THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, AUG U8T 28, 1906 MR BROUGHT! ,N.B, BITTLMTH SE1 Was Swept out by Waves and Rescued by Capt. Munroe of the Wilmington Fire Depart ment. To Organize Soldiers Association. .Special The News. Wilmington, Aug. 2S. Mr. N. 15. Broughton. Jr., of Raleigh, a promi nent young man cf that town, am" well known throughout the State, had c narrow escape from drowning at Wrightsville Beach yesterday aft noon. Mr. Broughton was in bathing rnd was overcome by the unusually heavy surf which was running st the time. He was thrown violently by a huge wave and his strength was completely exhausted by the fall. He was being rapidly swept out to tea when his desperate calls for help were heard by Capt. V. P. Munroe, assistant chief of the, Wil mington lire department, who swam to his assistance and brought him safelv to shore. Restoratives were administered to Mr. Broughton and oe was able to leave for his homo last night. This is the second rescue r-iade by Capt. Munroe this summer, as he saved two other persons from death by drowning on July 19th. Capt. R. P. Johnston, who recently resigned his position with the united States corps of engineers, to take i har?fl of his Drivate interests at Asheville, will be succeeded tem 1 orarily by Capt. JSvelynth E. Wins- !.iw. of the army of engineers, 'ine appointment of Capt. Winslow will i ecome effective- Sept. 17th. He was in charge of the Wilmington office about three years ago and is well re membered by the business men of this city. It will be some time be fore the war department will be able to make a permanent appointment lor the Wilmington district because cf the great scarcity of men in the corps of engineers. The carpenters and joiners in this (ity have organized themselves into a union under the direction of a l.-itor organizer who has been here for some time and they have request ed a charter for their organization from the American Federation of l.j;bor. Every other form of labor in Wilmington is organized, these men being the last to band themselves together in a union. They have al ready elected officers and secured a desirable hall for their meeting place. Mr. B. Tyrrell Morgan, a promi nent young man of Wilmington, has 1 een promoted by the Atlantic Coast Line to the position of traveling pas tnger agent with headquarters at Savannah, Ga. He will succeed Mr. Thomas E, Myers, a former Wil mington citizen who has been trans ferred to other duties in the com- vzny's service with headquarters at M ontiaromery. Ala. Tt is DroDosed to form an associa lion of the veterans who participated in the famous battle of Fort Fisher which occurred during the civil war a few miles below Wilmington ana with this idea in view those interest cd in the movement have prepared the following call for assemblage wherein will be given to all the prominent State papers for publica- ( t en: "All the survivors of the famous i.nttlft of Fort Fisher are earnestly requested to assemble in the city of Wilmington at 10 O'clock ' a. nu Tuesday, Sept, 10th, 11906, for the purpose of forming the 'Fort Fishejr Survivors' Association,' electing offi cers for the same and forming deft rite rdans for annual re-unions and a general re-union of all the forces which participated in said battles Comrades in distant States, who can- rot attend in person this meeting Kept. 1st are requested to be repre sented by proxy. Comrades will be rotified of place of meeting as soon rs they arrive in the city. All who txpect to attend this meeting will j ease notify at once J. A. Smith, 215 Walnut street, or John W. West, C01 North Fifth street, Wilmington, N. C. "The railroads will furnish the best possible rates for this meeting and publish the same." , DEATH OF MISS BUMPAS. Daughter of Rev. Dr. Bumpas of Raleigh, Died Sunday Night Father in the East. Special The News. New Bern, Aus. 28. One of the saddest deaths that ever occurred in New Bern was that of Miss Jessie Bumpas at 10:30 o'clock Sunday night. She was the only child of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Bumpas, of Raleieh. Several weeks ago she came here to visit the family of Mr. J. A. Meadows and was taken ill, typhoid fever soon developing in a most virulent type. Everything that skilled medical treatment and ex cellent nursins could do was con stantly done for her relief, but to no avail. To make the case peculiarly sad, her father Rev. Dr.! Bumpas, pastor of the Edenton Street M. E. Church, Raleigh, is absent on a tour through the Holy Land, and was not informed of his daughter's critical condition, it being thought best not to apprise him of the fact as he would be un able to reach home in time. The lines have fallen heavily upon Dr. and Mrs. Bumpas, they having lost their only son with the same dis ease a few years ago. The young lady's remains were car ried to Durham for interment. Rev. G. T. Adams, pastor of the Cente nary M. E. Church here, accompanied them. ' There were few dry eyes at the railway station yesterday morn ing as numerous friends took leave of the sorrow stricken mother who was almost heartbroken beneath the burden of her double grief. Red Eyes and Eyelids, Weak Eyes and Tired Eyes need Murine Eye Tonic TO SALISBURY IN All AUTOMOBILE your mmiY9 More customers We can take care of others. If ycu are not already a customer of ours, we ask your consider ation. Our stock is kept fresh and new, not any better grades to be found in the city. White House Coffees at the old price. This popular brand is kept up to the high standard and always satisfies. All the int srmediate grades and prices right. Teas ! Teas ! Our trade has doubled any previous season arid why not? We are selling a blend of Formosa, Ceylon, Young Hyson, etc. at 50c per pound, that equals in quality, much sold at 70c and 80c per pound. m Fresh Cereals Cream of Wheat Shredded Wheat Biscuits Force Rolled Oats Mackerel No doubt you have noticed a very great difference in the flavor of Mackerel used at different times. Well there is a difference and we are handling one of the finest quality, shipped direct to us from the Boston market. Imported Sardines Nice quality 15c Fair quality.... .....10c Old Homestead Salmon None Better. .25c Other brands cheaner Good Fresh Country Butter Fresh Eggs, when we can get them and we . usually get them. ; ' ; : Van Camps Cream, sterilized, used for all purposes as ordinary cow's milk. Nice Chickens. Send vs your orders. if. . y AMIS ON & CO Special The News. Salisbury, Aug. 28. The funeral cf Mr. James R. Springle, who died t the home of his father in the South Ward- yesterday morning early, was held this morning at 10 o'OlocfcfTltffir Sp'ringle was .about 28 years , of age and Ms death, was due torr consumption. He leaves a wife end two children. Mr. Arthur E. Reynolds, who has been sojourning in New York city for several weeks purchased a fine auto, car in the Metropolis, and is making the journey to Salisbury in his machine. He is expected home tomorrow, having left New York on Aug. 6th, making several stops en route. Dr. Kinard, of Knoxville, Tenn., the new pastor of St. John's Luther an Church, in this city, will arrive in Salisbury Thursday and will at ence take up his duties as pastor of the' congregation here. Capt. James M. Bowles, supervisor on the Salisbury-Norwood branch of the Southern, has tendered his resig nation, effective yesterday and will accept a more flattering position with another road. Capt. Bowles has made a most efficient supervisor and much regret is expressed at his determination to locate elsewhere. The term of Rowan Superior Court which convened yesterday with Judge Ferguson on the bench does not 1-romise to be as sensational as was expected. It is not now known whether the cases against the ac cused murderers of the Lyerly fam ily or the ones against the alleged lynchers will be called at this term of court or not. It has proven so far to be an exceptionally quiet term. There is by no means the number of rttendants which were in evidence at the special term early in the month and everything is moving off quietly and without any excitement. Mrs. Jane Wright, the aged mother of Mrs. R. M. Pendleton, is seriously ill at the home of her daughter on South Lee street, and her death is expected at any hour. Th m El oo . Experience count anything with you ? Then what do you think of 60 years' experience with Ayer's Sarsaparilla ! Sixty years of curing thin blood, weak nerves, general debility! We wish you would ask your own doctor about this. Ask him to tell you honestly what he thinks it will do for your case. Thn A ..WistesiVS. OF? f.C.AyerCo.. , Mass. CABARRUS CQURT. ONE THOUSAND BUCKET SHOPS. Now Supported in the United States How Shall They Be Suppressed? Merrill A. Teague offers the follow ing suggestions in his concluding ar ticle on "Bucket-Shop Sharks," in the September Everybody's: "What Senator Kyle reported in 1898 is more cogent now than it was then, for the 400 bucket-shops have grown to be more than 1,000 and a mighty nation, riding on the crest of a wave of unparalleled prosperity, is daily more headlong in its rush to play the game thieves are operating. But, you ask, what is the action the Congress ' should take? I will an swer in a sentence: f "Pass, an act which . willr-bring" "the wires leased by the telegraph and telephone companies to brokerage or commission houses, of whatsoever kind, under the jurisdiction of . the Interstate commerce commission, with power vested in the commission to verify reports made by the com panies and to prohibit the use of privately leased wires by bucket- shops. "For a quarter of a century these companies have been swelling their c'lvidends with toll taken . from knaves who have robbed and swind led almost without restraint. The time will come when a parental gov ernment will check this. The com panies will assert and try to sustain in court, that brokerage-use of their wires cannot be construed as being interstate commerce. Can it? Within the realm of brokerage, wires are leased for transmitting quota tions and orders. Quotations are the steam in the boilers of the bucket-shops; without them the thieves would have nothing with which to drive their engines nothing against which their dupes might bet." , in Session This Week rA Big Repub Pow Wow to Be Held Sept. 22 Store Robbed. ; v f , ' ' ' Special to The News. "Concord, Afig. 28. The August term of the Cabarrus county Superior court convened yesterday morning, with his Honor Judge R: B. Peebles presiding and Solicitor Heriot Clarkson prosecut ing. . The calling of th jury brought forth many excuses and Judge Pee bles excused several who had been drawn for service". As soon as the grand jury was drawn and sworn in ; Judge Peebles delivered his . charge and the criminal docket was taken up. The most prominent case is that against -Will Cannon for the killing of Calvin 'Taylor on July 4th at a negro picnic 'at Cedar Grove, near this city in No.-"2 ' township. The criminal docket will consume the most of the week. Early Sunday morning Chief of Po lice Boger caught a young negro boy, Theodore Wright, in the store of the White-Morrison-Flowe Co. He went in by a cellar door, a trick he "has play ed frequently before, each time raid ing the cash drawer and carrying off what change was left there. This had become so frequent and common that Saturday night two of the employes of the store remained in the building until 5 o'clock, at that hour being re lieved by Chief Bogeri- Abou 7 o'clock the boy came in the usual way and was caught. The cellar door is-a double one fastened on the. inside by a bar. The door gave suffiient space for the boy to get his hand" or a thin bar through, arid by this -.means lift the bar, opening the door.? The little ' ne gro has been caught at ., this kind of work before. ! ' Hon. E. Spencer Blackburn, the Re publican nominee for Congress in this district, J. Frank Linney and Thomas Settle, of Asheville, are to be in. this city on September 22 nd for the Repub lican county convention.; . They come at the request of the chairman of the party in Cabarrus eounty. and onthis day the Republicans : are expected to open up the campaign.- Just now there is not much in Republican cir cles by way of news-Fhere is a on test on for chairman' of the county cles by way of news. " There is a con- didate for this position ' and he is be stiring himself to that" end. Death of Coco Co!aP"esident. Mr. Luther Snyder, " local manager of the Charlotte Coco, Cola Bottling Works will leave this evening for At lanta, Ga., to attend the funeral of Mr. J. B. Whitehead, whose death oc- RESTAURANT NEEDS CASH Proprietor Has Good Moral Backing, But Must, Have Money Support or Close His Doors. ' ;i Schenectady, Ni Y.'. " Aug: ; 27 J The proprietor of the largest jj-estaurant vino vi.j ouojuuc;ii - cl xiuo banner in front of his establishment and upon it is the following an nouncement: "I have tried hard to give this city v good, clean restaurant, where young men and women could go without the evil influences of intoxicating drinks. My patronage has not been suffi cient to make it pay, so I must sell out or close in ' a few days if I do not get more business. Some of my creditors 'are suing me and can get judgment.- I will pay every dollar I owe if given a chance." It was a little more than a year ego that a delegation from the min isterial association opened this res taurant with prayer. No intoxicating liquors . were to be sold within its walls, and it was to be closed on grayer-meeting nights and during all church services on Sundays. Despite its ecclesiastical backing the business has not prospered. oeoo E oo oo ooo What is the Number ? Phone 1035 for nice fresh chickens and eggs. We hav ti daily. Our line is mmnlotP if it'c i, 5 . nne tlj&m - x . " - - m Biocei V SlOl'e V'm hi,- it. Trv nnr mento oa -ara V.oTr J ' e a t V " mame i3 in connection. Ha ? I 1 t V I "V" ,w uriUKUM ?.7r phone no. i03r, can only tell. All groceries at rock bottom prices. Respectfully, e enner s A thai C. B. MOORE & SON; 5 t i JEST " " -- L V J IVileini's uraislliiiini&s DEPREDATIONS BY WOLVES. Raids on Live Stock Are Causin Heavy Losses to Ranchmen. Ozona, Tex., Aug. 27. The depre aations of gray and lobo wolves upon live stock this part of the State are causing serious losses to ranchmen. Robert Massie, who owns a ranch near here, reports that forty-three head of his steers were killed in one month by wolves Clay Montgomery, another ranchmen suffered a loss of thirty head of grown steers from the same cause during the same period. Arrange ments are being made for a grand hunt for wolves, wildcats and coyots by the ranchmen of this and adjacent counties. It is planned that not less than three thousand armed men and sev eral hundred trained wolf dogs shall take part in the hunt. It will cover a territory of more than one hundred miles square. Coon in Chicken House. A "coon," and a full grown one, was discovered last night in the chicken house of Mr. Rogers who lives on North Caldwell street. The discovery was made by Mr. G. C. Martin who lives next door to Mr. Rogers. Late in the night he heard a noise in his neighbor's chicken house and thinking it was a chicken thelf awoke Mr, curred at his home-that city early. houge and there made the discovery luis.uiuruiuB. mi. m,CuCau that a full grown "coon" was in the president of the Coco Cola Bottling h()use ffi of the chickens. The animal was cap tured. Company and in memory of his d-eath the Charlotte office will be closed to morrow. - A Bird, Freak. . Back on the dry praries the sickle- billed curlewr the marbled godwit, the upland or field plover and kildeer nest ed; but this group of three the avo cet, willet and WilsonTs phalarope form a distinct .unity, - shore birds . which nest beside the grassy pools in this southern section of the northwest shore-bird paradise. Of this trinity of odd characters bird-freaks, we might call them which we are following up, the bright and shinning light is certainly the avo cet. ':: Its very appearance is dis tin guished, and Instantly arrest attention. The plumage is of sharply contrasted black and white, with yellowish buff on head and neck; the legs are like stilts, while the bill, is long and slend er,5 curving up in a way to make one wonder how the creature can eat. The first pair which I ever saw, on the shore of a Dakota lake, made a pro found impression on me by their ap pearance and graceful movement as they ran jauntily about pursuing some sort of insect prey. The saying that .what is meat to one may. be poison to another is well ex exempified in the avocet. For our part we have to exercise great care in that western country to avoid drinking al kaline water, whereas the avocet dis likes the Insipid stuff which we extol aspure. Seemingly it is as oDjecuon abe; to him as food without salt is to us.Hence We have to travel well west toward the Bad Lands or uaraia utr fore we find the water sufficiently sea soned to suit our dainty epicure and to induce him to remain for the summer. Even the most unsavory mud hole, which Is too bad : for most of the other birds, is not without attraction for that crover of strong condiment. Heroert juu m "Some Lake-Side waders of the North west," in The Outing Magazine for September. Tn the case of nolice magistrate, Recovered His Gold Watch. Capt. Pope Barrow, who funs be tween Charlotte and Atlanta, has re covered his - valuable gold watch which was lost in -the. city - several days ago. Mr. L. E. Williams, traveling-; representative for the Beaufort Ginger Ale Company, found the watch and left, it at Greenville, S. C, where it was properly identified as the property of Capt. Barrow. En graved on the inside .case was Capt. Barrow's address which was given at Greenville, his former home. Only the wise girl selects for a hus band a man whose mother didn't know how to cook. A woman is always wanting a man to tell her that he loves her and she doesn't believe if he does. THE YELLOW FEVER GERM has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system from dis ease girms, the most effective remedy Is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaran teed to cure all disease due to malaria poison and constipation. 25c at Wood all & Sheppard' drug store. Even the young man- who ' is able to hold his own may prefer to hold the hand of a pretty girl. Institute for Young women na fnn yV Conserve- f JTil.trfX Mte. Thel RALEIGH lor -Your College Courses High Standard Catalogue FRK Addreu Daughter Js. Dfnwiddie. Pre. MasasasflBflBMsaBamBsw ii ' '""'I HI S HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL Prepares for Annapolis, West Point, college or university. Three courses of study, Classical, Scientific and English. 350 acres of hill and dale, excellent dairy and garden. Field and track athletics. Tennis and ball grounds, one- ?uarter mile running track. Cadets dine with principal's amily. Influence ofeultured women in dining hall. Limited to 100 boys. Individual attention to each student. Not in tbc bleak fheomains; climate best for Southern bcrs. School J5 years old. Graduates inspired to higher education. Write for catalog: Address J. C. HORNER, Oxford, N. C in it) it) An advance showing of the newest and most fashionable things for men's wear including Shirts, Underwear Collars, Nightshirts, Cuffs, Pajamas, Ties, Hosiery, Suspenders, Hose Supporters, &c, &c. These were chosen with that good taste and dis crimination that gave our furnishing department its popularity. The Ed Mellon Go. Rl fj ft) fit rj Of m ru m 13 id itS ill ry ni Si eseaaaaaasaaeaaaaa eo B o &eao aah e that have quality the . kind we make and sell. men. They are made of the very best leather and by skilled work- We produce harness that have merit and are the cheapest for you to buy. i ARNOLD M. SHAW u tt t We Want Your Skin No. 32 East Trade ii AUTOMOBILES ! FOR SALE OR RENT. Pope Hartord and Pope Tribune J. H. HAMILTON 'Phone 817. W. 8. DUDLEY, Mgr. 'v H. P. HUNTER, Secy-Treat. The VERY Best ACME PLUMBING CO. PHONE 722 Prices Consistent NO. 12, E. flTH ST. 7-3-TTS-24L iFOR CHARLOTTE BOYSi A BOARDING SCHOOL ACCESSIBLE TO THEIR HOME. Alms at Thoroughness and Masters, and fits for College, University, Technological School, or for Business. Develops symmetrical lyBody, Mind,, and Soul-Regular physi cal ! Exercises, Mind Training, Bible Course, Military System. -For Manly Boys. serious illness In its history of three For Earnest. Boys. Absolutely Healthy no case of years. Rates Most Reasonable. CATAWBA MILITARY ACADEMY For Information, address J. D. Brlmm, Rock Hill. S. C. Wholesome Influence Homelike, Moral at mosphere, j Manners cultivated, Character trained by personal at tention. For Gentlemanly Boys. THE PRESBY TERIAN COLLEGE for WOMAN ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. HlgfHiade College for Women equipped wlt!i every modern con venience, hot and cold baths, electric lights, steam heat and fire es capes. i Faculty of trained specialist. 8tandard High and vvorK thorough. ' For catalogue, address REV. J. R. BRIDGE8, D. D. mrwmmm ; ra I www, xn CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS, M. 0ean7 HONOR SYSTEM. MEDICINE. OENTISTRY. PHARMACY. Theoretical Course Jnrpnl South of the Potomac. Q . Thorough Practical an4 Clinical Instruction in Memorial Hospital, CWy lree Dispensary. ami New. Well-Eoulpptd Uu oratories all under exclusive control of the College. bri (he State Penitentiary Hospital and other Public Institutions. For Catalooue of t Selo mm4 Anmuncemcnt for trie MlckwtM Septonacr 25th. tSO) .ddrc.. FRANK M. READE, M. Sc'y. Rlchmono,a. 8r TVFTT TO (KHT1 IT F0 HUH tzA UM.Mti i.Atw Oc iu.ji-miiMi rf- Charlotte University Schoo (INCORPORATED) d2 CAPITAL STOCK $30,000.00. First Division of the Fall Term Opens Sept. 4, 1906. It is a conceded fact, known everywhere in North Carolina by those who are informed, that King's is the Schooi the Right School, viewed from every standpoint of merit ahd worthiness. The best faculty, best equip m11ts, the largest. More graduates in positions than all other business schools in the State. , So get the Best. It is the cheapest. Write today foT our Special Offers. New Catalogue and full information. Address . r:'V ; KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, : '- ' ' : -.. -.' r: . , Charlotte, N. C, or Raleigh, N. C. .- We also offers a four-year high school course to boys. The work begins with the sixth grade and ends with the eleventh, v Careful attention is given to each student Rapid and substantial progress is assured. : Experienced Teach ers who are also good Disciplinarians have been employed. Teachers: Mr. H. W. Glasgow (Davidson), Latin,' Greek, German; Mr. W. W. Davidson (Yale), Mathematics, Science, N. C. History, Elocution; Mr. II. O. Smith (Harvard), English, French, History. ; English compostion is not neglected. Frequent exercises are given in declamation and debate. French. German, Latin, Greek, and Stenography are elective studies. This is the school your son should attend until ready for regular collegiate work. Send for cata logue. ' Poplar and Sixth Streets. H. W. GLASGOW, Principal. Phone 332 600 W. Trade St. some one has remarked that his work is a fine art. . I for Home Study, circular, ; . t

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