his science in clean fighting, but was jorred throughout to fight a battle at ivhich Holly is best. Ferdinand Von-Saar Dead. iy Associated Press. Vienna, July 24. Ferdinand Von Saar, author and member of the Up-!-' r House of the Austrian Keich t tarth, who shot himself yesterday, died.. . He suffered, from nervous pros tration. )'iii' !i:-.- "ii;.- ':' .' , jit Stork failed to-Light.;!' ' ; I i-iy Associated Press. ' ' The Hague, July 24. Queen Wil- hf'JTiiina was taken ill last night. Pre-, mature delivery followed, casting a gloom throughout the home. It is an nounced that the expectation of an "heir to the throne at this time is not realized. Great Loss From Fire. By Associated Press. : Marseilles, July 24 The extensive warehouse of the Franco-American Oil rotapany was burned. Six persons "were injured. The loss is heavy. Wow! 'Git Mtr "-em. H Tj'u.. icukAw u a- b - 'l-uuive a at H ) if ouJ oicxp cjosnc,1 Base BURGLARY IN DURHAM. Home of Mr. Allen Entered Saturday Night Farmers' Instiute. Special to The News. Durham, July 24. The home of Mr. J. W. Allen, engineer on the Seaboard passenger train was robbed Saturday night. A thief gained entrance to the house by breaking one of the blinds, then from the opposite side of the house he crossed the hall and entered the room where Mr. Allen was sleep ing, and rifling his pockets, he made his escape with a watch, a purse of money and valuable papers. Some of the papers were found several blocks from the home in the woods yesterday. Mr. Allen's honie is in the suburbs of the city. The Durham county farmers' insti tue will be held August 8th. and is expected to be in session several days. The organization is composed of two parts, one for women and the other for men; both will meet on the same date. The farmers are very enthusiastic over thp institution, and the business mat ters to come before the body will be very interesting. Mr. P. H. Massey has been announced speaker far the occasion. NEGRO AND WHITE GIRL Black Brute Now in Jail Who Would Have Married White Girl. By Associated Press. Louisville, Ky., July 24. Henry Clavter. the negro arrested yesterday n Chicago where he was. about to eloped from Irvington, Ky., was placed in the county jail here for safe keep ing. Word was received by the police here that a mob was forming at Irving ton to lynch Clayter. MASSACRE OF JEWS A Dispatch From Odessa tells ot Beginning of Anii-Jewish Out breaks. Number Killed and Injured. Work Commences. o Plunder By Associated Press. London, July 24 (Dispatch to Renter Telegraph Company' from Odessa.) The anti-Jewish outbreaks have commenced. A number of per sons are either killed or wounded. Cossacks and rqwdies are plunder ing the deserted Jewish houses and stops. On Srednaia street three Jews were killed and three wounded, in at tempt to defend their property, while the police looked on. Another bloody conflict is reported in Stepovai street. The whole city is in a state of panic. Many inhabi tants are fleeing. Blaek hundreds are distributing blood thirsty pro clamations in the streets. THREE COMPANIES CHARTERED. Charters Granted Three New Corpora tions Today. Special to The News. Raleigh, July 24 Charters were franted to three new corporations respectively at Tarboro, Burgaw -and Winston-Salem. They follow: The Tarboro Inde pendent Fire Insurance Agency (inc.) at a capital of $2,500 by J. W. Forbes, R. R .Peters and others; the Palmer-King Lumber Company of Burgaw, at a capital of $25,000 au thorized and ,$6,000 subscribed by R: palmer, W.'K. King and others, of New Bern, and to the Twin City Re alty Co, of Winston-Salem, at a capi tal, of $7,500 by A. G. Atkin and oth er;, all . colored. . . ,;, . Two Members Arrested. By Associated Press. '. .. Viborg, July 24. Members of the outlawed Russian Parliament received word that two of their number Father Doyarkoff, at Varonezh and Cossack Deputy M. Kharlamoff had been arrest- edFather Dayarkoff and Kharlamoff distinguished themselves by peaching revolution from the rostrum of Parlia ment, the latter being especially bitter ir his denunciation of the use of his people in massacreing the Russian brethren. : , . . - BEGINS IN RUSSIA i ii Utc( Ball Again. CHARGED WITH MURDER Ex-Sheriff Jones Charged WitPy Mur dering a Negro Drewery's Majority. Special to The News. Raleigh, July 24. A warrant has been sworn out against ex-Sheriff Ham Jones of this county charging him with the murder of a negro man in Wake Forest township. Mr Jones is expected home tomorrow to submit and have a preliminary trial. The shooting was on J.uly 3, and the negro died about a week ago. Jones will claim that the shooting was entirely accidental and it is claimed that a statement from the negro shot will be produced to the effect that he believed the shooting to be accidental. The warrant was sworn out before a masistrate in a remote part of the county and the details are not known here yet. Ham Jones is ,a man of high character. He is a repub lican'. With all the returns from theWake county Democratic primaries in except one precinct. in a remote part of the county the majority received by Jno. C. Drewry over Percy J. Olive for the state senate is 1,374. The ticket for. the lower house is Chas. U. Harris, Mil lard Mail and W. C. Douglass. J. H. Sears present sheriff is renominated by 483 votes more than his three op ponents received. DEADLY. EXPLOSION AT DURHAM. One Man Killed And Another Injured Gas Tank -Explodes. -Special to The News. Durham, July 24. This afternoon about 2:30 o'clock the gas in one of the large Standard Oil tanks ex ploded and killed one man and seri ously injured one. The man killed is Mr. Webb Hollo way,, who was on the top of the tank doing soi&e repair work. Mr. Hollo way whose' clothes were saturated with oil, caught fire and burned them entirely from his body and he also i as fearfully burned. He died in 8 bout twenty minutes after the ac cident. Another man that was on the tank was slightly injured. A negro who was on the inside was also badly burned and cannot live. The caue of le explosion is not known. THAW'S THREE VISITORS. Is Visited by His Mother, Sister and Wife His Wife Says She is Not Seeking Divorce. By Associated Press. New York, July 24. Harry . Thaw's mother, his sister, Mrs. Carnegie, and his wife paid another visit to the Tombs. The three women were to? gether some time before going to Thaw's cell.- In reply to the. ques tion whether sjhe will bef a witness t the trial, Harry's wife' said, "You will have to ask Mr. Hartridge about that." ; ; Asked if it is true that she is seek ing a divorce from him, Mrs. Thaw replied, "That story ' is perfectly ab surd. It is cruel, there is, absolutely r.othing to it." BOMBS WERE THROWN. Just at Noon Bombs Were Thrown Into Stores of Singer Sewing Ma chine Company. By Associated Press. Sosnowice, Russia, July, 24. Simul taneously at . noon yesterday bombs were thrown into four stores of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, lo cated here, at Bendzhi, at Zawierze and at CzenstocbaUi wrecking each of the shops and . wounding many per sons. The bomb throwers were agents of the Polish Socialistic party which had asked the qoihpany to contribute to i the S: revolutionary aicaste.f,, The agent refused and' was-; informed ' the sbPPs would be destroyed. . Eight perr sons: are injured here ; ... ; ;.3 . , -iBtifs. TTi : i'H rif i QUARANTINE REGULATIONS I : Goverhor Asked to Renulate Quaran tine Rules. By Associated Press: Richmond, Va., July 24. W. B. Livezy and A. C. Garrett of the New port News Chamber of Commerce called on the Governor in connection with quarintine regulations at the federal government station at Old Point. The State has the station at Newport News arid the shipping inter ests complain of double delay and seek to revise the regulations. "R TO ARBITRATION TREATY ADOPTER ; - r " - ! " Mr. Bryan s Amendment to Arbi tration Treaty Discussed by Council of Inter-Parliampntary Union and Adopted. What the Amendment Provides. Mr. Bryan Said if the Hand of War Could be Stayed Until . Conscience Was Awakened War Would Become Remote. A Step Toward Peace. By Associated Press. London, July 24. Mr. Bryan's pro- Dosed rider to the model arbitration treaty was discussed by the internat ional council of the Inter-Parliamen tary Union and being recast, as follows was adopted: "If a disagreement should arise which is not included in those to be submitted to arbitration the contract ing parties shall not resort to any act of hostilities before they separately or jointly invite, as the case may necessi tate, the formation of an international commission of inquiry or mediation of one or more friendly powers, this requisition to take place if necessary in accordance with article VIII of the Hague Convention providing for the peaceful settlement of International conflicts." Mr. Bryan said his amendment was aimed at widening the scope of arbi tration so as to include the questions of national honor, the: chances, being a hundred to one that the proposed investigation of facts would also settle any nuestion of national honor. If the hand ofi war. could be stayed until the conscience were awakened, wars would, become more remote.. The amendment 'therefore was a long step in the direction of peace. BODIES CONTINUES Work of Exhumirg Bodies From Collapsed Amsden Building Went on v't night. So Far Ten - Are Known to be Dead. - Num ber Missing. ,: : C By Associated Press. . J South Framingham, Mass., July 24. LTnder the light of arc lamps the work of exhuming bodies of. the vic tims of the collapsed Amsden build ing went on unceasingly throughout the night, but brought no increase to (he list of ten dead and four missing, accounting for- the 24 who were about the building when the support gave way and sent tons of cement, iron columns and steel beams crashing in a mahgled mass into the basement. STATISTICIANS MEET The 22nd Annual Convention of the Labor Bureaus Statisticians. By Associated Press. . Boston, July 24.-The labor bureau of statisticans headed by Charles P. Neill, chief of the Bureau of Labor statistics assembled for its 22nd annual convention. Governor Guild, in the ad dress of welcome, said: , - . - "Steady improvement in, communica tion and transportation is making, it more and more imperative that the legislation affecting industry should be uniform throughout the country. Healthy competition between New York and Georgia is impossible as long as textiles spun and woven by adults in the North are forced to compete with the textiles spun and woven by littlehildren in the South." YESTERDAY'S LIST OF THFJROWIIED In Chicago and vicinity Six Per sons Were Yesterday Drowned in Different Lakes and Rivers. , The Details of Each Case Given. '' By Associated Fress.- Chicago, July 24. Six lives consti tuted the total paid yesterday by Chicago and vicinity to lakes and rivers. Two boys were drowned hile ; swimming. One lost his ifte in an effort to get a water lily. A man fell from bridge while fish ing. , ' The fifth victim died from injuries suffered by striking a timber while driving. The sixth fell into the fiver while running to catch a hall in a baseball game. - ' WORK 0 EXHUMING labixkd'. jvU . vjiifc Infect?) J I - v 3f ujo uXJL riot onZul . ill V Hlo 8 rj 5s Button, I . vxkx. Cop'. 'Jd V ' i JlJ Fido's CHAOS REIGNS SUPREME Russian Empire in State of Great Pan demonium Much Bloodshed and Ruin. , - By Associated Press. St. Petersburg, July 24. The way has been prepared for a military dic tatorship by the proposition now under consideration at Peterhof to create an advisory council to assist the Emperor. . State of Pandemonium. All the"1 old beaucratic machinery of suppression has been placed in oper ation to prevent an explosion. Domi cilary searches continue in all quar ters of the capitol, prisons are already filling. 'An old, blind system of at tempting to conceaL from the people what is happening has been adopted. The censorship of the press has been re-established with vigor unknown since the days of the late Interior Minister, Von Plehve, accompanied by the wholesale confiscation of newspa pers. No word of the proceedings of the members of parliament at Viborg or of the address adopted has been per mitted to be published. Telegrams from the provinces, telling of the uni versal indignation aroused by dissolu tion and even those from abroad out lining public opinion in the foreign countries has been emasculated or sup pressed. '; The most serious immediate prob lem confronting the government is what to do with- the members of the outlawed parliament. Proclamations announcing that the death sentence will be imposed on the Emperor, Gen eral Trepoff, M. Pobiedonostseif, who was Procurator General of the Holy Synod; General Orloff, the "Pacifica tor" of the Baltic provinces, and oth ers have been scattered over part of Peterhoff. Territorists are " said to have succeeded in causing copies of the sentence put on the doors of Gen eral Orloff 's and General Trepoff 's quarters. .- . Demonstrations Averted. The bulk of the members of the outlawed Douma, who held a meeting at Viborg yesterday, and issued an address to the people, arrived from Viborg. A popular demonstration was prevented but the members were r.ot arrested. A SEARCHING INVESTIGATION Members of the Corporation Commis sion Return to Raleigh.' Special The News. Hamlet, July 24. The : members of the Corporation Commission .visited the scene of the wreck on the Seadoard Air Line yesterday afternoon and this morning and left Hamlet this noon for Raleigh. - , y Before leaving here the members of the commission gave out nothing as to their forthcoming report regarding the wreck or the cause thereof. It is known that the investigation by the Commission will be searching and that every detail incident to the ter rible catastrophe will be gone into at length. ' Most all of the wreckage has been cleared away and the track is no long er blocked. The dead bodies are being shipped from Rockingham to the different homes. ' Have Not Reached Raleigh Raleigh, July 24. Members of the Corporation Commission are not ex pected back from the scene of the wreck until tomorrow morning. , l ney will spend today in investigating, fur ther the cause of the wreck-They were expected at 11:45 o'clock today - but they did not come. TO TRANSPORT LABORERS. Fillippino Laborers to be Trans ported to Kawaii Plantations. By Associated Press ' . Manalia, July 24. The Phillippine Commission has adopted -a resolution fovnrino-'thw fiphPTrifi of - the Hawaiian Planters' Association I;! to - transport Fillippino , laborers ' !aid theirrami lies to Hawaii to work in sugar plan- Directors Resign. By Associated Press. Mpw York. Jmlv 24 At the meet ing of the board of directors of the Norfolk and western w. ti. oamra, director of the Pennsylvania Railroad and John B. Thayer, vice-presiuent, of that company, resigned as direc tors. Henry C. Frick and L. C. Weir were elected to fill the vacancies. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. DuC ley, a daughter. . . " -- I . r .f nn i i I 'I 'not aXxsi.L iru. Citl of Ch&iZaffz j j Soliloquy. HEAVY STORM. Anson County Visited By Heavy Storm Wadesboro People In Wreck. - Special to The News. Wadesboro, July 24. Gertrude Al len and Walter Boggan, colored, of this place were victims in the late railroad disaster between Hamlet and Rocking ham. - A storm of almost cyclonic force, passed over Gulledge township yester day. Great damage to the growing crops is reported by a party who came home after the storm. Mr. Charles Tyson, son of Samuel Tyson, of Ansonville township died of typhoid fever Saturday night. A young man of great promise has pass ed away. Through the generousity of our cit izens, the loss of Miss Mary Fannie Gaddy, sustained by the fire of Friday night, has been made good. The "Farmers' Institute, for women, will be organized in this place next Monday. Rains continue in this section. Every day last week and up to the present writing, rains have visited this sec tion. The year will go down into his tory as one of the wet years. COUPLE SUICIDED Because of Quarrel Young Man and His Sweetheart Suicide. By Associated Press. Marion, Ohio,. July 24. Ov G. John ston, aged 24, was found - dead. Ten days ago Johnston quarrelled with his sweetheart, Cora White, as the re sult of which the girl committed sui cide, by taking carbolic acid. Johnston also took carbolic acid, and to make sure turned on the gas. . V HEAR STATESVILLE John Feimster, a Negro, Holds Up Mr. Cicero- Fulp at the Point of a - Pistol. Took His Money; Watch and Coat. Was Later Captured. Special to The News. - t Statesville, July 24. A highway rob bery by John Feimster, colored, caus ed some excitement in the Loray neighborhood Sunday afternoon. Mr. . Cicero" Fulp was on his way home from Concord dhurch, and was walking peacefully along the railroad track when John Feimster met him, and covering him with a pistol, de manded that he give up all the money he had. Mr. Fulp thereupon gave him all he had, fifteen cents, but the negro took Mr. Fulp's watch out of his pock et and the coat he had on and passed on. Mr. Fulp gave the alram t6 the neighbors and with shot guns the sur rounded Feimster in .a swamp nearby and captured him. Feimster had caused considerable uneasiness before he held up Mr. Fulp. He went to Mr. Fulp's home and fright ened Mars. Fulp by-shooting at chick ens and dogs. He was drunk and did no damage to the chickens, but his drunken condition made him the more dangerous. After leaving Mr. Fulp's house he met some children in the road and drew his gun on them. They ran. He had shot out all his amunition and the pistol was empty when he covered Mr. Fulp, but Mr. Fulp didn't happen to know it. The Feimster negro is a' bad man and dangerous. Some time .ago he went into a fight at Logan colored church near Loray, arid came out with his head badly beaten. He was brought here for treatment and finally rece-v-' ered, though the physicians thought then there was no hope for him.' He afterwards got into trouble here and it is said "went to Texas. He had not been seen in thte vicinity for some time until Sunday. ' When arrested he had on his person l razor, a pistol, a banjo, two knives a bottle of whiskey, two small flower vases and a pin tray, which it Ms thought he had stolen from some one's house. Mr. Fulp recovered his fifteen cents and knife. John is in jail here and when court meets next Week he wiir probably find a number of charges against him, all of which wiir keep Tiim on the roads or in the penitentiary for some time. HIGHWAY SEVER KILLED AIIO NUMBER INJURED RAILWAY WRECK Seven Lives Were Ust, Seven Seriously Injured and Score or More Injured In Wreck of Fast Train on Great Northern Rail way. Locomotive on Emergirg tFrom Tunnel Plunged Over Embank ment Into Waters of Diamond Lake. Still Far Under Water. Cause of Wreck. By Associated Press. Spokane, Wash., July 24. At least seven lives were lost, seven serious ly injured and a score of others sus tained cuts and bruises in the wreck of v the fast mail train on the Great N6rthern, near Camden, Washington, yesterday afternoon when the loco motive, mail, baggage and smoking cars left the rails on emerging from the tunnnel and plunging over the embankment were submerged in the waters of Diamond Lake. Spreading rails, probably, caused by sun kinks is given as the cause. Engineer Munson and . Fireman Bell evidently stuck to their posts, and it is believed, too, that the locomotive is in from one to three hundred feet of water. Two divers made a half dozen at tempts , to find the locomotive but were not successful. A FOUR HANDED RUCUS. Two Negro Men Throw Rocks While Their Sisters Have a Little Battle Too. A rather complicated relationship fight was up for hearing before 'Squire Severs today in which two negro men, living near" Arlington, in Paw Creek- township, threw rocks at each other while their sisters in a more feminine manner, tried to have a lit tle scrap of their own. The cases were entitled, the State vs. Fannie Ramseur . for assaulting Lula Powell, and, the State vs. Sam Ramseur, for assaulting James Pow ell with rocks. The court after a thorough investi gation of the matter decided that in the incipient - scrap between the wo men, nobody was guilty of an assault, and , no damage was done. The de fendant was dismissed. In the case against Sam Ramseur, hower, it appeared that he had used dangerous weapons in the shape of rocks to pursue his enemy, and he was charged up with the costs in the case, amounting to several dollars. The Ramseurs wereT the aggressors and the Powells the object of their aggression in each case, It being one of those complicated family affairs that courts experience most trouble in unravelling clearly. The participants after settling with the court were admonished to go their ways and sin no more. DEATH OF MR. JOHN L. POPE. Passed Away This Morning at His Home Near Croft Funeral Tomor row. Mr. John L. Pope, one of the oldest residents of Mecklenburg county, died at his home near Croft this morning at 4:30 o'clock after an illness of sev eral months. The. funeral ' services will be held at the Presbyterian church" at Hunters- ville tomorrow afternoon.- The inter ment will be in the church yard. Mr. Pope had been in declining health for the past two years and for the last three months he had been critically ill, death ; being expected at any moment. He was 78 years, old and had been a resident of. Mecklen burg county all his life. He is surviv ed by a wife and . the following chil dren: Messrs. W. L. Pope", ' Robert Pope, John Pope, D. K. Pope, Neal Pope, Frank Pope; Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. MeConnell, all of Charlotee and Mecklenburg county, and Miss Maggie Pope and Mrs. Hays, who reside In Texas. TO PUNISH THE PULIJANES. Governor Ide Sanctions Punishment of y the Pulijanes.- By Associated Press. , Manila, July 24. Governor Ide has requested the military aid to punish the Pulijanes in the province of Leyte. Battalions of the Fourth and Eighth Infantry have been sent to the assist ance of the constabulary. , Root, Honorary President. By. Associated Press. ; Rio-De 'JaneriOv Joiyj 24i-rThe Inter national American , Conference ; has elected Secretary -Roetrhonorary Presi dent. iThej eDneesSce -'reconvenes July 26. -i-n'i ' Mr. Ed. McDonald Here. Mr. Ed. McDonald, of New York, ha3 arrived in the city to spend his vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, on North McDowell street. Mr.. McDonald is connected with one of the Y. M. C. A.'s in New, York. . He will be here a week or ten days. Miss Harriet Orr entertained this evening at her home on West Seventh street. . .k

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