v ' . . 1 ...... , ' ' ' THE ONLY -EVENING. ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER IN CHARLOTTE. 't ' f ' " yPLXXXV-NQ- 6382 " T ' CHARLOTTE, N. CM TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 3 1 , 1906 PRICE: 5CENTS ' - - ' "' - - ' VICTIMS OF FIERCE BATTLE 600 IIP TO N Mutiny Broke Out Last Night in Fortress of Sveaborg, Finland, Artillerymen Join Mutineers. AfHIiery Turned Guns on Loyal ;ps with Great Havoc. ;rocj Th? Dead and Injuredwere Taken to Helsirgfors. Fight Con tinues. Over 600 Killed or Wounded. Warships Bombard Fortress.. By Associated Press. Stockholm, July 31. It is reported that mutiny broke out at midnight in the fortress of Sveaborg, Finland. The officers, families and , wounded tie said to have been sent to Hel dngfors. " 1 NUMBERED 0CrcJl H, nc JBT . ' , lEHt if the artillerymen joined the Sveaborg for the jackon Lumber Co. at Lock mutineers, but the infantry remained j hart, Ala., oft the charge of peonage, loyal. Artillery trained their guns on the loyal troops, 500 of whom were killed or wounded. It is stated that a large-part of the Sveaborg fortress are in the hands of mutineers. An outbreak also oc curred at Skatudden. The officers there were made prisoners and the toldiers elected their leaders. xOne officer was killed. The Russian tor pedo destroyer Finn is bombarding the barracks and mutineers. London, July 31. A dispatch from Helsingfors. Finland, says a portion of the garrison of Sveaborg, Finland, muainied last night and that, a long and sanguinary struggle took place between the mutineers and loyal troops, in which the former are said to have been victorious. The muti neers are now in possession of the fortress. London, July 31. A later dispatch from Helsingfors says fierce fighting continues at Sveaborg. Up to mid day over 600 men were killed or wounded. Warships are now bombarding the lortress and the inhabitants , of nel Eingfors are in a state of panic. Latest Report. - . . A serious mutiny has broken out in the great island fortress of Sveaborg, which defends the sea approaches' to Helsingfors. : . -. Since . 10 last night there has been heavy cannonading at the fortress in terspersed with volleys, of rifle shoot ing. The sound of cheering among the soldiers is distinctly audible in Hel infors indicating that fighting was in progress during the whole night be tween the mutineers and the loyal troops, it is impossible to reach the fortress, but it is said several hundred are deod and wounded. The cause of the mutiny is said to have been the death of a soldier in the battalion of Sappos and Miners. His comrades claim it was due to ill treat ment. The rose and -were joined by the artillerymen. Together they out numbered the loyal infantry troops who were supported by their officers. The infantry from the Skatudden bar racks, which stands on the seafront in Helsingfors were immediately ordered out. Two torpedo boats lying at an chorage off the city opened with rapid fire guns against the barracks,: shoot ing over the heads of the people, gath ered up the sea front and causing a tremendous panic. The greatest excitement prevailed, but the Socialistic workmen and Red Guard of Helsingfors were all highly elated over the outbreak. They threat ened to take advantage of the situation and proclaim a general strik: for the purpose of tying up the rairoads. At the latest report the fortress at Svea borg was completely in the hands of the mutineers. NEGRO WILL PROBABLY HANG. Negro Who Assaulted Girl Brought Up for Trial Strong Feeling Against Him Gallows Already Built. By Associated Press. i May field, Ky., July 31. The . May field company of the militia under arms and Hopkinsville command is coming to assist in protecting Allen Mathis, the negro arrested for. as saulting Ethel McLane, who has been the Louisville jail for safe keep ing. ...... r The negro will arrive here this evening. Excitement grows and busi ness i3 practically suspended. .It is feared there will be trouble tonight jf the negro is. not taken off the train lefore he reaches . Mayfield. The trial begins tomorrow. It is expest ffl to be over in one hour. The gal lows for the execution was erected resterady and it is believed Mathis "ill be taken directly frotn the court room to the scaffold. Battleships Collide. By Associated Press. Newport, July 31. A' collision be- lween the battleships Alabama and 'Mnois occurrpH last, nifirht in a thick foS, while the squadron was making fortius harrr. It is reported that neither ship was injured -below the ater line, although the exact dam ase is not stated. HARTJE CASE WILL CONTINUE. ' " -' " . T Week or More Some Sensational! . V' : ' X .rr- "az Hartje ca. -'Was resumed it-was re- . . 'r -2& : VT '4 nn warded as forgone conclusion that V 'J'tJ ' s . V V- V ' r fj the proceeduV would exteAd into ( V P"J,V Y ' I A Mv wf UUIl next week an possibly thd week ' L - r-fA v (I MWSZ W'L-CT garded as tne proceedu would extend into next week an oossibly thd week following. Detect Munsey was recalled by the piiffs counsel but Judge Frazer refus ' to admt- the testimony, saying he .vould not al low them to reinforce their caSe by introducing direct evidence. Serr geant Hanloy, of the Oakland pfplice Station, told of Madine reporting? the lobbery cf his trunk. Augustus Hartje, formally defied on the witness stand all allegations against him about offering Madine $5,000 to tell that a certain man yas at the Hartje home alone with Mrs. Hartje, that he visited a resort Am Second avenue and that he had taken a blonde woman home with hi Hartje admitted owning the propert cn Second avenue, cut said he 'di not know of the character of tenants vntil last week when he heard of them in court. The witness also denied offering Madine $2,500 to kill a man. 40 LASHES ADMINISTERED Trial of Wood ar.d Porter Continued Lyman Swore he Received 40 Lashes With Rawhide. By Associated Press. Pensacola July 31. The preliminary trial of Robert Gallagher Wood super intfindpnt siirt T Pnrtpr hnnltkppncr which began yesterday, continued be fore United States Commissioner Marsh. Harry Lyman, of New York, made an ; oath that Ihe had been : given 20 lashes with ravirhide for attempting to get away after jhaving been run down witn Diooanountis, ana an additional 20 because he Hvould not plead for uiercy. BE LIEUT, il II ALA, For the First Tim Since Recon struction Days a .Negro To-day . Announced HfmseVf as Candida ate for 'Lieutenants Governor of Alabama. Subject to Primary. By Associated Press. Birmingham, Ala., July 31. Ad wimbs of Greensboro, AlalAama, one of the well known nesroes ox Alabama, w ho was a delegate to the Rist Nation al Republican Convention Ims address ed a letter to Chairman . Thomson of the Republican State Committee an nouncing his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor, at the approaching primary. SULLIVAN MUST RESIGN. Refuses to Take Mr. Bryan's dvice and- Resign rriittee. From National 0om- By Associated Press. m Chicago, July 31. Jitdge Ow3n 'inompson of -Jacksonville, 111., a"a nounced , this afternoon that in ;a letter dated July: 17, AVilliam J. Bry an requested Judge Thompson to call unon Roger Sullivan with a message V from Bryan requesting that Sullivan fi in the interest of harmony at ence v lesign as the national committeeman! saw Sullivan and delivered Mr. Bry an s message. Sullivan declined to resign.". Thompson thereupon made public a letter from Bryan -declaring that the National Comm.-.eeman Sullivan holds office by fraud and that it is impossible for honest Dem ocrats to associate with Sullivan as a member of the national committee- NAT. DEMOCRATIC CLUB. Will Probably be the New Name of ' the Democratic Club. By Associated Press. New York, July 31. The Democratic club mads an application before Jus tice McLean's court for an order enti tling it to change its name to the Na tional Democratic Club. It is the pur pose of the club petition set forth to admit the future members residing in all States of the country and ex tend - operations to all parts of the United - States. The court " announced its. intention of granting the applica tion. - 't ..; . CORNER STONE LAID Oorner Stone of New Senate Office , Building ' Laid Today. By 'Associated Press. - Washinsrton. July. The cornerstone or the new Senate office building fronting on Capital Plaza was laid at noon. The exercises were entirely in formal and were in striking contrast to those when the cornerstonefor the WniisA.hnildins was laid in the spring, upon which occasion the Musonic order had charge of the ceremonies and td-,-,tA T?nrvspvfilt delivered the X ICOiUUlU' j.Vwv "Muck rake" speecjh. r.hif Orr Much Better. ti,0 r-nnrfition ofUhe Chief of the Fire Departments vA S. Orr, is very much improved todaV- His tempera ture is normal and akl hi symptoms ooiiv o-nnd Mr. one - who has passed ...through :: whati he has His win b elad to lVnow of his im- m Can WOULD proved condition. ' t- t 4y Uncle TWO MEN KILLED After shooting his Countryman the Murderer was Stabbed Himself and Killed. By Associated Press. v .New York, July 31. Vengeance for the murder he had committed was visited upon an Italian, named Saiva tore Siammonco after he had shot and mortally s wounded his countryman Salvatorej Carcdone on South Street, near Fultcn market. Hardly a minute after the shooting Siammonco was stabbed in the heart and instantly killed by Guisseppe Tocco. All three were peddlers who were buying fish at the market, and engaged in an altercation. DAMAGE OF $3,500 Was Awarded the Norfolk and Western . Railroad. By Associated Press. Norfolk, Va. July 31. Commission ers appointed by-the Norfolk :j county circuit1 court have awarded tne Nor folk "and Western 3,500 damages by reason of the Tidewater Railway er6ss ing formerly at the grade crossing for the entrance to -Norfolk. The Nor folk and Western claimed $265,000 and the Tidewater offered $2,200. BIG NEGRO MEETING. Several Thousand Delegates are Pres-' ent t Nearo Congress. By Associated Press. : . -: Washington, July .-31. The Negro Young People's Christian and Educa tional Congress began a five days' ses sion, the delegates numbering several thousand, are most from the Southern States. v . Physical director C. O. Sebring of the Y. M. C. A. has just returned from his vacation spent largely in Pennsyl vania. : The gymnasium .. classes for the winter will not be opened before some time in October. Ann am Briggs, .15 Year Old Vloy, had his Head Caught in Machine and mangiea norrmiy. Is Still Unconscious. Skull waV Fractured. SpecialUo The News. Union S. C. July 31. A special from . Jovesville today says William Briggs, ,a;ed 15 had his head caught in a carding machine at the yarn mill, of -the Jonesville Manufactur ing Co. hdre this morning ' about i) o'clock - and., is now in a desperate condition. : His skull was . fractured, his scalp broken in several places, and his body bruised,; though he was not taken off his feet,,-- ;How. his head got caught in the machine which is worked by pulleys cr -.how long he had been -there is not known, for when discovered he was unconscious and still remains : so. But slight hopes are entertained for his recovery. About two years ago - young. Br.iggs had a brother killed in the Pacolet Mills by, being caught in the shafting and dashed to oeath. - . ' . Loss by Fire $175,000 By Associated Press. ' ' .. Buffalo, July 31. The 'box factory of . the , Montgomery Brothers, Pierce Automobile Company and smaller con cerns were damaged $175,000 by fire. .Fred Obrien the night watchman is missing. " : Policy-Holders Meet. By Associated Press. -:; New Yprk, July . 31. The executive council of the International Policy holders committee met tq consider :the names : to ,.be placed . upon . the policyr holders ticket for trustees of the 'Mu tual and New, York Life. HEAD CAUGHT IK C 0 H DING MACHINE iMiMi'X. ' 1 ACCIDENT TO MR. CANNON. Sam "Au Revoir! Good Luck to You." NEW COMPANIES CHARTERED. Several Large Companies Were To Day Chartered by Secretary of the State. Special to The News. Raleigh, July 31. The French Broad Quarry ' and Building Material Co. of Asheviilw.. was eaarTered to day, J. M. Gudger, Judge J. C. Pritchard, being the principal incor porators, with an authorized capital of $10,000, subscribed $1,800. Other charters were the Century Development Co. of Salisbury, for de veloping real estate. J. F. Murdock, C. M. Bell, being the principal in corporators; the H. Susman Co. of Washington, N. C, at a $50,000 capi tal, for a general mercantile business, the principal incorporators being H. busman and C. E. . Harding; the Lotus Club, of Williamston, without a cap ital, to maintain library club apart loents, Dennis S. Biggs, being presi-l In order to do this the firm of As , dent, S. A. ; Newel!' secretary-treas-j lury & Finger have been given an i;rer; also the Benefield Furniture Co. amends its charter so as to au thorize the issuance of $5,000 prefer red stock. J. - L. Spencer is presi- Governor Swansbn tihdAdjuta' General Anderson of .Virginia have written J. A. Spence, merchant here and manager Wright of the Union News Stand at the Raleigh Union sta tion that steps will be taken at once to remunerate them for the large quantities of fruits and other edibles that were taken from their places of business last Friday by the Virginia troops while the train, that was ;con veying them .to Chicamauga was in the Union depot, the men having, it is alleged; helped themselves to large quantities of . fruits, sandwiches : and Other articles on display without offer ing to pay for them. Col. Vaughn of the 71st. Regiment, has been directed by the Governor and Adjutant General of Virginia to make a thorough inves tigation and report to them as soon as this is done. The two Raleigh mer chants will be compensated for their losses. .. . Fire broke out about nine o'clock last night in the clothing and gentle men's furnishings store of. of Lee & Broughton on Fayetteville street and did about $10,000 damage before it was extinguished. The origin, is thought ta have been rats and , matches in a pile of trash paper, in the rear of the store. . The stock was' valued at- $14, 000 and about $9,000 insurance . was carried, part of it being in the' North Carolina" Home and. Atlantic Insurance copanies of Raleigh. It . was pretty well distributed among the leading companies of the . country. E.-H. : Lee, of the firm, is a member of the board of aldermen. , Governor Glenn, Col. A. H. Arring ton, : private secretary, left, yesterday morning for Morehead to attend the encampment of the Second North Car olina National Guard in progress there. Governor Glenn will review the troops while there. ill DENIES REPORTS She States Most Emphatically that she and Harry's Moiher are on A.he Best' of Terms and Have had no Disagreement What ever,' ' .S I. ' ' " By Associated Press. New York, . July 31. "I wish you would deny the stories sent out about the falling out between Harry's moth er and myself," said . Mrs. Harry . Thaw. when she visited the Tombs to see her husband today. - . "If. is an infamous lie," she .con tinued. .. "We. . are : i .best of friends, both working for -Harry's best inter est,. .. - , . "Mrs. Thaw was " asked . about the report that Harry Thaw and his mother had disagreed over the meth od of conducting . his defense.. . "You , may. p deny that too, -if you want tor replied v Mrs. . Thaw. It isn't true.. . As far. as I know they are getting along famously." MRS A THAW A HUMAN DERRICK. Being Made, to Suspend Wreck Patient in Mid Air. . Strange as it may sound, a derrick is being manufactured by a Char lotte firm for the purpose of raising a woman from a cot in the Good Samaritan Hospital. Lizzie Bowman, one of the injured in the Seaboard wreck near Hamlet s-everal days ago, weighs 360 pounds. She was fearfully mangled and at one time her lite was despaired of. Splendid medical attention and good nursing have about brought, the wo man through the critical period. She, however, suffers greatly from wounds on the back and the physi-c-ans now find it necessary .to sus pend her in mid air, in order that the wounds may be properly dresed. oruer to construct a derrick that will be used in raising the woman when ;he nurses wish to dress her wounds. D"r. Wilder in ..informing , the re porter this moraine of this human sary that such an apparatus be mace. He has superintended . the : construe fon of this novel medical device. OHIO POLITICAL SITUATION. Is Discussed by President and Senator Dick and. Secretary Dover. By Associated Press Oyster Bay, July 31. Senator Dick, of Ohio, and Secretary Dover of the Republican National Committee had a two hours conference with the Pres ident on the Ohio political situation. Will to Be Contested. By Associated Press. Troy, N. Y., July 31. James H, Sage, nephew of the late Russell Sage declar ed that the will of the late millionaire will be contested. ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller Reach ed Cleveland To-day and were Driven to Country Home. Talks of America and the Reforms Needed. By Associated Press. . .Cleveland, July 31. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller reached Cleveland early this morning and were driven di rectly to Forest Hill, their suburban home. ' Mr. Rockefeller skid:. , "I hope . the . time will come . when some of the people will know others of the, people. better. . .. :.-,, "Y ou : newspaper . men can do much toward making, some of u& better ac quainted with others. - You. can tell TFeTlo do"SS? . He said that he was glad to get home again....... r t -i---.- . . . ..-. . "Ifyou don't think it is pleasure to be , here go to another . country for a time. Our own - country ; . is best, though we can . still make great im provements here." , - Is Out 75 Dollars. Mr. L. Ashe, whose-loss of a large valise on No;.29, to: CkAumbia, is men tioned elsewhere in -Tie News, arrly rived in Charlotte this afternoon and at once instituted search for the . re mainder of the missing property which he says.amounts to at least. $75 includ ing a 1,000-milage book of the South ern. It is believed that the thief of the grip is now in the city-, .-Miss .Mamie. Lucas, who has been confined . to her. room. on, account of a very bad sprained .ankle which she re ceived several days ago,, is improving some. . It will be. some, time, before, she will be able tQ Tout again. Her many friends wish her k , speedy recovery. ROCKEFELLER NOW AT COUNTRY NOME Skull Fractured in ' Automobile Acci dent Last Night at Concord. . Special to The News. Concord, July 31. Mr. Eugene Can non, son of Mr. J. W. cannon, or this citywas dangerously if no? rattally injured here last night about 10:30 o'clock. Young Cannon left his home for the station in his touring car to meet his mother and father who were expectea home from Flat Rock. When he reach ed the station he learned , that the train on which his parents were ex pected was late and he decided to take a spin. . ' ' At the station, night Ticket Agent Edward Lady got aboard the car and he and Mr.Conndn passedswiftly out the road in rear of the station. About 200 yards from the station . there is a bridge that spans Buffalo creek. . , Just as Mr. Cannon guided the machine to wards the bridge the swift moving au tomobile struck the edge of the struc ture with fearful force; smashing it to pieces. Nothing was known of the accident until Mr.. Lady managed to crawl a distance; of 175 feet . to the station where he informed some persons there of the trouble. When the automobile was reached Mr. Cannon was found lying to the front of the machine with his head down beneath particles of the broken and twisted automobile. He was un conscious and was removed ' to his home as . quickly as possible. Physi cians were hastily summoned. On ex amination it was found that he had sustained a fracture of the skull, the wound being on the rfght side, just behind the ear. . The young man has been in a.emi conscious condition all day. At three o'clock this afternoon the attending physicians say that the young man is getting along as well as could be ex pected under the circumstances. Mr. J. W. Cannon, his father,, arrived this afternoon on No. 36 which was several hours late. Mrs. Cannon .will arrive home on No. 12 this evening. Both were at Flat Rock when the acci dent occurred. fiSURANCE MEN ARETO MEET HERE The North Carolina Fire Under writer's Association will Hold it's Annual Session in Char- loite August 23, Many are Ex pected to Attend. The North Carolina Fire Under writers' Association will" hold their annual convention this year in Char lotte. This . convention is one of the strongest organizations of fire insur ance underwriters in the South, and is doing a great amount of excellent work in this State. The association will meet here on August 23 andfwill transact the usual routine business of the annual meet ings together with a special program of addreses and talks that will be ot great moment to the fire insurance people generally. The invitation to the underwriters to hold their convention this year in Charlotte was extended through Mr. Thos. Griffith and Mr. C. N. G. Butt, and in a letter to the former today, from Mr. Francis Womack, president of the State organization, Mr. Wo mack says in part: . "Since receiving your courteous let ter of the . 24th inst., inviting the North Carolina Fire Underwriters' Association to meet in your city on August 23, I have taken the, matter up. with the executive committee, ana now beg to advise you that we have accepted your kind invitation w , much pleasure. I will issue the call at. once and hope that we can get out a good attendance." . "I will be very glad to extend an invitation to the special agents to sit with us, and I will authorize you gentlemen so to advise, the special agents." This . association is composed of the fire insurance representatives of North Carolina, and is one of the strong crganizations of this State.. - Their coming to . Charlotte will be a source of benefit to the city, at large, and also to the local , insurance men who hope .to secure many new ideas from the meeting, as will all of those who attend the 1306 conven tion. . The original date set for the con vention was August 16, .but. at the suggestion of the gentlemen who ex tended the invitation from this city, the date has been changed to Thurs day, August 23, as above stated. Death of Mrs. Shiver. ; The death of Mrs. Mary Witherspoon Shiver occurred . last Sunday, morning in Nashville. Tenn. where she had been for some time in a hospital for treatment. Mrs, Shiver, who spent her. girlhood days in Charlotte,, is re membered as an unusually handsome and attractive young woman. During last May she came to Charlotte on a visit and. became quite ill while here. She was removed to the Presbyterian Hospital, and later recovered sufficient ly, to return to her home in Abbeville, Sw C. Recently sh went to a Nashville hospital, that she might be near her sister Mrs.. Calgy, of Gallatin, Tenn, Death resulted from heart failure after a severe operation . r. . Mrs. Stephen R. Harris and .little son, Iverson Lee Harris, of. Savannah, Ga., are visiting Mrs. James Harrison at her home on North Brevard street. . ROOSEVELT SAYS HE EXPECTS CATHQTIE PRESIDENTS IHlu President Roosevelt Sends Pope at Rome his Most Profound Re gards. Tells Him he has Al ways Tried to Treat Catholics as Protestants. Cites his Appointments as proofs. Says he Expects to See Catho lic Presidents in this Republic as well as Protestants. The Pope's Tribute. By Associated Press. Rome, July 31. The Pope received the Pilgrimages conducted by Bishop Gabriel of Ogdensburg, N. Y. Bishop Gabriels quoted President Roosevelt as saying to him on learning that the Bishop was to conduct a pilgrimage to Rome: "Tell the Pope I send him my pro found regards. I have tried to treat Protestants and Catholics alike, as my latest appointments show. I will try to perpetuate this policy. "This republic will stand for many a century. I expect there will be Catholic Presidents as well aa Protes tant. I trust they all will treat each other as I have tried to do." The Fope thanked the Bishop most warmly, expressed great love for the United States and the very highest esteem for President Roosevelt. FIERCE WAR WAGES War Between Armenians, Tartars and Russians Assume Serious Propor tions. By. Associated Press. St. Petersburg, July 31. A fierce war is raging in Caucassus between the Armenians, Tartars and Russians, especially near the Persian Frontier is assuming threatening dimentions. There is considerable apprehension that it may cause an outbreak of the Holy. war. for which serious agitation heve been in progress both among the Shiite, and Sunnite Tartars for a longtime. FAREWELL TOKENS RECEIVED. Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Blain Will Return To China in August. Postals cards, on which is printed an appropriate farewell message to their friends, have been received here from Mr. J. Mercer Blain and his wife, Mrs. Claude Grier Blain, the latter being a sister of Mrs. C. N. G. Butt of this city, and having many friends here. On the card is the following: "Ourresting time is over. After a year of delightful fellowship with those near and dear to us, with friends old and new, the time has come to say good bye the sweet old English mean ing, God be with you, and the Chinese, til we meet again. Mr. and Mrs. Blain expect to leave Covesville, va., on the 3rd of August, and sail from Vancouver, B. C, on August 13th. A DOUBLE TRAGEDY. Husltend Sot arid Killed His Wife ' Then Suicided. By Associated Press. Greenville, O., July 31. As a re sult of the divorce suit growing out of the quarrels over the wife's children'by former marriage, Samuel Demond, aged 37, shot and killed his wife, aged 35, then shot himself with the same revolver, dying soon after wards. Rev. Morrison Brown Installed. Charlotte people will be interested in the following paragraph from the Central Presbyterian of July 25th. "The Presbytery of New Orleans met at Prptania Street church. New Orleans. The commission appointed to install Rev. Morrison Brown as pastor of Calvary church, Jeanerette, La., sub mitted its minutes, showing the duty attended to as provided for by the Pres bytery, Rev. Dr. W. McF. Alexander preaching the sermon and presiding; Rev. J. C. Barr, delivering the charge to the pastor and Rev. Dr. C. M. At kinson, delivering the charge to the people." Mrs. McDow Very III. , Mrs. B. D. prings left this. mprnfngy' for Yorkville, S. ,C in answer ta'MMI."' gram announcing .the serious illness , jt i- j ' mi J -a" J ? I tV ' ' mere oi ner , sister, ,virH'. ;j.noraas r . ( McDow, who,waa Miss Mary, Clrkson''1 . before, marriage,, Mrs. McDowV'fias" '' been In poor health for some months. Her many Charlotte friends hope thaj she will soon recover. General Strike Reported. By Associated Press. Stockholm, July 31.-The Socialis tic workmen of Finland are reported to have proclaimed a general strike. The regular meeting of the Crit tenton Board and Circle will be held at Tryon Street Methodist church j.t 10 o'clock Thursday morning. v o-

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