THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 1, 1906 t-; ! 1 I! i Where To Worship 1 St. Peter's Catholic Church. Rev. Joseph Mueller, O. S. B., pas tor. First mass at 8,. high mass and sermon 10:30, evvening service 8 p. m. At the first mass the children of Mary will receive Holy communion m a body. Westminster Presbyterian Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. Mr. Bostwick and at 8:15 p. m. by Rev. H. M. Pressly. Sunday school at 10 a." m., prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8:30 p. m. Public cordially invited. Tenth Avenue Presbyterian Tenth Avenue Presbyterian Churi: Preachinsr 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. by properties of its owii, being demulcent, ttie uastor, Rev. A. R. Shaw; Sunday- The Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. Every bottle of Dr. Fiorce's world famed medicines leaving the great labo ratory at Buffalo, N. Y., has printed opon it wrapper ell the . ingrodipnts entering into its composition. This fact alone places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi cines in a class all by themselves. They cannot be classed with patent or secret medicines because they are neither. This is why so many unprejudiced physicians prescribe them and recommend them to their patients. They know what they are composed of, and that the ingredients are those endorsed by the most eminent medical authorities. The further fact that neither Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the great stomach tonic, liver lnvigorator, Heart regulator and blood purifier, nor his "Favorite Prescription for weak, over worked, broken-down, nervous women, contains any alcohol, also entitles them to a place all by themselves. Many years ago, Dr. Pierce discovered that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, is a better solvent and preserv ative of the medicinal principles resid ing in our indigenous, or native, medi cinal plants than is alcohol; and, further- more, tnat it possesses vaiuaoie nifuiciucii nutritive, antiseptic, and a most efficient antiferment. Neither of the above medicines con tains alcohol, or any harmful, habit forming drug, as will be seen from a glance at the formula printed on each bottle wrapper. They are safe to use and potent to cure. Not only do physicians prescribe the above, non-secret medicines largely, but the most intelligent people employ them people who would not think of using the ordinarv patent, or secret medicines. Every ingredient entering into the com position cf Dr. Pierce's medicines has the strongest kind of an endorsement from leading medical writers of the several schools of practice. No other medicines put up for like purposes has any such qrofessionnl endorsement. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. One "Pellet" is a gentlo laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Drug gists sell them, and nothing is "just as eood." Easy to take as candy. Hotel .Representative Here. Mr. Houston R. Harper, of the Pub licity bureau of Harvey and Wood, the 1 esses of the new Hotel Selwyn was in the city today, looking over the grounds to prepare for an extensive ad vertising campaign which will begin in the near future. Mr. Harper at tends to these duties for the Harvey and Wood hotels, having one bureau iocated in Atlanta and another in Bos ton. In the Hotel Herald, a publication in te interest of the hotels of this large firm is sm eYtensive notice of the Pied- ' bible class. mont Hotel of Atlanta, which is leased meeting and sermon school 10 a. m. Westminster league meeting 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8:15 p. m. All are cordi ally invited. East Avenue Tabernacle. East Avenue Tabernacle: Rev. W. W. Orr, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Men's prayer meeting at 10: SO a. m. Sabbath-school at 4 p. m. Congregational prayer meeting Wed nesday at 8:15 p. m. Every member requested to be present at all these meeting together with a cordial in vitation to all friends and strangers. First Baptist Church. First Baptist Church, Rev. H. H. Hul ten, pastor. Morning worship 11 a. m. Preaching by the pastor. 3 p. m. Sunday-school. Note change of hour. Ev ening worship 8:15 p. m. Preaching by the pastor. Monday evening 8:15 B. Y. P. U. Wednesday evening 8:15 prayer meeting. All are invited. Brevard Street Methodist Preaching 11 a. m. by the pastor, Rev. W. L. Nicholson; 8:00 p. m. by Rev. J. Ed. Thompson, Men's meeting at 10 a. m. Sunday-school 3 : 30 p. m. A cor dial invertation to all. Episcopal Services. Church of the Holy Comforter, Sims Hall, Dilworth. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school and bible class. 11 a. m. Holy Communion. St. Martin's Chapel, Davidson and Tenth street. 8 : 30 a. m. Holy Com munion. 3:30 p. m. Sunday-school and S p. m. Evening prayer MEW THOUSANDS- OF . FAIR W0 HERALD' PRAISES OF PE- Catarrh and Catarrhal Diseases Make In valids of More Women! Than AH Other Ailments Com bined.! by Harvey and Wood, and also a notice of the fact that they have recently leased the Selwyn. Mrs. N. M. Fleming who has been visiting friends and relatives in States ville and Iredell county for the past three weeks has returned to lier home in this cit3r. Occasionally a man spends a lot of time at his club, because there's no place like home. St. Andrews Chapel, Seversville. 11 a. m. morning prayer and sermon. 4 p. m. Sunday-school. Chapel of Hope, Gingham Mills. 3:30 p. m. Sunday-school. 8 p. m. evening prayer and sermon. St Paul Presbyterian Church. Services at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. by Dr. H. Y. Leeper; Sabbath school at 3:30 p. m. All are welcome. Second Presbyterian. Men's prayer meeting at 10 a. m. Sermon by Dr. Kincaid, 11 a. m.; Sun- t To the Children and Young Peopl Who expect on Tuesday to greet the "New Teacher." You will without a doubt create a good impression by being in your place promptly with a good assortment of Kress School Supplies We are Headquarters for Best Grades, all kinds and all sizes of JUMBO TABLETS, Extra Large Cn ,' (for pencil) Ub eacn PENCIL TABLETS, good size and fgr IJq FINEST INK TABLETS, 15c and 20c Qq gggj PENCILS, with Rubber Erasers rft 5c f'jr 2 and 5c for 3. DC PENCILS WITH ERASERS. ......... Jjfgr g GOOD CEDAR PENCILS rft nftr jMftll oc per cozen styles, many sizes ::.ma5c and 10c each CRAYONS OF ALL KINDS, 1 tn 1 fin nr v OU, Chalk and Wood, from... I G 10 I UG PBT DOX PEN POINTS, Esterbrooks Vertical Writer, Spencerian, Gillotts, Wallace En fnr and 5 c per dozen. Ou 10 1 0 PS!LBOXESWITHKEVS....5cann0c DURABLE SCHOOL HOSE m Per Pair. I UG WATCH MRESSrllI4DOKS?, of I Considers Pe-ru-na the Best Medicine In the World. Mrs. W. J. Bryanton, 210 Sherman street, Dennison, Ohio, writes: 'I followed the directions you kindly gave me and now I find myself entirely cured. I think your Peruna is the best medicine in the world." Heartfelt Thanks For Relief Pound in Pe-ru-na. Miss Jessie S. Dword, 37 South street,. Passaic, Jf. J., writes; "I took Peruna as you directed. I had a dry cough and after using two bottles of Peruna, I found relief. You have my heartfelt thanks." A cough is caused by a catarrhal con dition of the throat and bronchial tubes. Remove the catarrh and the cough dis appears. Peruna is the remedy for all catarrhal conditions. Permanent Benefit Followed Use Pe-ru-na. Miss May Cray, 147 11th street, Brook lyn, N. Y., writes : 'Tor more than-live years I suffered from rheumatic pains in my joints, and in damp or stormy weather I was obliged to stay in doors. "Medicine seemed to be of no use un til I started using Peruna. "I took twelve bottles in all, although it is six months ago since I stopped. 'I have had no return of my old com plaint, in spite of the fact that I have been out in all sorts of weather during the severe winter.- - - - - - No better remedy was ever devised by the medical profession for the mitigation of all climatic ailments than Peruna. Pe-ru-na Used Foi Throat Trouble. Keeps the Remedy at Hand. Mrs. J. A. Baker, 880 Locust avenue, Amsterdam, N. Y., writes : . "I feel it my duty to write and tell you what Peruna has done for me, so that all those who are troubled as I was may find the same speedy cure. "Four years ago I lost my voice, so that I was unable to speak above a whisper for seven weeks. Our family doctor could do nothing for me. "After seven weeks suffering, I read some circulars in regard to Peruna. "I bought a bottle at once and took it in teaspoonful doses every hour, and in two days I could talkT' I will never be' without it." For free medical advice, write to Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of The Hart man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. ; fcrn ji vjb .'.'viaij m , Mr 1 ..j DAVIDSON, N. C. and CHARLOTTE, H. C. Fourteenth Session Opens Sept. 6, 1306 FOUR YEARS' GRADED COURSE OF EIGHT MONTHS EACH. Firct two years at. Davidson. Last two yeara at Charlotte. Full corps cf Professors in both department::. Well equipped Laboratories. Commodious New Buildings. Excellent Chemical ard Horpital Facilities. We are now prepared to give stuc!ento as thorough and complete a course in Medicine and Surgery as can be found anywhere. Expenses very reasonable. FOR CATALOGUE AND FULL I N FOR RM ATI ON ADDRESS, DR. J. P. MUNR0E, President DAVIDSON, N. C. ine iseautiTui bapphire country J- THE LAKE REGION OF THE SOUTH. T This is the most delightful time of the year to spend in the mountains, and there is no place so attractive as the Beautiful T Sapphire Country. Elevation from 2250 to 5000 feet. Gorgeous X Mountain Scenery three magnificent lakes the largest covering J 2300 acres, with a shore line of fifteen miles. Every imaginable jj amusement, both indoor and outdoor. 1 The Beautiful Sapphire Country is easily reached via South- 1 era Railway ask any ticket agent. X Address either of the following charming hotels TOXAWAY INN, Lake Toxa- S way. I. H. Aiken, Mahager; TIIE FRANKLIN, Brevard, A .Lamborn, Manager. FAIRFIELD INN, Lake Fair field. W. H. & C. A. Martin, Managers. THE LODGE. Summit of Mt. Toxaway. Mrs. Patton Crisp, Manager. day school and Bible class 4:30 p. m. Sermon by Dr. Kincaid, 8:15 p. m. Seversiville Church. Preaching by A. L. Colburn, at 8 P. M. S. S. 2.30 P. M. S. S. at Ep worth at 9.45 A. M. Let us meet promptly and get through and go and hear Dr. Kilgo at 11 A. M. at Tryon, St. M. E. Church. First A. R. P. Church. Preaching tonight in first A. R. P. church, by Dr. R. G. Miller of Sardis. This is preparatory to the Commun ion on tomorrow, all members urged to be present. Preaching tomorrow at 11. and cel ebration of the sacrament of the sup per. Also at 8 Preaching, and a bap tismal service. A welcome to all. Pritchard Memorial Church. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 5 P. M. by Rev. E. E. Bomar. Sunday School at 9.45 A. M. Trinity Methodist Church. Congregation will join in union ser vice at Tryon Street Church at 11 o'clock, sermon by Dr. Jno. C. Kilgo. At 8:15 evening service, Dr. Jno. C. Kilgo will preach. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. Ninth Avenue Baptist Church. The pastor, L. R. Pruett, will preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., Sun day school at 3:30 p. m., prayer ser vice Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Tryon Street Methodist. Union service of the Methodists of Charlotte at 11 a. m., at which Dr. J. C. Kilgo, president of Trinity Col lege, will preach. Men's prayer meeting at 10 a. m., Sunday school at 4 p. m. The congregation will wor ship with Trinity at the evening ser vice. Dr. J. C. Kilgo will preach. Dilworth Methodist Church. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. C. M. Short. Sun day school at 10 a. m. St. Peters Church. St. Peters church corner Tryon and Seventh streets. Rev. Harris Mallin ckrodt rector. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday-school and rector's bible class 9:30 a. m., Celebration of the Holy Communion - and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon 8 p. m. The rector- will preach at both services. Pews free. All are welcome. You can't 1 get better than u Mr. J. S. Philips Brings Suit. Mr. J. S. Philips, of this citv, has instituted suit against the Charlotte Electric Railway. , Light and Power Company to recover the value of one mule and an injury to another. Mr. Philips is represented by the law fnm of Whitlock and Morrison. Water Report. Sample No. 1. Service water taken Au&ust z'dtn. 06. Biological examination. Bacillus Coli Communi . .None Total bacteria per c. c. .2 Purification satisfactory. W. Oakes Kibble F. I. C. Chemist. You don't want vto, don't need to it's sood enough. Cures Poison Oak in Two Days of the many thousand bottles sold on an absolute guarantee, Only two Bottles returned.. It must be, it is the best in the world for Cuts, Sprains and Bruises. i Cures anything any other lin iment will cure; cures many things no other liniment can cure. ; . Try It For Muscular Rheumatism It's just two years old and many manufacturers are already trying to imitate it. Why? They have seen that it is the quickest pain reliever on the market. Relieves Insect Biles Immediately At all druggists, 25c. Lutherans Meet At Concord. The women of the Lutheran Church in North Carolina met in convention in Concord at 11 o'clock yesterday Representatives from Charlotte who left for Concord yesterday morning are R. C. Holland Mrs G. D. Bernhein, Mrs. R. C. Holland, Mrs G. IV Bern neim, Mrs I. H. TheilinT. Mrs M. L. Yeager,.and Miss Rose Meyer. The convention will continue three days. LA MARGUERITE SHOP HATS -- CORSETS GOWNS Retailers of High-Grade Millinery Tailor-Made Suits and Gowns Fancy Waists, Wraps Blouses, Novelty Jewelry Neckwear, Human Hair Goods Evening Gowns a Specialty Exclusive Agents La . Margue rite and Redfern Corsets. LA MARGUERITE SHOP 211 North Tryon Street. For descriptive booklet and general information address JOHN C. BURROWS, Pres. The Toxaway Hotel Company, Lake Toxaway, N. C. c e o Hotel Marie Antoinette Covering entire block front on Broadway, 66th to 67th St., N. Y. City. Within easy reach from Grand Central Station, via Subway and surface lines and in direct connection by Subway and surface cars to the stations of all trunk lines, steam boat landings; etc. Particularly desirable for permanent and transient guests seek the .-erfeotion of comfort, service and re finement. Ideally located in the heart of the metropolis and the fashionable upper west side and beyond "the disturbances of city traffic. Within one block cf Central Park and of quick access to all theatres, shoppingsection, principal attractions and cars and boats to nearby seaside day resorts. Subway station at corner of the hotel. Elevated Union Hotel, Saratoga Spring3, N. Y. and Hotel Iroquois, Buffalo. N. Y. Same management. Booklet on Request- o E3 p Protect Your Building With Prof. J. C. Patton, of Morganton, spent todav in the city on business, leturning home this afternccn. The Original Composition Roof ing has stood the test 40 years. Flint coated both sides. Stands highest cold test. Nail sand ce ment packed in roll. No tin caps used. If you can drive a nail you can lay it. Water proof, ; acid proof, sun proof. Write or call and see us. Architects, AttentionI Heavy Stock on Hand. Allen Hardware Co. Wholesale and Retail. m rj m ; uj Healthful Restfulness m m ft ft ft ft ft ft C ft ft PiLirity tton Felt Mattress o S The Standard of Quality jy m m m m 'Carolina' 'Atlanta" Madein Six Qualities. "Columbia" "Augusta" Every mattress sold under a positive guarantee, "Savannah' "Vicksburg' ft ft ft ft ft ft "l rllADAMTCC 1 uwnnnn i L. fc- Aa mintiiMfnn 4liie n h. tnt p it . ..aI frftnrt miff yaw stock, free from any admixture of old .rags or other old material. Sleep on it for three months and if found imper fect in .quality or work manship, return It to your dealer who is authorized to refund to you the price paid. '- - c 4 ft ft ft ft Manufactured only by The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Charlotte, N .C. New York City Sales and Warerooms: No. 509 West 38th St. Philadephia Sales and Warerooms: No. 104 North Delaware Ave. Pittsburgh Sales and Warerooms: No. 629-631 Fountain St. Thomp son & Co., Sales Agents. fySS'2' S 42 Sj - : I- I4 .r. I. 4 S3 fJ IB V 0 0. fU ft Ri RJ fi to Of R) n RJ RJ R R)