THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 3, 1 906 A GREAT BEFORE 1 . 1 GRIND A BIG WAGON LOAD. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS. RECORDER Two Hundred and Eighty-eight Peo- List of Books Adopted By State , Text , . . ... , I BOOK OOinm IMIVII IUI U9C ill r pie niae in une yyagoii Prize. Special to The News Union, S. C, Sept 3. -To see a wag- Schools. Special .to The News. Raleigh, Sept. 3. The state text book commission-Saturday gave out a White Paint Lead Officer Fined $5 for not Appearing -. . - on " crowded with 2S8 persons little I statement of, the exchange and con- babies in their mothers arms, boys tract prices of text books for use in . . , and I the public schools of the state under rtnri on 1-1 c vnnnr mpti and women, ana i . .. . . , . H3 il(lt;is. many ouuu old people wnue wuu we "l tinn marie a few davs aso. Briefly stat- l ni A Q U. Inwotlo-orl in years, the entire wagon drawn by eight ed it follows: Court. Disturbances still and h nmrQi oio-ht witnessed I Orthagraphy-r-A Spelling.. Book muica. was i-uc ""v i . 3 . .-i . ... ; I o c t hw thnnsanris of neoDle here Saturday. (Foust and Griffin) , exchange price 7 lnnkoH lite a circus crowd, for cents, contract price 15 cents. Nip-ht Drew Throngs Of People, hundreds of people from every section . DefiningWebster's Primary Die 1115111 li&m & r . . frnm jirl-ltionarv. contract nrice 14 cents: Web I i I II II III ( illlllll V . .J J i. - . " I . . - ioinlng counties mrougeu me co 1 0-1 s, . , the result of the Bewley Hardware I tract price b5 cents; weoster s wign Pf.tnTiMTiv's offer to jrive a $45.00 Na- School Dictionary (new addition), con tirmnl" steel ranee, manufactured by tract price 90 cents, Webster's Aca- the Phillipps & Butteroff Manufactur-1 demic dictionary, contract price $1.S5. inr fnmnanv. to the person or per- Reading Graded Classics, first read- ?nns who would brink to the front of er (cloth), exchange price 10 cents; their store on Main street the wagon contract price 20 cents; second reader drawn by horses, mules or oxen con- Mciotnj, exenange price is cenis, con (oininc the lnrtrest number of persons. I tract urice 27 cents; Classics and new There were more cases on the Re corder's docket this morning than tiiere have been for many moons, anri the court was in session about three hours before everything was cleared up. An important announcement and cue that will create fear among ihose who set drunk on prescription . : ,.-.t."J Kir Vi rt,m vt nrhon It was plven out that hereafter any By the noon hour, the appointed time, third reader (cloth) exchange price 15 urescriDtion drunk would be sent to fully two thousand persons nau as-. 1 cents, contract price av cents; iourtn sembled to see the contestants drive I reader (cloth) exchange price 17 cents, The winner was Mr. J. liiugene &a-1 tciotn; exenange price t cents, con- wards, who. with Messrs. Hampton, tract price cents. Hav and Wallace Hawkins and vviu vvneeier s I'mire, recommended ior 3r.arifs had rieeed up a mammouth I schools using a primer, exchange 10 wan-on 11 feet wide bv 30 feet long, I cents, contract price 30 cents. which was substantially constructed, Literary Masterpieces, adopted for and drawn by eight mules, driven oy grades above the firth reader, contract Mr. Edwards. price bO cents The wagon alone is estimated to Writing National system of Verti- wh nm,-P things tend in have weished 3.400 pounds, and the av- cal, eight numbers 5 cents each; that" direction bv the heated speech erage weight of the persons on it is Smithdeal's short writing books 5 ?n whiVh thpv indulged in describing conservatively esumaieu i r10 ca-u. uuu ounc veuiuai, i I j, -.rrk if o hnrHon of nil- I ?L fpnto oanh c-mo oimnncPi wrnn cr nr nrrrnnr. nil- i noimu s. w iiujii ma.u i ij.iv, " - I ' . .. : 1, J- I i .ill o n j. . wi.,v.ii tviv 5iiffrprl I manitv reach tne enormous weigui ui AiiiumeLiuB ioiaw sc jiuwaras pri pni. instance the audience was 21.600 pounds. An idea 01 its mary iciotnj exenange price iz cents, tr. n hit nf nratnrv when can be imasinea wueu it lwr oia Luuiiaci puce eeuiss, uuiaw at - nio ATnnnniois a rnss widow, tie- mules to draw the empty wagon from Duke's Intermediate (cloth) exchange horepif of hor nnininn of Mr Edwards' home. 2 miles lrom un- price 12 cents, contract price 24 cents ln.cinri TMn ? who she said, inter- ion. and it had to be taken to the large Colaw & Elwood's advanced (cloth) ccDted her Saturdav evening a few baseball park at Monarch mills, in exchange price 22 cents, contract price iniles west of town, knocked her for thirty days instead of being ; fined ?20 as at present, tor the nrst offense. Another matter of interest in court was the imposing of a fine of $5 on Officer Cliff Bell for failing to an- twer to his name when called as a witness in a case. The proceedings of the court par took of the humorous at many l oints. and there were several color- The best painters use pure white lead pure linseed oil, and they secure results, both in ap pearance and - in wearing qualities, which can be had in no ot?her, way. If your paint has peeled off the house, it was not WIS Pure White Lead (Made by the Old Dutch Process) ' and Lewis Linseed Oil. Paint made ofHhese . ingre- dients wears smoothly and does not peel. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO.lV 231 S. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by all first-class dealers. , down, and made her "plum crazy" so l t at when she came round she was "going back to town and thought she T.vas going home." ov,w to he turned around. Wren it 44 cents: First Book in Business Meth-I"3 price 12 cents ach; torty-page vyi . . , . . . a loft ATonarch there were 117 persons tods (Rand & McNallv publishers) 6QI edition books Nos. L to 4, eacn h ohoa,.,i the main number getting on cents. cents; Books 57 to "S "contract price 18 - v,Q rAA Wallace Mansion. It Was I Afrrir-nltiiml for Bep-innero hv TTill I Cents IJtrtXI l ilt: wtu cs - " " j delayed near Mr. Arthur s residence Burkett & Stevens, price 60 cents T.iiia onieH hor Hoiinnnpnt husband I because the road being slightly down Geography Maury's elementary, ex-1 Malaria Makes PaleaJSicklv Children . 1 . . , j I -1 j 11... -... (in Koi'ntP TLrltVl01lt I i r. rrs .-mlnn OA -.t4- it .nn4-MA4- ! I ir-i n. . . m . , coming towaras town ana naiieu 1 graoe auu me wnsuu .Uiau5C tcuw, uua;i puce me uia standard, ijrove s . 1 asteiess lim Sho sai.i hp had about all of hrakes. Mavor pro tem Long thought 140 cents; Maury's. New Complete I Chill Tnnie k HHa. nt : raalnria and i er propert3 including plates, dishes it unsafe, but later gave permission to (cloth) exchange price 40 cents, con-j builds up the systm SoId by all deal- Mid otner articles, ana was going uu 1 move it on. cumuiuuo ; imu ijnc 00 tcuia. iiirs iov zi years.- irice ou cents. with them. I load that the sleepers over tne reai language Lessons Hyde's two book The man got mad and so did tne wheels were so Deni as 10 aw as uedvj course in ingnsn, book 1, exchange I A very rich widow can get very voman, and sne nit at mm dui ne 1 DraKes, anu it uuu ",iii " 1 price 10 eeuts, vouuaci ynce &o cents, 1 stuot witnout any.Qne oarmg to can knocked the lick off. Then the lever to start it, ana Dy tne sueuuuua 1 smytne s our language (Book V), ex-lher fat. nan came at her with a heavy blow exertions of the eight mules that the4 change price 17 cents, contract price rnd left his spouse lying unconscious store was reached. 34 cents; Buehler s Modern English Grammar, contract price 55 cents. Charlotte Magazine. I History White's Beginners' History Miss Stevenson Leaves. f Miss Macie Stevenson who has been in attendance at the Young People's convention in this city has gone for Clover, S. C, where she will visit her brother Rev.. R. M. . Stevenson. Miss Stevenson is one of the mission aries of the A. R. P. church to Mexi co and is one of the most consecrated workers in the field. She will be in the United States until TWom accompanied to Clover by her nephew, 1 jvir. w. 11. Stevenson. Mr.' Abernathy.V Buys. Mr. D. Jtf. Abernathy, of Wadesboro, formerly of this city, has bottght from Mrs. M. G. Davidson, a h nusf and lot on East Seventh street. The consider ation was $3,000. Mr. Abernathy ex pects to return to Charlotte to live but has not definitely decided as to when he will come. Most men have to be in love with somebody, even if it is their own wife. ' A LIVELY TUSSEL. with, an old enemy on the race. Con stipation, often ends in Annendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with stom achy Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regu late these oreans. without, nain or dis comfort. 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's, druggists. on the road, she said, but hubby said that she was unconscious for only a tbort while and then he helped her up. Lilla told the court that her bus This volume was issued Saturday Cf the United States, exchange price and is a very creditable magazine. An 1 20 cents, contract price 40 cents article on the local Y. M. C. A. togeth- Chamber's Higher History of the Unit band was too mean to live with and er with cuts of the late Prot. George e(j states, price 70 cents. that she had been staying with her J B. Hanna and also of the building 1 Physiology Culler's first book, ex relatives a srood deal lately to keep I makes interesting reading. An article 1 change price 12 1-2 cents, contract cut of the reach of his wrath. The 1 on the Charlotte Building and Loan price 25 cents: Culler's second book court, after considering all the points j Associations and the Greater Chautau- j exchange price 17 1-2 cents, contract 1 interest There are I ii'. tut; tuoc xi tiii j uuuivui, w-o 1 yuu v. -"- pi ivv wu vt-uOj v x o tuiiu UVJIV the woman who was pretty badly beaten up, and fined the husband ?5 and the costs. The next scene that fell on the canvas was Geo. Payton, a young uhite man, who was found by Officer Irvine under the influence of liquor. The boy had been staying sober for IS months, and his counsel thought that he had been doing well, and begged the leniency of the court. This was granted and the defendant nas fined only ?5. Mose Gaffney and Sis Allison, both olored, made things so exciting on ,orth Graham street last night be tween 10 and 2 a. m. that officers vere dispatched to the scene. The woman said that Mose owed a week's lent and wouldn't pay up and was trying to get away and she took the 1: ethod of screaming and arousing ihe entire neighborhood, to frighten Mose so that he wouldn't run. Mose however, said that he was just going 10 see if ho could get a five dollar 1. ill changed to pay the woman his rent. The entire neighborhood was 11 wakened and the yells of a small child of the woman., only made the c if air the more disturbing to people Vvho were trying to sleep, The court told Mose to pay the woman her due, pp.d leave the house, and that judg 1 inent would be suspended. One of the warmest things on the program was the airing of a fight Inst nifjht between two colored dam-f-ols, Clarissa Simms and Emily Wil sLon. It all started about a clock which one of the women had been keeping from the rightful owner. Things went from bad to worse until the two women were rolling in a ditch and one of them was disfigured t.nd punched by her antagonist until :he raised such a blood curdling yell that half the neighborhood, perhaps reveral hundred people, came run ning to the scene on East Seventh street near the creek, and a passing ; treet car stopped, the crew evidently vhinking somebody was being mur dered. The officers say that they never saw such a crowd gathered in the suburbs of the city. The court charged each of the combatants with the costs. Will Locate in Charlotte. Ir. Robert S. Hutchison has return ed to the city from Chapel Hill where he completed the course in the Uni versity Law School. He stood the re quired state examination at Raleigh and was one of the 57 applicants who were granted license. Mr. Hutchison will locate in Charlotte and will open his office as soon as he secures a suit able place. a number of other interesting features. and miscellaneous reading that makes the magazine a very worthy publica tion. .. change price 22 1-2 cents, contract price 45 cents. Practical Drawing Books Numbers J. to 3, each 15 cents; Books 4 to 6 con- TOTURE BY SAVAGES. "Speaking of the -torture to which some of these savage tribes in the Philippines subject their captives, re minds me of the; intense suffering I endured for three months from inflam mation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of CusMng Me., "Nothing helped me until I? tried Electric Bit ters three bottles of which completely cured me." Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorderss and Ma laria; and restores the weak and ner vous to robust health. Guaranteed by Woodall & Sheppard,- druggists. Price 50C.i irr(- , -r,l .iri ' ,'T-I H:v .'"'O-J P DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the nev""' papers is sure to know of the vonden. cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney , liver and bbdder remedy. . It is the great medi cal triumth of the nini. ft teenth century; dis covered after yeas of 1 Dr. Kilmer, the cmi ' nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In prompt'y curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright s Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid- ey, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you nsed. It has oeen tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief r.nd has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper wno nave not aireaay xriea it, may nave a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling' more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or biadder trouble When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing hamion, N. Y. The egular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by ali goad drugfats. Don't make any mistake, Dnt re member the names Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address Bingham pton. N. cm wverv.'-k' OFFICE OF THE Mechanics Perpetual B. & L. Association He 0 Hello! Hello! Lend us your ears for good tidings. The FORTY - EIGHTH SERIES will commence September 1st; the subscription books are now open. Having in the last Series exceeded 2,500 shares, we are now setting our pegs for a 3,000 share Series. Remember, that if you intend to buy or build next spring, that now is the time to take the stock; put in your application so that the rrroney will be ready for you when you want it. Not only take shares yourself, but you can do no greater favor to your friends and acquaintances than to induce them also to take shares with us, if not to buy oin build a home, then to save up something for a rainy day. R. E. Cochrane Sec. and Treas S. Wittkowsky President. The Star Mills Have resumed business, catering to the de mands of people who appreciate high . grade Fresh Corn Meal. PHONE 297. Ingleside CalcKim Water . Immediately relieves Dyspepsia,and unequalled by any water in the Southern States for diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. For sale at ", DOCTORS ARE PUZZLED. The remarkable recovery of Ken neth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me. is the the subject of much interest of the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of the Throat p.nd conestion of the Lungs, three doc tors gave me up to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am hap py to say, it saved my life." Cures the Tonsilitis, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guaranteed at Woodall & Sheppard's drug store. 50 and $1.00. Trial bottle free. llfllfA Chew Bill Bailey--- Jfflw A lHl ' tobacco, which- is mf I A VHjll, v ' guaranteed at SlI JBBily ' li Sk mes 'B LATTA PARK, TONIGHT i.. .v . . J.J I "Lady Audley's Secret" THE WILL A. PETERS STOCK COMPANY R. G. AUTJEN c. E. HOOPEtt Electrical Signs ASK US THE K. G. AUTEN CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. 5 E. Fourth Street PHONE 13U7 1 No better tobaccos made than those rnanu- ' XNortn Carolina. Not ii thn those rnanu-. r"l , Winston-Salem ' I I n a TRUST. U auitless Oesien Tasteful Materials and Matchless Workman ship are the new 1906 Fall Suits we have just placed on our count ers at " $72,50, $15.00, $20,00 and $25,00 Single and Double Breasted. m Half the time a girl gets engaged just for practice.