2 I m m m M M A A A f Habit-forming Medicines. ! I fj I U I K MM L" A h IIHLIILUI II1U unut Whatever may be the fact as to many of the so-called patent meuicinus uyu tiinincr inlnrious inirredients as broadly published in some journals of more or less influence, this pubiioity nas ceriaimv been of great benefit in arousing needed attention to this subject, It has, in a , nnskirr.i,hlft mRasuro. resulted in the most intelligent people avoiding such foods and medicines as may be fairly sus pected of, containing the injurious ingre dients complained or. uecognizing vnis fact some time ago, Dr. Pierce, or iiunaio, N. Y., "took time by tho forelock," as it were, and published broadcast all tho inn-rndipnfs of which hfs TODular medi cines are composed. Thus he has com pletely forestalled all harping critics and all opposition that might otherwise be urged against his medicines, because they are now of known composition. Fur- ' thermore, from the formula printed on every bottle wrapper, it will be seen that these medicines contain no alcohol or other habit-forming drugs. Neither do they contain any narcotics or injurious agents, their ingredients being purely vegetable, extracted from the roots of medicinal plants found growing in the depths of our American forests and of well recognized curative virtues. Instead of alcohol, which even in small portions long continued, as in obstinate cases of diseases, becomes highly objec tionable from its tendency to produce a craving for stimulants, Dr. Pierce em ploys chemically pure, triple - refined glycerine, which of itself is a valuable remedy in many cases of chronic diseases, being a superior demulcent, antiseptic, antiferment and supporting nutritive. It enhances the curative action of the Goldftn Seal root. Stone root, Black Cherrybark and Bloodroot, contained in "Golden Medical Discovery." in all bron chial, throat and lung affections attended with severe coughs. As will be seen from the writings of the eminent Drs. Grover Coe, of 2feW York; Bartholow, of Jeffer son Medical College. Phila.; Scudder, of Cincinnati ; Ellingwood. of Chicago ; Hale, of Chicago, and others, who stand as leaders in their several schools of practice, the foregoing agents are the verj hest ingredients that Dr. Pierce ... could have chosen to make up his fa- '1 mous "Discovery" for the cure of not only bronchial, throat and lung affec tions, but also of chronic catarrh in all Its various forms wherever located. Mr. Spoon Gets His Money. Mr. E. M. Spoon, who was injured e. year ago . by an engine near the Southern cotton oil mill, has re ceived from the Southern Railway ,; Company a check for $2,010, the amount given him by the courts in the suit which he brought against the company shortly after the acci oent. The money was received through Mr. Spoon's attorney, Col. T. L. Kirpatrick. nits J AND MANTLES WILMINGTON COURT REPORTORIaL stuff SUCCEEDS STRIKERS Special to The News. Durham, August 23. The strike at tho nffioA of t.hfi Durham Dailv Sun con- tournament under the auspices of the tinues to prevail, and it Is evident Wilmington Gun Cluo was opened that the strikers, who are non-union yesterday In addition to tne warning-1 are tnrown out oi meir posmuus. ib ton sportsmen the following expert paper has come out on regular time 1 I avarv ovpnin? hut. T hp nfiWS matter shots from other places were present ,rt0r than 'Printers to participate in the two events of the first day: Messrs. Starr, Tood, Special to The News. Wilmington, Aug. 23. The State and Cray ton, of Charlotte; Hatcher, ot Bristol, Va.: Collins, of Due West, S. C: Johnson, of Raleigh; Taylor, of Columbus, Ohio; Lyon of Durham; Mitchell and Briley, of Thomasville, has been shorter than usual. 'Printers to take the places of the strikers have not been obtained, but the reportorial staff are running the office, setting the type and doing the other necessities that are required. The manager is firm with his side of the question, as wn o;,-o inintt orwi namoc to the hours and will not take back the of Wilson? Hkrris of Rickey Mount, strikers if the publication discontinues Ellington of Raleigh and McAdams o print. , nu t-,. w,, a r th thirtv.fivo on. Miss S. A. Johnson, and Miss Lillian tries yesterday four were profession- ! Byrd, a very popular young couple als, these being Messrs. Anthony and of this city were secretly married at Starr of Charlotte, Taylor of Colum- tne- nome oi a menu '' bus, Ohio, and Hatcher of Bristol, street tms aiternoon. mr. Tenn. About two hundred dollars in holds a responsible position with the prize money was distributed yester- First National uanK oi mis city anu flnv tn the winnprs nf t.hps ten events. Miss Byrd is the eldest daughter of the mony being awarded according to Mr. and Mrs. Britton E. Byrd. The the percentage system. Mr. Taylor couple nave many ii iuuus m uus uij lead the Drof essionals : Mr. Starr sec-land throughout the state who will be ond and Messrs. Anthony and Hatcher quite surprised to learn of the mar tied for third position. Mr. McAdams, liage. of Due West, S. C, lead the amateurs Mr. H. T. Latta, a prominent farmer with Messrs. Lyon of Durham, and of this section died suddenly this after Walls of Wilson tied for second noon. He has been in declining health place. for some time, but his death came as Team shoots will be held tomorrow, a shock to the members of his tamily. A peculiar and interesting suit was Mr. Latta was 45 years -of age and has instituted here today, the ground for been living in Durham most of his life, recovery being based on a recent de- Willie Lloyd, the five-year old son cision of the North Carolina Supreme Qf Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lloyd came near Court in a case in Greensboro where being killed last afternoon, while play damages were awarded against the mg with an old pistol. The ball lodg water company because of losses sus- e(j in the pistol several years ago and tained by reason of an insufficient c;nce that time it has not been in use. water pressure. The complaint in the I ms father made several unsuccessful case here is identically the same as I attempts to get the ball out and for that upon which recovery was granted tnjs reas0n thought that it would not in tne case cited above. Tne winard i rf Tho child nicked it up and plac- Bagard Manufacturing Company, a d it in tPo centre of his hand snap large corporation in this city sues the tho tria-jror the nistol exploded, Clarendon Water Works Company, aonru the hall through his hand into which supplies the city fire mains with his hip He was carried to the Watts wacci, iur iu,vuu uuiiiases susiameu ijOSDital where an operation was per- j LUC "wuuuiuu yji. lucii yioui iici. torme(j and the lead was taken out o some time ago. The complaint states hi ide physisians say that the mat tne insumcient water pressure , ?c. CQr1-n,1: aTirt that he will .. , I WUUUU -o oti iwu. We have an assortment of most pleasing and artistic de signs. Chances are we can please you better for less money. Better see us about it anyway. during the fire rendered it impossible for the firemen to control the flames and that great damages resulted to to the Bag Company because of the insufficient water pressure. The amount of damages asked for is the difference between the actual value ot the plant and the amount of insurance recover in a few days. MAN DECLARES HE IS ADAM. Establishes a Camp and Calls It "Gar den of Eden." J. N. McGausland & Go. South TryonjSt. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE ON PROV IDENCE ROAD. By virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, in a special proceeding entitled "F. Marion Redd, administrator of W. L. Pharr, deceas ed, against Sarah Lila Pharr, heir-at-law," I will sell to the hishest bidder at public auction at the court house door,, county aforesaid, at M., on the 15th day of September, 1906, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: 1st Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the northeast side of the Providence Road, beginning at a stake on edge of said road, 200 feet from the corner of the J. S. Myer's land, and running with said roads 31 1-4 Tn. son foot stake on the edge of road; thence N. 58 3-4 E. 370 feet to an iron stake, thence N. 45 1-4 W. 205 feet to an iron stake; thence S. 58 3-4 W. 323 feet to the beginning, containing One and 53-100 acres. 2nd Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the northeast side of Providence road, be ginning at corner of lot No. 1 at iron stake on edge of said road, and run ning with said road S. 31 1-4 E. 200 feet to an iron stake on edge of road, thence N. 58 3-4 E. 420 feet to an iron stake, thence north 45 1-4 W. 207 feet to an iron stake; thence S. 58 3-4 W. 370 feet to the beginning, containing ,One and 81-100 acres. 3d Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the northeast side of Providence road, be ginning at corner of lot No. 2 at iron stake on edge of said road, and run ning with said road S. 31 1-4 E. 200 feet ( to an iron stake on edege of road, thence N. 5S 3-4 E. 470 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 45 1-4 207 feet to an iron stake, thence S. 58 3-4 W. 420 feet to the beginning, containing Two and 4-100 acres. 4th Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the northeast side of the Providence road, beginning at corner of lot No. 3 at iron stake on edege of said road, and run ning with said road S. 34 1-4 E. 200 feet to an iron stake, thence N. 45 1-4 W. 207 feet to an iron stake, thence S. 58 3-4 W. 470 feet to the beginning, I containing Two and 26-100 acres. ; . Also a small triangular tract, con taontaining about One Hundred or Two Hundred Square feet, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. H. Wakefield, on the southeast side of Providence road. .The terms of the sale will be one half cash, and the balance on six months, upon approved security. I I I I H - I I II II 1 . . Ill I UftHLllb. llUUi ' - F". MARION REDD, B-15-tds Comfnissioner. Oklahoma City. Aug. 23. James F. that was received. This case will be Sharp, who says he is Adam, and a fought bitterly and it will certainly go band of followers number about fifty, to the Supreme Court as a test case, marohori throusrh the strets today from About a dozen of Wilmington's leading j their abandoned camp outside the city, attorneys will appear when the case is I Thov are on their way to the Pacific called. fnact sham IpA a narade of half nude nersons through the streets here lium i in i in us QUEER PRANK. I about a year ago. which resulted in one of the band bemx sent to tne asyi Enters Houses, Smashes a Lamp, 1 um. Stuns People, and Scares Horses. Sharp returned here a ' few 'weeks Baltimore T.Trf a ,,o oo t-,.j. laem and established a camp east or . -l'A-., ilU. idU. .LSU1A1J& tX I J . torrifin oioti-ir. at- hn I town, where manv of his ionowers evening lia-htnins- struck in oVorQi went without clothing, under the be nlacos , in a rociHonro r. roT,T,o,ri I lief that they were in the Garden of 1 . w" ciincjx.o, -i m, J nA nia avenue a bolt through a window aen- iney wt!ItJ anesiX C11"c strnr.k a. lamn nn a roartino- tahu 0ht time again and fined. Sharp says which were seated Mrs. George Siter that u is a case of Persecution and nnrl Y Cr twrv.VDQr.Alrl rl o nrrrirr I decided to go to tne coast. ine the lamn and severeiv stunning In the parade through the streets to- mother and child. day were many little children wno in tho nnvt hii, tvtc t rn ufp nad marcneQ. ooverea wagons cuu "vai. uiuvii luio. J . X. HUUUiaU I . - i ; KArt,.vV.4- was Drenarine the evP.nin moal when I laming a aozeii ui uiuib uiwb a bolt entered the front door of the up tne rear of tne parade house passed by the woman, played around the knife that she held in her hand, shocking her and others, and passed out a back door doning no other Big Ben Loses a Minute. London Daily Chronicle. "Big Ben" is so much above re damage. Mrs. Hoffman was badly rroach as a national institution that , J I whon nnvthinf nps wrnn.T with the sinned Almost simultaneously when anything goes wrong with the with these I sreat clock it is generally assumed hoitc anther or,tooH tho tnat the weather is to blame. Yes fuA, T i-. -r-, A terdav morning Messrs. Dent, the avenue and Preston street, and filled the office with balls of fire. The blaze and noise was so great it frightened ed a team of horses of the ice compa ny standing in front of the office. MYSTERY IN HIS DEATH. Coroner's Jury Unable to Decide How Young Man Was Killed. Harrisburg, Va., Aug. 22. A con ner's jury, which has been investigat ing the death of Peter Spiker, who was found mortaly wounded on the Balti more and Ohio tracks near Cedar Creek, Frederick county, has failed to unearth any evidence which might lead to an explanation of the tragedy. ; Spiker was found beside the track unconscious several days ago, and died Saturday night. He never recovered consciousness. Marks of blows were found on his head which the physi cians said could not have been caused by the train striking him. It is rumored that Spiker had had trouble over a girl with some men. Spiker was twenty-four years old and came from Tom's Creek, Shenandoah county. WASHED BRIDGE AWAY. builders of the clock, were informed that it had lost a minute. It was the chief item of local in terest. Every one said that the poor clock was suffering from the heat, and that the pendulum had got weary oi wagging tnrougn tne tropical hours, but the real cause was given by Mr. Dent. "When we heard of the unusual oc currence," he said, "we sent down a skilled workman to ascertain the cause. He found that the clock was correct, but that the workmen had been changing the lamps in the clock tower and in so doing they must have interfered with the dial works and so checked the progress of the clock. At 2 o'clock everything was in order again." ,"Big Ben" is the largest striking clock in the . world. The minute hands are fourteen feet long and weigh two hundred 'weight each, the pendulum is thirteen feet long, and the bob weight four hundredweight. It takes two men five hours to wind the clock, which is done three times a week. Twice a day "Big Ben" tele graphs its time . automatically to Greenwich Observatory, which en ables its performance to be checked B rone hit is you will be readv to follow his advice old, standard, family cough medicine. They know all about it it in lUSt thpeo a.c0c We have no Bcorets ! We publish " wx. waow. (nnnu'ns or all enr mi!aipm! The next time you meet your doctor, ask him his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in cases of bronchitis. Then when you have a hard cold in the chest Doctors very generally endor.se this They prescribe I J. C. AyerCo. TiOWM. M BURNED WHILE ASLEEP. Pile Victim Was Lyino on Lumber .When Flames Started. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 22. Patrick Chisolm, forty-eight years old, is dying at the Johns Hopkins Hospital from burns which extend over half the skin surface of his body. Chisolm was burn ed in a fire which occurred at 11:10 o'clock this morning at 706 South Broadway. When the fire started Chisolm was asleep on a pile of lumber in the back yard adjoining: the . frame kitchen in which the fire started. ; He was under the influence -of . licuor , and unable to help himself. He was discovered some time after the fire started. DEATH OF MRS. LOVE. Aged Lady of the County Died Yes terday Morning. Mrs. Caroline Love, widow of the late J. J. Love, died yesterday morn ing at 8 o'clock at the home of her son, Mr. J. B. Love, four miles from the city on the Mneville road. The deceased was one of the oldest wo men in, the county, being 83 years of age at the time of her death. She was a good Christian woman and had been for many years a member cf the Hickory Grove Church. The interment took place at that church today. Mrs. Love is survived, by two children, Mr. J. B. Love and Mrs. Braswell, of Mint Hill. Storm Resembling Cloudburst Does Much Damage In West Virginia. Huntington, W. Va., Aug. 22. Southern West Virginia was visited late this afternoon by one of the hea viest rains in years. At many points the storm was in the nature of a cloudburst, and great damage was done. The bridge on the Guyandotte Valley Railway, near West Hamlin, was washed away, while a trestle on the Camden Interstate Electric Line was , so badly twisted by the rushing torrent that travel was suspended. Re ports of damage come from many sec tions. Wrecking trains have been sent out over the Guyandotte Valley road to make repairs at various points. In many instances fields of growing crops have been washed away, and the loss to the farmers in the Twelve Pole and Guyandotte Valleys will be enor mous. Guayandotte river, rose five feet in less than an hour at Hamlin. ... To Make Improvements. Mr. W. I. - Henderson is preparing to make improvements on the prop erty formerly occupied by the Loo Sam Laundry and also the adjacent room. Plate glass will be put in and other improvements made that will add much to the appearance of the property. Hunter & Vaughan have the contract. Pointed Paragraphs. From the Chicago News. Poets are born and so are prose writers, for that matter. No man is really and truly in love if he doesn't act foolish. Wealth and religion have practically nothing in common. A HEALING GOSPEL. .The Rev. J. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Belair, Ga., says of Electric Bitters: It is a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame back, stiff joints, and complete physi cal collapse. I was so weak it took me. half an hour to walk a mile. Two bot tles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have just walked three miles in fifty minutes and feel like walking three more. . It made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weakness and all Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints. Sold under guar antee at Woodall & Sheppartf's drug store. Price 50c. ' 99 A WHOLE WEEK OF Glassware Specials A Kress' Opportunity Don't pass it by. Take advantage at once of our "Nearcut" sale. Add to the beauty of your table by getting some of these dainty pieces of glass ware; genuine imitation cut slass. Berry Dishes, imitation hea vy cut glass, 8 to 10 inches in diameter, each .. .. ..25c Water Bottles, heavy imita tion cut like ?5.00 kind, each ..25c Heavy Footed Butter Dish es with cover, each 25c Water Tankards, 2 quarts, each ;.. ..25c " Half gallon Water Jugs, im itation cut, each 25c Ice Tubs with cars, 4 inches, deep, each .....25c Carnation Vases, 4, inches in diameter, 12 to 15 inches high, fluted designs, each 25c "NEARCUT" Glass Fills a Long Felt Want Fruit Bowls and Salads, star cut design, 8 inches in di ameter, each 1 5c Butter Dishes, high and low, very attractive designs, each ....... ;a. ....15c i-quart Pitchers, - newest, ' each . . . : 15c Sugar Bowls, with or with out handles, each 15c Very Special Lot of Salad Bowls, deep or flat, each . .15c Molasses Jugs, nickel tops, each 15c Celery Trays, 10 and 12 inches long;1 each" v.- .-."j :15c" Crystal vases, new shapes, ' 14 to 17 inches high, each .15c "Near Cut" Lily Bowls. . v. .10c Perfect Imitation Finger Bowls 10c A Regular Kress Round-Up Lay in a stock of Tumblers. Don't wait. Goblets, imitation cut glass, each Plain Goblets, the Fifth Ave: nnue, Hoffman House, each Heavy Hotel Goblets, each Common Tumblers, plain and with bands, 3c each or 2 for ,5c 5c 5c 5c Cut Pressed Tumblers, each. . . . . . Heavy polished Tumblers, new, eacli 5c Thin Blown Tumblers, plain or with bands, each 5c Thin Blown Tumblers, Fleur-de-lis and fruit pat- terns, each .. . .5c Saturday Sale of Near Cut Fruit Stands, 25c value at. . . .10c each WATCH KRESS"lVINDOm5" Ingleside Calcivirn Water Immediately relieves Dyspepsia.and unequalled by any Water in the Southern States for diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. For sale at Hawleys Pha.rma.cy, emr5 i FunnraisWoiiMs H M m An advance showing of the newest and most ifashionable things for men's wear including Hi f . Shirts, Underwear Collars, Nightshirts, Cuffs, Pajamas, ." . f9J Ties, .Hosiery, ft Suspenders, Hose Supporters,' These werg chosen with that good taste and dis- JJ crimination that gave our furnishing department w H its popularityi m i ii h r u k h if. m s fil a What is the Number ? Phone 1035 for nice fresh chickens and eggs. We have them daily. Our line is complete. If it's ker)t in grocery store we have it. Try our meats as we have markets in connection. Havenner's Bread sells itself. All groceries at rock bottom prices, a trial can onlv tell. Respectfully, G. B. MOORE & SON. 9 ....... $ NO. 600 SO. CHURCH ST. . PHONE NO. 1035 3 4 O-g B QK V OOOO b 4 o that have quality the kind wc make and sell. men. They are made of the very best leather and by skilled work- We produce harness that have merit and are the cheapest for you to buy. ARNOLD M. SHAW We Want Your Skin. No. 32 East Trade. t. G. AUTBN Electricail Signs Acu- lie C. K. 11UOPEH THE R. G. AUTEN CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. 5 K. Fourth Street. PHONE i::u; OFFICE OF THE -Mechanics Perpetual B. & L. Association Hello! He no! Lend us your ears for good tidings. The FORTY - EIGHTH SERIES will commence 1st; the subscription books are now open. ieptembei Having in the last Series exceeded 2,500 shares, we are now setting our pegs for a 3,000 share Series. Remember, that if you intend to buy or build next spring, tin at now is the time to take the stock; put in your application so that the rrJoney:wilI be ready for you when you want it. ' Not only take -hares yourself, but you can do no greater favor to your friends and acquaintances than to induce them also to ake shares with us, if not to buy or build a home, then to save up something for a rainy day. R. E. Cochrane Sec. and Treas wittkowsky President. m m m u Of M w m m fj m m sea eeaaaa ssaasa. rj fj rj We have a Line that especially y appeals to young men lor bcnooi tj (y Wear. They combine desired ij TJ durability with, a style of cut ard finish that are most popular. THEY COST V I 10.00 Come to us for anything you need in your outfit of school wearables. Long-Tati Glofhing Co. m 0 ffl 0 fj jfU CJ fJ rJ fj ! 0 0 0 o v tt &3 o i

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