- THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUGU8T 25, 1906 T HUGS REPUBLICAN PLANK SUPPRESSED Special The News. Greensboro, Aug. 25. Although - there was no meeting last night, as l ublished, of the Cannon Club at the Assembly Hall of the Benbow Hotel, I ' and no trace of a meeting anywhere else could be found, your correspon- ; dent was informed this morning by Mr. Crouch, Congressman Blackburn's - piivate secretary, and the apparent "daddy" as wrell as wet nurse of the "boomlet," that a very enthusiastic meeting was held in the Tar Heel : Club room. He said ' that at " least fifty names had been sent in from the : city and from sections in the country Tnr enrollment as members. . That an , executive committee 01 unity was pointed to see tnat evei yu. . 1 j.i nn.4-Sn-n nf I only into Cannon clubs, but into or ganization for the promotion of Re- . publican interests in the coming ' campaign. He said that steps were . taken to see that every county in the State was organized in like man- ner, the Central Headquarters being in Greensboro. He would not vouch- ; safe the name of a solitary individual who. was placed on the committees or furnish the name of a single new member who had been added to the original number present Tuesday night. From the scope of the plan for an that the anti-Adams, pro-Blackburn . element here and elsewhere, not trusting to the regular party ma- chinery of the organization, are go- ing ahead on their own hook, under - the guise of "Cannon boomers" and . ho thpm nn indfmendent Dartv or ganization of their own, in defiance . of their defeat at the Republican . State convention. It is an ambitious . scheme, possibly mutinous, but it is .in keeping with other bold and dasn- ing precedents - of the only Republi can Congressman from the State. In the meantime, it will be discreetly observed, that the Congressman's -lieutenants here, discreetly and dip lomatically declare, that the "Hon. . S pence" knows nothing about it, ana .is, not a Cannon man. The insurgents, however, make no bones in declaring that the heads of the organization, State and county, ire doing nothing whatever to ad vance the principles of Republican ism, and after waiting patiently until patience has ceased to be a virtue, .to see what would be done, they have come to the conclusion that unless somebody loving Republican prin ciples more than Federal pie, begins .stirring, there will be no stirring cone. In his recital of the derilection of the State chairman, and his commit tee, a prominent Blackburn supporter instanced as an example the failure on the part of the chairman, and of the party organization organ, the In- Or-, pi . j TC 4T-Q si f!rr o f I ill ) J rl 5 rurs f 1 LJ LJ rJ U LJ 111 MarjinMaMMsasMMaMaMavMawaM1'1 1 1 ' " i ii I dustrial News, to have that portion of the Republican State platform published demanding an extension of the grandfather clause in the suf frage section of the amended consti tution, extended for twelve, years, and the requirement for the prepay ment of poll tax be changed from May . 1st to. September 1st. Not only had they failed to do this, he said, but not a single Republican paper in the State had been furnished this as a part of the platform, and it was be ing printed with this plank abso lutely left out. He said the Weekly Tar Heel was the only Republican paper in the State, that had printed anything at all about this very im portant plank, which was as much a part ' of the platform as any other This man seemed to plank in it fo feel that the plank was being sup pressed because it was the work of Congressman Blackburn, and would redound to his advantage, and "not to the honor of the committee on plat form which failed to report this fea ture, when they handed in their type- Q ... io, nri Rennhli v 1. - 3 - ' t the Tar Heel, has ever printed anything about the adoption of this plank in the platform the Industrial News, published on the spot, in its detailed report of the proceedings of the convention, entirely suppressing any mention of this -incident and action of the con vention next morning, but printing the platform without the grandfather extension demand. 60,000 STRIKE IN SPAIN. Guard Fire on Crowd Who Attempt to Stop Train, Killing Two. Madrid, Aug. 25. The Labor Feder ation has declared a general strike at Bilbao, which means that 60,000 per sons have quit work. The outgoing trains are packed with fleeing inhabi tants. The newspapers have been forced to suspend publication. Strikers from Bilbao are visiting small surrounding aowns in order to persuade workmen to join the genrral strike. Villagers at Castro-Urdiales, 'along the route of the railroad, at- tempted to stop a train. They were prevented from doing soby the guards who fired on them, killing two and wounding three others, one seriously. The military governor of Bilboa has made another effort to arbitrate the dispute between the operators and miners. The strikers reiusea to witn draw their demands for. shorter hours and no settlement is in sight. King Alfonso and Queen Victoria ar rived at Bilbao on the royal yacht Giralda, from England. They have gone to San Sebastian. This is a mountain resort near the Spanish French line, of which Bilbao is the port town. Xolic Cramps PAIN' LDIarrhoea, Cured hy CorjimBDfltracBCLu With tte mi MAKES IF c A&OTTE P 213 N. Tryon St; TO ALL COTTON FARMERS. Association Not Hurt by Conduct of Reeretarv Will Choose Another Man and Go on to Victory. To Editor The News. The -public in general are greatly interested as to what the Southern Cotton Association will do in the case of Secreatry Cheatham, that this mat ter will be disposed of in a credetable manner to the Association, may be depended upon. Pres. Jordan when he learned that there was a suspicion that an official of the Association ( had engaged in "wire shop" speculation, appointed a committee to investigate the matter. Mr. Jno. P. Allison of Concord, was one of the committee, he can, be trust- ed by .any man in the state of North Carolina, we know that he is a most loval supporter of, and that he is an earnest worker for- the .success of the Cotton Association, if he tells the pub lic that Mr. Cheatham has been specu lating in "futures," we may rest asured that it is so. and he will be among the first men to call for the retirement of the present, secretary and the appoint ing of another man Mr. Allison being a member of the executive committee will attend the meeting of this committee at Hot Springs Ark. on Sept. 6th. There the matter of Mr. Cheatham and his specu lating will be disposed of to the satis faction of every one. The other com mitteemen are of the same high charac tcr as is our Mr. Allison, they will do what is right and proper. The Southern Cotton Association al ready has been of untold value to the United States. The official.-? will not allow any circumstances whatever to bar its future influence for good. The fight against the future gambling shops will be waged with r. determination to drive these abominable places out of business. Thev are the greatest curse of the South. They cause sui cides, bankruptcies, defalcations, em bezzlements, forgeries, lying and stealing. The whole of the United States is effected by these villianous "wire shops" and there is a growing senti ment against them in every section of the Union. Cotton oil men, cotton mill men, bankers, merchants in fact all classes clamor for their destruction. The Cotton Association will go be fore the legislatures of all the cotton growing states and endeavor to do as was done in Georgia, drive out the so called legitimate "exchange" with the little 2x4 bucket-shop. Both are im pediments to honest business trans actions and must go. The manhood of the South must now come to the front and sell the cotton product of 1906 for a price that will continue the prosperous times we have. Let us all join with the farmer and demand a square deal. MECKLENBURGER. The original manuscript of Bee thoven's famous Waldstein Sonata (Op. 53), consisting of 32 folio sheets entirely in the great composer's hand lias just come into the possession of 1 Leipzig bookseller. The owner of fers it for sale at $11,000. unr -Easy P.swoiMt Pirn YOU CALL Wh To Wors - Tryon Street Methodist. Preaching at 11 and 8 by the pas tor, Rev. h. K. Boyer. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. First Baptist Church. Rev. Herman H. Hulten, pastor. Sun day school 9:45 a. m. Music by Prof. Richardson's orchestra. Morning wor ship. 11 a. m. Subject, "A Norrow Es cape." Evening worship, 8 : 15 p. m. Sub ject, "Freedom." 8:15 Monday night, B. Y. P. U. 8:15 Wednesday night, prayer meeting. A cordial welcome to all. Trinity Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 o'clock by Rev. J. Ed. Thompson, Presiding Elder of the Charlotte District; and at 8:15 p. m. by Rev. S. A. Stewart of Monroe. Sabbath school at 9:45. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Rev. R. C. Holland, pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m., with preaching by the pastor. Sunday school at j9 : 45 a. m. Mid-week service Wednesday 8:15 n. m. Public is cor dially invited to all these services. , Brevard Street Methodist Church. Preaching 11 a. m. by the pastor, Rev. W. L. Nicholson, 8 p. m. by Rev. E. O. Cole.Men's meeting 10 a. m. Sun day school 3:30 p. m. A cordial invi tation to all. ! Epworth M. E. Church. Preaching by Rev. A. L. Coburn at 11 a. m. Aid and missionary meetings at evening service. Sunday school at Preaching at Seversville at 3 : 30 p. m. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Second Presbyterian Church. 10 a. m. Men's prayer meeting. 11 m. sermon by Dr. Kincaid. 4:30 p. m. Sunday school. 8 : 00 p. m. sermon by Rev Dr. W. M. Kincaid, of Honolula. Visitors welcome to all services. First Presbyterian Church. Services 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. by the Rev. W. C. McCorkle, of Savannah, Ga. Sunday school at the 'usual hour. Men's prayer meeting 9:15 a. m. Wed nesday night prayer meeting 8:15. A cordial welcome to all. Pews free. Tenth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. by Rev. P. H: Gwinn. Sunday school 10 m. Westminster League meets 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. Diiworth Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. C. M. Short. Church of The Holy Comforter. Sims Hall Diiworth 9:45 a. m. Sun day school and Bible class. 11 a. m. morning prayer and sermon. St. Martin's Chapel, Davidson and Tenth streets. 3:30 p. m. Sunday school and Bible class. 8:00 n. m. evening prayer and sermon. St. Andrew's Chapel, Seversville 11:00 a. m. morning prayer and sermon 4:00 p. m. Sunday school. Chapel of Hope, Gingham mills 3:30 hip I p TOY M THE WAREROOMS OF y i p. m. evenmf Calvary Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. by the; pastor, Rev. J. F. Totten. Prayer meeting at 10 a. m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. J; Ninth Avenue Baptist Church. The pastor, L. R. Pruitt. will preach at. 11 a. m. and 8 n. m. Bantlsm at the night service. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday even ing at 8:15. All are welcome. v East Avenue Tabernacle. Rev. W. . W.'i Orr, pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. ml, Sabbath school at 4 p. m. All the members are urged to be present at every service, and a cordial welcime to all strangers r . 1 auu menus. First A. R. P. Church Third and Tryon Sts.; preaching at 11 m. and 8:15 p. m. Theme of morning sermon, "Will Jesus Come to the Feast?" Sunday school at 15:15. Session will meet to receive mem bers at 10.45, in church study. Stran gers are cordially invited to all ser vices. FOUND NEGRO UNDER BED. Mt. Vernon Girl, Alone in House, Has Exciting Experience. New York, Aug. 25. Miss Bella Da vis, fifteen years old, of No. 130 South Fourth avenue, Mount Vernon, han an exciting experience last evening. - She was alone in the house,' her parents having gone out for the evening. Go ing Jo her room, she lay down on the bed and began to read. Hearing a noise, she got up, looked under the bed and found a man there, paralyzed with fright, she screamed. Patrolman Streeser, across the street, heard her and ran into the house. As he entered her room the man emerg ed from under the bed and made dash for the door. He was arrested and proved to be Walter Burrow, a negro. He claimed to have mistaken the room for his own. It is said that on Monday the negro was in Mr. Davis store, under the living rooms, and patted the girl on the shoulder, saying she was a nice girl. This she resented. MARCHIONESS A SWINDLER. Accused of Conspiracy with Preist in Big Fraud Deal. Rome, Aug. 25. A newpaper here publishes a detailed story concerning a marchioness, whose name it does not ?ive, but says that she Is a niece of a cardinal, in which she and peirst are accused of using her uncle's name and influence in a large swindle scheme, influence in a darge swindling scheme. The police, it is reported, are search ing for the priest, and the newspaper which published the account says that sensational developments are, immi nent. Other stories of 1 large frauds, in which this woman and the priest are said to have been implicated are current. It is hinted that the mar chioness had accomplices among per sons holding responsible posts at the Vatican. hi Sunday school. 8 : 00 prayer and service. - Km OTMPA Do Vou Want to Know What You Swallow ? There Is a growing sentiment' in this Country in favor of medicines of known composition. It- is but natural that one should have some interest in the compo sition .of that which he or she is. expected to swallow, .whether it be food, drink, or,' medicine. . . . xr j Recognizing this growing disposition on the part of the public,' and satisfied mai xne lunest publicity can only add to the well-earned reputation of his medi cines, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. YM has "taken time by the fgrelock," as it were, and is publishing broadcast a list f all the ingredients entering into his leading medicines, the "Golden Medical Discovery " the popular liver invigorator, stomach tonic, blood purifier and heart regulator; also of his "Favorite Prescrip tion" for weak, over -worked, broken down, nervous and invalid women. This bold and out-spoken movement on ! the part of Dr. Pierce, has, by "showing ' exactly what his well-known medicines ' are composed of, completely-disarmed all harping critics who nave heretofore un- 1 Iustly attacked them. A little pamphlet as been compiled, from the standard medicaid authorities of all the several schools of practice, showing the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several ingredients which enter Into Dr. Pierce's medicines. A copy of this little book is mailed free to any one de siring to learn more concerning the valu able, native, medicinal plants which enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's med icines. Address Dr. .fierce as above. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tlnr, sugr-ar-coated anti-bilious granules. They reg ulate and invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Do- not beget the " pill habit," but cure constipation. One or two each day for a laxative and regulator, three or four for an active cathartic. Once tried always in favor. CRI 17! nil GIVEN AWAV, In copies of JUUiUU The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book that sold to the ex tent! or 500.000 copies a lew years agro, at Sl.50 per copy. Last, year we 'gave away 130.000 worth of these invalua ble books. This year we shall give away 50.000 worth of them. Will you share ir this benefit ? If so. send only 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only for book in stiff paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. Address Dr. R. V. fierce. Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Register's N?w Auto. Dr. E. C. Register some time ago ordered a very handsome and expen sive automobile, gasoline propelled, for use in his practice. The machine ar rived a few" days ago, and when the Doctor went down to examine it, he discovered that he had received not a new machine, he says, but a second hand one which he has been compelled to refuse. The manufacturers of the machine have been notified and unless they furnish Dr. Register" a,, machine ! which he considers .to be entirely new and up-to-contract, he will not accept it. Futhermore if the manufacturers persist in trying to make Dr. Register accept the machine now here, there will probably be some interesting de velopments. The machine that was brdere:! by Dr. Register was one of the finest made, and his disappointment upon examining the auto shipped to him, has been ouite keen. Dr. Register does net think that there , is much re semblance between ' the auto shipp"e and the one that he ordered. Mr. John Short was quite painfully bruised this afternoon by a fall from his bicycle while crossing a street car track. : .'- . CS25a9 nr J I VI LI o ULlLlvlio Protect Your Buildirj Vith The Original Composition Roof ing has stood the test 40 years Flint coated both sides. tunu3 highest cold test. Nail said ce ment packed in roil. No tin caps used. If you nail you can lay pan drive a it. Water proof, acid proof. Write or call and sje us sun proof. Architects, Atttntlonl Heavy Stock on Hind. Allen Hardware Go, Wholesale and Retail. food's Seeds FOR ; FAIX SOWING. Every farmer should have a copy of our New Fall Catalogue It gives ibest methods of seed ingiandifull information about Crimson Clover Vetches, Alfalfa Seed Oats, Rye Barley, Seed Wheat Grasses and Clovers Descriptive Fall Catalogue . mailed free', and prices quoted on request. T. 17. Wood 5 Sons, Seedsmen, Richmond,"1 Va. Our Trade Mark Brand Seeds'are the best and cleanest qualities obtainable. "repare for ihmch at the bar, lu f.. fma'tneu or public life, by mail, id ha ORIGINAL SCHOOL. Founded In 1800. .Successful graduates everywhere. Alprotj4 by bar and law colleges, heijiilar College Uv Course aod Buniuaui Law Course. Liberal Terme Special Offer Now. Catalogue Free. Sprague Correspondence) School of Law, 733 il'ffltic Bldg., Delroll.M 23 ISP nmm

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